A Vision for The European Research Area 2030 John Wood Chair European Research Area Board Imperial College, London 31/05/2016 1 The future is not what it used to be! Empowering researchers to own the future. • Research is increasingly global – what can little Europe do? How can we work together more effectively? • Grand challenges are pressing – what is the role for small scale research? 2 Burying our heads in the sand- the status quo is not an option! • The world of research is changing • Still need for bottom up ideas but…. – The challenges before the world are so immense that we need to look at how we train people to fit into large teams yet retain their own individual identity and allow room for individual creativity. – Is the idea of the conventional Ph.D. past its sell by date? How should we train and conduct research in this environment? • The need for well managed RIs both physical and dispersed are going to be crucial 3 Upcoming issues •Globalisation of research •The real impact of e-research •Increasing requirement to deliver “whole body” solutions within a global context •Impact of large research infrastructures •To what extent do we start to see the student/researcher as a cog in a large machine. •Where is creativity in this context? 4 No longer one technique in one place! •Many research areas demand a multitechnique approach. • Users are not necessarily expert in these techniques – E.g. Biologists will send samples and remotely access data. •Grid will enable several scientists to control experiments in real time •Interoperability between equipment and data sets becomes imperative. 5 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 6 Science driver:- Integration of Data (and publications) Neutron diffraction X-ray diffraction NMR } } High-quality structure refinement 7 The Centrality of Research Infrastructures for Innovation 8 EUSAAR (Environment) Integrating European research infrastructures for the measurements of atmospheric properties TA (~0.2 M€): 11 ground-based stations for atmospheric research EC contribution: 5.1 M€ NA (~3.2 M€): • Standards and exchange of good practices on sampling, measurement and analysis of aerosol parameters • Training on aerosol sampling and measurements • Web portal and Database on aerosol products JRA (1.7 M€): • Methodology for determining aerosol optical density • Standard procedures for aerosol hygroscopic growth determination • A real time data collection of aerosol measurements A network of research stations exploiting the diversity of regional backgrounds 9 IA-SFS (Analytical Facilities) Integrating Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser facilities EC contribution: 27 M€ TA (~19 M€): • 15 installations, with 4000 users from a very broad spectrum of disciplines NA (~2 M€): • Specialized workshops, conferences and schools (support areas of transnational cooperation) • Exchange of scientists JRA (~6 M€): • European platform for Protein Crystallography • Development of: • • • • Instrumentation for Femtosecond Pulses Diffractive x-ray optics Superconducting Undulator Photoinjector for X-ray Free Electron Lasers Offering a common access platform and triggering coherent future developments 10 The ESFRI Roadmap is an ongoing process • First edition 2006 and updated in 2008 with 44 projects • Preparatory phase funding for most with second round soon • About 10 will fly by 2010 • European X-FEL first to go real – civil construction started in 2009 and International convention agreed 2 days ago. 11 Preparatory Phase SSH Projects CESSDA Council of European Social Science Data Archives Till December 2009 ESS European Social Survey Till May 2010 Copyright © 2009 Norwegian Social Sciences Data Services CLARIN Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure Till December 2010 DARIAH Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities Till September 2010 SHARE Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Till December 2009 Grenoble, September 10, 2009 12 Council of European Social Science Data Archives - CESSDA • • • • a distributed research infrastructure 20 social science data archives in 20 European Countries access for researchers to high quality data integrating the work of Members • one-stop shop for data • increase the quality of available data • • • • Estimated costs Preparation: 4.165 M€ (2.7M€ from the Commission) Construction: ~30M€ Operation: 3 M€/year once fully developed Decommissioning: not applicable www.cessda.org Brussels, 25 September 2008 13 Facts About CESSDA CESSDA a cooperation between institutions in 20 European countries. It has existed for more than 30 years. CESSDA is based on data transfer agreements between the members and it gives access for the scientific community to international and national data collections generated across the public (governmental), academic and commercial sectors. The CESSDA members are holding more than 25.000 datasets and did deliver 70.000 datasets to 6.500 individual researchers in 2007. It is a federation funded nationally and without any central resources and exists on minimal funds. A new legal entity with long term funding will maximize the ability of the research community to have access to the needed resources to conduct high quality research. Brussels, 12 June 2009 14 Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities- DARIAH • • • • • • • • • long-term access to and preservation of research data and digitalheritage