Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3(2): 72-76, 2011 ISSN: 2040-7505 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2011 Received: January 08, 2011 Accepted: February 03, 2011 Published: May 25, 2011 Proving the Computer Science Theory P = NP? With the General Term of the Riemann Zeta Function M.V. Atovigba Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Benue State University, P.M.B. 102119 Makurdi, Nigeria Abstract: The study aims at showing that the general term or sequence of the Riemann zeta function is a polynomial time algorithm or Turing machine M which is used to resolve the computer science theory: P = NP? >(s)depends on the set of analytic zeros s = F+it as raw materials while s depends on t, where t and Fare real numbers. The work shows that in polynomial time S(|t|) and for all strings of integer values n $ 1, M is closed and bounded of real values: [0, 1]. The algorithm M satisfies Cook’s theorem which is an NP-Complete problem. Hence, M is NP-Hard and hence NP-Complete and thus resolves the P = NP? problem at polynomial time s(|t|). Key words: Algorithm, closed bounded real values, complex variable, real-valued function, polynomial time, riemann zeta function, turing machine is too big to be efficient in practice. The consequences, both positive and negative, arise since various NP-complete problems are fundamental in many fields. …There are enormous positive consequences that would follow from rendering tractable many currently mathematically intractable problems. For instance, many problems in operations research are NP-complete, such as some types of integer programming, and the travelling salesman problem, to name two of the most famous examples. Efficient solutions to these problems would have enormous implications for logistics. Many other important problems, such as some problems in protein structure prediction, are also NP-complete; if these problems were efficiently solvable it could spur considerable advances in biology. INTRODUCTION The computer science theory: P = NP? is a computation complexity problem aimed at locating whether there exists a polynomial time algorithm which a well configured computer can undertake both a deterministic task P and other nondeterministic processes NP at the polynomial time (Wikipedia, 2010a). It has already been observed that all algorithms in P are also in NP (Tordable, 2010); but the open problem is whether P = NP or not. The Wikipedia (2010b) notes that the P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science which asks whether every problem whose solution can be efficiently checked by a computer can also be efficiently solved by a computer. A problem is said to be in the NP class if it is solvable in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing machine, and a P problem whose time is bounded by a polynomial is always NP, while a problem is considered NP-hard if an algorithm for solving it can be translated into one for solving any other NP-problem, and a problem which is both NP and NP-hard is called an NP-complete problem (Weisstein, 2010). The proof of the P = NP? Theory will have estimated consequences (Wikipedia, 2010b): This research, however, aims at resolving the P = NP? problem using the general term (or sequence) of the Riemann zeta function: ∞ ζ ( s) = ∑ n − s (1) 1 where s = σ + it A proof that P = NP could have stunning practical consequences, if the proof leads to efficient methods for solving some of the important problems in NP. It is also possible that a proof would not lead to efficient methods, perhaps if the proof is nonconstructive, or the size of the bounding polynomial (2) where i is imaginary and F, are real and specificallyF is a constant while t is variable. This is shown using absolute convergence of the general term of (1). Thus if for some sequence un(x): 72 Res. J. Math. Stat., 3(2): 72-76, 2011 Lim x→ ∞ µn+ 1( x ) < 1 (Spiegel, 2005) µn ( x ) To prove (a) requires firstly to establish that there exists a polynomial time algorithm or Turing machine M as a verifier with a language L being in NP satisfying the condition: if and only if there exist some polynomials p and q, and a deterministic machine M, such that: Now, since (2)Y s(t) and (1)Y H(s)=H(F+it) with F a constant (predetermined) real number, the general term for (1) is: µn (t ) = n − (σ + it ) ( ) Criterion i: For all x and y, M runs in time p x input (x, y). (3) Criterion ii: For all x in L, there exists a string y of ( ) length q x The research will focus on showing that (3) is a polynomial time algorithm M which is NP, NP-Hard, and hence NP-Complete and thus answers the P = NP? complexity problem. q( x ) , M(x, y) = 0 (Wikipedia, 2010a). To satisfy these criteria, let x = t and y = n and suppose that: This research was started since September 5, 2010 along with this researcher’s work towards proving the Riemann Hypothesis. This was because this researcher strongly believed the Riemann zeta function of raw materials s=F+it , to be a polynomial time algorithm M, NP-Hard and NP-Complete and can be used to prove the computer science theory: P = NP? The materials used in this work include the Riemann zeta function: ς ( s) = ∑ n −s such that M(x, y) = 1. Criterion iii: For all x not in L and all strings y of length MATERIALS AND METHODS ∞ on M = n− s (4) which is the general term (3) of the sequence generated from the Riemann zeta function (1) such that for polynomials p and q: p( x ) = s( t ) = σ + i t (5) or p= σ +it (1) 1 and where s = F+it , for t real and i imaginary, while n = 1, 2, … . s t σ +i t ) q ( x ) = n ( ) = n( = np or The method used in the work is proving for infinite series absolute convergence, establishing existence of at least one string n which generates the value of unity (1) for the Turing machine M in some defined time range L, establishing that M uniquely produces 0 for all n string outside L, and showing that M can be applied to solve any existing NP-Complete task. q = np ( ) Criterion i holds since M runs in time s t on input (t, n). Criterion ii also holds: ∀ t ∈ L: − ∞ ≤ L < ∞ , there exists σ +i t ) a string n = 1 of length q t = n( ( ) Proof of the P = NP theory: To prove the computer science theory entails identifying a polynomial time algorithm M such that at polynomial time S, P = NP (Wikipedia, 2010a) which requires proving that: M=n ⎛1 ⎞ − ⎜ + it ⎟ ⎝2 ⎠ such that = 1 since 1 raised to any number returns 1. Criterion iii also holds since for t ∉ L ⇒ t → ∞ , and a) M can, as a verifier, perform a deterministic process P and also perform other nondeterministic processes NP, b) M can perform both processes at the same polynomial time, and c) M can be used to solve any existing NP-Complete problem. σ +i t ) all strings n of length q t = n( , M(x,y) = 0. This ( ) is because t ∉ L ⇒ t → ∞ generates M = 0 as the sequence absolutely converges to 0, that is: By the ratio test for absolute convergence of the general term of the sequence: 73 Res. J. Math. Stat., 3(2): 72-76, 2011 µn (t ) = n −(σ +it ) or Within the range -4#L<4, for any t in L, if n = 1, M = 1. Outside of this range, 1 1 1 ⎛ 1⎞ µn (t ) = σ . it = σ .⎜ t ⎟ n n n ⎝n ⎠ i (7) t = ∞ ⇒ p→ ∞ ⇒ q→ ∞ ⇒ M = 0 Thus with p and q polynomials making M as a verifier to have closed bounded real values [0,1], and since M implies the existence of polynomials p and q, then M is a verifier with a language L being in NP. To prove (b), whether M can perform both processes of solving a problem and verifying the solution at the same polynomial (fast) time, so that P = NP at the said polynomial time: We are to prove that M is NP-Hard and hence NP-Complete. By NP-Hard requires that M is used to solve at least one of the NP-Complete problems (Weisstein, 2010). It is noted that Candidate M solves an NP-Complete problem, namely, Cook’s theorem, which goes