Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Cost Cutting through Green Expense Strategy: A Case Study on COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sabahat Nisar* and Rabia Asif** The accelerated profit of any Organization stands on the pillars of sustainable growth in sales and effective expenses management strategy. For growth in sales an organized marketing department is in a field, on the other side extensive attention is not given to expense management specially cost cutting. Therefore, it is necessary for Organizations to devise and implement an efficient expense management strategy. Large numbers of expenses are incurred to generate single source of revenue i.e sales. Therefore, every expense carries a specific force to contribute in sales. In accumulation these forces generate revenues and positive cash flows for Organization. When the expenses are incurred the force activities and contribute to Sales. Some expenses extensively force to sale and some slightly. Keeping in view this force/impact factor to sales, the expenses are divided into three categories namely red (forced), white (Semi forced) and green (Least Forced) expenses. The objective of the study is to focus on the Green Expenses strategy that could be used either to reduce or completely eliminate the expenditures or ultimately converting these expenses into profits if possible. So, this paper is written to understand the Green Expenses strategy and to provide guidelines to implement this strategy. For implementation, first the expenses are studied in detail by cost controller/Internal auditor then expenses are identified whether red, white or green. For better understanding these expenses should be colored in financial statement. After, identification of green expenses, it should be studied in detail and effectively implemented and finally these green expenses may either be reduced at significant level or eliminate or turns into profit through effective strategies. This is an idea based paper. For the implementation of Green Expense Strategy, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore campus is chosen as case study. Keywords: Expenses Management, Green Expenses, Organizational Strategy1 Introduction This is obvious that expenses are incurred to generate revenues. Organizations incur large list of expenses to generate periodic revenues. If we look into Profit and Loss account, there are multiple expenses which are incurred to generate the Sale. Some of these expenses are more intense to generate sales i.e advertising expense, salaries expense, salesmen commission, building rent etc. which are normally unavoidable. Few expenses are neutral to sales i.e repair and maintenance, printing & stationery, 1 *Sabahat Nisar, Internal Auditor, COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology, Lahore Pakistan. Email:; Contact: +923334286623 **Rabia Asif, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Pakistan. Email: Contact: +923334286623 Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 insurance and financial cost etc. On the third side, there is another category of expenses that are less relevant to sales as compared to above mentioned expenses i.e. entertainment, IT consumables, electrical consumables and bad debts etc. Dependent upon the nature and objective of the business, the relevancy of the expenses matters a lot. In this sense, it is essential to determine the impact factor of expenses over revenues. It is also important to keep in mind that nature of expense either forced; semi forced or unforced may vary organization to organization. Precisely, more the force of expenses, more contribution to sales and hard to control. The cost controller‟s most commonly internal auditor should study expenditures in detail and should devise strategies to reduce or eliminate the force of expenses to ultimately enhance the Organizational Profitability. In this context, the organization should reduce some selected expenditures periodically by taking all stakeholders in confidence. Normally, in Pakistan public sector organizations are least concerned with the reduction of expenses due to the lack of ownership of funds. Comparatively, private sector organizations works in opposite directions .The fund generation of private sector organizations is better than the Govt. Sector due to the effective cost control strategies as a major factor. It has been observed while studying income statement of different organization (mostly education sector) that normally 20% to 25% of expenses have fall under semi forced or unforced expense. By controlling such expenditures rationally, the profitability may enhance up to 20 to 25%.Therefore, it is very much essential to identify the relevancy of expenditures to rationalize the expenditures. Keeping the same track, cost cutting technique provides a base line to cut down expenditures according to their force. The paper is written, in the context that the force of expenses should be identified in form of colours. Objective of Study One of the major objectives of this study is to enhance the control of Cost Controller through the colours of expenses. These colours reflect the sensitivity to control the expenses. The sensitivity of expense differs from business to business. This will provide better understanding for Cost Controller to differentiate expenses on the bases of colours. These colours may be reflected in Income statement which will assist stakeholders to understand nature of expense with reference to sensitivity to sales. The ratio of these expenses to overall expenses may also effect the decision making of the stakeholders. For example, red expenses are 40% of total expenses; this might be an alarming situation for decision maker. This paper is written while keeping in view the cost structure of Public Sector Universities of Pakistan. But the scope of this study cannot be limited. Literature Review This is an idea based paper that will contribute in accounting theory and practice. The paper is based on understanding the nature of individual expense in terms of its force Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 towards sales. Currently no literature is available on this topic as researchers