The Grid: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Good: Bad:

The Grid:
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Simulation and Prediction;
Developing functional software;
Point solution to apps;
Still too hard to use;
Reproducibility, scalability, and usability
Underestimated the technical difficulties;
Not enough of a scientific discipline;
Oversold the grid concept?;
Simulation Tools enable
Systematic Design and Evaluation
Solution in search of a problem;
Gap between hype and reality
Where are the 'new' areas in tool
Good to have an Informal Survey of
Aps people
Ask roughly 25 grid system developers,
application developers, users, etc.
Computer Scientists vs. Application Users and
the Grid
“Enjoy” complexity
because …
It’s cool
“Hate” complexity
because …
It makes life harder
Computer Scientists vs. Application Users
How can
I make it
faster, better,
cooler, …?
How can
I solve
my scientific
It’s all about the science
Grids and Grid middleware are everywhere
Grid applications are lagging behind, big jump from
prototypes and demonstrations to real production
use of Grids.
Interfaces are not simple for scientific application
Missing or immature grid services
Changing environment – Fault rich
Different and evolving interfaces to the “grid”
Application developers accept Grid computing
paradigm only slowly
Where should funding be targeted in this
Is there any funds available?
Perhaps we should prepare a survey for grid
application users on what they want wrt the
What is the GGF doing?
GPW 2004
Several topics were identified as especially
important for the next workshop. These include:
How Grid operators make use of performance data
Performance and infrastructure – what are better ways to
build performance hooks into middleware
Performance engineering on the grid – which parameters
have been used in anger
What are the right ways to compare monitoring systems
Where do simulations fit into performance studies
How should “classic data sets” be defined