Tutorial 2: Client Java tutorial

Tutorial 2: Client Java tutorial
This document is designed to provide a tutorial for using the OMII_1 Client Distribution’s Java
API to write programs that run an application installed on an OMII_1 service provider.
This tutorial is targeted at developers with a basic to intermediate level of Java expertise, who
are familiar with running basic jobs from the OMII_1 Client Distribution using the command
line. It is assumed that developers have overall knowledge of the OMII_1 architecture,
including each of the four services provided by the OMII_1 service provider.
Example 1: Single Job
Example 2: Two Jobs
Example 3: n Parallel Jobs
Appendix A: Single Job - SmallApp.java
Appendix B: Two Sequential Jobs - SmallAppSeq2.java
Appendix C: Two Parallel Jobs - SmallAppPar2.java
Appendix D: n Parallel Jobs - SmallAppParN.java
Appendix E: OMIIUtilities.java
Appendix F: OMII Compilation and Execution Scripts
Appendix G: OMII Work-SmallApp.xml
Equivalent examples in Globus for Tutorial 2 can be found here.
Document Scope
This tutorial will focus on the client-side aspects of using Java to implement simple, typical
grid workflow models to drive the execution of jobs on a service provider. It will deal with how
to use the client API to utilise the four services contained within a service provider installation
to facilitate obtaining an allocation, uploading input data, executing a number of jobs, and
downloading output data.
The prerequisites for the tutorial are:
1. The installation of an OMII_1 Client (Windows or Linux). This will be used as a platform to
submit jobs from.
2. Access to an OMII_1 Server which has the OMII Base, Extension and Services installed.
An open, credit-checked account on the OMII_1 Server. (See Creating a new account).
A working and tested GRIATestApp application (installed by default as part of the
OMII_1 services installation). See How to install the OMII Services.
Scenario Background
The simple scenario used by this tutorial is one that represents a class of problem that is
commonly solved using grid software: a user has a set of data that he wants processed by an
application, and he wishes to use the computational and data resources provided by another
user on another machine to expedite this process. This may involve running the application
many times over this data to produce output for each element in the data set.
Using an OMII_1 approach, this process involves the following steps, described in a taskoriented form:
1. Ensure application is installed on the service provider: Since the OMII_1
Distribution uses a static application model the user needs to ensure that the
application they wish to use is installed on the service provider.
2. Obtain account on the service provider: This is required before anything can be
done by the client on the server.
3. Obtain resource allocation: This involves determining the requirements of the
entire process and submitting them as a request for resources to the service provider.
If approved, an allocation is sent back to the client that provides a context within which
applications can be run.
4. Upload input data: Data to be processed by the application is uploaded to input
data stager area(s) on the server.
5. Execute the application on the input data: Execute the application on each
element in the input data (held in the input data stager areas). Output is held in output
data stager area(s). A single run of an application on a set of input data that produces
output data is referred to as a job.
6. Download the output produced by the application: Data produced by the
application from the input data is downloaded from the output data stager areas on the
7. Finish the allocation: The client informs the server that they no longer require the
Note that the first step is a manual one achieved by interaction between the client user and a
service provider administrator, who must inspect and approve the application before installing
it on their server. The second step is initiated using the OMII_1 Client software as a request
to a service provider who must approve, and possibly credit check, the user’s request. Upon
success of the request, the user receives an account URI that they can use to access the
functionality provided by the server itself. Taking the nature of steps 1-2 into account, it is
steps 3-7 that we can automate into a Java workflow.
An interesting point to note is that when a job is submitted to the service provider, the job may
be run on the machine local to the service provider or it may be redistributed to a cluster
manager (e.g. PBS, Condor), depending on how the service-provider is configured. You will
have no control over which platform your job is running on. The benefit for this is that you will
not have to worry about writing different submission scripts for jobs running on different
cluster resource manager platforms.
Example Implementations
This section will look at how to write Java clients that use the OMII_1 Client API to run jobs,
and how to set up an environment in which to compile and run those clients. This section will
make reference to each of the Appendices.
