Equilibrium Statistical Theory for Nearly Parallel Vortex Filaments PIERRE-LOUIS LIONS Ceremade Université Paris-Dauphine AND ANDREW MAJDA Courant Institute Abstract The first mathematically rigorous equilibrium statistical theory for three-dimensional vortex filaments is developed here in the context of the simplified asymptotic equations for nearly parallel vortex filaments, which have been derived recently by Klein, Majda, and Damodaran. These simplified equations arise from a systematic asymptotic expansion of the Navier-Stokes equation and involve the motion of families of curves, representing the vortex filaments, under linearized self-induction and mutual potential vortex interaction. We consider here the equilibrium statistical mechanics of arbitrarily large numbers of nearly parallel filaments with equal circulations. First, the equilibrium Gibbs ensemble is written down exactly through function space integrals; then a suitably scaled mean field statistical theory is developed in the limit of infinitely many interacting filaments. The mean field equations involve a novel Hartree-like problem with a two-body logarithmic interaction potential and an inverse temperature given by the normalized length of the filaments. We analyze the mean field problem and show various equivalent variational formulations of it. The mean field statistical theory for nearly parallel vortex filaments is compared and contrasted with the well-known mean field statistical theory for two-dimensional point vortices. The main ideas are first introduced through heuristic reasoning and then are confirmed by a mathematically rigorous analysis. A potential application of this statistical theory to rapidly rotating convection in geophysical flows is also discussed briefly. c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Gibbs Ensembles for Nearly Parallel Filaments and the Broken Path Models 3. Heuristic Derivation of Mean Field Theory 4. Rigorous Mean Field Theory for the Broken Path Models 5. Rigorous Mean Field Theory for Vortex Filaments 6. Alternative Formulations for the Mean Field Equations 7. The Current and Some Scaling Limits 8. Concluding Discussion and Future Directions 77 81 89 92 94 119 123 137 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. LIII, 0076–0142 (2000) c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0010–3640/00/000076-67 EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY Appendix. Remarks on the KMD Equations Bibliography 77 137 141 1 Introduction Over the last fifteen years, Chorin [4, 5, 6, 7] has proposed several novel heuristic models for fully developed turbulence based on the equilibrium statistical mechanics of collections of three-dimensional vortex filaments. Chorin’s pioneering work has emphasized both the similarities and differences between statistical theories for heuristic models for ensembles of three-dimensional vortex filaments and the earlier two-dimensional statistical theories for point vortices (Onsager [21], Joyce and Montgomery [10], and Montgomery and Joyce [20]). Here, we develop the first mathematically rigorous equilibrium statistical theory for three-dimensional vortex filaments in the context of a model involving simplified asymptotic equations for nearly parallel vortex filaments. These equations have been derived recently by Klein, Majda, and Damodaran [13] through systematic asymptotic expansion of the Navier-Stokes equations where the nearly parallel vortex filaments are represented by families of curves that move through linearized self-stretch and mutual induction as leading-order asymptotic approximations of the Biot-Savart integral. Each vortex filament is concentrated near a curve that is nearly parallel to the x3 -axis. Thus, each vortex filament is described by a function Xi (σ,t) ∈ R2 where σ ∈ R1 parametrizes the asymptotic center curve of the filament. The family of nearly parallel vortex filaments {X j (σ,t)}Nj≥1 evolves according to the 2N coupled system of equations # " 2 ∂X j X j − Xk 1 N 2 ∂ (1.1) = J α j Γ j 2 X j + ∑ Γ j Γk Γj ∂t ∂σ 2 k6= j |X j − Xk |2 for all 1 ≤ j ≤ N, where the parameter Γ j denotes the circulation of the jth filament, α j is the vortex core structure, N is the number of filaments, and J = ( 01 −10 ). The simplified asymptotic equations in (1.1) are derived in a formal asymptotic limit from the Navier-Stokes equations under the conditions that 1. the wavelength of the nearly parallel filament perturbations is much longer than the separation distance between filaments, 2. the separation distance is much larger than the core thickness of each filament, and 3. the Reynolds number is very large. The technical aspects of the derivation of (1.1) as well as more details beyond the discussion below are given in the work of Klein, Majda, and Damodaran [13] while a more leisurely treatment can be found in Majda [18] or Majda and Bertozzi 78 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA [19]. The term in (1.1) involving ∂2 X j /∂σ 2 arises from the linearized self-induction of the individual filaments. The contribution of the terms ! X j − Xk 1 N J Γ j Γk 2 k6∑ |X j − Xk |2 =j is the velocity induced at a given vortex filament for a fixed value of σ by the other vortex filaments; this contribution is the same one that occurs for the motion of point vortices in the plane (Lamb [14] and Chorin and Marsden [8]). In fact, special exact solutions of (1.1) without any σ-dependence coincide with solutions of the two-dimensional point vortex equations. In this sense, the equations in (1.1) generalize the physics of two-dimensional point vortex dynamics by allowing for the purely three-dimensional effect of self-induction. Numerical solutions of (1.1) for pairs of filaments show a remarkable, genuinely three-dimensional behavior that agrees qualitatively with many aspects of solutions of the complete NavierStokes equations. From the mathematical viewpoint, (1.1) can be recast as a system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations by setting ϕ j = X j1 + iX j2 , so that (1.1) becomes (1.2) −iΓ j ∂ϕ j ∂2 ϕ j 1 N ϕ j − ϕk + ∑ Γ j Γk . = α j Γ2j 2 ∂t ∂σ 2 k6= j |ϕ j − ϕk |2 Because of the singularity of the nonlinear term, this evolution problem is not well understood: The existence and uniqueness of regular solutions are not known, and should depend on the parameters {Γ j }Nj=1 and their respective signs. In an appendix we collect a few mathematical observations on that system while some accessible open problems for (1.1) and (1.2) are discussed elsewhere (Majda [18] and Majda and Bertozzi [19]). In this paper, we develop the equilibrium statistical mechanics for solutions of (1.1) in a suitable scaled limit as the number of filaments N gets arbitrarily large as the model for the equilibrium statistical mechanics of nearly parallel vortex filaments. Here we assume that each filament is periodic in σ, i.e., (1.3) X j (σ + L) = X j (σ) , 1≤ j ≤N, for some L > 0. We also assume that all filaments have the same circulation, Γ j = Γ, and the same core structure, α j = α > 0; thus, without loss of generality, we may assume that Γ > 0 and by a trivial scaling that we have (1.4) Γj = 1, αj = α, for 1 ≤ j ≤ N , for the solutions of (1.1) considered here. The assumption of identical signs for all the circulations Γ j , i.e., corotating filaments, is a genuine physical restriction since more complex dynamical phenomena occur for solutions of (1.1) with both positive and negative circulations (Klein, Majda, and Damodaran [13], Majda [18], and Majda and Bertozzi [19]). Designing an equilibrium statistical mechanics model EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 79 in that case is an interesting open problem to which we hope to return in a future publication. Theories for equilibrium statistical mechanics are based on the conserved quantities for the Hamiltonian system in (1.1). With the special assumptions in (1.3) and (1.4), these conserved quantities are given by the Hamiltonian, N (1.5) 1 H=∑ α j=1 2 Z L ∂X j 2 0 ∂σ 1 dσ − 2 N ∑ Z N j6=k 0 log |X j (σ) − Xk (σ)|dσ as well as the center of vorticity M, the mean angular momentum I, and a quantity that we denote by C and call the mean current by analogy with quantum mechanics. The current C has an indefinite character much like the helicity in threedimensional flows. These additional conserved quantities are given explicitly by L N Z M = ∑ X j (σ)dσ , j=1 0 L N Z (1.6) I = ∑ |X j (σ)|2 dσ , j=1 0 L N Z ∂X C = ∑ JX j (σ) · j (σ)dσ . ∂σ j=1 0 In Section 2 we introduce the Gibbs measures defined through the conserved quantities in (1.5) and (1.6). These Gibbs measures naturally involve suitable function space integrals with respect to Wiener measure (more precisely, some kind of “discounted conditional Wiener measure”). We also introduce a natural discrete approximation of these Gibbs measures through a broken path discretization in σ. This broken path discretization has several conceptual advantages: First, for extremely coarse broken paths with only a single segment, we recover the Gibbs measures for the statistical theory for point vortices in the plane; second, in the other extreme limit of infinitely fine discretization, we recover the Gibbs measures of the continuum problem associated with (1.1). In this fashion, we can compare and contrast the equilibrium statistical theories for two-dimensional point vortices and three-dimensional nearly parallel vortex filaments as well as build intermediate theories involving many fixed broken paths. These intermediate theories also suggest the manner in which we can adapt and generalize the rigorous statistical mechanical arguments for two-dimensional point vortex systems (Caglioti, Lions, Marchioro, and Pulvirenti [2, 3], Kiessling [12], Lions [17]) to the present situation involving the statistical mechanics of nearly parallel vortex filaments. In Section 3 we give a heuristic discussion of mean field theory for the statistical mechanics of nearly parallel vortex filaments. This theory requires the specific scaling relation in (3.3) below for the nondimensional form of the Hamiltonian 80 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA in (2.2) and (2.3). The tacit assumption of such mean field theories is that the empirical distribution of the filament curves ! 1 N (1.7) ∑ δXi (σ) converges to ρ(x) as N → ∞ for each σ N i=1 where ρ(x) is a probability density on R2 independent of σ. In fact, we shall show in Section 5 that this property holds with probability 1 under the Gibbs measure, and we shall also determine the limit of the empirical law of {X j (σ)}. Without loss of generality, we have set L = 1 (see Section 3). In addition, in the case where we only use the conserved quantities H and I, we give a heuristic derivation in Section 3 that the probability density ρ(x) is determined through the Green’s function p(x, y,t), x ∈ R2 , y ∈ R2 , of the following PDE: ∂p − 1 ∆p + aβ − 1 log |x| ∗ ρ p + µ|x|2 p = 0 in R2 × (0, 1) ∂t 2β 2π (1.8) p|t=0 = δy (x) , where β is the inverse temperature, µ is the chemical potential for I, and the constant a in (1.8) is determined by the mean field scaling limit described in (3.3) from Section 3. The probability density ρ is recovered from p by the formula −1 (1.9) ρ(x) = p(x, x, 1) Z p(x, x, 1) . R2 In Section 4 we give a sketch of the rigorous a priori derivation of the mean field limit for the broken path approximations following ideas from Caglioti et al. [2] and Lions [17] for two-dimensional point vortices with positive temperatures. Section 5 contains the main mathematical results in this paper, namely, rigorous a priori proof of mean field behavior for any positive inverse temperature β > 0 for the statistical mechanics of nearly parallel vortex filaments as described in (1.7), (1.8), and (1.9) above and motivated heuristically in Section 3. The techniques that we utilize here in the proof are similar to those of Angelescu, Pulvirenti, and Teta [1] in their study of the classical limit for a quantum Coulomb system in R3 although our limiting mean field theory is completely different and we have other technical difficulties associated with logarithmic interactions. We also prove that the mean field limit for the broken path approximations converges to the continuum mean field limit equation in (1.8) and (1.9). In Section 6 we present several alternative characterizations of the mean field limit problem in (1.8) and (1.9). One of these involves a Hartree-like problem with a two-body logarithmic interaction potential and an inverse temperature given by the normalized length of the filaments. We also utilize these alternative variational characterizations to compare the mean field statistical theory for nearly parallel vortex filaments with the mean field theory for point vortices in the plane. Until Section 7 we do not use the conserved quantity C in order to keep the presentation EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 81 as simple as possible. In Section 7 we show how the use of the current C rigorously leads to a modified mean field theory. We also discuss other scaling limits such as the case of infinite-length vortex filaments. Finally, in Section 8 we briefly discuss several possible directions for future work. 2 Gibbs Ensembles for Nearly Parallel Filaments and the Broken Path Models 2.1 The Continuous Path Models Here we discuss the definition of Gibbs measures for N-vortex filaments. For an appropriate range of parameters, we would like to define Gibbs measures formally given by 1 λ · M − µI − v C )dX1 · · · dXN µN = exp(−β H −λ (2.1) Z on the path space of N filaments where the Hamiltonian H and the other conserved quantities M, I, and C are given in (1.4) and (1.5), respectively. We begin by rewriting the Hamiltonian H in convenient nondimensional units. With the notation X = (X1 , . . . , XN ) ∈ R2N , we nondimensionalize the amplitude of the curves by A and the period interval by the dilation factor λ; i.e., we change variables by σ 0 = λσ where both A and λ−1 have the units (length). We introduce the nondimensional variable X 0 (σ 0 ) = X(σ 0 /λ)/A into the Hamiltonian. By multiplying the Hamiltonian by a constant, ignoring additive constants, and dropping the prime in notation, we obtain the nondimensional Hamiltonian (2.2) H (X(σ)) = 1 2 Z λL N 0 ∑ j=1 ∂X j ∂σ 2 1 dσ + ā 2 Z λL N 0 ∑ − log |X j (σ) − Xk (σ)|dσ . j6=k With the natural choice for λ and λ = L−1 , the nondimensional factor ā is given by L2 , αA2 and the nondimensional Hamiltonian has the form ā = (2.3) (2.4) H (X(σ)) = 1 2 Z 1 N ∑ 0 j=1 ∂X j ∂σ 2 1 dσ + ā 2 Z 1 N ∑ − log |X j (σ) − Xk (σ)|dσ . 0 j6=k With these preliminaries, we build the Gibbs measures in (2.1). For pedagogical purposes, we begin with the special case of (2.1) with µ, v = 0 and ā = 0 for the Hamiltonian in (2.4); in this special case the Gibbs measure is simply the Wiener measure on (R2 )N with diffusion constant 1/β conditioned on peβ riodic paths, which we denote by ν β . In fact, ν β may be written as νX,X dX, β where νX,X is the usual conditional Wiener measure conditioned on paths such β that ω(0) = ω(1) = X ∈ R2 (recall that νX,X is not a probability measure, since R R β dνX,X = (2πβt)−1 ). In particular, ν β is not a bounded measure ( dν β = +∞!) 