The Physics reach of a Super B factory STEVE PLAYFER UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh January 11/12th 2007 Integrated Luminosities J.Libby, April 2006 10/fb vs 50/ab LHCb Most projections are for 2/fb or 10/fb Upgrade -> 30/fb? 5x1012 b quark pairs Super B factories Most projections are for 10/ab or 50/ab Could collect 100/ab 1011 b quark pairs QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Luminosity and Backgrounds SuperKEKB Beam currents 5-10A Crab cavities rotate bunches for collisions Luminosity L=4-8x1035 Backgrounds x10-20 ILC-based SuperB Beam currents 2-4A Very small final focus with travelling crab waist Luminosity L=1-2x1036 Backgrounds x1-2 ILC-based SuperB is more ambitious than SuperKEKB! Projections depend on backgrounds, as well as integrated luminosity Projected errors at SuperKEKB 50/ab syst. error Theory err. 0.004 0.014 ~0.01 α 1.2º a few º γ 1.2º O(1) º 1% ~1% S(φKs) 0.023 0.020 A(φKs) 0.016 0.018 S(η’Ks) 0.013 0.020 A(η’Ks) DCPV in b→sγ 0.009 0.017 0.003 0.002 Obs. Sin2β |Vub| stat. error ~5 % 0.003 “Most interesting measurements are systematics limited after 50/ab” - Yamauchi Observable CKM2008-10 (2ab-1) SuperB (50ab-1) Comments sin(2β) (b→ccs) <1 ° <1° no improvement Globally could be a factor 5 improvement sin(2β) (Peng.) φK (f0,η’π0)K0 3K ~4° ~(6,3,5)° ~3° <2° ~(2,1,2)° ~1° α (ππ,ρρ,ρπ) 5° -8° ~1° γ (DK) (5-10)° (1-2)° (Tree decays)GLW+ADS+Dalitz also precisely measured at LHCb Vcb-incl Vcb-excl 1%-1.5% 4% 0.5? 1%? More theo. parameters from data Depends on Lattice B →D*τν 10-15% 2-3% SM -senstitive to NP (H±) Vub-incl Vub-excl 10% 10% 2%? 2%? More theo. parameters from data Depends on Lattice Br(B → lν) Br(BÆ μ υ) 20% visible 4% 8% >5 improvement Lattice is crucial Br(B → (ρ,ω),γ) 0.1 × 10-6 0.03 x 10-6 |Vtd/Vts| from ργ/K*γ dep. Lattice Br(B → μμ) Br(BÆeμ) 90%CL @ 1×10-8 90%CL @ 2×10-8 not measurable Interesting for MFV – at 2ab-1 off by two order of magnitude.. AFB (Xsl+l-) -s0 AFB (K*l+l-) –s0 ACP (K*l+l-) at high masses 25% 25% 6% 12% 5% 9% [1-1.5]% 2.5% for exclusive modes (and mainly for muons) also precisely measured at LHCb ACP (Xsγ) ACP (K*γ) [1-2]% 0.65% [0.5-1]% ~0.3% Interesting if σ<0.5% (SM) Exclusive modes precisely measured @ LHCb 50/ab at SuperB - Achille Stocchi (CKM 2006) Sin 2β from Charmonium Main Systematics: Vertex resolution Tagging QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. B0 flavour sample used to study the systematic errors Sin2β = 0.710+-0.034(stat)+-0.019(syst) |λ|= 0.932+-0.026(stat)+-0.017(syst) With 2/ab syst. and stat. errors are already equal ASL measurement with dileptons ASL = [N(l+l+) - N(l-l-)] / [N(l+l+) + N(l-l-)] SM: ASL = -0.0005+-0.0001 HFAG: ASL = -0.0030+-0.0078 BaBar/Belle electron pairs Already systematics limited (detector charge asymmetry) QuickTime and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. D0 muon pairs (2006) D0 magnets reversed weekly Dominant systematic from K->μ decays … is it possible to make a 10-4 measurement? Sin 2β from Penguins Theoretical differences: + a few % in “clean” modes >10% otherwise Replace “naïve” average with “informed” average of φKS, η’KS, KSKSKS 0.52+-0.06 (>2σ from J/ψΚs) ACP(t) in Bd -> φKS and Bs -> φφ SuperB: 1K Bd->φKS and φKL events per /ab with S/B>1 accuracy on Δβ ~0.03 in 50/ab LHCb: 400 Bd->φKS events per /fb with S/B~1 accuracy on Δβ ~0.10 in 10/fb LHCb: 2K BS->φφ events per /fb with S/B~1 Is Δφs different from Δβ? accuracy on Δφs ~0.03 in 10/fb Can LHCb compete with B factories in Δβ modes? Radiative Penguin decays Inclusive b->sγ BF~5% limited by theory and systematic errors after 2/ab New NNLO calculation is below HFAG average - still interesting!? Direct CP asymmetries statistics limited Can reach SM prediction ~0.5% Vtd/Vts from b->dγ Exclusive B->ργ/K*γ ratio is theory limited after 2/ab Isospin asymmetry measures γ (annihilation diagram) Inclusive b->dγ may be possible at SuperB Photon helicity with ACP(t) in K*0γ ... Statistics limited even with full luminosities Angular analysis of B->Kφγ is also interesting The angle α Isospin analysis of ππ system Measure all 3 BFs, 3 direct ACP, ACP(t) in π+π− New idea to use γ->e+e- for ACP(t) in π0π0 Reduces to 2x ambiguity in determination of α Isospin analysis of ρρ system Measure all 3 BFs, 