Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference

Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Human Agency and Performance: Conceptualization of a
Research Model in SME Context
H.M.A. Herath and Rosli Mahmood
Highly performed SME sector is considered as a key factor behind the
economic and social development of a country. The performance of
SMEs mainly depends on the role of human agency and magnitude of
this dependence has not been well established since it has been
neglected in recent research. This phenomenon is to be clearly
understood and this paper proposes a research model that
incorporates four individual-related variables as predictors of the
performance of SMEs. The relationship between proposed predictor
variables and performance has been strongly proven by well
established theories but not previously tested in a single research
model. Self-efficacy, achievement motivation, personal goal-setting
and mastery experience are incorporated into the model as predictors
of performance. The model contributes to better understanding of
complex interactions between human agency and performance in
SMEs. This study considers only direct relationships and findings will
also stimulate possible mediating and moderating paths that make the
relationship stronger and directional.
1. Introduction
Highly performed SME sector is viewed as one of the key characteristic of a growing
economy (Ladzani and vuuren 2002; Davidsson, 2004). SMEs are the key source of
technology diffusion, innovation and adding vigour to the market place (Piech, 2004;
Griffin and Ebert, 2006). Accordingly their economic and social importance for any
country is now well established and beyond argument. Although the importance of
this sector for any country or economy is obvious, they are less productive in many
of the countries partly due to lack of managerial and entrepreneurial capabilities
(Asian Productivity organization, 2011). For many years, performance of SMEs has
been widely focused in the disciplines of strategic management and
entrepreneurship (Venkataraman and Ramanujam, 1986). Many attempts could be
seen in entrepreneurship studies to explain the variation of SMEs as the criterion
variable (Carton and Hofer, 2010; Murphy, Trailer and Hill, 1996; Brush and
Vanderwerf, 1992). The predictor variables that have been linked to SME
performance come under the categorization of organizational factors (eg. Beneki,
2011; Leitner and Idenberg, 2010), environmental and market related variables (eg.
Enriquez, Adame, and Camacho,
2011; Mancinelli and Mazzanti, 2009; Wincent and Westerberg, 2005; Romano and
H.M.A Herath, Department of Business Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
Email :
Prof.Dr. Rosli Mahmoodd, OYA Graduate School of Business, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Email: rosli@uum.e
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
1995; Adams and Hall, 1993; and individual related variables which represent the
human agency of the firm (eg. Islam, Khan, and Obaidullah, 2011; Inmyxai and
Takahashi, 2009; Shane, Locke, and Collins, 2003). Consequently multi-variate
models including both internal and external predictor variables are the characteristic
of past literature of SME performance studies. However factors directly affecting
SME performance remain inconclusive though previously tested multi-variate models
have partly explained the phenomenon.
2. Problem
Generally it is accepted that the human agency that represents the entrepreneurial
human capital is crucial for the success of SMEs. But previous studies which have
investigated association between individual-related factors and performance of
SMEs have not been consistent (Sandberg and Hofer, 1987; Agrawal 2007). Based
on this inconsistency, recent studies have ignored the role of human agency by
giving more attention to other factors (Shane, Locke and Collins, (2003). Collins,
Hanges and Locke, (2004); Stewart and Roth, (2007) emphasized the need of more
attention on the role of individual related variables in venture performance. Luthans
and Ibrayeva, (2006) argued that human agency has more importance to SMEs
since many key decisions of the entity depends on them. Davidson and Wiklund,
(2001) pointed out the importance of investigating individual-related factors as
predictors of firm level performance. Based on the existing literature, it is obvious
that entrepreneurial human capital has not been given due attention as predictors of
performance in SME context and available limited number of studies have generated
inconsistent findings. This situation justifies testing research models with possible
individual-related predictors of SME performance. To fill the available gap this paper
proposes a research model which incorporates four individual related variables to
predict SME performance.