82 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA on the Banach space ΩN endowed with the usual norm (maxi,t∈[0,1] |ωi (t)|). Let ΩN = (ω1 , . . . , ωN ) denote periodic continuous paths with ω j ∈ C([0, 1]; R2 ) and β ω j (0) = ω j (1) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ N. The rigorous way to define νX,X is to write down its marginals explicitly through its action on arbitrary bounded continuous functions of the type F = F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm )) with m ≥ 0, 0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tm ≤ 1, and we assume, for instance, that F has compact support on (R2 )m . Thus we have Z (2.5) F dν β = Z Z dX1 · · · dX R2N R2n Z dXm F(X1 , . . . , Xm ) R2N · pβ0 (X, X1 ,t1 )pβ0 (X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) · · · pβ0 (Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 ) · pβ0 (Xm , X, 1 − tm ) = Z dX1 · · · dXm pβ0 (Xm , X1 , 1 + t1 − tm ) R2Nm · pβ0 (X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) · · · pβ0 (Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 )F(X1 , . . . , Xm ) where pβ0 (X,Y ,t) = ∏Nj=1 p̃β0 (X j ,Y j ,t) with p̃β0 (x, y,t), the Gaussian kernel on R2 , (2.6) p̃β0 (x, y,t) = 2πt β −1 β|x − y|2 exp − , 2t (see, for example, Ginibre [9], Lebowitz, Rose, and Speer [15], Simon [23], or β Angelescu et al. [1]). With this definition of dνX,X as background, we next turn to the definition of the Gibbs ensemble in (2.1) with β > 0, λ 6= 0, and µ > 0, but here we require v = 0. In this general case, the Gibbs measure µN is given in a straightforward fashion as (2.7) ( Z " 1 β ā µN = (Z(N))−1 exp − dσ 2 0 + # N ∑ − log |ω j (σ) − ωk (σ)| j6=k N N j=1 j=1 ∑ λ · ω j (σ) + µ ∑ |ω j (σ)|2 ) β (Ω)dX dνX,X EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY with Z(N) = (2.8) " Z β dXEX,X R2N " ( Z 1 β ā dσ exp − 2 0 83 N ∑ − log |ω j (σ) − ωk (σ)| j6=k N #)# λ · ω j (σ) + µ|ω j (σ)|2 ) + ∑ (λ . j=1 β β In (2.8), EX,X denotes the expected value with respect to dνX,X . At this stage, one N needs to explain why Z(N) < ∞ and thus justify that µ is well-defined by (2.7). Indeed, one can clearly bound Z(N) for some positive constant C = C(N) ( ) Z Z 1 N µ β Z(N) ≤ C dX EX,X exp − dσ ∑ |ω j (σ)|2 2 0 j=1 R2N ! Z Z β dX EX,X ≤C R2N =C Z 1 =C 0 N dσ exp −µ ∑ |ω j (σ)|2 j=1 N ZZ dσ 0 1 µ pβ (X,Y , σ)e− 2 |Y | pβ (Y , X, 1 − σ)dX dY R2 ×R2 Z (2π)−1 βe R2 − µ2 |Y |2 2 N µ −N dY = C 4π 2 . β β As in the definition in (2.5) for νX,X , the marginal distributions for the Gibbs N measure µ can be written down via the Green’s function of a PDE. The way to see this is to observe that the potential V (X) defined by V (X) = (2.9) β ā 2 N N j6=k j=1 ∑ − log |X j − Xk | + ∑ λ · X j + µ|X j |2 β satisfies the hypotheses for the Feynman-Kac formula with respect to dvX,X provided µ satisfies µ > 0 (see Simon [23, chap. 2]). Thus, from (2.7) and (2.9), for an arbitrary, bounded, continuous function on R2Nm , F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm )), and any partition with 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm ≤ 1 with m ≥ 1, we have (2.10) Z F dµN = (Z(N))−1 Z dX1 · · · dXm F(X1 , . . . , Xm ) R2Nm · p(Xm , X1 , 1 + t1 − tm )p(X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) · · · p(Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 ) 84 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA and (2.11) Z(N) = Z dX p(X, X, 1) . R2N Moreover, from the Feynman-Kac formula and (2.7), p(X,Y ,t) is the Green’s function for the PDE, ! N β ā N ∂p 1 N λ · X j + µ|X j |2 )p = 0 ∆X j p − log |Xi − X j | p + ∑ (λ − ∑ ∑ ∂t 2β j=1 2 i6= j j=1 (2.12) 2N in R × (0, 1) , p|t=0 = δY (X) on R2N . Of course, as is well-known, p(X,Y ,t) is a positive kernel, symmetric in (X,Y ), and, by classical results on parabolic equations, p is C∞ in (X,Y ,t) for t > 0 and away from the sets {(X,Y ) ∈ (R2N )2 : ∃i 6= j Xi = X j or Yi = Y j } with p > 0 for t > 0; ∂p/∂t, DαX,Y p ∈ Lq (R2N × R2N × (δ, 1)) for |α| ≤ 2, and for all 1 ≤ q < ∞, δ > 0. Finally, using the maximum principle, one may check the bound on R2N × 2N R × (0, 1), 0 < p(X,Y ,t) ≤ eC(N)t (µβ)N/2 (sinh(bt))−N 2 1/2 1 2 2 exp −(µβ) cotanh(bt)(|X| + |Y | ) − X ·Y 2 sinh(bt) with b = (µ/β)1/2 . It is worth remarking that the special case with ā = 0, µ > 0, is the parabolic quantum oscillator and can be solved explicitly by Mehler’s formula (Simon [23]) in terms of appropriate Gaussians. The situation with λ 6= 0 can be reduced to the situation with λ = 0 by elementary transformations so without loss of generality, we assume λ = 0 in the following section. The explicit formula for the parabolic oscillator kernel, combined with the trivial comparison potential ∑Ni=1 log |Xi − X j | ≤ 2βµā |X|2 + C (β, N), leads to the explicit upper bound on p(X,Y ,t) stated above. On the other hand, in order to include the conserved quantity given by the current C from (1.6), we need to utilize the Ito calculus. We will not do this here in the continuum setting for simplicity in exposition; until Section 7, we will always assume v = 0. However, we will retain an approximation to C in the broken path models discussed in the next section. We have seen above two equivalent ways of defining the Gibbs measure µN . We shall also justify (and recover the equivalence of) these definitions in the next section by letting the broken paths “converge” to continuous paths. This asymptotic approach yields the derivation of a third way of defining µN , which is also a consequence of the Feynman-Kac formula. Indeed, we see that we have (2.13) dµN = hN dµN0 , EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 85 where µN0 is the probability measure on ΩN defined below in (2.16), (2.17), and " ( Z 1 β ā N 1 N h = 0 (2.14) − log |ω j (σ) − ωk (σ)| exp − dσ Z (N) 2 ∑ 0 j6=k #) N µ N + ∑ λ · ω j (σ) + ∑ |ω j (σ)|2 2 j=1 j=1 with (2.15) " Z 0 (N) = E0N " ( Z 1 β ᾱ dσ exp − 2 0 N ∑ − log |ω j (σ) − ωk (σ)| j6=k µ + ∑ λ · ω j (σ) + 2 j=1 N N ∑ |ω j (σ)| #)# 2 . j=1 Here E0N denotes the expectation with respect to µN0 . The probability measure µN0 corresponds to the special case when a = λ = 0 above; i.e., µN0 is the law of the “quantum oscillator” process, which can be equivalently defined by ) ( Z N 1 µ 1 β 2 dσ ∑ |ω j (σ)| dX νX,X exp − R(N) 2 0 j=1 or by (2.16) E0N [F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm ))] = Z R2Nm dX1 · · · dXm q(Xm , X1 , 1 + t1 − tm )q(X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) · · · q(Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 )F(X1 , . . . , Xm ) for any bounded continuous function F on R2m , where q(X,Y ,t) is given by (2.17) q(X,Y ,t) = π −N (µβ)N/2 (sinh(bt))−N 1 1/2 1 2 2 coth(bt)(|X| + |Y | ) − X ·Y exp −(µβ) 2 sinh(bt) with b = (µ/β)1/2 . In particular, we have (2.18) Z(N) = Z 0 (N)R(N), R(N) = (cosh b − 1)N . Under the law µN0 , Ω(t) is obviously a Gaussian process and ω1 (t), . . ., ωN (t) are independent. These formulas guarantee that Z 0 (N) is finite, and thus hN is bounded on ΩN . Notice finally that µN and µN0 are both symmetric probability measures on ΩN . We conclude this section with an important observation on the invariance of the above Gibbs measures µN and µN0 by time shifts. Extending periodically the paths 86 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA ω j (1 ≤ j ≤ N) in Ω to [0, ∞), we denote by θt the shift by t, namely, θt Ω(s) = Ω(s + t). Then, (2.5) and (2.10) immediately yield (2.19) E N [F(θt Ω)] = E N [F(Ω)], E0N [F(θt Ω)] = E N [F(Ω)] for any, say, bounded, measurable random variable F on ΩN , where we denote by E N the expectation with respect to µN . Of course, the density hN satisfies the same invariance property, namely, hN (θt Ω) = hN (Ω) for all t ≥ 0. 2.2 The Broken Path Models In these models, we replace the continuous paths utilized in defining µN in (2.1) by discrete curves. Thus, we consider periodic broken chains xσj , 1 ≤ j ≤ N , 0 ≤ σ ≤ M , Mδ = 1 , 0 with the periodicity condition xM j = x j . To denote the individual broken path filaments, we utilize the notation X j = (x0j , . . . , xM−1 ) ∈ R2M for 1 ≤ j ≤ N. In the j broken path models, we simply approximate H in (2.4) and the conserved quantities in (1.6) by straightforward discretizations, M−1 N 1 σ+1 ā M−1 N δ σ H = − x | − |x ∑ ∑ 2δ j ∑ ∑ δ log |xσj − xkσ | , j 2 σ=0 j=1 σ=0 j6=k M−1 N I δ = ∑ ∑ δ|xσj |2 , (2.20) σ=0 j=1 M−1 N δ C = − xσj ) . ∑ ∑ xσj · J(xσ+1 j σ=0 j=1 The Gibbs measures µN,δ for the broken path approximation are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure on (R2M )N with density given by (2.21) µN,δ (X1 , . . . , XN ) = Z −1 exp{−β H δ (X1 , . . . , XN ) − µI δ − v C δ )} and (2.22) Z= Z exp(−β H δ − µI δ − v C δ )dX1 · · · dXN . (R2M )N We remark that in the special case of the coarsest broken path model with M = 1, H δ reduces to the point vortex Hamiltonian for two-dimensional flows, I δ becomes the moment of inertia, and C δ vanishes identically. Also, as M ↑ ∞, the Gibbs measures for the broken path approximation formally converge to the Gibbs measures for continuous paths, which we discussed earlier in this section. We shall come back to that point at the end of this section. With a nonzero current C δ , the Gibbs measures in (2.21) and (2.22) are not well-defined unless the Lagrange multiplier v satisfies certain restrictions given EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 87 the values of β, µ, and M. To see this, we consider the quadratic terms in the exponential in (2.21) given by βH δ (2.23) ā=0 + µI δ + v C δ ≡ N ∑ B(X j ) j=1 with B(X), the quadratic form on a periodic broken path, given by B(X) = (2.24) M−1 β M−1 1 σ+1 − xσ |2 + δµ ∑ |xσ |2 |x ∑ 2 σ=1 δ σ=1 +v M−1 ∑ xσ · J(xσ+1 − xσ ) , σ=1 δ = M −1 . In standard fashion for discrete periodic problems, this quadratic form is diagonalized by 2M orthonormal eigenvectors with the form 2πil 2πi2l 2πi(M−1)l M ,e M ,...,e M (2.25) = 1, e for 0 ≤ l ≤ M − 1 , e± e± l l 2 with e± l ∈ C , the orthonormal eigenvectors of an appropriate 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues 2πl l ± −1 λl = βM 1 − cos 2π (2.26) + M µ ± v sin , M M l = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1 . Thus, B(X) is positive definite if and only if λ± l > 0, l = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1, and we immediately have the following: P ROPOSITION 2.1 Given fixed β, µ, and M with β > 0, µ > 0, and M any positive integer, the Gibbs measures in (2.20) are well-defined only for v that satisfies the ± conditions λ± l > 0, l = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1, with λl the explicit numbers in (2.26) and, 2 in particular, for v < 2βµ. Under these conditions, there are constants C1 ,C2 > 0 so that B(X) in (2.24) satisfies C2 |X|2 ≤ B(X) ≤ C1 |X|2 . (2.27) For fixed β > 0, µ > 0, the numbers λ± l are always positive for all sufficiently large − M ≥ M0 . If either λ+ or λ for some l satisfies λ± l l l < 0, then the Gibbs measure cannot be defined for this value of v. We now sketch a proof of the fact that, in the case when v = 0, the Gibbs measures µN,δ “converge” as M goes to +∞, i.e., as δ tends to zero to the probability measures µN defined in the preceding section. More precisely, we define (or extend) a probability measure on ΩN from µN,δ , which is concentrated on piecewise linear curves, by setting for any bounded continuous function F = F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm )) with m ≥ 0, 0 < t1 < t2 < · · · < tm ≤ 1, Z (2.28) F dµN,δ = Z F(X(t1 ), . . . , X(tm ))µN,δ (X1 , . . . , XN )dX1 · · · dXN 88 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA where X j (ti ) = xσj i xσj i +1 − xσj i + (ti − σi ) ! δ (1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ N) with σi = [ti /δ]. We keep the same notation, µN,δ , for this natural extension, and we claim that, as M = δ1 goes to +∞, µN,δ converges weakly to µN . A complete proof of this fact is somewhat tedious and is certainly not needed here. However, it is worth explaining the main idea of the proof, namely, the use of a Trotter product formula. In order to do so, we only consider the simple case when F = F(Ω(0)) and F is, say, smooth with compact support. In fact, this proof immediately adapts to the case when F = F(Ω(t1 )) and then to the case when F = ∏m i=1 Fi (Ω(ti ) − Ω(ti−1 )), and the general case follows by linearity and density. Next, if F = F(Ω(0)), taking β = 1 in order to simplify notation, we have Z F(Ω(0))dµN,δ = Z 1 = Zδ F(x10 , . . . , xN0 ) µN,δ (X1 , . . . , XN )dX1 · · · dXN ZZ e− 2δ |yM−1 −y0 |2 −δV (y0 ) 0 M−1 c dy dy e 2πδ 1 F(y )pδ 1, y , y 0 0 M−1 where yσ = (x1σ , . . . , xNσ ) , ā 2 V (y) = Zδ = σ = 0, . . . , M − 1 , N ∑ log |x j − xk | − µ|y|2 , j6=k ZZ e− 2δ (yM−1 −y0 )2 −δV (y0 ) 0 M−1 dy dy , e 2πδ 1 pδ 1, y0 , yM−1 and pδ (1, y0 , yM−1 ) = Z 1 i+1 M−2 − 2δ |y −yi |2 ∏ i=0 e 2πδ ! e −δV (yi+1 ) e−δV (y n−1 ) dy1 . . . dyM−1 . As a consequence of the Trotter formula, the kernel pδ (1, y0 , yM−1 ) is easily seen to converge to p(1, y0 , yM−1 ), at least formally, where p is the Green’s function of ∂p − ∆p +V p = 0 in R2N × (0, 1) . ∂t R Therefore, Zδ converges to Z = p(1, y0 , y0 )dy, and Z F(Ω(0))dµN,δ −→ 1 Z Z F(y0 )p(1, y0 , y0 )dy0 , EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 89 which proves our claim. All the above can be justified, but we choose not to do so here since the precise argument is not needed in this paper (and quite tedious!). Finally, we mention that this type of argument also allows one to check the representations of µN mentioned in the preceding section, namely, (2.7)–(2.8) and (2.13)–(2.15). 