Spring 2014 Math SLO Assessment Math LevelObjective 1 Objective 2 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 19 20 18 18 37 38 97.37% 16 20 15 18 31 38 81.58% Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 12 20 13 18 25 38 65.79% 17 20 13 18 30 38 78.95% 17 20 13 18 30 38 78.95% Lack of HW effort Lack of HW effort x n x n x n 3 4 3 4 3 4 36 39 24 39 29 39 36 41 33 41 28 41 35 37 24 37 30 37 8 16 12 16 14 16 74 87 76 87 81 87 20 22 18 22 21 22 8 9 8 9 9 9 21 27 19 27 17 27 241 282 217 282 232 282 85.46% 76.95% 82.27% lack of effeort students stopped coming to class did not attend regularly many need to attend tutoring All did very little homework. several students gave up. 15 16 13 16 13 16 12 16 19 26 24 26 21 26 15 26 23 27 19 27 30 27 25 27 18 19 12 19 8 19 12 19 25 25 25 25 23 25 15 25 20 26 18 26 22 26 10 26 120 139 111 139 117 139 89 139 86.33% 79.86% 84.17% 64.03% Lack of attendance Poor math skills; poor study skills. Students seem to be very unmotivated; weak attendance. Assign points for class participation may help. Many failing students seemed to lose interest toward end of class. Last section in book covered SLO #4; it should be covered sooner. Needs more algebra, less arithmetic 12 11 85 16 18 103 15 18 89 16 18 103 12 18 82 14 18 103 12 17 84 14 18 103 14 18 92 16 18 103 15 80 18 103 50 50 50 50 50 21 23 15 23 17 23 20 23 16 23 14 20 13 20 9 20 14 20 19 20 14 17 10 17 15 17 12 17 13 17 27 37 34 37 24 37 31 37 27 37 30 36 32 36 31 36 33 36 32 36 214 270 226 270 208 268 223 268 231 270 79.26% 83.70% 77.61% 83.21% 85.56% Did no assess SLO #6 Students stoppped doing HW. Make online class hybrid to improve student to student support. lack of effort on homework studetns gave up Students weren't putting in work Poor study skills; rational expressions proved challenging. lack of effort on homework 21 23 18 20 13 17 25 37 31 36 203 254 79.92% 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 26 41 36 41 38 41 27 41 64 73 70 73 62 73 58 73 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 25 39 26 44 45 53 13 19 11 19 14 19 17 19 46 61 31 61 50 61 27 61 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 35 31 35 28 35 32 35 12 17 13 17 16 17 11 17 27 35 32 35 23 35 28 35 76 62 37 62 55 62 60 62 21 33 23 33 30 33 33 33 45 50 44 50 39 50 40 50 390 474 363 479 409 488 342 435 82.28% 75.78% 83.81% 78.62% Lack of attendance and practice. prerequisites not mastered well missing class; not doing homework It appears that Math 90 has a lot of material and students just break down as the semester progresses. Many people who were doing so well with the online assignments failed the final exam. Homework averages up due to switching to Connect Math. Students that did not do homework generally did not do well. Horrendous attendance. lack of effort Failing students seem to have minimal background for this class. students stopped attending lack of participation Missing a lot of assignments 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 116 120 120 120 120 19 20 33 34 25 26 7 8 84 88 95.45% 15 20 33 34 22 26 8 8 78 88 88.64% 18 20 32 34 19 26 6 8 75 88 85.23% 29 30 26 30 25 30 32 42 37 42 34 42 8 19 17 19 16 19 35 44 42 44 41 44 11 22 22 22 20 22 23 30 20 30 25 30 138 187 164 187 161 187 73.80% 87.70% 86.10% stopped attending class Students did not like Connect Math. Some were not prepared for Math 90 Attendance was an issue. lack of effort on homework 10 10 10 10 100.00% 8 10 8 10 80.00% 24 26 24 26 92.31% 35 42 16 19 34 44 19 22 26 30 130 157 82.80% 7 10 7 10 70.00% 55 74 50 74 62 74 46 74 20 21 20 21 21 21 13 21 12 16 5 15 8 16 7 16 25 34 25 34 25 34 24 34 112 145 100 144 116 145 90 145 77.24% 69.44% 80.00% 62.07% not enough effort Attendance studnts relying on notes during final exam SLO #2 not done well at all (interpreting normal distribution) 132 16 22 16 22 72.73% 17 22 17 22 77.27% 13 22 13 22 59.09% 226 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 226 26 30 26 30 22 30 34 38 34 38 30 38 89.47% 89.47% 78.95% weren't dedicating appropriate time poor attendance, students gave up 227 227 11 16 15 20 11 21 13 20 14 21 21 21 11 21 20 21 25 37 36 41 22 42 33 41 67.57% 87.80% 52.38% 80.49% Algebraic concepts as well as trignonometry were a juge problem. 227H 3 5 3 5 60.00% 4 5 4 5 80.00% 4 5 4 5 80.00% 228 23 23 23 23 100.00% 17 23 17 23 73.91% 19 23 19 23 82.61% 231 270 23 30 29 38 76.32% 4 5 4 5 80.00% 5 5 5 5 100.00% 36 36 35 36 33 36 28 36 28 36 26 36 20 36 36 36 35 36 33 36 28 36 28 36 26 36 20 36 100.00% 97.22% 91.67% 77.78% 77.78% 72.22% 55.56% Proof writing is lower than expected because at one time during the term I chose to deemphasize proofs, then was surprised it was re-added to the SLO list 15 22 19 21 11 20 15 22 19 21 11 20 68.18% 90.48% 55.00% General performance was fine, but there appears to be little time to cover all the material in depth.