DOCUMENT #: GSC15-PLEN-78 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TTC AGENDA ITEM: Opening/Plenary 6.8 "ICT & the Environment" CONTACT(S): Yoh SOMEMURA Green ICT activities of TTC & ITU-T toward low-carbon society Yoh SOMEMURA The Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) as Prime PSO for ICT & Environment Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15 Relationship between ICT & Environment Environmental Impact Green of ICT caused by ICT Environmental Impact reduction achieved by using ICT services Maximization towards Sustainable Society Green by ICT Minimization towards Sustainable ICT Sector Negative environmental impacts Consumption of energy Consumption of natural resources Generation of waste Must quantify both environmental impacts. Positive environmental impacts Dematerialization (digitization of information) Reduction of movement and transportation Making industry and lives efficient Enhancing environmental awareness and environmental education Environmental sensors and environmental monitoring 2 All Other Sectors 30 20 10 ICT Sector CO2 emissions (Bt-CO2) CO2 emissions (Bt-CO2) CO2 reduction of all sectors by using ICTs All Other Sectors 30 by ICTs 20 Reductions 10 ICT Sector of ICTs Year Year Energy consumption (CO2 emissions) reduction through the use of ICTs is defined as follows. Energy consumption reduction = Reduction effect of energy consumption by utilizing ICTs - Energy consumption through the use of ICTs 3 Structure of Study Group 5 (SG5) (Study Period: May 2009 ~ 2012) SG5: Environment and Climate Change WP1: Damage prevention and safety WP2: Electromagnetic fields: emission, immunity and human exposure WP3: ICT and Climate Change Chair: Keith Dickerson (UK) Vice Chair: Eunsook Kim (Korea) and Takeshi Origuchi (Japan) Q17: Coordination and Planning of ICT&CC related standardization Q18: Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT Q19: Power feeding systems Q20: Data collection for Energy Efficiency for ICTs over the lifecycle Q21: Environmental protection and recycling of ICT equipments/facilities 4 Question 18/5: Methodology of Environmental Impact Assessment of ICT The purpose of this Question is to develop Recommendations on methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT and on collecting and calculating reliable data for the assessment model. Following work items for series Recommendations are running in SG5 for methodologies: (1) L.methodology_general umbrella Overview and general principles of methodologies (2) L.methodology_ICT goods and services Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT goods and services (3) L.methodology_ICT projects Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT projects (4) L.methodology_ICT in organizations Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT in organizations (5) L.methodology_ICT sector in countries Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT sector in countries 5 Strategic Collaborative Direction in GSC (proposed) Encourage PSOs • to contribute to ITU-T initiatives on ICT and climate change to standardize energy-saving ICT systems and methodologies for analyzing, evaluating, and quantifying GHG reductions that may be achieved through ICT use • to actively participate in standardization work in WP3/SG5 to produce recommendations on ICTs and climate change 6 Next Steps/Actions of TTC in Support of ITU-T Initiatives At a WP3/SG5 meeting of ITU-T, TTC members will actively contribute to discussions on standardizing a methodology for evaluating the energy-saving impact of ICT services in collaboration with other PSOs. Future TTC Contribution • Propose a methodology and power feeding, etc. • Support management and operation of WP3/SG5. • Liaise with other related organizations. 7 Summary International standardization on Environmental technologies for telecommunication, in particular to ICT and climate change is now underway in ITU-T. We need to reduce environmental loads of ICT equipment and ICT sector, and we also expect that ICT can reduce environmental loads, particularly GHG emissions, in other relevant sectors. For this purpose, prompt standardizations on objective and transparent methodology of ICT environmental impact assessment are required. 8 Proposed Resolution Proposed modifications to an existing Resolution * * (GSC14) “RESOLUTION GSC-14/08: (Plenary) ICT and the Environment (Revised),” GSC14-CL-015R2 (16 July 2009) • Current Activities • Universal power adapter (ITU-T, IEC, IEEE) Power feeding system using HVDC Smart Grid & Cloud Computing (SDOs/Fora including ITU-T) Intelligent Transport System (ITU-T) Encourage PSOs to collaborate with “Smart grids” and “Cloud Computing”as HISs of GSC 9 Supplementary Slides 10 Effect of reducing energy consumption based on using ICT Green by ICT Item Consumption of goods Electric power/energy consumption Content By reducing the consumption of goods (e.g. paper), it is possible to reduce the energy consumption involved with production and disposal and to reduce waste emissions. Movement of people By reducing the movement of people, it is possible to reduce the energy consumption needed for methods of transportation. By reducing the movement of goods, it is possible to reduce the energy consumption needed for transportation methods. By