materials making sure data can be found and accessed making interpretation tools available preserving data for future analysis standardizing tools and datasets for interoperability Estimated costs Preparation: 3,7M€ (2,5M€ from the Commission) Construction : 12M€ Operation: 4 M€/yeararatory phase Decommissioning: not applicable www.dariah.eu Brussels, 25 September 2008 15 European Social Survey - ESS • • • • • an academically driven long term pan-European Instrument monitoring changes in social values throughout Europe produce data relevant to academic debate, policy analysis, and better governance data publicly available as soon as they are available with no prior access to anybody more than 30 European countries participating • • • Estimated costs Preparation: 2 M€ (1.5 M€ from the Commission) Construction and operation: €9m per year Decommissioning: not applicable www.europeansocialsurvey.org Brussels, 25 September 2008 16 ESS ESS Participation 4 rounds 3 rounds 2 rounds • 1 round All rounds to date • • • Open and free access for noncommercial users Funded by EC, European Science Foundation, Research councils etc. in participating countries Four rounds available Almost 7 000* unique users per year *in 2009 NSD • • • • NSD is one of six partners Data archive for ESS Developed dynamic bibliographies for ESS data Map existing sources for contextual data NSD©2010 17 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe- SHARE • • • • • • • • multidisciplinary and crossnational panel database of micro data more than 30,000 individuals aged 50 or over harmonised with the U.S. Health and Retirement Study and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing the third wave is conducted in 19 nations Estimated costs Preparation : 250k€ per country/per wave (= 7.25M€ for 29 countries) Construction: 400k€ per country/per wave (= 11.6M€ for 29 countries) Operating: 300k€ per year Decommissioning: not applicable www.share-project.org Brussels, 25 September 2008 18 Common Language Resources and technology Initiative - CLARIN • • • • large-scale pan-European coordinated infrastructure language resources and technology to scholars of all disciplines based on a Grid-type infrastructure using Semantic Web technology • • • • Estimated costs Preparation: 4.1 M€ (2008 – 2010) Construction: 104 M€ (2011 - 2013) Operation: 38 M€ (2014 - 2018) Decommissioning: not applicable www.clarin.eu Brussels, 25 September 2008 19 What is CLARIN? • Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (http://www.clarin.eu) • Basic idea: – European federation of digital archives with language data and tools (text, speech, multimodal, gesture …) – target audience humanities and social sciences scholars – with uniform single sign-on access to the archives – with access to language and speech technology tools to retrieve, manipulate, enhance, explore and exploit data – all languages are equally important – to cover all EU and associated countries RAMIRI Hamburg Sept 2009 - Steven Krauwer 20 20 Examples • What the researcher should be able to ask: – give me digital copies of all contemporary documents that discuss the Great Plague of England (1348-1350) – give me all negative remarks about Islam or about soccer in the 2008 proceedings of the European Parliament – find TV interviews that involve German speakers with a Spanish accent – summarize all articles in Le Figaro of August 2009 about Mr Barroso – in Polish RAMIRI Hamburg Sept 2009 - Steven Krauwer 21 21 Main challenges Technical and linguistic • Technical challenges: – Interconnecting existing archives that may use very different ways to encode and describe data – Ensuring that existing language technology tools made for material in archive A will also work for material in archive B, and will work together – Needed: common standards • Linguistic challenges: – Ensure that all languages are sufficiently covered – Ensure that approach adopted fits for all languages – Needed: broad consultation (e.g. about standards) and verification (for each language) RAMIRI Hamburg Sept 2009 - Steven Krauwer 22 22 Main challenges Take-up • Take-up by target audience: – aim at humanities and social sciences scholars – who have no technical background – who have very little tradition in using technological tools • Special challenges: – discovering what they need – making them aware of the potential benefits of the infrastructure, e.g. to speed up or innovate their research RAMIRI Hamburg Sept 2009 - Steven Krauwer 23 23 Main challenges Legal and ethical • Legal challenges: – making a light access and licensing system for the users – protecting owners’ rights and interests – respecting national IPR legislation • Special problems: – transnational access and diversity of national IPR and data legislation – repurposed data (e.g. using novels or TV news for linguistic studies) – ethical & privacy considerations (e.g. use recorded phone calls to train speech recognition systems) RAMIRI Hamburg Sept 2009 - Steven Krauwer 24 24 scientific data as an infrastructure clinical data biology data LHC data astronomy data scientific data infrastructure computing/data grid infrastructure GÉANT network infrastructure 25 ESFRI Projects for Env. Sciences IAGOS-ERI EURO-ARGO SIOS Status 2009 AURORA BOREALIS EISCAT-3D EUFAR-COPAL LIFEWATCH EPOS EMSO ICOS 26 Large-scale e-Infrastructures for Biodiversity Research 27 Biodiversity loss, added to climate change, requires entirely new approaches and mitigation strategies. A scientific challenge. 