STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries

STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 1
Project aim:
To improve the engagement of LAC/Care Leavers in STEM related post 16 course
Focus areas:
Looked after Children and Care leavers
Also covering
most able students from vulnerable groups
Raising aspirations – opportunities into Higher Education
Parents/carers – communication
2 years
Time scale
Project objectives:
 increase number of year 9/10 LAC choosing Technology as an option
 improve the attainment outcomes at KS4 in STEM subjects
 increase the number of LAC/care leavers choosing STEM related post 16 courses/apprenticeships
Approximate cost
£ X (covering cost of a mentor employed to oversee mentoring, one to one tuition and
aspirational trips/visits, cost of one to one tuition and the trips/visits)
Looked after children's education service (LACES) and the LAC Mentoring Service have worked together for the past
3 years to improve the attainment and aspiration of LAC/Care Leavers. Using our experience and knowledge we have
systematically identified a number of activities which have had a direct impact on improving KS4 results, reducing
NEETS and raising LAC aspirations. We would now like the opportunity to link our work with the STEM initiative.
Project summary
The project would initially focus on a carefully selected cohort of approximately 30 young people (yp) from years 9/10.
Both the yp and their carers would be in agreement to commit to the project and also to contribute to the evaluation of
the activities. The project would continue to run with any LAC who leaves care within the 2 years and also those who
move placement on the condition that they have easy access to the Coventry/Warwickshire area.
The cohort would be reviewed at regular intervals and opportunities would be available for suitable young people
entering care.
The project would focus on 3 main areas:1. Recruitment, training, matching and monitoring of voluntary mentors recruited from a STEM background.
(hopefully recruited from industry, university and colleges – students and lecturers)
2. One to one tuition in STEM subjects (teachers/lecturers hopefully recruited from Warwick & Coventry universities,
Colleges and schools)
3. Development of a range of trips/visits and possible residential for individuals and groups of LAC.
Close links with schools ensuring access for LAC to any STEM events which they are running. This would include
students who do not attend the identified school.
Personnel/organisations working on bid:
LACES and LAC Mentoring Service
Links have also been made with: Warwick and Coventry University
 Range of Coventry schools
 Warwickshire virtual school
 Work related learning - Coventry
 Coventry and Warwickshire colleges via the
Coventry and Warwickshire progression
 Coventry Aftercare Service
Links to be made with:
 Industry
 Chamber of commerce
 Warwickshire aftercare services
 Further links with schools
 Apprenticeship leads in Coventry and
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STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 2
Mathematical Resilience for Looked After Children
Developing a ‘Coaching for Mathematical Resilience’ curriculum and accreditation
We propose the development of a ladder of certification for the coaches of mathematical resilience.
We suggest that levels 1 and 2 of such certification are based on studying ASDAN Mathematics Award at levels 1 and 2, with support from an existing
mathematical resilience coach as follows: (and that Levels 3 onwards can be developed subsequently and join up with existing provision such as the
Post Graduate Certificate in ‘Teaching Advanced Mathematics’ (MEI/Warwick) which is a Master’s level course.)
Level 1 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
The ASDAN Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience level 1 will take place in a group. The group will experience being coached in
mathematical resilience by a tutor and peers. At level 1 the coaching process supports reflection and the development of self-awareness and
understanding of what mathematical resilience means to the individual and their fellow learners. Learners will collect, in a portfolio, examples of what
they have learned in relation to the four factors related to mathematical resilience as listed above.
The aim is for each participant to be a proactive part of a group of learners of mathematics who make up a learning community and are working
together on level 1 ASDAN Mathematics Award, with the goal that each member of the group is supported by the others to develop mathematical
resilience. Participants with no formal qualification in Maths may also work towards and/or achieve the ASDAN level 1 Mathematics Award. The
development and practice of coaching for mathematical resilience skills is confined, at level 1, to a peer-coaching context.
