Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Impact of Individual Banking Agents’ Decision Rules on Interbank Network Iris Lucas1, Nicolas Schomberg and Vadim Turpyn Understanding precursors of interbank network stability has become a race against the clock since financial crisis of 2007 which has opened the doors to endless quantitative easing policies In order to better understand interbank network behaviors, a method is proposed to highlight the structure-property relationships at different scales by using the structure of an agent-based model in a two-class environment. First class is composed of existing biggest and systemic banks of the network, the data of which are collected from their actual balance sheets. To model an actual network interbank market, a large enough number of fictitious banks smaller than the ones belonging to first class has been implemented in second class, and further split for faithful representation of real bank network into two subgroups of small and medium ones. All banks in the constructed network have their individual dynamical behavior, but micro data is only considered for core systemic banks while aggregate values are used for other banks. The agent-based model is marked by a set of behavioral descriptions: repayment of matured loans, liquidation of deposits, income from securities, collection of new deposits, new demands of credit, and securities sale. The model proposes three kinds of securities with different levels of risk exposure bought and sold by agents with heterogeneous liquidity preferences. Central Bank action is designed to support interbank liquidity according to (simplified) quantitative easing policies developed in the paper. Applied to the European interbank network, the present cases introduce different liquidity allocation in kind of securities scenarios and show that system’s stability is directly related to individual assets portfolio structure. JEL Codes: G17, E58 and C13 1. Introduction In the current post banking and financial crisis situation it is important to evaluate impact of individual banks behavior on banking system. The presently invested amount in banks by Central Banks seems to maintain a superficial equilibrium but how long can this last? More significantly, how can Central Banks reduce and stop their quantitative easing policies being sure system will not collapse. These questions have lead us to work to better understand how individual bank‟s investment choices impact on liquidity of interbank market. Through Agent-based model approach the paper introduces the results of individual investment behavior scenarios where banking agents choose different liquidity allocations between low-risk and high-risk securities. 2. Literature Review Most empirical economics and financial studies provide or develop a theory rather than a method. Until recently, authors focused their work on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to analyze impact of financial risks (Yano [1], 2009; Christiano 1 Undergraduate students of Financial Engineering Department, ECE Paris, France. Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 et Al. [2], 2010; Nowobilski [3], 2012; Carrera et Al. [4], 2012). However, one has to recognize that DSGE model is not the best framework to observe market behavior in response to different scenarios. Indeed, DSGE models study the impact related to state deviating from the proposed equilibrium whereas real economy never remains in equilibrium. Furthermore, in today globalized world one can ask whether a balance concerning global financial and banking markets could be described. To several authors, DGSE models do not permit anticipating financial instability because they do not allow highlighting the interactions between system‟s agents (Bezemer [5], 2011). In fact, the representation of agents‟ interactions can be compared with emergency propriety of complex systems (Glattfelder [6], 2012). The concept of emergence supports the idea that components‟ individual properties do not permit to predict how the whole system will behave and one has to pay attention to system‟s self-organization. The parallel with complex systems‟ properties is an important point to raise because this involves economy and finance studies need new approaches (Bouchaud [7], 2008). The classical economic theory is based on strong assumptions that have become axioms: the rationality of economic agents, the invisible hand, etc. This would seem appropriate to get a sense of trends over time if economy were not marked by cycles and by crises marked themselves by collective irrationality and panic. One has to recognize that economy is not an exception to the complex system rule: “although the system behaved correctly when operating within its design assumptions, small perturbations sometimes led to the violation of these assumptions, which in turn lead to system-wide failure” (Gribble [8], 2001). Most empirical studies have dealt on how a sudden failure of an individual institution turns into systemic risk (Lehar, 2006 [9]; Furfine [10], 2003; Gai et al., 2010 [11], Ratnovski, 2008 [12] ; Mistrulli, 2011 [13], Cont et al., 2010 [14] Bessis, 2010 [15]) or how contagion is occurring or how different network structures affect the global level of systemic risk (Nier and al., 2007 [16]; Battiston et al., 2009 [17]). But, only most contemporary authors treat the importance of contagion phenomenon (Cont et al., 2010 [14]; Bessis, 2010 [15]) Regulators focus their directives on systemic risks (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) [18], December 2010). But even though the Bank International for Settlement (BIS) have made conclusions about subprime crisis‟s factors for defining Basel III (additional capital buffers, minimum leverage ratio…), measures concerning systemic risk are not efficient : there can be no real differentiation according to country or establishments and there is no real requirements based on dynamical interactions of institutions. Besides, a number of authors are giving thought to the Basel III efficiency and some of them call into question the true Basel III impact on economy (Dermine [19], 2013; Went [20], 2010; Allen et Al. [21], 2010). Recent banking crises have highlighted two major points. First, the possibility of grasping and controlling the default appears as a very important concern and second, for saving default banks the Central Banks have been in turn ready to ease their monetary policies. This last element assumes that banks would pay less attention to liquidity risk. The liquidity risk already existed before 2007 crisis but the fragility of the financial system state and the quantitative easing could encourage a lax behavior of banks with regard to liquidity risk. In the light of the difficult post-crisis