Semantic Data Integration in Humanities Mark Greengrass (University of Sheffield) Oscar Corcho (University of Manchester) A+H e-Science Lecture Edinburgh, June 18th 2007 Contents Introduction to ontologies Definitions Ontology development Ontologies and the Semantic Web Ontologies for humanities TGN, ULAN, HASSET, CULTOS, VICODI Projects using ontologies for humanities Historillo Cultural tour (Residencia de Estudiantes) Semantic data/information integration approaches Open issues and discussion Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 2 Reuse and Sharing Reuse means to build new applications assembling components already built Advantages: • Less money • Less time • Less resources Sharing is when different applications use the some resources Areas: • Software • Knowledge • Communications • Interfaces •--- Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 3 The Knowledge Sharing Initiative Building Knowledge Based Systems usually entails constructing new knowledge bases from scratch. It could instead be done by: Assembling reusable components. System developers would then only need to worry about creating the specialized knowledge and reasoners new to the specific task of their systems. New systems would interoperate with existing systems. Declarative knowledge, problem-solving techniques, and reasoning services could all be shared between systems. Neches, R.; Fikes, R.; Finin, T.; Gruber, T.; Patil, R.; Senator, T.; Swartout, W.R. Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing. AI Magazine. Winter 1991. 36-56. Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 4 Reusable Knowledge Components Ontologies Problem Solving Methods Describe domain knowledge in a generic way Describe the reasoning process of a KBS in and provide agreed understanding of a domain an implementation and domain-independent manner Interaction Problem Representing Knowledge for the purpose of solving some problem is strongly affected by the nature of the problem and the inference strategy to be applied to the problem Bylander Chandrasekaran, B. Generic Tasks in knowledge-based reasoning.: the right level of abstraction for knowledge acquisition. In B.R. Gaines and J. H. Boose, EDs Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based systems, 65-77, London: Academic Press 1988. Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 5 Definitions of Ontologies 1. “An ontology defines the basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary of a topic area, as well as the rules for combining terms and Neches R, Fikes RE, Finin T, Gruber TR, Senator T, Swartout WR (1991) Enabling technology for knowledge sharing. AI Magazine 12(3):36–56 relations to define extensions to the vocabulary” 2. “An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization” 3. “An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization” Gruber TR (1993a) A translation approach to portable ontology specification. Knowledge Acquisition 5(2):199–220 Studer R, Benjamins VR, Fensel D (1998) Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Methods. IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering 25(12):161–197 4. “A logical theory which gives on explicit, partial account of a conceptualization” Guarino N, Giaretta P (1995) Ontologies and Knowledge Bases: Towards a Terminological Clarification. In: Mars N (ed) Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases: Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing (KBKS’95). University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 25–32 5. “A set of logical axioms designed to account for the intended meaning of a vocabulary” Guarino N (1998) Formal Ontology in Information Systems. In: Guarino N (ed) 1st International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS’98). Trento, Italy. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 3–15 Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 6 Example of Domain Ontology. Protégé Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 7 Example of a domain ontology. WebODE Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 8 Components of an Ontology Concepts are organized in taxonomies Relations R: C1 x C2 x ... x Cn-1 x Cn Subclass-of: Concept 1 x Concept2 Connected to: Component1 x Component2 Functions F: C1 x C2 x ... x Cn-1 --> Cn Mother-of: Person --> Women Price of a used car: Model x Year x Kilometers --> Price Instances Elements Gruber, T. A translation Approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition. Axioms Sentences which are always true Vol. 5. 