have not explored nature of expense under such context. Data and Methodology This research paper based on categorization of expenses in colours. These colors can be used to identify force of expense towards sales. Therefore, no need to apply any statistical methodology for expenses differentiation. Data for the study has been taken from Public Sector Universities of Pakistan. The scope of study cannot be limited to specific sector. In order to practically prove the concept a case study is also the part of paper that will help readers to understand the importance of expenses bifurcation. Categorization of Expenses on the Bases of Colours In order to enhance cost control, the expenses are categorized on the bases of colours, namely red, white and green expenses. The cost controller should segregate the expenses on the basis of sensitivity of control/force to affect sales and then each expense should assign specific colour that might be red, white or green. The expenses in income statement should be categorized on the bases. t, so that one can easily understand that the nature of expense. This paper is focused on Green Expense Strategy. First of all, it is necessary to understand these expenses: i. Red Expenditures (Forced Expenses) Belong to the class of expenses that cannot be ignored for the generation of sale. Such kinds of expenses have strong impact on sales. Mostly fixed expenditures fall under this category. Variable expenses may also the part of this category. ii. White Expenditures (Semi Forced) Belong to the class of expenses that are neutral to sales. It means that impact factor of such expenditures on sales is relatively low then red expenses. Such kind of expenditures can be reduced up-to some extent by taking reasonable measures by cost controller. iii. Green Expenditures (Least Forced/Unforced) Are the categories of expenditures which can be reduce to significant level, may be eliminated but most important these can be converted for profits generation. These expenditures can be cut down from the list of expenditures but also provides an opportunity to get business in relevant category from market. The word green expense should not be confused with environmental protection expenses. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Precisely, “Green Expense Management” is a technique by which those expenses are identified that could be converted into financial benefit for the organization. In order to implement this technique, firstly expenses are studied in detail; secondly expenses are categorized whether red, white or green. Third, it is worked out that how much additional financial and non-financial resources are required to convert these expenses into profit. Finally, in implementation stage the resources are organized and place successfully to get financial benefit through green expense strategy. Process to Identify Green Expenses • • Review all expenses in detail to identify red, white and green expense. Screen out green expenses in order to make comprehensive study. • For each green expense; prepare the feasibility in terms of cost and benefit analysis. Financial benefits that could be availed by the Organization and the financial and non-financial resources required to convert expense to green expense. After detailed feasibility, the Organization shall list down best green expenses and ranked in terms of financial benefit. After successful in house execution of green expense strategy this may e commercialized. • • • Limitations • • • • Green expense strategy can be mainly implemented in large organizations; This is not necessary that green expense for particular organization should be the green expense of others. The role of cost controller or internal auditor is most important to implement this technique. Precisely the appointment of one of these is crucial. Green expenses should be independent to other expenses. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Case Study-COMSATS Institute of Information Technology In order to implement green expense strategy, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology is taken as case study. To start up, the snapshot of the Institute is as follows: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) started its journey in 1998, and established its first campus at Islamabad in April 1998. In August 2000, in recognition of CIIT's achievements, the Federal Government granted it the status of a Degree Awarding Institute (DAI) through promulgation of its charter. The CIIT, besides its principal campus at Islamabad, has six other fully functional campuses at Lahore, Abbottabad, Wah, Attock, Sahiwal and Vehari, while six more campuses at Gujrat, Kotli, Karachi, Larkana, Quetta, and Peshawar are in the works. The CIIT is also exploring opportunity for opening an overseas campus in the Gulf region. The CIIT is now slated for upgradation as a university by the name of „COMSATS University‟ through an Act of the Parliament. For this case study, complete cost structure of CIIT was observed. Different expenses currently fall under the green expenses strategy i.e. in house printing facility, repair & maintenance of IT equipment and vehicles, toner refilling etc. Objectives of Case Study COMSATS Institute of Information Technology is a rapidly growing organization from several years. COMSATS spends millions of rupees on recurring and development of infrastructure. That is why annual volume of procurement is very huge. The proposal n order to meet huge consumption the expenses can be managed through centralized in house facilities. In order to implement green expense strategy the printing expenses are taken as a part of cased study. In accumulation, all campuses of COMSATS have to spend millions on printing material e.g. prospectus, examination sheets, envelopes, writing pads, newsletters etc. The green expense strategy is implemented by fulfilling printing material needs of COMSATS campuses through establishment of In-House Centralized Printing Press facility. In house printing facility can not only save significant financial resources but also save time involved in buying process. The idea will also impact the revenue generation. The data for this case study is obtained from currently operated seven campuses of COMSATS. Significance of Case Study Following benefits can be availed through the conversion of printing expense in green expenses: • In house printing facility can assist to save significant amount of financial resources of CIIT campuses. At present, the annual consumption of printing material of all campuses is approximately Rs. 25 Million. Due to low production cost involved in project reasonable amount of money can be saved. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 • As per Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules, normally 20-30 days are involved in tender cycle (Tender uploading till delivery). In house printing facility will save time and ensure timely deliveries. The vendor‟s charges 3.5% income tax, 16% GST on supplies. The value of tax is added in the cost of product. Due to the implementation of this project, the amount of tax can be saved which will ultimately reduce the cost of product up-to 20%. Sometimes, campuses are not in position to pay-off vendor due to weak liquidity position. COMSATS Lahore campus will own this project so extended credit facility may be provided to other campuses. This will enhance the liquidity position of the campuses. Minor initial investment/preliminary expenditures are involved in project. The project can be launched or completed and infrastructure can be developed with an approx. investment of Rs. 2.985 Million. One of the major benefits of the project is that it will not only cater the demands of COMSATS but facilities may be extended to meet the orders of external parties. In this context, the rates quoted in tenders will be highly competitive because the COMSATS is tax free entity and only variable cost will be the part of overall price. • • • • • Legal Status The project will be launched as the subsidiary of COMSATS and owned by one of the CIIT campuses. The project will be run by the manager project under the supervision of committee named as “COMSATS Printing Press Executive Committee (COMPEC). The purpose of the committee is to manage the administrative, production and distribution affairs at broad level. The setup of the committee is as follow: • • • Convener: The person having printing experience and OG-IV (officer Grade) level. Secretary : Project Manager Members : Incharge admissions of all campuses The committee shall arrange/called General meetings bi annually before one month of admissions for the supply of printing material to each campus. The manager project will ensure delivery to each campus on stipulated time as mutually agreed by Executive Committee. In case of emergency needs extra ordinary meeting can be called. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Organizational Hierarchy Manager Project Coordination Officer (Production) Admin & Accounts Officer Machine Man Book Binder Cutting Operator Dyer Man Assistant Admin (Purchase) Graphic Designer Marketing Manager Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Financial Proposal i. Sr. # Preliminary Development Expenditures: Description Op-1 Options of Printing Machines: Rota: (Single Color), “Alpha” feeder/back feeder with the production capacity of 30,000 impression in single shift. Max. print size 12”x17”, Amount (Rs.) 450,000 Op-2 Heidel Berg: (Single Color) Max. print size 19”x26”, Production 1,300,000 Capacity 50,000 impressions in single shift. Op-3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roland: (Single Color), Max. print size 23”x36”, Production 1,250,000 capacity of 60,000 impression in single shift. Plate Maker Machine Paper Cutting Machine Image Setter Dye Cutting Machine Lamination Machine Furniture: One Executive Set with side table, revolving chair and two visiting chair, One meeting table with six chairs 200,000 350,000 300,000 350,000 100,000 50,000 Five Office Tables, revolving chair and two visiting chairs with each office table 75000 Computer & Networking: Five computers (Non-Branded), Core 2 Du, 1.8 Ghz Processor 120 GB HD CD Rom, Ram 512 MB VGA Card 64 MB Black Dell 15.5" TFT LCD 100,000 Printers 2035 N & 2015 Scanner HP Scanner 3500 One Network cable Coil, Network switch 8 port D-Link, Connector 8 9 Generator Cable for Generator Supply Miscellaneous: Water Dispenser, Crockery & Stationary etc. Total (with Op-2) 30,000 3,500 7,000 100,000 20,000 2,985,500 Note: Development Expenditures will be incurred by taking loan from CIIT and will be reimbursed out of annual profit in first three years. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 ii. Recurring Expenditure (Monthly Basis) Salaries (Fixed Salaries) S. No. Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Manager Press Coordination Officer (Production) Admin & Accounts Officer Marketing Manager Graphic Designer Assistant Admin Officer (Purchase) Machine Man Book Binder Cutting Operator Dyer Man Total Scale Officer/Staff Grade (OG/SG) OG-II OG-I No’s. 1 1 70,000 30,000 OG-I OG-I OG-I SG-IV 1 1 1 1 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 SG-III SG-II SG-II SG-II 2 1 1 1 30,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 276,000 Amount (Rs.) Recurring Expenditures S. Category Amount No. (Rs.) 1 Electricity 50,000 2 Telephone 3,000 3 Janitorial (One Person) 7,000 4 Courier 20,000 5 Repair & Maintenance of Equipments 50,000 6 Diesel for Generator(Share basis) 50,000 7 Miscellaneous: Entertainment, repair & Maintenance of 20,000 Building &Daily Wages Staff etc. Total 200,000 Note: Most of the recurring and development may be saved if the resources are sufficiently available at CIIT campus where the project will be launched. Proceedings of 8th Annual London Business Research Conference Imperial College, London, UK, 8 - 9 July, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-922069-28-3 Revenue and Expenditure Statement (Annual Basis) Revenue (Detail Attached) Less -Expenses Cost of Production (30% of 25 M) Recurring Expenditure Rs. 25.00 M 7.50M 5.71M 13.21 M 11.79 M Note: 1-Cost of Production: Paper, Ink, Positive and Plates etc. 2- The revenue and income statement is based on the revenue generation from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. However, the income from external orders is not considered at this point of stage.