Resource: The Torch or the Firehose re

MIT OpenCourseWare
Resource: The Torch or the Firehose
Arthur Mattuck
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academic problems 55
assignments 38
audiotapes 31
bird’s-eye view 21
bluffing 11, 23
blackboard 33–36
problems 33
learning to use 35–36
cheating 41
class lists 27
cold-calling 15
communication problems 8–10
communication skills 30–38
blackboard use 33–36
eye contact 30
listening 30
speaking 31, 48
visual aids 36-37
covering material 8, 22, 34
cultural differences 50
dating students 53–54
echolalia 11, 14
evaluating students 38–41
teachers 42–43
examinations 39, 40
feedback 9, 42–43
first day 27–28, 51
foreign teachers 49–51
formality in class 24
glass wall 5
grades 41
changing 41
hissing 23
interaction 5–15
importance 5
improving 6–15
introducing class 27
introducing yourself 27
invisible students 47–48
Kirkpatrick, R. 36
leader of expedition 26
level of students 19, 50
lifeboat captain 25
listening 30
meetings 17, 45
minority students 47–48
mistakes in class 23–24
names of students 28–29
interaction aid 9, 29
obvious and trivial 32
office hours 45–46
orchestra conductor 27
overcommitment 56
overhead projector 36–37
pedagogy methods 20–21
peer-group pressure 6
picture on the box 21
planning the hour 19
before class 18, 20–21
before term starts 17
by students 7–8
by teacher 16–19
problem sets 38
psychology insights 20
preparing 13
repeating 11
review-type 6
soliciting 12
supporting 6–7, 12
to start thinking 6
vague, poor 14
red pen 40
repetition 11
review sessions 39
role-playing 24–26
sandwich method 21
Scarlatti, D. 36
seating 24
sections, reason for 17–18
role of teacher 18, 2–26
sarcasm 32
schedule in class 22
slide projector 36–37
speaking 31
steamroller 8
student time-delay 7
student types 52–55
academically troubled 55
dependent 53
loud-mouth 52
silent 52
troubled 54
supportiveness 6–7, 12
teachers from abroad 49–51
tour guide 22
tutorials 44–46
union organizer 24
questionnaires 9, 43
are-you-with-me 13
discussion-type 14
from teacher 6–7, 12–15
from student 10–12
videotaping 43
voice problems 31, 48
wearer of gloves 25
women students 47–48