ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 1 COMMITTEE AGENDA TOPICS I. Subject: Action: Business District Organization Program Receive information on changes to the Business District Organization Program and make a recommendation to City Council if ready. II. Subject: Action: First Ward Development Agreement Update Committee on Development Agreement for First Ward project. III. Subject: Action: Carolina Theatre Review request by Camden Property Management to remove precondition for financing in order to close on property by July 30, 2009. IV. Subject: Next Meeting Date The next meeting date is scheduled for June 17th. COMMITTEE INFORMATION Present: Absent: Time: Council members John Lassiter, Anthony Foxx, James Mitchell and Patsy Kinsey Nancy Carter 3:30 – 4:30pm. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. PowerPoint presentation: Business District Organization Program Proposed Changes PowerPoint presentation: First Ward Park & Parking Update DISCUSSION HIGHLIGHTS I. Subject: Business District Organization Program John Lassiter, Chair: We have three items on our agenda today. The first is a discussion of the proposed changes to the Business District Organization Program and John and Tom will walk us through those changes. Short: The last time we came before this Committee with the original proposed changes; there were some questions that you added. We are going to address those questions today, but before we do that, I think we should go over a recap of what we were talking about at the last meeting. The current program, the 1:1 match, we were going to match that at an annual $10,000 dollars. This is to be used for operational expenses. The board must be composed of 75% business and the group must be a 501(c)(3) or (c)(6). The changes that we are proposing are a 2:1 match with a cap of $30,000 dollars annually instead of $10,000 dollars annually. The expanded uses would include promotion, marketing and special events. We have also reduced the amount of business participation on the board to 50% business. Groups with a pending 501(c)(3) or (c)(6) status would be eligible. Foxx: Let me go back to the board being 50% business. Are we talking about business organizations that are in a corridor? Short: That’s correct. Foxx: I guess that my concern about being 50% business as opposed to being 100% business is that the neighborhood associations are so strong that they have tendency ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 2 Short: Mumford: Kinsey: Short: Foxx: Short: Warshauer: Foxx: Warshauer: Foxx: Warshauer: Lassiter: Warshauer: Lassiter: Warshauer: to dictate the business agenda. What is the rational of reducing that to 50% percent rather than 100% percent business on the board? Initially we had that set at 75% percent business and we were challenged with how to incorporate the adjacent neighborhoods that line these business corridors, how do we align them with the business community, so that they are working together to address issues as a whole? We have some success with Freedom Drive and North End Partners where they hold predominately business focused meetings, but do have representation from the neighborhood so that can let people know what is going on, but it is purely to compliment the business agenda. The source of the question was; what about neighborhoods sometimes they feel left out? So that is why the language reads “can be” there is not a requirement but it can be. It could be 100% percent in a corridor, but this would give you something of an acknowledgement of the neighborhood. The match 2:1 is that the business community in the City? The City is 2. In the aspect of the groups pending applications, can you give me some idea of what kind of controls we have to insure that we’re not going to have that abused? I know what the purpose of that is and I agree with it but it opens the door to more organizations to get some help. How are we going to manage that? The way that we track that is in the documentation of their filing and all their effort to attain their status is to make sure that we are copied on that; so that we know that they have filed and it is being processed. Sometimes that is a very lengthy process and that’s why we did not want to hold people up that are trying to get started. They would still be waiting for certification and we felt that if we had approved documentation that they were following through with the status and we would require them to have that to us within a year of the approval letter. We don’t give out the money in advance; they don’t apply for a grant and immediately get $30,000 dollars. As they spend money and provide us with receipts and we check that off against their work plan and we know that the work has been accomplished. This is what we had agreed to do in the beginning of the year so it’s not as if the money goes out the door and it’s sort of sitting in their account waiting to be spent. Can you give me an example of where we wished we had this example and we didn’t? Previously, we were trying to be constrained in how we would work with businesses, so we weren’t trying to make it really easy to achieve. We know there are a number of groups out there now that are not fully organized, like around Plaza/Central out in east Charlotte and historic North Davidson. So that if we want to get going with some of them we are going to have to be able work with them as they develop. I can’t