Document 13334977

PLEN 6.8
Jonas Sundborg, Beniamino Gorini; TC EE Chair,
Dominique Roche; TC ATTM Chair, Günter Kleidl;
TC DECT Chair, Rainer Muench; TC TISPAN Chair
Presenter: Jonas Sundborg,
Vice Chairman of ETSI Board,
Chairman of ETSI OCG
ETSI Green Agenda Champion
Global Standards Collaboration (GSC)
Highlight of Current Activities
 ETSI is currently focusing the Green Agenda activities in
three main areas:
• Technical standardization activity
• Electronic working tools
• ETSI Green Agenda seminar
Highlight of Current Activities
Technical Standardization
 16 recent ETSI publications
• See slides 11-13
 19 active ETSI work items
• See slides 14-19
 One recent 3GPP publication
• See slide 20
 Four active 3GPP work items
• See slide 20
Highlight of Current Activities
European Commission Mandates for Standardization
ETSI is working together with CEN/CENELEC for standardization activities in the area of
Green Agenda in response to the following European Commission mandates:
M/462 (30 April 2010): ICT to enable efficient energy use in fixed and mobile information and
communication networks
M/455 (1 October 2009): Common Charging Capability for Mobile Telephones
M/453 (6 October 2009): Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
M/451 (8 September 2009): Power consumption measurement of simple set-top boxes in active
and standby modes
M/450 (8 September 2009): Measurements of no-load condition electric power consumption and
average active efficiency of external power supplies
M/441 (12 March 2009): Smart Metering
M/439: Standby and off modes power consumption measurement for energy using products (EuPs)
Highlight of Current Activities
ETSI Partnership Agreements
Recently established or updated ETSI partnership agreements related to the
ETSI Green Agenda:
Letter of Intent with the Japanese Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
Memorandum of Understanding with the Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN)
Renewal of the Co-operation Agreement with the Home Gateway Initiative (HGI)
Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Telecommunications
Technology Association of Korea (TTA)
Memorandum of Understanding with the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
Highlight of Current Activities
Electronic Working Tools
ETSI Board Work Item recently approved for a new ETSI Special Report:
Electronic Working Tools;
Roadmap including recommendations for the deployment and usage of electronic working tools
in the ETSI standardization process
Electronic Working Tools:
Telephone conference
Social networking
Desktop sharing
Deployment roadmap for collaborative tools:
Step 1: Audio
Step 2: Desktop sharing
Step 3: Desktop sharing plus only one participant on video
Step 4: Desktop sharing plus multiple participants on video
Step 5: Full videoconference – telepresence
Additional facilities
Tool guidelines for different types of meetings
Highlight of Current Activities
ETSI Green Agenda Seminar
The ETSI Green Agenda Seminar was held on 26 November 2009 in Cannes,
France, co-located with the ETSI General Assembly.
The event was successful and physically attended by 65 participants.
Two of the presentations were given from a remote location using electronic
working tools. It was also possible to participate in the seminar by using
electronic working tools.
Key findings:
Cross sector work!
Ways to further reduce the green house gas in the ICT sector (“2%”)
Ways to use ICT in order to reduce green house gas in other sectors (“98%”)
Challenge to all regarding the usage of tools for electronic collaboration
Strategic Direction
The technical standardization activity is growing and addresses the following:
Energy efficiency in the own ICT sector (“2%”)
 Wireline and wireless
 EC Mandate M/462 ICT, etc.
Usage of ICT in order to reduce the energy consumption in other sectors (“98%”)
 E.g. EC Mandates M/453 ITS, M/441 Smart metering, …
Electronic Working Tools
Roadmap including recommendations for the deployment and usage of electronic
working tools in the ETSI standardization process
 Challenge to other standardization organizations to do the same
 Alignment of standardization activities world wide
• Avoid conflicting standards
• Avoid duplication of work
• Example
 Objective: globally harmonized measurement methods for Environmental
 Important to carry out the standardization work in a coordinated way!