3 Heuristic Derivation of Mean Field Theory We begin the discussion by motivating the scaling regime for mean field theory utilized in this paper for the Gibbs ensembles from Section 2 in the limit as N → ∞. The main scaling assumption for mean field statistical theories for point vortices in the plane (see Caglioti et al. [2, 3] and Lions [17]) involves the scaling exp(− Nβ HN (X)) in the Gibbs ensembles with X = (x1 , . . . , xN ) ∈ R2N and (3.1) 1 1 HN (X) = N N N ∑ − ln|x j − xk | . j6=k The second heuristic idea in the mean field theory for point vortices in the plane is that the empirical measure N1 ∑Ni=1 δxi converges weakly to a probability measure, ρ(y), as N → ∞ so that (3.2) 1 N − ln |x j − xk | ∼ =− N k6∑ =j Z ln(|x j − y|)ρ(y)dy . R2 In other words, the velocity potential induced on an individual vortex by the other vortices is insensitive to the detailed locations of these vortices as N → ∞ and instead can be computed by the mean velocity potential defined by the probability density ρ(y) ∈ R2 ; i.e., fluctuations are arbitrarily small as N increases. In the mean field theory for nearly parallel filaments developed in this paper, we scale the logarithmic contributions to the Hamiltonian in (2.4) in a similar fashion as in the two-dimensional theory described above as N → ∞. Thus, we assume that the nondimensional factor ā defined in (2.3) has the form (3.3) ā = a 2πN with some prescribed constant a > 0. Next, we present a heuristic derivation of mean field theory for the continuous Gibbs ensembles from Section 2. Rigorous a priori proofs of mean field limiting behavior with the scaling in (3.3) are given in Sections 4 and 5 below for the broken path and continuum Gibbs measures, respectively. Recall from (2.10)–(2.12) that, with the scaling in (3.3), the marginal distributions of the Gibbs measure are defined in (2.10) and (2.11) through the Green’s 90 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA function for the PDE, ! N N N ∂p βa 1 ∆ p − log |X − X | p + µ − X i j ∑ i ∑ |X j |2 p = 0 ∂t 2β i=1 2πN i6∑ j=1 =j (3.4) 2N in R × (0, 1) , p|t=0 = δY (X) on R2N . In the heuristic derivation, we assume that (3.2) is satisfied with a density ρ(y) that is independent of t, i.e., translation invariant. This assumption merely reflects the time translation invariance of the Gibbs measures shown at the end of Section 2.1. By replacing the logarithmic sums in (3.4) by the convolution appearing in (3.2), we obtain heuristically that as N → ∞ N p(X,Y ,t) ∼ = ∏ p(Xi ,Yi ,t) (3.5) i=1 where p(x, y,t) for x ∈ (3.6) R2 , y∈ R2 , satisfies ∂p (βa) 1 − ∆x p − (log |x| ∗ ρ)p + µ|x|2 p = 0 ∂t 2β 2π p|t=0 = δy (x) on R2 . in R2 × (0, 1) , To complete this formal derivation of mean field theory, we need to determine the density ρ(x). According to (3.2), ρ is the limiting single-point probability distribution of the filament curves; in general, this distribution is determined by setting m = 1 in (2.11) so that −1 Z (3.7) F dµ = Z p(X, X, 1) N R2N Z F(X)p(X, X, 1) R2N for any bounded continuous function F(X). The formal factorized approximation in (3.5) combined with (3.7) yields the identity −1 (3.8) ρ(x) = p(x, x, 1) Z p(x, x, 1) . R2 This completes the heuristic derivation since the equations in (3.6) and (3.8) constitute the Green’s function formulation of the mean field approximation. Other equivalent formulations of this mean field approximation are presented in Section 6. It is also possible to give a heuristic derivation of the mean field probability measure on paths (i.e., filaments). Indeed, we consider the marginals of µN , namely, (3.9) µN,k = Z dµN (. . . , ω k+1 , . . . , ω N ) EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 91 or equivalently (3.10) µN,k = hN,k · µk0 R where hN,k = hN dµ0 (ω k+1 ) · · · dµ0 (ω N ). Notice that µN,k and hN,k are symmetric in (ω 1 , . . . , ω k ) and are invariant by time shifts. Then, if we believe that a mean field theory is relevant as N goes to +∞, as we will in fact prove in the subsequent sections, µN,k should factorize asymptotically for each k ≥ 1 fixed µN,k −→ (3.11) N k O µ j=1 where µ is the mean field law of a single filament. In order to determine µ, we go back to (2.7) (for instance), recalling that ā = 1/2πN, and we integrate with respect to ωk+1 , . . . , ωN . Then, using the rule N1 ∑Ni=1 δωi (σ) ≈ ρ(x)dx for each δ ∈ [0, 1], we N deduce at least formally Z 1 Z 1 aβ µ = exp − dσ − (3.12) log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + µ|ω(σ)|2 Z 2π 0 R2 (3.13) β dνx,x dx , Z Z Z 1 aβ 2 log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + µ|ω(σ)| Z = exp − dσ − 2π 0 R2 β (ω)dx , dνx,x or equivalently (3.14) µ = h · µ0 , Z 1 Z aβ µ 1 dσ log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + |ω(σ)|2 , h = 0 exp − 0 Z 2π 2 R2 (3.15) Z Z 1 aβ µ Z 0 = E0 exp − dσ − log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + |ω(σ)|2 . 0 2π 2 R2 In particular, we should expect for any bounded, measurable F = F(ω1 , . . . , ωk ) on Ωk Z (3.16) F dµN −→ N Z F(ω1 , . . . , ωk )dµ(ω1 ) · · · dµ(ωk ) . Clearly, the above heuristic derivation gives no insight into a rigorous a priori proof. Completely different considerations are needed that involve the characterization of the limiting mean field problem as the unique minimizer of an appropriate free energy functional. This rigorous procedure is carried out in Section 4 for the 92 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA broken path models following Caglioti et al. [2] and for the continuum filament models in Section 5. Finally, we mention some heuristic motivation for the mean field scaling in (3.3) for the Hamiltonian in (2.4) in terms of vortex dynamics. With the scaling in (3.3), the dynamic equations for interacting nearly parallel filaments from (1.1) have the form # " ∂X j ∂2 a N X j − Xk Xj + (3.17) . =J 2 ∂t ∂σ 2 2πN k6∑ = j |X j − Xk | Thus, for N → ∞, the scaling in (3.3) for statistical behavior for the Hamiltonian corresponds to the circumstances where the linearized self-induction of each individual filament is much stronger than the potential vortex interaction of individual filaments. For the actual vortex dynamics of nearly parallel vortex filaments, other additional nonlinear corrections to the self-induction of individual filaments might be needed (Majda [18]), but the model in (3.9) probably still retains a number of significant features. 4 Rigorous Mean Field Theory for the Broken Path Models Here we sketch a rigorous proof of a priori convergence to a suitable mean field limit for the Gibbs measures in (2.21) and (2.22) for the broken path models with the mean field scaling from (3.3) provided β and µ satisfy β ≥ 0, µ > 0, while the multiplier for the discrete current v necessarily satisfies the restrictions in Proposition 2.1. We will not give details of the proofs since they closely mimic the arguments of Caglioti et al. [2] for mean field behavior of statistical point vortices in R2 in their simplest situation with positive temperature β > 0. Thus, setting ā = a/2πN in (2.20), we introduce the correlation functions associated with the Gibbs measures µN,δ in (2.15) and (2.16). The correlation functions ρkN,δ (X1 , . . . , Xk ) are probability densities defined by (4.1) ρkN,δ (X1 , . . . , Xk ) = Z µN,δ dXk+1 · · · dXN for 1 ≤ k ≤ N − 1 . These probability densities are symmetric in (X1 , . . . , Xk ) as a consequence of the symmetry of µN,δ with respect to the broken paths (X1 , . . . , XN ). We have the following: T HEOREM 4.1 Assume ā = a/πN in (2.20) with β > 0, µ > 0, and v satisfying the conditions of Proposition 2.1 in the Gibbs measures in (2.21) and (2.22) for the broken path models with fixed M ≥ 1. Then, for any k ≥ 1, the correlation functions ρkN,δ converge in L p ((R2M )k ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ to ∏kj=1 ρδ (X j ) as N → ∞. The probability density ρδ (X) on R2M is translation invariant so that (4.2) ρδ (X) = ρδ (Tk X) EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 93 where for a given periodic broken path, X = x0 , x1 , . . . , xM−1 , Tk X = xk , . . . , xM+k−1 , with the convention that xσ+mM = xσ for all 0 ≤ σ ≤ M − 1, m ≥ 1. The density ρδ (X) is the unique solution of the following mean field equation: ( ) M−1 ρδ (X) = Z −1 exp −B(X) − δ ∑ V (xσ ) on R2M , σ=0 Z aβ V (x) = − log |x − y|ρδ1 (y)dy on R2 , (4.3) 2π R2 Z ρδ (y) = ρδ (x0 , y, x2 , . . . , xM−1 )dx0 dx2 · · · dxM−1 1 R2(M−1) with ρδ ∈ L∞ (R2M ) , ρδ log ρδ ∈ L1 (R2M ) , ρδ |X|2 ∈ L1 (R2M ) , and B(X, β, µ, v) given in (2.18). In fact, ρδ is smooth and rapidly decreasing and is the unique minimum of the following strictly convex (free energy) functional F δ (ρ) = 1 β (4.4) − Z [ρ log ρ + B(X)ρ]dX R2M a 4π ZZ ρ(X)ρ(Y ) R2M ×R2M M−1 ∑ log |xσ − yσ |dX dY . σ=0 For the special case with M = 1, the equations in (4.3) reduce to the familiar mean field equations for point vortices in R2 in the positive temperature regime (Caglioti et al. [3]). In Section 5, we establish that for v = 0, ρδ1 converges to ρ as δ → 0 where ρ(x) is the probability density in (3.8) arising from the mean field theory for continuous-path vortex filaments described heuristically in (3.6) and (3.8). Under the restrictions on the multiplier v in Proposition 2.1 and with the notation from (2.18), the density for the Gibbs measures in (2.15) with ā = a(πN)−1 has the form ! N βa M−1 N N,δ −1 σ σ µ (X1 , . . . , XN ) = Z exp (4.5) ln |x − x | ∑ ∑ k j ∏ e−B(X j ) 2πN σ=0 j=1 k6= j where (4.6) e−C1 |X j | ≤ e−B(X j ) ≤ e−C2 |X j | . 2 2 With the structure in (4.5) and (4.6), simple modifications of the estimates in Section 3 of Caglioti et al. [2] and identical to those needed in Section 6 of that paper 94 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA yield the uniform bounds on the correlations j ρN,δ j (X1 , . . . , X j ) ≤ C (4.7) for all N . With (4.7) and the subadditivity and strict convexity of entropy, we can copy the argument in section 4 of Caglioti et al. [2] (also see section 4 of Lions [17]) with only minor changes to conclude the theorem provided the free energy functional defined in (4.4) has a unique solution. Proposition 2.1 guarantees that the integrand is strictly convex so a unique solution exists. The calculation for the minimizer ρδ (X) for the free energy in (4.4) yields ( ) M−1 ρδ (X) = Z −1 exp −B(X) − ∑ δVσ (xσ ) on R2M , σ=0 Z aβ log |x − y|ρδσ (y)dy Vσ (x) = − 2π R2 (4.8) Z ρδσ (y) = ρδ x0 , . . . , xσ−1 , y, xσ+1 , . . . , xM−1 R2(M−1) dx0 · · · dxσ−1 dxσ+1 · · · dxM−1 for all 0 ≤ σ ≤ M − 1 . The free energy functional in (4.4) is translation invariant, i.e., F(ρ(X)) = F(ρ(Tk (X)), and since the minimizer is unique, we deduce (4.2). The equation in (4.2) and the last one in (4.8) together imply that ρσ (y) = ρ1 (y) for all σ with 0 ≤ σ ≤ M − 1, and (4.8) reduces to the mean field equation stated in (4.3). Recall that the derivation for the heuristic mean field theory for the continuum filament model in Section 3 tacitly assumed that the one-point density is translation invariant; here we have deduced this property for ρ in an a priori fashion for the broken path models. We will do this in a similar manner for the continuum models in Section 5. 5 Rigorous Mean Field Theory for Vortex Filaments For each fixed k ≥ 1, we consider for N ≥ k the probability measures µN,k and their densities with respect to the probability measures µk0 and hN,k , given by (3.9) and (3.10), respectively. We also assume that λ = v = 0 (see Section 7 for the extension to the case when λ and v do not vanish). Of course, we set ā = a/2πN for the reasons explained in Sections 3 and 4 above. These assumptions are made throughout this section and will not be repeated. 5.1 Main Results T HEOREM 5.1 For each k ≥ 1, µN,k converges weakly (in the sense of probability N measures on Ωk ), as N goes to +∞, to some product measure kj=1 µ. Furthermore, hN,k is bounded on Ωk uniformly in N and converges, as N goes to +∞, EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 95 in L p (Ωk , µk0 ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ to ∏kj=1 h(ωi ) for some h that is continuous and bounded on Ω. In addition, we have (5.1) dµ = h dµ 0 Z Z 1 aβ µ h = 12 exp − dσ − log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + |ω(σ)|2 0 2π 2 R2 Z 1 Z aβ µ 2 0 = E exp − Z dσ − log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + ] |ω(σ)| 0 0 2π 2 R2 Z Z 1 1 aβ dµ = dσ − log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx exp − 2 2π 0 R2 #) 2 β + µ|ω(σ)| dx dνx,x (5.2) Z Z β (ω) Z = dx dνx,x R2 Z Z 1 aβ 2 exp − , dσ − log |ω(σ) − x|ρ(x)dx + µ|ω(σ)| 2π 0 R2 where ρ is the probability measure on R2 defined by Z (5.3) ϕ(x)ρ(x)dx = E[ϕ(ω(σ))] = E0 [ϕ(ω(σ))h(ω)] R2 for any σ ∈ [0, 1] and for any ϕ that is bounded and measurable on R2 , where E denotes the expectation with respect to µ. In other words, ρ(x) is the density of the law of ω(σ) under µ for each σ ∈ [0, 1]. The density ρ is smooth, radially symmetric, and rapidly decreasing and is the unique solution, say, in L1 ∩ L∞ (R2 ) of (5.4) ρ(x) = R p(1, x, x) p(1, x, x)dx R2 where p(t, x, y) is the Green’s function of ∂p − 1 ∆p − aβ (log |x| ∗ ρ)p + µ|x|2 p = 0 ∂t 2β 2π (5.5) p|t=0 = δy (x) in R2 . in R2 × (0, 1) , 96 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA Remark 5.2. For any bounded, measurable F on (R2 )m (m ≥ 1) and for any 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm = 1, we obviously have " Z E[F(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm ))] = dy1 · · · dym p(t2 − t1 , y1 , y2 ) · · · R2m p(tm − tm−1 , ym−1 , ym )p(1 − tm + t1 , ym , y1 ) (5.6) −1 # Z F(y1 , . . . , ym ) p(1, x, x)dx . R2 In other words, the joint law of (ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )) under µ admits a density with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R2m that is given by q = q(t2 − t1 , . . . ,tm ,tm−1 , 1 − (tm − t1 ); y1 , . . . , ym ) (5.7) = (p(t2 − t1 , y1 , y2 ) . . . p(tm − tm−1 , ym−1 , ym )p(1 − tm + t1 , ym , y1 )) Z −1 p(1, x, x)dx . R2 Then, the above result yields for any bounded, measurable F on R2mk and for each fixed k ≥ 1 Z dµN F(Ωk (t1 ), . . . , Ωk (tm )) = Z dµN,k F(Ωk (t1 ), . . . , Ωk (tm )) −→ Z N = dµ(ω1 ) · · · dµ(ωk )F(Ωk (t1 ), . . . , Ωk (tm )) Z F(Yk1 , . . . ,Ykm )q1 · · · qk dY R2mk j where Yk j j (y1 , . . . , yk ) = for 1 ≤ j ≤ m, qi = q(y1i , . . . , ym i ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Notice that the convergence is indeed valid for any bounded, measurable F as a consequence of the strong convergence of the densities hN,k . The proof of the above result is given in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. We first draw some consequences of it. C OROLLARY 5.3 For any m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t1 ≤ · · · ≤ tm ≤ 1, the empirical law N1 (δω1 + · · ·+δωN ) under µN weakly converges (in the sense of probability measures on R2m ) to q(s1 , . . . , sm ; y1 , . . . , ym )dy where we denote by s1 = t 2 − t 1 , ... , sm−1 = tm − tm−1 , sm = 1 − (tm − t1 ) , EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 97 and ωi = (ωi (t1 ), . . . , ωi (tm )) for 1 ≤ i ≤ N. More precisely, we have for any p ∈ [1, +∞) 1 N (5.8) N ∑ ϕ(ω j ) − j=1 Z ϕq dy R2m −→ 0 N L p (ΩN ,µN ) for any ϕ ∈ L p (R2m ) + L∞ (R2m ). P ROOF OFR C OROLLARY 5.3: We begin with the simple case when p = 2. Setting ϕ e = ϕ − R2m ϕq dy, we then have 1 N N ∑ ϕ(ω j ) − j=1 = N 1 N 2 i6∑ =j Z 2 Z ϕq dy R2m L2 dµN ϕ(ω e i )ϕ(ω e j) + N(N − 1) = N2 Z 1 N ∑ N 2 i=1 Z dµ20 ϕ(ω e 1 )ϕ(ω e 2 )hN/2 + dµN ϕ(ω e i) 1 N Z dµ10 ϕ e2 (ω1 )hN,1 using the symmetries of µN . Then this converges, as N goes to +∞, to Z 2 Z 2 dµ0 ϕ(ω e 1 )ϕ(ω e 2 )h(ω1 )h(ω2 ) = dµ0 ϕ(ω)h(ω) e in view of Theorem 5.1, provided we check that ϕ(ω) e ∈ L2 (Ω, µ0 ). Then we finish the proof easily for p = 2, since we have Z dµ0 ϕ(ω)h(ω) e = Z dµ ϕ(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )) − Z ϕq dy = 0 . R2m Finally, ϕ(ω) e ∈ L2 (Ω, µ0 ) since ϕ e ∈ L2 + L∞ (R2m ), in view of the explicit density of (ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )) under µ0 exhibited in (2.16) and (2.17) of Section 2 (which belongs to the Schwartz class S of rapidly decreasing smooth functions—it is a Gaussian). For a general exponent p, we write ϕ = ϕ1 + ϕ2 with ϕ1 ∈ L p , ϕ ∈ L∞ , and we decompose ϕ1 into ϕ1 1(|ϕ|<R) + ϕ1(|ϕ|≥R) . Then, for each R ∈ (0, ∞), ψ = ϕ2 + ϕ1 1(|ϕ|<R) ∈ L∞ + L p ∩ L∞ ⊂ (L2 + L∞ ) ∩ L∞ . Hence, by the preceding proof 1 N ∑ ψ(ωi ) − N i=1 Z R2m ψq dy −→ 0 in L2 ΩN , µN N 98 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA and thus in L p if p ≤ 