PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Business District Organization Program

Business District Organization Program
The Business District Organization Program (BDOP), which awards up to $30,000 per year to eligible business and
merchant associations, is open to applications once a year. The deadline to apply is May 12, 2014.
February 18, 2014: Request for Applications released
May 12, 2014: Applications due to City of Charlotte
May 13 – May 30, 2014: Applications are reviewed
June 16, 2014: Notification of funding decision
2014 contracts will be developed in June 2014 and fully executed by June 30. The contract will be developed for
the organization’s 12-month work plan and will include specific activities, milestones and a budget based on the
organization’s application. The 12 month period must align with the City’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
The Business District Organization Program provides support to foster emerging and existing merchant and
business associations serving one of Charlotte’s priority business districts. The program awards up to $30,000 per
year to eligible business associations serving one of the City’s targeted business districts as defined by the
Business Corridor Plan. Program funds can be used for administrative/operating expenses, special events &
projects, marketing & promotions, and business district communications. Grants are competitive each year and all
interested organizations must submit a proposal to be considered for the program.
The Program is intended to provide seed funding that can help a business district move ahead of its current state
to a new level of organization and operations. Participating districts will have an Annual Work Plan (July 1 – June
30) with a strategic vision of where it wants to be, a plan to achieve that vision and clear outcomes that are
intended from the work. The work plan should be developed with strong community stakeholder participation, and
coordinated and led by the organization applying for the Business District Organization Program. The work plan
should be focused on making an impact in the business district and building a foundation for long-term
Work Plans – The cornerstone of the program is the development of an annual work plan that contains the vision,
key revitalization activities and the outcomes to be completed within a one-year period.
Strong Community Stakeholder Participation – While activities are led by the organization applying for the
program, no one agency can do everything. Stakeholders and partners must be engaged by the lead organization
and share investments in and responsibility for strengthening the business district. Work plans should be
developed with the input and involvement of key stakeholders. Applying organizations must be able to
demonstrate that the key stakeholders are engaged.
Impact and Long Term Sustainability - The Work Plan should be focused on making an immediate impact in
the business district and developing systems and infrastructure that will allow the work to be sustainable over
City Investment - The City of Charlotte will make an investment of grant dollars in each participating business
district. The grant funding can reimburse 66.6% of eligible expenses. Eligible expenses are set forth below.
Approved expenses will be reimbursed 66.6% based upon paid invoices and canceled checks. Eligible Expenses
1. Operating Expenses
• Bookkeeping and accounting expenses
• Consultant fees
• Ongoing operating expenses
• Insurance expenses
3. Marketing & Branding
• Business District Branding
• Public Relations
• Advertising
• Retail Location Maps & Brochures
2. Special Events & Projects
• District events
• Business District Signage
• Holiday Lights
Social Media
Examples of ineligible expenses include:
• Salaries, or other compensation, of board members
• Political lobbying or endorsements
• Expenses for alcoholic beverages
Eligible business associations must:
Serve one of the City’s targeted business districts as defined by the Business Corridor Plan
Have documented or pending 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) not-for profit designation. Municipal Service Districts
(MSDs) are not eligible.
Have a minimum of 10 district business members.
Hold monthly membership or executive meetings and demonstrate on-going active participation via
meeting attendance.
Association Boards must have a minimum of 50% composition of businesses located in the district.
Have basic infrastructure in place, including financial, accounting and bookkeeping systems.
Applications - Applications are considered once per year. Grantees selected through the application process
receive a one-year investment commitment of up to $30,000 with the potential for investment in upcoming years.
Each year the investment is contingent upon the availability of funds for this program and the grantee’s
satisfactory progress on activities during the previous year.
Work Plan – Each applying organization must have a detailed work plan related to their proposal describing the
vision, goals, strategies and actions to accomplish the vision. The Plan must be submitted with the proposal for
One Proposal per Business District - Efforts in the district should be coordinated among community
stakeholders. Therefore, we only accept one application from each commercial business district. Multiple
applications from different potential lead agencies will not be accepted.
Application Approval - Upon approval a grant contract will be developed for the organization’s 12-month work
plan. The 12 month period will align with the City’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
Maximum Grant Award - The maximum award amount is $30,000 per year. Associations can apply for additional
funding each subsequent fiscal year. There is no carry forward.
Matching Funds Required - Association matching funds must be in hard dollars, (cash-on-hand or signed
pledges). In-kind donations and/or volunteer time do not qualify.
Grant Payments - Approved expenses will be reimbursed 66.6% based upon paid invoices, canceled checks and
other required documentation.
Preapproval - All expenses, including special events, promotional, marketing and branding initiatives must be
pre-approved through the annual work plan process. The association should be able to demonstrate that all
expenses are reasonable and competitive. Any costs incurred prior to application approval and contract signing are
not eligible for reimbursement.
Resumes - Resumes of all administrative staff and consultants must be provided prior to incurring expenses. The
City reserves the right to approve staff and consultants in its sole discretion.
Work Plan Accomplishments - Associations must report work plan accomplishments to the City quarterly and at
the end of each contract period. Review and approval of the annual progress made by the association is required
for approval of any subsequent fiscal year grant requests.