The case for providing a visualization resource for the National

The case for providing a visualization resource for the National
Grid Service
Date: 18th May 2006
Venue: Systems Engineering Innovation Centre,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU
Format: Mini-workshop involving keynote and participatory sessions
Target audience: Visualization users, Service providers, Visualization practitioners
Visualization is acknowledged as an important area within the UK academic research community
requiring additional support. Consequently, a number of visualization centres around the UK have been
funded by JISC to harness their strengths and create a virtual entity that provides both a regional and a
national perspective. The resulting UK visualization network (VizNET) is reaching out to visualization
users to offer advice, training and examples of best practice. VizNET has been motivated by the
availability of cost effective visualization hardware that makes it feasible for research groups (who would
not normally be regarded as serious visualization users) to consider improving presentation and
understanding of their data sets by employing advanced visualization techniques.
There is growing evidence that advanced scientific users require access to high end visualization
resources that are too expensive or generally unavailable within their respective organisations. Currently,
the National Grid Service (NGS) does not provide a visualization service thus leaving the user to process
any visualization locally. The addition of a well resourced visualization facility with the capability to
process and deliver complex visualization data as a complete end to end service as part of the NGS is an
exciting concept. In order to support a wide user base high end any visualization resource will to need to
satisfy a diverse set of user needs through a distributed or remote visualization capability.
The purpose of the workshop is to capture/derive visualization user requirements by bringing together
users, visualization practitioners and potential service providers. The workshop will commence with an
invited keynote address and followed by a structured discussion/debate involving leading scientific
visualization users and visualization practitioners. The latter part of the workshop will identify the
possible options (and shape) for a visualization resource as part of the NGS. The different operating and
funding models will be discussed.
Output from the workshop will be used to inform the JISC Committee for Supporting Research (JCSR) of
the strength of support for a visualization resource as part of an extension to the NGS. It is hoped that if
sufficient support exists in the visualization community then JISC may consider funding an open call to
provide a visualization capability for the NGS.
The workshop promises to be an interesting and lively debate. In the likely event it is heavily subscribed
it may be necessary to limit the number of representatives from each institution. If you wish to attend
please contact giving your name and affiliation.
Organiser: Professor Roy S. Kalawsky, Director Research School of Systems Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, tel. 01509 635678
Co-organisers Professor K. Brodlie, Leeds University, Dr M. Turner, Manchester Computing,
Prof N. Avis, Cardiff University, Dr L. Sastry, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories
The case for providing a visualization resource for the National
Grid Service
Date: 18th May 2006
Venue: Systems Engineering Innovation Centre,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU
10:15 – 10:30 Arrival: Coffee & Biscuits
Seminar Room 1
Welcome/Introduction: Prof Roy Kalawsky
Invited talk: Prof Peter Coveney - UCL
Workshop Discussion: User Need
Establishing the need – Users Perspective/Requirements
Buffet Lunch
Workshop Discussion: Service Provision
Issues of Service Provision – Managing access to remote visualization tools
and environments (one fits all versus support to all)
Options for providing Visualization Service – (single site versus multiple
sites), Funding Options/Mechanisms
Tea & Biscuits
Plenary Session
Plenary Session: Review of Requirements and Next Steps
Workshop close
Coffee/Tea will be available during the day
An adjacent break out room is available if required (Seminar Room 2)
N.B. Depending on attendee numbers it may be necessary to organise two parallel sessions
covering User Need and Service Provision respectively. If this becomes necessary appropriate
plenary sessions will be included in the programme.
Your first view of the SEIC
By car from East Midlands Airport/M1
From the airport follow the signs for the M1. Take the M1 south, exit at
Junction 23 and take the A512 to Loughborough. At the first roundabout
turn right (signposted to Holywell Park) and straight on to the SEIC.
By car from Birmingham Airport
From the airport follow the signs for the M42 north. Take the M42 north
and continue for approximately 23 miles (the M42 changes into the A42).
Leave the A42 at Junction 13 and turn right onto the A512 to
Loughborough for approximately 10 miles. Continue on the A512 at the
roundabout over the M1 motorway and then turn right at the next
roundabout (signposted to Holywell Park) and straight on to the SEIC
By car from A6/A60
Come into Loughborough town and then follow signs for the M1 motorway,
which will take you through the town and outwards on the A512 (Ashby
Road). Loughborough University campus will be on your left (the road
becomes a dual-carriageway). Follow the road through the traffic lights. At
the first roundabout turn left (signposted to Holywell Park) and straight on
to the SEIC.
From the train station at Loughborough
Taxis are normally available from the station. The journey to the university
takes approximately 10 minutes and should cost around £4-5.
Please use the car park on the right just past the walkway over the lake.