Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References 1+1=2? Well, think again... A. K. Karlis1,3 G. Galanis2 S. Terovitis2 M. S. Turner1,3 1 Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK. of Economics, University of Warwick, UK. 3 Complexity Center, University of Warwick, UK. 2 Department 1/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Empirical Motivation Boyson et al. (2010) analysed data on the returns of eight different Hedge Fund styles from January 1990 to October 2008. They concluded that the worst hedge fund returns, defined as returns that fall in the bottom 10% of a hedge fund style’s monthly returns, show higher correlation than expected from economic fundamentals (contagion). Introduction 2/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Theoretical Insight Contagion is linked with liquidity shocks, in support for the mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) links an asset’s market liquidity and traders’ funding liquidity. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely, traders’ funding, depends on the assets’ market liquidity. Thus, there is a reinforcing mechanism at play leading to liquidity spirals. Introduction 3/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Relevant Literature The mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) is related to the so-called “Leverage Cycle”(Geanakoplos, 1997, 2010a,b; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). The leverage cycle in a nutshell: The Leverage Cycle The pro-cyclical expansion and contraction of credit supply. Leverage becomes too high in boom times, and too low in bad times. As a result, in boom times asset prices are too high, and in crisis times they are too low. Introduction 4/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Relevant Literature The mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) is related to the so-called “Leverage Cycle”(Geanakoplos, 1997, 2010a,b; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). The leverage cycle in a nutshell: The Leverage Cycle The pro-cyclical expansion and contraction of credit supply. Leverage becomes too high in boom times, and too low in bad times. As a result, in boom times asset prices are too high, and in crisis times they are too low. Introduction 4/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Relevant Literature The mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) is related to the so-called “Leverage Cycle”(Geanakoplos, 1997, 2010a,b; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). The leverage cycle in a nutshell: The Leverage Cycle The pro-cyclical expansion and contraction of credit supply. Leverage becomes too high in boom times, and too low in bad times. As a result, in boom times asset prices are too high, and in crisis times they are too low. Introduction 4/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Relevant Literature The mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) is related to the so-called “Leverage Cycle”(Geanakoplos, 1997, 2010a,b; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). The leverage cycle in a nutshell: The Leverage Cycle The pro-cyclical expansion and contraction of credit supply. Leverage becomes too high in boom times, and too low in bad times. As a result, in boom times asset prices are too high, and in crisis times they are too low. Introduction 4/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Relevant Literature The mechanism proposed by Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) is related to the so-called “Leverage Cycle”(Geanakoplos, 1997, 2010a,b; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). The leverage cycle in a nutshell: The Leverage Cycle The pro-cyclical expansion and contraction of credit supply. Leverage becomes too high in boom times, and too low in bad times. As a result, in boom times asset prices are too high, and in crisis times they are too low. Introduction 4/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Motivation Driving Questions: 1 The link between heterogeneity and the clustering of defaults. 2 Is a deterministic (non-linear) description of the default process feasible? Introduction 5/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Motivation Driving Questions: 1 The link between heterogeneity and the clustering of defaults. 2 Is a deterministic (non-linear) description of the default process feasible? Introduction 5/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Motivation Driving Questions: 1 The link between heterogeneity and the clustering of defaults. 