June 4, 1996 Primary Run-Off Election - Mecklenburg County

1996 Primary Election - Mecklenburg County - Election Summary
June 4, 1996 Primary Run-Off Election - Mecklenburg County
Official Results as of: 06/11/1996 14:19:31
100% of precincts reporting (162 out of 162)
Summary election results
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Federal Government
Member of Congress - Republican
8th District
Curtis Sherrill Blackwood Morgan
Total 29 22
57% 43%
State Government
Secretary of State - Democrat
Valeria Elaine
Lee Marshall
Total 2573 1791
59% 41%
Commissioner of Agriculture - Republican
Tom R.C.
Davidson Gray
Total 1938 1019
66% 34%
County Government
Board of County Commissioners
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1996 Primary Election - Mecklenburg County - Election Summary
At-Large Candidates - Republicans
Bill Larry
Davis Swaringen
Total 1762 1670
51% 49%
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