American University – School of Education, Teaching, and Health Onsite Exhibit March 2, 2015 Technology Data for the following assessments that evidence the integration of technology during clinical practice (practicum, student teaching or internship) are attached: • • Unit Plan key assessments for TESOL, Secondary Math and Science. Early Childhood Lesson Plan Rubric and Content Addendum in the ECE program (implementation of these assessments is Spring 2015) goEd - Reports goEd 45 minutes until session expires Dashboard Reports: Logout Back to Reports VIEWS Accounts Cohort: Program: Subset: Announcements Cooperating Teachers Exemplars Final Semester from: Fall 2014 Route: to Summer 2015 Track: Faculty Faculty Checklist Dropped? Faculty Dashboard options Important Documents No Print? Excel? Go Lesson Plans Logs Messages My Evaluation Prospectives Reports Scheduling TESOL Unit Plan Form Report 2 total TESOL Unit Plan Forms submitted - Describing language (1a) Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: Search Security Student Utilities Student Viewer Supervisor Central Supervisors Surveys Syllabi Syllabi Checklist System Documents 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Language acquisition and development (1b) Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Planning for Standards-Based ESL and Content Instruction (3a) - System Settings Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: SEARCH 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Managing and Implementing Standards-Based ESL and Content Instruction (3b) - 1 of 3 Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 3/1/15, 6:47 PM goEd - Reports Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Using Resources Effectively in ESL and Content Instruction (3c) Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Classroom-Based Assessment for ESL (4c) Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections 0 0 0 2 selections selections selections selections - Components Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC 2 of 3 3/1/15, 6:47 PM ! ( Standards(and(ContentNbased(Thematic(Unit(Plan((Final(Project(for(TESL(501)( Your!final!project!is!to!develop!a!weeklong!content5based!ESOL!thematic!unit.!!The!unit!must!include! one!week’s!worth!of!lesson!plans!(45!to!75!minutes!each)!that!utilize!content5based!instruction!to!help! your!English!language!learners!access!mainstream!content!in!one!or!more!of!the!content!areas!such!as! language!arts,!mathematics,!science,!or!social!studies,!while!developing!English!language!skills!and! learning!strategies.!The!unit!should!include!integrated,!meaningful!practice!in!reading,!writing,!speaking! and!listening!in!the!content!area.!Your!goal!is!to!create!lessons!and!materials!that!you!could!use! effectively!in!the!ESOL!classroom.!!It!is!hoped!that!you!will!pilot!this!unit!in!the!classroom!and!use!it!as!a! bases!for!the!Impact!on!Student!Learning!Assessment!in!the!Electronic!Portfolio!system.!!Your!unit!will! be!evaluated!using!the!scoring!rubric!below.! ! Basic!Requirements! 1. Your!unit!must!be!organized!around!a!content!area!theme!and!address!both!English!language! proficiency!and!content!area!standards.!The!theme!may!be!interdisciplinary.!For!example,!your! unit!could!be!on!weather!and!meet!science,!math,!technology,!and!ELP!standards.!!! 2. Complete!an!overview!for!your!unit,!including!all!the!information!in!the!Unit(Overview( Template!below.!!! 3. You!must!create!a!total!of!five!(5)!lesson!plans,!one!for!every!day,!that!specifically!teach! objectives!in!the!content!area(s)!and!English!language!proficiency,!including!learning!strategy! objectives.!At!least!two!of!the!five!lesson!plans!must!incorporate!technology!objectives.! 4. Each!lesson!plan!should!follow!the!Lesson(Plan(Template(below.!! 5. Provide!examples!or!citations!of!any!materials!that!you!reference!in!your!lesson!plan,!including! teacher5made!materials!or!photocopies!of!fair5use!materials.!List!technology!you!will!be!using!as! well.! ! 6. Title!your!unit!and!include!a!title!page!which!includes! I. Title!of!Unit!Plan! II. Your!name! III. ELT5I!Final!Project! IV. Date!due! ! Procedures! 1. Review!the!rubric!so!that!you!know!how!you!will!be!evaluated.! 2. Identify!the!theme!and!the!associated!language!proficiency,!state!content!standards!and! learning!strategies!that!you!are!teaching!in!the!unit.! a. What!are!the!big!ideas!that!ESOL!students!should!develop!an!understanding!of!in!this! unit?! b. What!is!important!for!ESOL!students!to!know!and!be!able!to!do?!!What!are!the!facts,! concepts,!principles!and!language!and!learning!skills!that!will!promote!the!learning!of! the!core!ideas?!!What!prior!knowledge!do!they!need?! c. What!language,!knowledge,!skills,!and!dispositions!do!you!want!ESOL!students!to! encounter!or!be!familiar!with!in!this!unit?! d. What!are!the!essential!questions!for!the!unit?! English as a Second Language – Option A - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 3. Design!a!summative,!performance5based!assessment!that!could!be!used!to!measure!students’! achievement!in!reaching!the!language,!content,!and!learning!strategy!objectives.!!Create!a!rubric! for!this!assessment.!!Plan!to!modify!this!assessment!and!rubric!for!different!language!and/or! literacy!skill!levels.! 4. Design!your!lessons!! a. Each!lesson!plan!should!be!executable!within!a!45575!minute!period.!! b. Incorporate!formal!or!informal!formative!assessments!into!each!lesson.!!! c. Consider! i. How!should!you!sequence!instruction!in!language,!content!and!performance! skills!to!build!towards!the!assessments?!!! ii. How!can!you!engage!students?!! iii. How!will!students!practice!and!refine!what!they!learn?!! iv. How!can!students!work!together!to!help!each!other!learn?! d. Thoroughly!explain!each!lesson!plan!by!providing!a!complete!description!of!all!activities! in!the!procedures!section.!!Ensure!that!your!activity!specifically!targets!the!objectives! that!you!want!to!achieve!for!that!day.!! e. For!each!lesson,!reflect!on!the!purpose!for!including!activities.!!Include(in(your(reflexive( narrative((at(the(end(of(each(lesson(plan)(how(the(lesson(plan(is(based(in(language( learning(theory(and(research.!!! 5. Review!the!scoring!rubric!again!to!be!sure!you!have!met!all!of!the!necessary!criteria!for!the!unit! plan.! ! ( ( ( ( ( ( CONTENTNBASED(ESOL(UNIT(OVERVIEW(TEMPLATE( ( ( Unit(Title:( ( ( ( ( ( Content(Area:( Grade(Level:( ( ( ( ( ( Language(Proficiency(Level:( ( Unit(Length:(([#!of!days]!! ! ! Length(of(Class(Period:!![minutes]! ! ! Personal(Stake:((Explain!your!personal!stake!in!the!unit—why!is!it!meaningful!to!you?! ! Unit(Topic:! ! State(English(Language(Proficiency(Standards:( ( State(Content(Standards:( ! Essential(Questions:( [These&include&the&central&questions&that&help&you&organize&and&formulate&your&lesson&within&a&curricular& unit.&&These&should&include&a&range&of&questions&that&include&recall,&descriptive,&explanatory,&analytic,& synthesis,&and&evaluative&thought&processes.&&Please&note&that&higher&order&questions&will&not&be&that& useful&or&instructive&if&students’&factual&knowledge&is&not&in&place.]& English as a Second Language – Option A - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 ( Methods(of(Inquiry:( [Inquiry&methods&are&the&primary&means&through&which&research&is&conducted;&these&tend&to&vary&by& discipline.&&Methods&of&investigation&often&frame&how&evidence&and&data&are&collected,&examined,&and& reported&within&a&given&field.&&For&example,&historians&may&conduct&document&analysis&and&triangulate& evidence;&political&scientists&may&analyze&public&opinion&polls.&&Inquiry&methods&can&also&be&crossF disciplinary.]& ! Assessment(of(Student(Learning:!! [Identify&and&explain&how&student&learning&will&be&assessed&throughout&the&unit,&but&focused&on&the& summative&assessment&at&the&end.&&How&you&will&know&that&your&students&have&learned&what&you&taught& them?&&This&usually&means&that&you&will&have&students&use&the&knowledge,&skills,&and&dispositions&they& have&learned&in&some&way.&&The&assessment&should&directly&reflect&the&instructional&goals&and&be& buttressed&by&the&content,&language,&and&learning&skills&used&over&the&course&of&the&lesson.&&What& indicators&or&evidence&will&demonstrate&student&learning?&How&do&the&assessments&reflect&the&content,& language&and&skills&outlined&above?&How&will&you&know&what&students&do&and&don’t&know&at&the& beginning,&middle,&and&end&of&the&unit?&It&can&be&helpful&to&figure&out&how&you&are&going&to&assess& student&learning&after&you&develop&the&instructional&objectives&but&before&you&develop&the&teaching& methods&you&will&use.]&&!& ( Differentiation:!! [Summary&of&differentiation&opportunities&and&possibilities&in&the&curricular&unit.&&Identify&where&and&how& instruction&can&be&differentiated&once&the&teacher&has&diagnostic&information&from&preFtests&and&other& formative&assessments&in&the&unit,&as&well&as&based&on&prior&knowledge&about&student&background&and& levels&of&English&language&proficiency&and&literacy.]! ! Community(and(Cultural(Resources:((( [Identify&how&community&and&cultural&resources&will&be&incorporated&into&this&unit,&including&resources& relevant&to&student&culture&and&background.]" ! Unit(Summary:! [Provide&a&one&to&three&paragraph&overview&of&the&unit&in&narrative&form.&&You&may&include&bullets&or& numbers&if&you&would&like.]& ! Attach(the(Summative(Performance(Assessment:( ( ((Include!! • The!student!directions!for!the!assessment!( • The!rubric!for!the!assessment( ! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( English as a Second Language – Option A - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 ESOL(Lesson(Plan(Template( ( Unit(Title(and(Day:( ( Lesson(Title:( ( Grade(Level(s):( ( Language(Proficiency(Level(s):( ( Time(Needed:( ! State(Language(Proficiency(and(State(Content(Standards:! [Be&sure&to&indicate&which&standards&you&using&for&language&proficiency&(i.e.&TESOL&KF12&Standards,&WIDA& KF12&Standards)&and&content&(DC,&Virginia,&MD),&as&well&as&the&content&area.&Each&applicable&language& proficiency&and&state&standard&should&be&listed&by&number&and&include&the&actual&text&of&the&standard,& with&proper&citation.]& & Instructional(Objectives:! [Instructional&objectives&indicate&what&students&will&know&and&be&able&to&do&as&a&result&of&this&lesson&(or& sequence&of&lessons).&&These&should&include&any&language"skills,&content"material,"dispositions,"and/or& learning"strategies&you&expect&the&students&to&learn&and&practice.&&These&are&the&kernels&you&want& students&to&come&away&with.&&If&you&get&lost&in&the&middle&of&a&lesson,&these&objectives&should&help&you& refocus.&&Within&a&curricular&unit,&instructional&objectives&build&upon&each&other,&usually&culminating&in& the&formal&unit&assessment.&&Instructional&goals&can&be&listed&in&bulleted&form.]& ! Essential(Question(s):! [These&include&the&central&question(s)&that&help&you&organize&and&formulate&your&lesson&within&a& curricular&unit.&&These&should&include&a&range&of&questions&that&include&recall,&descriptive,&explanatory,& analytic,&synthesis,&and&evaluative&thought&processes.&&Please&note&that&higher&order&questions&will&not&be& that&useful&or&instructive&if&students’&factual&knowledge&is&not&in&place.]& ( Placement(of(this(Lesson(within(the(Unit(Plan:( [Describe&how&this&particular&lesson&ties&in&with&others&in&the&same&curricular&unit.]( ( Instructional(Materials:! [Here,&you&should&include&a&list&of&materials&you&will&be&using&in&the&class.&&Attach&all&handouts&and& readings&you&will&use&for&this&lesson&to&the&lesson&plan.&Include&a&bibliography&of&reading&materials.]& ! Methods(of(Inquiry:! [Inquiry&methods&are&the&primary&means&through&which&research&is&conducted;&these&tend&to&vary&by& discipline.&&Methods&of&investigation&often&frame&how&evidence&and&data&are&collected,&examined,&and& reported&within&a&given&field.