give you an example of someone that would have applied; I just know that if we want to be able to move out more quickly with people, we need to have some flexibility about the status. This would be helpful in getting them help more quickly. I guess what my intent was you get someone that doesn’t have good intentions that throws up a 501 (C)(3) application and applies for the match and doesn’t give good receipts and then we start reading about it in the newspaper. I believe one of the things to think about is are there some ways in which we can provide some help with the application process or some way we can figure out between legitimate and situations that raise red flags? Because I agree with the purpose of having it open, I just want to make sure we are not creating a problem for ourselves. They would still have to have the board and still have their regular meetings, so it’s not going to be a person coming up and saying I have this great idea give me money. Before you go away from that, I want to make sure that this 75/50 makes sense. If I read this proposed program, I could have a board made up of 100% percent neighborhood. The language says if I had 100% percent in neighborhood representatives that I could qualify? We will have to correct that. It should say, the board must be at least 50%. Right, at least 50% percent, that’s correct. ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 3 Short: Mitchell: Warshauer: Mitchell: Warshauer: Mitchell: Warshauer: Mitchell: Warshauer: Lassiter: Warshauer: Lassiter: Warshauer: Lassiter: Short: The previous questions were; how is this grant funded and what is the available balance in that account? How many groups are projected to participate in the program? How will City staff assist these groups in the early stages of formation? The funding source is DARF, Development and Revitalization Fund, along with Security, Façade, Brownfield and Business Equity Loans. It is currently funded at $400,000 dollars annually, but that amount is rarely used in its entirety. You can see on the chart that year by year what the remaining balance is each year, from that initial $400,000 dollars. So over time we have accrued enough funds in there that we can use to assist our business district through the Business District Organization. Tom, you helped me on the Sunset business issue with security, is what we did similar to that $91,000 dollars? Were those funds Security funds? Yes. Those were Security funds? Was there a criteria that prevented each business owner from getting their own gate? They had to do it collectively, can you explain that? We have a maximum for a shopping center; you may apply either individually or as a shopping center. If you have fifteen businesses each of them could not apply as an individual in that shopping center on this program. So for a shopping center, we have a maximum of $9,000 dollars for certain square footage centers and $12,000 dollars for larger shopping centers. Depending on how large the shopping center is, we have a maximum that they would reach for grants. What we have done where we had multiple very small tenants for the smaller shopping center, we looked at the whole group of shopping center owners to structure how they would apply and utilize the funds at the shopping center. So if they were a neighborhood business association those same guidelines would apply? A neighborhood association applying for a Security Grant? When I was on the committee, I had a lot of break-ins for businesses. Tom came out there and we gave away individual gates, the gates were $4,500 dollars for each one. It has worked there have been no break-ins, but we have an issue with the policy that was made. We had to be very creative to get a grant for each one of those business owners. I am trying to see with this policy, if they are with a neighborhood association, would that give them more ability to apply for a Security Grant? The shopping center owner or the property owner apply for the Security Grant, we do not have the business association applying for the grant. This would provide more money for businesses to be able apply for projects that would include security. The meeting attendees were asking about signage that is in disrepair, and signs that needed to be cleaned up so that they looked more presentable in the neighborhood. Do any of these categories allow money to be used for signage? The Facade Grant allows for signage on buildings, but the signage has to be grandfathered signage. So we won’t pay to change out a new sign that is not grandfathered. But if the signs have been grandfathered then we would pay to remove the grandfather condition and put in a sign that meets the current ordinance. In the new program one of the things we are interested in for commercial districts is promotions, graphics and signs. So if they were to get together to do some sort of banner program or signage for the business district then that would be eligible under this Business District Organization Program. Not for individual store, but for a business district. As I heard the issue, there are number of signs that are primarily monument signs that are in various stages of needing repairs or cleaning and a small shopping center. How would that apply in those two different cases? With the shopping center that would be an individually owned sign; so that would be eligible for the Façade Grant. So if the owner would be willing