28 nd Agriculture Water landscapes Forestry Soils / carbon stores 29 The biodiversity system is complex and cannot be described by the simple sum of its components and relations Experimentation on a few parameters is not enough: Limitations to scaling up results for understanding system properties LifeWatch adds a new technology to support the generation and analysis of large-scale data-sets on biodiversity. Find patterns and learn processes. 30 Building blocks of the research infrastructure Applications Ecosystems Analysis & modelling Species Interoperability Genes Observatories data functions 31 Distributed data generation Continental ecological monitoring sites Marine monitoring sites Plate observing system Greenhouse gas measurements Biological collections 32 Architecture Collaboration Users •Common Exploratory Environment •Collaborative Virtual Organisations Semantic annotation E-Infrastructure Analysis and processing • Integration of resources • Documented, shared workflows • Grid computation Composition Resources Data • measurements, observations & sensors • other infrastructures (e.g. ELIXIR) Statistical software Distributed computing power 33 Data + users from other infrastructures 34 XFEL: Office and Laboratory Building 35 X-ray Free Electron Laser X-ray generation 36 Peak Brightness [Phot./(s · mrad2 · mm2 · 0.1%bandw.)] Peak brightness of pulsed X-ray sources X-Ray FELs Initial Future Ultrafast x-ray sources will probe space and time with atomic resolution. ERLs 3rd Gen. SR SPPS 2nd Gen. SR Future Initial Laser Slicing what do we do today and what tomorrow? FWHM X-Ray Pulse Duration [ps] H.-D. Nuhn, H. Winick 37 Fascination - FELs for hard X-rays The X-ray free-electron lasers will provide coherent radiation of the proper wavelength and the proper time structure, so that materials and the changes of their properties can be portrayed at atomic resolution in four dimensions, in space and time. Diffraction pattern of 10 x 10 x 10 Au cluster 38 The complete single particle experiment sample delivery & diagnostics X-ray delivery X-ray generation detectors optical lasers radiation damage data management 39 Take a movie of chemical reactions Schematic presentation of transition states in a chemical reaction 40 Coulomb Explosion von Lyzosym Coulomb explosion of Lysozyme Coulomb explosion of lysozyme (50 fs) t=0 LCLS 50 fs 3x1 012 photons /100 nm spot 12 keV t=50 fsec t=100 fsec Radiation damage interferes with atomic scattering factors and atomic positions 28 ã Firmenam e (Referentennam e) R. Neutze, R. Wouts, D. van der Spoerl, E. Weckert, J. Hajdu: Nature 406 (2000) 752-757 41 The VUV-FEL user facility at DESY 42 European XFEL Facility in Hamburg phase II HERA phase I PETRA XFEL Length ca. 3.3 km 43 1k x 1k system with 4 x 4 super modules 44 DAQ Challenge: 2D X-Ray Detector Systems 100 ms 100 ms 600 ms 99.4 ms LPD 200 ns • 106 pixels per frame for one detector •O(400-500) frames per train (goal, likely will start with less) •10 trains per second (machine allows up to 30 Hz…) •With 2 Byte/pixel average rate 10 Gbyte/sec for one 2D detector! •Time between frames as short as 200ns buffering needed 45 Technology Forecast – Storage at DESY Year Rate Capability [Gbyte/sec] Storage Space [Petabyte] 2009 1 3 2012 5 26 2016 40 200 • not a technology problem • money and manpower issues • to be determined: • user behaviour • compression and accept/reject algorithms • potentially critical: access to data! 46 Today’ Situation at DESY – – – – – SUN SL8500 Tape Robot Installed at DESY in Jan 07 Up to 10,000 Cartridges Multi library capability Lifetime of about 5 to 10 years (matter of running costs) – Up to 64 drives possible – Currently 30 drives LTO3 24 data/6 backup – LTO3 400 GB/Cart, 120 MB/s 10,000 LTO3 Cartridges: 4 Petabyte V.Gülzow et al. 47 new “petaflop” supercomputers PRACE petaflop supercomputers DEISA virtual supercomputer 48 GÉANT: connecting Europe Pan-European coverage (40+ countries /3900 universities / 30+ million students) Hybrid architecture: connectivity at 10 Gb/s (aggregated traffic) dark fiber wavelengths (demanding communities) 49 GÉANT: global reach 50 EGEE: large multi-science grids Astrophysics and astroparticle physics Biomedical and bioinformatics Computational chemistry Computational sciences High Energy Physics Disaster recovery Digital Libraries Earth sciences Infrastructure Geophysics Finance >240 sites Fusion >50 000 CPUs, 25 Pbyte of storage ~100 000 jobs successfully completed per day 200 Virtual Organisations >8000 registered users, representing 1000s of scientists 51 Title of the presentation Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level – Fourth level Fifth level 31/05/2016 52 eResearch: data everywhere • Data collection – Sensor networks, global databases, local databases, desktop computer, laboratory instruments, observation devices, etc. • Data processing, analysis, visualization – Legacy codes, workflows, data mining, indexing, searching, graphics, screens, etc. • Archiving – Digital repositories, libraries, preservation, etc. SensorMap Functionality: Map navigation Data: sensor-generated temperature, video camera feed, traffic feeds, etc. Scientific visualizations NSF Cyberinfrastructure report, March 2007 53 The Problem for the eScientist / eResearcher Experiments & Instruments Other Archives Literature questions facts ? facts answers Simulations