1993. 199-220. Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 9 Vocabulary “Class” “Concept” “Category” “Type” “Instance” “Individual” “Entity” “object”, Class or individual “Property” “Slot” “Relation” “Relationtype” “Attribute” Semantic link type” “Role” but be careful about “role” • Means “property” in description logics • Means “role played” in most ontologies E.g. “doctor role”, “student role” … Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 10 Using Frames and First Order Logic for Modeling Ontologies (define-class Travel (?travel) "A journey from place to place" :axiom-def (and (Superclass-Of Travel Flight) (Template-Facet-Value Cardinality arrivalDate Travel 1) (Template-Facet-Value Cardinality departureDate Travel 1) (Template-Facet-Value Maximum-Cardinality singleFare Travel 1)) :def (and (arrivalDate ?travel Date) (departureDate ?travel Date) (singleFare ?travel Number) (companyName ?travel String))) (define-instance AA7462-Feb-08-2002 (AA7462) :def ((singleFare AA7462-Feb-08-2002 300) (departureDate AA7462-Feb-08-2002 Feb8-2002) (arrivalPlace AA7462-Feb-08-2002 Seattle))) (define-function Pays (?room ?discount) :-> ?finalPrice "Price of the room after applying the discount" :def (and (Room ?room) (Number ?discount) (Number ?finalPrice) (Price ?room ?price)) :lambda-body (- ?price (/ (* ?price ?discount) 100))) (define-relation connects (?edge ?source ?target) "This relation links a source and a target by an edge. The source and destination are considered as spatial points. The relation has the following properties: symmetry and irreflexivity." :def (and (SpatialPoint ?source) (SpatialPoint ?target) (Edge ?edge)) :axiom-def ((=> (connects ?edge ?source ?target) (connects ?edge ?target ?source)) ;symmetry (=> (connects ?edge ?source ?target) (not (or (part-of ?source ?target) ;irreflexivity (part-of ?target ?source)))))) Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 11 Using Description Logics for Modeling Ontologies (defconcept Travel "A journey from place to place" :is-primitive (:and (:all arrivalDate Date)(:exactly 1 arrivalDate) (:all departureDate Date)(:exactly 1 departureDate) (:all companyName String) (:all singleFare Number)(:at-most singleFare 1))) (tellm (AA7462 AA7462-08-Feb-2002) (singleFare AA7462-08-Feb-2002 300) (departureDate AA7462-08-Feb-2002 Feb8-2002) (arrivalPlace AA7462-08-Feb-2002 Seattle)) (defrelation Pays :is (:function (?room ?Discount) (- (Price ?room) (/(*(Price ?room) ?Discount) 100))) :domains (Room Number) :range Number) (defrelation connects "A road connects two different cities" :arity 3 :domains (Location Location) :range RoadSection :predicate ((?city1 ?city2 ?road) (:not (part-of ?city1 ?city2)) (:not (part-of ?city2 ?city1)) (:or (:and (start ?road ?city1)(end ?road ?city2)) (:and (start ?road ?city2)(end ?road ?city1))))) Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 12 Using UML for Modeling Ontologies Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 13 Using the Entity Relationship Model for Modeling Ontologies Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 14 A semantic continuum Pump: “a device for moving a gas or liquid from one place or container to another” Shared human consensus Text descriptions Implicit Informal (explicit) (pump has (superclasses (…)) Semantics hardwired; used at runtime Formal Formal (for humans) • • • • Semantics processed and used at runtime (for machines) Further to the right Less ambiguity Better inter-operation More robust – less hardwiring More difficult Uschold M Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 15 Types of vocabularies. Formality Controlled vocabularies Thesauri “narrower term” relation Terms/ glossary Dublin Core Informal is-a MeSH Formal is-a Frames (properties) Formal instance TGN ISWC FOAF ULAN KWeb OntoWeb General Logical constraints Value Restrs. Disjointness, Inverse, Part-Of ... CulturalTour FundFinder VICODI Gene Ontology Add your vocabularies here Lassila O, McGuiness D. The Role of Frame-Based Representation on the Semantic Web. Technical Report. Knowledge Systems Laboratory. Stanford University. KSL-01-02. 2001. Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 16 Contents Introduction to ontologies Definitions Ontology development Ontologies and the Semantic Web Ontologies for humanities TGN, ULAN, HASSET, CULTOS, VICODI Projects using ontologies for humanities Historillo Cultural tour (Residencia de Estudiantes) Semantic data/information integration approaches Open issues and discussion Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 17 Principles for the Design of Ontologies (I) Clarity: To communicate the intended meaning of defined terms Coherence: To sanction inferences that are consistent with definitions Extendibility: To anticipate the use of the shared vocabulary Minimal Encoding Bias: To be independent of the symbolic level Minimal Ontological Commitments: To make as few claims as possible about the world • Gruber, T.; Towards Principles for the Design of Ontologies. KSL-93-04. Knowledge Systems Laboratory. Stanford University. 1993 Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 18 Principles for the Design of Ontologies (II) The representation of disjoint and exhaustive knowledge. If the set of subclasses of a concept are disjoint, we can define a disjoint decomposition. The decomposition is exhaustive if it defines the superconcept completely. To improve the understandability and reusability of the ontology, we should implement the ontology trying to minimize the syntactic distance between sibling concepts. The standardization of names. To ease the understanding of the ontology the same naming conventions should be used to name related terms. Arpírez JC, Gómez-Pérez A, Lozano A, Pinto HS (1998) (ONTO)2Agent: An ontology-based WWW broker to select ontologies. In: Gómez-Pérez A, Benjamins RV (eds) ECAI’98 Workshop on Applications of Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods. Brighton, United Kingdom, pp 16–24 Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 19 Types of Ontologies Issue of the Conceptualization Content Ontologies Domain O. Representation O. Scalpel, scanner anesthetize, give birth • Conceptualization of KR formalisms Task O. goal, schedule to assign, to classify Generic O. • Reusable across D. General/Common O. Domain O. Things, Events, Time, Space Causality, Behavior, Function Mizoguchi, R. Vanwelkenhuysen, J.; Ikeda, M. Task Ontology for Reuse of Problem Solving Knowledge. Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases: Knowledge Building & Knowledge Sharing. IOS Press. 1995. 46-59. • Reusable Application O. • Non reusable • Usable Van Heist, G.; Schreiber, T.; Wielinga, B. Using Explicit Ontologies in KBS International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Vol. 46. (2/3). 183-292. 1997 Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 20 Libraries of Ontologies (I) Reusability - Usability Application Application Domain Domain O. : heart-diseases Task O.: surgery heart Domain O.: body Generic Domain O.: components + Domain Task O.: plan-surgery Generic Task O.: plan General/Common Ontology: Time, Units, Space, ... + Representation Ontology: Frame-Ontology, OWL KR Ontology Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 21 Relationship between Ontologies in the Library Environmental Pollutants Monoatomic-Ions Poliatomic-ions Chemical-Elements Standard-Units Standard-Dimensions Physical-Quatities Kif-Numbers Frame-Ontology Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 22 How to Reuse Ontologies from a Library Top level ontologies Knowledge representation ontologies REPRESENTATION ENTITY CONCEPT Subclass of ENTITY Subclass of Subclass of Instance of PHYSICAL SUBSTANTIAL Subclass of ATTRIBUTE Instance of Instance of ELEMENT Domain ontologies Oxidation-State (0, N) Atomic-Weight (1, 1) Atomic-Number (1, 1) Subclass of Subclass of Partition REACTIVENESS REACTIVELESS Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 23 Seamark Demo: ID new drug candidates for BRKCB-1 GO2Keyword.rdf Keywords.rdf ProbeSet.rdf Keyword GO2UniProt.rdf GO2OMIM.rdf Probe Protein Gene MIM Id IntAct.rdf OMIM.rdf GO.rdf UniProt.rdf Organism Enzyme GO2Enzyme.rdf Citation Compound Taxonomy.rdf PubMed.xml Courtesy Joanne Luciano Enzymes.rdf KEGG.rdf Pathway Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 24 Libraries of Ontologies (II) OWL ontologies Protégé ontology library OWL ontology library SWOOGLE Oyster Other ontologies SHOE ontology library Ontolingua ontology library WebOnto ontology library WebODE ontology library (KA)2 ontology library Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 25 Ontology development process (I) Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 26 Ontology development process (II) Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 27 Ontology development process (III) Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 