Miriam Parker Director Livestockwise Ltd

Miriam Parker
Director Livestockwise Ltd
Miriam is an Agricultural Scientist and spent her early years in practical
livestock management. In 1987 she moved to the Humane Slaughter
Association and, initiated a number of training and technology transfer
projects, including the production of award winning video material. She has
been awarded a Nuffield Farming Scholarship, a Waitangi Fellowship and the
RSPCA/BSAS Award for Innovative Developments in Animal Welfare. In
2000 Miriam established Livestockwise who provide specialist advice and
training in the areas of animal production, handling, transport and slaughter.
She served as member the Farm Animal Welfare Council for 10 years and in
2006 was awarded an MBE for services to farming. She is currently on the
board of Freedom Food and the Technical Advisory Committee for Assured
British Meat.