by: which converges absolutely to 0 since: Lim t→ ∞ µn+ 1(t ) <1 µn (t ) (8) implying convergence of the sequence. This is done taking n = 1 and n + 1 = 2 So that: p = σ + it and q = n p (11) i ⎧⎛ ⎞ ⎫ ⎪⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎜⎝ (n + 1)t ⎟⎠ ⎪⎪ i ⎨ σ ⎬ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎧⎪ (0)i ⎫⎪ ⎪ (n + 1) ⎪ ⎜ t⎟ ⎧ 0 ⎫ ⎝ ⎠ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ σ ⎬ ⎨ σ⎬ 2 σ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ ⎪ ⎪ µn+1 (t ) ⎩ ⎭ = ⎩2 ⎭ = 0 = 0< 1 2 Lim Lim = Lim = = i t →∞ µn ( t ) t →∞ t →∞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎧⎛ 1 ⎞i ⎫ ⎧ 1i ⎫ {1} ⎟ ⎜ ⎨ ⎬ ⎪⎜ t ⎟ ⎪ t ⎝1 ⎠ ⎪⎝ n ⎠ ⎪ ⎩ 1⎭ ⎨ σ ⎬ σ 1 ⎪ n ⎪ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭ Thus M = 0 for t not in L, which satisfies Criterion iii. pair S, M. Prove that the algorithm for generating E(S, M) runs in polynomial time. By polynomial time algorithm is meant if the polynomial’s running time is upper bounded by a polynomial in the size of the input for the algorithm so that some T(n) = O(nk) for some constant k (Wikipedia, 2010d). 1 The factor σ in (7) diminishes slower than small o:T(n) n = o(nk) = o(n-t) where t=4 as o(nk) = n-4 Hence, M is bounded with small o:T(n) = o(nk) where k = -4 as o(nk) = n-4 This makes the numerator to be zero and hence the entire sequence halts to zero. Hence M is a polynomial time algorithm. Reversing the process (to satisfy the if and if only condition), Let: M = n − (σ + it ) = n − p = 1 1 p = q n (9) Now, rewriting Cook’s theorem so that: E ( S , M ): s = σ + it , M = n − (σ + it ) (12) the algorithm M runs in polynomial time so that for all, (10) σ +i t ) there exists n = 1 of length q t = n( ( ) and M = n − (σ + it ) = 1 , and t ∉ L ⇒ t → ∞ , and all string n Then (10) implies the existence of polynomials p and q: Given a string S and a Non-Deterministic Turing machine M, create a CNF expression E(S, M) which is satisfiable if and only if M accepts S in polynomial time. Demonstrate an algorithm for generating E(S, M) for any σ +i t ) > 1 of length q(|x|) = q t = n( , M = 0 because ( ) t ∉ L ⇒ t → ∞ generates M = 0 as the sequence converges absolutely to 0, that is: 74 Res. J. Math. Stat., 3(2): 72-76, 2011 Thus a computer can be constructed to take any suitable real F value and an accompanying t complex M’s convergence to 0 also with absolute convergence of the general term of the sequence µn (t ) = n − (σ + it ) values and execute the programme M = n − (σ + it ) so that within − ∞ ≤ t < ∞ , the computer’s tape takes t = iσ for all string n > 1 and returns 1. Else the computer takes t = ∞ and returns 0 whenever n>1. The summary of the which converges absolutely to 0 as demonstrated in (8) and (9). Thus E is satisfiable since M accepts S in polynomial time producing 1 at n = 1 when t ∈ L:− ∞ ≤ L < ∞ and 0 at t = 4 Reversing the process to satisfy the if and only if algorithm M = n − (σ + it ) will then be: condition, let M = n − (σ + it ) and let M = 1, then: If n = 1, then M = 1 if n > 1, then − σ + it 1 = n ( ) and 1 ⎛ ⎞ 1 ⎟ − ⎜⎜ − + σ it ) ⎟⎠ ⎝ ( ⎧1:−∞ ≤ t < ∞ , t = iσ M=⎨ ⎩ 0: t = ∞ =n RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hence; n = 1 The research has found out that there exists a Also, M = 0 ⇒ 0 = n − (σ + it ) = which is only possible if 1 (n ) t i n − it nσ polynomial time algorithm M = n − (σ + it ) which is the general term of the Riemann zeta function, which is verified to be NP-Hard, NP-Complete and hence resolves the P = NP? problem. Hence the computer might be instructed to execute: ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜⎜ t i ⎟⎟ ⎝ n ⎠ = nσ ( ) i ⎛ 1⎞ = ⎜ t ⎟ = 0⇒ t = ∞ ⎝n ⎠ Thus M accepts S in polynomial time, given the small ( ) C C Programme P = NP Input n: integer 1,2,… and t: real C Output M: Boolean: ⎨ ⎧1: n = 1;−∞ ≤ t < ∞ ⎩ 0: n > 1, t = ∞ o nk = n− ∞ = 0 M = M = n − (σ + it ) satisfies Cook’s theorem and can