Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture Andy Cooper 2008


The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

Andy Cooper

Software Engineering Laboratory

University of Oxford

Trusted Services: Requirements and Prospects, Edinburgh, July


Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Problem of trust in the grid

Malicious host problem

How can you trust a remote computer to process your data securely?

Trust asymmetry problem An operating-system normally protects the computer from malicious users.

But what about protecting the users from a malicious computer?

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Problem of trust in the grid

Malicious host problem

How can you trust a remote computer to process your data securely?

Trust asymmetry problem An operating-system normally protects the computer from malicious users.

But what about protecting the users from a malicious computer?

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

The Middleware Problem

The Middleware Problem

The software that drives the grid is too complex to be trusted to protect users’ data.

Any security features built on top of the grid are doomed to failure

All grid applications are vulnerable because they can be attacked from ’underneath’ via the grid middleware

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

The Middleware Problem

The Middleware Problem

The software that drives the grid is too complex to be trusted to protect users’ data.

Any security features built on top of the grid are doomed to failure

All grid applications are vulnerable because they can be attacked from ’underneath’ via the grid middleware

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Globus Middleware Software

Total lines of code is 1,816,203

The security layer is the most complex

It doesn’t matter how good grid authorisations systems are if

systems can be accessed via the backdoor

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Globus Software Vulnerabilities

Globus Toolkit Advisories

GT version 4.0 (May ’05 - Nov ’06) - 23 vulnerabilities listed

GT version 3.2 (Apr ’05 - Nov ’06) - 13 vulnerabilities

GT version 3.0 (Jul ’03 - Jun ’04) - 6 vulnerabilities

GT version 2.4 (May ’03 - May ’04) - 6 vulnerabilities

GT version 2.0 (Oct ’02 - Oct ’03) - 8 vulnerabilities

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

The Dangers of Delegation

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Inadequacy of Proxy Credentials

Problem 1

”Give me your credential! You can trust me

- it expires in 12 hours”

Problem 2

Proxy credentials can’t be revoked

Problem 3

Attacker can repeatedly steal the credentials

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Inadequacy of Proxy Credentials

Problem 1

”Give me your credential! You can trust me

- it expires in 12 hours”

Problem 2

Proxy credentials can’t be revoked

Problem 3

Attacker can repeatedly steal the credentials

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Trusted Computing Technologies


Using hardware chip to measure software running on a remote computer

Protected storage

Digital rights management capability - can run encrypted grid jobs so owner cannot access the decryption keys.


Grid jobs can be run isolated within a virtual machine

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Trusted Computing Technologies


Using hardware chip to measure software running on a remote computer

Protected storage

Digital rights management capability - can run encrypted grid jobs so owner cannot access the decryption keys.


Grid jobs can be run isolated within a virtual machine

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Trusted Computing Technologies


Using hardware chip to measure software running on a remote computer

Protected storage

Digital rights management capability - can run encrypted grid jobs so owner cannot access the decryption keys.


Grid jobs can be run isolated within a virtual machine

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Trusted Grid Architecture

Source: Lohr et al, Enhancing Grid Security Using Trusted

Virtualization, IBM and University of Bochum

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Problems with TGA

Grid middleware problem undermines the security

Major change to existing grid middleware

Attestation only proves that insecure software is being run!

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Security in a virtual machine

Job Security Manager

User pushes down security software in another virtual machine distributed alongside the grid job

Interoperability Advantages

Service provider no longer needs to pre-install security software

Security can be enforced anywhere on the grid

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Security in a virtual machine

Job Security Manager

User pushes down security software in another virtual machine distributed alongside the grid job

Interoperability Advantages

Service provider no longer needs to pre-install security software

Security can be enforced anywhere on the grid

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

The Job Security Manager

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Difficulty in overcoming grid middleware problem

The dilemma

Grid middleware must have access to users’ data

Middleware problem means it can’t be trusted

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

A solution - pre-encrypt grid data

Solving the middleware problem

Grid job is pre-encrypted

Grid middleware downloads encrypted data

Decrypting the grid data

Grid middleware also downloads the job security manager VM

It starts running like any other grid job

Attests itself to obtain the decryption key

Job security manager decrypts and runs the grid job

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

A solution - pre-encrypt grid data

Solving the middleware problem

Grid job is pre-encrypted

Grid middleware downloads encrypted data

Decrypting the grid data

Grid middleware also downloads the job security manager VM

It starts running like any other grid job

Attests itself to obtain the decryption key

Job security manager decrypts and runs the grid job

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

A trusted grid architecture

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Benefits of this solution

Grid middleware is no longer trusted

Works with all grid middleware without modifications

Stealing credentials is no longer a problem - they only allow the attacker to download encrypted data.

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Digital rights management for grid computing

Digital Rights Management

Grid data is encrypted to enforce access controls rather than confidentiality

DRM empowers users to control access to their information on the grid

Key management service security policies

Enforce a trusted boundary for a virtual organisation

Control recipients of the results data

Control what software can run on the grid

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Digital rights management for grid computing

Digital Rights Management

Grid data is encrypted to enforce access controls rather than confidentiality

DRM empowers users to control access to their information on the grid

Key management service security policies

Enforce a trusted boundary for a virtual organisation

Control recipients of the results data

Control what software can run on the grid

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture


The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management


Creates a strong boundary for a virtual organisation

Grid jobs can only run within an encrypted environment on trusted hosts

Even the platform owner cannot subvert the security policy

Security policy

Key management service attests job security manager

Host is authenticated before releasing keys

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture


The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management


Creates a strong boundary for a virtual organisation

Grid jobs can only run within an encrypted environment on trusted hosts

Even the platform owner cannot subvert the security policy

Security policy

Key management service attests job security manager

Host is authenticated before releasing keys

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Encrypted Results Data

Controlling dissemination of results

Grid middleware can stage out encrypted results data

Security policy controls who can access the results

Recipient keys

Security policy lists authorised recipients

Data encryption key is encrypted for each recipient

Recipient keys are staged out as a file along with encrypted results data

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Encrypted Results Data

Controlling dissemination of results

Grid middleware can stage out encrypted results data

Security policy controls who can access the results

Recipient keys

Security policy lists authorised recipients

Data encryption key is encrypted for each recipient

Recipient keys are staged out as a file along with encrypted results data

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Mandatory access controls

Controlling software

Policy defines what software can run on the grid

Cannot be altered by users - controlled by data owners

Attesting grid jobs

Each data owner runs their own key management service

Job security manager attests the grid job

Decryption key is only released if software is authorised to access the data

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture

The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Mandatory access controls

Controlling software

Policy defines what software can run on the grid

Cannot be altered by users - controlled by data owners

Attesting grid jobs

Each data owner runs their own key management service

Job security manager attests the grid job

Decryption key is only released if software is authorised to access the data

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture


The Middleware Problem

Existing Solutions

Solving the Middleware Problem

Digital rights management

Middleware problem undermines grid security

New architecture has following advantages:

Middleware is not trusted

Interoperates with existing grid middleware without changes

Credential theft no longer compromises data

Digital rights management controls have a positive benefit for users of the grid

Andy Cooper

Towards a Trusted Grid Architecture