The examples shown in this tutorial use the GRIATestApp application preinstalled in any
standard installation of the OMII_1 Server. The GRIATestApp is an application implemented
in Perl which inputs one or more text files, sorts the words in each file into alphabetical order
and outputs the same number of text files. On the service provider, the application wrapper
script for the GRIATestApp accepts input and produces output in zipped file format.
Environment - Setting Up
Perform the following steps to set up a development environment for this tutorial:
In the OMII Client install directory (e.g. /home/user1/OMIICLIENT) create a
subdirectory, for example, tutorial.
Copy the Java examples given in Appendices 1-4 into this directory under their
respective file names.
Copy the Work-Small.xml file given in Appendix 6 into the tutorial directory.
Depending on whether the client platform is Linux or Windows, copy the appropriate
CompileEx and RunEx scripts (held in Appendix F) into the tutorial directory.
For these tutorials, a script like CompileEx can be used to compile the examples. Windows
and Linux versions of this script are given in Appendix F. For example, on Linux you can use
it to compile the first example using:
$ ./CompileEx.sh SmallApp
You do not need to specify the.java suffix for the Java source file.
Running the compiled examples can be done using a script like RunEx which can also be
found in Appendix 5 for Windows and Linux. For example, in Linux, to run the first example
(note no .class suffix):
$ ./RunEx.sh SmallApp
This utilizes a Java class installed as part of the OMII Client installation
(CreateRequirementsFile.class) that automatically generates an OMII Client Requirements
XML file. For more details about this class, see the OMII Client Command Line tutorial.
Example 1: Single Job
Firstly, we need to define the overall structure for our class. For conciseness, a few simple
convenience functions that perform simple XML and allocation handling have been delegated
into a separate class, OMIIUtilities.java, which is shown in Appendix E. These functions will
be explained as they are encountered in this tutorial. Our example class, SmallApp, inherits
this class to be able to use these functions. The entire source for this class can be found in
Appendix A:
class SmallApp extends OMIIUtilities {
public static StateRepository repository = null;
public static final String serviceProviderAccount =
The serviceProviderAccount constant should be changed to reflect the open account on a
service provider you wish the client to use for this tutorial.
Within this class is first defined a StateRepository variable, which will be used to hold open
account conversations and the conversational state of an allocation and its associated job,
and data conversations. We have also defined a constant that simply holds the account this
example will use. This should be changed to reflect an open, credit-checked account that the
client has with the service provider, which can be harvested from an OMII Client Accounts.xml
Next, we define the main() function within this class.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GRIARemoteException,
UserAbort, NoSuchConversation, InterruptedException {
Note that we express the exceptions that may be thrown within this function. Ideally, each of
these exceptions would be caught at the appropriate points within the code and dealt with, but
they have been demoted to ‘throws’ around the main() function for the sake of brevity. By
missing this throw list out, compilation will identify the points in the code where these
exceptions should be caught.
Within main, some initial preparation is necessary in order for us to tender a set of
requirements. The main() function first calls setupLogging(), a function inherited from
the OMIIUtilities class, which simply initializes Java’s logging, for Java’s LogManager and
log4j. However, the most important logging configuration is for log4j, the properties of which
can be changed in the OMII Client’s conf/ subdirectory, if required for debugging purposes.
Initialising the Repository and Validating Accounts
The client workflow can now be implemented. The first part of this workflow creates our
StateRepository; in this case we will use a MemoryStateRepository which stores all
allocation conversation state non-persistently in memory. The account held in
serviceProviderAccount is then imported into this repository:
repository = new MemoryStateRepository();
repository.importAccountConversation(new URL(serviceProviderAccount), "Test");
AccountConversation[] accounts = repository.getAccountConversations();
We could import many accounts here if we wished. As an alternative, we could have used a
FileStateRepository here for persistent storage of conversation state. For example:
repository = new FileStateRepository(“<repository_filename>.state”);
Test is a local client reference that we can use to refer to this account, but since this Java
client does not need to refer to this account offline, we do not need to use it. To ensure that
the account is contactable on the server, we do the following:
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
It actually checks all client accounts that exist within the repository by asking the server’s
Account Service for the status of each account (since a repository can hold multiple
accounts). If an account is not open or is in some way inaccessible, this check will cause our
client to fail.