Data ingest Managing petabytes+ Common schema(s) How to organize? How to re-organize? How to coexist & cooperate with other scientists and researchers? Data query and visualization tools Support/training Performance Execute queries in a minute Batch (big) query scheduling 54 The Information Infrastructure the researcher acts through ingest and access Archival Creation The Body of Knowledge Virtual Research Environment Access Curation Services the researcher shouldn’t have to Network worry about the information infrastructure Storage Compute Information Infrastructure 55 PARSE – Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe • European funded project – 2 years from 2008-2010 • Closely linked with European Alliance for Permanent Access • Roadmap of Science Data Infrastructure • Based on UK’s Digital Curation Centre • Is there a need for a common European Data Storage Standard – UK’s UK Research Data Storage Service – pilot funding just agreed 56 Facilitating the move from static summaries to rich information vehicles • Pace of research is picking up…rapidly • The status quo is being challenged and researchers are demanding more • Why can’t a research report offer more … 57 Big Issues • Energy requirements • Who protects the data ad eterna as pubs are linked • Data Terrorism • Nation speaking unto nation or project interlinking with project • Lack of true large scale project management experience • Protectionism 58 Edna St Vincent Millay Sonnet • Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour, Falls from the sky a meteoric shower Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined. Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill Is daily spun; but there exists no loom To weave it into fabric... 59 Some Initial Conclusions • Big projects need proper management – the partnership between the single discipline researcher and the global environment is key • How to develop Knowledge Infrastructures that are dynamic? • How to globally organise all this activity. EGI and www approach is fine but we need to train researchers to work in this environment? • Whither the Virtual Research Environment? • Researchers do not need to know what lies below the surface but they do need to trust the outcomes and the guardians • The confidence to inform policy at an international level must increase on all sides. • We live in an exciting time! It could go horribly wrong!! 60 Where does the European Research Area fit in to this Global environment? European Research Area Board (ERAB) created in July 2008 First Report October 2009 ERA 2030: Preparing Europe for a New Renaissance A Strategic View of the European Research Area 2009 61 ERA 2030: ERAB’s STRATEGIC VIEW October 2009 62 Commissioner Janez Potocnik This holistic thinking and approach epitomized the first ‘Renaissance’, where scholars and artists moved relatively freely around Europe among the centres of learning and culture.While this privilege was the domain of a few at that time, it should be our ambition, in the new ‘Renaissance’, that this should be the expectation of all citizens, especially in the field of research and innovation. The report does not seek to dictate detailed solutions at this stage, but rather to highlight what the ERA will look like in the future if it is fit for purpose in achieving its aims. As we move into the second decade of the ERA, it is essential that we raise our ambitions for what can be done through a properly functioning ERA. 63 New Renaissance In order to cope with the challenges ahead we need a ‘New Renaissance’. The ‘New Renaissance’, is a paradigm shift in how we think, live and interact, as well as a paradigm shift regarding the role and place of science in society. The new renaissance calls for our rationality and creativity - the fundamentals of science - to face the challenges and to help ‘’inventing’’ a new way of living. The ‘New Renaissance’ needs a thriving and open ERA by 2030. 64 ERAB’s view on the future of ERA Our ambition: ERA is instrumental for realising a new Renaissance in Europe as a call to face the challenges ahead and to help develop a new way of living. Our strategy: Six policy themes to underpin the development of ERA. Our benchmarks: 30 milestones to measure progress on the lay out of ERA. 65 Six strategic approaches for ERA 1. A united ERA across Europe 2. An ERA driven by societal needs to address the ‘Grand Challenges’ 3. An ERA based on a shared responsibility between science, policy and society 4. An ERA of open innovation between all public and private stakeholders 5. An ERA to deliver excellence 6. An ERA of cohesion across the continent 66 A united ERA to permit ideas and people to move freely across a dynamic, open society 67 An ERA driven by societal needs to address the ‘Grand Challenges’ 68 An ERA with shared responsibilities for science, policy and society 69 An ERA of open innovation between all public and private stakeholders 70 An ERA of excellence where risktaking will be the guiding principle for ERA research policies. 71 An ERA of cohesion across the continent 72 Download the full report from ERAB’s website http://ec.europa.eu/research /erab/publications_en.html 73 Finally • The way many will do research will change. • Citizen science will increase • Links between data analysis and policy making has to be secure • It is very exciting but could go horribly wrong. • Proper management and long term handling of data are key 74 75