Supplementary Slides
Recent ETSI Publications (1)
ETSI TR 102 532 ”Environmental Engineering (EE) The use of alternative energy sources in
telecommunication installations”
ETSI TS 102 706 ”Environmental Engineering (EE) Energy Efficiency of Wireless Access Network
Published in August 2009
This is a Technical Specification
Source: EE
ETSI TR 102 489 ” Environmental Engineering (EE); European telecommunications standard for
equipment practice; Thermal Management Guidance for equipment and its deployment ”
Published in June 2009
This is a Technical Report
Source: EE
Published in February 2010
This is a Technical Report
Source: EE
ETSI TR 105 174-2-1 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 2: Network sites; Sub-part 1:
Operator sites”
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Report
Source: ATTMAT2
Recent ETSI Publications (2)
ETSI TR 105 174-4 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 4: Access networks”
ETSI TR 105 174-5-1 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 5: Customer network
infrastructures; Sub-part 1: Homes (single-tenant)”
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Report
Source: ATTMAT2
ETSI TR 105 174-5-2 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 5: Customer network
infrastructures; Sub-part 2: Office premises (single-tenant)”
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Report
Source: ATTMAT2
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Report
Source: ATTMAT2
ETSI TS 105 174-1 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 1: Overview, common and
generic aspects”
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Specification
Source: ATTMAT2
Recent ETSI Publications (3)
ETSI TS 105 174-2-2 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband Deployment - Energy
Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 2: Network sites; Sub-part 2: Data centres”
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Specification
Source: ATTMAT2
ETSI TS 105 174-5-4 ”Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Broadband Deployment - Energy
Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 5: Customer network infrastructures; Sub-part 4: Data centres
Published in October 2009
This is a Technical Specification
Source: ATTMAT2
ETSI ES 202 336-x: “Infrastructure equipment control and monitoring system interface” series
This ETSI Standard is subdivided in 10 subparts for each specific interface/application (different AC power distribution systems, DC
power distributions systems, air conditioning systems etc.)
The control processes defined in these publications reduce the energy consumption by optimizing equipment settings (e.g. cooling
Furthermore, the remote monitoring and setting reduce the CO2 emissions (less on-site interventions)
The published parts are:
“1” General interface
“2” DC power systems
“3” AC-UPS power systems
“5” AC-diesel backup generators
“7” Other utilities
“8” Remote power feeding
The completion of the remaining parts is expected by end 2010
Source: EE
Published in September 2008
Published in March 2009
Published in October 2009
Published in April 2010
Published in December 2009
Published in September 2009
Active Work Items in ETSI (1)
DSR/BOARD-XXX (SR YYY) “Electronic Working Tools;
Roadmap including recommendations for the deployment and usage of electronic
working tools in the ETSI standardization process”
DTR/EE-00008 “Environmental Impact Assessment of ICT including the Positive Impact
by using ICT Services”
Publication expected by end 2010
This is a Special Report
Draft available
Publication expected by end 2010
This is a Technical Report
It defines criteria to evaluate the energy used for the operation of ICTs and the energy saved in
using ICTs (e.g. video-conference, dematerialization of documents etc)
Draft available at Working Group level
DES/EE-00014 “Life Cycle Analysis assessment of telecommunication equipment and
service: General definition and common requirements”
Publication expected in February 2011
This is an ETSI Standard
Draft available at Working Group level
Active Work Items in ETSI (2)
DES/EE-00015 “Environmental Engineering (EE); Measurement method and limits for energy
consumption in broadband telecommunications equipment”
DEN/EE-00017 “Power supply interface at the input to telecommunications equipment; Part 3:
Operated by rectified current source, alternating current source or direct current source up to 400 V”
Publication expected in September 2010
This is an ETSI Standard
This WI is the continuation of the work already done for the TS102533 and to add further new Access
technologies (e.g. GPON) that are part of the latest version of the European Code of Conduct
It will replace the TS102533
Draft available at Working Group level
This is the revision of the EN300132-3
Publication expected in May 2011
Scope of this revision is to clarify the voltage range, the inrush current and the connection to ground for the
power interfaces defined in this standard
This revision is managed in cooperation with ITU-T SG5
Draft available at Working Group level
DTS/EE-00018 “Measurement methods and limits for Energy consumption of End-user Broadband
equipment (CPE)”
Publication is expected in December 2010
This WI will cover:
the power consumption limits based on the European Code of Conduct of Power Consumption of Broad-Band Access equipment
the methodology and the tests conditions to measure the power consumption of end-user broadband equipment that are not
covered by the WI DEN/EE-00021
First draft in preparation
Active Work Items in ETSI (3)
DTR/EE-00019 “Reduction of energy consumption in telecommunications equipment and related infrastructure”
Publication is expected in December 2010
This is the revision of the TR102530
It will be improved by adding:
Draft available at Working Group level
RTR/EE-00020 “The use of alternative energy solutions in telecommunication installations”
Publication expected in December 2010
This is the revision of the TR102532
It will be improved to include:
methods to reduce diesel running time by using batteries
strategy of monitoring of power consumptions will be extended
guidelines for the application of alternative energy solutions (both for powering and cooling) based or real deployments and experience
available up to now
the disposal of waste materials
Life Cycle Analysis related to alternative energy solutions (e.g. batteries)
First draft in preparation
DEN/EE-00021 “Measurement methods for Energy consumption of End-user Broadband equipment (CPE)”
Publication is expected in April 2011
This is an European Norm
This WI will define the methodology and the tests conditions to measure the power consumption of end-user broadband equipment
(CPE) within the scope of the EU regulation 1275/2008 in the following conditions:
Off mode
Networked Standby
Low Power states On mode
It is under the frame of the EU Mandate M/439 for the standardization in the field of standby and off-modes power consumption
measurement of the Commission Regulation No 1275/2008
No power consumption limits are defined in this EN
Draft available at Working Group level
Active Work Items in ETSI (4)
DTS/EE-00022 “Energy Efficiency of Wireless Access Network Equipment”
DES/EE-00023 “Measurement Methods for Power Consumption in Transport Telecommunication
Networks Equipment”
Publication is expected in February 2011
This is the revision of the present TS 102 706 to define efficiency parameters taking into account traffic load.