3. Literature Review
3.1 SME Performance
Gibb and Davies, (1990) tested the relationship among personality, management,
market-led variables and found market-led variables significantly affect SME
performance. Hay, (1992) concluded that poor financial control, managerial control,
managerial style, managerial capacity, lack of market growth, poor knowledge about
the customer needs, poor relationship with the customers and the discontinuity of
managing change hinder the performance of SMEs. Adams and Hall, (1993) studied
the effect of social, economic, legal, political, market characteristics, abilities,
entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, experiences, motivation and objectives of the key
decision makers on firm performance. They concluded that both internal and external
factors affect performance of SMEs. Romano and Ratnathunga, (1995) proposed a
conceptual model which include General economic conditions, financial market,
labour market, supply of raw materials, competition technology, R&D, innovative
ability, marketing Policies, and non-price Competitions, educational background,
previous experience, Artisan Management Typology, Leadership Style as
independent variables.
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Kolvereid and Bullvage, (1996) proposed a model that incorporated environmental
characteristics, organizational characteristics entrepreneur’ characteristics, as
predictors of SME performance. Petrakis, (1997) found that resource needs, market
opportunities and structure, and the role of incentives influence performance of
Herri, (2002) studied the relationship among business strategy,
environmental uncertainty, personality, and firms’ performance and concluded that
the environmental uncertainty is a moderator to the relationship between business
strategy and firms’ performance. Business strategy is a partial mediator to the
relationship between entrepreneur’s personality and firms’ performance.
Shane, Locke, and Collins, (2003) proposed a model that included need for
achievement, locus of control, independence passion, drive goal setting, self
efficacy vision, knowledge, skills and abilities. Beneki, (2011) proved that ICT
investments, e-commerce and e-business adoption, e-CRM implementation and
pressure from competition directly related to firm performance. Cervone and Wood,
(1995) concluded that influence of cognitive self regulatory processes on
performance is significant and contextual. Choueke and Amstron, (2000) proved that
the effect of corporate culture on SME performance is significant. Crane and Crane,
(2007) found moderately significant relationship between dispositional optimism and
performance. Enriquez, Adame, and Camacho, (2011) concluded that advertising,
promotion and market share, affect firm’s growth. Inmyxai and Takahashi, (2009)
found that entrepreneurs’ knowledge and skills are strategic resources for the
organizations to improve the firm performance. Islam, Khan, and Obaidullah, (2011)
investigated the effect entrepreneurs' characteristics and firm characteristics on
business success of SMEs and found that entrepreneurs' characteristics significantly
affect business success.
Aziz and Yasin, (2010) concluded that customer
orientation, competitor orientation and information dissemination positively related to
business performance.
Leitner and Idenberg, (2010) found that firms that follow generic strategies do not
outperform the firms without strategies. Littunen, (2000) proved that internal network
than external network shows a significant effect on competitive advantage of the
firm. Pandey, (2011) studied the effect of achievement motivation, Locus of control,
meta-cognitive activity, need for dominance, passion for work, intelligent quotient,
risk aversion and time preference on business performance. He concluded that locus
of control, achievement motivation and age positively related to business
performance. Mancinelli and Mazzanti, (2009) found that research and development
positively related to innovation and performance. Tuan and Yoshi, (2007) studied
new product introduction, firm size, ownership, firm age, educational background,
prior sector experience, and competition on the growth of SMEs. The study
concluded that the size of the firm is positively related to growth but education and
experience do not significantly affect the growth. Wincent and Westerberg, (2005)
proved that networking and performance has a positive relationship. But personal
characteristics of CEOs do not indicate a significant relationship with firm level
performance. Kidane and Harvey, (2009) found that age, education, gender,
partnership are significant contributors to entrepreneurs’ success. Years of business
operation and social impact are not significantly related to the success of
entrepreneurs. Acharya, Rajan and Schoar, (2007) found that achievement
motivation, locus of control, meta-cognitive activity, need for dominance, passion for
work and self-efficacy have positive correlation with sales performance of SMEs.
