Action Plans for Collaboration/Cooperation between EPCC and CCS Mitsuhisa Sato

Action Plans for Collaboration/Cooperation
between EPCC and CCS
Mitsuhisa Sato
CCS, University of Tsukuba
FY 2009: Preparation for collaboration/cooperation
Organizing the first CCS-EPCC workshop to identify possible research topics
to be working on together and to exchange ideas for the
collaboration/cooperation, and sending some researchers and students (2 or
3 from particle physics and HPC groups) to EPCC for discussions on
collaboration plan and educational training courses.
Sharing common ideas about action plan for collaboration/cooperation on
education and research → this discussion
→ this workshop
exchanging students
credits of courses
running dual degree/double majors programs between two university
(and organizing committees for cooperation)
Proposing projects on research collaboration and educational cooperation.
CCS will include this action plan to the project proposal to MEXT of FY2010.
FY 2010: Starting communication and collaboration on research,
and development of educational cooperation
Agreement between two universities will be done until April
(I hope)
Refinement of research collaboration plan and educational
cooperation plan.
As a sub-activity of the 2nd Japan-UK University President
Meeting (scheduled in April, Tokyo)???, the 2nd CCS-EPCC
workshop will be held (can be partially supported by CCS
project funding).
Starting the educational cooperation (exchanging students,
credits) and the research collaboration
FY 2011: Appling some grant to develop the research
collaboration, and accelerating the development of
educational cooperation.
Educational Activities in CCS
HPC Seminar
This seminar presents knowledge, methods
and techniques for programming modern
high performance computer systems,
including recent microprocessors, and its
performance turning, parallel programming.
Participants: researchers and users of
computational science (including
researchers in companies)
Periods: 2 or 3 days in summer season
Also broadcasted via internet
Campus-wide courses on “computational
sciences” for graduate students
Faculty members of CCS give lectures
Accredited as “unit” in graduate courses.
Computational Science Literacy
High Performance Parallel Computing
Technology for Computational Sciences
(overlapped with HPC Seminar)
Started from 2008
Computational Science Dual Degree
(double major) Program
Held since July 2007
Enables a graduate student in a doctoral
program to simultaneously belong to a
masters program of a different Graduate
School, and receive both a doctoral degree
in science and a masters degree in
computer science, or vice versa, upon
Design of curriculum and courses for
advanced computational science
Educate researchers who can push forward
new Interdisciplinary computational science
from global viewpoints
Started in 2009 (Physics in Doctor course
and Computer sciences in Master course)
Education in each graduate school
CCS allocates space for some of
students, and create environment to
enable interactions to other fields.
Action to be taken after "the agreement of
Workshop in Tsukuba (or in Edinburgh?)
Make it clear which topics we will collaborate on.
Prepare for some research funds for the collaboration.
G8 call for exa-scale apps.
Exchange young (and old :-) researchers.
Exchange students.
Master or PhD?