&&For&example,&historians&may&conduct&document&analysis&and&triangulate& evidence;&political&scientists&may&analyze&public&opinion&polls.&&Inquiry&methods&can&also&be&crossF disciplinary.]& ( ( ( English as a Second Language – Option A - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 Set(Induction:! [The&set&induction&refers&to&how&you&are&going&to&introduce&your&lesson&to&the&students&you&are&teaching.&& While&you&can&include&administrative&tasks&here,&you&should&primarily&think&about&how&you&can&prompt& your&students&to&begin&thinking&about&the&content&and&language&skills&you&will&be&teaching&them.&&This& can&range&from&telling&them&your&instructional&objectives&to&asking&them&to&respond&to&a&question&that& engages&their&prior&knowledge&and&experience&with&a&major&concept&you&will&be&teaching.&&Set&inductions& can&vary&quite&a&bit&from&day&to&day,&but&should&reflect&the&instructional&objectives&of&the&daily&lesson& plan&and&the&unit&plant.]& ! Lesson(Content/Skills/Teaching(&(Learning(Strategies((Procedures):! [The&lesson&content&addresses&the&substantive&material&and&language&you&will&be&using,&and&the&big&ideas& you&want&students&to&take&away&from&the&lesson.&&In&order&to&learn&content,&you&will&use&particular& teaching&and&learning&strategies&to&help&students&employ&and&develop&specific&language&and&learning& skills&needed&to&learn&the&content.&&Full&descriptions&of&each&activity&and&the&materials&to&be&used&during& that&activity&need&to&be&included.&When&you&do&move&from&one&content&point&to&another&or&one&skill&to& another,&you&need&to&include&transitions.&You&may&use&a&numbered&or&bulleted&format&with&short& sentences&describing&what&the&teacher&and&students&do.&Indicate&how&you&can&differentiate&instruction.&& Point&out&connections&to&other&lessons.&&You&may&use&the&chart&format&included&here&or&a&more&narrative& approach&to&describing&the&lesson&procedures.]& & Time& Lesson& Procedure&(What&T&does,&what&Ss&do)& Materials/Notes& Stage&(i.e.& WarmFup)& & & & & & & & & ! Assessment/Closure:! [This&section&illustrates&how&you&will&know&that&your&students&have&learned&what&you&taught&them.&&This& usually&means&that&you&will&have&students&use&the&knowledge,&language,&skills,&and&dispositions&they&have& learned&in&some&way.&&The&assessment&should&directly&reflect&the&instructional&goals&and&be&buttressed&by& the&content,&language,&and&skills&used&over&the&course&of&the&lesson.&&It&can&be&helpful&to&determine&how& you&are&going&to&assess&student&learning&after&you&develop&the&instructional&goals&but&before&you&develop& the&teaching&methods&you&will&use.]& ( Reflexive(Narrative:! [At&the&end&of&each&lesson&plan,&include&a&reflexive&narrative&on&the&purpose&for&including&the&activities& above&and&how&the&lesson&plan&is&based&in&language&learning&theory&and&research.]&& English as a Second Language – Option A - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 f. Scoring*Guide*for*the*Assessment* * CONTENT9BASED*ESOL*UNIT*PLAN*SCORING*RUBRIC* * Standard* Approaches*Standard*(1)* Meets*Standard*(2)* *must*be*resubmitted** TESOL*Standard*1.a.* ?Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan) ?Lesson)reflections,)unit)plan)components,) Describing*language.* components,)activity)descriptions,) activity)descriptions,)sequencing,)and) Candidates) sequence,)and)materials)do)not) materials)demonstrate)understanding)of) demonstrate) demonstrate)accurate)understanding)of) language)as)a)system)(phonology,) understanding)of) language)as)a)system)(phonology,) morphology,)syntax,)semantics,) language)as)a)system) morphology,)syntax,)semantics,) pragmatics))and)competence)in) and)demonstrate)a) pragmatics))or)competence)in)integrating) integrating)language)modalities)and) high)level)of) language)modalities)and)content) content)instruction)to)help)ESOL)students) competence)in)helping) instruction)to)help)ESOL)students)acquire) acquire)and)use)English)in)listening,) ESOL)students)acquire) and)use)English)in)listening,)speaking,) speaking,)reading,)and)writing)for)social) and)use)English)in) reading,)and)writing)for)social)and) and)academic)purposes.) listening,)speaking,) academic)purposes.) ) reading,)and)writing) for)social)and) academic)purposes.) TESOL*Standard*1.b.* ?Lesson)reflection)and)unit)plan)activities) ?Lesson)reflection)and)unit)plan)activities) Language*acquisition* do)not)demonstrate)accurate) demonstrate)candidate)understands)and) and*development.* understanding)and)application)of) applies)concepts,)theories,)research)and) Candidates) concepts,)theories,)research)and)practice) practice)to)facilitate)the)acquisition)of) understand)and)apply) to)facilitate)the)acquisition)of)English)as)a) English)as)a)second)language)in)and)out)of) concepts,)theories,) second)language)in)and)out)of)classroom) classroom)settings.) research,)and)practice) settings.) ?Unit)plan)includes)opportunities)for) to)facilitate)the) ) different)types)of)English)language) acquisition)of)a) experiences)in)the)classroom,)including) primary)and)a)new) non?linguistic)contexts)such)as)visuals,) language)in)and)out)of) gestures,)demonstrations,)and)hands?on) classroom)settings.) experiences;)pair,)cooperative)and)group) activities;)integrated)oral)language)and) literacy)instruction;)and)different)question) types.)) ?Lesson)reflection)or)unit)plan)include) Exceeds*Standard*(3)* ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance) ) ?Unit)plan)includes)effective)activities)for) helping)students)develop)strategies)to) monitor)and)develop)their)proficiency)in) social)and)academic)language)skills.) ) ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance.) ?Unit)plan)includes)inquiry)based) instructional)strategies;)builds)the) curriculum)around)student)interest;)and) means)for)monitoring)ESOL)students’) academic)language)development.)) ?Unit)plan)includes)activities)that)engage) ESOL)students)in)instructional) conversations;)encourages)them)to)take) responsibility)for)their)own)learning)and) monitor)their)own)progress;)and)helps) them)provide)effective)feedback)to)their) peers.)) ) English as a Second Language – Response to Conditions Report - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 Standard* TESOL*Standard*3.a.* Planning*for* Standards9Based*ESL* and*Content* Instruction.* Candidates)know,) understand,)and)apply) concepts,)research,) and)best)practices)to) plan)classroom) instruction)in)a) supportive)learning) environment)for)ESOL) students.)Candidates) serve)as)effective) English)language) models,)as)they)plan) for)multilevel) classrooms)with) learners)from)diverse) backgrounds)using) standards?based)ESL) and)content) curriculum.)) Approaches*Standard*(1)* *must*be*resubmitted** Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan)content) do)not)provide)convincing)evidence)that) the)candidate))knows,)understands,)and) applies)concepts,)research,)and)best) practices)to)plan)classroom)instruction)in) a)supportive)learning)environment)for) ESOL)students.) ) ?Unit)plan)does)not)include)adequate) differentiation)for)multilevel)classrooms) with)learners)from)diverse)backgrounds) using)standards?based)ESL)and)content) curriculum.) Meets*Standard*(2)* discussion)of)linguistic)supports)such) repetition)and)comprehension)checks;)as) well)as)opportunities)to)succeed)and)build) esteem)and)materials)that)relate)to) students’)lives.) ?Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan)structure) and)activities)indicate)that)the)candidate) sets)high)but)reasonable)expectations)for) student)learning,)varying)instructional) objectives)and)strategies,)monitoring) student)success,)and)designing)activities) to)meet)learners’)needs.) Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan) demonstrate)that)candidates)knows,) understands,)and)applies)concepts,) research,)and)best)practices)to)plan) classroom)instruction)in)a)supportive) learning)environment)for)ESOL)students) ?Unit)plan)includes)standards?based)ESL) and)content)instruction)that)uses)effective) instructional)models)that)are)appropriate) to)student)needs,)are)at)the)appropriate) language)levels,)integrate)students’) cultural)backgrounds)and)learning)styles,) and)make)use)of)student)prior)knowledge.) ?Unit)plan)includes)instruction)and) assessment)that)incorporates)students’) personal)and)shared)experiences)and) provides)visual)support.) ?Lesson)reflection)and/or)unit)plan) demonstrate)candidate)awareness)of) standards?based)ESL)and)content) instruction)and)the)importance)of) considering)language)proficiency,)prior) knowledge)and)cultural)backgrounds)in) planning)instruction.))) Exceeds*Standard*(3)* ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance.) ?Unit)plans)includes)ESL)and)content) instruction)that)is)student)centered,)with) multilevel)activities,)and)flexible)grouping) that)could)meet)the)needs)of)linguistic)and) culturally)diverse)students,)meet)learning) objectives,)and)allow)for)students)to)assist) one)another.)) .) English as a Second Language – Response to Conditions Report - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 Standard* TESOL*Standard*3.b.* Managing*and* Implementing* Standards9Based*ESL* and*Content* Instruction.* Candidates)know,) manage,)and) implement)a)variety)of) standards?based) teaching* strategies)and) techniques)for) developing)and) integrating)English) listening,)speaking,) reading,)and) writing,)and)for) accessing)the)core) curriculum.) Candidates)support) ESOL)students)in) accessing)the)core) curriculum)as)they) learn)language)and) academic)content) together.) Standard*3.c.*Using* Resources*Effectively* in*ESL*and*Content* Instruction*Candidates) are)familiar)with)a) wide)range)of) standards?based) materials,)resources,) Approaches*Standard*(1)* *must*be*resubmitted** ?)Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan)do)not) provide)convincing)evidence)that) candidates)knows)or)and)can)implement)a) variety)of)standards?based)teaching* strategies)and)techniques)for)developing) and)integrating)English)listening,)speaking,) reading,)and)writing,)and)for)accessing)the) core)curriculum.)) Unit)plans)do)not)provide)convincing) evidence)that)candidate)is)familiar)with)a) wide)range)of)standards?based)materials,) resources,)and*technologies,)nor)that)they) choose,)adapt,)and)use)them)effectively)in) ESL)and)content)teaching.* ) Meets*Standard*(2)* ) ?)Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan)content) and)structure)demonstrate)that)candidate) knows)and)understands)how)to)manage) and)implement)a)variety)of)standards? based)teaching*strategies)and)techniques) for)supporting)ESOL)students)in)learning) language)and)academic)content)together.) ?Unit)plan)incorporates)standards)based) lessons)in)a)thematic)unit)that)make)use) of)best)practices)to)support)ESOL)students) in)accessing)the)core)curriculum)as)they) learn)language)and)content)together.) ?Unit)plan)includes)activities)and) assessments)that)incorporate)authentic) uses)of)ESL)and)content)area)learning;) integrate)listening,)speaking,)reading)and) writing;)build)meaning)through)practice,) and)provide)opportunities)for)students)to) interact)and)develop)academic)and)social) language.) ?Unit)plan)includes)lessons)that)build)on) students’)oral)language)to)support)reading) and)writing,)and)that)differentiate) instruction)to)meet)the)literacy)needs)of) ESL)students.) ?Unit)plan)includes)materials)that)are) appropriate)for)students’)age,)learning) proficiency,)and)learning)styles,)including) materials)in)the)home)language.) ?Unit)plan)includes)materials)that) incorporate)a)variety)of)resources)and) learning)tools)including)selections)from)or) adaptations)of)materials)from)content) Exceeds*Standard*(3)* ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance,) providing)a)variety)of)well)designed) activities..) ?)Unit)plan)is)thematic,)incorporates) methods)of)inquiry)effectively,)and)is) clearly)addresses)essential)questions)and) identified)standards)and)objectives.)) ) ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance.) ?Lesson)reflections)and)unit)plan) demonstrate)that)candidate)includes) materials)that)build)on)students’)culture) and)uses)students’)community)and)other) resources)to)locate)and)develop)culturally) appropriate)materials)and)to)obtain) English as a Second Language – Response to Conditions Report - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 Standard* and*technologies,)and) choose,)adapt,)and)use) them)in)effective)ESL) and)content)teaching.