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Sagal, Borgia, and Schoenfeld, (2007) proved a significant correlation between the
level of entrepreneurial experience and performance.
Collins et al. (2004) found that achievement motivation is a better predictor of
performance. Li, (2008) formulated a conceptual model with gender, education and
previous entrepreneurial experience as predictor variables. Jones, Macpherso, and
Thorpe, (2010) emphasized the significance of entrepreneurs for the success of
SMEs. Pushpakumari, (2009) suggested that entrepreneurial values improve the
business performance. Mixed values of owner-managers lead to achieve average
performance of the firm. Herri, (2011) stressed that the top managers’ personal
characteristics are important in firm performance. Jones, Macpherson, Thorpe, &
Ghecham, (2007) suggested that the performance of SMEs is mainly dependant on
the human capital. Sirec and Mocnic’s (2000) found that need for achievement, risk
tolerance, independence, and self efficacy, locus of control, overconfidence, intuition
and vision moderately related to performance. But explicit knowledge, tacit
knowledge, experience and age shows no relationship with venture performance.
Gibb and Davies, (1990) found that personal variable make no significant effect on
performance. According to Petrakis, (1997), personal abilities and attitudes were
considered as constraints to the performance of SMEs. Wincent and Westerberg
(2005) personal characteristics do not significantly related to firm level performance.
Leitoa and Franco, (2011) concluded that individual variables are not good predictors
of firm performance.
Kidane and Harvey, (2009) suggested that more factors should be considered in the
model to explain the variation of success of entrepreneurs to an acceptable level.
Pushpakumari, (2009) also emphasized that less attention has been given to the
owner manager characteristics outside the western context. The organization
becomes an extension of the entrepreneur (Hambrick & Mason, 1984).
3.2 Self efficacy and Performance
SCT defines self efficacy as individuals’ judgement of their abilities to execute some
courses of action that required attaining an outcome Bandura, (1986). It represents
perception of people on their ability of converting the ability into expected output
(Bandura, 1989).
SCT has proved the positive relationship between self efficacy and performance.
Higher self efficacy improves performance (Schunk, 1981; Bandura, 1986; Bandura,
(1988). Stajkovic & Luthans, (1998); Phillips and Gully, (1997) stressed that self
efficacy poses a strong effect on organizational performance. Seijts,Latham, Tasa
and Latham, (2004) found that self efficacy had a significant direct effect on
performance of business school students. Acharya et al. (2007) found higher
relationship between self efficacy and sales performances. Hmieleski, and Baron,
(2008a) proved that self efficacy positively predict firm performance. Olusola, (2011)
indicated that self efficacy is an essential factor for optimal productivity. Lebusa,
(2011) found that self efficacy improve the performance of students.
Zhao, Seibert, and Hills, (2005); DeNobel, Jung and Ehrlich, (1999) proved
significant relationship between self efficacy entrepreneurial intentions. According to
Forbes, (2005); Brice and Spencer, (2007) highly efficacious individuals are more
likely to create new ventures and effectively manage their organizations. Chen and
He, (2011) found self-efficacy is positively related to entrepreneurial intention.
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Wilson et al. (2007) found that self efficacy as a barrier to entrepreneurial
performance. Hmieleski and Baron, (2008b) proved that self efficacy hinder firm
performance with some moderating effects. Powers, (1991) argued self belief
improve the perceptual optimism and likely to decrease the performance. Bandura
and Jourden, (1991) postulated that self efficacy gives little incentives to improve
performance. Stone, (1994) found that self efficacy does not increase effort or
performance. Cervone and Wood, (1995) found negative relationship between self
efficacy and performance. Vancouver, Thompson and Williams, (2001) found
reverse causality between self efficacy and performance Vancouver, Thompson,
Tischner, and Putka, (2002); Vancouver and Kendall, (2006) found that self-efficacy
decreases the performance.
3.3 Achievement Motivation and Performance
McClelland’s (1961) theory of need for achievement introduced achievement
motivation. The theory indicates that people with achievement motivation are risk
taking, energetic, taking responsibility and anticipating of future possibilities.