Coaching Outcomes and Evidence
At level 1 the evidence can be presented in any media and may include observation by assessor
Time requirement:
30 hours ASDAN Maths level 1 (Section A’s) / 30 hours Coaching for Maths Resilience level 1 plus portfolio development / 60 hours in total
Progression to Level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
In order to be eligible for entry to level 2 certificate in CfMR, participants must have achieved the ASDAN Mathematics award (3 credits) or already
have a maths qualification at levels 1 or 2.
Level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
ASDAN level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience also takes place in a group setting. This involves being coached in mathematical
resilience by a tutor, practising the skills with peers and then applying the coaching skills to ‘real-life’ learners in the context of a school, college or
workplace. The tutor will support reflection and the development of self-awareness and understanding of how mathematical resilience can be
developed in self and others.
The portfolio, for level 2, consists of examples of learners work and descriptions and case studies of coaching for mathematical resilience was used
with the‘real-life’ learners
The aim at level 2 is for each participant to be a proactive part of a group of learners of mathematics who make up a learning community and are
working on level 2 ASDAN materials. Participants with no formal qualification in Maths may also work towards and/or achieve the ASDAN level 2
accreditation. They all develop their mathematical resilience skills which they apply to learners outside the course, e.g. school pupils, as well as peers.
Coaching Outcomes and Evidence
At level 2 the evidence can be presented in any form and may include bullet pointed notes, powerpoint slides, mind maps, commentary on video,
diagrams, feedback from peers and coaches and observation by assessor.
Time requirement:
30 hours ASDAN Maths level 2 (Section B’s) / 30 hours Coaching for Maths Resilience level 2 plus portfolio development / 60 hours in total
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STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 3
Engaging Young People with Assistance Technologies
Background and Context
The current focus for assistive technologies is on the ageing society and individuals with long-term conditions. There
is a huge unmet need to satisfy the requirements of younger users who are not just passive consumers but who judge
assistive technologies in the same way they would the latest gadget or iPhone.
Hereward College is an innovative FE College catering for students with complex needs. They have 70 residential
and over 360 day students with a range of physical, sensory and cognitive abilities. As early adopters of innovative
assistive technologies, embedded in the students is a residual expertise around the design, aesthetics and
ergonomics of assistive technologies that is currently untapped. Although many may not currently be Science or
Engineering oriented they have opinions about the services and products that they use.
Working with Hereward College offers a chance to engage students with expertise within the University through a very
individual-centred human approach to design, and an opportunity to explore with the students what engineering and
computer science means in the context of assistive technologies. This opens up career opportunities many Hereward
students will not have considered. Therefore an integral part of our approach is to raise aspirations of Hereward
students and show how STEM careers are a viable option for them.
WMG and the School of Engineering have expertise in 3D design and manufacture. 3D printing technology offers an
affordable way to reach individualised and customizable design solutions. The use of this technology is very timely,
with the recent emergence of low-cost 3D Printers - this couldn’t have been possible 2-3 years ago. The Department
of Computer Science, through the Intelligent and Adaptive Systems Research Group, has expertise in how devices
and software can be adapted to individual needs.
This project aims to explore and share 3D design and printing to develop specific and individualised accessories,
spares & repairs. As a result we hope to:
 Change the perception that STEM careers are ‘not for me’ for these individuals
 Combine the expertise within the university in 3D design and printing and adaptation of online tools with the
untapped potential at Hereward College
 Educate students and young users of assistive technologies in the tools of creating and sharing designs
leading to individuals accessing Higher Education and careers within the STEM subjects
 Empower the students to change their environment and the products and services they use
 Build relationships with the University, industry, public bodies and wider audiences
This is a pilot. We propose to run a number of stages:
1. Initial launch with students at Hereward
2. Working with academics at Warwick University to develop the initial ‘seed’ designs
3. Learning the skills and tools for students to create their own designs
4. Working with academics at Warwick University to develop and share designs through a bespoke sharing
5. Showcase of designs and the repository at a high profile event (inviting relevant public bodies such as the
NHS National Innovation Centre and key manufacturers in this area)
6. Evaluation of the project and identifying further work
Intended Impact/Outcome
 Increased number of Hereward students believing that HE and STEM are viable choices for them
 Increased skill set in student population of Hereward College
 A repository of designs, developed by the students of Hereward college, shared with the wider world
 A number of relationships with public and private bodies to facilitate future work
 Empowering the students to change their environment could lead to a number of useful outputs; for example
the design of interchangeable parts (open source and modular) robotic technology
 All three departments have identified potential research activity that could develop from this pilot and the
relationships it forges.