2 Is a deterministic (non-linear) description of the default process feasible? Introduction 5/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References The Economy Traders have a choice between owning a risky and risk-free asset. Two kinds of traders: 1 2 Noise traders. Hedge funds (HF). (Receive a private noisy signal. Signal precision varies among HFs). Credit: The HFs can increase the size of their long position by borrowing from a bank using the asset as collateral. Introduction 6/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References The Economy Traders have a choice between owning a risky and risk-free asset. Two kinds of traders: 1 2 Noise traders. Hedge funds (HF). (Receive a private noisy signal. Signal precision varies among HFs). Credit: The HFs can increase the size of their long position by borrowing from a bank using the asset as collateral. Introduction 6/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References The Economy Traders have a choice between owning a risky and risk-free asset. Two kinds of traders: 1 2 Noise traders. Hedge funds (HF). (Receive a private noisy signal. Signal precision varies among HFs). Credit: The HFs can increase the size of their long position by borrowing from a bank using the asset as collateral. Introduction 6/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Key Results The distribution of waiting times between defaults (WTBD) is qualitatively different on the micro and macro level. 1 2 Introduction Microscopic level: Exponentially distributed ⇒ Poisson process. After aggregation: Power-law ⇒ Scale invariance. 7/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Key Results The distribution of waiting times between defaults (WTBD) is qualitatively different on the micro and macro level. 1 2 Introduction Microscopic level: Exponentially distributed ⇒ Poisson process. After aggregation: Power-law ⇒ Scale invariance. 7/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Key Results The distribution of waiting times between defaults (WTBD) is qualitatively different on the micro and macro level. 1 2 Introduction Microscopic level: Exponentially distributed ⇒ Poisson process. After aggregation: Power-law ⇒ Scale invariance. 7/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Fat-tail, so what? Consequences of the fat-tail The emergence of a fat-tailed distribution of WTBD on the aggregate level leads to clustering of defaults. The bursty character of the occurance of defaults allows a deterministic description of the time-sequence of defaults. The statistical properties of the default process, as viewed on the aggregate level, can be accurately described by an Intermittent (type III) process. Introduction 8/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Fat-tail, so what? Consequences of the fat-tail The emergence of a fat-tailed distribution of WTBD on the aggregate level leads to clustering of defaults. The bursty character of the occurance of defaults allows a deterministic description of the time-sequence of defaults. The statistical properties of the default process, as viewed on the aggregate level, can be accurately described by an Intermittent (type III) process. Introduction 8/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Fat-tail, so what? Consequences of the fat-tail The emergence of a fat-tailed distribution of WTBD on the aggregate level leads to clustering of defaults. The bursty character of the occurance of defaults allows a deterministic description of the time-sequence of defaults. The statistical properties of the default process, as viewed on the aggregate level, can be accurately described by an Intermittent (type III) process. Introduction 8/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Fat-tail, so what? Consequences of the fat-tail The emergence of a fat-tailed distribution of WTBD on the aggregate level leads to clustering of defaults. The bursty character of the occurance of defaults allows a deterministic description of the time-sequence of defaults. The statistical properties of the default process, as viewed on the aggregate level, can be accurately described by an Intermittent (type III) process. Introduction 8/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Noise Traders Noise Traders The demand d nt of the representative noise-trader for the risky asset, in terms of cash value, is assumed to follow an AR(1) mean-reverting process (Xiong, 2001; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). Thus, the demand (in cash value) dtnt = D nt pt of the NTs follows nt + σ nt χt + (1 − ρ) log(VN ). log dtnt = ρ log dt−1 (1) where χt = N (0, 1) and ρ ∈ (−1, 1). The Model 9/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Noise Traders Noise Traders The demand d nt of the representative noise-trader for the risky asset, in terms of cash value, is assumed to follow an AR(1) mean-reverting process (Xiong, 2001; Thurner et al., 2012; Poledna et al., 2014). Thus, the demand (in cash value) dtnt = D nt pt of the NTs follows nt + σ nt χt + (1 − ρ) log(VN ). log dtnt = ρ log dt−1 (1) where χt = N (0, 1) and ρ ∈ (−1, 1). The Model 9/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Hedge Funds I 1 10 20 Rank 30 40 50 60 70 10 The Model 20 30 40 50 60 ∆W/W (%) 70 80 90 10/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Hedge Funds II HFs are represented by risk averse agents with CRRA. j Utility: U = 1 − e −αrt , where rtj denotes the rate of j j )/Wt−1 . return of the jth HF, i.e. rtj = (Wtj − Wt−1 Each HF receives a private noisy signal Ṽ = V + j . V the fundamental value of the risky asset. j ∼ N(0, σj ). Their wealth at each