to remove the grandfathered sign, we would be able to help pay for a new signage that would meet our ordinance in lieu of the existing grandfathered condition. Thanks. The two groups that we have in the program are North End Partners and the Freedom ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 4 Foxx: Short: Drive Development Association. Areas that we have identified that have potential business groups or have groups that are starting to form are the NoDa area; they already have a strong neighborhood presence. Central Avenue/Eastland area, Wilkinson and West Boulevards have both started talking about re-energizing previous business groups and the Beatties Ford area. The City’s role in the early stages of formation will be to provide a start-up kit to help with the initial phases of creating a business association. That start-up kit would include things like sample agendas, membership flyer examples and how to elect a board among other things in a how to kind of guide. The City of Jacksonville has a very similar one for their neighborhood organizations that I have taken a look at, borrowed some ideas from that and restructured it for us to use. We could also help structure meetings and provide examples of successful formats by taking them out to Freedom Drive meetings and let them see how it is being run. We could assist in helping them find meeting locations and provide a list of businesses in the respective areas. That was what I was referring to, I should have read ahead to see that you all had already thought of that. This is really good because it gets into some of the soft skills that we need to be putting out into the community and helping to get things started. The City is currently providing services; City staff attends monthly meeting with current business groups and we are on the agenda to provide monthly updates on relevant City activities for that area. The Corridor Liaisons act as points of contact, me and Jennifer Duru, depending on which business corridor we are talking about. We are the point of contact for general problem solving for the organizations as well as the individual business. We can expand that role as the parameters of the grant use expand. Our staff will explore and further educate ourselves in the areas of special event management, community nonprofits, festivals and potential business partners in the corridors themselves. Learn the parameters and guidelines for holiday lighting which will involve public relations opportunities. More knowledge about web based marketing and how we can incorporate these activities with the youth and job connections. In summary, the grant will change from a 1:1 match to a 2:1 match with a maximum award amount of $30,000 dollars instead of $10,000 dollars. For example, if business group X raised $10,000 dollars in 2007, the City contribution would be $10,000 dollars making a total budget of $20,000 dollars. For example in 2009, if the group raised $11,000 dollars and the City would again match with $10,000 dollars. Our hope is that they can raise a few more thousand dollars on their end and go from $11,000 dollars to $15,000 dollars then the City match in 2010 would be $30,000 dollars making a total budget of $45,000 dollars. This is more than double what they had and will allow them better opportunities for marketing and special events. The board requirement is to be 50% percent business instead of 75% percent business and the grant funds can be utilized for special events and promotional activities as we have already talked about. From there, we are looking for you to consider our Business District Organization Program Grant and make a recommendation for approval to the City Council. VOTE: Motion: Recommend to Council to consider staff proposal for Business District Organization Program Grant. Lassiter: A motion has been made by Foxx and seconded by Mitchell. All in favor say aye, it’s unanimous. Lassiter: Yes Mitchell: Yes Carter: Absent for vote Foxx: Yes Kinsey: Yes ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 5 II Subject: First Ward Development Agreement Lassiter: The second item on our agenda is an update on the First Ward Development Agreement. I want to welcome Bobbie Shields to our meeting. Thank you, Committee Members we are here today to do a couple of things. We want to update you in preparation for our coming back to you in June with a full Development Agreement. I want to refresh your memory on the framework that the Council and the County Commission have approved and we want to talk to you about where we are on the negotiations around the parking decks at 8th Street and Brevard. There will be a couple of other issues and we will outline for you a schedule for moving forward. Just to remind you again of where we are in terms of the project, this is the conceptual plan of what has been put together. The 8th Street bisects the park. Just so you know that no one cares about this but Council Member Kinsey; it’s in her district. O.K. Now that I know that the power has shifted, I did not know that. 8th Street bisects the park to the right of 8th Street is the UNC Charlotte building which just had the ground breaking last month. Brevard Street is shown along the bottom of this drawing. I am going to reference the below ground deck as well as the above ground deck. The below ground deck will be to the right of 8th Street where those trees are between 8th Street and UNC. The