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STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 4
Mathematical Resilience for Apprentices
Developing a ‘Coaching for Mathematical Resilience’ curriculum and accreditation
We propose the development of a ladder of certification for the coaches of mathematical resilience.
We suggest that levels 1 and 2 of such certification are based on studying ASDAN Mathematics Award at levels 1 and 2, with support from an existing
mathematical resilience coach as follows: (and that Levels 3 onwards can be developed subsequently and join up with existing provision such as the
Post Graduate Certificate in ‘Teaching Advanced Mathematics’ (MEI/Warwick) which is a Master’s level course.)
Level 1 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
The ASDAN Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience level 1 will take place in a group. The group will experience being coached in
mathematical resilience by a tutor and peers. At level 1 the coaching process supports reflection and the development of self-awareness and
understanding of what mathematical resilience means to the individual and their fellow learners. Learners will collect, in a portfolio, examples of what
they have learned in relation to the four factors related to mathematical resilience as listed above.
The aim is for each participant to be a proactive part of a group of learners of mathematics who make up a learning community and are working
together on level 1 ASDAN Mathematics Award, with the goal that each member of the group is supported by the others to develop mathematical
resilience. Participants with no formal qualification in Maths may also work towards and/or achieve the ASDAN level 1 Mathematics Award. The
development and practice of coaching for mathematical resilience skills is confined, at level 1, to a peer-coaching context.
Coaching Outcomes and Evidence
At level 1 the evidence can be presented in any media and may include observation by assessor
Time requirement:
30 hours ASDAN Maths level 1 (Section A’s) / 30 hours Coaching for Maths Resilience level 1 plus portfolio development / 60 hours in total
Progression to Level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
In order to be eligible for entry to level 2 certificate in CfMR, participants must have achieved the ASDAN Mathematics award (3 credits) or already
have a maths qualification at levels 1 or 2.
Level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience
ASDAN level 2 Certificate in Coaching for Mathematical Resilience also takes place in a group setting. This involves being coached in mathematical
resilience by a tutor, practising the skills with peers and then applying the coaching skills to ‘real-life’ learners in the context of the workplace. The
tutor will support reflection and the development of self-awareness and understanding of how mathematical resilience can be developed in self and
The portfolio, for level 2, consists of examples of learners work and descriptions and case studies of coaching for mathematical resilience was used
with the ‘real-life’ learners in the workplace.
The aim at level 2 is for each participant to be a proactive part of a group of learners of mathematics who make up a learning community and are
working on level 2 ASDAN materials. Participants with no formal qualification in Maths may also work towards and/or achieve the ASDAN level 2
accreditation. They all develop their mathematical resilience skills which they apply to learners outside the course, within the workplace, as well as
Coaching Outcomes and Evidence
At level 2 the evidence can be presented in any form and may include bullet pointed notes, powerpoint slides, mind maps, commentary on video,
diagrams, feedback from peers and coaches and observation by assessor.
Time requirement:
30 hours ASDAN Maths level 2 (Section B’s) / 30 hours Coaching for Maths Resilience level 2 plus portfolio development / 60 hours in total
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STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 5
Computing for Teachers
We would like to raise the aspirations of students through opening their eyes to computer science
as a viable and interesting career option or choice at HE.
We aim to do this through supporting teachers in the delivery of the new computing curriculum.