* * Approaches*Standard*(1)* *must*be*resubmitted** Meets*Standard*(2)* area)texts;)materials)in)students’)L1)as) appropriate;)and)hands?on,)visual)and) multimedia)means)of)instruction.) ?Unit)plan)includes)effective)use)of) technology)to)enhance)instruction)and)to) select,)create)or)adapt)activities.) ) TESOL*Standard*4.c.* ?Unit)plan)does)not)consistently)include)a) ?Unit)plan)includes)a)variety)of) Classroom9Based* variety)of)classroom)and)performance? performance)based)assessment)tools)that) Assessment*for*ESL* based)assessment)tools)that)are)standards) measure)students)progress)toward)state) Candidates)know)and) based)to)inform)instruction.) and)national)standards) use)a)variety)of) ?Unit)plan)and)lesson)reflections) classroom)and) demonstrate)that)candidate)adapts)a) performance?based) variety)of)instruments)and)techniques,) assessment)tools)that) including)technology,)to)assess)ESOL) are)standards)based)to) learners’)knowledge)in)the)content)areas) inform)instruction.) at)varying)language)and)literacy)levels.) ?Unit)plan)includes)self)and)peer) assessment)techniques)and)provides) opportunities)for)students)to)practice) these)in)the)classroom) Components* ?Unit)plan)is)missing)components)of)unit) ?All)components)of)unit)and)lesson)plan) or)lesson)plan)templates) template)are)included)in)unit)plan) Exceeds*Standard*(3)* materials)that)promote)language,)literacy,) and)content)development.)) ?Unit)plan)includes)activities)that)assist) students)in)learning)how)to)use)and) evaluate)technological)resources)for) academic)purposes.) ) ?Achieves)elements)in)Meets)Standard) column)to)a)high)level)of)performance.) ?Unit)plan)includes)candidate)designed) performance?based)tasks)and)tools)to) measure)ESOL)learners)progress) ?Lesson)reflections)or)unit)plan) demonstrates)that)candidates)embeds)self) and)peer)assessment)techniques)in)their) instruction)and)models)them)across)the) curriculum) ?All)components)of)unit)and)lesson)plan) template)are)included)in)unit)plan)and) described)or)explained)in)informative) detail.) ) English as a Second Language – Response to Conditions Report - TESOL American University - March 15, 2013 goEd Form Close without saving Edit Content-‐‑Based ESOL Unit Plan Person Completing Form: (choose one) Content-‐‑Based ESOL Unit Plan complete directions (PDF) Directions: Please mark the box that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. TESOL Standard 1.a. Describing language. Candidates demonstrate understanding of language as a system and demonstrate a high level of competence in helping ESOL students acquire and use English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for social and academic purposes. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Lesson reflections and unit plan components, activity descriptions, sequence, and materials do not demonstrate accurate understanding of language as a system (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) or competence in integrating language modalities and content instruction to help ESOL students acquire and use English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for social and academic purposes. Meets Standard (2 points) Lesson reflections, unit plan components, activity descriptions, sequencing, and materials demonstrate understanding of language as a system (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) and competence in integrating language modalities and content instruction to help ESOL students acquire and use English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for social and academic purposes. Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance Unit plan includes effective activities for helping students develop strategies to monitor and develop their proficiency in social and academic language skills. Score N/A 1 2 3 TESOL Standard 1.b. Language acquisition and development. Candidates understand and apply concepts, theories, research, and practice to facilitate the acquisition of a primary and a new language in and out of classroom settings. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Lesson reflection and unit plan activities do not demonstrate accurate understanding and application of concepts, theories, research and practice to facilitate the acquisition of English as a second language in and out of classroom settings. Meets Standard (2 points) Lesson reflection and unit plan activities demonstrate candidate understands and applies concepts, theories, research and practice to facilitate the acquisition of English as a second language in and out of classroom settings. Unit plan includes opportunities for different types of English language experiences in the classroom, including non-‐‑linguistic contexts such as visuals, gestures, demonstrations, and hands-‐‑on experiences; pair, cooperative and group activities; integrated oral language and literacy instruction; and different question types. Lesson reflection or unit plan include discussion of linguistic supports such repetition and comprehension checks; as well as opportunities to succeed and build esteem and materials that relate to students' lives. Lesson reflections and unit plan structure and activities indicate that the candidate sets high but reasonable expectations for student learning, varying instructional objectives and strategies, monitoring student success, and designing activities to meet learners' needs Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance. Unit plan includes inquiry based instructional strategies; builds the curriculum around student interest; and means for monitoring ESOL students' academic language development. Unit plan includes activities that engage ESOL students in instructional conversations; encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning and monitor their own progress; and helps them provide effective feedback to their peers. Score N/A 1 2 3 TESOL Standard 3.a. Planning for Standards-‐‑Based ESL and Content Instruction. Candidates know, understand, and apply concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ESOL students. Candidates serve as effective English language models, as they plan for multilevel classrooms with learners from diverse backgrounds using standards-‐‑based ESL and content curriculum. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Lesson reflections and unit plan content do not provide convincing evidence that the candidate knows, understands, and applies concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ESOL students. Unit plan does not include adequate differentiation for multilevel classrooms with learners from diverse backgrounds using standards-‐‑based ESL and content curriculum. Meets Standard (2 points) Lesson reflections and unit plan demonstrate that candidates knows, understands, and applies concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ESOL students Unit plan includes standards-‐‑based ESL and content instruction that uses effective instructional models that are appropriate to student needs, are at the appropriate language levels, integrate students' cultural backgrounds and learning styles, and make use of student prior knowledge. Unit plan includes instruction and assessment that incorporates students' personal and shared experiences and provides visual support. Lesson reflection and/or unit plan demonstrate candidate awareness of standards-‐‑ based ESL and content instruction and the importance of considering language proficiency, prior knowledge and cultural backgrounds in planning instruction. Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance. Unit plans includes ESL and content instruction that is student centered, with multilevel activities, and flexible grouping that could meet the needs of linguistic and culturally diverse students, meet learning objectives, and allow for students to assist one another. Score N/A 1 2 3 TESOL Standard 3.b. Managing and Implementing Standards-‐‑Based ESL and Content Instruction. Candidates know, manage, and implement a variety of standards-‐‑based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating English listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and for accessing the core curriculum. Candidates support ESOL students in accessing the core curriculum as they learn language and academic content together. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Lesson reflections and unit plan do not provide convincing evidence that candidates knows or and can implement a variety of standards-‐‑based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating English listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and for accessing the core curriculum. Meets Standard (2 points) Lesson reflections and unit plan content and structure demonstrate that candidate knows and understands how to manage and implement a variety of standards-‐‑based teaching strategies and techniques for supporting ESOL students in learning language and academic content together. Unit plan incorporates standards based lessons in a thematic unit that make use of best practices to support ESOL students in accessing the core curriculum as they learn language and content together. Unit plan includes activities and assessments that incorporate authentic uses of ESL and content area learning; integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing; build meaning through practice, and provide opportunities for students to interact and develop academic and social language. Unit plan includes lessons that build on students' oral language to support reading and writing, and that differentiate instruction to meet the literacy needs of ESL students. Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance, providing a variety of well designed activities. Unit plan is thematic, incorporates methods of inquiry effectively, and is clearly addresses essential questions and identified standards and objectives. Score N/A 1 2 3 Standard 3.c. Using Resources Effectively in ESL and Content Instruction Candidates are familiar with a wide range of standards-‐‑based materials, resources, and technologies, and choose, adapt, and use them in effective ESL and content teaching. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Unit plans do not provide convincing evidence that candidate is familiar with a wide range of standards-‐‑based materials, resources, and technologies, nor that they choose, adapt, and use them effectively in ESL and content teaching. Meets Standard (2 points) Unit plan includes materials that are appropriate for students' age, learning proficiency, and learning styles, including materials in the home language. Unit plan includes materials that incorporate a variety of resources and learning tools including selections from or adaptations of materials from content area texts; materials in students' L1 as appropriate; and hands-‐‑on, visual and multimedia means of instruction. Unit plan includes effective use of technology to enhance instruction and to select, create or adapt activities. Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance. Lesson reflections and unit plan demonstrate that candidate includes materials that build on students' culture and uses students' community and other resources to locate and develop culturally appropriate materials and to obtain materials that promote language, literacy, and content development. Unit plan includes activities that assist students in learning how to use and evaluate technological resources for academic purposes. Score N/A 1 2 3 TESOL Standard 4.c. Classroom-‐‑Based Assessment for ESL Candidates know and use a variety of classroom and performance-‐‑based assessment tools that are standards based to inform instruction. Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Unit plan does not consistently include a variety of classroom and performance-‐‑based assessment tools that are standards based to inform instruction. Meets Standard (2 points) Unit plan includes a variety of performance based assessment tools that measure students progress toward state and national standards Unit plan and lesson reflections demonstrate that candidate adapts a variety of instruments and techniques, including technology, to assess ESOL learners' knowledge in the content areas at varying language and literacy levels. Unit plan includes self and peer assessment techniques and provides opportunities for students to practice these in the classroom Exceeds Standard (3 points) Achieves elements in Meets Standard column to a high level of performance. Unit plan includes candidate designed performance-‐‑based tasks and tools to measure ESOL learners progress Lesson reflections or unit plan demonstrates that candidates embeds self and peer assessment techniques in their instruction and models them across the curriculum Score N/A 1 2 3 Components Scoring Rubric: Approaches Standard (1) (must be resubmitted) Unit plan is missing components of unit or lesson plan templates Meets Standard (2 points) All components of unit and lesson plan template are included in unit plan Exceeds Standard (3 points) All components of unit and lesson plan template are included in unit plan and described or explained in informative detail. Score N/A 1 2 3 Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC goEd - Reports goEd 45 minutes until session expires Dashboard Reports: Logout Back to Reports VIEWS Accounts Cohort: Program: Subset: Announcements Cooperating Teachers Exemplars Final Semester from: Fall 2014 Route: to Summer 2015 Track: Faculty Faculty Checklist Dropped? Faculty Dashboard options Important Documents No Print? No Excel? Yes Go Lesson Plans Logs Messages My Evaluation Prospectives Reports Scheduling Math Unit Plan Form Report 10 total Math Unit Plan Forms submitted - Rationalize a Scope & Sequence Mean Score 2.7 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: Search Security Student Utilities Student Viewer Supervisor Central Supervisors Surveys Syllabi Syllabi Checklist System Documents System Settings selections selections selections selections - Unit Plan -- Standards & Assessment Descriptions Mean Score 2.9 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 1 9 selections selections selections selections - Unit Plan -- Use of Technology #1 Mean Score 2.4 Median Score 2.5 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: SEARCH 0 0 3 7 0 1 4 5 selections selections selections selections - Unit Plan -- Use of Technology #2 - 1 of 3 Mean Score 2.3 Median Score 2.5 Breakdown 0: 0 selections 1: 2 selections 2: 3 selections 3/1/15, 6:45 PM goEd - Reports 3: 5 selections - Unit Plan -- Language and Vocabulary Mean Score 2.6 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 4 6 selections selections selections selections - Unit Plan -- Mechanics Mean Score 2.3 Median Score 2 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 1 5 4 selections selections selections selections - Daily Objectives Mean Score 2.7 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 0 0 3 7 selections selections selections selections - Reflection Mean Score 2.4 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 1 0 3 6 selections selections selections selections Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC 2 of 3 3/1/15, 6:45 PM Scope & Sequence, Unit Plan, and Daily Objectives Assessment Secondary Math Directions: You will choose a scope and sequence and write a rationalization for its design. From that scope and sequence, you will choose one unit and create a unit plan that includes daily objectives. Rubric: Criteria Rationalize a scope & sequence NCTM Standard 4.3 Unsatisfactory (0) Needs Development (1) Meets Requirement (2) Exceeds Requirement (3) Write up does not clearly demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another Demonstrate how mathematical ideas build on one another Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole Use the language of mathematics to express ideas has inaccuracies Unit Plan – Standards & Assessment Descriptions ! 7.5 Unit plan does not clearly address learning goals Does not make use of various assessments Use the language of mathematics to express ideas accurately but not necessarily precisely Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals not clearly aligned to standards or aligned to old standards Attempts to use various assessments Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Indicates use of a variety of assessments Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Uses a variety of assessments that are clearly described in the unit plan Criteria Unit Plan – Selection of MathSpecific Technology NCTM Standard 6.1 Unsatisfactory (0) Math-specific technological tools have not been selected Needs Development (1) Select math-specific technological tools without a clear purpose This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Unit Plan – Use of Math-Specific Technology ! 7.6 Teaching tools that include math-specific technology are not evident Meets Requirement (2) Exceeds Requirement (3) Use knowledge of mathematics to select appropriate math-specific technological tools Use knowledge of mathematics to select a variety of appropriate math-specific technological tools with a clear justification or purpose This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Use of limited teaching tools that include mathspecific technology Use of various teaching tools including mathspecific technology This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Use of various teaching tools including mathspecific technology that reaches students at different levels This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, datacollection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Criteria Unit Plan – Language and Vocabulary NCTM Standard 3.2 Unsatisfactory (0) Unit plan does not indicate one or more of the elements: key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline The language of mathematics is not used well to express ideas precisely Unit Plan – Mechanics 4.2 Daily Objectives 8.4 Unit plan does not indicate uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Objectives do not clearly address learning goals Daily objectives do not break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives do not show the 4 M’s and/or employ a only one level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (high or low) ! Needs Development (1) Unit plan indicates key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline with one or more of the elements unclear or incomplete Meets Requirement (2) Exceeds Requirement (3) Unit plan clearly indicates key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline Unit plan clearly indicates key vocabulary, essential questions (both in realworld and mathematical contexts), and a timeline The language of mathematics is used to express ideas precisely The language of mathematics is used, but does not always express ideas precisely Unit plan alludes to uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Unit plan clearly indicates uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Objectives address appropriate learning goals not clearly aligned to standards or aligned to old standards Objectives address appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives show the 4 M’s and employ a only lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives show the 4 M’s and employ a high level of Bloom’s Taxonomy The language of mathematics is used to express ideas precisely Unit plan clearly indicates multiple uses or multiple applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Objectives address appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons with clear alignment to the original standard Objectives show the 4 M’s and employ a variety of levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Criteria Reflection NCTM Standard 3.3 Unsatisfactory (0) Needs Development (1) Meets Requirement (2) Exceeds Requirement (3) Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear and considers how you will do this in the future as a classroom teacher Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through effective and precise communication Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is unclear or missing components Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear but superficial Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear and thoughtful Reflection does not organizes mathematical thinking through effective communication Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through somewhat effective communication Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through effective communication ! NCTM SPA Standards Summary: 3.2 Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely 3.3 Organize mathematical thinking through communication 4.2 Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics 4.3 Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole 6.1 Use knowledge of mathematics to select and se appropriate technological tools, such as but not limited to, spreadsheets, dynamic graphing tools, computer algebra systems, dynamic statistical packages, graphing calculators, data-collection devices, and presentation software 7.5 Use of various assessments 7.6 Use of various teaching tools including technology 8.4 Plan lessons, units and courses that address appropriate learning goals, including those that address local, state, and national mathematics standards and legislative mandate ! goEd Form Close without saving Edit Scope & Sequence, Unit Plan, and Daily Objectives Assessment - Secondary Math Person Completing Form: (choose one) Directions: You will choose a scope and sequence and write a rationalization for its design. From that scope and sequence, you will choose one unit and create a unit plan that includes daily objectives. Please mark the box that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. Rationalize a Scope & Sequence Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Write up does not clearly demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another Use the language of mathematics to express ideas has inaccuracies Needs Development (1): Demonstrate how mathematical ideas build on one another Use the language of mathematics to express ideas accurately but not necessarily precisely Meets Requirement (2): Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely Exceeds Requirement (3): Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely NCTM Standards: 4.3 Demonstrate how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole Rationalize a Scope & Sequence Score 0 1 Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Standards & Assessment Descriptions Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Unit plan does not clearly address learning goals Does not make use of various assessments Needs Development (1): Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals not clearly aligned to standards or aligned to old standards Attempts to use various assessments Meets Requirement (2): Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Indicates