Mecklenburg County Environmental Leadership Team Environmental Sustainability Plan Mission = Mecklenburg County Government will operate in a manner that conserves and protects our air, water and land resources; become a model of environmental stewardship for local governments, businesses, and industry in our region, and; use and apply the County’s existing and future resources wisely for the benefit of its citizens. Priority* Description 1 Practice energy conservation in all County facilities. 2011 Goal 2012 Goal Long-Term Goal (2020) Emission Reduction Reduce emissions contributing to ozone creation and air quality issues Update Energy Plan to include all County owned facilities Energy Savings Goal – additional 1% to equal 11% of FY07 baseline Reduce average FY 10 NOx emissions (g/mi) by 5% from FY 09 On Road Fleet LEV make-up: Vehicle Class Light Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles % Compliant 85% 78% 36% Develop a Strategic Utility Plan Energy Savings Goal – additional 1% to equal 10% of FY07 baseline Reduce average NOx emissions (g/mi) by 5% from previous year On Road Fleet LEV make-up: Vehicle Class Light Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles % Compliant 87% 81% Energy Savings Goal – 50% savings (kW/ft2) of FY07 baseline On Road Fleet:100% Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) defined as: Vehicle Class NOx Light Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Gas Vehicles Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles 0.30 grams/mi 1.00 grams/bhp-hr 2.50 grams/bhp-hr 44% 1 Non Road Fleet: Define LEV Research and propose language and methodology for inclusion in contracts with transportation providers that would consider and promote reduction in air emissions from their on-road fleets Non Road Fleet: 100% low emission fleet. (LEV to be defined) Reduce GHG emissions by 28% from 2006 baseline data. GHG Inventory Update Report *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 1 Priority* Description Provide and promote transportation alternatives that reduce emissions Practice waste minimization and recycling in all County and CMS facilities. Include environmental considerations in purchasing decisions for goods and services. 1 2012 Goal Research and propose a methodology to HR that will enable County employees to easily identify and contact potential carpool partners Long-Term Goal (2020) TBD Subsidize employee transit passes for FY13 2 1 2011 Goal Research and propose a travel hierarchy for inclusion into County travel policy for County employees to consider when making local, regional and national travel decisions that would consider air emissions Resource Conservation 17 % recycling of total waste 20 % recycling of total waste stream stream Revise long-term 2020 goal Two additional Regional Parks to contain recycling dumpsters, trash cans, and bins. Implement new County Update EPPG procurement policy with regard to EPPG; providing all department training Purchase printer/copy paper 90% compliance products that contain 100% recycled material with a minimum 30% post-consumer content; 85% compliance Purchase Green office supplies: 35% compliance Paper (other than printer/copier), metal or plastic products that contain a minimum 10% recycled materials and/or meet the Green Seal standard; 35% compliance Purchase Remanufactured Inkjet, 30% compliance laser and toner cartridges ; 75% compliance 20% recycling of total waste stream from all County facilities (including County funded agencies) 100% compliance with revised policy (effective implementation) 95% compliance 70% compliance 90% compliance *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 2 Priority* Description Acquire, Maintain and preserve land to protect the natural environment, ecosystems and habitat 1 2011 Goal Purchase Cleaning products that meet the Green Seal standards; 50% compliance Long-Term Goal (2020) 70% compliance Purchase Paint with low level of VOCs; 60% compliance 2012 Goal Ensure maintenance vendors are using cleaning products that meet the Green Seal standards; 60% compliance Ensure vendors are using paint with low level of VOCs; 80% compliance Return 15 acres of floodplain to its natural condition Treat 2.5 acres of public impervious area 5,306 acres for Community / Regional Parks, Nature Preserves, Greenways and watershed protection acquired Acquire 350 acres of the highest priority parcels for Parks, Nature Preserves, Greenways and watershed protection 95% compliance 885 acres of impervious area currently exist on Countyowned property. Between now and 2020, 20 acres (2.25%) of existing impervious area will be treated to improve water quality. Incorporate Green Print / sensitive areas information into County funded Plan Review comments *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 3 Priority* Description Require environmentally sensitive design in all new and existing facilities 2011 Goal Implement Sustainable Facilities and Development Policy including: Minimize water usage in the building 20% below State Code and irrigation use 50% below State Code requirements Reduce up to 90% of the sediment load in a minimum of 75% of the County funded projects starting design after 2010 Provide employees with opportunities and incentives to practice environmentally sound behaviors. 