REALISTE Realistic modelling in Environmental And LIfe Sciences Through Escience Addresses issues of complexity and knowledge creation and management myGrid and RealityGrid work is complementary Combine with FP5 Grid Projects Realiste Grid Strategy “Connect locally, connect globally”. Grids are federations on sub and super-scales. Grids are about flow of information not just computation. A experiment, a supercomputer, a database are all Grid components. Define a role for HEC in Grid. Realiste Components A high quality network – GEANT Grid middleware – Globus and Unicore Computing resources, heterogeneous Centres of data and expertise, EBI, EMBL. Scientific applications and collaboration Support and training, national centres of excellence, e.g CSC, PSC, NIEES Industrial partners. Science Drivers Life and environmental sciences face complexity, need to bring data management and computation closer. Can build on data and computation layers of the Grid, FP5 projects. Europe has great strength in modelling and complex Grid applications, lead in GGF Applications WG Links with activity in Asia-Pacific, e.g. Earth Simulator. Grid Workflow Model Retrieve sources Get input data Linux Build executable Import Transfer IBM Compile Import SGI Transfer Link Transfer VPP Execute Transfer Export Run model Global collaborations Distributed collaborative working on a global scale Global Supercomputing project funded by JISC aroused interest at SC2001, HPCN 2001 carrying onto iGRID 2002 Tests Grid complexity Collaboration - SC2001 Towards a European Access Grid. Solar Terrestrial Physics Workshop Teleradiology, Denver Gaussian98 in EUROGRID Successful presentation to EU reviewers Dec 2001 Allows commercial packages to be Gridenabled Applications launched via GUI from desktop, laptop or PDA Bring computation to data EUROGRID Plug-in for Gaussian Knowledge Creation Applications / Problem Solving Environments LUSI Portal Computational PSE Visualization & Steering Component Repository Application Toolkits MPICH-G DUROC GlobusView globusrun VIPAR Component Framework Grid Services GASS LSF SRB NQE MDS PBS MPI Oxford Manchester GSI Imperial College HBM GRAM Grid Fabric Tru64 EPCC GSI-FTP UNICOS Linux Solaris Grid Resources QM-LUSI/XMT IRIX Manchester Loughborough QM Meteo–Grid Ubiquitous access to local weather prediction software, developed at DWD DWD Global model Databases Request global data HPC-GRID center GME : mesh 60Km, 31 layers Send global data Request prediction WAN LM : mesh 25Km x 2 Km Client workstation typically 48hs (somewhere) Status : DWD and CSCS currently interfacing GME and LM. IDRIS running LM Emergent behaviour • • • • Self-sustaining global Grids are likely to emerge from federation of successful VOs For self-sustaining GRIDs, questions of accounting, resource transfer and trust are of central interest. How much structure for Grid economies to emerge? It is important that the structures arise out of scientific necessity and not solely to create a Grid. Issues Links with DataGrid bioinformatics work, links between physics and biology Grid work. Relation to overall European Grid. Complementary to UK eScience proposal. Provenance, metadata and workflow for simulation techniques, GriPhyN workshop also beginning to address these issues.