In doing so we hope to further strengthen our relationships with teachers, the Computing at School
network and the British Computer Society
Until recently much of the teaching of computer science in schools was about enabling students to be
effective users of technology, not about creating it. The idea that computer science is about using
packages such as word and excel has become widespread rather than presenting computer science as a
way of conceptualising and solving problems. The historic focus on the use of computers rather than
computer science means that sometimes the responsibility for teaching computing falls to teachers who are
digitally literate but may have no background in computing.
This combination has put many students off studying computer science beyond compulsory education, and
this at a time when the digital economy needs more graduates with skills in this area. In response to these
concerns the government, backed by the Royal Academy of Engineering, the British Computer Society and
Computing at Schools, is changing way in which we teach computing at a school level. As the curriculum
changes take place teachers will require support and in some cases knowledge development.
The department of computer science has experience in delivering courses for teachers and is currently
delivering and evaluating teacher CPD sessions on computer science concepts and Python programming.
These sessions are in demand and we are currently not meeting the need in terms of geographic spread or
the places we have available. This demand is only set to grow.
We would like to build on the sessions offered and respond to the feedback we have received in further
developing teacher CPD provision to include:
 A range of topics related to creative teaching of computer science (Including robotics)
A range of delivery mechanisms: twilight sessions/residential intensive courses/online or a
As a result we hope to see:
 Changed perceptions of computer science
Teachers better prepared to teach computer science More students interested in computer science
and seeing it as a viable option for study/career
By engaging with teachers we hope that the impact will be sustainable and long-term reaching many
generations of students. We also believe that a cascade approach will mean we are better able to reach
more students indirectly.
Working with:
Tom Crick – Manager of the BCS National Network of Excellence
Local BCS branch and CAS hub
Chris Hall – local education authorities
Local FE access colleges (Warwickshire?, Solihull? And Coventry City?)
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STEM Project Development Day Project Summaries
Project Idea 6
Electric Vehicle Grand Prix UK
Competitive engineering projects are a well-established learning vehicle in engineering education and competitions
exist at school level (F1 in Schools, 4x4 in Schools, Green Power) through to undergraduate level (Formula Student,
Shell Eco Marathon). However, there are fewer opportunities for students at FE colleges in particular, apprentices.
This proposal aims to fill a gap in the spectrum of competitive engineering projects in a novel way. The aim is that a
team will be made up from apprentices at an FE college and undergraduates at an HE institution.
The main outcome of this bid will be a pilot Electric Karting event. Teams competing in the event will be made up
from HE students and FE students/apprentices. The aim is to hold the event on the new street circuit at Cheltenham
Sustainable Motor Expo in 2014.This bid seeks funding for a part time post for two years to develop this pilot such
that it becomes a self-sustaining public educational event.
This will encourage a two-way transfer of knowledge, with HE students passing on theoretical knowledge as well as
gaining mentoring and teaching skills, and FE students transferring technical knowledge. Both sets of student will
gain an insight into how these interactions occur in ‘the real world’, and will enhance their employability.
Furthermore, the interaction with HE students is aimed at raising the aspirations of apprentices such that they will
consider progressing to a university degree.
For 2 years, WMG and the School of Engineering have run an undergraduate group project that requires students to
design and build an electric Kart and to take it to Purdue University in Indiana USA and compete in the
Intercollegiate EVGP (Electric Vehicle GP). The event is designed to inspire college students in the US to pursue a
career in electric vehicles by studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Coventry University also
sent a team, and staff are interested in creating a UK event with an emphasis on building links between FE and HE.
Establish a network of Universities offering Engineering and FE colleges with apprentices
Develop competition, rules, regulations, based initially on the Electric Vehicle GP (EVGP) rules, for a
collaborative competition around electric karting
Demonstrate value of programme through evaluation of event
Ensure sustainability of the event by finding large corporate sponsor(s).
Interested parties:
School of Engineering, TSB High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Coventry University, Solihull College, Warwickshire
College, Sheffield University, Oxford Brookes University, Brunel University, Henley College. WMG Academy,
Westwood School , Cheltenham Motorsports, Purdue University, Ball state University, Oklahoma University
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