hence be used to solve many other NP-Complete problems. The findings show that the algorithm explains the very foundations of Boolean algebra in that the values of the Riemann zeta function oscillate between 1 and 0 given two distinct regions, respectively L1: − ∞ ≤ t < ∞ and L2: t = ∞ . If t complex values are taken in L1, then the value of the algorithm for all n string is 1 when t = iσ , and if t be in L2 the value of the algorithm is 0 as t moves to infinity. Thus the Riemann zeta function, for all n positive integer values, has finite closed bounded lower and upper real-value bounds [0, 1] and is defined on the entire complex continuum: − ∞ ≤ t ≤ ∞ . For the computer to work in Boolean order with the only two digits 0 and1, the computer could then be programmed so that it will obey the instruction: Consequently, M satisfies Cook’s theorem which is NP-Complete. Hence M is NP-Hard and is a polynomial time algorithm that resolves the P = NP? problem. Corollary: Suppose that (2) is a complex-valued function of a complex variable t then M = 1 always for all string n at t = iσ and M = 0 at t = ∞ . Proof: t = iσ makes s = F+ it = 0, hence for all n > 1 M = n0 = 1. Hence for string n of solving P and string n + k (k = 1, 2, …) of verifying the solution NP, M = 1 implying that P = NP = 1 always at t = iσ Remark to the corollary: To have s = F+ it as a complex-valued function of a complex variable t is simply to take time to be imaginary as used by quantum physicists and cosmologists (Wikipedia, 2010c) as complex time is geometrically posited to be on the vertical axis and perpendicularly crosses the real time horizontal axis. input n:= integer ⎧1:−∞ ≤ t < ∞ , t = iσ ⎩ 0: t = ∞ output M: Boolean ⎨ verified with: M = n − (σ + it ) 75 Res. J. Math. Stat., 3(2): 72-76, 2011 P = NP? problem. A corollary to the proof exists by extending the algorithm’s raw materials s = F + it from the z-plane transformed into the w-plane by letting t to be complex thus producing t complex values which makes P = NP at t = (iF, 4) and the algorithm M generates closed bounded real binary values [1, 0] on the set of first complex entries (-4, 4) . In fact it will be sufficient to configure some computer to efficiently work or perform any instruction in time s(t): t = iσ , for all string n. Hence P is performed at the same time as NP. The computer will function if programmed: Given a verifier M = n − (σ + it ) and string n = 1, 2, 3, … for any operation, input t = (iσ , ∞ ) output REFERENCES Spiegel, M.R., 2005. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. Tordable, J., 2010. P versus NP. Retrieved from: (Accessed on: December 02, 2010.) Weisstein, E.W., 2010. NP-Problem. From MathWorld A Wolfram web resource. Retrieved from:, (Accessed on: December 02, 2010). Wikipedia, 2010a. NP complexity. Retrieved from:, (Accessed on: November 11, 2010). Wikipedia, 2010b. P versus NP Problem. Retrieved from:, (Accessed on: November 11, 2010). Wikipedia, 2010c. Imaginary time. Retrieved from:, (Accessed on: November 15, 2010). Wikipedia, 2010d. Polynomial time. Retrieved from: nomiql_time, (Accessed on: November 15, 2010). ⎧1: t = iσ ∀n M ( t , n) = ⎨ ⎩0: t = ∞ ∀n > 1 The Turing machine M(t, n) performs both P and NP operations at s = F + it polynomial time where for t = iσ , P = NP = 1 for all n > 1, and for t = 4, P = NP = (0, 1): 0 if n … 1 and 1 if n = 1. The findings have educational value of expanding the range of mathematical experiences with which to broaden the curriculum and which can afford the learner a higher level of solving complexity and other computational problems. The study provides added experiences from which mathematics and computer science education curriculum could select supplementary items. CONCLUSION The work set out to and has established that M (t , n) = n − (σ + it ) the general term of the Riemann zeta function is a polynomial time algorithm that resolves the 76