years, it is worth understanding and quantifying the impact of banking institutions‟ behavior on interbank liquidity. Moreover, the study of loss mechanism related to liquidity risk is important because default risk and insolvency can result in liquidity crisis. To date, the literature on liquidity risk has focused on various studies to analyze the problem with different models. In (Diamond et Al. [22], 1983), the model was the first to show how banks' mix of illiquid assets and liquid liabilities (deposits which may be Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 withdrawn at any time) may give rise to panics among depositors where all depositors “run” to the bank to withdraw their deposits which can lead to a disaster. As an extension to Diamond‟s model where only one region is considered for the whole system, we find in (Allen et Al. [23], 2000] a model in which we find four regions (banks are grouped by geographical investments etc....) with a network of interbank deposits between regions where the default of a given entity can lead to domino-like series of subsequent defaults based on exposures to the defaulting entity. Another way to address this problem, is in (Estrada et Al. [24], 2006) where the model consists of a computer simulation of a macroeconomic model that captures bank treasury behavior in uncertain environment surrounding depositors liquidity needs and institution investment possibilities. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has provided a report demonstrating there is a class of models which allows understand the complicated dynamics of financial markets including systemic risks: the agent-based models (ABM) (Thurner [25], 2011). ABMs allow running repeated simulations. By running and analyzing thousands or millions of scenarios, insight is gained into information about millions of potential interactions between agents and so about behavior of whole market (such to assess the impact of new regulators‟ policies on banks activities). The OECD‟s report also lists limits of ABM: efforts should be undertaken in financial and economic data collection, unrealistic proposed assumptions in model could lead to unrealistic effects in simulations results, ABMs should not be expected to predict crises but they may highlight relevant mechanisms which can give precursors to a crash. In order to develop the most reliable model as possible, we have chosen to fit actual data into a model to represent the “systemic” agents of interbank networks and to generate fictitious balance sheets for the others. Moreover, so as to get trusted results we have decided to define a simplified model for failing to consider too strong of assumptions which could lead to skewed results. This choice has also been supported by argument given in (Lebaron [26], 2005) related to the fact that rules of thumb need to be defined from the basis of simple behaviors. 3. The Methodology and Model a. Structure of Network We suppose the interbank system describable by two classes: a core and a periphery. The core represents the largest and most systemic institutions or to put the matter differently their failure can individually turn into system wide failure. The periphery represents the rest of institutions: medium and small banks which cannot individually create perturbation but whose set of these banks could do it. In this way, we have chosen to represent agents belonging to core from actual data extracted out of balance sheets of active banks in European interbank market, and to generate fictitious and unique balance sheets for the other agents2. All agents are represented by simplified balance sheet as below: Assets Securities Loans Cash 2 Liabilities Deposit Borrowings Equity Table 1 Simplified Balance Sheet Fictitious balance sheets are simulated from aggregate values obtain upon the extrapolation of actual data. Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 We consider three kinds of security : free risk , hybrid and risky . All of them present different market risk exposures and so they are remunerated in accordance with. Furthermore, we assume that a risky asset which needs to be sold immediately will be sold at 60% of its facial value, a hybrid security will be sold at 80% and a free-risk asset at 100%. Loans contains interbank loans but also customer loans . Interbank loans are dynamic represented throughout simulation whereas customer loans are supposed to be a random variable remunerated to a rate close to rate for housing loans. Borrowings are only borrowings contracted on interbank market and deposit represents households saving. The equity is only increased by provision for risk that mean 8% of nominal value for granted loan or 8% of total value of bought securities. Finally, cash is inherited cash from previous period plus intraperiod cash flows and is represented available liquidity. In order to differentiate individual behavior we have chosen to categorize agents in three different strategies. These strategies reflect the agent‟s appreciation of liquidity with regard to gain. For the agents who belong to the strategy “free risk”, they prefer maximize their liquidity instead of their gain, the agents who belong to the strategy „hybrid” attempt to maximize their gain for a fixed value of liquidity, finally the agents who belong to the strategy “risky” prefer maximize their gain instead of their liquidity. Strategies mainly intervene in refinancing process and investment choices. B. First Step of Refinancing Process According to the value of , each agent is declared liquid or illiquid. In the case where that mean agent cannot meet its commitments and has to refinance itself. In the second case where , the agent has the ability to invest. Both in cases, the agent resonates for ensure its solvability and its futures liquidities. For this happened: First we allocate a lending capacity to each liquid agent: (1) where is the random component of aggregate portfolio demand, is the aggregate value of portfolio demand and is the portion of random portfolio demand that remains in bank k. The refinancing process is marked by the dichotomy between the agents with the seekers and the investors. To decide the position of each we analyse its cash and the weighting of three last available liquidities and the forecast available liquidities in the next three periods . Finally we consider all agents belonging to one of the cases presented below will get in refinancing process as liquidity seekers: 1. 