28 Ontological Engineering Applications Build Ontologies Methodologies and methods Tools Reasoners Languages Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 29 Contents Introduction to ontologies Definitions Ontology development Ontologies and the Semantic Web Ontologies for humanities TGN, ULAN, HASSET, CULTOS, VICODI Projects using ontologies for humanities Historillo Cultural tour (Residencia de Estudiantes) Semantic data/information integration approaches Open issues and discussion Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 30 What is the Semantic Web? “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. It is based on the idea of having data on the Web defined and linked such that it can be used for more effective discovery, automation, integration, and reuse across various applications.” Hendler, J., Berners-Lee, T., and Miller, E. Integrating Applications on the Semantic Web, 2002, Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 31 Semantic Web Languages Dynamic Static WWW URI, HTML, HTTP Semantic Web RDF, RDFS, OWL Semantic richness Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 32 Resource Description Framework [instanceOf] SwissProt_seq urn:data1 [similar_sequence_to] [input] [performsTask] urn:hit1… urn:BlastNInvocation3 urn:hit2…. [contains] [output] Find similar sequence urn:hit50…. . urn:data2 urn:data12 [input] [instanceOf] urn:compareinvocation3 [distantlyDerivedFrom] [output] Missed sequence [hasHits] Blast_report [instanceOf] [output] urn:hit5… urn:hit8…. [contains] [hasName] Sequence_hit [directlyDerivedFrom] urn:data:3 urn:data:f1 [instanceOf] urn:hit10…. . [type] [output] urn:invocation5 [type] DatumCollection urn:data:f2 [hasName] New sequence LSDatum Data generated by services/workflows [ ] Properties Concepts Services literals Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 33 The 3 faces of the Semantic Web Expressive models SWRL Inference Model fusion OWL Controlled vocabularies RDF XML Annotation Extensible metadata schemas that you don’t have to nail down RDF(S) Integration Integration Data fusion Semantic Annotation Web Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 34 SWRL Annotation XML Represent terms and their relationships (ontology in RDFS/OWL) Integration Integration RDF(S) RDF Annotation assert facts using terms (metadata in RDF) Inference OWL Semantic Annotation Web Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies 31 News Videocast Grant Application Research Events Organisation Gene Database Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 35 SWRL Annotation RDF Integration Integration RDF(S) XML Ontologies and Metadata Inference OWL Ontologies Semantic Annotation Web Has_contact_Person xmlns:rdf='' Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web xmlns:NS0='' Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies Subclass of Organization Subclass of 31 xmlns:NS1='' Associate Prof. Instance of Annotation (RDF) Belongs_To Person <rdf:Description rdf:about='Asunción Gómez-Pérez'> <rdf:type rdf:resource=‘Associate Prof'/> <NS0:Full_Name>A. GomezPerez</NS0:Full_Name> <NS0:Belongs_To>UPM</NS0: Belongs_To > <NS0:e-mail></NS0:e-mail> Partner Instance of <rdf:Description rdf:about='UPM'> <rdf:type rdf:resource='Partner'/> <NS1:Acronym>UPM</NS1:Acronym> <NS1:Has_Contact_Person>Asunción Gómez-Pérez </NS1:Has_Contact_Person > Web Page URL Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 36 SWRL Annotation XML Integration Integration RDF(S) RDF Metadata annotation Inference OWL Different types of annotation depending on the type of vocabulary used Based on Dublin Core Semantic Annotation Web Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies 31 The contributor and creator is the flight booking service “”. The date would be January 1st, 2003, in case that the HTML page has been generated on that specific date. The description would be something like “flight details for a travel between Madrid and Seattle via Chicago on February 8th, 2004”. The document format is “HTML”. The document language is “en”, which stands for English Based on thesauri Madrid is a reference to the term with ID 7010413 in the thesaurus, which refers to the city of Madrid in Spain. Spain is a reference to the term with ID 1000095, which refers to the kingdom of Spain in Europe. Chicago is a reference to the term with ID 7013596, which refers to the city of Chicago in Illinois, US. United States of America is a reference to the term “United States” with