above ground deck that I referenced can be either on that block that is off to the bottom left of the screen or the one that is more in the middle. Those are the two locations of the potential above ground deck. So the framework that was approved in the summer of this past year is for a ten year City County Tax Increment Financing Grant of up to 45% percent of the tax increment. At that point, we estimated the maximum public sector investment; this all goes to fill the gap for the two parking decks, of about $26.1 million dollars. That was our estimated gap and I will share with you later how we have honed in on that number. The developer assumes all cost for overruns on the capital construction on the parking deck and assumes all cost and risk with operating the deck and all revenues from the operation of the parking deck. That is a very broad outline. In addition to that, the City would also contribute additional monies for the raising of 8th and Brevard Streets. The County would build the park that is the broad outline of the framework. On the parking decks, there are a total of 1335 public parking spaces in the two decks above ground and below ground. We have come down with them on 25% percent of those public spaces would be hourly spaces, that you could use anytime of the day or week. 75% percent of those spaces during the week day would be dedicated to workforce parking. People could come in and rent those spaces on a monthly basis, it serves the workforce that is already up there. Saturdays, Sundays and week nights those spaces would be available for hourly public parking, the dedication of that would last for thirty years. So even though we are only putting money in for ten years, the dedication would last for thirty years. What about UNC Charlotte parking? That is above and beyond this. The UNC Charlotte parking is above and beyond this and that totally dedicated, UNC Charlotte totally controls those 135 spaces, and they would need them on weekends. The grant payments are scheduled to start within four years of the Certificate of Occupancy of the first parking deck, whether that is the below ground or above ground parking deck. In other words, the developer has four years to tell the City and the County to write me the first check. They stop once the cost of the first deck is paid for or after ten annual payments have been made or the maximum amount of the grant is paid. So remember we are in this for ten years and so if only one deck gets built in that ten year period, we are not paying the maximum grant amount. We are only paying the maximum grant amount for that one deck. If they start the second deck in 2015, that doesn’t start a whole new ten years, our payments stops after ten years from the first payment. That is the way this deal is structured. The maximum grant amount, we have had Carl Walker Parking doing an analysis, Peter Zeiler on our staff has been working very closely with them and they Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Kinsey: Flynn: ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 6 Lassiter: Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Lassiter: have come back to us and confirmed the underground parking deck amount cost of about $16.1 million dollars. There are some costs that are in negotiation with the developer now. The park deck consultant has said that may be associated more with the office building that is going to sit on top of that than with the parking deck itself. So we are in negotiation with the developer, is that number really $16 million dollars for the parking deck or is there some number less than that that we should be participating in? The maximum grant amount is also calculated in to return 11% percent to the developer on equity and that gives us a range after factoring all that in of $25.8 and $28.3 million dollars maximum grant amount. Any questions about the maximum grant amount? The developer also came to us and said we know that there is a lot of rock underneath downtown Charlotte, and we can confirm that. Our own Engineering department will confirm that. We wanted to have the option that if we got down there and ran into lots and lots of rock of not building the last level of the underground parking deck, that next clause says that they can reduce the underground parking deck by 85 spaces if costs exceed their estimates. However, they would have to build those into the above ground deck. The deck must be started by December 2011 and their intent is to build the below ground deck first. But if market conditions or financing doesn’t allow that, they wanted to be sure that they had the option to build the above ground deck first. 8th and Brevard Streets, this is a reimbursement agreement, this is separate from the Tax Increment, this money that has been set aside for the Reimbursement Agreement. Very similar to the Reimbursement Agreement for Crescent on IKEA Boulevard. The developer builds the road to our set of specifications. Our current range of estimates for that road are $4.5 to $5 million dollars. That includes about $150,000 dollars worth of storm water work on 9th Street that Storm Water was planning to do anyway. We would get that money back out of Storm Water. We also have as part of this work, the developer has had Cole Jenest and Stone doing a lot of work in terms of engineering pulling these numbers together. The developer has asked to be reimbursed for those fees within thirty days of signing of the agreement right now those costs are estimated to be within $150,000 to $170,000 dollars. Those would also come out of that number. The scope of work has not changed. 