London e-Science Centre Workflow, Planning and Performance Dr Andrew Stephen McGough London e-Science Centre Imperial College London 20th October 2006 Outline London e-Science Centre Workflow and Pipelines The Planner Using Information Use of these ideas 2 London e-Science Centre Workflow And Pipelines Workflow Levels London e-Science Centre Workflow pipeline How do Planned Executing Workflow Design Workflow Conceptual you move VCR from one level to the next? CE SE Information Data Process Control Process and reasoning / use of the information 4 Information London e-Science Centre Problem space knowledge, Application knowledge user Component developer Component knowledge Problem space knowledge Domain expert Resource information Resource information Grid Structure information Resource Owner Grid Manager 5 Information London e-Science Centre We want to capture what the user wants to achieve not how they think it should be done We don’t just want to know what things are we want to be able to reason about them Their meaning Their behaviour How they work Current workflow languages don’t support these ideas – need to add this on-top 6 Example: Linear Solver London e-Science Centre If we can describe things at a higher level we have more options Linear Equation Source Matrix Vector Unsymmetric Matrix Display Vector Vector LU C C Linear Equation Solver BiCG Java C Java Java ScaLAPACK ScaLAPACK 7 Abstract Workflow Pipeline London e-Science Centre Decompose into interacting levels Specification Planning Observation Execution 8 London e-Science Centre The Planner Tasked with deciding where each part of the workflow should be deployed Optimisation London e-Science Centre A good planner should be able to select an “optimal” set of resources and implementations of components Execution of workflows on the Grid is an NP-Hard problem Large number of resources available for use Multiple implementations of code that can be deployed onto resources Performance aware scheduling goes a long way to achieving a good selection 10 Workflow Scheduling with Performance London e-Science Centre Component Repository Execution Service Planner Performance Repository 11 Single Workflow Selection London e-Science Centre An approach: Constraint Optimisation Optimise for time With the following constraints Cost: C1 C2 ti tj 5 5£4 5+14 £3 14 R1 R1 7 7£12 7+12 £9 12 Selection: Deadline: R2 R2 4 4£6 4+17 £2 17 R3 R3 C3 t t 5+14+49 £2 49 R1 7+12+54 £2 54 R2 4+17+51 £3 51 R3 + Other Constraints Temporal ordering: 12 Cross Workflow Selection London e-Science Centre An approach: Time interval pre-selection A resource will run a given service Which can be used by multiple workflows Each service has: a cost ci to run xi resources running that service Workflow 1 × 50 Workflow 2 × 75 Workflow 3 × 35 Resources can change the service they provide zi(tj, tj+1) with associated cost R1 ki R2 Hence we need to minimise cTx + kTz R3 Can solve analytically for M/G/1 services R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 R3 13 However: London e-Science Centre Algorithms for determining the “best” resources and implementations become slow as the search space increases Performance Information is often slow to obtain Current status of resources is often slow to obtain thus out of date by the time you get it We need to reduce the search space before doing performance aware planning 14 London e-Science Centre Using the Information Using this information to better perform the tasks that the user requires Using information for Optimisation London e-Science Centre We can use Information for: Validation of the Workflow Make sure that only “correct” workflows are submitted Workflow Optimisation By altering the workflow to make it more optimal Resource Optimisation Pruning the set of resources that are considered Resource selection Matching the approach implementation to the resource 16 Workflow Validation London e-Science Centre Goal: Ensure that a workflow is correct before it is accepted into the Grid. Reduce the chance of “wasted time” Requirements: Only look at the workflow and component information Achieve the goal through: Syntactic Validation Verify all required connections are made Verify that connections are valid Semantic Validation Can equate to grammar checking To determine if the workflow Makes sense Will produce what the user intended 17 Workflow Optimisation London e-Science Centre Goal : optimise the runtime execution of workflow before it is executed Requirements: No performance or resource information is used Achieves the goal through: Re-ordering of components Substitution of components Addition of components Pruning of the workflow 18 Static Workflow Optimisation London e-Science Centre Re-ordering: Workflows (often composed from composite workflows) may contain non-optimal ordering of components Use re-ordering to improve performance Matrix Gen Matrix Gen Matrix Gen multiply Matrix Gen multiply Vector Gen Vector Gen multiply multiply Addition: For a component requiring a specific format of data as input, a transformer component could be added to achieve the desired format. Allows more optimal components to be used together C1 Output in LP format LP to MPS Input required in MPS format C2 19 Static Workflow Optimisation London e-Science Centre Substitution: A Jacobi Iteration linear solver replaced by Conjugate Gradient linear solver according to the output of the Discretizer (FEM) Based on observing the meta-data associated with previous A (sparse and diagonally dominant) components FEM Workflow Pruning: JI linear solver b Workflows may contain unused components Especially when composed from other sub-workflows Remove redundant components a f b e d g c Not needed h Not needed 20 Resource Optimisation London e-Science Centre Goal : Reduce the number of resources that are considered for use Requirements: No workflow or resource current state information is used Achieves the goal through: Authorisation Hardware / Software requirements Problem Specific requirements Out of bounds 21 London e-Science Centre Use of these ideas Where these ideas are being deployed ICENI: Imperial College e-Science Network Infrastructure London e-Science Centre • • • • • • • • • • Integrated end2end Grid Middleware Solution Interoperability between architectures, APIs Added value layer to other middleware Usability: Interactive Grid Workflows Role and policy driven security Foundation for higher-level Services and Autonomous Composition ICENI Open Source licence (extended SISSL) Collect and provide relevant Grid Meta-Data Pluggable architecture Test Architecture for Grid Research The Iceni, under Queen Boudicca, united the tribes of South-East England in a revolt against the occupying Roman forces in AD60. 23 Specification End-users Developers and Deployers High-level Abstract Workflow + QoS Preferences + Security Constraints Realisation Functional Description + Performance Annotation + Availability Syntactic and Semantic Validation Static Workflow Optimisation Performance Data Performance Repository Performance Profiles Equivalent Workflow Candidates P2P / UDDI Discovery Component and Resource Availability Dynamic Optimisation and Scheduling Concrete Workflow + QoS constraints + Security constraints Workflow Orchestration and Re-optimisation Execution Service Service Service Virtualised Component Container Execution Environment Component Component Component Component Packaging and Deployment What is GRIDCC London e-Science Centre Grid enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation Adding real time control of instruments to the Grid What makes this unique: Instruments may only be ready at specific times Reservations Need to ensure other Grid services are available with instruments Reservations / SLA’s Real-time visualisation of live results and steering Through Virtual Control Room (VCR) Reservations / SLA’s 25 GRIDCC WfMS London e-Science Centre WfMS Performance Repository Planner Observer Validator WS Interface BPEL + QoS Worlflow Optimiser Resource Resource Selector Pruning Reserver Façade Agreement Service BPEL Engine F SE F CE F IE 26 London e-Science Centre Any Questions? 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