FY16 Department Director Work and Performance Plan

FY16 Department
Director Work and
Performance Plan
Key Initiative #1
Establish measurable 3 year goals and objectives and develop actionable recommendations within the
department’s operating environment.
To align measurable goals and objectives to the department’s budget and resources.
Completion Date:
The draft of the strategic plans for the next three years will be completed by December 31, 2015
Updates/Project Milestones:
Include the following:
• Revise the County Assessor’s Office Vision and Mission Statement
• Apply for IAAO Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration Program
• Incorporate Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) into the department’s strategies by identifying the top
two or three risks that could potentially have a major financial and/or reputational impact on the
Key Initiative #2
Effectively manage the County’s contract with Pearson & communicate outcomes to the BOCC
Session Law 2013-362 (SL362) signed on July 26, 2013 requires Mecklenburg County to review real property
values from the 2011 General Revaluation. The county retained Pearson’s Appraisal Service (PAS) to review
the values of all parcels in Mecklenburg and make applicable adjustments.
Completion Date:
The appeals should be completed by June 30, 2016.
Updates/Project Milestones:
Include the following:
• Schedule all SL 362 appeals by February 2016.
• Prepare related adjustments (includes refunds & discoveries) and mail notices by June 30, 2016.
• Complete the exit interview & analysis of the revaluation review process to determine the cost, impact,
and effects in October 2015.
Key Initiative #3
Develop a communication strategy for the CAO
To increase community outreach, strengthen relationships with community leaders, and educate constituents
about value assessments.
Completion Date:
The draft of the communication strategy will be completed by March 31, 2015
Updates/Project Milestones:
Include the following:
• Develop an appeal status chart to improve efficiency and communication to the public
• Identify legal and realty communities to target for program awareness
• Collaborate with PI to gather feedback, communicate, and engage the citizens of Mecklenburg County
• Develop brochures to inform external stakeholders about the countywide revaluation
• Align the communication strategy and community outreach to the annual tax calendar and the county’s
strategic plan
Key Initiative #4
Effectively collaborate with BPM to reengineer business processes within the Assessor’s Office
The goal is to create efficiencies by improving processes, identifying opportunities for improvement, and
developing a document management process.
Completion Date:
The County Assessor’s Office Re-Engineering Program Assessment was completed on June 23, 2015. BPM
has created the multi-generation plan and will assist in implementing the identified projects starting July 1,
Updates/Project Milestones:
 Approved the project charter in fiscal year 2015
 Kicked off DMAIC and Next Generation Paperless Initiatives fiscal year 2015
 Documented service interactions and workflows, and completed process analysis in April 2015
 Produced a multi-generation plan listing recommended projects for the Assessor’s Office, June 2015
• Next Generation Paperless Initiative
 Completed initial assessment
 Identified immediate opportunities related to storage and work space
o FY16 Remove excess paper from work site and current storage vendor
o FY16 Assess Farragut system (NCPTS) capabilities and develop requirements
o FY17 Enhance Farragut system (NCPTS) and review OnBase image file integration
o FY18 Integrate Farragut system (NCPTS) capabilities with the OnBase system
• BPM will track project progress and provide quarterly program update beginning October 2015
• Future process documentation and measures will be documented by December 2015
• BPM will manage/develop service delivery metrics for all implemented projects.
Key Initiative #5
Effectively schedule and plan for the next countywide reappraisal
NC General Stat. 105-286 requires each county to appraise all real property in accordance with the provisions
of G.S. 105-283 and G.S. 105-317 as of January 1 of the scheduled year. The department will begin
implementing the required steps for the revaluation which includes the approval of a schedule and the
performance analysis.
Completion Date:
The department anticipates getting an approved revaluation date from the BOCC, developing a schedule of
tasks and processes, conducting performance analysis, and evaluating staffing needs to effectuate a successful
countywide reappraisal.
Updates/Project Milestones:
Include the following:
• Complete 1/6 of field canvassing during the calendar year.
• Continue the neighborhood delineation and sales analysis for next countywide reappraisal with sales
tracking starting in January, 2016.
• Open revaluation files in AssessPro and begin entering the field canvassing results.
• Conduct a feasibility study for offsite informal and BER appeals
Key Initiative #6
Create a 3-Year department strategic business plan that incorporates department initiatives (including those
aligned to Mecklenburg Livable Communities Plan), identifies upcoming business imperatives and links
initiatives to the budget process.
Department strategic business planning is essential to outlining departmental goals, strategies and measures that
will serve as the guiding document for budgeting from FY17-FY19.
Completion Date:
January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
August 2015: “Train-the-Facilitator” training
September 10, 2015: County Manager’s Strategic Planning Retreat
September – January 2016: Departments Draft Strategic Business plans
Successful completion of a 3-Year Strategic Business Plan for FY17-FY19