British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(6): 267-272, 2012 ISSN: 2044-2459; E-ISSN: 2044-2467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: September 08, 2012 Accepted: October 19, 2012 Published: December 25, 2012 Use of Sequential Extraction Technique to Estimate Nickel Bioavailability in Guinea Corn and Soils of Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria S.S. Mohammed, A.A. Orukotan and H.K. Yahaya Department of Applied Science, College of Science and Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria Abstract: An estimation of Nickel bioavailability in guinea corn and soils from Kaduna metropolis was carried out. The objective of the study was to determine the bioavailable Nickel in guinea corn and soil samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) using sequential extraction technique. The results indicated that the soil samples collected from various locations contain varying amounts of Nickel and were distributed between residual, oxide and carbonate/organically bound phases. The results also indicated that in all the sampling sites, Nickel concentration is below the tolerance limit value of 50 mg/kg and the ANOVA (p = 0.070>0.05) indicated no significant difference in the Nickel concentration across the various guinea corn crops. Similarly the ANOVA (p = 0.004<0.05) showed a significant difference in the Nickel concentration across the various guinea corn soils. Keywords: Bioavailability, guinea corn, nickel, sequential extraction, soil of HNO3/H2O2, oxalic acid, Na2EDTA and acetic acid. The relation between the guinea corn Ni contents and Ni content of the soil extracts was also investigated. INTRODUCTION Nickel is a nutritionally trace metal for at least several animal species, micro-organisms and plants and therefore either deficiency or toxicity symptoms can occur when respectively, too little or too much Nickel is taken up (Bencko, 1983; Scott-Fordsmand, 1997). The accumulation of heavy metals in soil from different sources such as atmospheric deposition, agricultural practices, urban-industrial activities, etc is of great environmental concern because of metal persistence and toxicity. In this sense, there is a consensus in the literature that the estimation of the bioavailable heavy metals in soil is a preferable tool to determine potential risks from soil contamination than the total contents (Yusuf, 2006). Heavy metals may be distributed among many component of the soil or sediment and may be associated with them in different ways (Harrison et al., 1981; Chlopecka et al., 1996; Kabala and Singh, 2001; Khairah et al., 2009). The general approach for soil speciation studies has been to separate the soil using different chemical reagents or solvents fraction and by analyzing each fraction to determine the amount of element combined or associated with each soil fraction or phase (Yaman et al., 2000). In this research, Nickel concentrations in guinea corn and soil samples were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) using sequential extraction technique. The soil samples were extracted using chemical reagents such as the mixture MATERIALS AND METHODS The soil samples were dissolved by using the chemical reagents such as mixture of HNO3/H202, (COOH)2, Na2EDTA and CH3COOH. The relation between the guinea corn contents and the Ni contents of soil extracts was also investigated. In the digestion and extraction procedures, concentrated HNO3, H202, 1.0 M (COOH)2, 0.05M Na2EDTA and 1.0 M CH3COOH were used. Stock solution of Ni (1000 mg/L) was prepared by dissolving Ni (NO3)2 in 1.0 mol/L nitric acid. Preparation of samples: The study covered seven agricultural sites in Kaduna, Nigeria (Fig. 1). The sites are: Nasarawa (NS), Sabon Tasha (ST), Unguwar Mu’azu (UM), Tudun Wada (TW), Kakuri (KK), Mando (MD) and Kabala West (KB). The samples were collected during the harvest season (Oct-Nov., 2008, 2009 and 2010). The soil samples were collected from different areas enumerated at the depth of 10 cm below the surface (Yaman et al., 2005). The guinea corn samples were collected at each of the locations. Kachia a town situated about 130 km away from Kaduna was taken as control. The sample was washed with water and allowed to dry on filter papers. Both samples were dried at 85°C. All the analyses were carried out in the analytical laboratory of the Department of Applied Corresponding Author: S.S. Mohammed, Department of Applied Science, College of Science and Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria 267 Br. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(6): 267-272, 2012 Fig. 1: Map of Kaduna metropolis Science, College of Science and Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna -Nigeria. Wet ashing of guinea corn: Five grams of oven dried crushed and sieved guinea corn sample was weighed into an evaporating dish and ashed at 480°C for 4 h. Ten cm3 of a mixture of nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide (2+1) was added to the ashed sample and dried with occasional shaking on a hot plate and cooled. Four cm3 of 1.5 mol/dm3 nitric acid was then added and centrifuged. The digest was diluted to 60 cm3 of water and filtered. This was analyzed for Ni using FAAS model 8010 Young Lin. A blank digest was carried out in the same way. Digestion of soils: Soil pH was measured (1:5, w/v) using microprocessor pH meter, model pH 210. 10 cm3 of mixture of nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide (2+1) was added to 5 g soil sample and dried with occasional shaking on a hot plate and cooled. Four cm3 of 1.5 mol 268 Br. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(6): 267-272, 2012 Table 1: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at Kabala Hot extraction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M 4.45 ND ND 0.46±0.1 ND 0.46±0.1 KB1 KB2 4.60 ND ND 0.41±0.1 0.39±0.1 ND 5.45 0.13±0.10 ND 0.26±0.1 0.06±0.1 0.1320±0.1 KB3 4.45 10.87±2.1 12.09±2.6 0.06±0.0 ND 7.62±1.1 KB4 5.15 2.58±0.80 3.44±1.00 2.25±0.4 2.12±0.3 2.58±0.5 KB5 KB6 5.25 2.12±0.70 2.12±0.70 2.65±0.8 2.71±0.9 1.45±0.4 KB7 4.55 11.73±2.1 5.63±1.10 5.37±1.0 12.86±2.5 9.14±2.0 4.55 1.72±0.70 1.98±0.80 3.77±1.1 4.17±1.3 3.44±1.0 KB8 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 2: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at Nasarawa Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M NS1 4.50 ND 0.53±0.1 0.07±0.0 0.07±0.0 ND NS2 5.50 ND 8.28±0.3 10.60±2.4 0.06±0.0 7.29±0.2 NS3 5.45 0.13±0.1 ND 6.62±1.5 0.39±0.1 0.06±0.1 5.45 8.08±1.3 7.09±1.1 2.71±0.4 4.97±0.6 6.89±1.8 NS4 NS5 5.25 3.57±1.0 1.52±0.8 2.58±0.9 4.42±1.0 2.05±0.8 NS6 5.35 11.26±2.2 10.62±2.1 2.58±0.8 1.45±0.4 2.58±0.8 NS7 5.15 7.81±1.7 6.39±1.1 9.52±2.4 13.12±3.0 6.03±1.1 NS8 4.45 3.38±1.1 1.26±0.4 2.38±0.7 2.65±0.8 1.12±0.7 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 3: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at Mando Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M 4.46 ND ND 0.27±0.01 6.62±1.3 ND MD1 MD2 ND ND 11.87±3.2 6.61±1.1 ND 5.25 ND ND 1.99±0.3 ND 0.06±0.1 MD3 MD4 4.47 5.43±1.1 7.09±1.3 5.37±1.0 3.38±0.9 8.68±2.0 MD5 5.35 4.17±1.1 4.17±1.1 1.85±0.9 4.24±1.2 4.30±1.4 MD6 5.20 2.18±0.7 2.98±0.9 2.18±0.7 1.45±0.4 2.12±0.7 MD7 4.55 14.25±2.8 12.06±2.5 8.88±2.0 10.67±2.4 6.89±1.6 MD8 4.55 4.64±1.2 1.06±0.2 3.18±1.0 4.30±1.2 2.58±0.9 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 4: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at kakuri Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample Site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M 4.45 ND 3.44±0.8 1.32±0.7 6.17±0.90 0.06±0.0 KK1 KK2 4.45 ND ND 1.06±0.1 0.26±0.10 0.06±0.1 4.50 ND ND 1.32±0.2 132.00±8.5 0.26±0.1 KK3 KK4 5.15 0.43±0.1 5.17±1.0 4.11±1.2 6.82±1.60 3.02±0.9 KK5 4.34 1.92±0.7 2.98±0.9 2.38±0.8 11.26±2.4 7.29±1.9 5.15 1.43±0.5 22.53±4.0 3.31±1.0 2.12±0.70 2.32±0.7 KK6 KK7 4.50 7.02±1.4 12.86±2.5 2.679±0.9 10.40±2.4 8.68±2.0 KK8 4.50 0.27±0.1 0.45±0.2 0.23±0.1 0.31±0.10 0.34±0.1 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) /dm3 nitric acid was added and centrifuged and diluted to 60 cm3 with water and filtered. The clear digest was analyzed for Ni using FAAS model 8010 Young Lin. A blank digest was carried out in the same way. 269 Br. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(6): 267-272, 2012 Table 5: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at T/Wada Hot extraction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0M Acetic acid 1.0 M TW1 4.60 ND 0.46±0.10 ND 0.39±0.1 0.33±0.1 TW2 5.15 ND 18.22±3.5 ND ND 2.66±0.1 TW3 4.50 ND ND 0.26±0.1 126.00±11.1 0.13±0.1 5.10 4.70±1.2 4.37±1.0 6.03±1.8 4.57±1.3 3.58±1.0 TW4 4.55 3.11±1.0 4.30±1.4 3.97±1.1 4.04±1.3 8.48±2.0 TW5 4.50 2.22±0.7 2.85±0.8 1.85±0.5 2.12±0.7 1.98±0.5 TW6 4.55 2.38±0.9 1.70±0.7 8.34±2.0 8.55±2.1 11.9±2.3 TW7 4.15 1.65±0.6 2.45±0.9 3.84±1.1 1.85±0.6 2.32±0.7 TW8 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 6: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at S/Tasha Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M 5.10 ND 4.64±0.80 ND 3.97±0.90 1.33±0.8 ST1 ST2 4.50 ND 10.60±2.1 0.19±0.10 ND ND 5.45 ND ND 1.32±12.1 ND ND ST3 4.50 0.72±0.50 7.49±1.80 3.31±0.80 5.76±1.00 4.30±0.9 ST4 4.45 3.43±1.40 11.92±2.6 3.31±1.20 4.83±1.50 9.80±2.3 ST5 5.15 11.92±2.4 3.38±1.20 1.59±0.50 1.45±0.40 2.18±0.9 ST6 5.10 12.39±2.2 12.26±2.2 11.33±2.1 12.86±2.5 9.54±2.0 ST7 4.10 2.64±0.70 2.78±0.70 2.98±0.90 3.18±1.10 4.24±1.2 ST8 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 7: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at U/Muazu Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M UM1 5.05 ND ND ND 2.65±0.1 1.59±1.2 UM2 5.50 ND ND 7.29±1.7 2.65±0.3 1.32±0.7 5.25 ND ND 1.32±0.7 0.06±0.0 1.32±0.7 UM3 4.45 2.02±0.7 6.49±1.3 7.22±1.8 6.03±1.4 4.70±1.0 UM4 5.60 3.77±1.4 3.57±1.2 3.24±1.1 3.11±1.1 3.04±1.0 UM5 5.60 1.06±0.4 1.52±0.6 2.71±0.9 1.98±0.7 3.31±1.1 UM6 5.60 15.64±3.5 6.03±1.3 14.85±2.5 3.84±1.1 10.34±2.1 UM7 5.65 2.45±0.7 2.71±0.9 2.05±0.6 2.05±0.6 4.77±1.4 UM8 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Table 8: Results of Ni concentrations in G/corn and soil samples at Kachia Hot extraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal conc in G/corn Metal conc in soil Sample site pH sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) sample HNO3/H2O2 (2+1) EDTA 0.05 M Oxalic acid 1.0 M Acetic acid 1.0 M KC1 4.55 0.16±0.1 1.22±0.3 0.27±0.1 0.25±0.1 0.40±0.2 KC2 4.55 1.20±0.3 0.02±0.0 0.01±0.0 0.36±0.2 0.37±0.2 5.15 0.25±0.1 0.36±0.1 0.25±0.1 0.36±0.1 0.25±0.1 KC3 4.50 0.37±0.1 0.24±0.1 0.51±0.1 0.02±0.0 0.14±0.1 KC4 4.55 0.49±0.3 0.38±0.1 0.13±0.1 0.01±0.0 0.38±0.1 KC5 5.10 0.38±0.1 0.26±0.1 0.27±0.1 0.01±0.0 1.33±0.5 KC6 5.15 0.37±0.1 0.37±0.1 0.13±0.0 0.00±0.0 0.13±0.0 KC7 Results of mean values (mg/kg) ±S.D. (n = 3) Extraction of soil: Soil extracts were obtained by shaking separately, 5 g of soil samples with 10 cm³ of 0.05 mol/L Na2EDTA (for carbonate and organically bound phases), 1.0 mol/L oxalic acid (for oxide phases) and 1.0 mol/L acetic acid (for carbonate phases). The mixture was evaporated with occasional shaking on a hot plate. Four cm³ of 1.5 mol/L nitric acid was added to the remainder and centrifuged. This is referred to as hot extraction. The digest was diluted to 60 cm³ and analyzed for Ni using FAAS model 8010 Young Lin. A blank digest was carried out in the same way. Nickel content in guinea corn and soils: The Ni content for the samples from the eight different agricultural locations in Kaduna are shown in Table 1 to 8. 270 Br. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(6): 267-272, 2012 The results of the Ni concentration in guinea corn and soil varied from one location to another. The Ni concentrations from Kabala (KB) indicate higher concentration of the metal in soil than the corresponding guinea corn samples. Similar observations were reported by Bennett (1982), Hickey and Kittrick (1984) and Krishna et al. (2010). However, the guinea corn samples from NS (Nasarawa) had higher Ni concentrations than the corresponding soils samples. This could be attributed to agricultural activities, heavy traffic, various anthropogenic activities within the locations and the species of guinea corn grown on the land. This is in agreement with the results from other investigators (Kashem and Singh, 1998; Aydinalp and Marinova, 2003; Ana-Irina et al., 2008; Pei-Fang et al., 2008; Chamon et al., 2009; Khairah et al., 2009). Similar observations were also observed in other sampling sites in both cold and hot extractions as in KB and NS. The low Ni values for some soil sites compared to other may be due to lesser impact of anthropogenic sources of pollution in these locations. Similar findings were also observed by other investigators (Chamon et al., 2005; Yusuf, 2006). The ANOVA 0.070 0.05 indicated no significant difference in the Nickel concentrations across the various guinea corn sampled sites. Moreover, the mean plots depict the mean values of the Nickel concentrations across the various guinea corn grown soils as shown in Fig. 2. Metal speciation: The Ni distribution in the soil samples at Kabala (KB) varied from one sampling site to another. The metal existed in the residual, oxide, FeMn oxide and carbonate/organic phases. The concentration of the metal bound to carbonate/organic phase is higher in KB2 and KB3 than either the residual or oxide fractions while the concentration of the metal bound to the residual fraction is higher in KB4 than in the other two fractions. The Ni concentration bound to the oxide fraction is higher in KB6, KB7, KB8 than in other fractions. The Ni concentration from KB1 bound to carbonate/organic phases is highest. Similar results were reported by many authors (Sposito et al., 1982; Hickey and Kittrick, 1984). Similar observations were observed in NS, MD, KK, TW, ST, UM and KC. The Ni concentration in soil is least in KC2. In all the sampling locations, the Nickel concentration is below the tolerable limit value of 50 mg/kg (Baralkiewicz and Siepak, 1999). The higher Ni concentration in guinea corn and extractable Ni in some of the sampling sites could be attributed to agricultural processes, heavy traffic and other anthropogenic activities in these areas (Kashem and Singh, 1998). HNO3/H2O2, EDTA, CH3COOH and (COOH) 2 extractable Ni was considered as available Ni in these locations. Fig. 2: Mean plot for nickel concentration in guinea corn crops Fig. 3: Mean plot for nickel concentration in guinea corn grown soil The poor uptake of the metal by guinea corn from the soil at some sites could be attributed to the formation of high molecular weight metal complexes, which may decrease metal uptake by plants as a result of steric hindrance (Dunemann et al., 1991). The pH of the soil samples from the various locations is acidic. This could be due to the various agricultural activities in the sampling sites (Kashem and Singh, 1998; Chamon et al., 2009; Khairah et al., 2009). The ANOVA 0.004 0.05 indicated a significant difference in the Nickel concentrations across the various guinea corn grown soils. The differences in Nickel concentrations can further be deduced by a post-hoc test using the Duncan Multiple range test where means of homogeneous subgroups are displayed. Moreover, the mean plots depict the mean values of the Nickel concentrations across the various guinea corn soils. 271 Br. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(6): 267-272, 2012 The Duncan multiple range tests showed that Kachia had the least Nickel concentration in their soils while Nasarawa, Kakuri, among others had the highest Nickel concentration (Fig. 3). CONCLUSION Total trace metal composition of soil is of little importance in determining its uptake by plants and consequently, in contaminating the food chain since the different forms have different mobility’s, bioavailability and potential environmental contamination potential. The results on heavy metal speciation in the study indicated that the soil samples collected from various areas contain varying amounts of the metal. The metal was distributed between residual, oxide and carbonate fractions. 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