3 direct ACP, ACP(t) in ρ+ρ− and ρ0ρ0 Time dependent Dalitz analysis of ρπ Analysis is very complicated (27 parameter fit)! Important to resolve ambiguities in isospin analyses Need to do all of these to understand α to ~1 º ρπ is limited by systematics from ρ’ and cross-feed π0π0 and ρ0ρ0 are limited by statistics The angle γ GLW method: B->D0K, D0->CP eigenstate Interference between b->u/b->c small, rb ~0.1 ADS method: B->D0K, D0->K+π- (DCSD) Very low statistics in DCSD decay Dalitz method: B->D0K, D0-> KSππ Need to understand Dalitz plot distribution U-spin method: Bs->K+K- and Bd->π+πSuperB would have to run at Y(5S) SU(3) analysis of Kπ/ππ modes Theoretical uncertainties under control? Is γ still statistics limited at SuperB? γ from B−>DK Dalitz Interference of b−>cus and b−>ucs tree diagrams QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. DK: γ = 66+19-20o rb = 0.16 D*K: γ = 86+37-43o rb = 0.18 DK*: γ = 11+23 o -57 rb = 0.56 γ sensitivity γ = 53 +15-18 +-9o DK: D*K: γ= rb o 92+-41+-16 < 0.14 rb < 0.21 Error depends critically on rb Sensitivity rb=0.1 B-tagged analyses Reconstruct one B as tag for the other Hadronic tags (0.25% efficient) Semileptonic tags (0.7% efficient) Best method for inclusive b -> ulν, sγ Neutrino modes B -> τν and Dτν can be measured to a few % B -> μν and sνν observable with 50/ab Hermeticity is crucial for Β−> τν 17 signal events from 450M BB 3.5σ significance Fit is to extra energy recoiling against B tags BF( B → τ ν τ ) = (1.79 ) ×10 f B Vub = 10.1+−11..46 ( stat ) ( syst ) × 10 −4 GeV + + ( +0.56 + 0.39 − 0.49 − 0.46 +1.3 −1.4 −4 ) Vub from B−>πlν BaBar untagged analysis Error bars dominated by background subtraction At SuperB can do a B tagged analysis Form factor measurement is crucial to constrain theory errors Vub = (3.5+-0.4(shape)+-0.1(BF)) x 10-3 P.Ball hep-ph/0612190 Β−>Κ∗ll FB asymmetry Belle and BaBar already rule out wrong sign C9*C10 and C7 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Full angular analysis and s(AFB=0) possible at both LHCb and SuperB a Q Advantages of SuperB: ¾ electrons and muons ¾ inclusive and exclusive Super B 50/ab Super B running at Y(5S)? Can’t measure Bs oscillations or ACP(t) Could measure ΔΓs/Γs, ASL and direct ACP Could measure rare Bs decays Sacrifice some Y(4S) luminosity to run at Y(5S) Test runs by CLEO/Belle Bs*Bs* Can separate BS production Belle sees 3 J/ψφ and 1 φγ event in 2/fb Bs*Bs BsBs Potential of SuperB with 1-10/ab at Y(5S) under study D0 Mixing BaBar Kππ0 +K3π Semileptonic and neutral decays are also important SuperB produces 5x109 D mesons per /ab D->K+π− 50/ab SuperB => 20/fb LHCb (D.Asner) Lepton flavour violating τ decays Many different τ decays can be studied (not just the ones shown here) SuperB starts to get into the interesting region ~10-9 My Final Scorecard Measurement Sin2β φs in Bs mixing Δβ in penguins α in ππ, ρπ, ρρ γ in B->DK Vub b->s(d)γ b->sll, ll LHCb ** (syst. limited) *** * (trigger?) * (some modes) *** (more methods) * (maybe πlν?) * (Bs->φγ) *** (K*μμ,Bs->μμ ) SuperB ** (syst. limited) No *** (many modes) *** (all modes) ** ** (theory limited?) *** (incl. & excl.) *** (stat. limited) B->τν, μν, sνν D mixing LFV τ decays No * (only D->Kπ?) * (only τ−>μμμ?) ** (stat. limited) *** *** (many modes) Backup Slides Status of CKM Includes Bs mixing results from CDF/D0 There are several measurements for each UT angle and side “Desperately consistent with the Standard Model” Bs Mixing Measurement Agrees with CKM fit Vtd/Vts is already limited by theory! Δms = 17.33+0.42-0.21+-0.07 /ps Δms = 17.77±0.10(stat)±0.07(syst) ps-1 Vtd/Vts = 0.2060+-0.0007(exp)+0.0081 (theo) -0.0061 (theo) Measuring to more accuracy is not interesting? Sin 2α from B−>ρρ & Β−>ρπ B−>ρρ ρρ not “lucky” expected! Almost 100% polarized B(ρ0ρ0) = (1.1 +- 0.4) x 10-6 Small B(ρ0ρ0) limits isospin analysis to ρ+π− Dalitz analysis of B−>ρπ ρ0 π0 ρ−π+ S = −0.10 ± 0.14 ± 0.04 C = 0.34 ± 0.11 ± 0.05 α from time-dependent analysis of interference regions α−αeff. < 18o Vub Exclusive vs Inclusive LCSR tagged LQCD FF LQCD SL tag untagged quenched LQCD Incl |Vub| (BLNP) Not sure this is really a problem. Wait for more data! Vub from Inclusive b−>ulv P+=Ex-|px| 253M BB Hadronic Tags 88 × 106 BB pairs b → ulν MC signal data Lepton Endpoint