use of a variety of assessments Exceeds Requirement (3): Unit plan addresses appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Uses a variety of assessments that are clearly described in the unit plan 2 3 NCTM Standards: 7.5 Use of various assessments Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Standards & Assessment Descriptions Score 0 1 2 3 Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Use of Math-‐‑Specific Technology (#1) Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Math-‐‑specific technological tools have not been selected Needs Development (1): Select math-‐‑specific technological tools without a clear purpose This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Meets Requirement (2): Use knowledge of mathematics to select appropriate math-‐‑specific technological tools This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Exceeds Requirement (3): Use knowledge of mathematics to select a variety of appropriate math-‐‑specific technological tools with a clear justification or purpose This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. NCTM Standards: 6.1 Use knowledge of mathematics to select and se appropriate technological tools, such as but not limited to, spreadsheets, dynamic graphing tools, computer algebra systems, dynamic statistical packages, graphing calculators, data-‐‑collection devices, and presentation software Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Use of Technology (#1) Score 0 1 2 3 Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Use of Math-‐‑Specific Technology (#2) Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Teaching tools that include math-‐‑specific technology are not evident Needs Development (1): Use of limited teaching tools that include math-‐‑specific technology This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Meets Requirement (2): Use of various teaching tools including math-‐‑specific technology This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. Exceeds Requirement (3): Use of various teaching tools including math-‐‑specific technology that reaches students at different levels This includes, but is not limited to, spreadsheets, graphing tools, data-‐‑collection devices, presentation software and virtual manipulatives. NCTM Standards: 7.6 Use of various teaching tools including technology Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Use of Technology (#2) Score 0 1 2 3 Unit Plan – Language and Vocabulary Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Unit plan does not indicate one or more of the elements: key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline The language of mathematics is not used well to express ideas precisely Needs Development (1): Unit plan indicates key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline with one or more of the elements unclear or incomplete The language of mathematics is used, but does not always express ideas precisely Meets Requirement (2): Unit plan clearly indicates key vocabulary, essential questions, and a timeline The language of mathematics is used to express ideas precisely Exceeds Requirement (3): Unit plan clearly indicates key vocabulary, essential questions (both in real-‐‑world and mathematical contexts), and a timeline The language of mathematics is used to express ideas precisely NCTM Standards: 3.2 Use the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Language and Vocabulary 0 1 2 3 Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Mechanics Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Unit plan does not indicate uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Needs Development (1): Unit plan alludes to uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Meets Requirement (2): Unit plan clearly indicates uses or applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context Exceeds Requirement (3): Unit plan clearly indicates multiple uses or multiple applications of the concepts outside of a mathematical context NCTM Standards: 4.2 Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics Unit Plan -‐‑-‐‑ Mechanics Score 0 1 2 3 Daily Objectives Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Objectives do not clearly address learning goals Daily objectives do not break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives do not show the 4 M's and/or employ a only one level of Bloom's Taxonomy (high or low) Needs Development (1): Objectives address appropriate learning goals not clearly aligned to standards or aligned to old standards Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives show the 4 M's and employ a only lower levels of Bloom's Taxonomy Meets Requirement (2): Objectives address appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons Objectives show the 4 M's and employ a high level of Bloom's Taxonomy Exceeds Requirement (3): Objectives address appropriate learning goals aligned to the Common Core Standards Daily objectives break down the standards of the unit to teachable lessons with clear alignment to the original standard Objectives show the 4 M's and employ a variety of levels of Bloom's Taxonomy NCTM Standards: 8.4 Plan lessons, units and courses that address appropriate learning goals, including those that address local, state, and national mathematics standards and legislative mandates Daily Objectives Score 0 1 2 3 Reflection Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (0): Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is unclear or missing components Reflection does not organize mathematical thinking through effective communication Needs Development (1): Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear but superficial Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through somewhat effective communication Meets Requirement (2): Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear and thoughtful Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through effective communication Exceeds Requirement (3): Reflection on the scope and sequence process, your thoughts as a teacher on creating unit plans, matching standards, and writing daily objectives is clear and considers how you will do this in the future as a classroom teacher Reflection organizes mathematical thinking through effective and precise communication NCTM Standards: 3.3 Organize mathematical thinking through communication Reflection Score 0 1 2 3 Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC goEd - Reports goEd 45 minutes until session expires Dashboard Reports: Logout Back to Reports VIEWS Accounts Cohort: Program: Subset: Announcements Cooperating Teachers Exemplars Final Semester from: Fall 2014 Route: to Summer 2015 Track: Faculty Faculty Checklist Dropped? Faculty Dashboard options Important Documents No Print? Excel? Go Lesson Plans Logs Messages My Evaluation Prospectives Reports Scheduling Science Unit Plan Form Report 10 total Science Unit Plan Forms submitted - Standards (NSTA 1c) Mean Score 3.6 Median Score 4 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: Search Security Student Utilities Student Viewer Supervisor Central Supervisors Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: Syllabi System Documents System Settings SEARCH selections selections selections selections selections 0 0 2 6 2 selections selections selections selections selections - Teaching methods (NSTA 2a) - Surveys Syllabi Checklist 0 0 1 2 7 - Active Inquiry – Developing Concepts (NSTA 2b) Mean Score 3.1 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 2 5 3 selections selections selections selections selections - Active Inquiry – Data (NSTA 3b) - 1 of 4 Mean Score 2.7 Median Score 2.5 3/1/15, 6:46 PM goEd - Reports Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 5 3 2 selections selections selections selections selections - Technology (NSTA 3a) Mean Score 2.7 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 4 5 1 selections selections selections selections selections - Student Preconceptions (NSTA 2c) Mean Score 2.8 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 4 4 2 selections selections selections selections selections - Assessment (NSTA 3c) Mean Score 2.6 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 4 6 0 selections selections selections selections selections - Safety (NSTA 3d) Mean Score 2.1 Median Score 2 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 0 0 9 1 0 selections selections selections selections selections 0 0 3 4 3 selections selections selections selections selections - Organization, Mechanics & Style - 2 of 4 Mean Score 3 Median Score 3 Breakdown 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 3/1/15, 6:46 PM EDU 540 FINAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION – THE UNIT PLAN Your Final Project will be comprised of many of the component parts that you have been working on throughout the semester. Your unit plan should be submitted via blackboard as a continuous electronic file. You should save the file as a .pdf or .doc file and upload it to blackboard under the “Assignments” section. Note that your unit plan will also be used as you assemble your portfolio during EDU 542. Organization of Final Unit Plan 1. Title Page-­‐Provide a title of the unit, your name, and our course number EDU540: Methods and Materials of Secondary Science Education. 2. Table of Contents-­‐List each day of the unit, a very brief topic summary of that day & page number within the file. 3. Your Philosophy of Science Education-­‐This page should provide the theoretical framework for the rest of the unit. What are your big-­‐picture goals for your teaching? 4. Unit Rational, Major Unit Questions, DCPS Standards & National Standards-­‐Briefly describe the content in which you are going to teach. Why is the information in this unit useful to your students? What groundwork are you laying for future classes? What are the overall learning goals of the unit? What essential questions should your students be able to answer at the end of the unit? Also list the specific Next-­‐Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and DCPS (or appropriate local) standards that you will be covering in the unit. 5. Calendar covering each teaching day of the unit-­‐This is the main part of the unit plan assignment. There is not a specific number of days required, rather you should cover the topics fully and at an appropriate pace. For each day of the unit you will need to establish: • Main topic and relevant DCPS and/or NGSS standards for the day • Specific learning objectives for the day • How you will engage students with topic – i.e. inquiry topic • Methods of instruction (lecture, group work, lab, etc) • Estimate of time spent on each segment of the class day • Method of lesson assessment (formative and summative should be used, as appropriate) Required elements of unit plan: Your unit plan should include a variety of instructional methods, engage students in active inquiry, incorporate appropriate scientific technology, address student preconceptions, address safety in the science classroom, and clearly indicate how assessments will be used to evaluate student understanding and student learning. Use the descriptions below and the unit plan rubric provided as a guide to explain how your unit will address these. Note that these topics are interrelated, but each element described below is a separate component of the unit plan rubric. a. Teaching methods: Design and select a variety of learning activities, instructional settings, and resources (including science-­‐specific technology), to achieve your learning goals b. Active Inquiry: Demonstrate understanding of how students learn and develop scientific knowledge. i. Active inquiry should be evident throughout the unit. ii. Include active inquiry lessons where students collect and interpret