2; it also converges to 0 in L p if p > 2 since it is obviously bounded in L∞ by 2kψkL∞ . We conclude observing that we have Z ϕ1 q1(|ϕ1 |≥R) dy → 0 as R → +∞ R2m (since q ∈ L1 ∩ L∞ (R2m )) and 1 N ∑ ϕ1(ωi )1(|ϕ1 (ωi )|≥R) N i=1 ≤ kϕ1 (ω1 )1(|ϕ1 (ω1 )|≥R) kL p (ΩN ,µN ) L p (ΩN ,µN ) 1/p = k|ϕ1 (ω1 )| p 1(|ϕ1 (ω1 )|≥R) hN,1 kL1 (Ω,µ0 ) ≤ Ck|ϕ1 (ω1 )|1(|ϕ1 (ω1 )|≥R) kL p (Ω,µ0 ) ≤ Ck|ϕ1 |1(|ϕ1 |≥R) kL p (R2m ) → 0 as R → +∞ , where C denotes various positive constants independent of N. As mentioned above, the proof of Theorem 5.1 is given in the next two subsections. In Section 5.2, we present the heart of the matter, leaving aside the verification of some technical (but crucial) facts that are proved in Section 5.3. In particular, as in the case of point vortices (see Caglioti et al. [3] or Lions [17]), the proof relies upon a variational characterization of µN and more precisely of hN , which yields asymptotically the following variational characterization of h (also proved in the next subsections): T HEOREM 5.4 The mean field density h is a continuous, bounded function on Ω and is the unique minimum of the following free energy functional: min{F( f ) : f ≥ 0, f ∈ L∞ (Ω, µ0 ), E0 ( f ) = 1} (5.9) where (5.10) F( f ) = 1 µ a E0 ( f log f ) + E0 (Vb0 f ) + E 2 (Vb (ω − ω 0 ) f (ω) f (ω 0 )) β 2β 2 and we denote by Vb0 (ω) = Z 1 0 |ω(0)| dσ , 2 1 Vb (ω − ω 0 ) = − 2π Z 1 0 log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|dσ . Remark 5.5. It is possible to extend the minimization class in (5.9) to those f ∈ 1 (Ω , µ ) with E( f | log f |) < ∞. It is also possible to obtain a variational characL+ 0 0 β terization of the density g of µ with respect to dx dνx,x = d µ̄. It is given by Z (5.11) min F ( f ) : f ≥ 0, f ∈ L1 ∩ L∞ (Ω, µ̄), f d µ̄ = 1 Ω EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY with F (f) = (5.12) 1 β Z f log f d µ̄(ω) + Ω a + 2 ZZ µ β Z 99 Vb0 (ω) f d µ̄(ω) Ω Vb (ω − ω 0 ) f (ω) f (ω 0 )d µ̄(ω)d µ̄(ω 0 ) . Ω×Ω In fact, this formulation may be deduced from the preceding one (and is equivalent to the preceding one). We prefer to work with µ0 instead of µ̄, since µ0 (Ω) = 1 while µ̄(Ω) = +∞! Remark 5.6. We note that the entropy functional E0 ( f log f ) is nothing but the relative entropy of µ̂ = f · µ0 with respect to µ0 , namely, Z Z d µ̂ E0 ( f log f ) = f log f d µ̄ = log d µ̂ . dµ0 Ω Ω Remark 5.7. Let us check immediately that F is well-defined and in fact finite on 1 ∩ L∞ and that F is indeed strictly convex. The first term is obviously finite and L+ strictly convex since (t 7→ t logt) is strictly convex on [0, ∞) and f − 1 ≤ f log f ≤ k f kL∞ log[max(k f kL∞ , 1)] . In particular, if E0 ( f ) = 1, this term is obviously nonnegative. The second term is linear in f and clearly nonnegative. In addition, we have 0 ≤ Vb f ≤ Vb k f kL∞ and R E0 (Vb ) = E0 (|ω(0)| ) = 2 R2 |x|2 q(x, x, 1)dx R q(x, x, 1)dx <∞ R2 by the time shift invariance and the explicit representation of q, (2.17). The third term is obviously quadratic in f , and we claim it is both finite and 1 ∩ L∞ . This suffices to complete the proof of the above nonnegative for each f ∈ L+ claim on F—let us remark in passing that it also shows the nonnegativity of F. We first observe that we have logt ≤ t − 1 for all t ≥ 0 , (5.13) hence, Vb (ω − ω 0 ) f (ω) f (ω 0 ) ≤ k f k2L∞ while we have Vb (ω − ω 0 ) f (ω) f (ω 0 ) ≥ − Z 1 0 Z 1 0 |ω(σ)| + |ω 0(σ)|dσ ∈ L1 (Ω) | log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|1(|ω(σ)−ω0 (σ)|≤1) dσk f k2L∞ 100 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA and by the time shift invariance of µ0 E 2 Z 1 0 | log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)||1(|ω(σ)−ω0 (σ)|≤1) dσ = E02 | log |ω(0) − ω 0 (0)||1(|ω(0)−ω0 (0)|≤1) ZZ = | log |x − y||1(|x−y|≤1) q(x, x, 1)q(y, y, 1)dx dy R2 ×R2 Z −2 q(x, x, 1)dx < +∞ , R2 since q µ r p cosh β −1 µβ µ 2 q |x| sinh exp − µβ . µ π β sinh √ q(x, x, 1) = β Finally, in order to prove the nonnegativity of this quadratic term, it clearly suffices to check it when f = F(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )) where m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm ≤ 1, F ∈ C0∞ (Rm ). We observe that for each σ ∈ [0, 1] ZZ Ω×Ω − 1 log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)| 2π F(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm ))F(ω 0 (t1 ), . . . , ω 0 (tm ))dµ0 (ω)dµ0 (ω 0 ) ZZ 1 = − log |x − y| G(x)G(y)dx dy 2π R2 ×R2 for some smooth and rapidly decreasing G, in view of (2.16)–(2.17), and this expression is nonnegative, as is well-known. 5.2 The Heart of the Matter We begin by stating various facts, whose proofs will be given in Section 5.3. P ROPOSITION 5.8 The density hN is the unique minimum of the following strictly convex functional: (5.14) FN = min{F N ( f ) : f ≥ 0, f ∈ L∞ (ΩN , µN0 ), E0N ( f ) = 1} EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 101 where 1 µ F ( f ) = E0N ( f log f ) + E0N β 2β N (5.15) ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) f i=1 1 N b V (ωi − ω j ·) 2 i6∑ =j a + E0N N ! ! N ! ! f . Remark 5.9. The same argument as in Remark 5.7 (Section 5.1) shows that each 1 ∩ L∞ and nonnegative on the miniterm in F n is well-defined (and finite) on L+ mization class. P ROPOSITION 5.10 There exists a positive constant C0 such that for all N ≥ k ≥ 1 0 ≤ hN,k ≤ C0k (5.16) on ΩN . We can now give the proofs of Theorems 5.1 and 5.4, which we divide into several steps. Step 1: Any Weak Limit Point Is a Minimum of a Free Energy Function In view of the uniform bound (5.16), we may extract by a diagonal procedure a subsequence, still denoted by N in order to simplify notation, such that hN,k → hk weakly L∞ ∗ for some bounded, measurable hk ≥ 0 such that E0k (hk ) = 1. Since hN,k is symmetric in (ω1 , . . . , ωk ), so is hk . Furthermore, Z hence, we have hN,k+1 dµ0 (ω k+1 ) = hN,k ; Z hk+1 dµ0 (ω k+1 ) = hk . Applying the classical Hewitt-Savage theorem, we deduce that there exists a prob1 (Ω, µ ) : E ( f ) = 1} supported on the ball (in L∞ ) ability measure π̄ on { f ∈ L+ 0 0 { f ∈ P : k f kL∞ ≤ C0 } in view of the bound (5.16) such that we have for all k ≥ 1 (5.17) h = k Z k ∏ f (ωi ) d π̄( f ) a.s. in Ωk . i=1 We then denote by P the set of all probability measures π on P supported in an arbitrary ball of L∞ . We now claim that π is a minimum of the following free energy functional: b b F = min F(π) :π∈P (5.18) 102 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA where Fb is given by Z Z 1 µ b b F(π) = E0 f log f dπ( f ) + E0 V0 f dπ( f ) β 2β (5.19) ZZ a 2 b 0 0 + E0 V (ω − ω ) f (ω) f (ω )dπ( f ) . 2 Once more, the assumption made upon the support of π allows us to check, as in Remark 5.7 (Section 5.1), that each term in Fb is finite and nonnegative on P . In order to prove our claim, we first observe that we obviously have ! ! N 1 N E ∑ Vb0 (ωi) hN = E0 (Vb0 hN,1) N 0 i=1 (5.20) Z −→ E0 (Vb0 h1 ) = E0 Vb0 f d π̄( f ) N (5.21) ! 1 N N b N V (ωi − ω j )h E N 2 0 i6∑ =j N −1 = E02 (Vb (ω − ω 0 )hN,2 (ω, ω 0 )) −→ E02 (Vb (ω − ω 0 )h2 ) N N = E0 (Vb0 (ω − ω 0 ) Z f (ω) f (ω 0 )d π̄( f )) where, for instance, we use the observations made in Remark 5.7 (Section 5.1) to check that one can pass to the limit as N goes to +∞ despite the growth and singularities of Vb0 and Vb . In conclusion, we have shown for some εN −→ 0 that N Z 1 N 1 N N 1 N N µ N b F = F (h ) = E (h log h ) + E0 V0 f d π̄( f ) N N Nβ 0 2β (5.22) Z a + E0 (Vb0 (ω − ω 0 ) f (ω) f (ω 0 )d π̄( f )) + εN . 2 R N N Similarly, denoting by f = ∏i=1 f (ωi )dπ( f ) for any π ∈ P , we have for some δN −→ 0 N !! Z N 1 µ N N b F(π) = E0 f log f dπ( f ) + E0 ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) f β 2β i=1 ! (5.23) a N N b N + V (ωi − ω j ) f + δN . E 2N 0 i6∑ =j We then recall some classical facts on the entropy (see, for instance, Ruelle [22]): (5.24) E0N ( f N log f N ) ≥ E0m ( f N,m log f N,m ) + E0N−m ( f N,N−m log f N,N−m ) EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 103 for each symmetric probability density f N on ΩN , and for all 1 ≤ m ≤ N − 1, 1 lim E0N ( f N log f N ) = E0 N N (5.25) Z f log f dπ( f ) R for each π ∈ P where f N = ∏Ni=1 f (ωi )dπ( f ). We briefly sketch a proof of these facts for the sake of completeness (and also because of the slightly particular setting we use). (5.24) follows readily from the convexity inequality f N log fN N,m f gN,m + f N,m gN,m − f N ≥ 0 where gN,m = f N,N−m (ωm+1 , . . . , ωN ). Then, (5.24) implies that we have for any N≥k≥1 (5.26) 1 N N 1 1 E0 ( f log f N ) ≥ E0k ( f N,k log f N,k ) + E0r ( f N,r log f N,r ) N k N k R with r = N − Nk . In particular, if f N = ∏Ni=1 f (ωi )dπ( f ) for some π ∈ P , f N,k = f k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ N and thus N1 E0N ( f N log f N ) converges, in view of (5.26), as N goes to +∞. The limit obviously coincides with E0 ( f log f ) when π is concentrated on { f }. Therefore, (5.25) follows upon proving that this limit is linear in π. This is obvious if we use the following inequality valid for all a, b ≥ 0: 0≤ 1 1 a+b a + b log 2 a log a + b log b − log ≤ |a − b| . 2 2 2 2 2 Indeed, we then deduce N f1N + f2N f1 + f2N log 2 N N log + E | f − f2N | 2 2 2N 0 1 1 1 N N 1 1 N N N N ≥ E ( f log f1 ) + E ( f log f2 ) 2 N 0 1 2 N 0 2 N N f1 + f2N f1 + f2N 1 N ≥ E0 log , N 2 2 1 N E N 0 and we finish the proof since E0N (| f1N − f2N |) ≤ E0N ( f1N ) + E0N ( f2N ) = 2. Collecting now (5.22), (5.23), and (5.24)–(5.26), we deduce on the one hand that for each π 1 1 1 b F(π) = lim F N ( f N ) ≥ FN = F N (hN ) ; N N N N 104 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA hence b F ≥ lim N1 FN . On the other hand, we have for each k ≥ 1 N lim N 1 N 1 F = lim F N (hN ) N N N Z 1 k k µ k b ≥ E0 (h log h ) + E0 V0 f d π̄( f ) β 2β Z a 0 0 + E0 Vb (ω − ω ) f (ω) f (ω )d π̄( f ) ; 2 hence, letting k go to +∞, lim N 1 N b F. F ≥ F(π̄) ≥ b N And we have shown that = N1 F N (hN ) converges, as N goes to +∞, to b π̄) = b F( F. Finally, we have also shown that we have Z 1 N N N (5.27) f log f d π̄( f ) . E h log h −→ E0 N N 0 1 N NF Step 2: Strong Convergence to the Unique Minimum We first show that π̄ is concentrated on the unique minimum of F. Indeed, we observe that we have b b π̄) = F = F( Z F( f )π(d f ) ≥ F , b fn ) = F( fn ) converges by defiwhile if fn is a minimizing sequence of F, then F(δ b nition to F. Hence, F = F and F( f ) = F π-a.s. This shows that F admits at least a minimum h ∈ L∞ (khkL∞ ≤ C0 ), and since F is strictly convex on P (see Remark 5.7 in Section 5.1), π̄ = δh where π̄ is the unique minimum of F over P. In other words, we have shown at this stage that, for all k ≥ 1, hN,k converges weakly (in L∞ (Ωk ) weak ∗) to hk = ∏ki=1 h(ωi ). Furthermore, this convergence, by the uniqueness of the limit, is in fact true for the whole sequence and not only for any particular subsequence we extracted in Step 1. In addition, in view of (5.26) and (5.27), 1 k k 1 E0 h log hk = E0 (h log h) = lim E0N hN log hN N N k 1 ≥ lim E0k (hN,k log hN,k ) . N k This, combined with the strict convexity of the entropy, yields, as is well-known, the strong convergence in L1 (Ωk ) of hN,k to hk , and thus in L p (Ωk ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ in view of the uniform bound (5.16). We also observe that, since F( f (θt ·)) = F( f ) for all t ≥ 0, the uniqueness of the minimum implies that h(θt ω) = h(ω) a.s. in Ω for all t ≥ 0, i.e., the translation EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 105 invariance that we were expecting in view of the phenomenon already observed for the broken path models in the preceding section. Another consequence of these facts concerns the law of ω(σ) under µ, which, by the invariance of µ0 and h, is independent of σ ∈ [0, 1]. Indeed, letting ϕ ∈ L∞ (R2 ), we have E[ϕ(ω(0)] = E0 [ϕ(ω(0))h] and thus |E[ϕ(0))]| ≤ C0 Z |ϕ(ω(0)|dµ0 (ω) ≤ C Ω Z |ϕ(x)|q(x, x, 1)dx R2 ≤C Z |ϕ(x)|e−δ|x| dx 2 R2 for some positive constants C and δ independent of ϕ. This bound shows that the law of ω(σ) for all σ ∈ [0, 1] under µ admits a density ρ with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R2 and that we have (5.28) 0 ≤ ρ ≤ Ce−δ|x| 2 on R2 . In other words, not only is this density bounded on R2 , but the rapid decay stated in Theorem 5.1 is established. Step 3: Conclusion of the Proofs of Theorems 5.1 and 5.4 We begin with a lemma that is nothing but the justification of the formal EulerLagrange equation satisfied by the minimum h of F over P. Once more, because the verification is purely technical, we will not address it until the next subsection. L EMMA 5.11 The minimum h of F over P satisfies the following Euler-Lagrange equation: (5.29) Z 1 1 µ h = 0 exp − dσ |ω(σ)|2 Z 2 0 Z aβ 0 0 0 − log |ω(σ) − ω (σ)|h(ω )dµ (ω ) 0 2π Ω Z 1 0 µ |ω(σ)|2 exp − Z = E dσ 0 2 0 Z aβ 0 0 0 − log |ω(σ) − ω (σ)|h(ω )dµ (ω ) 0 2σ Ω 106 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA At this stage, in order to complete the proofs of Theorems 5.1 and 5.4, there only remains to prove (5.1), the PDE characterization of ρ as the unique solution of (5.4)–(5.5) and its smoothness, and we shall do so in that order. Indeed, (5.2) is clearly equivalent to (5.1) in view of the definition of µ0 , while the radial symmetry follows from the uniqueness of the solution of (5.4)–(5.5) together with the elementary rotational invariance of that system of equations. In order to prove (5.1), we first remark that, by the invariance of h and µ0 , the expression Z 1 log |x − ω 0 (σ)|h(ω 0 )dµ0 (ω 0 ) − 2π Ω is independent of σ ∈ [0, 1] for all x ∈ R2 and thus is a function of x only. We denote by Ψ(x) this potential, and we observe that we have 1 1 0 (5.30) Ψ(x) = − E(log |x − ω (0)|) = − log |x| ∗ ρ 2π 2π by the definition of ρ. We observe that the bound in (5.28) immediately shows that 2,p Ψ is radial, nonincreasing, C1 on R2 (in fact, Wloc (R2 ), DΨ ∈ W 1,p (R2 ) for all p ∈ [2, ∞], D2 Ψ ∈ L p (R2 ) for all p ∈ (1, ∞]—even for p = +∞ since ρ is radial— 1 and −∆Ψ = ρ on R2 ) with Ψ(x) = − 2π log |x| + O(1/|x|) as |x| goes to +∞. Thus, the representation (5.1) of h is shown, as well as the continuity of h over Ω. Next, the PDE characterization of ρ, namely, (5.4)–(5.5), is now immediate since the total potential aβΨ + µ|x|2 is smooth on R2 (C1,1 ) and grows at infinity. It is indeed a simple consequence of the Trotter formula (see, for instance, Simon [23] or the argument sketched in Section 2.2 above). It will also be a consequence of another variational argument that we present below in Section 5.3. Finally, the smoothness of ρ follows from regularity results for parabolic equations: Indeed, 1,α for all α ∈ (0, 1), Schauder estimates easily yield that since aβΨ + µ|x|2 ∈ Cloc 3,k 2 2 p(1, x, y) ∈ C (R × R ) and thus ρ ∈ C3,α (R2 ) for all α ∈ (0, 1). Hence, Ψ ∈ C5,α (R2 ) and we may bootstrap the regularity exponents, showing thus that ρ ∈ C∞ (R2 ). One can also check easily that all derivatives of ρ have at least some Gaussian decay as ρ has, as shown by (5.28). 