Form A Joint Funding Application for Supportive Housing Funding Requests: Which funding source are you applying for? Check the box for the funding source your agency is applying for. You may apply for one or both sources of funding. City of Charlotte (Development/Capital Funding) Mecklenburg County (Supportive Services) I. APPLICANT INFORMATION Full Legal Name of Applicant: Applying as: Non-Profit or Government Agency (Check one) For-Profit Organization Address: City/State/Zip: Contact Person: Title: Telephone Number: Fax number: ___ E-mail: Name of Project: Project Type: _________________________________________________________ Number of Units: _________________________________________________________ Number of clients to be served: Daily: ____________ Annually: _______________ City of Charlotte Funding Request: $__________________________________ Mecklenburg County Funding Request: $__________________________________ II. BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Name: __________________________________________________________ Project Street Address: ____________________________________________________ Neighborhood: ___________________ Census Tract: ___________________________ February 2015 1 Form A Total Project Budget: _____________________________________________________ (To qualify for both city and county funding, this project must be located in the City of Charlotte and/or Mecklenburg County.) III. TYPE OF ACTIVITY (check applicable activity) ____ Multi-Family Rental – New Construction units online by __________ ____ Multi-Family Housing Rental - Rehabilitation ____ Existing Single site location (N/A for City of Charlotte Housing Trust Fund) ____ Existing scattered site units (N/A for City of Charlotte Housing Trust Fund) IV. INCOME LEVELS AND SPECIAL NEEDS Please complete the following tables to the best of your ability. Show actual or estimated number of units for the project occupants/beneficiaries, not percentages. Put the number of units to be added to the current housing stock for each income group listed in Table 1. Table 1 Income Group 30% or less of area median income (AMI) 31-50% of AMI 51-60% of AMI TOTAL Number of Units If your agency is applying for City of Charlotte funding, put the number of units to be added to the housing stock for each category listed in Table 2. Table 2: Supportive Housing Eligible Populations (City use): Category Number of Units Elderly (over 60) Disabled (not elderly) Homeless People with HIV/AIDS Veterans Other - Identify TOTAL February 2015 2 Form A If you agency is applying for Mecklenburg County funding, put the number of units, the number of clients served daily and the number of clients served annually for each category listed in Table 3. Table 3: Supportive Housing Eligible Populations (County use): Category Number of units Client Served Daily Client Served Annually Chronically Homeless Person Chronically Homeless Families Homeless Families with Children Homeless Households without Dependents Homeless Older Adult (> 55 years) Homeless Young Adult (18 to 25 years) Homeless Youth (< 18 years) TOTAL V. TYPE OF FUNDING REQUESTED: Form of City funding (check one): Grant Loan Form of County funding (check one): 1 YR. 2 YRS. 3 YRS. VI. APPLICANT DESCRIPTION Please provide the following information for the organization that will actually carry out the project. A. ORGANAIZATION 1. What is your organization’s mission statement? ____________________________ 2. Incorporation date (Month and Year)? ____________________________________ 3. Estimated Agency Budget for Current Fiscal Year: $ ____________ 4. Number of staff employed (full time equivalents): 5. Years of housing development experience (in years): ____________ February 2015 ____________ 3 Form A B. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Are any of the Board Members or employees of the agency, which will be carrying out this project, or members of their immediate families, or their business associates? a) Employees of or closely related to employees of the City of Charlotte YES ___ NO ___ b) Members of or closely related to Members of Charlotte City Council YES ___ NO ___ c) Beneficiaries of the program for which funds are requested, either as clients or as paid providers of goods or services: YES ___ NO ___ If you have answered YES to any question, please attach a full explanation to the application. The existence of a potential conflict of interest does not necessarily make the project ineligible for funding, but the existence of an undisclosed conflict may result in the termination of any funding awarded. The disclosure statement must be signed and dated. Authorized Signature of Applicant: To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information in this application is true and correct. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant who will comply with all contractual obligations if the proposal is awarded funding. Signature of Authorized Representative: ____________________________________________ Print Name and Title: ___________________________________________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________________________________________ February 2015 4