8th Street is a street that would be built to Urban Street Design Guidelines with large wide sidewalks, planting strips, trees, no special treatment however. We were not able to put pavers on the street and keep within that budget. Pedestrian lighting all around 8th and Brevard Streets as well as replacing water, sewer and storm water around there. This also included putting all of the above ground utility wires underground. The source of funds in the Manager’s recommended CIP is for $5.5 million dollars some of that $5.5 million dollars would also be spent by the City for mast arm type traffic signals The payment would be no earlier than July 2011, the first reimbursement payment, the only reimbursement payment would be a lump sum payment. We talked to you about the workforce housing component of this. We have focused it on rental, it would last for about twenty years. We are focusing on 80% to 120% percent of area median income. The developer also said, what if I can’t get all of it here, can I build some of it within a one mile radius? That one mile radius is basically the Center City which accomplishes our same policy goals of having that downtown workforce rental housing. We are still negotiating the number of units and the penalties for failure to meet those units or if they become non-affordable. One point, we have had some issues on how that is interpreted. There is no public dollars being used to write down the cost of those units, correct? That is correct. I want to make sure the record reflects that. Correct. This is a voluntary contract consideration provided by the developer? Correct. And this has nothing to do with the parking facility construction? Correct. I want to make sure it’s in the record. ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 7 Flynn: Foxx: Flynn: Shields: Foxx: Lassiter: In terms of the MWSBE goal remember this is a City/County project, and therefore the County has the Minority and Women Business Enterprise and the City has Small Business Enterprise so it would apply to the road, the parking deck and the park because there is a possibility that the developer will build the park for the County and be reimbursed, just like they are building 8th and Brevard for us. So if that is the case the MWSBE requirement will apply to the park construction as well and you can see the goals up there on the chart. I just wanted to remind you that MBE and the WBE are the County goals. I also want to bring up one point on another issue if you will back up to the picture. The County did a budgetary concern that you are well aware of, Bobbie Shields is considering options about whether or not to participate in that park that is north of 8th Street. The park is about one acre between UNC and 8th Street. This is from a budgetary prospective and it is a budgetary concern. So that is something that their Economic Department Committee talked about yesterday and I just wanted to make you aware of that as they go through that there may be implications for the cost of the underground parking deck and other implications in the project and we will be bringing those back to you. The schedule is to bring forward a Council presentation at your Workshop on June 1st with a final to come back to this Committee on June 10th and then have full Council consideration of the Development Agreement with the recommendation from this Committee on June 22nd. The County Commission will be lining up to make a similar consideration on July 7th with a projected construction start date for the road and the parking deck in January in 2010. You mentioned this meeting with the County Commission and our development committee, what was the general discussion? I was not there, I would ask Bobbie to speak to that. Let me start it like this. Yesterday, the House passed House Bill 924 which if passed by the Senate and ratified will give Mecklenburg County a number of options for building and paying for the First Ward Park. We are exploring those options now; one of them as Tom said would be not to participate in the part of the park north of 8th Street. The response from the Commissioners was that they wanted to see the County’s cost associated with participating with the park north of 8th Street. I do want to briefly explain what Tom mentioned that the County doesn’t have any money to spend, and I appreciate that Tom. What it means is that we are indeed trying to manage the debt that we have for Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and the other debt that we have we are trying to manage that. We do not expect to be able to issue any additional debt in the near future. What House Bill 924 and the legislation will do if it’s passed, is give us an option for the developer to build any portion of the park. We are at a crossroad and those are our options, Mecklenburg County Economic Development Committee is looking at the options and we will be reporting back to them on the options. I just want to throw my two cents in, I appreciate the point Bobbie and we all are stretched out financially I know that you are, you have a big big number that you are dealing with this year. That part north of 8th Street I think is a vital connection to the University. I would hope that our staff