5.3 Some Technical Facts We begin with the proofs of the formally obvious Proposition 5.8 and Lemma 5.11. Indeed, if we ignore the lack of differentiability of the function, t 7→ t logt at t = 0, then these two results are immediate consequences of the EulerLagrange equations associated with the convex variational problems (5.14) and (5.10), respectively. P ROOF OF P ROPOSITION 5.8: We first observe that log hN is easily seen to belong to L p (ΩN ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ by arguments similar to ones made several times EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 107 above. This allows one to write the following convexity inequality valid for all f ∈ L∞ (ΩN ): f log f ≥ hN log hN + (log hN + 1)( f − hN ) " # aβ Vb (ωi − ω j ) ( f − hN ) + f − hN . = hN log hN + µVb0 + 2N i6∑ =j Hence, taking the expectation with respect to µ0 , we conclude F N ( f ) ≥ F N (hN ) + E0N ( f − hN ) = F N (hN ) of E0N ( f ) = 1. P ROOF OF L EMMA 5.11: In order to circumvent the possible vanishing of the minimum h, we follow an argument introduced in Caglioti et al. [3] (see also Lions [17]). We consider, for δ > 0 (small enough), the event Bδ = {h ≥ δ}, and we set B = limδ↓0+ ↑ Bδ . Of course, µ0 (B) > 0 since E0 (h) = 1. Then, h is still a minimum of δ over the set { f ∈ L∞ (Ω, µ0 ), E0 ( f ) = 1, f ≥ 0, f = h a.s. on Bcδ }. Since h does not vanish on Bδ , we may now write the Euler-Lagrange equation associated to that restricted minimization problem, and we find Z 1 Z µ 1 aβ h = 0 exp − dσ |ω(σ)|2 − log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|h(ω 0 )dµ0 (ω 0 ) Zδ 2 2π 0 Ω a.s. on Bδ where Z 1 µ Zδ0 = E0 exp − dσ |ω(σ)|2 2 0 − aβ 2π Z Ω E0 [h1Bδ ]−1 . log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|h(ω 0 )dµ0 (ω 0 ) Bδ Letting δ go to 0+ , we easily deduce (5.31) Z Z 1 1 σ aβ h = exp − dσ |ω(σ)|2 − log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|h(ω 0 )dµ0 (ω 0 ) 0 2 2π Ze0 Ω a.s. on B 108 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA where Z 1 µ Ze = E0 exp − dσ |ω(σ)|2 2 0 − aβ 2π Z Ω log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|h(ω 0 )dµ0 (ω 0 ) 1B since E0 [h1Bδ ] → E0 [h1B ] = E0 [h] = 1 as δ goes to 0+ . We conclude by proving by contradiction that µ0 (A) = 0 where A = BC . Indeed, if µ0 (A) = a > 0, we may consider, for δ > 0, h̃ = (h + δ1A )(1 + aδ)−1 , and we check easily, using the boundedness of h, that we have Z Z 1 1 h̃ log h̃ dµ0 (ω) − F(h̃) ≤ F(h) +Cδ + h log h dµ0 (ω) β β Z h 1 h ≤ F(h) +Cδ + log dµ0 (ω) β 1 + aδ 1 + aδ Z 1 1 aδ δ − h log h dµ0 (ω) + log β β 1 + aδ 1 + aδ a ≤ F(h) +Cδ + δ log δ < F(h) for δ small enough, β where C denotes various positive constants independent of δ > 0. The contradiction completes the proof of Lemma 5.11. We now complete the proofs of Theorems 5.1 and 5.4 by proving the bounds, (5.16), which played a crucial role in the analysis performed above and in the preceding subsection (Section 5.2). P ROOF OF P ROPOSITION 5.10: The bounds (5.16) may be obtained by a rather straightforward chain of estimates that involve the following quantities defined for 1 ≤ l ≤ N, µ > 0, ( " #) Z aβ l b µ l b 0 Z (N, l, µ) = exp − V (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ V0 (ωi ) 2N i6∑ 2 i=1 =j Ωl dµ0 (ω1 ) · · · dµ0 (ωl ) , so that, in particular, Z 0 (N) = Z 0 (N, N, µ). Finally, we denote by C various positive constants independent of N and k. Step 1: 0 ≤ hN,k ≤ Z0 (N, N − k, µ(1 − Nk ))Z0 (N, N, µ)−1 Ck By definition, we have hN,k = Z hN dµ0 (ωk+1 ) · · · dµ0 (ωN ) EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 109 #)# " ( " aβ k b 1 µ k b V (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ V0 (ω) = 0 exp − Z (N) 2N i6∑ 2 i=1 =j ! Z aβ k N exp − ∑ ∑ Vb (ωi − ω j ) N i=1 j=k+1 ΩN−k " ( " #)# N N aβ µ · exp − ∑ Vb (ωi − ω j ) + 2 ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) 2N i6= j≥k+1 i=k+1 dµ0 (ωk+1 ) · · · dµ0 (ωN ) . We then use (5.13) in order to estimate − aβ k b µ k V (ωi − ω j ) − ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) ∑ 2N i6= j 2 i=1 ≤ aβk k ∑ 2N i=1 ≤ Ck − Z 1 0 dσ|ωi (σ)| − µ k b ∑ V0 (ωi ) 2 i=1 µ k b aβ k N b µ k V0 (ωi ) − V (ωi − ω j ) − ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) ∑ ∑ ∑ 4 i=1 N i=1 j=k+1 4 i=1 k ≤ aβ ∑ Z 1 i=1 0 dσ|ωi (σ)| − ≤ Ck + µ k 4N ≤ Ck + µ k 4N µ k b k V0 (ωi ) + aβ ∑ 4 i=1 N N ∑ Z 1 j=k+1 0 dσ|ω j (σ)|dσ N k Vb0 (ω j ) +C (N − k) N j=k+1 ∑ N ∑ Vb0 (ω j ) . j=k+1 Collecting these estimates, we deduce ( " #) N Z N k aβ C µ k hN,k ≤ 0 exp − ∑ Vb (ωi − ω j ) + 2 1 − 2N ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) Z (N) 2N i6= j≥k+1 i=k+1 ΩN−k dµ0 (ωk+1 ) · · · dµ0 (ωN ) ; hence we have obtained the desired estimate k (5.32) Z 0 (N, N, µ)−1 . 0 ≤ hN,k ≤ Ck Z 0 N, N − k, µ 1 − 2N Step 2: Z0 (N, N − k, µ) ≤ Ck Z0 (N, N, µ) It suffices to show the inequality (5.33) Z 0 (N, l, µ) ≤ CZ 0 (N, l + 1, µ) 110 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA for all 1 ≤ l ≤ N −1 for some constant that only depends on a lower bound on µ. We write Z 0 (N, l + 1, µ) ( " Z #) aβ l+1 b µ l+1 b V (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ V0 (ωi ) dµ0 (ω1 ) · · · dµ0 (ωl+1 ) = exp − 2N i6∑ 2 i=1 =j ( ) Z Z aβ l b µ l b = exp − V (ω V − ω ) + (ω ) dµ (ω ) · · · dµ (ω ) dµ0 (ω) i j 0 1 0 l ∑ 0 i 2N i6∑ 2 i=1 =j ( " #) aβ l b µb · exp − ∑ V (ωi − ω) + 2 V0 (ω) N i=1 ( " #) Z l aβ µ ≥ Z 0 (N, l, µ) inf dµ0 (ω) exp − ∑ Vb (ωi − ω) + 2 Vb0 (ω) N i=1 (ω1 ,...,ωl ) " ( )# Z aβ l b µb 0 ≥ Z (N, l, µ) exp inf dµ0 (ω) − ∑ V (ωi − ω) − V0 (ω) N i=1 2 (ω1 ,...,ωl ) using Jensen’s inequality. Then we write ( ) Z aβ l b µb inf dµ0 (ω) − ∑ V (ωi − ω) − 2 V0 (ω) N i=1 (ω1 ,...,ωl ) ) (Z Z 1 aβ l ≥ −C + dσ inf dµ0 (ω) ∑ log |ωi (ω) − ω(σ)| N i=1 (ω1 ,...,ωl ) 0 ≥ −C + Z 1 Z dσ 0 inf (x1 ,...,xl )∈R2l aβ ≥ −C + inf N (x1 ,...,xl )∈R2l Z dµ0 (ω) aβ l ∑ log |xi − ω(σ)| N i=1 l dµ0 (ω) ∑ log |xi − ω(0)| i=1 using the invariance of µ0 by time shifts. Then we remark that we have 1 inf N (x1 ,...,xl )∈R2l ≥ = l inf N x∈R2 Z Z l inf N x∈R2 l dµ0 (ω) ∑ log |xi − ω(0)| i=1 dµ0 (ω) log |x − ω(0)| Z q(y, y, 1) log |x − y|dy R(1)−1 ≥ −C . R2 Therefore, (5.33) holds and we deduce k k 0 k 0 Z N, N − k, µ 1 − (5.34) ≤ C Z N, N, µ 1 − . 2N 2N EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 111 Combining (5.32) and (5.34), we have shown the following bound on hN,k : k N,k k 0 0 ≤ h ≤ C Z N, N, µ 1 − (5.35) Z 0 (N, N, µ)−1 . 2N Step 3: Conclusion Using Hölder’s inequality with p = (1 − k/2N)−1 (1 + k/2N), we obtain k 0 Z N, N, µ 1 − 2N ( " #) Z aβ N b µ N b N V (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ V0 (ωi ) ≤ dµ0 exp − 2N i6∑ 2 i=1 =j ( " #) N N aβ µ k · exp − (p − 1) ∑ Vb (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ Vb0 (ωi) . 2N 2 2N i=1 i6= j Next, we observe that we have, in view of (5.13), " # N N aβ µk − (p − 1) ∑ Vb (ωi − ω j ) + ∑ Vb0 (ωi) 2N 4N i=1 i6= j N aβ ≤ (p − 1) ∑ 2 i=1 k N ≤ aβ ∑ N i=1 Z 1 0 Z 1 0 µk N dσ|ωi (σ)|dσ − ∑ 4N i=1 µk N dσ|ωi (σ)|dσ − ∑ 4N i=1 Z 1 0 Z 1 0 dσ|ωi (σ)|2 dσ|ωi (σ)|2 ≤ Ck . Therefore, we deduce Z 0 k ≤ Ck Z 0 (N, N, µ) , N, N, µ 1 − 2N and the proof of Proposition 5.10 is complete. 5.4 Direct Derivation of a Hartree-like Variational Problem for ρ As explained in Section 2, the Gibbs measure µN is completely determined by the Green’s function pN of the linear parabolic second-order PDE (2.12). Recall that we choose ā = a/2πN and λ = 0 so that pN solves ! N ∂pN βa N 1 N N p − log |X − X | p + µ|X j |2 µ = 0 − ∆ X i j ∑ ∑ ∂t 2β 4πN j=1 i6= j (5.36) 2N in R × (0, 1) , pN = δY (X) on R2N . l=0 112 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA Furthermore, the law of Ω(σ) = (ω1 (σ), . . . , ωN (σ)) under µN is given by ρN (X) = R pN (X, X, 1) . pN (z, z, 1)dz R2N In this section, we first observe that ρN (X,Y ) = R pN (X,Y , 1) , pN (z, z, 1)dz R2N viewed as a kernel, is determined by a variational problem. Then we use this variational problem to analyze the behavior of ρN as R N goes to +∞. This will lead to a Hartree-like variational problem for p(x, y, 1)( R2 p(x, x, 1)dx)−1 , namely, the mean field kernel introduced in Theorem 5.1 (see equations (5.4) and (5.5)) whose diagonal, p(x, x, 1), is nothing but the law ρ(x) of ω(σ) (for each σ ∈ [0, 1]) under the mean field measure µ. N on L2 (R2N ), which is self-adjoint Of course, ρN is the kernel of an operator ρc 1 N N = e− 2β ∆X +βU for some potential and nonnegative since ρc UN = − N µ a N log |Xi − X j | + ∑ |X j |2 ∑ 4πN i6= j β j=1 and which has a finite trace since we have (5.37) N = Tr ρc Z ρN (X, X)dX = 1 . R2N We denote by K1 (R2N ) the closed convex set of such self-adjoint, nonnegative operators with trace equal to 1. We then introduce the following free energy, defined for all K ∈ K1 (R2N ) by 1 F N (K) = Tr(K log K) + Tr(U N · K) + Tr(H0 K) (5.38) β where H0 = − 2β1 2 ∆X . Of course, we have to make the meaning of Tr(H0 K) precise, which can be defined by several equivalent formulations such as Z 1 Tr(H0 K) = 2 (5.39) ∇x · ∇y k(X,Y ) Y =X dX 2β R2N or (5.40) Tr(H0 K) = 1 2β 2 Z ∑ λi |V ϕ (X)|2 dX i R2N i where k(X,Y ) is the kernel associated to K, and λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · are the eigenvalues of K, while (ϕ1 )i is the orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions of K corresponding to (λi )i . Obviously, Tr(H0 K) is linear in K, nonnegative, and possibly infinite on K1 . EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 113 We first observe that ρ̂N is determined by a variational problem. P ROPOSITION 5.12 The operator ρ̂N is the unique minimum of the convex functional F N over K1 . P ROOF : We only sketch the proof, since this is a classical fact in quantum mechanics. One possible proof consists in observing that the minimization of F N over K1 is equivalent to the following minimization problem: Z 1 1 min λ log λ + λ |V ϕi |2 +U N |ϕi |2 dX : 0 ≤ λi , ∀i ≥ 1; i i i ∑ ∑ 2 β i≥1 2β i≥1 R2n (5.41) ) ∑ λi = 1, (ϕi )i≥1 is an orthonormal basis of L2 , i≥1 formulation, which amounts to writing any K in K1 as ∑i≥1 λi ϕi (X)ϕi (Y ). Remarking that U N is a potential that is bounded from below, grows at infinity, and belongs p (R2N ) (for all 1 ≤ p < ∞), one can easily deduce that up to permutations and to Lloc orthogonal transforms (in case of multiple eigenvalues), the Euler-Lagrange equations are equivalent to requiring that (ϕi )i≥1 is an orthonormal basis of eigenvalues 1 ∆X +U N corresponding to eigenvalues Λ1 < Λ2 ≤ Λ3 · · · ≤ Λn −→ + ∞, and of − 2β n that 1 −Λi λi = (5.42) Z(N) = ∑ e−Λi . e , Z(N) i≥1 Therefore, the minimum is given by 1 ∑ e−Λi ϕi (x)ϕi(y) , Z(N) i≥1 which is nothing but the kernel representation of e− 2β ∆X +U with 1 Z N Z(N) = ∑ e−Λi = Tr e− 2β ∆X +U = pN (X, X, 1)dX . 1 i≥1 N R2N We may then consider the reduced operators on L2 (R2k ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ N, defined by the following kernels: (5.43) ρN, j (X,Y ) = Z 1 ρN (X, z j+1 , . . . , zN ;Y , z j+1 , . . . , zN )dz j+1 · · · dzN . Z(N) R2(N− j) Let us observe that the law of (ω1 (σ), . . . , ω j (σ)) (for each σ ∈ [0, 1]) under µN admits the density ρN, j (X, X) with respect to Lebesgue measure R2 j . In addition, ρN, j ∈ K1 (R2 j ). And we have the following: 114 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA T HEOREM 5.13 (i) There exist some positive constants C, δ > 0 independent of 1 ≤ k ≤ N such that we have δ 0 ≤ ρN,k (X,Y ) ≤ Ck e− 2 (|X| (5.44) 2 +|Y |2 ) . (ii) As N goes to +∞, ρN,k converges in L p (R2k × R2k ) (for all 1 ≤ p < ∞), for each k ≥ 1, to ∏kj=1 ρ(x j , y j ) where ρ is the kernel of the unique minimum of the following strictly convex free energy functional: min{F(K) : K ∈ K1 (R2 )} (5.45) where (5.46) F(K) = 1 a Tr(K log K) + Tr((H0 +V0 )K) + Tr(V1,2 K ⊗ K) β 2 1 log |x1 − x2 |, so that where V0 (x) = µ|x|2 , V1,2 = − 2π 1 Tr(V1,2 (K ⊗ K)) = − 2π ZZ log |x − y|k(x, x)k(y, y)dx dy . R2 ×R2 (iii) The minimum ρ̂ of F over K1 is given by ρ(x, y) = R p(x, y, 1) p(x, x, 1)dx R2 where p is the Green’s function of (5.5) and ρ(x, x) ≡ ρ(x) on R2 where ρ is the density determined in Theorem 5.1. Remark 5.14. The mean field minimization problem (5.45)–(5.46) is nothing but a temperature-dependent Hartree model for bosons interacting with a logarithmic 2 potential in an external potential given by V0 (and ~m = β12 · · · ). We refer the interested reader to Lions [16] for more mathematical details on temperature-dependent Hartree or Hartree-Fock equations. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 5.13: It is possible to make a self-contained proof that does not rely on any of the facts proved in the preceding section, but we shall not do so here in order to restrict the length of this paper. We begin with the proof of (5.44). Since ρN,k is the kernel of a nonnegative self-adjoint operator, we have |ρN,k (X,Y )| ≤ ρN,k (X, X)1/2 ρN,k (Y ,Y )1/2 for all X,Y ∈ R2k . Next, we have for all ϕ ∈ Cb (R2k ) Z ϕρN,k (X, X)dX = E N [ϕ(ω1 (0), . . . , ωk (0))] = E0N [ϕ(ω1 (0), . . . , ωk (0))hN ] R2k = E0k [ϕ(ω1 (0), . . . , ωk (0))hN,k ] . EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 115 Hence, thanks to Proposition 5.10, Z ϕρN,k dX ≤ C0k E0k [|ϕ(ω1 (0), . . . , ωk (0))|] R2k ≤C Z k k |ϕ(x1 , . . . , xk )| ∏ q(x j , x j , 1)dx1 · · · dxk j=1 R2k ≤ Ck Z |ϕ(x1 , . . . , xk )|e−δ|x| dx 2 R2k and (5.44) follows. We next prove the convergence of ρN,k to ∏kj=1 ρ(x j , y j ) where ρ is the kernel described in part (iii) of the above result. In order to do so, we first remark that ρN is given by Z 1 β ρ (X,Y ) = dνX,Y (ω) Z(N) ( " #) N aβ N b exp − V (ωi − ω j ) + µ ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) . 2N i6∑ i=1 =j N (5.47) Therefore, we have for all 1 ≤ k ≤ N, e − k) Z −µ ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) Z(N β (X,Y ) = dνX,Y (ω1 , . . . , ωk )e i=1 Z(n) k ρ (5.48) N,k Z k d µ̃N−k ωk+1 ,...,ωN ) e − aβ N ∑ N ∑ Vb (ωi −ω j ) i=1 j≥k+1 , where µ̃N−k is defined like µN−k was, replacing 1 n−k b V (ωi − ω j ) by N − k i6∑ =j 1 N−k b V (ωi − ω j ) . N i6∑ =j Adapting easily the proof of Theorem 5.1 and of Corollary 5.3, we deduce that, in view of (5.44), ρN,k converges pointwise (and thus in L p ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ to ρk (X,Y ) given by (5.49) 1 ρ (X,Y ) = Zk Z k k dνxβ1 ,y1 (ω1 ) · · · dνxβk ,yk (ωk )e k b i) −µ ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) −aβ ∑ Ψ(ω i=1 e with Zk = Z Z dX R2k k k b i) −µ ∑ Vb0 (ωi ) −aβ ∑ Ψ(ω β dνX,X (ω)e i=1 e i=1 , i=1 116 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA and 1 Ψ = − log |x| ∗ ρ . 2π Hence, ρk (X,Y ) = Z1k ∏kj=1 p(x j , y j , 1), and we have proven our claims. Finally, the variational formulation (5.45)–(5.46) is derived in a similar fashion to the proof of Proposition 5.12, yielding the following equivalent representation to a minimum: 1 k(x, y) = ∑ e−Λi ϕi (x)ϕi (y) Z i≥1 where (ϕi )i≥1 are the eigenfunctions of (− β1 ∆ + µ|x|2 + aΨ), that is, k(x, y) = 1 Z p(x, y, 1). 