Exploitation of UKLight in High Performance Computing Applications Peter Coveney

Exploitation of UKLight in High
Performance Computing Applications
Peter Coveney
Centre for Computational Science
University College London
ESLEA technical collaboration meeting, Edinburgh, 20/06/2006
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Centre for Computational Science
“Advancing science through computers”
We are concerned with many aspects of theoretical and computational science, from
chemistry and physics to materials, life sciences, informatics, and beyond.
The Centre is comprised of chemists, physicists, mathematicians, computer
scientists and biologists
Projects and people using and/or planning to use UKLight
• Lattice-Boltzmann modelling of Complex Fluids: G. Giupponi & R. Saksena
• Simulated Pore Interactive Computing Environment (SPICE): S. Jha
• Materials science: M.A. Thyveetil & J Suter
• Application Hosting Environment (AHE): R. Saksena and S. Zasada
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Centre for Computational Science
We need UKLight for:
1. Transfer large data-sets
2. Combined compute, visualisation and steering
3. Metacomputing and Coupled Model Applications
We need policies to enable advanced reservation and coscheduling for much of this - 2. and 3.
Strong synergies with many EPSRC/BBSRC/OMII/EU
projects run by PVC
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Lattice Boltzmann methods
• Coarse-grained lattice gas automaton
Continuum fluid dynamicists see it as a
numerical solver for the BGK
approximation to the Boltzmann equation
• Lattice-Boltzmann computer codes are
simple, algorithmically efficient and
readily parallelisable, but numerical
stability can be a problem.
• Can simulate:
• non-equilibrium processes such as self-assembly
of amphiphilic fluids into equilibrium liquidcrystalline cubic mesophases.
• flow in porous media: industrial applications
like hydrocarbon recovery
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
LB3D: Three dimensional
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations
• LB3D code is written in Fortran90 and
parallelized using MPI
• Scales linearly on all available resources
(CSAR, HPCx, Lemieux, Linux/Itanium)
• Fully steerable
• Simulations require supercomputers
• Data produced during a single large scale
simulation can exceed hundreds of
gigabytes to terabytes
3D datasets showing snapshots
• High end visualization hardware and
parallel rendering software (e.g. VTK)
needed for data analysis
• Remote visualization allows monitoring
of current simulations
• Avoiding need to post-process data
from a simulation of spinodal
decomposition: A binary
mixture of water and oil phase
separates. ‘Blue’ areas denote
high water densities and ‘red’
visualizes the interface
between both fluids.
J. Chin and P. V. Coveney, “Chirality and domain growth in the gyroid mesophase” Proc. R. Soc. A, 21 June 2006
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
LB3D and UKLight
Time of Day
• Data transfer between NCSA and CCS storage facility at UCL in London using
• Around 0.6 Terabytes transferred in less than one night using gridftp with up to
30 streams opened at the same time.
• The plateaux indicate the maximum bandwidth available that was limited by a
100Mbit/s network card connecting two machines at UCL. The same transfer
would have taken days on a normal network.
G. Giupponi, J. Harting, P.V. Coveney, "Emergence of rheological properties in lattice
Boltzmann simulations of gyroid mesophases", Europhysics Letters, 73, 533-539 (2006).
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Simulated Pore Interactive Computing Environment: Using Grid
computing to understand DNA translocation across protein nanopores
• Translocation critical for an
understanding of many processes in
molecular biology, including infectious
• Long standing physics problem of a
semi-flexible polymer motion in a
confined geometry
• Technical applications: Artificial pores
(similar to natural pore) for highthroughput DNA screening
• Computing the Free Energy Profile -extremely challenging but yields
maximal insight, understanding and
control of translocation process
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Grid Computing Using Novel Algorithms
Novel Algorithm: Steered Molecular
Dynamics to “pull DNA through the pore”.
Jarzynksi's Equation to compute
equilibrium free energy profile from such
non-equilibrium pulling.
SMD+JE: Need to determine “optimal”
parameters before simulations at the optimal
Requires: Interactive simulations and
distributing many large, parallel simulations
Interactive “Live coupling”: uses visualization to steer simulation
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
SPICE: Grid Infrastructure
SPICE uses a “Grid-of-Grids” --by federating the resources of the
UK National Grid Service and US
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Grid Computing Using Novel Algorithms
Steering large simulations introduces new challenges and new solutions -“effective command, control and communication” between scientist(s) and
Step I: Understand structural features using static visualization
Step II: Interactive simulations for dynamic and energetic features
- Steered simulations: bidirectional communication.