Obtaining an Allocation
Now that we have initialized logging and have a repository with a valid account, we can
tender our requirements to our service provider that holds that account. The requirements
are held in a standard OMII Client Requirements file, which is imported into a
ResourceAllocationType using the OMIIUtilities functions xmlParse() (to load the file
into the XML Document Object Model format), and getRequirements() (that takes this
XML Document and deserialises it into a ResourceAllocationType). The
getRequirements() function also syntactically validates the XML file and throws a
RuntimeException if not valid:
ResourceAllocationType requirements =
The Requirements-SmallApp.xml is created automatically by the RunEx script before the Java
client is run.
Next, we use the OMIIUtilities function getAllocation() to send our requirements to all
service providers represented by accounts in the repository (in our case only one), and return
an allocation:
AllocationConversation allocation =
getAllocation(repository, requirements, "SmallAppTest");
SmallAppTest represents the client’s local allocation name, although since we have direct
access to the allocation via its AllocationConversation, we do not need to use it to
reference this allocation.
The function getAllocation() invokes an OMII Client helper that in general performs the
following tasks:
Sends requirements to the Resource Allocation Service of all service providers
represented by accounts held in repository.
Receives offers from those service providers who make one.
Displays offers to user in a graphical user interface, allowing the user to select the offer
that best meets their requirements.
Confirms the selected offer with the service provider and receives an allocation in
Returns the allocation to the client Java application as an
The client can now use this returned AllocationConversation to create data stage areas
and jobs.
Initialise Data Stager Areas & Upload Input Data
Next, we need to upload our input data. Before we can do this, we need to initialize a data
stage area on the server to hold it. Also, following program execution, we need to download
the output data which will also be held in a data stage area. The locations for input and
output staging are required by a job when it is started, so we need to define both before we
run the job:
DataConversation DSinput = allocation.newData("input.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput = allocation.newData("output.zip");
The names ‘input.zip’ and ‘output.zip’ are local names we will use on the client to refer to
these areas later. We use the same name as the files they represent for clarity. Now we
upload the input data to the Data Service for storage:
DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input.zip"));
Execute the Application on the Input Data
The next stage involves initializing a new job, then running it. We previously obtained our
allocation by sending a list of overall job requirements to the service provider for tendering.
Now, we need to inform the service provider of the requirements for an individual job, within
the constraints of the overall list of allocation limits. These are held locally in a Work
requirements XML file which is parsed, and marshalled into a JobSpecType:
JobSpecType work = getJobSpec(xmlParse("Work-SmallApp.xml"));
It should be noted that the requirements of all individual jobs cannot exceed the overall limits
for the allocation. Therefore the following must be true:
Number_of_jobs * Work_Requirements <= Obtained_Allocation_Limits
Next, we initialize the job within our allocation with the application we wish to run and a local
name as arguments:
JobConversation JSjob = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
Again, SmallTestApp is a local client reference that we do not need, since in this case we
have direct access to the job conversation.
A job conversation is returned, which we can use to start the job and monitor its progress
later. We now start the job, passing the input and output data conversations we created
earlier (as arrays, since there may be multiple inputs and outputs) and the job’s requirements
to the service provider:
JSjob.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput });
On the service provider, the input is staged to the job, and the application run. We then
simply wait for the job to finish by using the job conversation to check whether it is active:
while (JSjob.stillActive())
Download the Output Produced by the Application
Upon completion, the job stages its output to the output stage area we defined earlier.
Downloading this output is simply accomplished by the following:
System.out.println("\nDownloading results (output.zip)");
DSoutput.read(new File("Output.zip"));
We request the output from the Data Service via the output stage area data conversation.
Finish the Allocation
After we have run all required jobs and downloaded the results, we can signal the service
provider that we no longer require our allocation and all the associated resources we
acquired. This is accomplished as follows:
Conversation[] children = allocation.getChildConversations();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
As mentioned previously, the state of our entire allocation is held in a client repository in the
form of client-server conversations. This ‘clean-up’ process effectively cycles through each
conversation entry in this repository associated with our allocation, ‘finishing’ each one and
removing it from the repository before finally finishing our allocation. Note that the account
conversation, of which the allocation is a child node, remains.