5.5 Convergence of Mean Field Densities for Broken Path Models In this section, we briefly describe why the mean field measure on broken paths ρδ determined in Theorem 4.1 converges to the mean field measure on continuous paths µ determined in Theorem 5.1, while the (invariant) density ρδ1 converges to the density ρ as δ = M1 goes to +∞. We shall not state a result, even though the statements are easily deduced from the considerations that follow. And, we shall not provide all the details of the proofs since the topic covered in this section is more a consistency check than a real necessity for the statistical theories developed in this paper. We claim that ρδ converges, as δ goes to 0, to µ in the sense made precise in Section 2.2 (i.e., as µN,δ converges to µN ), and that ρδ1 converges to ρ in L p (R2 ) for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ (for instance, the convergence is, in fact, stronger). In order to prove these claims, we need to introduce some notation. First of all, we denote by ( ) M−1 M−1 1 β δµ δ −M δ σ+1 σ 2 σ 2 µ0 = (5.50) exp − , ∑ |x − x | − 2 ∑ |x | 2π β Rδ 2δ σ=0 σ=0 where (5.51) δ h = Z R2M ( β M−1 σ+1 δµ M−1 σ 2 exp − |x − x σ |2 − ∑ ∑ |x | 2δ σ=0 2 σ=0 dx0 · · · dxM−1 , (5.52) ( ) M−1 1 δµ M−1 σ 2 δ σ h = 0 exp −aβδ ∑ Ψ1 (x ) − ∑ |x | , Zδ 2 σ=0 σ=0 δ where (5.53) Zδ0 = Z R2n hδ dµδ0 , ) δ 2π β −M EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 117 and Ψδ1 = − (5.54) 1 log |x| ∗ ρδ1 . 2π R (Recall that ρδ1 (x) = R2(n−1) ρδ (. . . , xσ−1 , x, xσ+1 , . . . )d x̃σ , for all 0 ≤ σ ≤ M − 1, where d x̃σ0 denotes the integration with respect to all xσ but xσ0 .) We begin with a few straightforward observations. First of all, µδ0 converges, as δ goes to 0, to µ0 (in the sense made precise in Section 2.2 above). Once more, this is a more or less standard consequence of Trotter’s formula. Next, we check, as we did in Section 5, that hδ is the unique minimum of the following convex variational problem: Z δ δ ∞ 2M δ F = min F (h) : h ≥ 0, h ∈ L (R ), h dµ0 = 1 (5.55) where F δ (h) = (5.56) 1 β + Z h log h dµδ0 + µ 2β Z M−1 ∑ δV0 (xσ )h dµδ0 σ=0 ZZ M−1 a ∑ δV (xσ − yσ )h(x)h(y)dµδ0 (x)dµδ0 (y) . 2 σ=0 As noticed above, each of the three terms defining F δ is nonnegative on the minimization class defined in (5.55). Choosing, for instance, h ≡ 1, so that F δ (1) −→ δ µ a E0 (Vb0 ) + E02 (Vb (ω − ω 0 )), 2β 2 we deduce the following a priori bounds: Z (5.57) Z (5.58) R2 ZZ (5.59) R2 ×R2 hδ log hδ dµδ0 ≤ C |x|2 ρ21 (x)dx = M−1 ∑δ σ=0 Z |xσ |2 h dµδ0 ≤ C V (x − y)ρδ1 (x)ρδ1 (y)dx dy = ZZ M−1 ∑ δV (xσ − yσ )h(x)h(y)dµδ0 (x)dµδ0 (y) ≤ C , σ=0 where C denotes, here and below, various positive constants independent of δ. These bounds allow us to obtain some bound on Ψδ . Indeed, on one hand, we 118 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA have for all x ∈ R2 1 Ψ (x) = − 2π δ ≥− Z log |x − y|ρδ1 (y)dy R2 |x| 1 − 2π 2π Z 1 ≥− 2π Z |x − y|ρδ1 (y)dy R2 |y|ρδ1 (y)dy ≥ −C(|x| + 1) , R2 in view of (5.58), and, on the other hand, we have Z 1 δ hδ log |x − x0 |dµδ0 Ψ (x) = − 2π Z 1 1 δ ≤ h log dµδ 1 2π |x − x0 | |x−x0 |≤1 0 Z Z 1 ≤ C hδ log hδ dµδ0 +C dµδ ≤ C , |x − x0 |ν 0 for some ν > 0 small enough (0 < ν < 2), where we used the estimate (5.57). This bound allows us to obtain the following estimate on hδ : 0 ≤ hδ ≤ C (5.60) in R2M , and we deduce for some α > 0 independent of δ, 0 ≤ ρδ1 ≤ Ce−α|x| 2 (5.61) on R2 . Indeed, we have for any ϕ ∈ C0∞ (R2 ), ϕ ≥ 0, Z ϕ(x)ρδ1 (x)dx = R2 Z ϕ(x0 )ρδ (x0 , . . . , xM )dx0 · · · dxM−1 R2M = Z ϕ(x0 )hδ µδ0 dx0 · · · dxM−1 R2M ≤C Z ϕ(x ) 0 Z µδ0 dx1 · · · dxM−1 dx0 R2 ≤C Z ϕ(x0 )e−α|x | dx0 , 0 2 R2 with some straightforward computation of Gaussian integrals that we skip. Once these crucial bounds are obtained, several proofs are possible. First of all, extracting a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that ρδ1 converges weakly in L p (for all 1 ≤ p < ∞) to some ρ1 , which satisfies (5.61). Because of (5.61), Ψδ1 2,p 1 converges in Wloc to Ψ1 = 2π log |x| ∗ ρ1 , V Ψδ1 converges in Lq (R2 ) to V Ψ1 for all δ 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, and Ψ1 converges to Ψ1 in C1,α (R2 ) for all 0 ≤ α < 1. Then one may simply use Trotter’s formula to complete the proofs of our claims by showing that ρ1 = ρ (and Ψ1 = Ψ) because ρ1 satisfies (5.4) and (5.5). EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 119 Another possible argument consists in passing to the limit in the variational problem (5.55) that “goes” to the variational problem introduced in Theorem 5.4 (Section 5.1 above). Indeed, by a single approximation procedure, we may check that lim sup Fδ ≤ F . δ On the other hand, denoting by h̃ the weak limit of hδ (or of a subsequence), Z Z 1 µ Fδ = F δ (hδ ) = hδ log hδ dµδ0 + V0 (x)ρδ1 dx β 2β ZZ a + V (x − y)ρδ1 (x)ρδ1 (y)dx dy . 2 Hence, letting δ go to 0+ , we deduce Z 1 µ δ lim inf F ≥ F0 (h̃ log h̃) + V0 (x)ρ1 dx δ β 2β ZZ a V (x − y)ρ1 (x)ρ1 (y)dx dy + 2 = F(h̃) ≥ F , b 1 (ω)) where since h̃ − Z10 exp(− µ2 Vb0 (ω) − aβ Ψ µ b 1 (ω) . Z 0 = E0 exp − Vb0 (ω) − aβ Ψ 2 R Therefore, Fδ converges to F, and thus h̃ = h and hδ log hδ dµδ0 converges to F0 (h̃ log h̃). We then deduce from (5.52) the strong convergence of hδ to h̃ (extending hδ to a “continuous path” function as we did in Section 2.2), and thus the strong convergence of ρδ1 to ρ. 6 Alternative Formulations for the Mean Field Equations We have seen in the previous sections two variational formulations of the mean field problems. The first one, in Theorem 5.4, yields the mean field measure on paths µ or, more precisely, the mean field (Radon-Nykodym) density h with respect to µ0 . The second one, in Theorem 5.13, yields a direct variational determination of the invariant density on R2 , ρ. We present in this section one more variational formulation that allows one to determine directly the potential Ψ created by ρ, 1 log |x|∗ρ. This formulation is, in a sense we do not wish to make precise namely, 2π here, a dual convex problem to the “formulation in ρ” introduced in Theorem 5.13. It is also the analogue of a formulation introduced in Caglioti et al. [3], at least in the case of two-dimensional point vortices in a bounded region (with no-slip boundary conditions). In the case of the whole plane R2 (for two-dimensional point vortices), the logarithmic divergence of Ψ at infinity makes the adaptation of this formulation rather delicate. This difficulty is circumvented in Lions [17]. We shall follow the same approach to take care of the fact that ∇Ψ ∈ / L2 (R2 ) while 120 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA introducing a new variational problem associated to the mean field limit for threedimensional vortex filaments. In order to keep the ideas clear, we first present formally the variational formulation, ignoring the lack of integrability of |∇Ψ|2 . Afterwards, we detail the necessary mathematical (simple) machinery that allows us to formulate this variational problem rigorously. Thus we wish to emphasize the fact that the functional we are going to write now, strictly speaking, does not make sense! With this convention, we may now introduce (6.1) G(φ) = 1 2 Z |∇φ|2 dx + R2 1 2 1 log Tr e−(− 2β ∆+µ|x| +aβφ) . aβ We claim that, at least formally, Ψ is the “unique minimum of G.” In order to convince ourselves that this is indeed the case, we only need to explain that Ψ is a solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation associated to (6.1) and that G is convex, i.e., that G2 (φ) = log{Tr[e−(H+aβφ) ]} is a convex functional of φ, where we denote 1 by H = − 2β ∆ + µ|x|2 . These verifications, in turn, depend upon the computation of a directional derivative of G2 of Ψ in some direction φ (where φ ∈ C0∞ (R2 ), for instance). Identifying φ with the multiplication operator (by φ) whose kernel is given by φ(y)δ0 (x − y), we easily check that we have, as ε goes to 0, −1 1 aβ Tr e−(H+aβΨ) φ (G(Ψ + εφ) − G(Ψ)) → − Tr e−(H+aβΨ) ε −(H+aβΨ) −1 Z = −aβ Tr e p(x, x, 1)φ(x)dx . R2 Hence, the Euler-Lagrange equation associated to (6.1) is nothing but (6.2) −∆Ψ = R p(x, x, 1) p(z, z, 1)dz on R2 , R2 i.e., precisely the equation we expected (see (5.4) and (5.5)). Next, we prove that G2 is convex (and, in fact, strictly convex modulo the ad∞ (R2 ), φ(x)/ log(1 + |x|) ∈ L∞ (R2 ). Let φ , φ ∈ dition of constants) for φ ∈ Lloc 1 2 ∞ (R2 ), φ / log(1 + |x|), φ / log(1 + |x|) ∈ L∞ (R2 ), φ 6≡ φ up to a constant, and Lloc 1 2 1 2 let θ ∈ (0, 1). We denote by p1 , p2 , and p the Green’s function associated to, respectively, H + aβφ1 , H + aβφ2 , and H + aβφ where φ = θφ1 + (1 − θ)φ2 , and we claim that p(x, y,t) < (p1 (x, y,t))θ (p2 (x, y,t))1−θ = p̄ on R2 × R2 × [0, 1] . EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 121 If this inequality holds, we deduce immediately G2 (φ) = log Z p(x, x, 1)dx < log R2 Z p̄(x, x, 1)dx R θ 1−θ Z Z ≤ log p1 (x, x, 1)dx p2 (x, x, 1)dx 2 2 2 R R = θG2 (φ1 ) + (1 − θ)G2 (φ2 ) . Finally, the above inequality follows from the (strong) maximum principle and the following computation: ∂ p̄ 1 − ∆ p̄ + µ|x|2 p̄ ∂t 2β 1−θ p2 ∂p 1 =θ − ∆p1 + µ|x|2 p1 p1 ∂r 2β θ p1 ∂p2 1 2 + (1 − θ) · − ∆p2 + p|x| p2 p2 ∂t 2β # " 1−θ θ p θ(1 − θ) p · ∇p ∇p 1 2 1 + − 2 1−θ θ |∇p1 |2 22−θ + |∇p2 |2 1+θ 2β p2 p1 p1 p2 1−θ θ p2 p1 ≥ −θ (aβφ1 p1 ) − (1 − θ) (aβφ2 p2 ) = −aβφ p̄ p1 p2 and the equality holds if and only if ∇ log p1 = ∇ log p2 ; hence the strict inequality c . is shown unless p1 ≡ p2 ect and φ1 ≡ φ2 − aβ Having thus “checked formally” the above variational formulation, we may now turn to make it precise and mathematically rigorous. In order to do so, we 1 introduce (for instance) φ0 (x) = − 2π log{max(|x|, 1)} so that we have 1 δ 1 on R2 , 2π S and we easily check that Ψ − φ0 decays at infinity like 1/|x| while ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) decays like 1/|x|2 , and thus ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) ∈ L2 (R2 ). We next define a “corrected” e by functional G Z 1 1 e G(φ) = (6.3) |∇(φ − φ0 )|2 dx + log[Tr{e−(H+aβφ) }] 2 aβ −∆φ0 = R2 1 (R2 ), φ − φ ∈ L∞ (R2 ), ∇(φ − φ ) ∈ L2 (R2 )}—in fact, with on the space {φ ∈ Hloc 0 0 a little more work, we may even get rid of the constraint φ − φ0 ∈ L∞ (R2 ). A e is not bounded from difficulty remains, however: We need to normalize φ since G 122 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA e + C) = G(φ) e below, since G(φ − C for all C ∈ R! Thus we choose the following normalization: Z (6.4) φ ds = 0 , S1 1 (R2 ). In conclusion, we define the following which makes sense since φ ∈ Hloc minimization class: (6.5) Z 1 M = φ ∈ Hloc (R2 ), φ − φ0 ∈ L∞ (R2 ), ∇(φ − φ0 ) ∈ L2 (R2 ), φ ds = 0 . S1 We have the following: R T HEOREM 6.1 The normalized potential (Ψ − -S1 Ψ ds) is the unique minimum of e over the set M . the strictly convex functional G e Remark R 6.2. In other words, the functional G over the set M allows one toR identify (Ψ − S1 Ψ ds) and thus the mean field density (ρ = −∆Ψ) = −∆(Ψ − -S1 Ψ ds). 1 Therefore, since Ψ = − 2π log |a| ∗ ρ, it allows us to identify the full potential Ψ as well. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 6.1: First of all, the argument made above shows that G2 is convex, and even strictly convex, on M , while the first term in the definition R e namely, 2 |∇(φ − φ0 )|2 dx, is obviously strictly convex on M . of G, R Next, if we fix ψ ∈ M , we may adapt the formal argument made above and deduce that the Euler-Lagrange equation at ψ reads, denoting by p̄ the Green’s function associated to H + aβΨ, Z (6.6) ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) · ∇φ dx = R2 Z R2 R p̄(x, x, 1) φ(x)dx p̄(z, z, 1)dz R2 R ∞ 2 2 2 for all R φ ∈ L (R ) such R that ∇φ ∈ L (R ) and R S1 φ ds = 0. Next, we observe that R2 ∇φ0 · ∇φ dx = -S1 φ ds = 0, at least if |x|≥1 |∇φ|/|x| dx < ∞. Hence, the preceding Euler-Lagrange equation implies, in particular, Z R2 ∇Ψ · ∇φ dx = Z R2 R p̄(x, x, 1) φ(x)dx p̄(z, z, 1)dz R2 for all φ ∈ L∞ (R2 ) such that ∇φ ∈ L2 (R2 ), R R and |x|≥1 |∇φ|/|x| dx < ∞. R (6.6) This equation is obviously satisfied by Ψ = Ψ − -S1 Ψ ds. Therefore, R R holdsR with Ψ = Ψ − -S1 Ψ ds, provided φ ∈ L∞ (R2 ), ∇φ ∈ L2 (R2 ), S1 φ ds = 0, and |x|≥1 |∇φ(x)|/|x| dx < ∞. S1 φ ds = 0, EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 123 At this stage, there only remains to show, by a truncation argument, R that this ∞ 2 2 2 equation holds, in fact, for all φ ∈ L (R ) such that ∇φ ∈ L (R ) and S1 φ ds = 0. In order to do so, we consider φn = φζ(x/a) for n ≥ 1, where ζ ∈ C0∞ (R2 ), 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1, on R2 , ζ ≡ 1 on B1 , and ζ ≡ 0 for |x| ≥ 2. We only need to show that Z ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) · ∇φn dx −→ Z n R2 ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) · ∇φ dx. R2 This is immediate since we have, denoting by C various positive constants independent of n ≥ 1, Z ∇(Ψ − φ0 ) · ∇ζn φ dx ≤ R2 C n Z R2 1 C 1 + 4n2 C 1 dx ≤ ≤ . log 1 + |x|2 (n≤|x|≤2n) n 1 + n2 n 7 The Current and Some Scaling Limits In this section, we consider and study various problems related to what we did above. First of all, in Section 7.1, we go back to the issue of Gibbs measures involving the conserved quantity C defined in (1.6) that we called the current and we explain how to adapt everything we did before to that general case. Next, in Section 7.2, we consider infinite-length filaments. Finally, in Section 7.3, we study various asymptotic limits for the mean field equations. 7.1 Currents Here we consider the Gibbs measures µN defined formally by (2.1) using the same normalization (see (2.3)) as in Section 2 and the same scaling (see (3.3)) as in Section 3. Also, as in Section 2, we restrict the parameters β, µ, and v by requiring (7.1) v 2 < 2βµ , which allows us to define the measure µN properly. The precise mathematical definition of µN is exactly the same as in Section 2 provided we replace the equation (2.12) by ! N N ∂p β ā 1 − ∑ ∆x j p − 2 ∑ log |Xi − X j | p ∂t 2β j=1 i6= j N v (7.2) 2 + ∑ (λ · X j + µ|X j | )p − (JX j , ∇x j p) = 0 in R2N × (0, 1) , β j=1 p|t=0 = δY (X) on R2N . We may also define µN by its density hN with respect to a “background” probability measure on N independent periodic paths in RN denoted by µN0 so that (2.13) remains true. The measure µN0 is defined as in Section 2 replacing the Gaussian 124 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA kernel q (see (2.17)) by the Green’s function (which is still a Gaussian kernel that can be computed) of the same equation as (7.2) with ā = 0 and µ replaced by µ0 where µ0 is chosen in (0, µ) in such a way that v 2 < 2βµ0 (and thus replacing µ/2 by µ − µ0 in the definition of hN ). Exactly as in Section 7.2, one can recover the Gibbs measure µN from the corresponding measure on broken paths µN,δ . The heart of the matter is the following easy computation, which also sheds some light on the new term appearing in equation (7.2), namely, βv (Jx, ∇x p). Indeed, we consider, for δ ∈ (0, 1) and for (x0 , x1 ) ∈ (R2 )2 , the quantity (7.3) G(δ) = 2πδ β −1 (x1 − x0 )2 exp − β − v(Jx0 , x1 − x0 ) − λ · x0 δ − µ|x0 |2 δ , 2h and we claim that we have G(δ) − δx0 (x1 ) 1 * ∆δx0 (x1 ) − (λ · x0 + µ|x0 |2 )δx0 (x1 ) δ 2β (7.4) v + (Jx0 , ∇δx0 (x1 )) β (in the sense of distributions) as δ goes to 0+ . Indeed, we have for any ϕ ∈ C0∞ (R2 ) Z R2 Z |z|2 G(δ)ϕ(x1 ) − ϕ(x0 ) e− 2 dx1 = dz δ 2π R2 s ! #) ) ( " s ( δ δ − ϕ(x0 ) , z exp − v (Jx0 , z) + λ · x0 δ + µ|x0 |2 δ ϕ x0 + β β and, by a trivial expansion, we deduce Z R2 G(δ)ϕ(x1 ) − ϕ(x0 ) dx1 δ −→ δ Z R2 |z|2 e− 2 dz 2π ( 1 2 v ∂i j ϕ(x0 )zi z j − (Jx0 , z) · (z, ∇ϕ(x0 )) ∑ 2β i, j=1 β ) − λ · x0 ϕ(x0 ) − µ(x0 )2 ϕ(x0 ) 1 v ∆ϕ(x0 ) − (Jx0 , ∇ϕ(x0 ))(λ · x0 + µ|x0 |2 )ϕ(x0 ) , 2β β and our claim is shown. Having thus defined the Gibbs measures µN , we may now consider the limit as N goes to +∞ (choosing ā = a/2πN). Then we claim that Theorems 5.1 and 5.4 = EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 125 together with Corollary 5.3 hold, with a few modifications, namely, we skip the representation (5.2) and equation (5.5) is replaced by σ 1 aβ ∂p 2 ∂t − 2β ∆p − 2π (log |x| ∗ ρ)p + (µ|x| + λx)p − β (Jx, ∇x p) = 0 (7.5) on R2 × (0, 1) , p|t=0 = δy (x) on R2 . In all terms involving the Radon-Nykodym densities, µ/2 is to be replaced by µ − µ0 . The proofs made in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 can then be copied mutatis mutandis. However, the introduction of the current C leads to a Green’s function p(x, y,t) that is not symmetric in (x, y) (the time reversal symmetry is broken), and this is probably why we are not aware of any variational formulation for the density ρ, the 1 log |x| ∗ ρ, or the kernel potential Ψ = − 2π p(x, y, 1) R2 p(z, z, 1)dz ρ(x, y) = R analogous to the variational formulations that were developed in Section 5.4 and Section 6 in the case when v = 0. 