McClelland, (1962) reintroduced these roles as establish goals, taking personal
responsibility and taking moderate risk and looking for feedback of their
performance. The theory of need for achievement proved a positive relationship
between achievement motivation with performance, economic development and
McClelland, (1965) found that individuals with higher achievement motivation more
likely to look for entrepreneurial positions than other positions. Lachman, (1980)
found that achievement motivation in entrepreneurs and Managers are significantly
different. Hines, (1973) found that the level of achievement motivation among
entrepreneurs is higher than among engineers, middle managers, and accountants.
Smith and Miner, (1984, 1985) found achievement motivation is among higher
growth entrepreneurs. Begley and Boyd, (1987) found that need for achievement is
higher among founders than non-founder managers.
Durand & Shea, (1974) proved that people who have higher achievement motivation
are more active. Johnson, (1990) proposed that need for achievement is related to
entrepreneurial activity. Nandy, (1973) concluded that achievement motivation
shows a positive relationship with entry into business. McClelland and Burnham,
(1976) found that the achievement motivation is the key to SME’s success. Nandy,
(1973) concluded that achievement motivation shows no relationship with business
success. Carsrud and Olm, (1986) proved that achievement motivation was an
important to the businesses success of male entrepreneurs. Begley and Boyd,
(1987) found no relationship between need for achievement and firm’s financial
performance. Smith, Bracker, and Miner, (1987) found that the relationship between
achievement motivation and performance of the firm is significant. Johnson, (1989)
found that achievement motivation has a positive correlation with sales growth, firm
performance. Lee and Tsang, (2000, 2001) claimed that need for achievement has
significant effect on firm performance. Swierczek and Thanh ha, (2003) found
positive relationship between achievement motivation and SME’s success.
analytic review of Collins et al. (2004) proved that achievement motivation positively
correlated with performance of individual and group level and better predictor of
performance. Stewart, and Roth, (2007) also proved that entrepreneurs with higher
need for achievement achieve higher level of growth. Acharya et al. (2007) proved
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
that need for achievement has a positive correlation with sales performance. Sirec
and Mocnik, (2000) provided a moderate support for the relationship between
achievement motivation and SME growth. Sidek and Zinol, (2011) postulated that
achievement motivation of entrepreneurs has significant effect the success of SMEs.
Olusola, (2011) stressed that motivation is essential for productivity. Zhang and
Burning, (2011) found that achievement motivation has a positive effect on the
performance SMEs. Ryan, Tipu, and Zaffane, (2011) proved a positive correlation
between need for achievement and entrepreneurial potential.
Johnson, (1990) emphasized the need of further studies on need for achievement
with precious and valid measures. Collins et al. (2004) suggested that the magnitude
of the effect of need for achievement on performance entrepreneurs is not clear and
need further investigation. Sirec and Mocnik, (2000) stressed the need of fostering
empirical and theoretical investigations on achievement motivation. Ryan, et al
(2011) suggested that the relationship is still ambiguous in different contexts despite
many contributions.
Stewart, and Roth, (2007) emphasized that achievement motivation difference in
entrepreneurs and managers are larger in the countries with limited capital sources,
unfavourable policies, and lack of infrastructure facilities. Kirkaldy, Furnham, and
Levine, (2001) postulated that need for achievement is especially important for the
managers/entrepreneurs in developing countries. Ryan et al. (2011) emphasized that
many studies in achievement motivation are in developed countries and it needs
more investigations in developing countries where promoting entrepreneurship is
challenging. Luthans and Ibrayeva, (2006) proposed that individual level variables
are particularly relevant to the developing countries.
3.4 Goal-setting and Performance
Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, (1981) referred goal as attaining a specific standard
of proficiency on a task within a time bound. Locke and Latham’s (1990) Goal Setting
Theory (GST) defines goal as something consciously want to be attained. GST
assumed a linear relationship between goal setting and performance. This
relationship is considered as one of the most supported relationships in recent past
(Seigts et al. 2004).
