Trusted Logging for Grid Computing Jun Ho Huh and Andrew Martin Oxford University

Trusted Logging for Grid
Jun Ho Huh and Andrew Martin
Oxford University
Secure logging in a grid environment
Motivational examples
Existing solutions and gap analysis
Towards a common logging
infrastructure for the grid
 A trusted logging architecture
 Future Work/Conclusion
Secure Logging in a Grid
 Logging services:
facilitate the communication and recording of diagnostic
audit trails
are used to detect security violations, for dynamic
access control, forensic examination, intrusion detection,
financial and business audits etc.
 What is the Grid?
 a system that coordinates resources that are not
subject to centralised control; that uses
standard, open, general-purpose protocols and
Abstract View of the Grid
 Standard external services (ES) manage middleware
operations e.g. user authentication, data access; and
enable communication between different nodes.
Secure Logging in a Grid
Grid nodes spanning multiple administrative domains
makes it very difficult problem in the grid:
services and the associated logs are stored in different formats
different domains within a specific grid will have different
standards, policies for retention and so forth.
ad hoc, difficult to browse and analyse these logs.
Log data is highly sensitive, and only processed subsets
may be released
Reconciliation of logs from different sources is needed, but
neither trusts the other to see the raw data.
Logging services and logs are inconsistent; a need for a
common approach to reconstruct the thread of work
securely in a distributed environment.
Motivational Examples
 Healthcare Grid
 Many data grids are being interconnected
 to facilitate the better provision of clinical
 to enable collection and analysis of data for
scientific purposes.
 A form of ‘traffic flow’ analysis may itself yield
much information about the patient and/or their
clinical data, so the access logs themselves are
highly privileged.
Motivational Examples
 A malicious researcher may try to discover
personal information about patients from
cumulating the history of accessed data.
 Each site needs to record what the user has
seen so far, update its data access control
 In the grid an attacker could join set of
records returned from multiple sites.
Motivational Example
 A distributed audit approach:
patterns of behaviour across multiple domains will be
detected by combining audit logs across them;
requires each site to grant permissions to remote
individuals to view its logs.
 It’s unlikely to happen due to complications of
negotiating trust in the dynamic grid environment.
 Allow a server to collect and reconcile distributed
authorisation decisions (in form of audit trails)
Motivational Examples
 Monitorability of Service-Level Agreements
 Provision of SLAs and ensuring their
monitorability with TC.
 Client receives no response for a service (which
they have entered into a SLA) within the agreed
interval of time  complains to the service
provider  service provider argues that no
request was received, produces evidential log of
 No way for the client to find out the truth.
Motivational Examples
 Problem: this type of SLA is defined in
terms of events the client cannot monitor;
must take the word of the provider.
 Need for trustworthy logging and reporting
services in which all stakeholders can trust
another to record, report and analyse the
actual transmission of requests and
responses accurately.
Use Case Example
 Service provider wishes to produce a trustworthy report
on a log of requests to claim that no service request was
received from the client.
Possible Threats
 The service provider (or the client) may
insert arbitrary logs, modify or delete
request/response logs from the log storage,
and deliver fabricated evidence.
 The service provider might try to tamper with
log collection and migration services to
deliver fabricated results.
 A user logged in the client’s system might
tamper with the reconciled logs to make false
Existing Solutions & A Gap Analysis
 Not much focus on how logs are securely
generated and stored:
 NetLogger Toolkit: provides client application
libraries (C, Java, Python APIs) for generating
NetLogger log messages in a common format.
 relies on the application developers to write
logging code.
 No security controls to verify the log
generators and the log data:
 Xenlog: Xen based logging solution; the logging
service (Dom0) completely trusts the shared
memory to always deliver trustworthy logs.
Existing Solutions & A Gap Analysis
 No attempt to protect the
confidentiality and the integrity of the
log data upon their transmission,
collection and reconciliation
 No encryption or signing procedures for
logs in Xenlog and NetLogger.
Towards a Common Logging
Infrastructure for the Grid
 Motivational examples have in
common requirements upon:
 Integrity and accuracy of log information
 Confidentiality of the logged data.
 Trustworthy analysis and reconciliation
of log data.
 Interoperability of the logging services,
the logged data and the policies for
accessing them.
Towards a Common Logging
Infrastructure for the Grid
 Trusted logging requirements
 to fill the gaps
 to facilitate production and analysis of log data
in the grid with strong guarantees of their
 Secure Logging Service
 needs to be deployed independently from parent
application, in a strongly isolated compartment.
 small, simple software component with relatively
static code-base.
 needs to verify the log generators.
Towards a Common Logging
Infrastructure for the Grid
 Authorisation Policy Management for Logs
 distributed access requests for logs need to be
controlled with authorisation policy
 to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive logs,
and from inference attacks.
 Secure Log Migration Service
 complex grid middleware services cannot be
relied upon to perform trusted operations.
 instead, security controls required for safe log
data transfer need to operate in this service.
 data flow encryption and signing requirements.
Towards a Common Logging
Infrastructure for the Grid
 Trustworthy Reconciliation Service
 requires each site to build trust with others, and
grant permissions to view their logs.
 Log owners, by attesting this service, need to be
assured that
 their logs will be safeguarded from
compromise during reconciliation.
 robust security controls are enforced upon
collection and reconciliation of the logs.
Towards a Common Logging
Infrastructure for the Grid
 Blind analysis of the Logs
 A healthcare grid --- hospitals have agreed to
share their logs for intrusion detection.
 However, they are unwilling to let the others to
see the raw data, only let part of it to be seen.
 log owners need to be assured that their logs
will be revealed to an extent that has been
agreed (or stated in restriction policies).
 blind analysis of the collected logs required:
developers only see the running application, and
the end results.
A Trusted Logging Architecture
A novel logging architecture for the grid using trusted
computing and virtualization capabilities.
Trusted Computing (TC)
remote sealing: sealing the data so that it’s only available to a
remote host running in a particular software configuration.
remote attestation: proving to a third party that a remote
device is in a particular software state.
TC used in a virtualised environment where physical host is
segmented into strongly isolated compartments:
to make remote attestation feasible (memory protection)
to limit the impact of any vulnerability in attested code.
A Trusted Logging Architecture
All log security functions enforced by log security manager, log transit components, log
analysis manager.
Small number of back-end driver VMs are responsible for generating all trusted logging
requests (log transit).
A Trusted Logging Architecture
 A log access grid job is always executed in
a per-user log access VM with trusted
middleware services and expected security
 log owners perspective: isolation of malicious
jobs; trusted services always govern
authorisation policy enforcements, encryption of
 users perspective: trusted code runs unmodified
on a secure VM; logs accessed with trusted
middleware stack; remote attestation of log
access VM ensures integrity of logs.
Secure Logging Infrastructure
 In Xen only Domain 0 (privileged VM) and other driver
domains have access to physical hardware.
 Single point of access for all physical devices: where
log transit is deployed.
 Log transit components run in a much simpler and
safer environment.
 Only the privileged domains have control over how
and when trusted logging requests are triggered; log
generator verification becomes much easier to
manage in the grid.
Secure Logging Infrastructure
Future Work
 Next step is to design and construct
prototype implementations of some of
these services with TC and
Virtualisation technologies.
 Develop a trustworthy log
reconciliation infrastructure based on
the requirements and the identified
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