The Grid and the Network The UK Network Infrastructure A summary of E-Science supported Network projects in the UK Protocols Middleware for network services US –Japan N+N 1 The Grid and the Network The UK Network Infrastructure A summary of E-Science supported Network projects in the UK Protocols Middleware for network services US –Japan N+N 2 SuperJANET 4 UHI Network Clydenet AbMAN FaTMAN EaStMAN NNW UK National C&NL MAN Network Managed by Glasgow Edinburgh NorMAN North Wales UKERNA MAN YHMAN Warrington 10 Gbit/s core Leeds EMMAN MidMAN Regional London EastNet Reading Distribution TVN Kentish IP Production MAN External Service Bristol Portsmouth Links Northern External LMN Multicast enabled Ireland Links IPv6 rollout South Wales MAN QoS Rollout SWERN LeNSE MPLS Capable in 3 core US –Japan N+N SuperJANET R&D Network UHI Network Clydenet AbMAN FaTMAN EaStMAN NNW C&NL MAN Parallel R&D North Wales Network MAN Ethernet infrastructure MidMAN 1 – 10 Gbit/s Can connect any RAL TVN UK institute in External principle Links Northern Currently Ireland connects 3 sites Glasgow NorMAN Edinburgh YHMAN Warrington Leeds EMMAN London Reading EastNet Kentish MAN Bristol Portsmouth External LMN Links South Wales MAN SWERN US –Japan N+N LeNSE 4 UKLIGHT is…. UK Joining Global optical testbed R&D links to NL and USA 10 Gbit/s Available for leading edge network projects Designed to pilot new ways of networking Motivated on “lightpath” switching below IP layer US –Japan N+N 5 UKLight – showing connections to selected International peer facilities UK Researchers UKLight London CA*net StarLight Chicago 10Gb/s 2.5Gb/s Abilene SuperJANET SuperJANET R&D R&DNetwork Network 10Gb/s CERN 10Gb/s 10Gb/s 10Gb/s Local Research Equipment NetherLight Amsterdam CzechLight GEANT International Point-of-Access US –Japan N+N 6 UKLIGHT Projects already suggested Particle Physics Radio Astronomy HPC interconnection and computational steering Medical Diagnostic Imaging UKLIGHT Open Meeting What is the International ‘Light’ infrastructure How projects might use it 3rd November Will publicise through UKERNA & NeSC web sites If anyone wants to go let me know !!!!!!!! US –Japan N+N 7 SuperJANET 5 .. The Next Generation UK Network .. May look like this.. • Multi service • Routed IP Router Router • Layer 2 • ??? Layer 1 • Start 2005 US –Japan N+N 8 The Grid and the Network The UK National Network Infrastructure A summary of E-Science supported Network projects in the UK Protocols Middleware for network services US –Japan N+N 9 GRID Networking Projects EU – DataGRID GRS: GRID resource management Network information systems and transport optimisation EU – DataTAG TCP & QoS FutureGRID P2P architecture ‘ GridMcast, Multicast data distribution Network Network Services MB-NG TCP & QoS EU – 6NET GRID Middleware GRIDprobe monitoring at 10Gbps US –Japan N+N 10 A Leading Edge QoS enabled Development network SuperJANET MANCHESTER GE-WAN 7609 OC-48 POS 2.5 Gbit/s 1.0 Gbit/s Wcom: 12416 7609 Wcom: 12416 UCL-LONDON RAL -OXFORD GE-WAN 7609 7609 OC-48 POS 7609 GE-WAN OC-48 POS 7609 Wcom: 12416 ULCC: 12016 US –Japan N+N 2 x GE 1 x GE 11 Objectives To demonstrate > Gbit/s Data Transport To demonstrate the use of QoS for e-Science To pilot “Managed Bandwidth” using MPLS To pilot resource reservation middleware Partners UCL, Manchester, CCLRC Daresbury & RAL, CISCO, Spirent, [Lancaster, Cambridge, Southampton] US –Japan N+N 12 GRID Resource Scheduling (GRS) Objectives Integrate QoS into GRID resource model. QoS allocation and reservation Micro-management of QoS at edge sites. Partners UCL, Cambridge US –Japan N+N 13 GridProbe Objectives: Architecture for modular network monitoring at 10 Gbps. Analysis tools Extrapolation to 40 Gbps and beyond, Partners: Cambridge, Intel, Waikato DAG, Broadcom, Xilinx, NTL, Thus US –Japan N+N 14 GridMcast Objective: Multicast for data and software replication Partners: Cambridge e-Science Centre, GridPP(EU), ATLAS (CERN) US –Japan N+N 15 FutureGRID Objectives: Deploy Xenoservers Active nodes at Access Grid sites (all eScience Centres) Port the Pastry message routing and the Scribe event