SENSITIVITY OF THE BRAGG PEAK CURVE TO THE AVERAGE IONIZATION POTENTIAL OF THE STOPPING MEDIUM J. SOLTANI-NABIPOUR1, D. SARDARI2, GH. CATA-DANIL3 1 Physics Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania E-mail: 2 Faculty of Engineering, Science and Research Campus, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran E-mail: 3 Physics Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest and “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania E-mail: Received August 12, 2008 Heavy ions accelerated up to energies of hundreds MeV/A are suitable for treatment of malignant tissues that are deep seated, located close to critical organs and poorly responding to conventional therapies such as those based on photons and electrons beams. The accurate estimation of the Bragg peak position of these charged particles is important for evaluation of the spatial distribution of the energy deposition in biological targets. The human body contains soft (muscles and fat) and hard tissues (bones). In the present study we modeled them by water and calcium targets respectively. One of the parameters required for a precise calculation of the Bragg peak position is the mean ionization potential (<I>-value) of the stopping medium. In this paper, we performed a numerical study of the sensitivity of the relative depthdose profile to the mean ionization potential of the stopping medium. It is provided a numerical estimate of the precision required for the <I>-values. As a Monte Carlo simulation tool we employed the computer code FLUKA. Key words: mean ionization potential, hadrontherapy, Monte Carlo simulation, FLUKA code. 1. INTRODUCTION The occurrence of the Bragg peak makes heavy charged particle beams useful tools for treatment of the deep-seated tumors in living organisms [1]. The advantages of the therapies based on proton and heavy ion radiation over the conventional photon and electron ones are due to a better physical dose distributions achievable by inversed depth dose profile at the end of their range, tumor-conform treatment, and the radiobiological characteristics of heavy ions [1]. Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 54, Nos. 3–4, P. 321–330, Bucharest, 2009 J. Soltani-Nabipour, D. Sardari, Gh. Cata-Danil 322 2 Since the human body contains mostly water, the knowledge of depth dose profile of charged particles in this stopping medium is of great importance for an accurate treatment planning. It is known that the range of energetic ions depends on the mean ionization potential (<I>-value) of the stopping medium [2]. It is the goal of the present paper to perform a systematic study on the sensitivity of the Bragg curve to different <I>-values reported in the literature. As a working tool we employed numerical Monte Carlo simulations based on the FLUKA computer code [3]. We developed detailed stopping simulations in water and calcium thick targets, selected as simple models for soft and hard biological tissues, respectively. As bombarding projectiles we considered ions of 12C and 16O with energies of 290 MeV/A. The default FLUKA values are <I>=75eV for water and <I>=191eV for calcium. In our calculations we changed the <I>-values in order to cover the range of the experimental uncertainties (whenever these are known) and to obtain a relevant sensitivity curve for the Bragg peak position. Based on these curves we estimated the accuracy required for the expected determination of the <I>-values. 2. STOPPING POWER OF THE HEAVY CHARGED PARTICLES AND THE <I>-VALUES Charged particles interact dominantly via inelastic collision with the electrons of the stopping media. The energy loss versus distance is described by the BetheBloch formula [4, 5, 6]: − dE 4πe 4 Z 2 2 2mν 2 = Z1 ln − ln (1 − β2 ) − β2 + ( relativistic term ) 2 dx me ν <I > (1) where me is the rest mass of the electron, v the velocity of projectile, β = v/c, Z1 the atomic number of the projectile, Z2 the atomic number of the target and <I> the mean ionization potential of the target atoms. The Bethe-Bloch analytical formula gives a rough estimation of the energy deposition by charged particles in matter and can be used to provide an estimation of the Bragg peak position. Precise predictions of the entries Bragg curve can be obtained by numerical Monte Carlo simulation as for example those reported in ref. [7]. In previous work we calculated the stopping of a 12C ions beam with 290 MeV/A in liquid H2O and natCa and we found penetration depths of 16.28 cm and 13.22 cm respectively [7]. These estimations considered mean ionization potentials for water 75 eV and for calcium 191 eV, the default <I>-values of FLUKA. The <I>-value of 75eV for water was suggested by the publications ICRU 37 and 49 and are accepted for long time [8, 9, 10]. 