working with the County developer is trying to figure out how to make that happen. I would really urge everyone to get back together and figure out what we can do there. I guess I am to that point where I am not sure how much any of that is in the City’s plan. We want to participate and we want to facilitate that discussion; however, it plays out but the nature of our engagement is relatively limited to infrastructure improvements and parking deck construction and not park land. We do not have a significant vested interest in how the park land is halting the program or how much of that land is ultimately available for use. We have already made a significant concession on the north side of 8th Street because it is traditional park property. The south side has a little different flavor than the ultimate use on the north side, just because it is going to be more often attached to the developed portions of the property. Because of the way it’s built on top of sublevel parking, it doesn’t have the flexibility that you have on the north side. I am not sure what means. ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 8 Flynn: Foxx: Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Lassiter: Flynn: Kimble: Lassiter: I think we are all in this as collaboration and we bring various pieces to this collaboration, the City’s piece that we are bringing to this collaboration is the raising of the roads and pedestrian infrastructure around that. We have to collaborate on how that is set with the developers piece, UNCC piece, but you have given us a pretty clear outline of what is our piece of it. I know very well where the City has defined it’s position in all of this but we are talking about this and moving it forward, that side of 8th Street was part of the park. I think I am saying something a little different. As our staff is talking about this, we are trying to build this vision the way that we are all seeing right now. If that means looking at things differently than we have been looking at them, I at least want to entertain that. I am not saying do it or don’t do it, I don’t even know what the options are. What I am saying is I hope that we are looking ultimately at how we are going to build that vision right there. This is a late breaking development we have a meeting scheduled for Friday, which I think will be the part with the County and the developer to talk about this. Even though this is going to operate a little bit out of our cycle if there are issues that present themselves, we need to collectively communicate with our counterparts with the County particularly with those who are on that Economic Development Committee. It would be good to have that as early in the process as we can so that we can talk effectively about how we are trying to make things work and not waiting for a meeting to take formal action. I think we are at the scheduling portion of this presentation; we have a bit of an abbreviated schedule because of budget planning. Budget Committee has put their meetings on top of ours, I am not sure what that means. It does mean that we would ordinarily be meeting on some of those dates that have disappeared because of budget meetings, straw votes, public meetings and the like. I want to hear from staff on the scheduling, does this mean that we need to take action on this today or at our next meeting? Next meeting. O.k. The next meeting is scheduled for? June 17th and we are suggesting June 10th because of the Chamber Inter-City visit on the 17th. June 3rd is off because of straw votes, currently. What we may want to do just so that we get a little flexibility during the first two weeks of June. We may want to have our meeting on the 10th it may be that we try to move it back if we can if everything is ready to go. Maybe we should just have a meeting simply for this purpose which we might be able to do, so as you come to Friday, let’s see where we are. If we need to reset this, I just made schedules to go to my Raleigh office on June 10th, but I can move them but I am working real hard to do both things. Let’s just leave it that way and leave the date of the 17th on the calendar, my sense is that it is better sooner than later if everything is ready to go. III Subject: Carolina Theatre Lassiter: The last thing on our agenda is a discussion on the Carolina Theatre and update on that process. This is just a verbal update and it will be pretty quick. You saw the Manager’s reference that we had gotten a request from the developer, CMP Carolina Theatre. They have requested to close on the property and remove the condition of securing funding before they close. We have had some discussions with them about the implications of that. We are talking with them about a couple of different ways that we might look at doing that and some of the problems with that. Alternately considering to just extend their option period for another two or three years. Their issue is that they are not going to put together the financing on the project, given current market conditions. They have put a lot of money into the project they have gone through first round of building permits. They have run a lot of the traps on this particular building, particularity with Bank of America. There happens to be a Flynn: ED & Planning Committee Meeting Summary for May 13, 2009 Page 9 Lassiter: transformer that sits within this building that serves the Bank of America’s power that sits adjacent