Intro Agent Grid Repast Simulator

Intro Agent Grid Repast Simulator
Fills the gap on agent-based Grid simulators
very high-level Grid Model
but provides validated Network & Resource model
focus on Agents and not technical Grid issues
leverages Repast tools for visualization & analysis
Will focus on community (sourceforge project)
to enhance the tool
Isaac Chao Andrade, Politechnical University of Catalonia
Agents and Grids: towards the intelligent grid
Edinburgh, 19 February, 07
Agent Grid simulator, why?
Think in Grid startup (Barcelona) targets
Pervasive Grid (…. + Smartphones, PSP, etc)
Social Communities around Grid
Adaptive, scalable, Grid coordination mechanisms
… then use MAS, but need extensive testing
… then need Agent Grid simulator
State of the Art Grid Simulators
Too low level, too much Grid technical detail
Gridify app in jobs, scheduling techniques
Model resources CPU (MFLOPs, etc)
Model Network packet routing….
Complex from a MAS point of view
Focus for most IA researchers might be instead
Decision making
Grid coordination
No support for easy MAS development & analysis
Two well known Grid Simulators
GridSim (GRIDS Lab,University of Melbourne )
too low level model : network packet routing
poor doc: no user manual, just code examples
no validation: need contrasting to a real system!
SimGrid (ID Laboratory, Grenoble,France)
High level & validated Network/Resource model
Too focused on Grid scheduling low level details
C/based (hard to combine with Java tools)
Agent Grid Repast Simulator (I)
Built on top of Repast:
Relies on a very well tested simulation engine
Leverages excellent Repast tools for visualization & analysis
Grid Resource and Network model, inspired on SimGrid validated
high level models
submission of jobs and data transfers into the Grid and the operation of
the Grid itself
agents controlling the scheduling/load balancing
Graphical display of the Grid and related Grid statistics by leveraging
Repast facilities
Agent Grid Repast Simulator (II)
Goes to open-source, released GPL at
Enhance the Resource and Network Models
Add features to the agent framework
Towards a tool for the specific community
meeting Agent and Grid systems
The Demo:
The gory details I: Resource Model
Grid Nodes (extending repast DefaultNodes)
modeling Job processing at Grid Resources
Model coming from SimGrid high-level models:
Each CPU is defined by a rate that can vary over time and
that is equally shared between tasks
“validated" this model by running instances of the same
program , doing a dgemm (matrix multiply routine)
We add
background load, availability
The gory details II: Network model
Grid Edges (extending repast DefaultEdge)
modelling the data Transfers over the links using an
underlying physical NetworkModel.
Proportional bandwidth sharing: OK for LAN
From paper: Network Modeling Issues for Grid Application
Scheduling H. Casanova, in the International Journal of
Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), 6(2), 145--162,
2005 ( SimGrid people)
+ background traffic and availability
Needs to be extended for TCP in WAN
The gory details III: Agent
Allows creation of agents to coordinate the job
submission, load balancing and resource management
on top of the Grid Model
Just need to extend Agent class and implement
methods from the learning Agent interface
So far we have tested:
Reinforcement Learning for scheduling/load balancing
Goes Open source
GPL license at sourceforge: Towards a tool for the
Agent Grid research community
Improvements required:
Extend Network model with high level model for shared
TCP flows over WANS ( follow SimGrid papers)
Extend Network & Resource Models with interference of
computation with communication - build on the paper:
“On the Interference of Communication on Computation in
B. Kreaseck, L. Carter, H. Casanova, J. Ferrante April
AgentFramework development: Interfaces /Routines for
Negotiation, ResourceManagenet, Mobile Agents,etc
Questions ?
Interest in joining at sourceforge?