Socio-technical Trade-offs in Cryptographic Voting Schemes Peter Y A Ryan

Socio-technical Trade-offs in
Cryptographic Voting Schemes
Peter Y A Ryan
University of Newcastle
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Designing dependable, trustworthy e-voting systems is
vastly challenging:
– Want high-assurance of accuracy whilst maintaining ballot
– Minimal trust in components, officials, suppliers etc.
– Ideally, trust should ultimately rest on the electorate themselves.
– Must be useable and understandable by the electorate at large.
• Probably impossible to achieve all of these
simultaneously, hence trade-offs need to be investigated
and evaluated.
• Tension between making the system as simple as
possible for voters (“vote and go”) on the one hand and
ensuring that trust rests ultimately on the voters.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Overview of Prêt à Voter “Classic”.
• Outline of some vulnerabilities with Prêt à
Voter “Classic”.
• Enhancements to counter these
• Trade-offs.
• Conclusions.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Typical Prêt à Voter “Classic” Ballot
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Voter marks their choice
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Voter’s Ballot Receipt
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Order of candidates is randomised for each ballot form,
hence the receipt reveals nothing about the vote.
• Vote is not directly encrypted, rather the frame of
reference, i.e., the candidate list, is randomised and
information defining the frame is encrypted.
• Voter does not need to communicate their vote to the
• Vote casting (of the receipt) could be in the presence of
an official.
• Signatures (digital and physical?) could be applied.
• A paper audit trail mechanism could be incorporated
(similar to VVPAT but recording encrypted receipts).
• Works for ranked, approval, STV etc.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• All cast receipts are posted to a secure
Web Bulletin Board (WBB). A sort of
“virtual sport’s hall”.
• A set of “tellers” now perform an
anonymising mix/decryption on the posted
• Outputs of each phase of the mix are also
posted to the WBB.
• Final column shows decrypted votes.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
What can go wrong…
• For the accuracy requirement:
– Ballot forms may be incorrectly constructed,
leading to incorrect encoding of the vote.
– Ballot receipts could be corrupted before they
are entered in the tabulation process.
– Tellers may perform the mix/decryption
• In this talk I will concentrate on the first of
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Auditing ballot forms
• “Authority” generates and prints a large number of ballot
• Random audits before, during and after the election
period by independent authorities (and possibly the
voters themselves).
• To check the construction of the ballot forms the values
on the form, onion and candidate ordering, can be
reconstructed if the seed value is revealed.
• Use the tellers in an on-demand mode to reveal the
secret seed value buried in the onion. Avoids problems
with storing and selectively revealing seeds.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Advantages of Prêt à Voter
• Voter experience simple and familiar.
• No need for voters to have personal keys or computing
• Ballot form commitments and checks made before
election opens  neater recovery strategies.
• Votes are not directly encrypted, just the frame of
reference in which votes encoded. Hence:
– The vote recording device doesn’t get to learn the vote.
– No need for ZK proofs of correctly formed encrypted receipts or
cut-and-choose protocols. (but onus of proof shifts to the wellformedness of the ballot forms).
– Avoids subliminal channels, side channels and social
engineering attacks.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Need to trust “The Authority” (for secrecy).
• Need to trust the auditors (absence of collusion).
• Need to protect ballot form information (chain of
• Chain voting.
• Enforcing the destruction of LH strips.
• Need to constrain the WBB audits, i.e., reveal
only L or R links.
• Separation of teller modes, i.e., ensure that each
ballot form is processed only once.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Distributed creation of ballot forms
• We would like to set things up so only the voters
gets to see the onion/candidate list association.
No single entity knows or controls the entropy.
• On-demand printing of ballot forms.
• This can be achieved with a “pre-mix” that
mirrors the tabulation mixes of PàV Classic.
• Mixing is done under an extra layer of encryption
that can be stripped off at the last moment.
• Can be adapted for remote variants.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Distributed generation of (ElGamal)
• An initial clerk generates a set of pairs of onions. Each
pair has the same initial plaintext seed s:
((x, Rx.s), (y, T y.s))
• These pairs are put through a set of re-encryption
anonymising mixes:
((x, Rx.s), (y, T y. s))
• i.e. a re-encryption and injection of fresh entropy to the
seed value s.
• After a number of mixes:
((x…, R x…. s…)), (y…, T y…. s…))
• These pairs can now be distributed in this form. The
candidate list is hidden in this form. These could be
randomly audited at this stage.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Revealing the ballot form
• The booth device can then decrypt the LH onion to give
the candidate permutation :
(, (y…, T y…. s…))
• Can be adapted to remote versions (use the Cornell
protocol to convert the LH onion to be encrypted under
the voter Vi’s PK.