7.2 Infinite-Length Filaments Here we consider another variant where we allow an infinite length for the vortex filaments, or, in other words, we wish to let L go to +∞. Since our original formulation of the Gibbs measures used a scaling argument leading to a normalized length L = 1, we have to go back to the definition of µN , leaving out explicitly the dependence upon the length L of the filaments, i.e., µN = (7.6) 1 exp(−β H − µI)dX1 · · · dXn Z where β, µ > 0 and we take, in order to simplify notation, λ√= v = 0 (even though everything we do below can be generalized to λ 6= 0, |v| < 2βµ), and (7.7) (7.8) H (X) = I(X) = 1 2 Z L N ∑ 0 j=1 Z L N ∂X j ∂σ 2 1 dσ + ā 2 Z L N ∑ − log |X j (σ) − Xk (σ)|dσ , 0 j6=k ∑ |X j (σ)|2 dσ . 0 j=1 Then everything we did above applies, provided, of course, that we replace everywhere the final time 1 by L. In particular, µN is defined precisely by its action upon any bounded continuous function on R2Nm F = F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm )) 126 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA (m ≥ 0, 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm ≤ 1), namely, Z Z 1 N dX F(X1 , . . . , Xm )p(X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) F dµ = Z 2N m (R ) · · · p(Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 )p(Xm , X1 , L − (tm − t1 )) (7.9) Z Z= p(X, X, L)dX , R2N where p is the Green’s function of the PDE (2.12) (with λ = 0), and the law of Ω(t), for any t ∈ [0, L], admits a density, with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R2N , given by ρN (X) = (7.10) p(X, X, L) . Z We next wish to send L to +∞, and we denote by µNL and ρNL the above quantities to recall the dependence upon L. In order to understand the asymptotics in L, one needs to introduce the complete set of normalized eigenfunctions φNk (1 ≤ k) in L2 (R2N ) of the Schrödinger operator (7.11) − N 1 β ā N log |Xi − X j | + µ ∑ |X j |2 , ∆− ∑ 2β 2 i6= j j=1 and we denote by λNk (1 ≤ k) the corresponding eigenvalues with λN1 ≤ λN2 ≤ · · · ≤ λNk −→ + ∞. Let us also recall that λN1 is simple (i.e., λN1 < λN2 ) and that we may k choose φN1 to be positive on R2N . With this notation, we have for all X,Y ∈ R2N , t > 0, (7.12) pN (X,Y ,t) = ∑ e−λ t φNk (x)φNk (Y ) . N k k≥1 In particular, one may easily check that we have for any t ≥ 0 (7.13) N N N pN (X,Y , L − t) = e−λ1 L eλ1 t φN1 (x)φN1 (y) + o e−λ1 L , N N ZL = e−λ1 L + o e−λ1 L , where the remainder term o(e−λ1 t ) is small in L1 ∩ L∞ (R2N × R2N ). This allows us to deduce that µNL converges weakly (in the sense of probability measures) to the probability measure on C([0, ∞); R2 )N defined by, for all bounded continuous functions on R2Nm F = F(Ω(t1 ), . . . , Ω(tm )) (m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < N EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 127 tm < +∞), the following expression: Z F dµN = Z dX F(X1 , . . . , Xm )p(X1 , X2 ,t2 − t1 ) R2Nm (7.14) · · · p(Xm−1 , Xm ,tm − tm−1 )eλ1 (tm −t1 ) φN1 (X1 )φN1 (Xm ) . N In addition, ρN1 converges, as L goes to +∞, to ρN (X) = (φN1 (X))2 in L1 ∩ L∞ (R2N ) (for instance), and ρN is the density of the law of Ω(t) (under the probability measure µN ) for all t ≥ 0. We may now turn to the limit as N goes to +∞ under the scaling ā = a/2πN. The analysis of the behavior of µN is somewhat intricate, and this is why we only consider the behavior of the law of Ω(t) (∀t ≥ 0), i.e., the behavior of ρN (X) as N goes to +∞. Before we do so, we first argue formally in order to guess the right answer by commuting limits, that is, first letting N go to +∞, in which case we recover the mean field problems studied and justified in the preceding sections, and then letting L go to +∞. The mean field law µ = µL is defined (see Theorem 5.1) by Z (7.15) F dµL = 1 ZL Z dx F(x1 , . . . , xm )pL (x1 , x2 ,t2 − t1 ) R2m · · · pL (xm−1 , xm ,tm − tm−1 )pL (xm , x1 , L − (tm − t1 )) for any F = F(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )), F bounded and continuous on R2m , m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · ≤ tm ≤ L, where p is the Green’s function of ∂pL − 1 ∆pL + − aβ log |x| ∗ ρL pL + µ|x|2 pL = 0 in R2 × (0, L) ∂t 2β 2π (7.16) p | = δ (x) in R2 , L t=0 y and (7.17) (7.18) ρL (x) = pL (x, x, L)/ZL , ZL = Z pL (z, z, L)dz . R2 Let us recall that ρL is the density of the mean field law of ω(t) for all t ∈ [0, L]. We now let L go to +∞ and argue formally, although a rigorous argument, which we skip for the sake of brevity, is possible. We thus assume that ρL converges, as L goes to +∞, to some probability density ρ on R2 . Then, denoting by φ1 the first eigenfunction, which we take to be normalized in L2 (R2 ) and positive, 1 2 ∆ + (− aβ of the Schrödinger operator [− 2β 2π log |x| ∗ ρ) + µ|x| ] and by λ1 the corresponding (simple) eigenvalue, we deduce by a similar argument to the one made 128 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA above that µL “converges” to a probability measure on C([0, ∞); R2 ) defined by Z (7.19) F dµ = Z dx F(x1 , . . . , xm )p(x1 , x2 ,t2 − t1 ) R2m · · · p(xm−1 , xm ,tm − tm−1 )φ1 (xm )φ1 (x1 )eλ1 (tm −t1 ) for any F = F(ω(t1 ), . . . , ω(tm )), F bounded and continuous on R2m , m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm , where p is the Green’s function of ∂p − 1 ∆p + − aβ log |x| ∗ ρ p + µ|x|2 p = 0 in R2 × (0, ∞) ∂t 2β 2π (7.20) p| = δ (x) in R2 t=0 y and ρ(x) = (φ1 (x))2 (7.21) on R2 . Of course, ρ is the density of the law of ω(t) for all t ≥ 0 under the probability measure µ. In other words, the limit measure µ is entirely determined by the probability density ρ = φ21 on R2 that solves the following Hartree equation: 1 aβ 2 − ∆φ1 + − log |x| ∗ φ1 φ1 + µ|x|2 φ1 = λ1 φ1 in R2 2β 2π Z (7.22) 2 φ > 0 on R , φ21 dx = 1 . 1 R2 We expect ρ to be the minimum of the following strictly convex functional: Λ = min Λ(ρ) : ρ ∈ L1 (R2 ), ρ|x|2 ∈ L1 (R2 ), ρ ≥ 0 on R2 , (7.23) Z √ ρ dx = 1, ρ ∈ H 1 (R2 ) , R2 with (7.24) Λ(ρ) = Z R2 1 √ 2 aβ |∇ ρ| + µ|x|2 ρ dx − 2β 4π ZZ log |x − y|ρ(x)ρ(y)dx dy . R2 ×R2 1 As is well-known, the first term of the energylike functional Λ, namely, 2β S1 (ρ), R √ 2 where S1 (ρ) = R2 |∇ ρ| dx, is convex in ρ. S1 is the so-called Fisher information functional in information theory, Linnik functional in kinetic theory, and the von Weiszäcker correction for kinetic energy in density-dependent quantum models. EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 129 Having thus determined formally the mean field limit, we now turn to a rigorous proof of the “convergence,” as N goes to +∞, of ρN = (φN1 )2 to ρ = (φ1 )2 (or “products of ρ”). More precisely, we introduce, for each 1 ≤ k ≤ N, ρN,k the density of the law of (ω1 (t), . . ., ωk (t)) (∀t ≥ 0) (7.25) ρN,k (x1 , . . . , xk ) = Z ρN (x1 , . . . , xk , xk+1 , . . . , xN )dxk+1 · · · dxN . R2(N−k) We may state our main result on the mean field limit for infinite-length vortex filaments. k T HEOREM 7.1 For each k ≥p1, ρN,k converges in L1 ∩p L k−1 (R2k ), as N goes to +∞, to ρk = ∏ki=1 ρ(xi ) and ρN,k converges in H 1 to ρk , where ρ = (φ1 )2 is the unique minimum of the Hartree variational problem (7.23)–(7.24), and φ1 is smooth, decays rapidly at infinity, and solves (7.22). Furthermore, λN1 /N −→ Λ as N goes to +∞. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 7.1: We first recall that φN1 is the unique minimum (up to a change of sign) of ! Z 1 N aβ N N 2 2 λ1 = min |∇φ| + µ ∑ |x j | − ∑ log |xi − x j | φ2 dx : 2β 4πN j=1 i6= j R2N Z 2 2N 1 2N 2 |x|φ ∈ L (R ), φ ∈ H (R ), φ dx = 1 ; R2n therefore ρN = (φN1 )2 is the unique minimum of the following convex problem: ! Z 1 N N aβ λN1 = min log |xi − x j | ρ dx : µ ∑ |x j |2 − S (ρ) + 2β 1 4πN i6∑ j=1 =j R2N (7.26) r ∈ L1 (RN ), ρ ≥ 0 on RN , Z ρ dx = 1 . √ ρ ∈ H 1 (R2N ), ρ|x|2 ∈ L1 (R2N ), R2N In the course of proving Theorem 7.1, we shall need some properties of the functional S1 that we isolate in the next lemma, whose proof is postponed until the conclusion of the proof of Theorem 7.1. L EMMA 7.2 Let ρ ≥ 0 ∈ L1 (Rn ). (i) Let k ∈ {1, . . . , n}. We denote by ρk = Z ρ(x1 , . . . , xk , xk+1 , . . . , xn )dx j+1 · · · dxn 130 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA and by ρn−k = Z ρ(x1 , . . . , xk , xk+1 , . . . , xn )dx1 · · · dxk . Then we have S1 (ρ) ≥ S1 (ρk ) + S1 (ρn−k ) . (7.27) (ii) We denote by ρt = ρ ∗ ((2πt)−n/2 e−|x| /2t ) for t > 0. Then, we have, assuming (for instance) that ρ|x|δ ∈ L1 (Rn ) for some δ > 0, 1 (7.28) 2S1 (ρ) = sup {S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt )} t>0 t 2 where S0 (ρ) = R Rn ρ log ρ dx. R We first show that λN1 /N is bounded and that S1 (ρN,k ) and R2k ρN,k (x)|x|2 dx are bounded for each k ≥ 1. First of all, let ρ be an element of the minimizing class defined in (7.23); then, introducing ρ(x1 , . . . , xN ) = ∏Ni=1 ρ(xi ), we have, in view of (7.26), Z aβ (log |x| ∗ ρ)ρ dx ; λN1 ≤ NΛ(ρ) + 2πN R2 hence lim N or (7.29) λN1 ≤ Λ(ρ) N lim N λN1 ≤ Λ. N On the other hand, we have Z 1 Z λN1 ≥ min |∇φ|2 dx + 2β ! aβ N |xi − x j | dx : µ ∑ |x j | − 4πN i6∑ j=1 = j R2N R2N Z |x|φ ∈ L2 (R2N ), φ ∈ H 1 (R2N ), φ2 dx = 1 ≥ −CN N 2 R2N aβ 4πN since µ ∑Nj=1 |x j |2 − ∑Ni6= j |xi − x j | ≥ −CN on R2N , where, here and below, we denote by C various positive constants independent of N. The preceding argument also yields immediately (7.30) (7.31) 1 N 1 N Z R2N Z R2N N ∑ |x j |2ρN dx = j=1 Z R2 p |∇ ρN |2 dx ≤ C . |x|2 ρN,1 dx ≤ C , EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY Indeed, we just need to observe that R2N ; hence Z Z p 1 µ 2 N |∇ ρ | dx + 2β 2 R2N R2N µ 2 131 aβ ∑Nj=1 |x j |2 − 4πN ∑Ni6= j |xi − x j | ≥ −CN on N ∑ |x j |2ρN dx ≤ λN1 +CN ≤ CN . j=1 Our claim then follows since we have for each k ≥ 1 Z |x| ρ 2 N,k dx = k Z |x|2 ρN,1 dx ≤ Ck R2 R2k while (7.27) implies N S1 ρN,k . k At this stage, we may now let N go to +∞. We first observe that, by a standard diagonal procedure, we may extract a subsequence, still denoted by ρN , to simplify notation such that, by Sobolev imbeddings, k ρN,k * ρk weakly in L1 ∩ L k−1 R2k N p R and ∇ ρRk ∈ L2 (R2k ), ρk |x|2 ∈ L1 (R2k ), R2k ρk dx = 1, ρk is symmetric in (x1 , . . . , xk ), ρk = R2 ρk+1 (x1 , . . . , xk , xk+1 )dxk+1 , and for each k ≥ 1 CN ≥ S1 (ρN ) ≥ (7.32) 1 1 1 S1 (ρk ) ≤ lim S1 (ρN,k ) ≤ lim S1 (ρN ) . N N k N k In addition, we have, in view of the above bounds and convergences, Z ZZ 1 N 1 1 aβ (7.33) log |x − y|ρ2 (x, y)dx dy . λ1 − S1 (ρN ) = µ |x|2 ρ1 dx − N 2β N 2π R2 R2 ×R2 Finally, using the Hewitt-Savage theorem again, we obtain a probability measure π on the set of probability measures on R2 such that ρk = Z k ∏ ρ(x j )dπ(ρ) for all k ≥ 1 . j=1 Next we have, in view of (7.32) and of the convexity of S, Z 1 k S1 (ρ ) ≤ S1 (ρ)dπ(ρ) ≤ +∞ for all k ≥ 1 . k On the other hand, we claim that Z 1 k lim S1 (ρ ) = S1 (ρ)dπ(ρ) . k k This is indeed a straightforward consequence of part (ii) of Lemma 7.2, observing that we have for all t > 0 1 1 1 S0 (ρk ) − S0 (ρtk ) ; S1 (ρk ) ≥ k 2t k 132 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA hence 1 1 lim S1 (ρk ) ≥ 2t k k Z Z 1 S0 (ρ)dπ(ρ) − 2t Z S0 (ρt )dπ(ρ) 1 {S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt )}dπ(ρ) , 2t and we easily conclude the proof. R The above arguments show, in particular, that S1 (ρ) + R2 ρ|x|2 dx < ∞ π-a.s., and we deduce from (7.33) = λN lim 1 ≥ N N (7.34) Z Λ(ρ)dπ(ρ) . Comparing (7.29) and (7.34), we deduce that limN λN1 /N = Λ and that Λ(ρ) = Λ πa.s. Since Λ is strictly convex, there is a unique minimum ρ and π = δρ . Therefore we have ρk = ∏kj=1 ρ(x j ) and N1 S1 (ρN ) −→N S1 (ρ) = 1k S1 (ρk ). Furthermore, we deduce from (7.32) that p p ∇ ρN,k −→ ∇ N ρk strongly in L2 (R2k ). We then easily conclude the proof of the convergence part of Theorem 7.1. √ The smoothness and the decay of φ1 = ρ follows immediately from elliptic regularity after writing the Euler-Lagrange equation of (7.23)–(7.24) recast in √ terms of ρ, namely, Z 1 Λ = min |∇φ|2 + µ|x|2 φ2 dx 2β R2 1 − log |x − y| φ2 (x)φ2 (y)dx dy : 2π R2 ×R2 Z φ ∈ H 2 (R2 ), φ|x| ∈ L2 (R2 ), |φ|2 dx = 1 . aβ + 2 ZZ R2 Indeed, the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation is nothing but (7.22), and we conclude the proof. P ROOF OF L EMMA 7.2: (i) We begin with the case when ρ is smooth, decays rapidly at infinity, and is strictly positive on Rn . Since S1 is convex and positively homogeneous of degree 1, we have S1 (ρ) ≥ S10 (ρk · ρn−k ) · ρ Z √ p = ∇ ρk ρn−k · Rn 1 √ p n−k ρk ρ ! dx EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 133 Z p ρ ρ √ n−k = ∇ ρk · ∇ √ dx + ∇ ρ · ∇ √ dx ρk ρn−k n n R R Z Z p 2 √ 2 = ∇ ρn−k dx = S1 (ρk ) + S1 ρn−k . ∇ ρk dx + Z Rk Rn−k √ √ For a general ρ such that ∇ ρ ∈ L2 (Rn ), we approximate ϕ = ρ in H 1 (Rn ) by ϕε , which is smooth, strictly positive, and rapidly decreasing at infinity, and we set ρε = ϕ2ε . Thus, ρε −→ ρ in L1 (Rn ), and (ρε )k and (ρε )n−k converge in L1 (Rk ) ε and L1 (Rn−k ), respectively. Therefore, we have S1 (ρ) = lim S1 (ρε ) ≥ lim S1 ((ρε )k ) + lim S1 ((ρε )n−k ) ε ε ε ≥ S1 (ρk ) + S1 (ρ n−k ) since S1 is convex. The inequality (7.27) is shown in full generality. (ii) We first observe that ρt log ρt ∈ L1 (Rn ) and that ρ(log ρ)− ∈ L1 (Rn ) so that S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt ) makes sense in R ∪ {+∞}. Indeed, on one hand, we have a.e. on Rn δ ρ(log ρ + |x|δ ) + e−|x| − ρ ≥ 0 ; hence ρ(log ρ)− ∈ L1 (Rn ). On the other hand, ρt ∈ L∞ (Rn ), and it is easily checked that ρt |x|δ ∈ L1 (Rn ). Hence, as before, ρt (log ρt )− ∈ L1 (Rn ) while ρt (log ρt )+ ≤ (log kρt kL∞ (Rn ) )+ ρt ∈ L1 (R2 ) . Next, we consider first the case when ρ is smooth, rapidly decreasing at infinity, and strictly positive on Rn . We then compute (this is, by the way, a classical computation in kinetic theory) d S0 (ρt ) = dt Z (log ρt + 1) Rn 1 =− 2 d 1 S1 (ρt ) = dt 4 Z Z =− 1 4 1 4 Z Rn 1 (log ρt ) ∆ρt dx 2 |∇ρt |2 ρt−1 dx = −2S1 (ρt ) , Rn R2 =− ∂ρt dx = ∂t ∇ρt · ∇(∆ρt ) 1 |∇ρt |2 − ∆ρt dx ρt 2 ρt2 Z R2 Z R2 |D2 ρt |2 1 dx + ρt 2 Z D2 ρt R2 1 2 ∇ρt ⊗ ∇ρt D ρt − ρt ρt (∇ρt , ∇ρt ) 1 dx − 2 4 ρt 2 dx ≤ 0 . Z R2 |∇ρt |4 dx ρt3 134 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA Hence, 1 1 sup {S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt )} = lim {S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt )} = 2S1 (ρ) . t→0+ t t>0 t Finally, for a general ρ such that S1 (ρ) < ∞, we may adopt the approximation argument sketched above in the proof of part (i) and obtain for all t > 0 1 2S1 (ρ) ≥ {S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt )}. t We also deduce from the above proof that S0 (ρt ) is a convex, decreasing function of t; hence we have for all h > 0 d S0 (ρ) − S0 (ρt ) lim ≥ − S0 (ρh ) = 2S1 (ρh ) , t→0+ t dt and we conclude upon letting h go to 0+ . 