3 Ionization potential of the stopping medium 323 As shows in (1), the energy loss by charged particles has reverse correlation with <I>-value of the medium. The theoretical calculation of the <I>-values is presented in several review papers [11–13]. The average ionization potential is defined [10] as the average value of the excitation energies over all atomic states ( Ei ) weighted by their transfer probability to continuum ( fi ): ln I = ∑ f i ln Ei (2) i where fi is the optical dipole oscillator strength for 0 → Ei transition and Ei is the n-th level energy. The probabilities fi are unknown for most materials other than hydrogen. The following approximate empirical formulas can be used to estimate the <I>-value (in eV) for an element with atomic number Z [15]: I ≈ 19.0 Z =1 I ≈ 11.2 + 11.7 ⋅ Z I ≈ 52.8 + 8.71 ⋅ Z 2 ≤ Z ≤ 13 Z > 13 (4) For a compound or a mixture as water, the <I>-value can be calculated by adding the separate contributions from the individual constituent elements: n ln I = ∑ N i Z i ln I i (5) i where Zi is the atomic number for the ingredient “i” in compound, Ni is its relative atomic number in compound, n is the total number of electrons in the compound n = ∑ i N i Z i and Ii is the ionization potential of the ingredient “i” gives by (4). By applying Eqs. (4) and (5) the average ionization potential for water was 74.6 eV, a value closed to the ICRU recommendation (75eV). Table 1 gives an overview of available (measured or calculated) <I>-values for water. The value <I>=75 eV from ICRU reports 37 and 49 has been used as a norm for many years [8, 9]. <I>value of the new ICRU report 73 for water is 67.2 eV which is rather low in comparison to all other recommendations made before and this <I>-value was obtained from oscillator strength spectra [16]. More recent measurements made by Bichsel et al. [17] provide a value of 79.7 ± 2 eV, and the evaluation of dielectric response functions by Dingfelder et al. measured a <I>-value of 81.8 eV [18]. Based on Bragg peak position, Kramer et al. [19] suggested a <I>-value of 77 eV. Emfietzoglou et al. [20] suggested different <I>-value in the range 80–85 eV. Based on the most recent experimental determinations, H. Paul et al. [10] suggested a newer <I>-value for water at 80.8±2 eV. ( ) J. Soltani-Nabipour, D. Sardari, Gh. Cata-Danil 324 4 Table 1 Survey of the water <I>-values reported in the literature I(eV) 75.0±3 67.2 79.7±2 81.8 77 80–85 80.8±2 References ICRU Report 37and 49 ICRU Report 73,effectively as used for stopping tables Bichsel et al. [17], based on stopping experiment Dingfelder et al. [18], based on optical absorption Krämer et al. [19], based on Bragg peak position Emfietzoglou et al. [20], based on optical loss functions H.Paul et al. [10], based on Bichsel et al. [17] and Dingfelder et al. [18] As shown in Table 1, the differences on <I>-values reported for water are quite large and should be properly considered in high accuracy dosimetry calculations. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For the simulations reported in the present work we considered the target as a single block of water or calcium with a shape of rectangular parallel pipe (RPP geometry). The FLUKA default value for the mean ionization potential of water is 75 eV as discussed in section 2. The energy threshold for scoring in the Monte Carlo approach was set at 10 keV. To achieve good statistics the simulations were run with 105 primaries for 12C and 16O beams. The binning was set to 1 with 2 cm width in the X and Y axis, and 500 with 0.1 cm width in the Z direction. 3.1. BEAMS OF 12 C STOPPED IN WATER We calculated the variation of the Bragg curve with the mean ionization potential of water. In this calculation we chose 12C ions beam with 290MeV/A energy impinging on a thick water target. In the current simulation approach we changed the <I>-value of water from 70 eV to 85 eV in order to fully cover the range of the experimental uncertanties. From Figure 1 it can be observed that the position and the profile of the Bragg curve suffers significant modifications as a result of these changes. We obtained different Bragg profiles in the range of the exprimental uncertantiy of <I>= ±3 eV [8,9] and the Bragg peak position at 16.2 cm by using the default <I>-value of water used by FLUKA. By varying <I>-values from 72 eV to 78 eV, the Bragg peak position shifted from 16.15 cm to 16.50 cm. As shown in Figure 1, our calculations indicate a higher relative dose for <I>=78 eV than <I>=72 eV. The highest relative dose occured at 70 eV corresponding to 16.1 cm penetration depth of the 12C ions beam in water. 5 Ionization potential of the stopping medium 325 Fig. 1. – Relative dose deposited in a thick target of water by a 290MeV/A 12C beam as a function of the penetration depth for different mean ionization potential of water. Simulations were performed by FLUKA code. The experimental values of <I> are indicated by open squares and the corresponding uncertainty by horizontal lines. Fig. 2. – The evolution of the Bragg peak position (average range) at stopping of 12C ions beam in water for different <I>-values. 326 J. Soltani-Nabipour, D. Sardari, Gh. Cata-Danil 6 In Figure 2 is presented the variation of Bragg peak position (range) of C ions beam with the average ionization potential of water. It can be observed that by changing <I>-value from 70 eV to 90 eV the range increase from 15.8 to 16.6 cm. The calculations have been conducted for the <I>-values reported in the survey from Table 1. From our calculatios can be concluded that a variation of ~1.5 mm in range is obtained as a result of the present knowledge on the experimental uncertainties of the <I>-values. 