((x…, Vi x…. s…)), (y…, T y…. s…))
• A similar construction is possible original RSA onions.
• ElGamal construction is suitable for re-encryption mixes
during the tabulation/anonymising mix.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
On-demand printing
• We can minimise chain voting and chain of
custody problems by arranging the print ballot
forms at the last moment, i.e., in the booth.
• Note subtle distinction between creating and
• Use fresh, additional sources of entropy, e.g.,
fibres in the paper, the voters themselves etc.
• The problem now is that we can’t pre-audit precommitted forms.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• A possible solution is to re-introduce cutand-choose element to the protocol along
with post-auditing.
• Note: Chaum’s original scheme suggested
devices available at the polling station to
check receipts. Probably retain this, in
particular to check digital signatures and to
spot problems early, but additionally
perform checks on WBB posted data.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
2 sided ballot forms
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Vote selection
• Forms can be printed in the booth.
• Voter makes an arbitrary choice as to
which side to use.
• They mark their cross (or ranking etc)
against the candidate of choice as before.
• The other side is left blank.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Vote selection
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• The unused side can now be checked for wellformedness (at the time of casting and later in the WBB).
• This avoids some of the vulnerabilities of PaV Classic
but at the cost of re-introducing the social engineering
Chaum/Neff vulnerabilities noted by Karlof et al.
• Note: still no need for the voter to communicate their
vote to the device, hence no subliminal/side channels
• Also counters klepographic attacks.
• Note: symmetry between the two sides!
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Receipts could be checked again on exit
from the polling stations.
• In addition, all the info would be posted to
the WBB. The slip, unused side could be
checked for well-formedness.
• Seeds revealed for the unused sides.
• Need mechanisms to prevent leakage of
seeds for used sides, e.g., authorisation
code on LHS?
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• This solution avoids a lot of the
vulnerabilities of Classic, e.g., no need to
trust the auditing authorities, but makes
the protocol a little more complex for the
voter. And may re-introduce the possibility
of “social-engineering” attacks.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
“assisting the voter”
• We could envisage a device to help the
voter mark the form and destroy the LHS.
• But then we need to trust this to cheat in
some, e.g., scanning the candidate list
before destruction.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
• Ideally we would like the trust to rest
ultimately with the electorate.
• This seems to be impossible without
involving the voters in the verification
• Compromisers and trade-offs are
• Verify the election not the system.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Future work
• On the current model:
Determine exact requirements.
Formal analysis and proofs.
Construct threat and trust models.
Investigate error handling and recovery strategies.
Develop a full, socio-technical systems analysis.
Develop prototypes and run trials, e.g., e-voting
– Investigate public understanding, acceptance and
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
Future work
• Beyond the current scheme:
– Finalise remote, coercion resistant version
(using “capabilities”).
– Re-encryption mixes.
– Establish minimal assumptions.
– Alternative sources of seed entropy: Voters,
optical fibres in the paper, quantum…?
– Alternative robust mixes, e.g., ZK shuffle
– Quantum variants.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes
David Chaum, Secret-Ballot receipts: True Voter-Verifiable Elections, IEEE Security and Privacy
Journal, 2(1): 38-47, Jan/Feb 2004.
J W Bryans & P Y A Ryan “A Dependability Analysis of the Chaum Voting Scheme”, Newcastle
Tech Report CS-TR-809, 2003.
J W Bryans & P Y A Ryan, “Security and Trust in a Voter-verifiable Election Scheme”, FAST 2003.
P Y A Ryan & J W Bryans “A Simplified Version of the Chaum Voting Scheme”, Newcastle TR
P Y A Ryan, Towards a Dependability Case for the Chaum Voting Scheme, DIMACS June 2004.
P Y A Ryan, “E-voting”, presentation to the Caltech/MIT workshop on voting technology, MIT
Boston 1-2 October 2004.
P Y A Ryan, “A Variant of the Chaum Voter-verifiable Election scheme”, WITS, 10-11 January
2005 Long Beach Ca.
D Chaum, P Y A Ryan, S A Schneider, “A Practical, Voter-Verifiable Election Scheme”, Newcastle
TR 880 December 2004, Proceedings ESORICS 2005, LNCS 3679.
B Randell, P Y A Ryan, “Trust and Voting Technology”, NCL CS Tech Report 911, June 2005, to
appear IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine.
P Y A Ryan, T Peacock, “Prêt à Voter, A Systems Perspective”, NCL CS Tech Report 929,
September 2005, submitted to IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium 2006.
Clarkson and Myers, “Coercion-resistant Remote Voting using Decryption Mixes”, at FEE 2005.
NeSC Edinburgh
27 Feb 2006
P Y A Ryan
Socio-technical trade-offs in Voting Schemes