The GenePool Genomics and bioinformatics facility based within the School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh Established 1996 with gel-based ABI373 Sequencing node of NBAF since 2001 Core funding from University of Edinburgh, SULSA, NERC S&F Major instrument funding from Darwin Trust, BBSRC and NERC MRC Next-Generation Sequencing Hub since July 2009 Technologies 2003 2008 2006 2009 2008 2009 The team ? Marian Thomson ? Jenna Nichols ? Nicola Wrobel ? ? Alexi Balmuth Karolina Grabara ? ? Anna Montazam ? Jill Lovell Denis Cleven ? Andy Gillies ? Urmi Trivedi ? Timothée Cézard ? MRC 2 ? Stephen Bridgett ? John Davey ? MRC 3 ? Anne Wyllie ? Mark Blaxter ? Christine Bradbury ? Karim Gharbi Multiplexing using indexing tags and adapters Illumina multiplexing oligonucleotide kit Illumina multiplexing oligonucleotide kit Illumina multiplexing oligonucleotide kit Pros Cons Out of the box Expensive Supported Alternative workflow Additional sequencing 6 bases Only 12 samples Illumina adapters (SE) Adapter! 5' --------------------------ACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT (-) -------------------- -------------- 3'! ||||||||||||||||! 3' ---------------------GTTCGTCTTCTGCCGTATGC TGCTGCGAGAAGGCTAGp (-) -------------------- -------------- 5'! Long PCR Primer! 5' AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA GATCTACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT (-) -------------------- -------------- 3‘! Short PCR Primer! 3' -------------------- -------------------- ------------------ (-) TCTAGCCTTCTCGAGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5'! Library fragment! 5' AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA GATCTACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT (N) AGATCGGAAGAGCTCGTATG CCGTCTTCTGCTTG 3'! |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||! 3' TTACTATGCCGCTGGTGGCT CTAGATGTGAGAAAGGGATG TGCTGCGAGAAGGCTAGA (N) TCTAGCCTTCTCGAGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5'! Flow cell oligo! 5’ AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA -------------------- ------------------ (N) -------------------- -------------- 3’! Flow cell oligo! 3’ -------------------- -------------------- ------------------ (N) -------------AGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5’! Sequencing Primer! 5' -------------------- -----ACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT (-) -------------------- -------------- 3'! Adapted from Barcoded adapters Adapter! 5' --------------------------ACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCTxx xxxT (-) -------------------- -------------- 3'! ||||||||||||||||||| |||! 3' ---------------------GTTCGTCTTCTGCCGTATGC TGCTGCGAGAAGGCTAGAxx xxxp (-) -------------------- -------------- 5'! Long PCR Primer! 5' AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA GATCTACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT-- ---- (-) -------------------- -------------- 3‘! Short PCR Primer! 3' -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---- (-) ------TCTAGCCTTCTCGAGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5'! Library fragment! 5' AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA GATCTACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCTxx xxxT (N) AxxxxxAGATCGGAAGAGCTCGTATG CCGTCTTCTGCTTG 3'! |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||! 3' TTACTATGCCGCTGGTGGCT CTAGATGTGAGAAAGGGATG TGCTGCGAGAAGGCTAGAxx xxxA (N) TxxxxxTCTAGCCTTCTCGAGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5'! Flow cell oligo! 5’ AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA -------------------- -------------------- ---- (N) -------------------- -------------- 3’! Flow cell oligo! 3’ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---- (N) -------------AGCATAC GGCAGAAGACGAAC 5’! Sequencing Primer! 5' -------------------- -----ACACTCTTTCCCTAC ACGACGCTCTTCCGATCT-- ---- (-) -------------------- -------------- 3'! How to design and use barcoded adapters Generate MIDs of specified length and robustness with MID generator1 (may require overhang, phosphorothioate bond, 5’ phosphate and other modifications) Check for secondary structures and illegal pairing Append MID to adapter sequence Order adapter from oligo supplier Anneal matching pairs Barcoded adapters available in the GenePool (5 bp, 3 mismatches) 64 RAD TGCA P1 adapters (28 validated) 12 standard paired-end adapters (validation in progress) 12 NlaIII tag adapters (validation in progress) 1 Still to do Check that MIDs perform equally Validate MID combinations Small RNA/RNA adapters Other indexing approaches (e.g., Epicentre transposon-based library preparation) Automation Sequence capture and targeted-resequencing Issues to address Which technology? Custom design? What coverage? Single/paired-end? What read length? Multiplexing? R&D collaborations Species Target Size Human Exome Technology Run Coverage Indexed 34 Mb Nimblegen EZ Exome 38 Mb SureSelect All Exon 75 PE 75 PE 100X 100X No Human Exome 38 Mb SureSelect All Exon 75 PE 50X No Human 7.22p 11 Mb SureSelect 100 PE 80X Yes Mouse QTL regions 3 Mb 50 PE 60X Yes Human 22 genes (pools) 130 kb Febit HybSelect 50 PE 40X No Nimblegen custom array Still to do/investigate Coverage of whole exome designs in the latest assembly (GRCh37/Hg19) Multiplexing pre- vs post-capture Performance/optimisation of custom designs Other sequence selection approaches (e.g., Raindance, Fluidigm) Automation