ID 7012149, which refers to the US nation. Seattle is a reference to the term with ID 7014494, which refers to the city of Seattle in Washington, US. Based on ontologies Concept instances relate a part of the document to one or several concepts in an ontology. For example, “Flight details” may represent an instance of the concept Flight, and can be named as AA7615_Feb08_2003, although concept instances do not necessarily have a name. Attribute values relate a concept instance with part of the document, which is the value of one of its attributes. For example, “American Airlines” can be the value of the attribute companyName. Relation instances that relate two concept instances by some domain-specific relation. For example, the flight AA7615_Feb08_2003 and the location Madrid can be connected by the relation departurePlace Ontology-based document annotation: trends and open research problems. Corcho, O. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 1(1):47-57. 2006 Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 37 Integration use a uniform common model in RDF SWRL Inference OWL XML Annotation RDF Connecting through shared terms and shared instances Preserving context and provenance Integration Integration RDF(S) Semantic Annotation Web Semantic Data (Integration) Web D2R R2O BIRN Mediator OBSERVER CARNOT TSIMMIS Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies 31 Agents Smart portals Data mining Social networking Smart search Knowledge Discovery Information Integration Semantic Data Integration for Humanities and aggregation 38 SWRL Annotation XML Integration Integration RDF(S) RDF Data Integration in the Semantic Web Inference OWL Semantic Annotation Web Flexible and extensible self describing schemas that don’t have to be nailed down Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies 31 “Lets describe my data set, or the output format of my tool, that changes frequently” Open world “I need to comment on that historial document” “That fact is now incorrect because …” Data fusion across different data models cross linked by shared instances and shared concepts Global naming scheme LSID: Life Science Identifiers URIs: Uniform Resource Identifiers Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 39 Inference SWRL Inference OWL XML Annotation RDF Integration Integration RDF(S) Semantic Annotation Web Semantic Data (Integration) Web Semantic Knowledge (Reasoning) Web Service-Oriented Access to Ontologies 31 Logic-based classification, validity checking with OWL Rules using SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) RDF queries Just making connections because so much stuff is connected! 8q24 PVT1 Rearrangement of a DNA sequence homologous to a cell-virus junction fragment in several Moloney murine leukemia virus-induced rat thymomas Semantic Data Integration for Humanities James Hendler Science and the Semantic Web Science 299: 520-521, 2003 40 Conclusion. An Ontology should be just the Beginning Ontologies Provide domain description Software agents Problemsolving methods Declare structure The Semantic Web Databases Knowledge bases Domainindependent applications Semantic Data Integration for Humanities Source: Alan Rector 41 Main References Gómez-Pérez, A.; Fernández-López, M.; Corcho, O. Ontological Engineering. Springer Verlag. 2003 Deliverables •D1.1 •D1.2 •D1.3 •D1.4 •D1.5 Research deliverables Industry deliverables Neches, R.; Fikes, R.; Finin, T.; Gruber, T.; Patil, R.; Senator, T.; Swartout, W.R. Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing. AI Magazine. Winter 1991. 36-56. Gruber, T. A translation Approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition. Vol. 5. 1993. 199-220. Uschold, M.; Grüninger, M. ONTOLOGIES: Principles, Methods and Applications. Knowledge Engineering Review. Vol. 11; N. 2; June 1996. Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 42 Acknowledgements Asunción Gómez-Pérez and Mariano FernándezLópez Most of the slides have been done jointly with them Carole Goble, Pinar Alper Ontologies and the Semantic Web Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 43 Contents Introduction to ontologies Definitions Ontology development Ontologies and the Semantic Web Ontologies for humanities TGN, ULAN, HASSET, CULTOS, VICODI Projects using ontologies for humanities Historillo Cultural tour (Residencia de Estudiantes) Semantic data/information integration approaches Open issues and discussion Semantic Data Integration for Humanities 44