In experimental studies from 1969 to 1980 twenty five had proved positive
relationship; four partial support and six studies proved no relationship between goalsetting and performance (Locke et al. 1981). According to Locke and Latham,
(2002), goals have a positive effect on performance and it has been verified in
Australia, North America, Europe and Asia. Knight, Durham, and Locke, (2001)
found positive relationship between goal difficulty and performance. Seijts et al.
(2004) proved that setting learning goals would create better performance of
complex tasks.
Hornaday and Wheatley, (1986) found that goal-setting positively related to financial
performance of SMEs. Bandura, (1988) stated that setting clear production goals
improve the organizational productivity. Segal, and Rimler, (2011) concluded that
entrepreneurs’ personal goals show a direct relationship with firm performance. Fu,
Richards, and Jones, (2009) concluded that personal goals have a positive impact
on the sales of new product. Kleingeld, Mierlo, and Arends, (2011) found a strong
effect of goals on group performance.
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Kanfer and Ackerman, (1989); Seijts and Latham, (2001) found that goals impede
performance when people lacks knowledge of the relevant task. Vancouver et al.
(2001) found that personal goals have negative effects on performance.
3.5 Experience and Performance
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) defines experience as experiences of the past
performance, success or failure (Bandura, 1986; Bandura, Adams, & Bayaer, 1977).
Baron and Ensley, (2006) indicated that experience is total outcome of past
entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs are likely to acquire knowledge and skills
from negative and positive previous entrepreneurial experiences (Minniti and
Bygrave, 2001).
Inmyxai and Takahashi, (2009), found that past experiences of entrepreneurs
positively related to performance of SME. Segal, Borgia, and Schoenfeld, (2007)
found significant relationship between experience and performance of the firm. Bird,
(1988) proved that past entrepreneurial experience has positive effect on
entrepreneurial actions. Papastathopoulos and Beniki (2010) confirmed the positive
relationship between experience and performance. Reuber and Fischer, (1994)
found that experience of the entrepreneur positively related to firm performance.
Cooper, Woo, and Dunkleberg, (1980) confirmed the significant positive relationship
between entrepreneurial experience and performance. Duchesneau and Gartner,
(1990); Dyke, Fischer, and Reuber, (1992); Schindehutte, Morris, and Allen, (2006);
Hashi and Krasniqi, (2011); Bann, (2009) proved a positive relationship between
managerial experience of entrepreneurs and firm performance. According to Bates,
(1990), previous industry and managerial experience proved no relationship with
performance. Morris, Kuratco, Schindehutte, and Spivac, (2012) emphasized the
importance of investigating whether the positive experience create positive
organizational performance.
4. Developing a research model
Existing literature on SME performance reveals that research models including
different types of variables have been tested by previous researchers. Many of them
have focused their attention on the variables performance such as entrepreneur’s
personality and other individual characteristics (eg. Islam et al. 2011; Inmyxai and
Takahashi, 2009; Shane et al. 2003; Gibb and Davies, 1990;), organizational factors
(eg. Beneki, 2011; Leitner and Idenberg, 2010; Hay, 1992), environmental variables
(eg. Wincent and Westerberg 2005; Romano and Ratnathunga, 1995; Adams and
Hall, 1993) and market related factors (eg. Enriquez, Adame, and Camacho, 2011;
Mancinelli and Mazzanti, 2009; Gibb and Davies, 1990).