using office space more efficiently, it is possible to reduce the electricity consumption of lighting and air-conditioning and to reduce energy consumption. By reducing the storage space of goods, it is possible to reduce the electricity consumption involved with lighting and air-conditioning and to reduce energy consumption. By improving business efficiency, it is possible to reduce resource and energy consumption. By reducing waste emissions, it is possible to conserve the environment and reduce the energy consumption needed to dispose of waste. By improving the efficiency of electric power and energy use and reducing consumption, it is possible to reduce the energy consumption involved with electricity generation and supply. Movement of goods Office space efficiency Storage of goods Business efficiency Waste material Example of effective online shopping Maker Direct from manufacturer (.e.g., computer) No product distribution Wholesale No movement of people through product return/negotiation Decrease unnecessary production No product distribution Retail No movement of people through product return/negotiation Reduce intermediate distribution No product distribution Consumer No movement of people through comparing/purchasing Reduce products Reduce retail sales movement of consumers 11 Methodology “The energy consumption reduction effect by utilizing ICTs” and “the energy consumption through the use of ICTs.” ■ The energy consumption (CO2 emissions) reduction effect by utilizing ICTs can be generally calculated as follows if the consumption of goods/services by utilizing ICTs can be identified. Energy consumption = reduction effect Unit energy consumption Impact of consumption of goods/services × when one unit of goods/ services is consumed on the environment ■ The energy consumption (CO2 emissions) through the use of ICTs can be generally calculated as follows if the amount used by the device/network (NW) can be identified. Energy consumption = Amount used by device/NW used × Unit energy consumption when one unit of device/NW is used 12 Examples of Calculation Formula for Energy Consumption Reduction Effect by Utilizing ICT (1) Consumption of goods (Paper, CDs, DVDs, etc.) Energy reduction = (Energy consumption to produce one unit of the product) × (Amount reduced) E.g., Reduction of paper: (Energy to produce paper (A4 size, 1 sheet) (J)) × (Quantity reduced (Sheets)) (2) Movement of goods (mail, trucks, rail cargo, cargo ships, etc.) Energy reduction = (Unit energy consumption for each transportation means (J)) (Transportation distance reduced (km)) E.g., Reduction of the number of mails: (Energy consumption per mail (J)) (Number of mails reduced (mail)) E.g., Reduction of truck transportation: (Energy consumption per ton-km (J)) (Transportation distance reduced (km)) (Cargo weight reduced (t)) 13 Examples of Calculation Formula for Energy Consumption through the Use of ICTs (1) ICT device Energy consumption = (Unit energy consumption for each type of device) × (Amount used) E.g., Production of devices for Video conferences: (Energy consumption to produce one device (J)) × (Number of units used) Use of devices for Video conferences: (Electric power to use one device (kW)) × (Time of use (h)) × (Number of units used)] (2) Network use Energy consumption = (Energy consumption per amount of use) × (Amount used) E.g., Use of networks: (Apportioned [allocated] energy consumption per line (J)) × (Number of lines used)] 14 Example of Trial Calculation (Video Conference) Case 1 Case 2 Video conference held between Tokyo and Yokohama, once a week (48 times / year), one hour each time, participated in by two people from each office Video conference held between Tokyo and Yokohama, every working day (240 times / year), eight hours each time, participated in by two people from each office Evaluation Result 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 The figure in ( ) is based on only the “use” stage. Reduction of 53% (91%) Disposal Use Production Conferencewith on atravel trip Conference Video conference Energy Consumption(GJ/year) Energy Consumption(GJ/year) Evaluation Result The figure in ( ) is based on only the “use” stage. 25 20 Reduction of 52% (59%) 15 Disposal Use Production 10 5 0 Conferencewith on atravel trip Conference Video conference 15 31 May, 2016 Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices (Question 21/5) [on WP3/5 in ITU-T SG5] First Recommendation in WP3/5 (L.1000) Statement: Planning to extend to apply not only mobile phone but also ICT devices 1616 Approach for reducing power consumption based on DC power supply - HVDC does not require as many power conversion steps with high system effectiveness. - HVDC lowers drain and reduces facility cost. Alternating current (AC) 1 2 AC/ DC DC/ AC Battery -Higher efficiency (fewer conversion stage) -Higher reliability (battery direct connecting) 15% reduction 4 power conversion steps Direct current (48-V type) 2 power conversion steps 4 1 AC/ DC/ DC DC CPU AC/ DC 3 100 V AC to 200 V AC ICT equipment 2 Battery Higher-voltage direct current (HVDC) 1 Rectifier AC/ DC 2 Approx. 400 V DC Battery 48 V DC ICT equipment DC/ DC CPU ICT equipment - Thinner cables - Improved installation flexibility DC/ DC CPU 2 power conversion steps 17 Thank you for your Attention 18