Nicholas Cross, Nigel Hambly, Ross Collins,
Eckhard Sutorius, Mike Read and Rob Blake.
y Must be able to select useful variables and non ‐ variables from catalogues of millions (billions) of objects.
y Important plots, such as magnitude ‐ RMS and light curves must be easily generated using simple SQL statements y Steps that many (most) users will take should be done by archive team.
y More specialised processing left to individual scientists.
y Processing split up to enable parallelisation.
y Automation allows large number of small programmes to be mass produced and prevents operators from forgetting particular stages.
Easy to add in new steps if needed.
NGSS, Edinburgh
07/06/2009 2
y y y y y y y
Periodic variables as distance indicators to map out 3 ‐ D structure of bulge and Magellanic Clouds: VVV & VMC y VVV ‐ 1 billion sources, 100 epochs
Supernovae : VIDEO
High proper motion stars : DXS (Not main science goal, but secondary use of data).
Transits of planets around M ‐ dwarfs : Campaign 2 data
YSOs (Alves de Oliveira & Casali 2008): non ‐ survey data
Better QC and flagging .
All deep data (all data if mistakes are found).
Calibration, new faint near ‐ IR standards : WFCAM / VISTA standard star data
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y Rapid follow up required?
– VOEvent y y y y y
Time from observation to archiving: 6+ weeks for VDFS
Time needed for calibration: 1 month
Release schedule: every 6 months y Difference imaging required for very quick follow up: this must be done at the telescope.
– many amplitude
σ : calibration variables calibrated photometry.
less good
QC and well y Science archives transients.
ideal for variables, too late for many
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y y y y y y
Unique master source list to compare each epoch to and to match to external surveys
Best match between each source and each observation so that light/motion curves can be produced
Merging observations in different filters where the interval is short compared to the variability under study
(correlated filters)
Statistical analysis of individual epoch observations of each source
Classification of each source based on its statistical properties and the noise properties of the observations
List of bright unmatched objects for fast ‐ moving objects, transients etc.
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y VDFS: Reseamed merged filter catalogues from deep stacks.
y Advantages: y y y y y y
Uses existing software
Useful for deep programmes
Simple to understand
Matches to objects that are too faint to be detected in one observation (can be a disadvantage in time)
Disadvantages: y y
Slow – need to wait until deep stacks are produced
Misses objects that are only visible in a few frames
Alternative: PanSTARRS: 2+ 5 σ detections
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y Possible solutions: y 1) Nearest match y 2) List ‐ driven photometry y 3) Magnitude and position selection y 4) Motion based match (e.g.
linear PM + parallax or
MOPS which checks if SSOs have orbit that follows
Newton’s laws).
y Missing detections – flagging (time consuming) y VDFS uses 1), but as a first step to eventually using 4).
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Efficient searches to see if missing objects are on the detectors or within dither offset.
This is one of the rate determining steps.
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• Unique catalogue from deep frames ( Source ) is linked to individual epoch detections ( Detection ) through BestMatch .
• Statistics of multi ‐ epoch data stored in Variability .
• Information from framesets (magnitude limits and fits to the rms are in VarFrameSetInfo .
• If a photometric recalibration occurs, the
BestMatch table is not changed.
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y Many surveys have different filters taken close together: SDSS, VDFS calibration fields y Merging filters makes it easier for users to see colour changes over time which can distinguish different types of variables y In VDFS we merge the filters together using same routines as we do for merging filters for main object table, but interval to merge over must be supplied in survey requirements
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y Two additional tables y SynopticMergeLog y SynopticSource y SynopticSource has similar attributes as
Source , but is linked like Detection y SynopticMergeLog like
MergeLog , but with a time attribute.
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• Two variables
• Two standard stars:
¾ Ser ‐ EC 68
¾ Ser ‐ EC 84
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y Fit to motion – PM, parallax, SSO orbital parameters y Number of good, flagged, missing detections y Cadence: analysis of observation period y Photometric statistics: mean, rms, median, skewness,
Welch ‐ Stetson.
y Fourier analysis y Number of outliers y Many light ‐ curves are sparsely sampled.
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Light curves of two non ‐ variables.
Variations are
within errors.
Increase in brightness over 700 days in K.
Seems to rise and fall in J.
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May be eclipsing binary?
Cannot get well defined period from data.
Many objects have sparsely, and unevenly distributed data points.
Classification must be robust to this.
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y Objective is to separate as many different types of objects.
y Need accurate noise model to separate low amplitude variables from noise.
y Use all statistical attributes – photometric, astrometric and time series.
y VDFS uses ratio of intrinsic to expected rms weighted by number of observations in each filter y Use all other data (multi ‐ wavelength), point/extended source separation (Neighbour tables).
07/06/2009 NGSS, Edinburgh 16
NGSS, Edinburgh y y
Empirical fit
Strateva function
= a
+ b 10
0 .
4 m + c 10
0 .
8 m y y y
Fits faint end well but underestimates noise at bright end (saturation)
Assumes all epochs have same noise properties
Physical model better, but needs more work.
17 07/06/2009
y Variable: At least 5 good detections in one filter and weighted ratio of intrinsic rms to noise is >=3.
y DXS: 0.6% of stars classified as variable (K<15 mag,
Δ K>0.015
2.3% of galaxies: 10 7 – 10 4 .
y More sophisticated analysis will use skew, W ‐ S,
Fourier analysis, motion etc.
from multi ‐ epoch analysis y Classification could also use other image parameters such as star ‐ galaxy separation, colour y Use external data via neighbour tables or VO?
This is more difficult to add into pipeline.
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Astrometry Mag ‐ Rms
Intrinsic Rms vs skewness
WSA gives additional useful data such as star ‐ galaxy separation and links to external surveys through neighbour tables.
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J ‐ K vs K colour magnitude
Some objects show astrometric variation (PM), BUT difficult to search on: WILL IMPROVE IN LATER VERSIONS
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y Use bright stars to recalibrate each intermediate stack detector by comparison to the deep stack in that filter.
y If | Δ ZP|>0.05
mag, deprecate detector frame y <| Δ ZP|>~0.005
mag for
DXS frames
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Frame that had slipped through since EDR
Histogram of ∆ ZP
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An object marked as variable
Two overlapping frame sets:
∆ m~0.035
mag between frames on each side of overlap.
Some instrument effects left in.
More calibration/QC required.
y Small programmes automated from start to finish: y Requirements derived from metadata y Pipeline applies QC and uses requirements to drive processing up to synoptic tables (if required) y Main survey requirements and QC are partly specified by survey science team y Pipeline uses requirements to drive processing up to synoptic tables.
y If pipeline crashes, it can work out what has been done – consistency checks ‐ and skips steps that have already been accomplished.
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y List ‐ driven photometry added in – better at faint end, helps sort out deblending y More cadence statistics y More QC and consistency tests.
y Additional classification y Moving objects y Difference imaging y Fourier analysis y Orphan table
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02/12/2008 St Andrews Seminar Talk 25
y y
Searches for variability possible in WSA from
UKIDSS ‐ DR5 (April 2009+).
Non ‐ surveys (some released already) and VSA to follow.
1 st version of synoptic pipeline: future versions will improve quality and quantity of attributes.
y y
Fitting astrometric data for PM
Improved noise model y Improved classification (use more parameters) y y
Automated pipeline – able to do full pipeline on NS.
VSA: massive amounts of data to trawl through – need efficient search capability.
VVV y See Cross et al.
2009 (astro ‐ ph: 0905.3073)
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