period is Wtj = Dtj pt + Ctj . Dtj , demand for the risky asset. pt , price. Ctj , amount of risk-free asset (cash). The Model 11/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Hedge Funds II HFs are represented by risk averse agents with CRRA. j Utility: U = 1 − e −αrt , where rtj denotes the rate of j j )/Wt−1 . return of the jth HF, i.e. rtj = (Wtj − Wt−1 Each HF receives a private noisy signal Ṽ = V + j . V the fundamental value of the risky asset. j ∼ N(0, σj ). Their wealth at each period is Wtj = Dtj pt + Ctj . Dtj , demand for the risky asset. pt , price. Ctj , amount of risk-free asset (cash). The Model 11/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Hedge Funds II HFs are represented by risk averse agents with CRRA. j Utility: U = 1 − e −αrt , where rtj denotes the rate of j j )/Wt−1 . return of the jth HF, i.e. rtj = (Wtj − Wt−1 Each HF receives a private noisy signal Ṽ = V + j . V the fundamental value of the risky asset. j ∼ N(0, σj ). Their wealth at each period is Wtj = Dtj pt + Ctj . Dtj , demand for the risky asset. pt , price. Ctj , amount of risk-free asset (cash). The Model 11/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Hedge Funds II HFs are represented by risk averse agents with CRRA. j Utility: U = 1 − e −αrt , where rtj denotes the rate of j j )/Wt−1 . return of the jth HF, i.e. rtj = (Wtj − Wt−1 Each HF receives a private noisy signal Ṽ = V + j . V the fundamental value of the risky asset. j ∼ N(0, σj ). Their wealth at each period is Wtj = Dtj pt + Ctj . Dtj , demand for the risky asset. pt , price. Ctj , amount of risk-free asset (cash). The Model 11/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Funds The maximization yields Dtj = m W j , m = V − pt . ασj2 t (2) Demand is capped by λj = Dtj pt /Wtj ≤ λmax , λmax the maximum allowed leverage set externally. The Model 12/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Hedge Funds Price The wealth of a HF evolves according to j Wt+1 = Wtj + (pt+1 − pt )Dtj − Ftj (3) Ftj , managerial fees following the 1/10 rule: n o j j Ftj = γ Wt−1 + 10 max Wt−1 − Wt−2 ,0 (4) The price of the risky asset is determined by the market clearance condition Dtnt (pt ) + n X Dtj (pt ) = N . (5) j=1 The Model 13/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements What is Clustering? If defaults are clustered, then C (t 0 ) decays such that the sum of the autocorrelation function over the lag variable diverges (Baillie, 1996; Samorodnitsky, 2007). Thus, Definition Let C (t 0 ) denote the autocorrelation of the time series of defaults, with t 0 being the lag variable. Defaults are clustered iff Z ∞ X t 0 =0 Results ∞ C (t 0 ) ≈ C (t 0 )dt 0 → ∞. (6) 0 14/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements What is Clustering? If defaults are clustered, then C (t 0 ) decays such that the sum of the autocorrelation function over the lag variable diverges (Baillie, 1996; Samorodnitsky, 2007). Thus, Definition Let C (t 0 ) denote the autocorrelation of the time series of defaults, with t 0 being the lag variable. Defaults are clustered iff Z ∞ X t 0 =0 Results ∞ C (t 0 ) ≈ C (t 0 )dt 0 → ∞. (6) 0 14/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements Theorem Consider an exponential density function P(τ ; µ), parametrized by µ ∈ R+ . If µ is itself a random variable with a density function ρ(µ), and ρ(µ) in a neighbourhood of 0 can be expanded in a power series of the form n P ck µk + Rn+1 (µ), where ν > −1, then the ρ(µ) = µν k=0 leading order behaviour for τ → ∞ of the aggregate probability function is P̃(τ ) ∝ τ −(2+ν+k) , where k is the order of the first non-zero term of the power series expansion of ρ(µ) for µ → 0+ (exhibits a power-law tail). Results 15/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements Proof. The aggregate density can be viewed as the Laplace transform L [.] of the function φ(µ) ≡ µW (µ), with respect to µ. Hence, Z ∞ P̃(µ) ≡ L [φ(µ)] (τ ) = φ(µ) exp(−µτ )dµ. (7) 0 Watson’s Lemma (Debnath and Bhatta, 2007): Lµ [f (µ)] (τ ) ∼ n X bk Γ(a + k + 1) +O τ a+k+1 1 τ a+n+2 . (8) k=0 Therefore, P̃(τ ) ∝ Results 1 τ k+ν+2 +O 1 τ k+ν+3 . (9) 16/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements Autocorrelation Theorem Let Tn ∈ R+ , n ≥ 0, be a sequence of i.d.d. random variables. Assume that the probability density function P̃(Tn = τ ) ∝ τ −α , for τ → ∞. n P Consider now the renewal process Sn = Ti . Let Y (t) = 1[0,t] (Sn ), i=0 where 1A : R → {0, 1} denotes the indicator function, satisfying 1 : x∈A 1A = 0 : x∈ /A If 2 < α ≤ 3, then the autocorrelation function of Y (t), for t → ∞ decays as 2−α C (t 0 ) ∝ t 0 (10) Results 17/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Mathematical Statements Proof. A renewal process is ergodic: C (t 0 ) ∝ lim K→∞ 1 K K X Yt Yt+t 0 . (11) t=0 The correlation function can then be expressed in terms of the aggregate density (Procaccia and Schuster, 1983; Schuster and Just, 2006): 0 0 C (t ) = t X C (t 0 − τ )P̃(τ ) + δτ,0 . (12) τ =0 ( f 1 F {C (t 0 )} ∝ Results f a−3 , | log(f )|, const., 2<a<3 a=3 . a>3 (13) 18/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Failure