Resource Brokering on Complex Grids EUROGRID and GRIP Presented by John Brooke ESNW October 3/4 UK/Japan N+N Contents Aims of the resource broker Functionality of the ancestral broker EUROGRID broker Interoperability architecture (UNICORE-Globus) Towards a resource description ontology Relation to the GGF and OGSA January 17, 2003 Brokers as VOs Users Virtual Organisation Brokers System Brokers Compute Resources Organization Firewalls Federated Brokering Resource Client Client Broker Service Client Client Broker Service Client Broker Service Broker Service Broker Service Broker Service Resource Broker Service Replication Broker Service VO Layer Specialist Layer Resource Site Layer Resource Resource Resource Interoperability for Brokering We want to broker on Grids controlled by either UNICORE or Globus. In GRIP we developed two methods 1. Bifurcation, separate “sub-brokers” for a Globus or a Unicore Grid. This is achieved and is extensible to a limited extent. 2. Constructing an extendable resource broker utilising a Grid Resource Ontology to handle mappings of resource terms. Ancestral EUROGRID Broker The API allows two levels of operation: Resource Checking: Static requirements, capability and capacity. QoS Checking: Performance vs cost. Tickets can be issued as a “guarantee”. Protocol can be used symmetrically by Broker. Execution NJS 2 CheckQoS 1 CheckQoS User Broker NJS 4 CheckQoS_Outcome 3 CheckQoS_Outcome 2 CheckQoS Execution NJS 3 CheckQoS_Outcome 1 Bezier SGI Onyx @ Manchester Vtk + VizServer SGI Ope n GL VizS erv er Firewall Brokering for Workflows UNICORE Gateway and NJS Manchester Laptop SHU Conference Centre Simulation Data UNICORE Gateway and NJS QMUL Dirac SGI Onyx @ QMUL LB3D with RealityGrid Steering API Steering (XML) VizServer client Steering GUI 9 The Mind Electric GLUE web service hosting environment with OGSA extensions 9Single sign-on using UK e-Science digital certificates 9 9 Interoperable Broker – Method 1 1. The Network Job Supervisor (NJS) delegates the Resource Check to the Broker at the Vsite. 2. The UNICORE brokering track utilises the IDB exactly as for the ancestral broker. 3. The Globus track uses a translator of the QoS check object. The translation service is extendable. 4. The results of the translation are used to drive the LDAP search and the Globus broker then utilises MDS to perform this. UNICORE NJS 4.0 gave much greater power and flexibility in brokering for complex workflows. Architecture – Method 1 NJS Delegates resource check Broker Unicore Broker Diagram Of Broker Architecture Globus Broker Delegates translation Lookup resources IDB Translator Uses to drive LDAP search Filter Performs LDAP search Basic Translator MDS(GRIIS/GRIS) Pros and Cons •A nice feature of Method 1 is that no alteration needs to be made to the client side of UNICORE, thus no alteration for application plugins or “expert” brokers •Also no alterations need to be made to Globus. •However the UNICORE description of Grid resources is very different from the MDS-2 description. MDS-2 does not publish software resource and user environment, Unicore does not check dynamic resource, e.g. machine loading. •The need for resource description translation is thus highlighted. Architecture – Method 2 Resource Discovery Service NJS Delegates resource check Broker Unicore Broker Diagram Of Broker Architecture Other Brokers Globus Broker Delegates translation Lookup resources IDB Hierarchical Grid Search Filter Uses to Drive MDS Search Uses to drive MDS search Translator Filter Ontology engine Resource Discovery Service Hierarchical Grid Search Ontologies •Defines knowledge domain and allows reasoning on this domain. •If we can create a Grid Resource Ontology, creation of specialist translation classes from basic Grid translator becomes possible. •IDB at sites can be created via ontology, it contains site specific information which the clients job specification cannot do. •So brokers take client request formulated in RR space, at each site use translator to convert to RR space, offers come back with capability and QoS. Local Brokering Configurations Client Client Gateway Gateway NJS Broker IDB TSI/Host Broker GT3 Normal EUROGRID/GRIP Brokering NJS NJS NJS Host Host Host Site-Wide Brokering R-GMA Brokering and OGSA Services Persistent Virtual Environments Metascheduling Service Clients Other Brokers Banking Services Broker Site Feedback Policy Manager Workflow Manager Chargeable Schedulable GridServices Resource Usage Monitor Relevant GGF work •Grid Protocol Architecture-RG : Core Grid Functions •Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol-WG :advanced reservation, co-allocation •CIM-based schema-WG : successor to LDAP •GESA-WG looking at economic issues of scheduling The recently-formed Semantic Grid RG is very interested in the Grid Resource Ontology idea. 1 Points for Discussion •What is the relationship between brokering and scheduling? •How to deal with legacy (not Grid-aware) schedulers? •How to relate the ontologies from the application side (Resource Requestor) to the service provision side (Resource Provider)? •How does a broker estimate upper and lower bounds for turnaround time? •How far does the broker trust information from the service provider. Should it monitor running workflows? 1 RR and RP Spaces request RR space RP space request B A sync RP space RR space C Request referral RP space D Figure 1: Request from RR space at A mapped into resource providers at B and C, with C forwarding a request formulated in RR space to RP space at D. B and C synchronize at end of workflow before results returned to the initiator A. January 17, 2003 GRIP First Project Review 1