notification frameworks to Xenoserver with accounting and resource management of network usage (multicast congestion control) Design suitable API based on GRID GGF models WSDL/OGSA Refinement and implementation of application set (vic, rat, fcast, powerpoint) to new infrastructure, including gateways to legacy “native” multicast versions. Partners: Cambridge (CLab, Microsoft Research). US –Japan N+N 16 The Grid and the Network The UK National Network Infrastructure A summary of E-Science supported Network projects in the UK Protocols Middleware for network services US –Japan N+N 17 IPv6 and the Grid IPv6 testbed exists in UK (6Net) connects: Southampton – UCL - Lancaster SuperJANET-4 is being IPv6 enabled The GGF has an IPv6 working Group : UCL is involved in this (one Chair) Southampton &UCL porting Globus-3 to IPv6 US –Japan N+N 18 High PerformanceTransport Protocols Deployment and (UCL, Manchester) CS groups (Southampton, UCL, Lancaster, Cambridge.) Includes Modified TCP Throughput Mbits/s Testing Non TCP New Long term protocols Background Mbits/s US –Japan N+N 19 The Grid and the Network The UK National Network Infrastructure A summary of E-Science supported Network projects in the UK Protocols Middleware for network services US –Japan N+N 20 Network Performance information measurement and publication US –Japan N+N 21 Diagnostic Tools for Users Services for NOCs Grid Resource Information System Globally Agreed interface Web Services XML Schemas Domain Specific NREN Geant US –Japan N+N Inet-2 22 Existing developments: DANTE / TERENA Internet-2 GGF Network Monitoring WG Global schema work [PERT Will be taken forward in EGEE Geant 2 US –Japan N+N 23 Network Resource Allocation and Reservation Application Resource Provider AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Configure Configure Configure Configure Configure Site Site NREN NREN -A -A Geant Geant US –Japan N+N NREN NREN -B -B Site Site 24 Existing work: GARA /Globus DataTAG work UvA AAA work UCL GRS and Cardiff G-QoS Canarie OGSA lightpath service work Would like to know of other work US –Japan N+N 25 Summary Activities in the UK are ensuring that the network is ready to serve the Grid at all levels Infrastructure Current 10 Gbit/s network - Future “multi layer” hybrid network UKLIGHT optical networking node Protocols IPv6 community and network infrastructure Advanced TCP and non-TCP transport protocol work QoS Services & Middleware Performance measurement and publication to Grid Information services Diagnostics for Grid operations Resource allocation and reservation Middleware EGEE Responsibility Many opportunities for UK –Japan Joint Network Activities using research network infrastructure US –Japan N+N 26 US –Japan N+N 27 GridPP Testbed All HEP experiment sites are part of Gavin’s “green dot” map. At least a Globus gatekeeper was running at some point. In almost all cases this is actually an EDG gatekeeper - ie with extra functionality. US –Japan N+N 28 GridPP Testbed Uses Resource Broker at IC, MDS at RAL and VO at Manchester. Yesterday’s Birmingham 2 cpus snapshot: Bristol Cambridge IC Liverpool Manchester Oxford RAL UCL 3 16 16 (+ 80 BaBar) 2 8 (+ 60 DZero/Atlas) 1 6 (+Tier1/A) 2 • Result of: Core team in UK working within EDG Bi-weekly operational phone call US –Japan N+N 29 EDG testbed EDG sw installed at more than 40 sites Application testbed: More than 1000 CPUs 5 Terabyte of storage US –Japan N+N 30 EDG Testbed Snapshot for EU review: nl: fr: fr: it: it: it: uk: uk: uk: uk: uk: CERN Nikhef CC Lyon Polytechnique/LLR CNAF Bologna Padova Legnaro IC Liverpool Manchester Oxford RAL 59 + 20 140 22? + 74? + 409? 6 48 11 48 16 + 80 2 8 + 60 1 6 (so we’re doing ok internationally) US –Japan N+N 31 Comparison of UK L2 grid and PP Grid Application PP Applications L2 Grid Value added components EDG 2.0 Value added Components Data Man. RB VOMS EDG Info ??? Simple User management UK MDS GT2 GT2 eScience CA Network monitoring US –Japan N+N 32 250,000 Event Production within EDG as part of the Official CMS production Nb. of evts E.g. CMS use of the EDG TB time SEs CEs US –Japan N+N 33