Function — Microscopic Level 10-5 P j (τ ) 10-6 10-7 10-8 2 4 6 8 τ Results 10 12 14 ×104 19/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results After Aggregation -3 10 10-4 10-5 P̃ (τ ) 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 2 10 Results 103 104 τ 105 106 20/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Clustering of Defaults Asymmetric and Information Leads to Clustering of Defaults An important effect of the emergent heavy-tail statistics stemming from the heterogeneity of the market, is the absence of a characteristic time-scale for the occurrence of defaults (scale-free asymptotic behaviour). Fitting the aggregate distribution we obtain P̃(τ ) ∼ τ −(7/3) . According to Theorem 2, the autocorrelation function decays as, −1/3 C (t 0 ) ∼ t 0 . (14) Results 21/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Clustering of Defaults Asymmetric and Information Leads to Clustering of Defaults An important effect of the emergent heavy-tail statistics stemming from the heterogeneity of the market, is the absence of a characteristic time-scale for the occurrence of defaults (scale-free asymptotic behaviour). Fitting the aggregate distribution we obtain P̃(τ ) ∼ τ −(7/3) . According to Theorem 2, the autocorrelation function decays as, −1/3 C (t 0 ) ∼ t 0 . (14) Results 21/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Autocorrelation Function 100 -1 C(t′ ) 10 10-2 10-3 0 10 10 1 2 10 t′ Results 22/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Better Information for All 10 -3 10 -5 P̃ (τ ) 10 -4 10 -6 10 -8 P̃ (τ ) 10 -4 10 -6 10 -7 0 2000 4000 τ 10 -8 10 -9 2 10 Results 10 3 10 4 τ 10 5 10 6 23/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results 10 -1 10 -2 C(t′ ) 10 0 10 C(t′ ) 10 -1 -3 10 -2 10 -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 t′ 10 -4 10 0 10 1 10 2 t′ Results 24/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Non-Normal Returns 22 20 18 16 P (r) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 r Results 25/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Numerical results Clustered Volatility 100 -1 R(t′ ) 10 10-2 10-3 1 10 2 10 3 10 t′ Results 26/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Intermittency Deterministic Description All statistical properties of default events can be replicated by a very simple deterministic map. xt+1 = xt + uxtz mod 1, z > 1. (15) Characteristic behaviour: The evolution of xt is regular close to the vicinity of 0 (marginally unstable fixed point) and chaotic away from it ⇒ Random alternation between almost regular and chaotic dynamics. Regular motion → Laminar phase. Chaotic motion → Turbulent phase. Results 27/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Intermittency Deterministic Description II Results 28/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Intermittency Deterministic Description III The distribution of waiting times between transition from the laminar to the turbulent phase follows a power-law (Schuster and Just, 2006). z ρ(τ ) ∝ τ − z−1 , (16) Also, the autocorrelation function of xt decays algebraically z−2 C (t 0 ) ∝ t 0 z−1 , 3/2 ≤ z < 2. Setting z = 7 , 4 (17) and mapping the: HFs Active → Laminar phase. Default events → Turbulent phase. ρ(t) ∼ τ −7/3 , C (t 0 ) = t 0 Results −1/3 (18) 29/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References We assume that the heterogeneity of the agents stems from the HFs’ different quality of the mispricing signals they receive. We show that the failure function of the HFs is qualitatively different when observed on the micro and the aggregate level. We also show that the scale-free property of the emergent statistics on the aggregate level is directly connected with the clustering of defaults. Conclusions 30/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References Which is the Real Cause? . . . A crucial part of my story is heterogeneity between investors. . . But an important difference is that I do not invoke any asymmetric information. . . Of course, the asymmetric information revolution in economics was a tremendous advance, and asymmetric information plays a critical role in many lender-borrower relationships; sometimes, however, the profession becomes obsessed with it. . . (Geanakoplos, 2010a) Conclusions 31/33 Introduction The Model Results Conclusions References References I Baillie, R. T., 1996. Long memory processes and fractional integration in econometrics. Journal of Econometrics 73 (1), 5 – 59. Boyson, N. M., Stahel, C. W., Stulz, R. M., 2010. Hedge fund contagion and liquidity shocks. Journal of Finance 65 (5), 1789–1816. Brunnermeier, M. K., Pedersen, L. H., June 2009. Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity. Review of Financial Studies, Society for Financial Studies 22 (6), 2201–2238. Debnath, L., Bhatta, D., 2007. Integral transforms and their applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC. Geanakoplos, J., 1997. The economy as an evolving complex system II. Vol. 28. Addison-Wesley Reading, MA. Geanakoplos, J., 2010a. 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