BIRN Portal Overview Portals & Portlets 2006 BIRN Portal Architect

BIRN Portal Overview
Jason Novotny / Ramil Manansala / Thien Nguyen
BIRN Portal Architect
BIRN Coordinating Center
Portals & Portlets 2006
About BIRN
 Provides a shared biomedical IT infrastructure for
studying and researching various neurological
 BIRN-CC oversees
infrastructure and software
 Function BIRN
• Studying schizophrenia
 Mouse BIRN
• Utilizing mouse data to
understand brain disorders
 Brain Morphometry
• Investigating memory
Purpose of BIRN Portal
 Provide a flexible, comprehensive collaborative user
environment for scientists to share data, tools and
 Provide transparent access to underlying computing
and networking infrastructure across distributed
 Provide a single point of access for managing a
collection of research projects across virtual
organizations comprised of distributed researchers
Develop software that can be reused by other
biomedical research activities and ultimately other
application domains
A Portal Transition
 Previous BIRN Portal implementation a stove pipe
Based on Perl/CGI
Difficult to extend
Not easy to setup
Unable to take
advantage of
ns provided by
other portals
 Difficult for other
project members to
develop remotely
How can BIRN portal benefit from GridSphere?
 Portlet API is a standard accepted by all major portal
 Modular development model using J2EE
 Built-in features including user management, role
based access control
 Community development of portlets, e.g.
gridportlets, GAMA (GEON/Telescience/BIRN)
 Reuse existing portlets for BIRN portal needs
• GridPortlets/GAMA supports credential management
 Can have greater impact on portal community by
sharing BIRN portlets
BIRN Portal based on GridSphere
 Takes
advantage of
portlets, user
portlets for
data access,
BIRN Portal Major Requirements
 Needs to be “grid-enabled” since underlying
infrastructure uses GSI for authentication
 Need to provide scientists access to data using
Storage Resource Broker (SRB)
 Needs to provide mechanism for scientists to
• Create, join new research projects
• Share data
• Support for discussions (both real time and thru forums)
 Needs to provide informational content
BIRN Portal Security
 Users require grid credentials for accessing compute and
storage resources
• Grid Account Management Architecture developed at UCSD (GEON,
Telescience , BIRN) makes credential management easier and
integrates with portal environment
• GAMA used by several high-profile projects (GEON, Telescience, UK
 User’s only need login name and password to obtain access
• Logged in user automatically has access to grid credential
• GridSphere supports multiple authentication modules used for login
 By default Password Module stores hashed passwords in DB
 GAMA provides custom authentication module that retrieves user’s
credential for use from the portal
BIRN Portal uses GAMA for security needs
 Grid Account and Management Architecture
 User and admin portlets provide account creation/approval
including credential creation using provided CA
 Stores credentials using MyProxy server
 GAMA server is locked down, only portal has access
Collaborative features of BIRN portal
 Provide a shared environment for exchanging ideas,
research, knowledge, data
• Projects -- Intended to encapsulate a specific research activity
 Can be public (viewable by users not affiliated with project) or private
• Forums -- Facilitate online discussions
• Blogs -- Researches can create journal, news feed, release
announcements, etc. that can be private or shared with other
• Lists -- Provides mechanism for researchers to share bookmarks,
contacts, RSS feeds, reminders
• Email -- Simple e-mail client can be used to send mails out to
members of a project
• Chat -- Researchers can chat with other logged in portal users for real
time interaction
Data management features of BIRN Portal
 Core part of BIRN infrastructure is Storage Resource
SRB portlets provide web
based interface for interacting
with SRB using common
desktop paradigms
Navigation, upload,
download, metadata,
permissions, launching
external tools for viewing &
analyzing data
Shared data spaces for
collaborative projects created
on the fly
BIRN Portal Architecture
Advanced Grid Middleware Portlets
Grid Security
Grid Middleware
Generic Portal
Grid Portlets
pages /
GridSphere Portal / Portlet container / Core portlets
Adoption of GridSphere within BIRN project
 Continued GridSphere
development influenced
by BIRN requirements
• Collaborative and SRB
• Mouse BIRN
 Iowa
• Function BIRN and Huntington’s Project
• NDAR Autism Project and Pediatric MR database
• Morphometry BIRN
GridSphere / BIRN collaborations
 Working with other projects in a UC San Diego wide
portals technology group
• Telescience R&D portal at NBCR and NCMIR
• NIEHS Hurricane Response Portal (Katrina/Rita)
supported by Telescience
 GIS site for analyzing long-term health effects of Katrina and Rita
• GEON geophysics network at SDSC
 Collaboratory for earth scientists to share geoscience data
• Cell Centered Database Portal at NCMIR
 Archive of 3D microscopic imaging data - used by Mouse BIRN
• CAMERA project UCSD Calit2/J. Craig Venter Institute
 Gain understanding of genetic relationships between thousands of
organisms collected from the ocean and elsewhere
BIRN Portal Activities for the Next 6-12
• Continue improving usability of existing portlets
based on user feedback
• Improve overall application interactivity
 Deliver and support SRB and Collaboration
portlets to be used in projects worldwide
 Continued integration of applications and
 Develop additional use cases
BIRN will capitalize on future GridSphere
 Expand support and new use case scenarios using AJAX
 Provide support for Web Services for Remote Portlets
(WSRP) an OASIS standard
• Defines mechanisms for portal to consume remote portlets
 Enhance administration capabilities, generating user
statistics, knowledge data mining
 Improve SSO, support for additional authentication schemes
 Support for rudimentary content management i.e. JSR 170
Content Repository API
 Develop Eclipse / IDE plugins to make portlet development