National e-Science Centre OGSI and Microsoft.NET

OGSI and Microsoft.NET
e-Science Institute 4th- 5th November 03
The second OGSI on Microsoft .NET course, provided as part of collaboration between NeSC,
EPCC and Microsoft Research Ltd and held at the UK e-Science Institute in Edinburgh, took
place on November 4-5th 2003.
Delegates attended the course from a range of institutions across the UK involved in e-Science.
The research interests of the attendees included engineering, computer science, particle physics
and Grid research.
The goals of the course were to provide attendees with information on both the Open Grid
Services Infrastructure and Microsoft .NET and to demonstrate the applicability of Microsoft .NET
to the development and hosting of Grid services. An implementation of OGSI on .NET MS.NETGrid-OGSI - was used as a focus for this demonstration. Both lectures and practicals
were used to facilitate the achievement of these goals.
The attendees viewed the course very positively and worth their while attending. The hands-on
Grid service development practicals were viewed as particularly useful and interesting. The
majority of attendees expressed an intent to use MS.NETGrid-OGSI in the near future for
applications development and for familiarising themselves with both OGSI and Microsoft .NET.
The next OGSI on Microsoft .NET course will run in January 2004.
Mike Jackson (Workshop Organiser)
University of Edinburgh