In early studies, individual variables have been investigated as predictors of firm
performance and yielded mixed results (eg. Islam et al. 2011; Pandey, 2011; Leitoa
and Franco, 2011; Inmyxai and Takahashi, 2009; Wincent and Westerberg, 2005;
Shane, Locke, and Collins, 2003; Petrakis, 1997). Agrawal, (2007) stated that few of
the previous studies were able to prove significant relationship between individual
variables and venture performance. He also argued that dropping individual
variables from performance studies have added little. Moreover the role of the
human agency is more important to dynamic SMEs (Kropp, Lindsay, & Shoham,
2008; Lumpkin & Dess, 1996; Covin & Selvin, 1989). Low and McMillan, (1988);
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
Davidson and Wiklund, (2001) stated that clarifying causal relationship rather than
documenting individual characteristics is important. Shane et al. (2003) argued that
recent SME research has ignored the role of human agency due to insufficient
empirical findings. Stewart and Roth, (2007) suggested the importance of individual
variables as predictors of firm level performance. Sirec, and Mocnik, (2010), pointed
out that individual variables are very important in SMEs since many decisions of
SMEs depend on the entrepreneur but the phenomenon has not completely
explained yet.
Among individual variables tested in previous studies, associations of self efficacy,
achievement motivation, goal-setting and experience with performance are strongly
backed by well established theories. The positive relationship between self efficacy,
Mastery experience and performance is well established in Bandura’s (1986) SCT.
The association between achievement motivation and performance and goal-settingperformance relationship have strongly proven in McClelland’s (1961) theory of need
for achievement and Locke and Latham’s (1990) Goal Setting Theory respectively.
Though the self efficacy-performance relationship has been proven by SCT and
number of other studies, existing literature reveals that the focus of many studies
individual level performance instead of firm level (eg. Olusola, 2011; Lebusa, 2011;
Seijts et al. 2004; Bandura (1986 ). It is further revealed that most of the previous
studies have focused the effect of self-efficacy on intention to start a business rather
than performance of the firm (eg. Chen and He, 2011; Brice and Spencer, 2007;
Zhao et al. 2005; Forbes, 2005; DeNobel et al. 1999). Hmieleski, and Baron,
(2008b); Drnovsek et al. (2010) pointed out that the most of the empirical studies
focused the new venture intention as the dependent variable.
In addition, most of the studies have focused student populations to test the research
models. (eg. Wilson et al. 2007; Barbosa et al. 2007; Baughn et al. 2006; Zhao et al.
2005; Drnovsek & Glas, 2002; Krueger et al. 2000; Begley & Tan, 2001; De Noble et
al. 1999; Chen et al. 1998). According to McGee, et al. (2009), they are likely to
depend on student populations for convenience but it impedes the development of
studies. Also few studies demonstrate negative self efficacy performance
relationships (eg. Cervone & wood, 1995; Powers, 1991; Bandura & Jourden, 1991)
and two studies supported for reverse causality. (eg. Vancouvr et al. 2002;
Vancouver et al. 2001).
Consequently only few studies which investigated the effect of self efficacy on firm
performance are available (eg. Hmieleski, and Baron, 2008a; Acharya et al. 2007;
Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998; Phillips and Gully, 1997) are available.
Hmieleski, and Baron, (2008b) posited that more future researches should be
focused on firm performance. McGee et al. (2009) suggested that future research is
needed to explore the role of self efficacy as still there is a limited understanding in
the role of self efficacy in venture performance after start-up. According to Drnovsek
et al. (2010) emphasized that literature on self efficacy will not be sufficiently growing
unless further studies will not clarify the role of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship
research. Anyster et al. (2006) emphasized that though strong and impressive
empirical evidence are available to support the self-efficacy-performance
relationship, the organisational applications of entrepreneurial self-efficacy has been
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
The relationship between achievement motivation and performance has been well
established by the theory of achievement motivation (Mc Cleland 1961). In addition,
many researchers have focused achievement motivation in their studies. Literature
reveals that some of the studies on achievement motivation have considered the
level achievement motivation among entrepreneurs and non- entrepreneurs (eg.
