Document 13346965

Meeting Date: 27-Oct-15 Montgomery Hall Rm 316
Chairing the meeting: Jeff Carmichael
In attendance: Jeff Carmichael, Jeff Holm, Shuzo Takahashi, Cynthia Prescott, Heidi Czerwiec, Lucian
Stone, and Annette Glennon.
Absent: Harmon Abrahamson
Matters arising:
Jeff C brought the meeting to order at 2:00 pm and introduced Ryan Zerr who was attending the
meeting as the representative for the College of Arts and Sciences at the University Curriculum Council.
The Theatre Arts Department is requesting to switch the semesters that Theatre 230 and 371 are
offered. Jeff H made the motion to approve and it was seconded by Cynthia. Passed unanimously.
Jeff H. introduced Math 400 and said the department wants to change its title because of the addition
of the Math 399 course. Jeff H approved, Lucian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Cindy presented Bio 336, 418, and 491. A change of pre-requisites and the minor description will be
changed for Bio 336. The request for Bio 418 was to change the title to better reflect the teaching
content. The department wants to make Bio 491 repeatable to 4 credits. Cindy made a motion to
approve all three changes and Jeff H. seconded it. Passed unanimously.
History 325, 352, 353,355, and 440: the request was to make slight changes to the description of each
course. History 260, Slaves, Citizens, and Social Changes, is a new course. Discussion followed about
adding “on demand” new courses. Heidi made a motion to accept all the changes and Lucian seconded
it. Motion passed with Cindy abstaining.
Global Gateways, Language 380, is a new course which will 1) prepare students with an interdisciplinary
bridge course to the capstone, 2) anchor high impact practices into the overall departmental curriculum, and
3) draw upon the collective expertise and experience of all members of the Languages faculty. This new
course will be a curricular companion to the current capstone, LANG 480: Global Connections. It will be
repeatable to six credits when topics vary. Jeff C. moved to approve and Heidi seconded. There was some
discussion about the new course and then unanimous approval from the committee. The major in
Chinese Studies wants to add Lang. 380. Jeff C. approved and Jeff H. seconded. The major in Classical
Studies wants to add Lang. 380. Jeff C. approved and Cindy seconded. Unanimous. The major in French
is requesting a few changes; there will be a change in the course description and Lang. 380 will be added
to the curriculum. Jeff C. approved and Heidi seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. The German
major had a few minor changes which were approved by Jeff C. and seconded by Cindy. Unanimous
approval. Program changes were submitted for the Norwegian major to add Lang. 380 as a required
course, too, as well as deleting some extra text. Jeff C. made the motion to approve and Jeff H.
seconded it. After discussion it passed unanimously. The Spanish major requested to drop 307, 310,
311, and 494. There was also a request to add 380 and 450. The current requirement is for 30 credits in
the major and that is being dropped to 27 credits. Jeff C. made a motion to accept the program changes
for the Spanish major and Cindy seconded. Passed unanimously. Program changes were requested, too,
for the Spanish minor. The request was to drop 307, 310 and 311 and to add 380 Global Gateways. The
program change also involves a reduction of required credits from 15 to 12. Jeff C approved/Heidi
seconded. Unanimously passed.
The History department made very minor changes to History 332 and 333. Both may be used as an
elective for Women & Gender Studies, but the changes were minor enough, the committee does not
require letters of support. Shuzo made a motion to accept/Jeff H seconded. Lucian and Heidi voted to
approve and Cindy abstained. Motion passed.
Languages requested to drop Spanish 151/152 as they are redundant courses. Lucian made the motion
to approve/Cindy seconded. Passed unanimously.
Spanish will delete the currently required SPAN 307, SPAN 310 and SPAN 311,will require LANG 380, and
shift credit weight among other existing courses to lower the upper level credit requirement from 30 to
27 credits. This reflects departmental goals towards program alignment, a better 4-year plan and
national discipline recommendations. Lucian made a motion to approve and Cindy seconded. Passed
The minor in Russian is being de-activated due to there being no qualified instructor at present to teach
it. Jeff C. made the motion/Lucian seconded it and it passed unanimously.
The International Studies major is looking at making some minor program changes. They want to add
Language 380 and require a study abroad experience. Committee members were concerned this would
present a financial hardship for some students. The request was rolled back to Claudia Routon.
Jeff H. made a motion to adjourn at 3:20.