2. In case 2, the agent may have two positions in refinancing process: liquidity seeker and investor. Agents which are liquidity seekers have two possibilities of refinancing: to borrow or to sell securities. To choose between these two options the agent will decide according to the decision rule below: D = Max{P1, P2} (2) Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 with P1 = ( S)1, P2 = ( B)1, and where S and B are respectively the sum of all securities items variation and the sum of all borrowing items variation since the beginning of simulation. In this way an agent having sold more securities than it has borrowed will choose to contract a loan to refinance itself, whereas an agent having borrowed more than it has sold securities will choose to sell its securities. Investor agents will proceed in opposite way: an agent having bought more securities than it has lent will choose to loan whereas an agent having lent more than it has bought securities will choose to buy. Thus to formulate their demand liquidity seekers have to evaluate how much they want to borrow or they want to sell: (3) One all liquidity seekers have formulated their demand; agents who have available liquidity will select in first all demands which respect the criterions defined in (2) and then they choose the best transaction(s) according to their strategy and their available liquidity . Once seekers and investors no longer agree on the transactions, the refinancing process between banking agents stops and institutions which still have available liquidity can choose between preserve a part of their cash for next periods and invest another part by buying new securities. c. Central Bank Interventions When seekers agents could not refund themselves on interbank market they could try to find liquidity from their central banks. There are two cases: 1) They have enough low-risk securities to borrow at REPO rate from Central Bank 2) They have not enough low-risk securities for buying liquidity and they are thrown out of the system An illiquid bank whose securities are pledged makes it a priority to redeem its securities. If it needs to borrow again before redeeming its securities already pledged, it is thrown out of the network. Taking into account the short horizon term of present model‟s simulation we assume all counterparties of ejected agents will not be refunded. 3. The Findings In [27] it has been observed that differentiation of banks‟ behavior due to strategies deeply impacts the stability of system. At this moment in our working process, the strategies main influence the investment choices of agents and that is why we looked if it is rather the nature of investment or rather the allocation between low-risk and high-risk securities which causes this instability in the market. The studied scenarios here only impact the investment choices of agents which still have available liquidity at the end of period. Directions for further to improve these results will be given in the last section of this papers. a. Extreme Scenarios First we have checked that a case where banks prefer preserve their cash instead of invest it does not an ideal scenario underlying of the model. The results permit us to be sure that the interests that the agents of system perceive from their assets are essential, Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 but also securities are definitively a way for banks to capitalize their liquidity for next periods. The results (cf. Fig 1) confirm the need of banks to investment for liquidity requirements. Figure 1: Case "No Investment" – Percentage of Ejected Agents by Class We also test the extreme scenario where all banks uniquely decide to invest in risky securities which offer the highest yield. As seen in (Fig 2), this case is a sure way to see that the high yield perceived by risky assets could not permit agents to maintain an unsafe behaviour while paying liquidity at higher prices thanks to their high interests. Figure 2: Case "Risky Investment Only" – Percentage of Ejected Agents by Class Finally, given the fact that the model authorizes liquidity seekers to borrow from Central Bank only in the case where they can provide enough free-risk securities, we have simulated a scenario where all agents invest their available liquidity in free-risk assets. However, even if (Fig. 3) shows better results as previously observed, we see in (Fig. 4) that flow representing agents who stay liquid between two periods is pretty low. Furthermore, in comparison with the best studied scenario (presented at the end of the section), we notice not only in (Fig. 4) that the system is in weak state of stability but also invested liquidity in system by the Central Bank doubled of monthly monetary mass brewed in the interbank market. Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Figure 3: Case “Free-risk Investment Only” – Percentage of Ejected Agents by Class Figure 4: Case “Free-risk Investment Only” – Flows of Changing States Agents Between 2 Periods b. Cushion Investment Scenario Following the failure of attempt to develop ideal scenario through global threshold values of ratios low-risk assets holding versus high-risk securities holding for all agents, we have started thinking that these values of threshold must depend on intrinsic property of agent. Inspired from the Value-at-Risk concept we observe what is happened when agents try to maintain a free-risk securities cushion whose value equals to their worst illiquid scenario they knew since the beginning of simulation. As (Fig. 9 & 10) show, this is the best scenario with find, and with of monetary mass invested by Central Banks the cushion investment policy is the less costly for regulators (N.B : at the end of the simulation this value tend to ). Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference 17 - 18 February, 2014, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-1-922069-44-3 Figure 5: Case “Cushion Investment” – Percentage of Ejected Agents by Class Figure 6: Case “Cushion Investment” – Flows of Changing States Agents Between 2 Periods 5. Summary and Conclusions From all observed cases, in term of system‟s stability and cost for regulator the Cushion Investment scenario is the best. But taking into account the result of “Free-risk Investment Only” case, we suppose this is not just due to the value of cushion but also because by constituting their free-risk asset cushion the agents increase their low-risk asset holding ratio versus their high-risk securities ones. That is why an extensive study will be done in next paper about equilibrium between values of these ratios. Furthermore, we are willing to expand the strategy to refinancing process choice as guidance tool for agents. Finally, as the matter has already been raised in [28], we record in several scenarios that banks belonging to class B are the most impacted. Preliminary reflections lead us to believe that they are the one who lend the more in the simulations. That might means the ability of lend should be reviewed according other criterions. 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