7.3 Asymptotic Limits In this section, we investigate briefly some asymptotic limits involving the various parameters (L, β, a, µ) of the mean field problem. In order to clearly see the role of the various parameters, we recall the variational problem (6.3) and (6.5), which allows the determination of the mean field potential Ψ and the mean field density. We rewrite it in the case of filaments of length L, i.e., 1 e : φ ∈ Hloc (7.35) (R2 ), φ − φ0 ∈ L∞ (R2 ), min G(φ) Z 2 2 ∇(φ − φ0 ) ∈ L (R ), − φ ds = 0 , S1 with (7.36) 1 e G(φ) = 2 Z R2 |∇(φ − φ0 )|2 dx + 1 2 1 log Tr e−L(− 2β ∆+µ|x| +aβφ) . aβL These expressions show, in particular, that only the normalized parameters L/β, Lµ, and Laβ matter. We concentrate now upon the limits when β goes to 0+ (“infinite temperature”) or when β goes to +∞. First of all, if β goes to 0+ , µβ goes to µ̃ > 0 and aβ 2 goes to ã > 0; keeping L fixed, we immediately see that this amounts to sending (for a “new” β = 1) the normalized length L/β to +∞ while keeping the other parameters µ and a essentially equal (or converging) to µ̃ and ã, respectively. In other words, this limit is precisely the one we investigated in Section 7.2. Next, if we let β go to +∞ while keeping the other parameters L, µ, a > 0 fixed, we see that this amounts to sending the normalized length L/β to 0 while taking the other parameters µ and a equal (or equivalent) to µ̃/L and ã/L, respectively. EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 135 In other words, this limit is equivalent to sending the length of the filaments to 0. Observe also that the limit β going to +∞ is nothing but a classical limit for the Hartree equation in terms of quantum mechanics problems. Thus, we now investigate this distinguished limit, namely, L goes to 0+ , β > 0 fixed, µ = µ̃/L, and a = ã/L with µ̃ and ã > 0 fixed. At least intuitively, we expect to recover at the limit the two-dimensional mean field theory for point vortices, and this is precisely what we state in the following result where we denote by ρL and eL , the functional given ψL the mean field expressions for a length equal to L by G e by (7.36), and by GL , the minimum given by (7.35). T HEOREM 7.3 As L goes to 0+ , ρL converges in L p (R2 ) for 1 ≤ p < ∞ to ρ, ΨL 1,α 1 converges to Ψ = (− 2π log |x|)∗ρ in Cloc (R2 ) for 0 < α < 1, ∇(ΨL −φ0 ) converges R to ∇(Ψ− φ0 ) in W 1,p (R2 ) for 2 ≤ p < ∞ where Ψ− -S1 Ψ ds is the unique minimum of Z ∞ 2 2 2 e e (7.37) G = min G(φ) : φ − φ0 ∈ L (R ), ∇(φ − φ0 ) ∈ L (R ), – φ ds = 0 S1 where (7.38) 1 e G(φ) = 2 Z R2 |∇(φ − φ0 )|2 dx + 1 log ãβ Z e−µ̃|x| 2 −ãβφ dx . R2 In addition, we have (7.39) eL − 1 log β −→ G e as L goes to 0+ . G ãβ 2πL We sketch only one possible proof, since it is in fact possible to copy the argument developed in Angelescu, Pulvirenti, and Teta [1] for three-dimensional quantum particles with a Coulomb (repulsive) interaction. One possible proof is very similar to the one presented in Section 5.5 for the continuous limit of broken path mean field theories. Indeed, denoting by µL the mean field probability measure on continuous paths in R2 , periodic with period L, so that µL = hL µ0L and Z µ̃ 1 L 2 hL = 0 exp − – |ω(σ)| + ãβΨL (ω(σ))dσ , ZL 0Z 2 µ̃ 0 0 2 L . ZL = EL exp − – |ω(σ)| + ãβΨL (ω(σ))dσ 0 2 136 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA We recall that hL is the unique minimum in L∞ (ΩL ) of ( !! Z 1 0 µ̃ 0 L 2 min E ( f log f ) + EL f – |ω(σ)| dσ β L 2β 0 Z a 1 L – log |ω(σ) − ω 0 (σ)|dσ + EL0 f (ω) f (ω 0 ) − 2 2π 0 ) !! : f ≥ 0, EL0 ( f ) = 1 . This allows us to prove the following bounds uniformly in L ∈ (0, 1]: EL0 (hL log hL ) ≤ C , Z Z 0 2 L EL hL – |ω(σ)| dx = ρL |x|2 dx ≤ C , 0 R2 Z 1 L 0 0 0 – EL hL (ω)hL (ω ) − log |ω(σ) − ω (σ)|dσ = 2π 0 ZZ 1 ρL (x)ρL (y) − log |x − y| dx dy ≤ C . 2π R2 ×R2 Then these bounds yield L∞ bounds on ρL and thus (ρL being radially symmetric) W 1,∞ bounds on ∇ΨL and L∞ bounds on ΨL − φ0 . These bounds are sufficient to prove that we have Z L n 2βL ∆−µ̃|x|2 −ãβΨL o 2 2π Tr e − e−µ̃|x| −ãβΨL dx −→ 0 , L β R2 by using, for instance, the Feynman-Kac representation of the trace (or making an analytical proof where we approximate the Green’s function at time L of µ̃|x|2 − ãβΨL by β 2πL e −β|x−y|2 2L L 2β ∆ − e−µ̃|y| e−ãβΨL (y) . . . ). Finally, we recall the semiclas2 sical inequality (see, for instance, B. Simon [23] and the references therein) valid ∞ (R2 ), ãβφ + µ̃|x|2 is bounded from below, for any φ such that φ ∈ Lloc Z 1 ∆−µ̃|x|2 −ãβφ β 2β ≤ Tr e exp(µ̃|x|2 − ãβφ)dx . 2πL R2 This allows us to complete the proof of the convergence of ΨL and of the beeL . The rest of the proof is then straightforward, going back to the havior of G representation of µL and ρL . EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 137 8 Concluding Discussion and Future Directions In this paper, we introduced Gibbs measures for nearly parallel filaments with identical circulations, and then we rigorously derived a novel mean field theory as the number of filaments tends to infinity. Here we would like to mention briefly some related theoretical problems as well as a potential application. Perhaps the most interesting and difficult theoretical issue for equilibrium statistical mechanics involves the behavior of the continuum Gibbs measures as N → ∞ without the mean field scaling ā = a(πN)−1 , which was utilized in Sections 3 through 7 of this paper. It is very interesting to link even the equilibrium Gibbs measures with a finite number of filaments to actual dynamic behavior of the filament equations. With X j (σ,t) = (X j,1 , X j,2 ) and the complex notation φ j = X j,1 + iX j,2 , the equations in (1.1) for identical filaments are equivalent to unusual coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations (8.1) ∂2 φ j 1 φ j − φk 1 ∂φ j =α 2 + ∑ i ∂t ∂σ 2 k6= j |φ j − φk |2 for 1 ≤ j ≤ N, φ j (σ + L,t) = φ j (σ,t) . There is some computational and theoretical work connecting dynamics with equilibrium statistical mechanics of a single focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (Lebowitz, Rose, and Speer [15]) that might provide interesting background. Finally, we briefly mention a potential physical application of the mean field theory. Recently Julien et al. [11] presented numerical simulations of rapidly rotating convection at high Rayleigh numbers. They observed that with small convective Rossby numbers, the interior flow is dominated by the interaction of cyclonic (all rotating in the same sense), nearly parallel vortex filaments with most of the heat transport in the filament cores (Werne, private communications; Julien et al. [11]). Thus, in the interior region the turbulent flow is dominated by nearly parallel filaments with very similar circulations. This is essentially the same regime as in this paper, where we have developed the equilibrium statistical mechanics of nearly parallel filaments. Do the equations for mean field theory developed here predict a large-scale interior flow resembling the simulations? Are other nonlinear corrections to self-induction, as discussed in the last paragraph of Section 3, needed for an accurate statistical prediction? Appendix: Remarks on the KMD Equations In this appendix, we make a few brief remarks on the coupled Schrödinger equations (8.1) to which we add some initial conditions (A.1) φ j (σ, 0) = φ0j (σ) 138 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA where φ0j ∈ H 1 (0, L), φ0j is periodic with period L for 1 ≤ j ≤ N, and ∑ (A.2) Z L j6=k 0 log |φ0j − φ0k | dσ < ∞ . This system of coupled, nonlinear Schrödinger equations is not understood mathematically because of the singularity of the coupling nonlinear term. We sketch here an argument that shows that there exists a global “very weak” solution of (8.1) together with the initial condition (A.1) such that φ j ∈ L∞ (0, ∞; H 1 (0, L)) ∩ C([0, ∞); H 1(0, L)) for all s ∈ [0, 1) (∀1 ≤ j ≤ N). We postpone the precise definition of such solutions, since it is plausible that one could obtain a more satisfactory notion anyway. But we wish to emphasize that we only know that, for all t ≥ 0, meas{σ ∈ (0, L) : ∃ j 6= k, φ j (σ,t) = φk (σ,t)} = 0 , since we obtain, in fact, an estimate on sup ∑ Z L t≥0 j6=k 0 log |φ j − φk | dσ , 1 for j 6= k. and, in particular, we are not aware of any bound on |φ j −φ k| One simple way to construct solutions is to smooth out the singularity by replacing φ j − φk φ j − φk by for δ ∈ (0, 1) . 2 2 |φ j − φk | δ + |φ j − φk |2 Then the resulting system is trivial to solve (with the initial conditions (A.1)), and we obtain a unique solution (φδj ) j ∈ C([0, ∞); H 1), periodic in σ with period L, of that regularized system. In addition, we have the following conservation laws: (A.3) (A.4) d dt Z L N ∑ |φδj |2 dσ = 0 0 j=1 Z d α L N ∂φδj ∑ ∂σ dt 2 0 j=1 2 1 dσ − 8 Z L N ∑ log(δ2 + |φδj − φδk |2)dσ = 0 , 0 j6=k from which we easily deduce bounds, uniform in δ, on φδ in C([0, ∞); H 1) and N 1 ∑ 2 log(δ2 + |φδj − φδ2 |2) in C([0, ∞); L1 ) . j6=k From this point on, everything we say and do is really up to the extraction of subsequences. In particular, we may assume that φδ converges weakly (weak-∗) to φ in L∞ (0, ∞; H 1 ). We next proceed to show that φδ converges to φ in C([0, T ]; L2 ) (and thus in C([0, T ]; H s ) for all s ∈ [0, 1)) for all T ∈ (0, ∞). In order to do so, we recall that φδ is bounded, uniformly in δ, in L∞ ((0, T ) × (0, L)) (and thus φ ∈ EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 139 L∞ ((0, T ) × (0, L))) by the trivial one-dimensional Sobolev imbeddings. Then we denote by φδj = ϕδj + iψ δj , and we consider arbitrary C2 functions F(ϕ1 , ψ1 ; . . . ; ϕN , ψN ) on R2N such that we have for all 1 ≤ j ≤ N 0 F(ϕ =0 j ,ψ j ) (A.5) if (ϕk , ψk ) = (ϕ j , ψ j ) for some k 6= j . Then a straightforward computation shows that we have (skipping the index δ in order to simplify notation) N N ∂ϕ j ∂ψk ∂ ∂ 0 ∂p j 0 ∂ψ j F =α∑ − Fϕ j Fψ j + α ∑(Fϕ00j ϕk − Fψ00j ψk ) ∂t ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ j=1 ∂σ j,k N ∂ψ j ∂ψk ∂ϕ j ∂ϕk (A.6) + α ∑ Fϕ00j ψk − ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ j,k + 1 [Fψ0 j (ϕ j − ϕk ) − Fϕ0 j (ψ j − ψk )] · (δ 2 + |φ j − φk |2 )−1 . 2 k6∑ =j Then, in view of the bounds on φ j and condition (A.5), we deduce that ∂F/∂t is bounded in L∞ (0, ∞; H −1 ). We may then choose N 2 ∏ |φ` − φk | k<` F = Fjε = φ j β ε where 1 ≤ j ≤ N, ε ∈ (0, 1), β ∈ C∞ ([0, ∞)), β(t) = t if 0 ≤ t ≤ 12 , β(t) = 1 if t ≥ 2, and 0 ≤ β 0 (t) ≤ 1 for all t ≥ 0. Obviously, condition (A.5) holds, and thus ∂Fjε /∂t is bounded in L∞ (0, ∞; H −1 ) while Fjε is bounded in L∞ (0, ∞; H 1 ). Therefore Fjε is relatively compact in C([0, T ); L2 ) as δ goes to 0 for each ε > 0 fixed. Next we observe that we have Fjε = φ j if ∏Nk<` |φk − φ` |2 ≥ ε, and thus if |φk − )−1 . Hence, we have for all δ, δ 0 ∈ (0, 1) φ` |2 ≥ εν for all k 6= `, where ν = ( N(N−1) 2 0 sup kφδj (t) − φδj (t)kL2 t∈[0,T ] 0 ≤ sup kFjε,δ (t) − Fjε,δ (t)kL2 t∈[0,T ] +C sup {meas{σ ∈ (0, L) : |φδk − φδ` |2 < εν for some k 6= `}1/2 t∈[0,T ] 0 0 +C sup {meas{σ ∈ (0, L) : |φδk − φδ` |2 < εν for some k 6= `}1/2 , t∈[0,T ] 0 ≤ sup kFjε,δ (t) − Fjε,δ kL2 + t∈[0,T ] C C + , 2 ν | log(δ + ε )| | log(δ 0 2 + εν )| 140 P.-L. LIONS AND A. MAJDA in view of the bound on | log(|φδj − φδk |2 + δ 2 )| in L∞ (0, ∞; L1 ) for all j 6= k. This bound immediately yields the convergence of φδj to φ j in C([0, T ]; L2 ) for all T ∈ (0, ∞). Next, we claim that φ j ∈ C([0, ∞)×L2). The argument above shows that F(φ) ∈ C([0, ∞) × L2) for any F satisfying (A.5). This is not enough, however, to prove our claim. In addition, we need to make some further observations. First of all, we remark that we have for any subset I ⊂ {1, . . . , N} ! ! 2 φδj − φδk 1∂ ∂ (A.7) φδj = α 2 ∑ φδj + ∑ ∑ 2 . ∑ δ δ 2 i ∂t j∈I ∂σ j∈I j∈I k6= j δ + |φδ − φk | k∈I In particular, we have, if I = {1, . . . , N}, ! N 1∂ ∂2 φj = α 2 (A.8) ∑ i ∂t j=1 ∂σ ∞ ∑ φj ! , j=1 and thus ∑Nj=1 φ j ∈ C([0, ∞) × [0, L]). When N = 2, this suffices to finish the proof, since φ1 + φ2 and (φ1 − φ2 )|φ1 − φ2 |2 = φ1 |φ1 − φ2 |2 − φ2 |φ1 − φ2 |2 are both continuous. Let us remark indeed that F1 = φ1 |φ1 − φ2 |2 and F2 = φ2 |φ1 − φ2 |2 both satisfy (A.5). For a general N, the proof requires some tedious combinations that we leave to the reader once we observe that we obtain from (A.7) a bound on ! N ∂ δ δ δ 2 |φ − φ | ∑ φj ∏ ∏ j k in L∞ (0, T ; H −1) . ∂t j=1 k∈I j∈I / k6= j Once the continuity is shown, we obtain for all 1 ≤ j ≤ N the existence of an open set O j in [0, ∞) × R such that meas(t,σ) (Ocj ) = 0 and ∀k 6= j, |φ j − φk | > 0 on O j . Indeed, we have, from the convergence of φδ to φ, for all j ∈ {1, . . . , N}, the following estimate: sup ∑ Z L t≥0 k6= j 0 log |φ j − φk | dσ < ∞ . T In particular, (8.1) holds on O j , and we denote by O = Nj=1 O j in order that meas(t,σ) (Oc ) = 0. Finally, we claim that we can pass to the limit, as δ goes to 0+ , in (A.6) and recover a formulation of the equation on (0, ∞) × [0, L], at least when Fφ j φk = 0 if φ` = φ j or φ` = φk for some ` = k, ` 6= j. Let us also mention, by the way, that it is possible to recover other “nonlinear equalities” based upon (A.7) by a similar EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL THEORY 141 argument. We just sketch the argument for the above passage to the limit. First of all, one deduces easily from the div-curl lemma that for all j and k, ∂ϕ j ∂ψk ∂σ ∂σ and ∂ϕ j ∂ϕk ∂ψ j ∂ψk − ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ weakly pass to the limit on O j ∩ Ok . Since φ is continuous and Fφ00j φk vanishes on (O j ∩ Ok )c , we may then pass to the limit in (A.6). Acknowledgment. Andrew Majda is partially supported by NSF Grant DMS9625795, ARO Grant DAAG55-98-1-0129, and ONR Grant N00014-96-0043. Bibliography [1] Angelescu, N.; Pulvirenti, M.; Teta, A. Derivation and classical limit of the mean-field equation for a quantum Coulomb system: Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. J. Statist. Phys. 74 (1994), no. 1–2, 147–165. [2] Caglioti, E.; Lions, P.-L.; Marchioro, C.; Pulvirenti, M. A special class of stationary flows for two-dimensional Euler equations: a statistical mechanics description. Comm. Math. Phys. 143 (1992), no. 3, 501–525. [3] Caglioti, E.; Lions, P.-L.; Marchioro, C.; Pulvirenti, M. 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