
Oregon Marine Renewable Energy
Environmental Science Conference
November 28, 2012
Ann Scarborough Bull, Ph.D.
Chief, Environmental Sciences Section
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Pacific Region
Pacific Region Environmental Studies
Ø  1973 – 2012
Ø  306 studies completed at nearly $ 141 M
3 renewable energy studies completed
Ø  26 on-going studies FY 2012 ~$ 13.2 M
18 related to renewable energy ~$ 10.3 M
Ø  5 additional renewable energy studies for FY 2013 ~$ 3.6 M
2 specifically informative to Oregon
Using surrogates to forecast effects
Modeling consequences of wave energy depletion
Preparing for Oregon Marine Renewable Energy
Oregon Marine Renewable Energy Environmental Science Conference
Ø  BOEM needs to share environmental research information
Ø  BOEM needs to determine largest data gaps to guide future research
OSU Wave Sentinel
Preparing for Oregon Marine Renewable Energy
Oregon Marine Renewable Energy Environmental Science Conference
Ø  Showcase completed and ongoing research that addresses
environmental questions associated with wave and wind
energy development in the Pacific Northwest.
Ø  Synthesize new research and existing information and
distill it into products that agencies and resource
managers can use.
Ø  Identify study gaps of the technologies or potentially
affected systems that can be used for scientists, managers
and funders to focus future research efforts.
Preparing for Oregon Marine Renewable Energy
Oregon Marine Renewable Energy Environmental Science Conference
Ø  Steering Committee BOEM/OSU/State of Oregon
Ø  Focusing on Environmental Science
Ø  Present synthesis talks of major resource subjects
Ø  Highlight selected studies
Ø  Discuss gaps in our information
BOEM Use of Environmental Information
Ø  Why does BOEM engage science and scientists?
Ø  Why does BOEM need to do scientific research?
Ø  When does BOEM need the results?
Ø  How does BOEM conduct its science program?
Ø  How does BOEM use the results?
Alan Thornhill, Ph.D. Chief Environmental Officer Bureau of Ocean Energy Management www.boem.gov 8 