to it. It has an easement, fire escape easements, from the now Mint Museum of Design. So it’s not a very clean parcel, they have run a lot of the traps. Staff felt that it would be a good thing to entertain and look at and see if we could accommodate that request. The other option is that their option period runs out on July 17th and the other option for Council to choose would be to say that you have made a good run at in trying to save the Theatre and now we are going to put this out for a parcel upset bid and we don’t care if the Theatre gets saved or not. What we are going to be doing is exploring all of that and bring it back to the Committee with some of the pros and cons on each one. Just to give you just a little bit of individual read on where folks are on this project. We have had this project hanging around us for at least for three years. It’s getting excruciating to keep getting these over and over again we should have reached a point by now to accomplish this goal of preserving the Theatre. Reviewing these options gives me time to give you my answer on this I don’t have a problem with that. I will look forward to your coming back with pros and cons. I had a brief conversation with Jim Donnelly about two weeks ago and he raised the concern to me that if they continue to exercise options that they are beginning to burn into their ability to make the deal work. Their preference was to get possession of the property and work the financing out directly; they still have clear intent on completing the project as designed. I am of the opinion having gone through a couple of iterations of this that this is the last chance to make this thing work. No one else is going to stay in it long enough to do it and it does simply become an asset for someone that ultimately builds on. My sense is the freer we can let it close on the conditions we set, they can do it anyway that they want to do it when they want to do it, gets it off of our plate. That also keeps us from being a backup as a participant in the process going forward knowing that it still has responsibilities to carry out. We talked about that as a staff and we know some of the feeling that we have heard from Council Members in the past, but there are some hybrid sale legislation hurdles and obstacles that have to be dealt with. They are not being reconciled or rectified very easily. We know that seems to be the response we get from Council Members but we have to be very careful to work through that. We need to get some more information on the stumbling blocks to get the entire picture. O.K. We are currently set for a meeting for the 17th at 3:30pm. Just remember that interferes with the Chamber Inter-City visit you don’t want to change that right now. We are set for June 10th with it with some idea that we could potentially move that to a more current date, but let’s just get to this issue if it is ready to go. As well as the Carolina Theatre issue. Whatever you do you are going to have to take some action on the Carolina Theatre on June 20th. That’s your last meeting in June because their option runs out in the middle of July. So we will be back with you on that at that time. Thank you all, we are adjourned. Adjourned: 4:30pm. Lassiter: Foxx: Lassiter: Kimble: Lassiter: Kimble: Lassiter: Flynn: Economic Development/Planning Council Committee Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 3:30pm Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center Room 280 Committee Members: John Lassiter, Chair James Mitchell, Vice Chair Nancy Carter Anthony Foxx Patsy Kinsey Staff Resource: Ron Kimble, Deputy City Manager AGENDA I. BUSINESS DISTRICT ORGANIZATION PROGRAM – 30 minutes Staff: Tom Warshauer, Revitalization Manager & John Short, Business Corridor Liaison Action: Receive information on changes to the Business District Organization Program and make a recommendation to City Council if ready. Attachment II. FIRST WARD DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 30 minutes Staff: Tom Flynn, Economic Development Manager Action: Update Committee on Development Agreement for First Ward project. (Presentation will be sent to the Committee on Monday, May 11th) III. CAROLINA THEATRE – 15 minutes Staff: Tom Flynn, Economic Development Manager & Peter Zeiler, Transit Station Area Coordinator Action: Review request by Camden Property Management to remove precondition for financing in order to close on property by July 30, 2009. IV. SCHEDULE ADDITIONAL MEETING for June 10, 2009 Topics: Arts & Science Council Endowment Campaign Carolina Theatre First Ward Park & Parking Deck Distribution: Mayor/City Council Curt Walton, City Manager Leadership Team Executive Team 5/28/2009 Business District Organization Program Proposed Changes Economic Development & Planning Committee May 13, 2009 Recap of Current vs. Proposed Current Program Proposed Program • 1:1 match – cap p at $10,000 annually • Used for operational expenses • Board must be 75% business • Group must be a 501 (c)(3) or (c)(6) • 2:1 match – cap p at $30,000 annually • Expanded uses including promotion, marketing and special events • Board can be 50% business • Groups with pending (c)(3) or (c)(6) status eligible 1 5/28/2009 Previous Questions • How is this grant funded and what is the available balance in that account? • How many groups are projected to participate in this program? • How will City staff assist these groups in the early stages