A&S Faculty Grant Writing Initiative DESCRIPTION: The Faculty Grant Writing Initiative is an effort to support external grant proposal development projects within the UND College of Arts & Sciences through course releases. In accordance with the College’s Strategic Plan, a pool of funds has been set aside to provide faculty with release time for grant writing. Requests for course releases should be made in accordance with department or program policies and in close consultation with the department chair or program director. Faculty at all stages of their career are encouraged to apply. Collaborative grant writing efforts involving two Arts & Sciences faculty members working on the same proposal will be considered. Successful applicants are required to submit an external grant proposal within six months of the end of the course release. The grant period is the 2016-17 Academic Year, but the course releases are for one semester only (i.e., either Fall 2016 or Spring 2017). The deadline to apply is November 9, 2015 (see detailed timeline on Page 2). Applications must include a letter of support from the department chair or program director. ELIGIBILITY: 1. Faculty members from any College of Arts & Sciences department or program can apply. Applications to fund two A&S faculty members to work on the same external grant proposal are allowed. Collaborative proposals with UND faculty from other colleges or institutions are also allowed, although funding through this program will support UND College of A&S faculty only. 2. Although these awards are primarily intended for tenured and tenure-track faculty in A&S, temporary faculty can apply as long as research/creative activity is required by their UND contract and they will complete their proposed activity and submit their external grant proposal while employed at UND. 3. Departments and programs can submit multiple proposals. If more than one proposal is submitted, the department chair/program director is required to rank the proposals and to justify his/her rankings before forwarding the proposals to the College. APPLICATION PREPARATION: 1. Cover sheet: Project title, faculty names and affiliations, faculty ranks, and original copies of faculty and department chair signatures. Please indicate the semester during with the release is being requested. 2. Proposal summary (2 pages maximum) a. Summarize the proposed research. b. What funding agency or foundation is targeted? What is the submission deadline? What is the approximate dollar amount that will be requested? 3. Abbreviated Academic Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum): The résumé/CV should include education, employment history, and most relevant citations (e.g., publications, presentations, performances, juried exhibitions). 4. Letter of support from the department chair or program director. 1 PROCESS AND CRITERIA FOR AWARD SELECTION: Members of the Resources and Infrastructure Committee within the College of Arts & Sciences will review and score proposals and make recommendations to the Dean, who will award funding. Reviewers will be asked to evaluate and rank applications according to the following criteria: 1. The promise of quality of the applicant's work; 2. The quality of the conception, organization, and description of the project; and 3. The likelihood that the project will result in external funding. AWARD REQUIREMENTS: 1. All recipients of Faculty Grant Writing Initiative awards are required to submit an external grant proposal within six months of the end of the course release. DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS: November 9, 2015: Proposals are due to the A&S Dean’s Office in electronic form. Please submit to Annette Glennon via email at: annette.glennon@und.edu. In the email subject line, please type “Grant Writing Fund.” Members of the Resources and Infrastructure Committee will review and score the proposals and make recommendations to the Dean. The final decision on awards are made by the Dean. December 8, 2015: Awards are announced. August 16, 2016: Start of the award period. May 31, 2017: End of the award period. January 31, 2017: Final reports are due to the A&S Dean’s Office. 2 FACULTY GRANT WRITING INITIATIVE Please Type Form PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Name: Title: Department: Phone: ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS: Name: Title: Department: Phone: AMOUNT REQUESTED : $ PROPOSAL TITLE: REQUESTED COURSE RELEASE SEMESTER : _________________________ SIGNATURES OF APPROVAL: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Principal Investigator Department Head _____________________________________________________________________________________ Co-Principal Investigator Department Head PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Cover Sheet Project Summary (2 pages maximum) Abbreviated resume/vitae (2 pages maximum) Electronic Copy Has a proposal been submitted to an outside organization? If so: Organization Yes No Date Submitted: 3