12 3.2. BEAMS OF 16 O STOPPED IN WATER In order to reveal the features of the stopping process dependence on the nature of the bombarding particle we performed simulation for the case of 16O ions beam. The stopping medium was chosen also water. With the default <I>-value of FLUKA foe water, we calculated the Bragg peak position for stopping the 290 MeV/A 16O ions beam at 12.3 cm. As shown in Figure 3 we changed <I>value of water from 60 eV to 90 eV in steps of 5 eV. By increasing the <I>-value the position of the Bragg peak shifted to higher penetration depths but the relative dose decreases. A prominent difference relative to the case discussed in section 3.1 is the abruptly decreases of the relative dose at 75±15 eV, while the Bragg peak positions at 90 eV and 60 eV are 12.5 cm and 11.9 cm, respectively. Fig. 3. – Relative dose deposited in water by a 290 MeV/A 16O ions beam, as a function of the penetration depth at different <I>-values. Simulations were performed with the FLUKA code. As shown in Figure 4 we extracted from our simulations the ranges of the 16O ions beam in a thick water target by varying <I>-value from 60 eV to 90 eV. 7 Ionization potential of the stopping medium 327 Fig. 4. – The evolution of the Bragg peak position (average range) at stopping in water for different <I>-values of water. The calculations show that the range of 16O ions beam changes from 11.7 cm to 12.42 cm for <I>-values from 60 eV to 90 eV respectively. According to our knowledge there are no experimentally data for this case reported in the literature, our calculations having only a predictive character. 3.3. BEAMS OF 12 C AND 16 O IONS STOPPED IN NATURAL CALCIUM As a primitive model for the hard tissues, we chose nat.Ca as a target. The isotopes included in this structures are 40Ca(96.941%), 42Ca(0.647%), 43Ca(0.135%), 44 Ca(2.086%), 46Ca(0.004%), 48Ca(0.187%). By using the default <I>-value for calcium used in the FLUKA code, we calculated depth dose profle at stopping of 290 MeV/A 12C ions in a thick calcium target. The results of these calculations, presented in Figure 5, show the Bragg peak position at 13.22 cm depth. In order to conduct a sensitivity analysis, we changed the <I>-value of calcium from 175 eV to 205 eV by steps of 5 eV. As shown in Figure 5, the relative dose for <I> in the range 175 eV to 205 eV is nearly constant. A 9% decrease and a widening of the Bragg curve can be observed at <I>=200 eV. At interaction of the 12C ions beam with calcium there is less variation in the hight of the relative dose as compared with the calculation discussed in the previous section. In order to reveal the influence of the projectile type, we changed the beam to 16 O ions keeping constant all other parameters. The results of these calculations are presented in Figure 6. The calculations indicate the position of the Bragg peak at 328 J. Soltani-Nabipour, D. Sardari, Gh. Cata-Danil 8 Fig. 5. – Relative dose in a calcium thick target due to a 290 MeV/A 12C ions beam, as a function of the penetration depth at different mean ionization potentials of natCa. Simulations were performed by FLUKA code. Fig. 6. – Relative dose in calcium due to a 290 MeV/A 16O beam, as a function of the penetration depth at different mean ionization potential of natCa. Simulations were performed with the FLUKA code. 9 Ionization potential of the stopping medium 329 9.5 cm by using the default <I>-value for the natCa. By changing the <I>-value in the range [185–195] eV, the Bragg peak positions of 16O ions beam reached at penetration depths between 9.4 and 9.8 cm. A prominent differences from the case presented in Figure 5 is due to the abruptly decrease on the peak relative dose at <I> equal to 185 eV and 195 eV. At <I>=200 eV the decrease is 1.39 times larger than in Figure 5. At the <I>-values equal 191±15 eV, the peak relative doses are similar with the 12C case but the depth dose profile is different. 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In the present study we investigated the sensitivity of the Bragg peak position and the shape of the Bragg curve on the average ionization potential (<I>-value) of water and calcium employed as primitive models for soft and hard body tissues respectively. The study has been conducted for 12C and 16O bombarding projectiles with the incident energies of 290 MeV/A. As mentioned in section 2, in the literature there are reported different <I>-values for water which a survey of this data is presented in Table 1. Correspondingly, we employed these <I>-values in the FLUKA simulations in order to obtain the depth dose profiles represented in Figures 1, 3, 5 and 6. The FLUKA default <I> value for water is 75 eV. Our simulations cover a <I>-values range from 60 eV to 90 eV. A basic result from our calculatios is that a variation of ~1.5 mm in range is obtained in the conditions of the present uncertainties of the <I>-values. Further experimental and theoretical work is required for improving the accuracy in the <I>-values required for predicting the Bragg peak position in bio-materials, an important ingredient for accurate treatment plannings. There are not known experimental <I>-values for natural calcium. Therefore, in our calculations we changed the default <I>-value of FLUKA in a relative range closed to those used in the water case. At some <I>value abrupt changes in the peak values and shape of the Bragg curve has been observed mostly for 16O ions beam. In general a smooth behavior is observed for 12 C ions stopped in the natural calcium targets. 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