1 2012 Goal Continue to implement and update the Sustainable Facilities and Development Policy including: Minimize water usage in new facilities 20% below State Code and irrigation use 50% below State Code requirements Continued Re-use of County buildings where feasible. Reduce up to 90% of the sediment load in a minimum of 75% of the County funded projects starting design after 2010 LEED Silver Certification LEED Silver Certification for all County facilities over for all County facilities $2million over $2million LEED checklist for small LEED checklist for small projects and renovations projects and renovations Commitment 250 hours of volunteerism with 2,500 hours of volunteer /education environmental programs in environmental programs Maintain WorkGreen Mecklenburg program with Green Guardian recognition Long-Term Goal (2020) All new or renovated facilities designed to a LEED Gold standard. Explore non-traditional communication tools to convey environmental issues for all employees through unique partnerships (e.g., County Diversity Council) 3,000 hours (was 500) of volunteer / education in environmental programs annually Host a minimum of one healthy environment / Greenway walking/biking event per year Implement Green Guardian employee action team *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 4 Priority* Description Establish partnerships to implement environmental sustainability 1 Community Awareness and Enrichment 1 2 2 3 2011 Goal Integration of the Environmental Leadership Index into Community and Corporate Scorecard 2012 Goal County departmental environmental action plans to attain “Green Light” achievement. County departmental environmental action plans to attain “Green Light” achievement. Coordinate local partner (CMS, CPCC, and PLCMC) action plans with County measures and targets to provide a system of BMPs and joint program opportunities. Establish partnerships regarding measuring and reporting environmental policy efforts and finalize implementation plan Increase community awareness of environmental issues by 2% Long-Term Goal (2020) 100% participation of County Departments and County funded agencies in Environmental Leadership Policy Partner with Mecklenburg County municipal stakeholders (City and Towns) in addition to local partners (CMS, CPCC, and PLCMC) in development of Environmental Sustainability Plans Increased community awareness of environmental issues by 10% (2010 baseline = 74% community awareness) Financing Environmental (non-regulatory) Programs Sustainable Economic Development Support environmental workplace safety and health as a part of County operations NA Develop Continuous Funding Strategy for ELP programs TBD NA Study Sustainable Economic Development Incentive Program options Develop Healthy Vending Policy Incorporate environmental sustainability considerations in County Financing tools Provide access to healthy foods in all County facilities NA Promote Farmers Markets available to County employees Maintain Fit Community Designation *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 5 Priority* 1 2 Description Support a program of continuous review to ensure reduction of adverse environmental impacts of County operations and evaluation of new opportunities to achieve sound environmental practices. Actively explore the feasibility of implementing new and innovative products and/or practices that provide environmental benefits, and inform elected officials of new opportunities. 2011 Goal 2012 Goal Stewardship Enhancement Participation and reporting to NC Internal Environmental Assessment Environmental Stewardship Program Pilot Study Completed Initiative as a pilot program member in good standing Continue participation and reporting to NC Environmental Stewardship Initiative as a member in good standing Continued ISO 14001certification for additional Solid Waste Department facilities Implement Single-Stream recycling Develop program for environmental data collection and information sharing between the County and educational and/or other local government entities (with regard to water quality or emission reduction) Develop and establish an adult “Master Naturalist” certification program. Long-Term Goal (2020) Evaluate and implement certification programs with continuous review requirements for application within County programs Annual report regarding status of this Action Plan available to employees and public Comply with all applicable local, state and federal environmental regulations in all County facilities. 3 new innovative products/practices implemented each year Evaluation of solar thermal installations at County facilities *Priority : 1 = High Concern / High Influence; 2 = High Concern / Low Influence; 3 = Low Concern / High Influence; (Note: Low Concern / Low Influence not included in this chart) 6