Qualitative + Quantitative (SMD+JE)
- Haptic interaction: Use haptic to feel feedback forces
Step III: Simulations to compute “optimal” parameter values:
75 simulations on 128/256 processors each.
Step IV: Use computed “optimal” values to calculate full FEP
along the cylindrical axis of the pore.
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
SPICE: Grid Infrastructure
High-end systems are required to provide real-time interactivity.
“Live coupling”: Interactive simulations & viz to steer sim.
Advanced networks provide schedulable capacity and high QoS. Significant
performance enhancement using optical switched light-paths
Visualization: (I,II)
: Prism (UCL)
Simulation: (II, III, IV) : NGS + TeraGrid
Sim–Viz connection
: UKLight/GLIF
• Global Lamda Integrated Facility (GLIF)
Required for qualitative + quantitative information
Require 256px (or more) of HPC to compute fast enough to provide
Steady-state data stream (up & down) ~ Mb/s BUT
Interactive simulations perform better when using optically switched networks
between simulation and visualization
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Experimental setup
Linux PC
• Nistnet emulation package used to introduce artificial
latency and bandwidth limitation to simulate different
lengths of light path.
• Also introduce packet loss to simulate congested link
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
SPICE: UKLight preliminary figures
• Testing NAMD + UKLight: QoS is crucial
Quasi-interactive mode (interactive mode but no data exchange)
20% slowdown relative to non-interactive mode
Interactive mode: performance sensitive to packet loss (PL)
0.01% PL leads to a 16% performance degradation
0.1% PL leads to a 75% performance degradation
Ongoing further tests through 26 June using Newton.
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Grand Challenge Problem: Human Arterial Tree
‰ Cardiovascular disease accounts for about 40% of deaths
in USA;
‰ Strong relationship between blood flow pattern and
formation of arterial disease such as atherosclerotic
™ Disease develops preferentially in separated and recirculating flow regions such as vessel bifurcations;
‰ Blood flow interactions can occur
™ Between different scales, e.g. large-scale flow features
coupled to cellular processes such as platelet
™ At similar scales in different regions of vascular
system; at the largest scale coupled through pulse
wave from heart to arteries;
Objective of current project
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Metacomputing: Nektar
• Understanding this kind of interaction is critical:
• Surgical intervention (e.g. bypass grafts) alters wave reflections
• Modification of local wave influences wall stress
• Hybrid approach:
• 3D detailed CFD computed at arterial bifurcations;
• Waveform coupling between bifurcations modelled with a reduced set of 1D
equations (sectional area, velocity and pressure information).
• Computational challenges: Enormous problem size and memory requirement
• 55 largest arteries in human body, 27 bifurcations; Memory consumption ca. 7
TB for full resolution
• Does not fit into any single supercomputer available to open research
Solution: Grid computing using ensembles of supercomputers on the TeraGrid and
UK machines
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Simulation/Performance Results
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Simulating & Visualizing Human Arterial Tree
Flow data
Viz servers
SC05, Seattle, WA
Viewer client
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Metacomputing: Vortonics
•Physical challenges: Reconnection & Dynamos
•Vortical reconnection governs establishment of steady-state in
Navier-Stokes turbulence
•And others..
•Mathematical challenges:
•Identification of vortex cores, and discovery of new topological
invariants associated with them
•Discovery of new and improved analytical solutions of Navier-Stokes
equations for interacting vortices
•Computational challenges: Enormous problem sizes, memory requirements, and long run
•Algorithmic complexity scales as cube of Re
•Substantial postprocessing for core identification
•Largest present runs and most future runs require geographically distributed domain
decomposition (GD3)
•Is GD3 on Grids a sensible approach?
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Run Sizes to Date / Performance
•Multiple Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann
(MRTLB) model for Navier-Stokes equations
•600,000 SUPS/processor when run on one
•3D lattice sizes up to 2x109 through SC05 across
six sites on TG/NGS
•GBs of data injected into network at each timestep.
