April 19, 2013 Eastland Mall Request For Proposals

April 19, 2013
Eastland Mall Request For Proposals
City of Charlotte Responses to Respondent Submitted Questions
The City of Charlotte released a Request for Qualifications for the redevelopment of former Eastland
Mall (Site) in January 2013. Two development teams have accepted invitations to propose
development programs for the per a Request For Proposals (RFP) released March 8, 2013. The RFP
set an April 17, 2013 deadline for submitting written questions regarding the RFP. This document
represents the collected questions and the City’s official response. Per the RFP, these responses
shall be posted at http://charmeck.org/city/charlotte/nbs/ed/revitalization/Pages/Eastland.aspx
and will be sent to each respondent team.
1. Could you clarify the process after the 5-30-13 submission date? Will the City likely ask the team
to give an oral presentation between 5-30-13 and the Best and Final selection date of 6-24? On
6-24, the RFP states that the City will notify those selected to prepare a Best and Final Offer ….If
selected for this B&FO, how long will the City give the team to prepare the B&FO?
Response: The City will evaluate the RFP responses received on May 30 and make an
appropriate determination if oral presentations will be required and in what format and venue.
If presentations are requested, every effort will be made to provide adequate notice to the
Respondents. Any requested Best and Final Offers should be delivered no later 4:00 PM, July 8,
2. Has the City had any difficulty in interacting with the property owners immediately adjacent to
the mall site as to demands they have made for types of “uses”? In other words, have the
immediately adjacent property owners to the mall site expressed any concerns or made
demands that uses on portions of mall land adjacent to their property be of a certain “type”?
Response: The City has not received any commentary or communication from immediately
adjacent property owners of the site regarding the scope, scale or type of redevelopment of the
Working to make Charlotte neighborhoods and businesses healthy and vibrant
600 E. Trade Street • Charlotte, NC • 28202• 704-336-3380
3. Are there any major building projects with building permits already submitted, or approved, in
the surrounding area?
Response: Within a half mile radius of the Site, one construction permit for a new dialysis
facility totaling $2.6 million has been issued since March 2012. 43 other permits have been
issued with construction values of less than $86,000 with the large majority of those less than
$20,000 in construction value.
4. Is a letter of credit or deposit as expressed in the RFP, page 10, a mandatory part of the
Response: The City is not requiring a letter of credit or deposit for the RFP. The statement to
that effect on page 10 of the RFP is in error.
5. Although the City has expressed that it will not provide direct funds for the project, would the
City consider participating in a Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) or synthetic TIF, as they are
sometimes known in North Carolina, which would not require the City to provide cash up-front,
but would leverage future real estate tax increases as a result of a successful mall project, and
allow up-front loan proceeds to be raised payable by that future incremental tax stream?
Response: The City will not automatically reject proposals containing requests for City financial
participation. However, any proposed City participation will be required to meet and pass a
stringent “but for” analysis. Any decision for City funding would be at the sole discretion of City
6. We are aware that the City has released a demolition RFP. What is the status of this RFP?
Response: As part of its due diligence for a variety of property disposition scenarios, the City
solicited bids for demolition of all buildings on the Site. City staff is currently evaluating options
for a potential demolition but has not made a determination of course of action or what timing
of any actions may be at this point.
7. What is the status of the City’s proposed street car/trolley on the central avenue corridor?
Response: City Council is currently considering financing options for constructing a 2.5 mile
extension of the 1.5 mile streetcar system currently under construction. At this time, no funding
mechanism or construction timetable has been proposed for the extension of the streetcar
system to the Site.
Working to make Charlotte neighborhoods and businesses healthy and vibrant
600 E. Trade Street • Charlotte, NC • 28202• 704-336-3380
8. Does the City expect the development to include a residential component?
Response: The RFP contains the following requirements:
The City intends to have a mixed-use development that supports the existing residential stock,
and any new residential development should support an increase in the value of existing houses.
For clarification, the City does not require residential as part of a mixed-use redevelopment of
the site. However, all proposals must at minimum protect residential property and home values
of nearby residential neighborhoods. Proposals that include a residential component should
propose residential uses that compliment and strengthen the residential property and home
values of nearby residential neighborhoods.
9. Regarding SBE, MBE and WBE participation, can our participation plan define the level of
participation we will utilize versus identifying actual names of participating firms?
Response: The SBE, MBE, and WBE plans should identify a target participation percentage. It is
not necessary to identify specific participating firms in the RFP response.
10. Are references only required for the “Respondent”, who would be the developer? …or are
references required from the major supporting team members as well?
Response: References should provide a sense of the skills and background of the development
team as a whole. All major supporting team members should provide references.
Working to make Charlotte neighborhoods and businesses healthy and vibrant
600 E. Trade Street • Charlotte, NC • 28202• 704-336-3380