data using applicable science-­‐ specific technology in order to develop concepts, understand scientific processes, relationships and natural patterns from empirical experiences. iii. At least one fully developed laboratory activity for the unit must be included. c. Technology: Appropriate scientific technologies should be used i. You should clearly note scientific technologies you will use or discuss in class activities. ii. You should clearly note science-­‐specific technologies students will use in the laboratory or field settings. d. Student Preconceptions: You should be aware of possible student preconceptions and naïve concepts about the topic covered in the unit. i. Design instruction and assessment strategies that confront and address naïve concepts/preconceptions. ii. Assessments should be used to continuously evaluate student preconceptions and the evolution of their understanding about them. 1 Biology, Chemistry, Physics – Option A First Resubmission -­‐ NSTA American University – September 15, 2014 e. f. 2 Safety: You must demonstrate understanding of chemical safety, safety procedures, and the ethical treatment of living organisms within your licensure area. i. You should clearly note possible safety issues for every lesson. Organization, Style & Mechanics: Your unit should be well organized and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Biology, Chemistry, Physics – Option A First Resubmission -­‐ NSTA American University – September 15, 2014 a. Scoring Guide for the Assessment Standard Standards NSTA 2012 Standard 1c Teaching methods NSTA 2012 Standard 2a Active Inquiry – Developing Concepts NSTA 2012 Standard 2b Active Inquiry -­‐ Data NSTA 2012 Standard 3b Technology NSTA 2012 Standard 3a Student Preconceptions NSTA 2012 Standard 2c Assessment NSTA 2012 Standard 3c Unsatisfactory (0) Needs Improvement (1) No standards are apparent in unit. Local or national standards are identified, but not integrated into unit plans. Objectives are not clearly aligned with standards. There is no variation of teaching methods and instructional strategies. Very limited variation in teaching strategies and inquiry approaches are used within the unit. Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs of students is rarely noted within the unit. The unit includes no opportunities for active student inquiry in developing concepts and understanding. The unit provides no opportunities for all students to develop concepts or understanding from their experiences. Acceptable (2) Target (3) Accomplished (4) Local or national standards are Local or national standards are used Local or national standards are clearly identified identified and used as the basis for most as the basis for some unit and daily and used as the basis for unit and all daily lesson unit and daily lesson plan objectives, lesson plan objectives, development, plan objectives, development, organization, and development, organization, and organization, and assessments. assessments. assessments. Limited variation in teaching Many different teaching strategies and strategies and inquiry approaches are inquiry approaches are used within the Many different teaching strategies and inquiry used within the unit. Some strategies unit. Most strategies are inclusive and approaches are used within the unit. Strategies are are inclusive and motivating for all motivating for all students. inclusive and motivating for all students. students. Differentiation of instruction for ability Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs Differentiation of instruction for and needs of students is frequently of students is consistently noted within the unit. ability and needs of students is noted within the unit. sometimes noted within the unit. The unit provides limited opportunities for all students to develop concepts or understanding from their experiences. The unit provides frequent The unit provides consistent opportunities for all opportunities for all students to develop students to develop concepts, understand scientific concepts or understanding from their processes, relationships and natural patterns from experiences. empirical experiences. The unit frequently engages students in active inquiry. Students collect and The unit consistently engages students in active interpret data and utilize data to inquiry. Students collect and interpret data and construct arguments. utilize data to construct arguments. There is no use of appropriate Limited technology applications by Limited use of appropriate scientific Appropriate scientific technology use by Appropriate scientific technology use by the scientific technology candidate are evident in the unit. technology use by the candidate is the candidate is evident in unit candidate is evident in unit applications in instructional AND evident in unit. OR AND plans. No student use of technology in AND Students collect and interpret data using Students collect and interpret data using applicable laboratory or field settings is Limited student use of technology in applicable science-­‐specific technology in science-­‐specific technology in laboratory or field evident. laboratory or field settings is evident. laboratory or field settings. settings. The unit consistently engages students in inquiry The unit rarely engages students in The unit sometimes engages students The unit frequently engages students in The unit does not address activities to confront and address students’ naïve inquiry activities to confront and in inquiry activities to confront and inquiry activities to confront and students’ naïve concepts or concepts and preconceptions. Candidate address students’ naïve concepts address students’ naïve concepts and address students’ naïve concepts and preconceptions. understanding of how students learn and develop and preconceptions. preconceptions. preconceptions. scientific knowledge is evident in the unit plan. Assessments are varied and directly Assessments are varied, directly measure stated Assessments do not measure Assessments measure stated goals measure stated instructional outcomes. learning goals, and occur frequently throughout No assessments are present stated instructional goals and and standards. Limited variation of Assessments are not frequently used OR unit. Assessments are used to continuously standards assessments is evident in the unit. rarely assess student preconceptions evaluate student preconceptions and students’ and ideas. ideas and understanding. The unit includes no opportunities for active student inquiry in data collection and interpretation. The unit rarely engages students in The unit frequently engages students active inquiry. Students collect in active inquiry. Students collect and and interpret data and utilize data interpret data and utilize data to to construct arguments. construct arguments. Standard Safety NSTA 2012 Standard 3d Organization, Mechanics & Style 4 Unsatisfactory (0) Needs Improvement (1) Acceptable (2) The unit sometimes addresses The unit does not address The unit rarely addresses relevant relevant chemical safety, safety relevant safety issues chemical safety, safety procedures or the ethical treatment OR procedures, and the ethical of living organisms when appropriate. The unit addresses these treatment of living organisms as Safe and proper care of materials is safety issues inaccurately. appropriate. sometimes addressed. Unit organization is very limited. Unit is not organized. Unit Unit is well organized. Multiple Topics do not flow from one day to plan contains many grammatical or spelling errors are the next. Multiple grammatical & grammatical & spelling errors. evident. spelling errors. Target (3) Accomplished (4) The unit consistently addresses relevant chemical The unit frequently addresses relevant safety, safety procedures, and the ethical chemical safety, safety procedures, and treatment of living organisms as appropriate. Safe the ethical treatment of living organisms and proper techniques for preparation, storage, as appropriate. Safe and proper care of dispense, supervision & disposal of all materials is materials is usually addressed. consistently addressed. Unit is well organized. Topics usually flow from one day to the next. Some grammatical or spelling errors. Unit is very well organized and flows logically from one day to the next. No grammatical or spelling errors. goEd Form Close without saving Edit Science Unit Plan Form Person Completing Form: (choose one) Directions: Please mark the box that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. Standards: NSTA 2012 Standard 1c Scoring Rubric for Standards: Unsatisfactory (0): No standards are apparent in unit. Needs Improvement (1): Local or national standards are identified, but not integrated into unit plans. Objectives are not clearly aligned with standards. Acceptable (2): Local or national standards are used as the basis for some unit and daily lesson plan objectives, development, organization, and assessments. Target (3): Local or national standards are identified and used as the basis for most unit and daily lesson plan objectives, development, organization, and assessments. Accomplished (4): Local or national standards are clearly identified and used as the basis for unit and all daily lesson plan objectives, development, organization, and assessments. Standards 0 1 2 3 4 Teaching Methods: NSTA 2012 Standards 2a Scoring Rubric for Teaching Methods: Unsatisfactory (0): There is no variation of teaching methods and instructional strategies. Needs Improvement (1): Very limited variation in teaching strategies and inquiry approaches are used within the unit. Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs of students is rarely noted within the unit. Acceptable (2): Limited variation in teaching strategies and inquiry approaches are used within the unit. Some strategies are inclusive and motivating for all students. Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs of students is sometimes noted within the unit. Target (3): Many different teaching strategies and inquiry approaches are used within the unit. Most strategies are inclusive and motivating for all students. Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs of students is frequently noted within the unit. Accomplished (4): Many different teaching strategies and inquiry approaches are used within the unit. Strategies are inclusive and motivating for all students. Differentiation of instruction for ability and needs of students is consistently noted within the unit. Teaching Methods 0 1 2 3 4 Active Inquiry – Developing Concepts: NSTA 2012 Standards 2b Scoring Rubric for Active Inquiry – Developing Concepts: Unsatisfactory (0): The unit includes no opportunities for active student inquiry in developing concepts and understanding. Needs Improvement (1): The unit provides no opportunities for all students to develop concepts or understanding from their experiences. Acceptable (2): The unit provides limited opportunities for all students to develop concepts or understanding from their experiences. Target (3): The unit provides frequent opportunities for all students to develop concepts or understanding from their experiences. Accomplished (4): The unit provides consistent opportunities for all students to develop concepts, understand scientific processes, relationships and natural patterns from empirical experiences. Active Inquiry – Developing Concepts 0 1 2 3 4 Active Inquiry -‐‑ Data: NSTA 2012 Standards 3b Scoring Rubric for Active Inquiry -‐‑ Data: Unsatisfactory (0): The unit includes no opportunities for active student inquiry in data collection and interpretation. Needs Improvement (1): The unit rarely engages students in active inquiry. Students collect and interpret data and utilize data to construct arguments. Acceptable (2): The unit frequently engages students in active inquiry. Students collect and interpret data and utilize data to construct arguments. Target (3): The unit frequently engages students in active inquiry. Students collect and interpret data and utilize data to construct arguments. Accomplished (4): The unit consistently engages students in active inquiry. Students collect and interpret data and utilize data to construct arguments. Active Inquiry -‐‑ Data Technology: NSTA 2012 Standards 3a 0 1 2 3 4 Scoring Rubric for Technology: Unsatisfactory (0): There is no use of appropriate scientific technology applications in instructional plans. Needs Improvement (1): Limited technology applications by candidate are evident in the unit. AND No student use of technology in laboratory or field settings is evident. Acceptable (2): Limited use of appropriate scientific technology use by the candidate is evident in unit. AND Limited student use of technology in laboratory or field settings is evident. Target (3): Appropriate scientific technology use by the candidate is evident in unit OR Students collect and interpret data using applicable science-‐‑specific technology in laboratory or field settings. Accomplished (4): Appropriate scientific technology use by the candidate is evident in unit AND Students collect and interpret data using applicable science-‐‑specific technology in laboratory or field settings. Technology 0 1 2 3 4 Student Preconceptions: NSTA 2012 Standard 2c Scoring Rubric for Student Preconceptions: Unsatisfactory (0): The unit does not address studentsʼ’ naïve concepts or preconceptions. Needs Improvement (1): The unit rarely engages students in inquiry activities to confront and address studentsʼ’ naïve concepts and preconceptions. Acceptable (2): The unit sometimes engages students in inquiry activities to confront and address studentsʼ’ naïve concepts and preconceptions. Target (3): The unit frequently engages students in inquiry activities to confront and address studentsʼ’ naïve concepts and preconceptions. Accomplished (4): The unit consistently engages students in inquiry activities to confront and address studentsʼ’ naïve concepts and preconceptions. Candidate understanding of how students learn and develop scientific knowledge is evident in the unit plan. Student Preconceptions 0 1 2 3 4 Assessment: NSTA 2012 Standard 3c Scoring Rubric for Assessment: Unsatisfactory (0): No assessments are present Needs Improvement (1): Assessments do not measure stated instructional goals and standards Acceptable (2): Assessments measure stated goals and standards. Limited variation of assessments is evident in the unit. Target (3): Assessments are varied and directly measure stated instructional outcomes. Assessments are not frequently used OR rarely assess student preconceptions and ideas. Accomplished (4): Assessments are varied, directly measure stated learning goals, and occur frequently throughout unit. Assessments are used to continuously evaluate student preconceptions and studentsʼ’ ideas and understanding. Assessment 0 1 2 3 4 Safety: NSTA 2012 Standard 3d Scoring Rubric for Safety: Unsatisfactory (0): The unit does not address relevant safety issues OR The unit addresses these safety issues inaccurately. Needs Improvement (1): The unit rarely addresses relevant chemical safety, safety procedures, and the ethical treatment of living organisms as appropriate. Acceptable (2): The unit sometimes addresses relevant chemical safety, safety procedures or the ethical treatment of living organisms when appropriate. Safe and proper care of materials is sometimes addressed. Target (3): The unit frequently addresses relevant chemical safety, safety procedures, and the ethical treatment of living organisms as appropriate. Safe and proper care of materials is usually addressed. Accomplished (4): The unit consistently addresses relevant chemical safety, safety procedures, and the ethical treatment of living organisms as appropriate. Safe and proper techniques for preparation, storage, dispense, supervision & disposal of all materials is consistently addressed. Safety 0 1 2 3 4 Organization, Mechanics & Style Scoring Rubric for Organization, Mechanics & Style: Unsatisfactory (0): Unit is not organized. Unit plan contains many grammatical & spelling errors. Needs Improvement (1): Unit organization is very limited. Topics do not flow from one day to the next. Multiple grammatical & spelling errors. Acceptable (2): Unit is well organized. Multiple grammatical or spelling errors are evident. Target (3): Unit is well organized. Topics usually flow from one day to the next. Some grammatical or spelling errors. Accomplished (4): Unit is very well organized and flows logically from one day to the next. No grammatical or spelling errors. Organization, Mechanics & Style Save 0 1 2 3 4 : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC Early Childhood Lesson Plan EDU 635 Theory and Curriculum in Early Childhood Education ! The Early Childhood Lesson Plan is for you to use as a template or organizational tool to demonstrate your ability to plan, implement and assess a lesson in an early childhood education setting. You will be using this form during student teaching. Throughout your program, you have had ample opportunity to learn about lesson planning and demonstrate your skills at creating lessons using required school curricula or using the interests of the children in the classroom. Regardless all your lessons should actively engage the children in learning. ! Use the following categories in your lesson plans. Refer to the Categories and Elements Rubric for details regarding what should be included in each section. ! ! ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Situating the Lesson Instructional Goals Curricular Standards Materials and Equipment Sequence of Steps Culminating Experience and Assessment Caregiver/Adult/Family Involvement Planned Variation Reflection Evaluation Evaluators will use the “Early Childhood Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric” in reviewing your Lesson Plan. A score of 2 or 3 is acceptable. A score of 1 indicates you will need to resubmit your plan. ! ! ! Early Childhood Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric Categor ies Revise and Re-submit (1) Situating Did not include one or more of the following: the Lesson ! Description of how the lesson connects with either the children’s interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. ! Description reflects an understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs. ! Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. ! Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Instructi onal Goals Adequately did all of the following: ! ! Description reflects an understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs. ! Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. ! Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. ! Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Did not include the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Did each of the following exceptionally well. ! Description of how the lesson connects with either the children’s interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. Adequately did each of the following. ! Distinguished (3) ! Did not do one or more of the following. ! Curricul ar Standar ds Acceptable (2) ! ! Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. ! Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Included the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Description of how the lesson connects with either the children’s interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. Description reflects an understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs. ! Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. ! Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Did each of the following and included thoughtful and detailed descriptions of goals and outcomes. ! Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. ! Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. ! Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Included and described the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Sco re Categor ies Revise and Re-submit (1) Acceptable (2) Distinguished (3) Material Did not include a description of the s and Equipm following. ent Adequately described the following. Sequen ce of Steps Did not do one or more of the following. Adequately did each of the following. Did each of the following exceptionally well. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. ! What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. ! ! Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs…) ! Use your understanding of children’s developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. ! Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. Culmina ting Experie nce and Assessm ent ! What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. ! ! Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs…) ! Use your understanding of children’s developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. ! Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. Did not include one or more of the following. Adequately included one or more of the following. Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. ! ! Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. ! Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. Described the following thoughtfully and in great detail. ! What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. ! ! Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs…) ! Use your understanding of children’s developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. ! Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. ! Described each of the following thoughtfully and in detail. ! Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. ! Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. ! ! ! Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. Sco re Categor ies Caregiv er/ Adult/ Family Involve ment Revise and Re-submit (1) Did not include one or more of the following. ! How to involve parents/ guardians and other adults in the school or community in planning or organizing the lesson? ! How to involve other adults in the culminating experience? Acceptable (2) Adequately discussed each Included an exceptional of the following. description for each of the following. How to involve parents/ How to involve parents/ guardians and other adults guardians and other adults in the school or community in the school or community in planning or organizing in planning or organizing the lesson? the lesson? How to involve other adults How to involve other adults in the culminating in the culminating experience? experience? ! ! ! ! Planned Did not describe a possible Variatio alternate way of carrying out the lesson to promote n Adequately described a possible alternate way of carrying out the lesson to positive outcomes for each promote positive outcomes child? for each child? Reflecti on Did not include a discussion of one or more of the following. ! What worked? What didn’t work? What did you learn about your students? What did you learn about yourself? What might you do differently next time? Distinguished (3) Included an exceptional possible alternate way of carrying out the lesson to promote positive outcomes for each child? Adequately discussed each Included an exceptional of the following. description for each of the following. What worked? What didn’t work? What worked? What did you learn about What didn’t work? your students? What did you learn about What did you learn about your students? yourself? What did you learn about What might you do yourself? differently next time? What might you do differently next time? ! ! Sco re goEd Form Close without saving Edit Early Childhood Lesson Plan Assessment Person Completing Form: (choose one) Directions: Please mark the score that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. Evaluators will use the "Early Childhood Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric" in reviewing your Lesson Plan. A score of 2 or 3 is acceptable. A score of 1 indicates you will need to resubmit your plan. Download the rubric for this form here. Situating the Lesson Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include one or more of the following: Description of how the lesson connects with either the children's interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. Description reflects an understanding of young children's characteristics and needs. Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Acceptable (2) Adequately did all of the following: Description of how the lesson connects with either the children's interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. Description reflects an understanding of young children's characteristics and needs. Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Distinguished (3) Did each of the following exceptionally well. Description of how the lesson connects with either the children's interests, experiences, or background knowledge and the required curriculum. Description reflects an understanding of young children's characteristics and needs. Description of how the lesson affirms and respects family, cultural, and community diversity. Describe the timeframe required to complete the lesson. Score N/A 1 2 3 Instructional Goals Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not do one or more of the following. Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Acceptable (2) Adequately did each of the following. Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Distinguished (3) Did each of the following and included thoughtful and detailed descriptions of goals and outcomes. Describe your goals and expected outcome for the lesson including content knowledge and central concepts to be taught. Develop goals that are both accessible yet challenging. Include specific content material, skills, and developmentally appropriate dispositions you expect the students to learn and practice, including the use of technology. Score N/A 1 2 3 Curricular Standards Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Acceptable (2) Included the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Distinguished (3) Included and described the state or local curricular standards addressed by the lesson. Score N/A 1 2 3 Materials and Equipment Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include a description of the following. What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. Acceptable (2) Adequately described the following. What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. Distinguished (3) Described the following thoughtfully and in great detail. What materials, equipment and resources might you need? Make sure to include the use of technology if appropriate. Score N/A 1 2 3 Sequence of Steps Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not do one or more of the following. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs...) Use your understanding of children's developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. Acceptable (2) Adequately did each of the following. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs...) Use your understanding of children's developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. Distinguished (3) Did each of the following exceptionally well. Describe the steps to be taken in carrying out the lesson including how you will use the space in which the lesson is to unfold. Note the different ways you might organize the children during different parts of the lesson (whole group, small groups, pairs...) Use your understanding of children's developmental knowledge to create a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging lesson. Include how you will introduce the lesson in a meaningful way. Score N/A 1 2 3 Culminating Experience and Assessment Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include one or more of the following. Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. Acceptable (2) Adequately included one or more of the following. Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. Distinguished (3) Described each of the following thoughtfully and in detail. Description of how you will know that your students have learned what you taught them. Assessment that directly reflects the instructional goals including the use of technology where appropriate. Assessment that supports the content, skills, and strategies used over the course of the lesson. Score N/A 1 2 3 Caregiver/Adult/Family Involvement Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include one or more of the following. How to involve parents/guardians and other adults in the school or community in planning or organizing the lesson? How to involve other adults in the culminating experience? Acceptable (2) Adequately discussed each of the following. How to involve parents/guardians and other adults in the school or community in planning or organizing the lesson? How to involve other adults in the culminating experience? Distinguished (3) Included an exceptional description for each of the following. How to involve parents/guardians and other adults in the school or community in planning or organizing the lesson? How to involve other adults in the culminating experience? Score N/A 1 2 3 Planned Variation Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not describe a possible alternate way of carrying out the lesson to promote positive outcomes for each child? Acceptable (2) Adequately described a possible alternate way of carrying out the lesson to promote positive outcomes for each child? Distinguished (3) Included an exceptional possible alternate way of carrying out the lesson to promote positive outcomes for each child? Score N/A Reflection Scoring Rubric: Revise and Re-‐‑submit (1) Did not include a discussion of one or more of the following. What What What What What worked? didn't work? did you learn about your students? did you learn about yourself? might you do differently next time? Acceptable (2) Adequately discussed each of the following. What worked? What didn't work? What did you learn about your students? What did you learn about yourself? What might you do differently next time? 1 2 3 Distinguished (3) Included an exceptional description for each of the following. What worked? What didn't work? What did you learn about your students? What did you learn about yourself? What might you do differently next time? Score N/A 1 2 3 Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC goEd Form Close without saving Edit Final Observation of Student Teaching: Early Childhood Education Content Addendum Person Completing Form: (choose one) Role of person completing form: (choose one) School: Grade: Subject: This form is comprised of six competencies that are based on the NAEYC standards. (Included under each competency are elements by which candidates should be assessed. Every element has five levels of performance ranging from unsatisfactory to proficient. The levels range from student teachers who are still striving to master the rudiments of teaching (unsatisfactory) to accomplished student teachers who demonstrate consistently high teaching skills (proficient). Directions: Please mark the score that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. Unsatisfactory (1): The student teacher does not yet appear to understand the concepts underlying the component. Working on the fundamental practices associated with the elements will enable the student teacher to grow and develop in this area. Needs Improvement (2): The student teacher demonstrates limited understanding of concepts underlying the component. Basic (3): The student teacher appears to understand the concepts underlying the component and attempts to implement its elements. Implementation is usually successful. Additional reading, discussion, visiting classrooms of other teachers, and experience (particularly supported by a mentor) will enable the student teacher to become proficient in this area. Developed (4): The student teacher demonstrates solid understanding of the concepts underlying the component and is usually successful at implementing its elements. Proficient (5): The student teacher clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it consistently in a highly effective manner. Download the rubric for this form here. Understanding of Child Development During Planning and Preparation Knowing and understanding young children's characteristics and needs. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Understanding of Child Development During Planning and Preparation Understanding of how to use knowledge of young children's needs for the purpose of curriculum planning. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Understanding of Child Development During Planning and Preparation Understanding of content knowledge. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Understanding of Child Development During Planning and Preparation Knowing how to utilize developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for diverse young children. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Support of Families and Communities Understanding diverse family and community characteristics and perspectives. Score N/A 4 5 1 2 3 Support of Families and Communities Supporting and engaging families through respectful, reciprocal relationships. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Support of Families and Communities Supporting and engaging communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Design and the Classroom Environment Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and other resources to design, developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Design and the Classroom Environment Knowing and using the central concepts, inquiry tools, and structures of content areas. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Implementation and Instruction Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching approaches to support positive social interaction. Score N/A 4 5 1 2 3 Curriculum Implementation and Instruction Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education, including appropriate uses of technology. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Implementation and Instruction Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education, including critical perspectives in teaching and learning. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Implementation and Instruction Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching approaches. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 Curriculum Implementation and Instruction Upholding ethical standards when teaching. Score N/A 4 5 Assessment and Evaluation Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data collection. Score N/A 4 5 1 2 3 Assessment and Evaluation Using own knowledge, to evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 Assessment and Evaluation Using appropriate early learning standards, and other resources to evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child. Score N/A 4 5 Professionalism Reflective Practice Reflecting on own practice to promote positive outcomes for each child. Score N/A 4 5 Professionalism Reflective Practice Reflecting on own practice and identifying potential sources of support in the early childhood field. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 5 Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC