FBPA Form Report Final Semester from: Summer 2013 Final Semester to: Spring 2014 12 total FBPA submitted 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates and 4a. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences (InTASC 2) 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates 1d. Professional Dispositions for All Candidates CEC/INTASC STANDARD 9: PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL PRACTICES ­ On time, follows through on work schedule, and contacts when absences occur. ­ Mean Score 3.5 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Take initiative and actively participate in the classroom or home­based setting. ­ Mean Score 3.5 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Dress & grooming are appropriate. ­ Mean Score 3.75 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 9 selections ­ Receive feedback appropriately. ­ Mean Score 3.5 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 6 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Change as a result of feedback. ­ Mean Score 3.3333 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Reflective about his/her own practice. ­ Mean Score 3.4167 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 3 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 8 selections ­ Practice within one’s own skill limit and obtain assistance as needed. ­ Mean Score 3.2 Median Score 3 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 4 selections ­ Engage in professional activities that benefit students, their families, and one’s colleagues. ­ Mean Score 3.7143 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Maintain confidential communication about students and families. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 3 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 6 selections 4: 2 selections ­ Demonstrate energy, enthusiasm and positive attitude towards teaching. ­ Mean Score 3.6667 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 8 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 10: COLLABORATION ­ Plan collaboratively with school personnel, families and community members to include students into various settings (e.g. home, general education, day care, community, etc.). ­ Mean Score 3.3333 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Vary role in instructional process (instructor, co­ teacher, facilitator, consultant, coach, or audience). ­ Mean Score 3.625 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Collaborate easily with other adults, classroom assistants, childcare providers, family members, related­service providers. ­ Mean Score 3.6667 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 8 selections ­ Use verbal, nonverbal, and written communication skills effectively with students, school and university personnel, family members, and community members. ­ Mean Score 3.3636 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 3 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Seek approval of lesson plans in advance of teaching. ­ Mean Score 3.1667 Median Score 3 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 2 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 3: INDIVIDUAL LEARNING DIFFERENCES CEC/INTASC STANDARD 6: LANGUAGE/COMMUNICATION ­ Individualize lesson objectives that are measurable and directly linked to IEP/IFSP. ­ Mean Score 3.8333 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Provide appropriate modifications of materials when needed. ­ Mean Score 3.2727 Median Score 3 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Assess/provide for reliable response methods of students who lack typical communication and performance abilities. ­ Mean Score 3.4444 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Use multiple research supported instructional strategies (e.g. direct instruction, cooperative learning, co­teaching, and projects). ­ Mean Score 3.2727 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 3 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Provide varied forms of reinforcement for active participation and expected learning behaviors. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 7 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 2: CHARACTERISITCS OF LEARNERS CEC/INTASC STANDARD 6: LANGUAGE/COMMUNICATION ­ Use strategies to support/enhance communication skills of all students. (May include but is not limited to using assistive technology as appropriate for students with disabilities, supporting students whose primary language is not the dominant language, etc). ­ Mean Score 3.5556 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Make use of 'teachable moments'. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 4 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Use strategies that encourage students’ attending and participation. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Use the least intrusive support strategy consistent with the unique needs of the student. ­ Mean Score 3.5556 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Incorporate and accommodate multiple modes of learning (e.g. visual, auditory, tactile, & kinesthetic) throughout planning and instruction. ­ Mean Score 3.3333 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 6 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 5: LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS ­ Establish and maintain rapport with students with and without disabilities. ­ Mean Score 3.5833 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 8 selections ­ Manage daily class routines. ­ Mean Score 3.3333 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Use effective and varied behavior support strategies. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Demonstrate through modeling appropriate behavior an understanding of how teacher attitudes influence student behavior. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 4 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 7 selections ­ Teach self­advocacy (e.g. asking for assistance appropriately, participation in planning for one’s education, ability awareness, etc.) ­ Mean Score 3.625 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 0 selections 4: 7 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 7: INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING ­ Prepare well written, age and ability appropriate lesson plans that include all components to implement daily lessons as well as materials. ­ Mean Score 3.3 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Create plans that promote successful transitions between activities. ­ Mean Score 3.2 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Understand the central concepts of the content area and curriculum. ­ Mean Score 3.2727 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Connect new information to prior learning. ­ Mean Score 3.2727 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 3 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Show appropriate sequencing of activities, including use of task analysis. ­ Mean Score 3.25 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 4 selections 4: 6 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 4: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES ­ Communicate clear expectations and give clear directions to students. ­ Mean Score 3.5 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 8 selections ­ Pace instruction effectively. ­ Mean Score 3.1818 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 2 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Use appropriate questioning techniques. ­ Mean Score 3.1667 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 2 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Use appropriate wait time. ­ Mean Score 3.4167 Median Score 3.5 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 5 selections 4: 6 selections ­ Use every pupil responds strategies. ­ Mean Score 3.625 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 1 selections 4: 6 selections CEC/INTASC STANDARD 8: ASSESSMENT ­ Include data collection form with written lesson plans. (This may include but is not limited to a system for collecting general outcome measures such as CBM, oral reading fluency, etc.) ­ Mean Score 4 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 0 selections 4: 3 selections ­ Collect data on objectives as specified in written lesson plans. (May include but is not limited to general outcome measurements. ­ Mean Score 3.5 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 0 selections 4: 3 selections ­ Maintain accurate records of data collected for individual students. ­ Mean Score 4 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 0 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 0 selections 4: 3 selections ­ Use previous student performance information to adjust, plan, and modify instruction. ­ Mean Score 3.3333 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 0 selections 3: 3 selections 4: 5 selections ­ Use student responses to adjust instructional decisions and provide feedback to students. ­ Mean Score 3.3 Median Score 4 Breakdown 1: 1 selections 2: 1 selections 3: 2 selections 4: 6 selections