The Energy Efficiency metric defined shall promote power saving features
Metric and measurement should be applicable for GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSPA, LTE and WiMAX
Draft available at Working Group level
It will be a Technical Specification
Publication is expected in June 2011
It will define the measurement methods for power consumption, and efficiency indicators for transport equipment
The document should be in line with similar published document from ATIS-NIPP TEE
No draft available (WI approved in October 2009)
DES/EE-00024 “Measurement Methods and limits for Power Consumption of Router and switching
Networks Equipment”
It will be a Technical Specification
Publication is expected in June 2011
It will define the measurement methods for power consumption, and efficiency indicators for Router and switching
Networks Equipment
The document should be in line with similar published document from ATIS-NIPP TEE
No draft available (WI approved in October 2009)
Active Work Items in ETSI (5)
DES/EE-02037-9 “Environmental Engineering (EE); Monitoring and Control Interface for Infrastructure
Equipment (Power, Cooling and Building Environment Systems used in Telecommunication
Networks); Part 9: Alternative energy sources”
'DTR/ATTM-003005: “Access Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); Energy Efficiency of
Energy Using Products (EuPs) with regards to their Ecodesign Requirements Part 1: Network
Apparatus and Customer Premises Equipment relating to Cable Network Operator's Services”
Energy consumption and efficiencies of telecommunications networks and customer premises equipment implementing Directive
'DTS/ATTM-02005-2': “Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM) Broadband
Deployment - Energy Efficiency and Key Performance Indicators; Part 3: Core, regional metropolitan
Core, regional metropolitan networks”
This will be a European Standard
Overview, common and generic aspects, general engineering of specific sub-areas
'DTS/ATTM-02005-5': “Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM) Energy Efficiency
and Broadband Deployment Part 5: Customer network infrastructure; Sub-part 3: Industrial premises
Customer network infrastructure: data centres (customers)”
Overview, common and generic aspects, general engineering of specific sub-areas
Active Work Items in ETSI (6)
DES/ATTM-02011: “Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM); External Common
Power Supply for Customer Premises Network and Access Equipment; Part 1: Functional
External Power Supply for Access Transmission Equipment Access, Terminals, Transmission and
Multiplexing (ATTM)”
DTR/DECT-000267: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); DECT Ultra Low
Energy (ULE) study
Energy consumption and efficiencies of telecommunications networks and customer premises equipment
implementing Directive 2005/32/EC
This will be a Technical report
DTR/TISPAN-05028-NGN-R3: “Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols
for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Feasibility Study for using NGN to allow monitoring of power
levels and control of power modes of devices in the Customer Premises Networks
Power monitoring and control in CPN“
This will be a Technical report
Proposed work on the different methods of energy control and energy management, i.e., on protocols that control
and/or monitor the Energy Efficiency / power modes of devices in the Customer Premises Network. This includes
discussion of white-goods, as well as STB, CNG, IPTV, media-storage devices, WLAN Access Points, etc. It is
expected that the protocols will allow remote access by users and/or the NGN service provider. Existing work
from other fora will be considered, e.g. from HGI, ETSI EE, ETSI ATTM, and from EC Code of Conduct, etc.
Recent Publications and Active Work Items in 3GPP
 3GPP Features and Studies
• Features in 3GPP Release 10
 Ongoing: OAM aspects of Energy Saving in Radio Networks (3GPP TSG SA
• Studies in 3GPP Release 10
 Completed: TR 32.826 Telecommunication management; Study on Energy
Savings Management (ESM). (3GPP TSG SA WG5).
 Ongoing: Study on impacts on UE-Core Network signalling from Energy Saving
 Ongoing: Study on Solutions for energy saving within UTRA Node B (3GPP
TSG RAN WG1 & 3)
 Ongoing: Study on Network Energy Saving for E-UTRAN (3GPP TSG RAN
WG2 & 3)