AY 2013-2014 REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM THE A&S STUDENT TECHNOLOGY ALLOCATION PROPOSAL TITLE: Name: Department: E-mail: Phone #: Box #: THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED: Department/units must send proposals to the A&S Student Technology Fee Committee for review, prioritization and awarding of funds. Proposals should be submitted electronically to cheryl.schreiner@und.edu for routing to the committee. STF computer purchases should be made using the ITSS volume computer purchase program or quote process from desired vendor. The University’s computer purchasing process is described on the ITSS website at http://und.edu/tech-support/faculty-staff/computer-purchases.cfm For assistance with special computer requirements call the ITSS Help Center at 7-6305 or email tech support UND.techsupport@email.UND.edu _____ I HAVE SUBMITTED THE PROPOSAL TO THE CENTER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL & LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES FOR REVIEW OF: AV EQUIPMENT, RENOVATION/CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, COSTS OF INSTALLATIONS, AV SYSTEM AND NETWORK COMPATIBILITY AND EXTENDED WARRANTIES. (Lori Swinney: 777-3569, or lori.swinney@email.UND.edu Contact Date: ___________________ _____ (IF APPLICABLE) I HAVE SUBMITTED THIS PROPOSAL TO THE FACILITIES DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW OF: REMODELING OF ROOMS, WIRING, CABLING, FLOORING, AND VENTILATION. (Larry Zitzow - 777-2591 or larry.zitzow@und.edu Contact Date: ___________________ _____ A BRIEF STATEMENT OF WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED WITH STF AWARD MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE A&S STF COMMITTEE UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. PLEASE SEND AN ELECTRONIC COPY TO Cheryl Schreiner, Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office at cheryl.schreiner@und.edu NOTE: THIS STEP MUST BE COMPLETED FOR FUNDS RECEIVED DURING THE 2010-2013 CYCLE BEFORE A DEPARTMENT WILL BE AWARDED FUNDS FOR THE 2013-16 FUNDING CYCLE. Building and Room number where equipment will be located: ______________________________________________ Is Internet access in this area adequate to support this project? Yes_____ No_____ Summary of Proposal (Please do NOT use attachments. Confine comments to the space provided: Page 1 of 5 Which best describes student access to the resources you are requesting. Do not worry if your proposal doesn’t fit directly into one of these categories. You will have a chance later to explain everything in detail. _____ _____ _____ _____ No Restrictions (any UND student may use the proposed resource) Campus Unit Gets Priority (e.g. students in your department get first priority to use the resource) By Appointment (an appointment is required to use the resource) No Access (students may not use the resource) Security measures currently in place in room where the equipment is to be located: ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Average number of student hours per week that will be served by the equipment requested: _____________________ Which departments will be served? _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ If replacing equipment, what is the age of the equipment to be replaced? ___________________________________ If applicable, is it feasible for your department/unit to split up the purchase between multiple fiscal years? _________ Please provide a brief explanation: Page 2 of 5 PLEASE PROVIDE DETAILED BUDGET WITH JUSTIFICATION AND PRICE: 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ 7. $ 8. $ 9. $ 10. $ 11. $ 12. $ 13. $ 14. $ 15. $ 16. $ 17. $ 18. $ 19. $ 20. $ TOTAL OF ALL ITEMS: $ LESS MATCHING FUNDS PROVIDED BY DEPARTMENT (List Fund # ______): $( TOTAL REQUESTED FROM A&S STUDENT TECHNOLOGY BUDGET: $ ) Page 3 of 5 1. Describe the current technical support available for this project: 2. Describe existing equipment that will be used for this project as well as equipment that would be available for repurposing within your department or the College of A&S. a. If applicable, describe how you will use current equipment for this project. b. If applicable, describe how you would use any repurposed equipment within your own department. c. If applicable, list/describe computers that would be available for repurposing within the College Page 4 of 5 RATIONALE FOR THE EQUIPMENT: Please address each of the following. Keep your comments as concise as possible, and limit them to the space provided. 1. Describe how this proposal will specifically benefit students. 2. How does this proposal enhance the department’s curriculum and/or research? 3. If appropriate, describe how this proposal uses innovative ways of enhancing the students’ learning/teaching/university experience. 4. Other considerations that the committee may find helpful: Departmental Chair Approval: _______________________________________________ Chair Signature Ranking by Department (if applicable) ________________________________________ Page 5 of 5