For reference, the Globus equivalent for running a single job using the Globus Java CoG
(Community Grids) Kit is given here.
Example 2: Two Jobs
Managing two jobs is much the same, but from a workflow perspective, can be accomplished
in one of two ways: running them sequentially or in parallel. For this section, we will focus on
the sequential execution of two jobs.
As before, the initial stages of creating a repository, accessing our account(s), tendering for
offers and accepting an allocation are the same. However, since we are running more than
one job, we would normally need to ensure that our list of requirements (in our client
Requirements XML file) correctly reflects our increased needs. In this case, however, the
Requirements file generated by our RunEx.sh script (Appendix F) is sufficient to run all
examples in this tutorial.
This sequential example will use the output from the first job as the input to the second (see
Appendix B). Again, the serviceProviderAccount constant must be changed to reflect
an open service provider account. Compared to the previous example, we need an additional
data stager to hold this intermediate output/input data, and we need to start a second job after
the first has finished. The data stagers, therefore, will be created thus:
DataConversation DSinput1 = allocation.newData("input1.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput1 = allocation.newData("output1.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput2 = allocation.newData("output2.zip");
The first job is initialized, started and checked for completion exactly as before:
JobConversation JSjob1 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
JSjob1.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput1 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput1 });
while (JSjob1.stillActive())
The second job is set up and checked in a similar way, but simply uses DSoutput1 as the
input to the job:
JobConversation JSjob2 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
JSjob2.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSoutput1 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput2 });
while (JSjob2.stillActive())
Note that we explicitly wait for the first job to finish before beginning the second: we cannot
simply depend on the OMII server to begin the second job when its input is ready from the
first job. Also, optionally this script could be made more efficient by moving the initialization of
the second job (the second newJob call) to immediately after the first job’s startJob. This
would mean that the second job is being initialized while the first job is running. However, if
the first job were to fail this would leave an initialized job unused.
Following the second job, the output can be downloaded and the allocation finished as before.
For reference, the Globus equivalent for running two sequential jobs using the Globus Java
CoG (Community Grids) Kit is given here.
Example 3: n Parallel Jobs
Handling multiple jobs in parallel is again similar to the first example (see Appendix C).
Again, the serviceProviderAccount constant must be changed to reflect an open
service provider account. We first initialise the input and output stagers and hold their
conversations in arrays. Assuming NUM_JOBS is a constant referring to the desired number
of jobs:
DataConversation[] DSinput = new DataConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
DSinput[inCount] = allocation.newData("input" + String.valueOf(inCount+1) + ".
DataConversation[] DSoutput = new DataConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int outCount = 0; outCount < NUM_JOBS; outCount++) {
DSoutput[outCount] = allocation.newData("output" + String.valueOf(outCount+1)
+ ".zip");
Each data stager is given a unique local name – input<n>.zip or output<n>.zip, depending on
its intended use. We use filenames as the local name, since it reflects the nature of the data,
but the name could be anything. Then, assuming input files input<1..NUM_JOBS>.zip exist
they are uploaded into the input stagers:
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input" +
String.valueOf(inCount+1) + ".zip"));
Next, we initialise the jobs, and then start them in parallel, passing each job their
corresponding input and output stager areas:
JobConversation[] JSjob = new JobConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
JSjob[inCount] = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
JSjob[inCount].startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput[inCount] },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput[inCount] });
Another approach would have been to initialise and start each job within a single loop; we
separate each part of the process for clarity.
At this point, all the jobs are executing. Then, we check each job until there is no longer any
jobs still running:
boolean stillRunningJob;
do {
stillRunningJob = false;
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
if (JSjob[inCount].stillActive()) stillRunningJob = true;
} while (stillRunningJob);
Next, we just download the results:
for (int outCount = 0; outCount < NUM_JOBS; outCount++) {
System.out.println("Downloading results (output" + String.valueOf(outCount+1)
+ ".zip)");
DSoutput[outCount].read(new File("output" + String.valueOf(outCount+1) + ".
There are more efficient ways to achieve this. One way would be to monitor all jobs, and
when one is finished, download the results immediately. The results would then be available
client-side (hopefully) soon after they become available on the server. At the moment,
downloading of all results does not occur until the slowest job has completed.
Finally, we finish the allocation as before.
For reference, the Globus equivalent for running two sequential jobs using the Globus Java
CoG (Community Grids) Kit is given in here.
Appendix A: Single Job - SmallApp.java
class SmallApp extends OMIIUtilities {
public static StateRepository repository = null;
public static final String serviceProviderAccount =
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GRIARemoteException,
UserAbort, NoSuchConversation, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Small App - GRIATestApp Java demonstration");
System.out.println("\n-- Setting up logging --\n");
System.out.println("\n-- Beginning GRIATestApp client demo --\n");
System.out.println("Creating memory (non persistent) repository");
repository = new MemoryStateRepository();
repository.importAccountConversation(new URL(serviceProviderAccount), "Test");
AccountConversation[] accounts = repository.getAccountConversations();
// Getting account status ensures a known client race condition does not occur
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
System.out.println("Retrieving allocation requirements");
ResourceAllocationType requirements =
System.out.println("Tendering requirements to service providers\n");
AllocationConversation allocation = getAllocation(repository, requirements,
System.out.println("\nCreating input/output data staging areas");
DataConversation DSinput = allocation.newData("input.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput = allocation.newData("output.zip");
System.out.println("Uploading input data (input.zip)");
DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input.zip"));
System.out.println("Retrieving individual job requirements");
JobSpecType work = getJobSpec(xmlParse("Work-SmallApp.xml"));
System.out.println("Initialising job");
JobConversation JSjob = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
System.out.println("Starting job");
JSjob.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput });
System.out.println("Waiting for job to finish");
while (JSjob.stillActive())
System.out.println("\nDownloading results (output.zip)");
DSoutput.read(new File("Output.zip"));
System.out.println("Cleaning up allocation");
Conversation[] children = allocation.getChildConversations();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
System.out.println("Small App complete");
System.exit(0); // Force us to exit, even if swing thread is still running
Appendix B: Two Sequential Jobs - SmallAppSeq2.java
class SmallAppSeq2 extends OMIIUtilities {
public static StateRepository repository = null;
public static final String serviceProviderAccount =
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GRIARemoteException,
UserAbort, NoSuchConversation, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Small App - GRIATestApp Java demonstration");
System.out.println("\n-- Setting up logging --\n");
System.out.println("\n-- Beginning GRIATestApp client demo --\n");
System.out.println("Creating memory (non persistent) repository");
repository = new MemoryStateRepository();
repository.importAccountConversation(new URL(serviceProviderAccount), "Test");
AccountConversation[] accounts = repository.getAccountConversations();
// Getting account status ensures a known client race condition does not occur
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
System.out.println("Retrieving allocation requirements");
ResourceAllocationType requirements =
System.out.println("Tendering requirements to service providers\n");
AllocationConversation allocation = getAllocation(repository, requirements,
System.out.println("\nCreating input/output data staging areas");
DataConversation DSinput1 = allocation.newData("input1.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput1 = allocation.newData("output1.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput2 = allocation.newData("output2.zip");
System.out.println("Uploading input data (inputn.zip)");
DataHandler handler1 = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input1.zip"));
System.out.println("Retrieving individual job requirements");
JobSpecType work = getJobSpec(xmlParse("Work-SmallApp.xml"));
System.out.println("Initialising job 1");
JobConversation JSjob1 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
System.out.println("Starting job 1");
JSjob1.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput1 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput1 });
System.out.println("Waiting for job 1 to finish");
while (JSjob1.stillActive())
System.out.println("\nInitialising job 2");
JobConversation JSjob2 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
System.out.println("Starting job 2");
JSjob2.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSoutput1 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput2 });
System.out.println("Waiting for job 2 to finish");
while (JSjob2.stillActive())
System.out.println("\nDownloading results (output2.zip)");
DSoutput2.read(new File("output2.zip"));
System.out.println("Cleaning up allocation");
Conversation[] children = allocation.getChildConversations();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
System.out.println("Small App complete");
System.exit(0); // Force us to exit, even if swing thread is still running
Appendix C: Two Parallel Jobs - SmallAppPar2.java
class SmallAppPar2 extends OMIIUtilities {
public static StateRepository repository = null;
public static final String serviceProviderAccount =
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GRIARemoteException,
UserAbort, NoSuchConversation, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Small App - GRIATestApp Java demonstration");
System.out.println("\n-- Setting up logging --\n");
System.out.println("\n-- Beginning GRIATestApp client demo --\n");
System.out.println("Creating memory (non persistent) repository");
repository = new MemoryStateRepository();
repository.importAccountConversation(new URL(serviceProviderAccount),
AccountConversation[] accounts = repository.getAccountConversations();
// Getting account status ensures a known client race condition does not
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
System.out.println("Retrieving allocation requirements");
ResourceAllocationType requirements =
System.out.println("Tendering requirements to service providers\n");
AllocationConversation allocation = getAllocation(repository,
System.out.println("\nCreating input/output data staging areas");
DataConversation DSinput1 = allocation.newData("input1.zip");
DataConversation DSinput2 = allocation.newData("input2.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput1 = allocation.newData("output1.zip");
DataConversation DSoutput2 = allocation.newData("output2.zip");
System.out.println("Uploading input data (inputn.zip)");
DataHandler handler1 = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input1.zip"));
DataHandler handler2 = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input2.zip"));
System.out.println("Retrieving individual job requirements");
JobSpecType work = getJobSpec(xmlParse("Work-SmallApp.xml"));
System.out.println("Initialising job");
JobConversation JSjob1 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
JobConversation JSjob2 = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
System.out.println("Starting jobs");
JSjob1.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput1 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput1 });
JSjob2.startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput2 },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput2 });
System.out.println("Waiting for job to finish");
while (JSjob1.stillActive() || JSjob2.stillActive())
System.out.println("\nDownloading results (outputn.zip)");
DSoutput1.read(new File("output1.zip"));
DSoutput2.read(new File("output2.zip"));
System.out.println("Cleaning up allocation");
Conversation[] children = allocation.getChildConversations();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
System.out.println("Small App complete");
System.exit(0); // Force us to exit, even if swing thread is still
Appendix D: n Parallel Jobs - SmallAppParN.java
class SmallAppParN extends OMIIUtilities {
public static StateRepository repository = null;
public static final int NUM_JOBS = 2;
public static final String serviceProviderAccount =
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GRIARemoteException,
UserAbort, NoSuchConversation, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Small App - GRIATestApp Java demonstration");
System.out.println("\n-- Setting up logging --\n");
System.out.println("\n-- Beginning GRIATestApp client demo --\n");
System.out.println("Creating memory (non persistent) repository");
repository = new MemoryStateRepository();
repository.importAccountConversation(new URL(serviceProviderAccount),
AccountConversation[] accounts = repository.getAccountConversations();
// Getting account status ensures a known client race condition does not
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
System.out.println("Retrieving allocation requirements");
ResourceAllocationType requirements =
System.out.println("Tendering requirements to service providers\n");
AllocationConversation allocation = getAllocation(repository,
DataConversation[] DSinput = new DataConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
System.out.println("Creating input data staging area " +
DSinput[inCount] = allocation.newData("input" + String.valueOf
(inCount+1) + ".zip");
DataConversation[] DSoutput = new DataConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int outCount = 0; outCount < NUM_JOBS; outCount++) {
System.out.println("Creating output data staging area " +
DSoutput[outCount] = allocation.newData("output" + String.valueOf