Strongly bandwidth limited.
•Effective SUPS/processor
•Reduced by factor approximately equal to number
of sites
•Therefore SUPS approximately constant as
problem grows in size
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
1 2 3 4 sites
Discussion / Performance Metric
• We are aiming for lattice sizes that can not reside at one Supercomputer Center..
• Bell, etc.,“Generate versus Transfer?”
• If data can be regenerated locally, don’t send it over the grid! (105 ops/byte)
• Thought experiment:
• Enormous lattice, local to SC Centre, by swapping n portions to disk.
• If we can not exceed this performance, not worth using the Grid for GD3
• Make the very optimistic assumption that disk access time is not limiting
• Clearly total SUPS constant, since it is one single multiprocessor
• Therefore SUPS/processor degrades by 1/n, so SUPS is constant
• We can do that now. That is the scaling that we see now. GD3 is a win!
• And things should only get better…
• Improvements in store:
• UDP with added reliability (UDT) in MPICH-G2 will improve bandwidth
• Multithreading in MPICH-G2 will overlap communication and computation to hide
latency and bulk data transfers. Better programming model…
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Metacomputing: LB3D
•Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Gyroid Mesophase
•Physical challenges:
•Self-assembly and defect dynamics of ternary amphiphilic mixtures
•Rheology of self-assembled mesophases
•Computational challenges: Enormous problem sizes, memory
requirements, and long run times
•Large lattice sizes exceed memory available on a single supercomputer MPICH-G2 enabled LB3D for geographically distributed domain decomposition
•Computational steering to identify parameter sets corresponding to system
states of interest, e.g., with multiple gyroidal domains
•Transfer check-points for job migration and analysis between sites. Data-sets
are order of 10 GBs. During the TeraGyroid experiment(2003/2004), systems
with 10243 lattice sites had checkpoint files ~ 0.5TB on PSC.
Requirement for high-bandwidth, dedicated networks like UKLight
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Materials Science:
Clay-Polymer Nanocomposites
• Above image: 10M atom system with expanded z axis with
adjusted aspect ratio for easier viewing
• Only possible to efficiently analyze system with parallel
rendering software
• Large data sets requiring visualization, powerful machine
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Real-time Visualisation of LAMMPS
over UKLight
• Data from LAMMPS is streamed from supercomputer to
visualisation resource/desktop
• Testing the connection
• Collect time taken to receive data for model sizes up to 10 million
• Network emulator NIST Net is used to emulate production
network on UKLight connection
• Latency and packet loss can be controlled using NIST Net to make
an accurate comparison of performance.
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Application Hosting Environment
• V1.0.0 released 31 March 2006; in OMII distribution by SC06
• Designed to provide scientists with application specific services to utilize grid resources in a
transparent manner
• Exposes applications as Web Services
• Operates unintrusively over multiple administrative domains
• Lightweight hosting environment for running unmodified “legacy” applications (e.g.
NAMD, LB3D, LAMMPS, DL_POLY, CASTEP, VASP) on grid resources – NGS,
TeraGrid, DEISA …
• Planned: Host Meta-computing Applications and Coupled Model Applications
• Planned: Interface the AHE client with HARC resource co-scheduler and ESLEA
Control Plane Software to co-schedule network, compute and visualization
J. Maclaren and M. McKeown, HARC: A Highly-Available Robust Co-scheduler, submitted to HPDC and AHM 06.
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Architecture of the AHE
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Global Grid Infrastructure
US TeraGrid
Starlight (Chicago)
All sites connected by
production network
Resource Co-allocation with HARC
and ESLEA Control Plane Software
Network PoP
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
Benefits of UKLight in computational science
- Fixed latency, no jitter
- High bandwidth for data transfers
- QoS: Certainty of having what you need when you need it (albeit
not scalable today)
- Provide virtual networks a la UCLP
- Necessary but not sufficient
- Policies and configurations of machines not designed to
accommodate grid computing
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)
• RealityGrid & RealityGrid Platform Grants(GR/R67699)
• ELSEA Grant (GR/T04465)
• Colin Greenwood
• Peter Clarke
• Nicola Pezzi
• Matt Harvery
Peter Coveney (P.V.Coveney@ucl.ac.uk)