‘Other’ Experiments’ Requirements Dan Tovey University of Sheffield

‘Other’ Experiments’
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
‘Other’ Experiments defined as non-LHC and non-US-collider.
MINOS, NA48, phenoGrid, SNO, UKDMC, ZEUS etc.
Bids for funding under GridPP1 unsuccessful.
Since then have fed requirements (non-grid) for e.g. Tier-1/A
resources into GridPP via EB (DRT rep.).
Several EoI-style bids contributed to GridPP2 proposal
Developed into full Proforma-2 task definitions:
phenoGrid bid successful g 1.0 FTE for 3 years awarded to
Others rejected in favour of ‘generic GridPP portal’.
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Neutrino telescope being built in the Med.
1 Tb/week raw data rate – would benefit from grid data
Opportunity for evangelism/outreach to new communities.
Task definition
• interface ANTARES data and calibration databases with existing
Grid data handling resources;
• establish appropriate authentication schemes (certification, etc.);
• enable access to reconstructed data by other collaborators;
• include ANTARES data into fast, global, astrophysics alert
Also proposed Grid running of CORSIKA shower Monte Carlo
(simple executable suitable for generic portal?)
Requested 1.0 FTE/yr for 3 years.
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Major project to define and build calorimetry for a future linear
4 Tb data (108 events) from 2004-2006 beam tests – analyse and
simulate (109 events) using Grid.
Proposed milestones/deliverables:
• Month 3: CALICE VO and work-load management system in place, with
acceptance at Tier-1 + at least one Tier-2 site.
• Month 6: CALICE GEANT4 Monte Carlo running in EGEE/LCG Grid
• Month 15: Preproduction test run of around 107 events based on first
beam test parameters.
• Month 18: Prototype release for book-keeping and user tools.
• Month 21: CALICE VO acceptance at all planned Tier-2 sites.
• Month 24: Start production of first large GEANT4 Monte Carlo dataset.
• Month 27: Completed book-keeping and user tools in place to allow
multiple dataset generation by non-experts.
Requested 0.5 FTE/yr for 3 years (ICL proposed, shared with
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Flagship UK-based proof-of-principle experiment for muon
cooling for a neutrino factory / muon collider.
Identified four areas where e-Science will be key:
• Data distribution from a Tier 0 centre via the Grid
Assumed to be RAL in this case!
• Apparatus monitoring, control and calibration
Remote monitoring developed in collaboration with GridCC (Grid-enabled
Remote Instruments with Distributed Control and Computation) – unique
in GridPP
• Data persistency
Adopt LCG tools
• Grid job submission and monitoring
Same requirements as typical LHC experiment - adopt CMS/LCG tools
Requested 1.0 FTE/yr for 3 years at Brunel, assisted by existing
effort at ICL and ICL e-Science studentship.
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Proposal from UK phenomenologists to GRID-enable HERWIG++.
Project will form part of Generators Services sub-project of LCG.
Also includes training aspect.
Selected milestones/deliverables:
• 0-6 months: Familiarisation with ThePEG structure and HERWIG++
code. Ensuring code can run under all platforms supported by LCG and
LHC experiments. Modifications necessary to ensure program can be
used on GRID. Example jobs and scripts to allow simulation jobs to be
submitted via GRID. Training of HERWIG and phenoGRID collaboration
• 7-12 months: Development of program and interfaces so that can be
used with GANGA and in EDG framework.
• 13-18 months: Development of interfaces to LCG services, e.g. POOL
storage and passing of events to detector simulation.
• 19-24 months: Development of tools to allow simulation of large event
samples using GRID for distributed parallel computing.
• 25-30 months: Validation and testing of interfaces and use of
HERWIG++ via the GRID g tuning new physics models in the
Requested 1.0 FTE/yr for 3 years (Success! - awarded to Durham).
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
UK Dark Matter Collaboration detectors increasing in size/total
data rate by factor >10 within next year to ~ 1-5 Tb/year.
Further factor 10 increase proposed within 3-5 years (ZEPLINMAX).
Propose to interface existing reconstruction software
(ZAP/UNZAP) and G4 simulations to Grid for distributed
running (UK-UCLA-ITEP etc).
Make use of existing EDG and LCG tools.
Selected deliverables:
• Month 12: Prototype interfaces between G4/FLUKA and
ZAP/UNZAP, and EDG/LCG tools, making full use of existing
GridPP1 developments (e.g. GANGA).
• Month 24: Fully functioning online UKDMC detector conditions
database and Replica Catalogue accessible by prototype UKDMC
software interfaces.
• Month 36: Fully functioning UKDMC software framework permitting
submission of G4, FLUKA and ZAP/UNZAP reconstruction jobs to
multiple grid-enabled Collaboration computing resources.
Requested 1.0 FTE/yr for 3 years.
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Did not submit Proforma-2: info taken from GridPP2 proposal.
Proposed to grid-enable existing software framework FUNNEL for
distributed Monte Carlo job submission.
Also distributed physics analysis tool: already use dCache system
for data handling and LSF for resource brokerage on 40 node farm
at DESY g extend across ZEUS institutes world-wide.
Selected milestones:
12 months: Commissioned testbed tailored to ZEUS needs;
18 months: Authentication strategy established;
24 months: I/O layers adapted to suit the Funnel system;
During 3rd year: Development of resource management concepts and
monitoring tools;
• 3 years: Roll-out of production version of Grid-enabled Funnel system
to the Collaboration.
Potential problem with interface between existing framework and
EDG/LCG tools however g would need careful design.
Problem likely to also occur with use of any generic GridPP portal?
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Linear Collider Accelerator and Beam Delivery system
Did not submit Proforma-2: info taken from GridPP2 proposal.
Need to perform high statistics simulations of physical
interactions between matter (spoilers, collimators etc.) and
beam particles.
Propose to give accelerator codes a Grid interface (GUI portal
or otherwise)
• Interface to Resource Broker,
• Grid-based metadata catalogue for storage of results
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
Generic Portal
Result of GridPP2 PRSC process is proposal for development of
generic GridPP portal for ‘other’ experiments / dissemination
Clearly vital project if GridPP is to reach out beyond limited set of
experiments g middleware must be of general use to experiments
with little or no spare manpower to tailor own code to Grid use.
Possible use-case for simple submission of generic executable
• User submits job to web-based GridPP portal, specifying local
executable, libraries, steering files, input file metadata, desired
location of output data files
Requires generic portal.
• Tool queries experiment-specific grid-based metadata catalogue to find
location of input files (SE).
Requires simple, flexible generic grid-based metadata catalogue application
which can be adapted simply to needs of wide range of experiments.
• Tool submits jobs to local CE (or more sophisticated scheduling?)
• Tool copies output data files to specified location and notifies user has
finished (e-mail).
Problems with interface with existing experiment-specific software
frameworks (FUNNEL etc.)?
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield
So far progress with Grid use by ‘Other’ experiments not good
due to lack of available manpower.
GridPP2 has not (so far) provided solution to this problem!
Opportunities for evangelising some large international
collaborations through UK involvement lost.
Nevertheless generic GridPP portal project should certainly
help some, although possibly not all, experiments.
• Cautious optimism!
Caveat: needs of individual ‘other’ experiments need to be
considered carefully + taken into account when defining
functionality g if not risk designing generic tool of use to noone!
In any case non-Grid use of central computing facilities (RAL
and elsewhere) must still be supported.
Dan Tovey
University of Sheffield