Nandy, 1978; Lachman 1978; Durand & Shea, 1974; Hines, 1973). The focus of
other number of studies was the performance at an individual level instead of firm
level (eg. Nandy, 1973; Durand & Shea, 1974; Lee and Tsang, 2000; Olusola, 2011;
Ryan et al. 2011). Accordingly findings on the relationship between achievement
motivation and firm level performance are not very strong and consistent. Some
researchers have repeatedly stressed the necessity for further investigation of
achievement motivation firm level performance (eg. Sirec and Mocnik, 2000; Collins
et al. 2004; Luthans and Ibrayeva, 2006; Ryan, et al 2011)
Among previously tested individual related factors in performance studies, goalsetting is relatively stronger. Positive goal-setting performance relationship is
strongly established by GST (Locke and Latham, 1990). Most of the studies which
have supported the basic assumption of GST have focused individual level
performance (eg. Knight et al. 2001; Locke & Latham, 1990) and conducted in
laboratory settings while most of the available field studies are correlational (Locke
et al. 1981). Consequently studies are lacking on goal setting and firm level
performance (eg. Segal & Rimler, 2011; Fu, Richards, & Jones, 2009).
Bandura’s (1986) SCT claimed positive robust relationship between experience and
performance. Many other studies have investigated experience as a predictor of firm
performance (eg. Minniti and Bygrave, 2001; Schindehutte, Morris, and Allen, 2006;
Inmyxai and Takahashi, 2009; Bann, 2009; Hashi and Krasniqi, 2011) but results are
not very consistant.
Accordingly it is obvious that self efficacy, achievement motivation, Goal setting and
experience are positively related to performance and the relationships are robustly
proven by well established theories other studies. Self efficacy performance
relationship has been proven by SCT but studies are lacking in SME context.
Though the theory of need for achievement has established the relationship between
achievement motivation and performance in SME context findings are inconsistent.
Well established GST proposes positive goal-setting performance relationship but
studies are lacking in explaining the performance in firm level. Moreover in previous
studies, three types of goals, assigned goals, participatively-set goals and personal
goals have been investigated as predictors of performance. (eg. Latham & Marshall,
1981). Researchers posit that self-set goals play a key role in such situations that
individual personality is important (eg. Locke et al. 1981) though three types shows
no difference predicting performance (eg. Latham & Marshall,1981; Dossett,
Latham, & Mitchell, 1979). Since the personality of the entrepreneur is key factor of
the success of SMEs (Herri, 2011; Jones et al. 2010), the model proposed in this
paper will incorporate personal goal -setting.
SCT has proven the positive relationship between experience and performance. The
theory defines the concept as experience on past performance and failures and
named as mastery experience. Baron and Ensley, (2006) conceptualized
entrepreneurial experience as total outcome of previous entrepreneurial activities
seems quite similar to the mastery experience in SCT. Zhao, et al. (2005) suggested
that entrepreneurs’ experience is a kind of mastery experience. Accordingly this
Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
paper proposes mastery experience as one of the predictor variable in the research
None of the previous studies has investigated those four individual related variables
as predictors of SME performance in a single research model. Based on the existing
literature it can be argued that these variables together will be good predictors of firm
level performance and this paper proposes research model shown in the figure 1.
The model incorporates direct relationships of four predictor variables with SME
Figure 1 Research Model
Achievement motivation
Firm performance
Personal goal-setting
Mastery experience
5. Conclusion
The importance of highly performed SME sector to a country and how the human
agency is crucial to SMEs are obvious. Consequently understanding the complex
interactions and interdependency between human agency and the performance of
SMEs claims a high importance. The proposed research model incorporates four
individual related variables as predictors of performance. All of the proposed
predictor variables are selected with a very strong theoretical background and
empirical investigation of the model will be an attempt to apply well established
relationships in SCT, GST and theory of need for achievement in SME context.
Empirical findings will immensely help entrepreneurs and managers improving their
relevant cognitive and other individual characteristics. Also it will be helpful policy
makers, planners and specially educationalists to make more effective policies, plans
and educational programmes. The unique feature of this model is incorporating
theoretically well established four predictor variables in a single research model and
SME context. The investigation of the proposed model will also open many research
avenues for testing possible mediating and moderating paths widening the research
in SME context.
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Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference
25 - 26 February 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1
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