of formation? Funding Source • BDOP is funded through the Development and Revitalization Fund (DARF) along with Security, Façade, Brownfield and Business Equity Loans • Currently funded at $400k annually, but that amount is rarely used in its entirety 2005 2006 2007 2008 Security $16,850 $24,962 $2,500 $91,097 Facade $28,628 $185,850 $36,549 $116,120 Brownfield N/A $10,939 $9,957 $19,060 BDOP $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $17,500 Total $60,478 $236,751 $64,006 $243,777 Balance $339,522 $163,249 $335,994 $156,223 2 5/28/2009 Prospective Groups • By increasing the maximum award amount and expanding the eligible uses, we hope to see more b i business organizations i i fform. • Existing Organizations – NorthEnd Partners – Freedom Drive Development Association (FDDA) • Areas A with ith potential t ti l business b i groups – – – – NoDa Central Avenue /Eastland area Wilkinson & West Boulevard Beatties Ford The City’s Role • City staff will be active with newly-forming business groups by: – Providing a start-up kit to help with the initial phases of creating a business association (sample agendas, membership flyer examples, how to elect a board, etc.) – Helping structure meetings and providing examples of successful formats – Assisting with finding meeting locations – Providing a list of businesses in the respective areas 3 5/28/2009 Current Services • City staff attends monthly meetings with current business groups and provides updates on relevant City activities for that area • Corridor Liaisons act as points of contact and general problem solvers for the organizations as well as the individual businesses Expanded City Role • As parameters of grant-use expand, staff will explore: – Special event management – Community non profits, festivals, and businesses for partners – Holiday lighting – Public relations opportunities – Web based marketing – Youth and job connections 4 5/28/2009 Summary • Grant will change from a 1:1 match to a 2:1 match with a maximum award amount of $30,000 instead of $10,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Funds raised by business group $10,000 $8,000 $11,000 $15,000 City contribution $10,000 $8,000 $10,000 $30,000 Total budget $20,000 $16,000 $21,000 $45,000 • Board will only be required to be 50% business instead of 75% • Grant funds can be utilized for promotional activities, marketing, branding and special events Committee Action • Consider staff proposal for BDOP Grant and make a recommendation to City Council 5 5/28/2009 First Ward Park & Parking Update Economic Development & Planning Committee May 13, 2009 Overview • • • • • Review Framework Parking Decks 8th & Brevard Other Issues Schedule 1 5/28/2009 Conceptual Park and 8th Street Design Framework • 10 year grant of 45% of property tax increment t to support parking t ki • Maximum Public Sector Investment: – Estimated a $26.1M plus appraised land value difference • Developer Developer assumes all parking deck cost assumes all parking deck cost overrun and operating risk/losses 2 5/28/2009 Parking Decks • Public Parking Spaces (1335 total) – 25% hourly – 75% monthly (5:00am to 6:00pm weekday only) 75% monthly (5:00am to 6:00pm weekday only) – Dedicated for 30 years • Grant Payment Schedule – Payments to developer start within 4 years of Certificate of Occupancy on first deck Occupancy on first deck – Stop at cost of first deck until second deck built; or, 10 annual payments are made; or Maximum Grant amount paid Parking Decks • Maximum Grant Amount – Estimated at $26.1M in Council approved Framework – Independent analysis indicates range: $25.8M to $28.3M • Cost of underground deck – $16.1M (some costs may be caused by office building….staff and consultant and developer discussing) – 11% return on equity to developer • Underground deck could be reduced by up to 85 spaces if underground deck costs exceed estimate – 85 public spaces added to above ground deck • Deck must be started by December 2011 • Developer may build above ground deck first 3 5/28/2009 8th & Brevard • Developer/City Reimbursement Agreement – – – – Reimbursement amount and scope still under negotiation Range of: $4.5M to $5M Includes $150 000 from Stormwater (9th Street) Includes $150,000 from Stormwater (9 Engineering & design fees paid by developer to date would be paid within 30 days of Council approval (estimated at $150,000 to $170,000) • Scope of Work – 8th Street through park conforms to Urban Street Design Guidelines – Sidewalks, planting strips, street trees, pedestrian lighting on 8th and Brevard – Replaces all water, sewer and stormwater (Stormwater contribution covers 9th Street, stormwater improvement already planned) – Underground overhead utilities throughout U d d h d tiliti th h t • Source of Funds – Manager’s recommended CIP includes $5.5M – Includes cost of City installing traffic signals – Payment due no earlier than July 2011 Other Issues • Workforce Housing – Rental; 20 years; 80 to 120% Area Median Income – Could be built within 1 mile radius of project Could be built within 1 mile radius of project – Number of units and penalties still being negotiated • MWSBE Goal – Applies to road, parking decks and park – Goals: • SBE: 6% SBE: 6% • MBE: 8% (County) • WBE: 5% (County) 4 5/28/2009 Schedule • • • • • Council Presentation: June 1 ED&P Consideration: June 10 Council Consideration: June 22 County Commission: July 7 Projected Construction Start: January 2010 5