(outCount+1) + ".zip");
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
System.out.println("Uploading input data (input" + String.valueOf
(inCount+1) + ".zip)");
DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("input" +
String.valueOf(inCount+1) + ".zip"));
System.out.println("Retrieving individual job requirements");
JobSpecType work = getJobSpec(xmlParse("Work-SmallApp.xml"));
JobConversation[] JSjob = new JobConversation[NUM_JOBS];
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
System.out.println("Initialising job " + String.valueOf(inCount
JSjob[inCount] = allocation.newJob("http://omii.org/GRIATestApp",
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
System.out.println("Starting job " + String.valueOf(inCount+1));
JSjob[inCount].startJob(work, new DataConversation[] { DSinput
[inCount] },
new DataConversation[] { DSoutput[inCount] });
System.out.println("Waiting for jobs to finish");
boolean stillRunningJob;
do {
stillRunningJob = false;
for (int inCount = 0; inCount < NUM_JOBS; inCount++) {
if (JSjob[inCount].stillActive()) stillRunningJob = true;
} while (stillRunningJob);
for (int outCount = 0; outCount < NUM_JOBS; outCount++) {
System.out.println("Downloading results (output" + String.valueOf
(outCount+1) + ".zip)");
DSoutput[outCount].read(new File("output" + String.valueOf(outCount
+1) + ".zip"));
System.out.println("Cleaning up allocation");
Conversation[] children = allocation.getChildConversations();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
System.out.println("Small App complete");
System.exit(0); // Force us to exit, even if swing thread is still
Appendix E: OMIIUtilities.java
class OMIIUtilities {
// Logging
public static void setupLogging() {
LogManager logger = LogManager.getLogManager();
java.util.logging.Logger root = logger.getLogger("");
if (root != null)
System.out.println("Note: Failed to find root logger");
// And again, this time for log4j
PropertyConfigurator.configure(new File("../conf",
System.out.println("Logger initialised");
// XML Document handling
// Given a filename which points to an XML file, return an XML Document object
// that file
public static Document xmlParse(String xmlFile) throws IOException {
Document doc;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = docBuilder.parse(new File(xmlFile));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Your '" + xmlFile + "' file is not
correct.", ex);
return doc;
// Given an XML document, return the main document element as a Resource
// type
public static ResourceAllocationType getRequirements(Document doc) {
try {
return (ResourceAllocationType) Unmarshaller.unmarshal(
ResourceAllocationType.class, doc.getDocumentElement());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("New requirements doc is not valid!",
// Given an XML document, return the main document element as a JobSpec type
public static JobSpecType getJobSpec(Document doc) {
try {
return (JobSpecType) Unmarshaller.unmarshal(JobSpecType.class,
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Work requirements doc is not valid!",
public static AllocationConversation getAllocation(StateRepository rep,
ResourceAllocationType req, String name) {
try {
AllocationHelper helper =
new AllocationHelperImpl(rep, new SwingInputHandler());
return (AllocationConversation) helper.getBestAllocation(req,
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem getting allocations from
service provider(s)!", ex);
Appendix F: OMII Compilation and Execution Scripts
export MY_CLASSPATH=.:../lib:
for j in `ls ../lib/*.jar`; do
echo "Compiling the sample GRIATestApp client..."
javac -classpath $MY_CLASSPATH $1.java
export MY_PARAMS=-Dgria.config.dir=../conf
export MY_CLASSPATH=.:../lib:
for j in `ls ../lib/*.jar`; do
echo Create Requirements.xml file...
rm Requirements-SmallApp.xml
java -cp .. CreateRequirementsFile http://omii.org/GRIATestApp Requirements-SmallApp.
echo "Running the sample GRIATestApp client..."
@echo OFF
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set MY_CLASSPATH=.;..\lib;
for %%j in (..\lib\*.jar) do set MY_CLASSPATH=!MY_CLASSPATH!;%%j
echo Compiling the sample GRIATestApp client...
javac -classpath %MY_CLASSPATH% %1.java
endlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo OFF
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set MY_PARAMS=-Dgria.config.dir=../conf
set MY_CLASSPATH=.;..\lib;
for %%j in (..\lib\*.jar) do set MY_CLASSPATH=!MY_CLASSPATH!;%%j
echo Create Requirements.xml file...
del /Q Requirements-SmallApp.xml
java -cp .. CreateRequirementsFile http://omii.org/GRIATestApp Requirements-SmallApp.
echo Running the sample GRIATestApp client...
java -cp %MY_CLASSPATH% %MY_PARAMS% %1
endlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Appendix G: OMII Work-SmallApp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<spec xmlns:ns1="http://www.gria.org/org/gria/serviceprovider/commontypes/messaging">
1.2 P1 © University of Southampton, Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute