YAQUINA RIVER AND YAQUINA RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES TRIBUTARIES OREGON OREGON REVIEW REPORT REVIEW REPORT TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT I ,t OF OF PUBLIC HEARING HEARING Heldal Held Oregon at Toledo, Toledo, 0regon 27April 27 April1965 1965 Ill T 'liii I F1 r{ o II PREPARED PREPARED BY BY U.. ARI{YENGINEER S.ARMY ENGTNEER U.S. DISTRICT, PORTLAND DISTRICT, PORTLAND CORPS OF CORPS OFENGINEERS ENGINEERS 1965 JULY JULY1965 o - o o AND TRTBUTARIES YAQUINA RIVER TRIBUTARIES YAQTIINA RIVERA1\JD OREGON OREGON REVIEW RHNH^/ REPORT RtrORT o o . TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT OF OF IiEARING PUBIJC HEARING PUBLIC a ToIED0, OREGON oREGoN HELD IN IIELD rN TOLEDO, LPRLL1965 27 196' 27 APRIL o o o o Prepared by Prepared. Portland District, U. S. Army Portland Army Engineer Englneer District, Corps Corps of of Engineers July L)55 JuIy 1965 . o o OF CONTENTS COI.ITENTS TABLE TABLE OF Page Page o o o . o a o o o Index -----------------------------------------of Participants Participants Index of i i A ttendance ----Attendance----------------------------------------------------- ii ii Exhibits Presented Presented ------------------------------------List List of of Exhibits iv iv Oral Oral Statements Statements ------------------------------------------------ 11 Extribits Exhibits------------------------------------------------------- 23 o t $. F PARTICIPANTS IN PARTICIPAT.ITS IN HEARING TIEARTNG o HELD HELD AT TOLEDO, TOLEDO,OREGON OREGON 27 27 April AprLL 1965 L965 a NAME NAI'{E o O fl o PAGE PAGE Colonel C o l o n e l William W i l l i a m J. J . Talbott Talbott 1 1 A l f r e d J. Alfred J . Jones Jones 3 3 Bert B e r t J. J . Olin Olin 5 5 Alan Alan D. D. Anderson 6 6 Dr. Dr. Matthew Cruber Gruber 7 7 Walter W a l t e r D. D , Jaspers Jaspers 8 I Rollie Rollie F. F. Rousseau Rousseau 9 9 Roy Roy E. Sams Sans 9 9 Ralph RaLph H. Imler Inler 11 11 Sid Knox Sid 14 L4 Thomas M. Lashbaugh Thomas 15 15 Edward C. Dahl G. Dahl 16 L6 Claus C l a u s Christiansen Christiansen 166 1 Ralph Macomber Macomber Ralph 177 L Matt Spellman I'latt Spel.l"man 177 L Thor Linden Thor Linden 188 1 . o o o o o TIEARING ATTENDANCE AT AT HEARING ATTEIIDAI{CE HELD AT HELD AT ToLEDO, OREGON OREGON TOLEDO, i I i t 1965 27 April ApriL 1965 ADDRESS ADDRESS NAME t t t i Newport, otegon Newport, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledor 0regon Newport, 0regon Newport, Oregon Oregon Portland, Portland, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Corvallis, Oregon Oregon Corvallis, Toledo, Oregon 0regon Toledo, Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledor Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Newport, Newport, Oregon Toledo, Toledo, Oregon Harlan, Oregon Hartan, Oregon Harlan, Oregon I{arlan, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Oregon Corvallis, Oregon Corvallis, Portland, Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon Oregon Toledo, 0regon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Toledo, Oregon Seal Rock, Rock, Oregon Oregon Seal Newport, Oregon Newport, Newport, Newport, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Oregon Seal Rock, Oregon Seal Rock, Toledo, Oregon To1edor Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Waldport, Oregon Waldport, Oregon Logsden, Oregon Logsden, 0regon Siletz, Oregon Oregon S iletz, Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Waldport, 0regon Waldport, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Salem, Salem, Oregon Toledo, Oregon Toledo, Corvallis, Oregon Oregon Corvallis, Salem, Satem, Oregon Anderson, Alan D. Anderson, Alan D. V. Bates, O p a l V. B a t e s , Opal Bell, L o w e l l G. G. B e l 1 , Lowell O. Black, G e o r g e 0. B l a c k , George Breese, Wilbur P. B r e e s e , W i l b u r P. C. Busher, S y l v e s t e r C. B u s h e r , Sylvester R. Campbell, Don R. Campbell-, Don Christiansen, Claus C h r i s t i a n s e n , Claus J. Coxen, Betty Betty J. Edward G. G. Dahl, Dah1, Edward J. Dahl, Lorene J. Dahl, Eggen, Harold Ilarold A. E. Fieber, DoroEhy E. Fieber, Dorothy Faye Gilstrak, Faye Gilstrak, R a l p h J. J. Gilstrak, G i l s t r a k , Ralph Gruber, Matthew Gruber, Matthew Holt, Lavera llolt, Lavera Hooven, F. Edward F. llooven, Edward Imler, Il. Imler, Ralph H. Walter a l t e r D. D. JJaspers, aspers, W Johnson, Mrs. Ilans M. M. Mrs. Hans Johnson, Johnson, Morris W. Morris W. Johnson, A l f r e d J. J. JJones, o n e s , Alfred Knox, Sid Sid Knox, Philip J. Larson, J. tarson, Philip Lashbaugh, M. Ihomas M. Lashbaugh, Thomas Lawrence, A. Shirley A. Lawrence, Shirley Lechner, Eula J. J. Lechner, Eula Leimnon, Walter I. I. Lerrnon, I'lalter Linden, Thor Thor Linden, RaLph E. E. Macomber, Ralph Macpherson, Gordon L. Macpherson, Gordon L. Miller, Harry R. llarry R. Miller, Miller, Mike Mike M iller, Mitchell, M i 1 1 i e E. E. M i t c h e 1 1 , Millie Moffitt, David S. David S. Moffirr, Montgomery, Ruby E. E. Montgomery, Ruby Morrison, W. George W. Morrison, George Olcott, W. G o r d o n W. O l c o t t , Gordon Olin, B e r t J. J. O 1 i n , Bert Overholser, James L. James L. Overholser, Ralphs, H. H. II. Ralphs, 11. 11 1 1 I I 'I NAME NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS R o b e r t s , Alvin A l v i n L. Roberts, L. R o u s s e a u ,Rollie R o l l i e F. Rousseau, F. Rymery, Harold Harold W. Rymery, t{. S a l l e e , Ernest E r n e s t W. Sallee, W. Sams, Roy Roy E. Sams, E. Sanderson, Roy B. Sanderson, Roy B. S c o v i l l e , Buell Scoville, B u e l l H. H. Snon, Charles Charles D. Snow, D. Spellman, Matt L. Speliman, L. S t o e v e n e r , Herbert H e r b e r t H. H. Stoevener, Stone, W i l l i a m C. Stone, William C. T r e v i l l i a n , Wilma R. Trevillian, W i l m a R. VanSanten, George E. VanSanten, George E. Wimer, Gerald Gerald W. W. Wimer, T o l e d o , Oregon Toledo, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Newportr Oregon Newport, Oregon Milwaukie, Oregon Milwaukie, Oregon Beaverton, Oregon Beaverton, 0regon T o l e d o , Oregon Toledo, Oregon Newport, Oregon Newport, Newport, Oregon Newport, Oregon Corvallis, Corvallis, Oregon Oregon T o l e d o , Toledo, Oregon Oregon T o l e d o , Oregon Toledo, Oregon Salem, Oregon Oregon Salem, Oregon Oregon I I ? I { I l" I 4. 111 111 AT REARING HEARING EXHIBITS EXTTIBITS PRESENTED PRESENTEDAT AT OREGON TOLEDO, TOLEDO, OREGON 1965 27 April April 1965 Exhibit Exhibit No. No. Presented Presented by (Pet"o" (Person ot or gg"""v) Agency) Page Page 23 23 1 1 Alfred J. J. Jones Port of of Toledo, Toledo, Alfred Port 2 2 Dr. Matthew Matthew Gruber Dr. Gruber 214. 3 3 D. Jaspers Jaspers Walter D. U. S. Service, Walter Health Service, Pr.rblic Health S. Public 214. 4 Rousseau F. Rousseau Rollie F. Oregon Rollie Comission, State Game Game Commission, Oregon State 25 25 5 5 Sams Fish Cmission Commission of of Oregon, Oregon, RoY Roy E. E. Sams Fish 25 25 6 6 Imler Bureau Wildlife, Ralph H. Imler Fisheries and lJildlife, of Sport Sport Fisheries &reau of 2' 25 7 7 Oregon of Oregon State State Water Resources Board of 26 25 8 8 E. Henderson, Dee E. Henderson, R. Morrison, Dee Harris, George George W. Morrison, R. W. Harris, Albert F. Nosack Nosack Albert F. 27 27 9 9 Stabilization AgriculturaL Agriculture, Agricultural U. S. Stabilization of Agriculture, U. S. Department of 27 27 HoLt and Conservation Service, Lavera Holt Conservation Service, Lavera 2l+ 2l+ 10 10 DahL Edward G. Dahi 27 27 11 11 Virgil Folmsbee Folmsbee Virgil 28 28 iv 1V t l o I I :i l l TESTIMONY RECORD OF OF ORAL ORAL TESTIMONY RECORD IIEARING PUBLIC HEARING OREGON TRIBUTARIES ' OREGON YAQUINA AND TRIBUTARIES, RI\TER AIiID YAQUIM RIVER Oregon Toledo, Tol-edo, Oregon o 1965 AprLL 1965 27 April o o o o a o o o ' I rit : ,'t , * l r it follow now now oPen and follow viill open we will set, we is all all set, everyone is If everyone TALBOTT: If COL. col. TALBOTT: Oregon in Oregon in tributaries and Yaquina River and tributaries River Yaquina lhe on the hearing on public hearing with this public with this development resource development \tater resource for water deiires for nIeas. and the needs, of the for and desires discussion of for discussion of improvement. imProvemenL ' and general general plan Pl-an of corps Army's Corps the Armyts of the Engineer of Portland District District Engineer Portland lalbott, am Golonel Colonel Talbott, II am keep me help me will help people here who will here who several people with me me several II have with Engineers. of Engineers. of complete will a complete have will we that so the proceedings today so that we today of the proceedings record of a good record the Planning in in the of Planning chief Mr. Fred Ingram, Chief of I"1r. Fred Irrgt"t, hearing. the hearing. of the transcript of transcript Belian, Belian, Jerry Planning; Basin Planning; Jerry of Basin Chief of porLland District; Stewart, Chief llenry Stewart, Portland Henry District; the of the record of keeping aa record are keeping and Mr. Closson are closson l"tr. Rice back;1"1r. the back; Mr. Rice who in the is in who is hearing. hearing. o I of expression of record an expression obtain and record to obtain held to being held This is being hearing is ltris hearing desires a n d desires n e e d s and needs potentials, r e g a r d i n g potentials, p a r t i e s regarding i n t e r e s t e d parties a l l interested views o f all v i e w s of by the the by drained area the development in thearea drained in resource devel-opment related resource for water and related for $ater River. Yaquina River. Yaquina authorized by the Congress to make a The T t r e cCorps o r p s o of f E n Engineers g i n e e r s h a shas b e e nbeen a u E h o r L z e d b y t h e C o n g r e s s t o m a k e a this of this Funds for of initiation for initiation River. studies on Yaquina River. pasL studies review of of past review is This hearing is This hearing Congress' Lhe Congress. by the available by made available review study study have been made review Ehat I'll say that say Ir11 hearing' your It is your hearing. I-t is study. review study. in that that review the step step in first the first it Ehat it emphasize that to emphasize remarks --- - II want want to remarks introductory my several times in my introductory several- times in the Ehe with River the Yaquina River with in_ the people in The tire people of the it" work of your hearing. hearing. is is your which which authorLzation' study authorization, in both the study Ehe Loth in resulted Congressional delegation delegation resulted CongressionaL Your statements, sCatements' funds' of funds. aPProPriation of present appropriation the presenL L947, and the was Ln 1947, made in was made -either you choices -you can either choices two here, and you have two and-you-have recorded here, and recorded as presented presented and at righc at stand right you can can stand or you mike, or tilis mike, and use this chair and in a chair come up and sit sit in come it appreciate it -appreciate I would but I your statement statement - - but the make your stand and make speakers stand the speakers microphone microphone the into the it into would put make would Eo make PuE it sLatements to if who have statements those who if those as Your statements, statements' as hearing. full record of the Ehe hearing. of record a fulL rde have a to make sure sure we to make agencooperating agen other cooperating the Corps and other guide to to the recorded then, will be a guide then, will recorded the of the transcript of transcriPt comPlete this complete studies and this the studies cies in prosecuting the in prosecuting cies comstudy is is comstudy the when the Congress when the to the congress hearing wiLl will accompany our rePort report to accompany our hearing pleted. pleted. about the Before B e f o r e ggoing o i n g f u further, r t h e r , I w o uIl dwould l i k e t o slike a y a f eto w wsay o r d sa. afew b o u twords E hcards e fill-ed these cards and filled received one of these one of already received Most of you have already I,lost of cards. cards. Presenf b y every e v e r y person o u t by P e r s o n present f i l - l e d out c l r d s filled h e cards I'd a v e tthe t o hhave l i k e to I r d like out. it i t out. your get your We also get aLso i{e here. here' is who is of who record of complete record to be sure we do have a complete sure \de Lo statement parEicular statement any particular whether or not you have any or not or whether names addresses, or names and addresses, I p in case we we later taEer want to in foltow up to follow up by contacting contacting someone someone who present who was was present today. today. lhere is room on the card There is room the card to to write write a brief statement if brief statement you do if ybu not wish $rish to to make make an oral not presentation, but oral presentation, buE you do have an yourd opinion you'd an opinion like to explain. like to explain. If you not filled filled in the If you have not in the card card and and handed handed it it in, in, please so now. please do so now. Is Es there there anyone here here who who has not not received received one of of the the ccards? ards? The flood flood control yaquina control studies studies of of the The the Corps Corps of of Engineers Engineers in in the the Yaquina River area began in in 1936 1936 under River area began of under the the authority authority of the the Flood Flood Control Control Act Act approved June 1936 1936 and an an Act Act approved approved 22 June approved 11 July July 1935. 1935. A preliminary preliminary examination was made made as prescribed prescribed examination by law 1aw and was reviewed reviewed by the the Board Board of Engineers Engineers for for Rivers Rivers and of and Harbors. Harbors. On Ehe basis basis of On the of that that preliminary preliminary examination, aa survey survey report report was was authorized examination, auEhorized 29 29 July JuLy 1937. L937. On 26 26 December December 1940 1940 the the Corps Corps submitted On submitted the the survey surrrey report. report. The Corps Corps The h a d investigated i n v e s t i g a t e d the possibilities t h e possibilities had of p r o v i d i n g suitable o f providing s u i t a U l e protection p r o t e c t i o n to to tidal areas in in the the vicinity vicinity tidal areas of of Toledo Toledo and and on Pooles Pooles Slough Slougir but but found found that the cost cost of of the the necessary that the necessary work would would exceed the the benefits. benefits. The Corps did find that protection land in did find that protection of of land in the the Mill Mill Four jusrifild. Four District Districr rrere justified. were plan provided The provided for for the The plan the closure closure of of Boones Boones and and Nutes Nutes Slough Slough by by earth earth dans equipped with with tide gates to tide gates dams equipped to take take care care of of interior inEerior drainage. drainage. As aa result of of these these recommendations, recournendat,ions, the result the closures closures of of Boones Boones and Nutes Nutes Slough hrere constructed constructed in were in 1948. 1948. time time Lide tide . The only only work work the the Corps of Engineers The Corps of has done in Engineers has in the the area area since since that that is the 1955 is the 1955 emergency es€rgency flood flood repair repair work to to rehabilitate rehabilitate aa levee levee and and gate on Depoe gate Depoe Slough. Slough. As requested by you you and the As requested the Congress, congress, when the review study the review study was authorized, the review review will authorized, the wil-1 reevaluate reevaluate previous previous studies studies and reports reports on flood control. flood control. It will into account account both It will take take into both changed changed needs needs and and condicondicions in in the the basin, basin, and tions and changes changes in in Federal Federal policy policy since the the last last studies studies "i.r""more important were made. made. Of these these changes, changes, the the latter latter are are probably probably importanc so so f a r as a s the t h e possibility possibility far of justifiable o f developing d e v e l o p i n g a justifiable p r o j e c t plan p l a n is project i s coneoncerned. cerned. Because Because of of Federal Federal legislation legislation enacted since enacted sinle the itre last tast studies studies we can can now nohr take were made, we take into into account account up to to seven potential potential project project functions, depending on what we functions, depending we find find appropriate, appropriate, in consideration in consideration of of your exPressions today, when your expressions today, when we we formulate formulate plans plans for for water water resource resource concontrol and development. trol development. Originally hre considered considered principally principally Originally we flood flood control. control. possibility The possibility of of serving serving additional additional purposes increases increases the possibility purposes the possibility that project or that a project or projects projects can be shown shown to to be economically economically feasible. feasible. project functions The project which can now functions which now be considered considered include include flood flood control, control, irrigation, irrigation, power generation, generation, water supply, power water supply, water water quality quality control, fish and control, fish enhancement and wildlife wildlife enhancemenE and recreation. recreation, In considering considering In all those those functions, functions, all and in planning to in planning to satisfy satisfy needs in in those those fields, fields, the Corps of of Engineers Engineers vi1l the will rely rely on the the cooperation, cooperation, advice advice and and assistassistance of of other other Federal Federal and and State state agencies, agencies, many *arry of of which, which, of of course, course, are are rePresented here represented here today. today. We expect expect that that the the result result will We will be to to develop deveiop aa franework plan plan for framework for future future water water resource resource control control and and development. development. We We S 2 I also expect exPect to to recommend recommend for also construction for construction t o be b e locally l o c a l l y acceptable a c c e p t a b l e and to a n d economically economically any projects any projects which which can be shown shown jjustifiable. ustifiable. Now 1et me Now let me re-emphasize. re-emphasize. This is your hearing, is your hearing, your your opportunity This opportunity to to help, by record of you want and help, by making aa record of what what you and need need from from water water and and related related resource control and and development. development. resource control The record record of of the the hearing hearing will will be a a guide to the the Corps of of Engineers guide to Engineers and and to to other other interested interested agencies agencies in in making the review studies. the necessary necessary review studies. We We will will now now go on with with the hearing since the hearing since I I have completed that that little little bit of background. bit of background. I,le will will call call on on those those who We who have have indicated indicited their on their cards that that they they have some cards some statement statemenE they they would would like like to to make. make. When I{hen you you are called calted on, on, please please speak speak into are into the the microphone microphone so h/e get aa good good can get we can record, including your record, including your name name and whatever whatever group grorp or or organization organization you you reprerepresent. you sent. rf have prepared If you a prepared statement, statement, you you may read it it or or you may brief may read may brief it, or you may or you may submit it, submit it it to to us without without any any comment. cormnent. At At the the end of of the the hearing r will it read hearing I will have it read into into the the record. record. rn any case, case, both your both your In written statements statements and what you you have to written to say say will will be be made part of made aa part of the the recording of this this hearing. recording of hearing. you have any If you any oral oral statement If sEatement and and don't donrt have have t r i t L e n statement, a s t a t e m e n t , don't d o n r t hesitate h e s i t a t e to a lwritten s t e p right r i g h t up t o step u p and a n d make y o u r statem a k e your statement. ment. I II will now call calL on the people who the people will now who have have indicated indicated they they would like like to to s p e a k this t h i s morning. p o r t of speak morning. F i r s t , M r . A l f r e d J . J o n e s , t h e Port First, Mr. Alfred J. Jones, the o f Toledo, T o l e d o , here here i n Toledo. Toledo. in MR. JONES: JONES: Thank MR. you, Colonel. Thank you, Colonel. I do have aa prepared prepared statement I statement and and II would like to to read would like read it it because because many many who who are are here here will in will be interested interested in iit t also. a1so. we appreciate this this opportunity opportunity We appreciate to to appear the u. appear before before the U. S. Army s. Army Engineers Board Board to present some to present Engineers of some of our problems which our problems which arise arise from frorn our our work in administering activities on the the Yaquina in administering activities on Yaquina River River and and its its tributaries. Eributaries. l,Ie We also appreciate appreciate your your interest interest also in in affording affording the means us the means of of expressing expressing some ideas on plans plans and needs needs which some of of our our ideas which will will improve irnprove the the commercial, comrnercial, fishery and recreational recreational potentials fishery potentials of of this this stream. o { I I L o I o . Orr two two most immediate iuunediate needs, needs, we Our we feel, feel, are are a program of of maintenance of the navigability of the the river of the navigability of river through through the the control control and removal removal of of debris, and and the proper deepening the proper deepening and debris, and maintenance maintenance of of the the channels channels for for its its entire length. entire length. The Toledo Toledo Port Port Commission Conrnission has The has always always encountered encountered problems problems in in keepkeeping debris out, ing debris out of of the the Yaquina. Yaquina. pasE, extensive rn the the past, extensive activities In of activities of loggers, loggers, nany many of of whom whom used little little care in in their their cleaning cleaning operations, care operations, were rdere partially responsible for for the partially responsible the condition. condition. But this this has not not been a But major a major factor in in recent recent years years as factor as loggers loggers became became more more aware aware of problem and of the the problem and port Commission have cooperated cooperated with the Port have with the conrnission in in river river maintenance. maintenance. It is is natural natural that that a stream stream like It like the the Yaquina Yaquina would would have considerable considerable drift must constantly constantly be drift which must be worked worked on to to maintain navigation as maintain navigation as well well 3 tides is affected affected by tides The river river is purposes. purposes. recreational for recreational it for as enhance it tides tides, outgoing on ' downsLream move it it downstream on outgoing rtta move pool-" and into pools debris into which sweep debris which sweep debris of debris collections Always these these collections of tides. Always incoming tides. the incoming and upstream upstream on the and rising and the rising with the downstream than they move downstream with urove they than further upstream further move upstream move tides. falling f a l l i n g tides. river the uPPer in the of debris debris in upper river concencraEions of in heavy concentrations This results in results This brush brush by logs, bLocked stream is blocked by logs, is especially, and in many cases cases the the entire entire stream in many especially, banks' banks. rain-soaked from rain-soaked the river river from into the fallen into wtrich have fallen and trees trees which sumner last summer and last cleaning and river cleaning in river The port Port Conurission Commission made made aa start start in The several of several period of over aa period worked over firm wtrich employed, a firm which worked contract, under contract, employed, under but noted was Good progress was noted but progress Good stream. the stream. from the debris from months removing removing debris months project' over-all project. the over-al-lin the nade in dent made there was hardly hardl-y aa dent there was pl-ayed course, played of course, January, of of December floods of The December and January, storms and floods T'he storms debris with debris packed with Yaquina packed the Yaquina These left left the work. our work. of our havoc with all of with all havoc into fell into fell which trees of brush to huge trees which to brush of clumps from clumps ranging from of all sorts, ranging all sorts, of or bridges snagged until they snagged bridges or they the were swept downstream downstream until channel and tlt"-swept Ehe channel river' entire river. Ehe entire places bridged bridged the many places in many which dans shallows and created dams which in ereated shal-lows solved completely solved never be completely can never river can the river Any project on the clearance project Any clearance debris the debris of the Part ParE of banks' river banks. Ehe river along the also along is-done unless done also some work is unless some will that will Ehing that is aa thing of course, is of course, trouble, so rm:ch causing us so now causing which much trouble, is now which is riverrs Ehe to close to the river's cl-ose tlees of This is is the the problem problem of trees This us. plague us. to plague continue continue to the into the topple into often topple earth, often the earth, soften the rains soften as rains winter, as edge which which each winter, the stream. stream' into the swept into are swept channel are eventually chinnel and eventually trees removing trees should incl-ude removing should include be effective, effective, to be A clearance project, to clearance project, become and dislodged likely to be dislodged and become aa to l-ikely riverts'edge close to edge which which are are the river's to the close debris problem. the debris part part of of the Problem. clearance river clearance of river area of in this this area of maintenance We believe maintenance in a program believe a I,Ie Program of which which one yours and and as yours such as agencies such of agencies help of requires-the is which requires the help is one which constantlY. on constantly. carried on should should be carried that is that corrected is which should shoul'd be corrected elearance which river clearance of river Another phase of Another of ttdeadheadsrt not are Many are not aware of l"lany logs. or sunken sunken logs. of many "deadheads" or the many removing the of removing and and water by covered water are covered logs are the logs since the problem since tnis problem the of this seriousness of the seriousness navigaconrnercial hazard to commercial navigato ]nazatd numerous But they are and a are But they not seen. seen. are not are these y e a r s these m a n y years o f many p e r i o d of Over O t r e r aa period recreationist. t h e recreationist. e l l as t o the as w a s to well ttion i o n as Logging lax from They have come from lax logging come they accumulating. logs have been accumulating. sunken logs untilyears until the years through the rafCs through Log rafts operations in days past past and broken broken log operations in days f imit Certainly they limit they Certainly Ehem. counE them. to count impossible to nearly impossible today would be nearly it would today it recreationalLy commercially and recreationally both conrnerciall"y the Yaquina, of the the of Yaquina, both ful-1 utilization utilization Ehe full demand aEtenLion. problem which they are are aa problem which demand attention. and they many are many there are especial"ly' there In many many places, places, too, too, on on Lhe the uPPer upper river river especially, In channel along the deeper channel the deeper piling standing frequently aLong near the Lhe bank and irequenCly piling standing near sawmill at sawmill past at past years in driven in years Idere driven Eoo, were These, too, be removed. removed. These, should be which which should 4 o I o rafts ' 1og rafts. for log dolphins for became dolphins they became locations to create create holding holding ponds, ponds, or or they locations to to only to only not removed not be removed And these shoul-d be these should yeari. in years. None has been used in None fhose of those safety of the safety enhance the to enhance but to stream but the stream improve the the scenic scenic value value of of the improve it. u s i n g it. using which Another improvement A n o u h e r aarea r e a o of fimp r o v e m e n t w hwhich i c h i s a cis ona t i ncontinuing u i n g o n e a n done o n e wand h i c hone mainLenance the is region is the maintenance the region of the economy of the economy to the is important to tremendously important is tremendously Newport. and Newport. between Toledo and Toledo channel river channel cire river of the and deepening deepening of past the past in the cooperative in Lremendously cooperative been tremendously The Corps of Engineers Engineers has has been corps of remove to remove here to crews here dredging crews send dredging time send to time Lime to ftor time with this project .rrd and from this project with channel-. from the the channel. silt from silt o o a o o o o the past past in the than in today than heavier today is heavier anything, is if anything, river, the river, Traffic on the if Traffic For For cargos' out cargos. ship out and ship in and bring in to bring Yaquina to the Yaquitl use the industries use our industries as our o c e anf r o m o i l f u e l receives its fuel oil from oceani t s corporation receives e o r g i a - P a c i f i c Corporation Georgia-Pacific iinstance, nstance, G and California and california of Region Bay Region of the Bay from the Toledo from Lo Toledo come to going barges barges which which come going chips Lhe chips bringing the several months, has been bringing months, several past the for the firur, for the past same firm, the same coast' oregon the Oregon coast. other PorLs ports along along the from other for pulp and paper paper p1-ants plants from its pulp for its trip chips each trip of chips uniEs of 1.,200 units to 1,200 up to loaded with Large barges loaded with up Large ocean barges addition' In addition, In week' t1to per of two schldule of a schedule Per week. have been arriving at .i To1"do Toledo on a arriving ship Co. ship Lumber Roberts Co. and Guy Guy Roberts Lumber Lumber Co. local mills such as Cascadia Lumber loca1 ni1ls reasons economic reasons must econo:nic for which for barges which via ocean barges of lumber via great deal deal of a great ' docks Tol-edo docks. the Toledo at the be loaded loaded at reguconsider reguto consider Engineers to the Engineers ask the to ask like to For this reason we would would like this reason For in iL in deepen it indeed deepen and indeed depths and required depths to required channel- to the channel lar maintenance of of the lar maintenanee withriver the river withthe use can traffic large traffic can use the ocean barge that the order that in order some areas areas in some in craft in their craft grounding difficulties of grounding their of difficulties the encountering the fear of of encountering out out fear spoEs, shallow s h a l l o w spots. thaE proposal that Toledo authorized authorized a proposal of Toledo Recently members members of of the the Port Port of Recently l-ow feet at at low L2 feet to 12 leepen the channel to the channel to deepen your agency agency to Lo your a request made to request be made barge barge that so Toledo and Newport so that stretch between Toledo and water for entire stretch the entire for the water materially project would materially Such a project Such a increase. traffic rnight might develop develop and increase. traffic resultant the resultant and the shipping and increased shipping through increased area through the area of the help economy of the economy help the employment. say Again me say let me Again let discuss people and to to discuss people wilL I will copies this I of this copies of you to you talk to to to talk opportunity this opportunity aPpreciate this we appreciate that we that some I you. I have some Thank you. Thank you. with you. our our probLlms problems with in. hand in. hand is who is olin who J' Olin BerE J. Mr' Bert call 0n to call Next I would like on Mr. like to I would TALBoTT: Next COL. TALBOTT: col. Toledo. o f Toledo. P o r t of also with t h e Port i t h the also w course' of course, are, of My interests are, },ly interests Talbott. you, Colonel Colonel Talbott. Thank you, l.lnank oLIN: MR. OLIN: MR. existing e x isting E h e o f u s e in the use of the t h e lie in a l s o lie i n t e r e s t s also l ' t y interests T o l e d o . My o f Toledo. in i n the t h e Port P o r t of next the next Lhe in coming have coming in we have which we its extension Toledo AirporL Airport and its extension Program program which Toledo years. f e w years. few 5 o During the last During the last period when they period when they were were dredging dredging the north of of the the river, north the ceorgia-i""iii" river, in in 1955, 1955. site Georgia-Pacific site rtrlrJ-*: there was a in the rirg! rhe area in a large amount aurJunt area now now which of which is dredging of dredging is aalacen. io-ii" adjacent to airporr.- At the airport. f o r the Ai;;rthat time E r a m for gram the a i r p o r t cconstruction rime the prorhe proo n s t r u c t l o n was airport r . . not n o a known u . . i * ; " ; spoilage so we didn't a ' i a n , t fron the spoilage from u t i l i z e a.eagiig the dredging ln the utilize the in rhe the area in which ,. port. Jo now P ort. iil have we do ,,rrr. the ";;"--i; rhe airairThe existing existing airport The ls-mugh airport is much too small for too small be used for the usedby the aircraft be bv the aircraft that rhe Georgia-Pacific d.;;;;:t""irr" that will will c.d;;";l;i, tending Corporation, and we have this airport. tending this desires we have desires alrporr. The of ex_ rtr"-"rrpor.'ii-"ri"; of ex"na.;; ;;;;d*of airport is owned by and is 1,810 feet long. Board of Aeronaurrcs -ur the Aeronautics We wish to extend this that it could be used by airport to 3,300 feet so large aircraft. :ll.'i.';:il,';:t"::;';, f:,li"l,::.*iffi ,r,i""i,pJii-.o 3,300 reerso 4 rn the rhe area In area south sourn of of the r:"-:rirr:r: approach and airport approach would be and on be exrending would on the the north north side uottr-;J; side we extending both we and ends and we we use could use cubic in the cubic yards in the vicinity viciniry vards of or sand or dredging material of "o,ria 200,000 of 200,000 *.."ii"i*rror 1ai9 "t-'at"ierng b e in rhe river. i n the from the be t h e record river. Ir wish re co rd wish it th a t-athis tri " -larea t" a is that ir could could is_i" in gr ""i the n:"dfor airpo.. and that great need for the airport the peopr e the people .il;;;i"rou. who when you are use who use are doing doin! some *rl.ol"ogin$, this dredging, you you could this area area for fo::"1 could consider your spoilage which would be of great importance to the development of the airport. Thank you very much. a".,"rof*I'i"j"ril :il;::r:'H:l-Tjr"::".i":;:;;iilrJ"n""rorhe col' TALBOTT: TALBOTT: Thank COL. Thank you, you, Mr. Mr. Olin. olin. rncidentally, ticular reason for the Incidentally, there is is no there no parparsequence in which I sin calling on these individuals. If anyone wants to speak early because of some other would be be glad glad to would appointment, we other appointment, to consider consid"r requests. we requ.st". reYsEeL-' Mr. grr'*" D. lt . Alan r'lr' Alan D. corporation. Anderson, Corporation. Anderson, Georgia-Pacific Georgia-pacitic ii?in:T::l"':; -.i""" calling on individuals. :lj}:i:l;",j:.*j*,'"; MR. MR. ANDERSON: ANDERSON: I I represent represen..lh: the Georgla_,1:"ir:".Corporation, D i v i s i o n here Georgia-Pacific h e r e in Division paper i n Toledo. T o l e d o . ' - iI - r owould u r d like Corporation, Paper l i k e - i ito l " r .make " a brief b r i e f statement. a staremenr. We of of the We the corporation corporation are are interested interested in in.,the tributaries the yaquina Yaquina River for industrial tributaries for River and industriai use, and its its ;;", primarily. primarily.--l,le We are interested in able to use the river in being being below for shipping, "."_i;;;;".i]o we are primarily -il.::i"'po*a, ionfacilities, transportation i""* i ti"s,but ru, interested in it as a water :i]:,i,':ff.:b'i*j,!:i::"f:t$:F: mit allows us the use; of 13 resource. Our present ;: per- "ff "!;,Ti"'r:;::" " I i:".t!"il ;: dj :; ii',ii :: I"::iIn:.*i*J quanriry or water. or ,o.,,"""rali#":::T"";llir.;r:Lf; million gallons per day from of Olalla Creek. the tributary At the present time we are in short supply with quantity of water. this Of course, for record that our future that purposes, we wish to state future requirements requirements may may be be as much ,rr"f,-"".double gallonsr or a totai gallons, as double this this 13 13 million or a total of million o f 26 2 6 *million i r i i o n gallons g a l l o n s per p e r day. day. I're are We are willing willing to to work with wlth the the Corps cgrps of of.fngineers Engineers or State or local or any any other other agencies to obtain rr,e u"!. the best Ji'izarion :::::,::"r::.Irff*;;"";;^";iain utilization of or the resources in this area. *re warer water "oiir", That is about all we have Engineers for the opportunity to say now, and we wish to thank the to speak. n"ei"3ii ,T,"H:t"#:,ff,H".j""iilnl"', andwewishro thankthe COL. TALBOTT: TALBOTT: fhank you, COL. Mr. Anderson. Thank you, Mr. Anderson. l{atthew Gruber. Matthew Mr. Walter Walter Lenimon. Mr. Lermon. _Dr. -- Dr. fl o o 0 I have a prepared stateTalbott. DR. GRIJBER: D R.G R U B E R : lThank , l r a n k yyou, o u , C Colonel olone]-Ta lbott.IhaveapreParedstateat this this it at read it to read like to with you, but II would like you, but leave with will leave ment which which II will time. time. o presently a Toledo, presently of Toledo, Gruber of Dr. Matthew Gruber aln Dr. As an II am introduction, an introduction, Toledo the Toledo the of chairman School Board and Chairman of County School Board Lincoln County member the Lincoln of the member of and counciL and city the Toledo City Council of the Toledo former member I member of I am a:n a former conrnittee. Citizen's Committee. citizenrs the in and active in the acEive interested of the the Tol-edo Toledo Port Port cormission Commission and have been interested of this presenL this I I present years' 12 years. past for the past 12 the for area development Toledo area the Toledo of the developinent of concerning the use and the use staEement concerning foll-owing statement for the the following preface for a preface summary sumrary as a waLershed' Yaquina watershed. development the Yaquina of the development of o o o a at reaching at navigable waterway waterway reaching long been a navigable has long The Yaquina Yaquina River River has the In the In Toledo' to Toledo. vessels to going vessels Uringing ocean going City and bringing Elk City one time to Elk time to resurgence a resurgence brought by.barge barge has brought shippilg by years ocean-going ocean-going shipping 20 years Lo 20 past 15 to pasL importincreased increased importThe viciniLy. Toledo and vicinity. and from Tiledo of both to to and from shipping both of shipping larger size barges ance to a n c e oof f b abarge r g e s h ishipping ppingtoHa l 4 ' Hawaii a i i a n d b and e y o nbeyond d a n d t h eand l a r gthe ersizebarges the of the reexamination a will necessitate necessitaLe a reexamination of trade will this trade for- this recently built for recently built aL rail-head With the railhead at che with beyond. even beyond. and even Toledo and to Toledo design to present channel design present channel line rail line rail Pacific southern Pacific full capacity capacity Southern a full of a service of Toledo the service Toledo and the cornrnerciai-ly commercially potential of miles for several miles of potential severai for river the river to the running parallel to running parallel recshould recplanning should he future future planning Chat fhe feel that upstream, II feel navigable waterway upstream, navigable waterway River' Yaquina River. the Yaquina along the exp-ansion along shipping expansion and shipping indlstiialognize and future industrial ognLze future least at and at least Toledo to feec l-4 feet to Toledo ol 14 t channel of includ" should include This a planning should This planning that "it"rrrr"f importance that importance utmost of utmost is of it is I feel it I feel Toledo. channel above Toledo. foot channel a 10 foot planned with planned with coordinated mainLenance be coordinated and maintenance construction future and channel construction future channel make to make sites to and ship loading loading sites ship recreational development of industrial, recreational industrial, development of the program- the By this this program river' the river. dredgings from from the of dredgings the most economical economical use of the most the benefit the best benefit river would best on the river on the navig"iioi improved navigation for improved money spent for money spent by local and ]-ocalby invested money invested for the money for the benefits the most area most benefits return the area and return capital ' investment of of private investmenE Private capital. future the Federal government the future and Federal government developof waterway developaspect of on second aspect on aa second briefly to speak briefly like to I would like I would impoundment' -- namely, or impoundment. storage or Lrater storage ment -namel-y, water o 9 o o and rise and the rise mainly by the affected mainly is affected river is tidal river The navigation navigation on a tidal the in maintaini n m a i n tainassisLs w h i c h assists r u n o f f which b y sustained s u s t a i n e d runoff a l s o by u t also of i d e s bbut h e ttides f tthe ffall all o in sustaining sustaining assisLs in channel and assists the channel of the depch of ing minimal navigabl-e navigable depth ing mininal some 40 River,r-running The Yaquina River, running some Yaquina scoured. channel scoured. the channel current to to keep the current it of it possible damming Ehe possibl-e danrning of for the should be examined for inl-and, should tortuous miles inland, torLuous miles and and industrial d o m e s t i c , industrial domestic, recreational, p r o v i d e recreational, t o provide tributaries or to i t s tributaries o r its in ample ample in us blesses the waEer water which which blesses us for the areas for sLorage areas runoff control storage runoff control from blessing from its blessing often withholds its withhol-ds often too but months quantity winter but too the winter in the quantity in Ehe of water, the water' of impoundment such impoundment With such sumner. With the summer. in the us for ot 3 uronths months in for 2 or for indusindusfor prtvide -water water to provide developed to yaquina River coul-d tuli Yaquina basin could well be developed River basin by products produced by products-produced of for the shipment shipment of jobs, water hrater for the try which provides provides jobs, try which and live here and who live here people who the people of the use of the use for the these water I^7ater for industries, these industries, Eourists the tourists Oregon and the Otugott oi people of the people alL the of all water for recreational use of for recreationalwater ahead. ahead' years numbers in the years in the inereasing numbers in increasing who may visit visit us us in who may 7 o I speak speak mainly for the I mainly for the upper river river development development because because II am arnsure sure that the Port Port Commission Conrnission of Newport and of Newport that the and others others will will speak speak well well for for the the harbor itself. itself. However, the the short short transit transit time across However, time acr ss the Yaquina Yaquina bar and the the short short turnaround turnaround time and time in in the the Yaquina Yaquina harbor harbor and and the the new new harbor harbor inprovements will, will, II am greater use am sure, encourage greater improvements sure, encourage use of of this this convenient convenient h a r b o r and a n d its i t s facilities. harbor facilities. I would you for like to to thank for the I would like thank you the opportunity opportunity to to express express these these ideas at this this hearing hearing and i.t is is my and it my hope hope that potential of ideas at that the full potential the full of the the Yaquina River River and and the harbor will will be the harbor be kept kept in Yaquina in mind in any mind in any future planning future planning or you. for this or work for this area. area. Thank fhank you. COL. TALBOTT: ?ALBOTT: Thank COL. Thank you, Dr. Dr. Gruber. Gnrber. Public Health Heal-th Service. Public Servlce. D. Jaspers, S. Mr. Walter D. Jaspers, U. U. S. MR. JASPERS: JASPERS: Colonel MR. gentlemen. My ladies and and gentlemen. Colonel Talbott, Talbott, ladies My name nane is is tlalter Jaspers Jaspers and and II represent represent the U. S. Public Walter Health Service, Division Public Senrice, Division of Supply and and Pollution of Water Water Supply Pollution Control. Control. lrle appreciate this this opportunity opportunity to express our We appreciate to express interest in potential our interest in potential water resource resource development development in in this this area, area, and particularly our water and particularly our willingwilLingness assist the to assist the Corps Corps of ness to Engineers in of Engineers in the the water water supply supply and and water water quality aspects of of the the Yaquina quality aspects Creek studies. Yaquina and and Beaver Beaver Creek studies. I'he interest interest of of the the Public The Fublic Health Health Service Service in water resource in water resource developdevelopment stems sLemsfrom from the the responsibility responsibility ment delegated by the Ehe U. S. s. Congress Congress for for the formation of of a comprehensive comprehensive water supply the formation supply and water quality quality nanageand water management for the the Columbia Coh.rmbiaRiver ment plan River Basin Basin and and adjacent adjacent coastal coastat areas. areas. This Plan for plan will part of of the plan will be part water resource resource development development plan plan of of the the the over-all over-all water Pacific Northwest and Pacific Northwest and the the Nation. Nation. The supply portion portion of The water water supply of the the management plan involves managementplan involves determinadeterminapresent and tion of of present and future tion future water requirements for nater requirements for municipalities municipalities and and industries, the development of engineering industries, and the development of engineering recommendations recomrendations to meet to meet such requirements. requirements water quality The water quality portion port,ion of of the The the management plan is managementplan is being being developed developed to protect and control control the the quality quality of to protect and of the the region's regionts water water resources. resources. It It includes first first the the determination determination of includes of the the requirements requirements for for treatment treatment or pollutant,s produced control of pollutants produced by control of by the the municipalities municipalities and and industries; industries; second, the identification identification of agricultural, agricultural, forest second, the of range and forest range andotherother landlanduse whi.ch adversely affect use practices affect water water quality quality and detennination of and determination of Practices which adversely what measures can be taken to what measures can detrimental effects; control these detrimental to control effects; and third, of needs third, determinalion determination of needs for for the the regulation regulation of of streamflows, streanflorrs, parparticularly the augmentation of ticularly the of low low flows flows to to safeguard safeguard and and enhance enhance water water quality. quality. Our effort to to develop a comprehensive couprehensive plan by Our effort necessity is by necessity is carried carried out in cooperation cooperation with with other other Federal out in Federal agencies, agencies, with with State State and and interstate interstate agencies, municipalities industries, and agencies, municipalities and and industries, and with with other other organizations organizations or persons concerned with with water resource persons concerned resource development. development. 8 1 a a o the Public Public Health Health service, Service, when when over-all- program, our over-all part of of our As aa part Programr -the agenconstruction agenconstruction Federal to Federal eapacLty to advisoty capacity in an advisory so requestld, requested, acts acts in requirerequireconErolquality control water quality and water supply and in determining cies in determining the the water water supply cies study various various study their in proposed reservoirs in their t"""rvoirs frorn propt".d ments that be rnef met from could b! that could Corps of corps advisory capacity on a number of capacity such an advisory in such We acted in have acted I{e have areas. areas. are we are ldaho-, and we and Idaho, washington and oregon, Washington throughout projects of Engineers Engineers projects throughout Oregon, of sLudies' Creek studies. Beaver and Yaquina and in their theii Yaquina Lhe Corps in prepared the assiit prepared to to assist you. Thank you. Next, Mr. Rollie F. Rousseau, Thank COL. C o L . TTALBOTT: AIaoTt:Tha n k y o uyou, , M r . JMr. a s p eJaspers. rs.NexE,MI.RollieF.Rousseau' Conrnission' Oregon Game Game Commission. o o o is name is My name My gentlemen. and gentlemen. ladies and Colonel Talbott, ladies Talbott, RoUSSEAU: ColonelMR.. MR. ROUSSEAU: O r e gon t h e Biologist with the Oregon Fisheries Biologist with istrict the D am District Fisheries m the R o u s s e a u . II a Rollie R o l l i e Rousseau. I here slaLement here I I have a statement NewporL. I at Newport. stationed at State Game cormnlssion Commission stationed State Garne read. to read. like to would like Ehe wiLh the vitally concerned with is vitally Cormnission is Game Commission state Game The Oregon oregon State produce' produce. they wildlife resources which they resources which and wildlife fish and the fish Yaquina River Rlver and the excellent populations of coho The T h e YYaquina a q u i n a RRiver i v e r s y system s t e m c o ncontains tainsexcel].entpopulationsofcoho fal-l of fall runs of and above-average or silver silver salmon, salmon, steel-head steelhead and above-average runs salmon or enters also enters also shad of run A sizable run of shad sizable trout. cutthroat trout. and cutthroat chinook salmon and chinook salmon and of bay and of abundance an abundance contains, an Tlhe bay contains sysLem. The River system. the Yaquina Yaquina River Lhe sport Sport species' these species. for these popular for angling is very popular is very fishes, and angling ocean fishes, the summer surmner during the Bay mouth of Yaquina Bay during Yaquina of nouth the around the salmon fishing in in and around fishing the fisheries on Ehe important fisheries most important the most of the into one of months has developed into has developed months CoasE. Oregon O r e g o n Coast. o o o I to the the important to also important are also basin are this basin of this The wildlife resources resources of The wildlife and deer include black-tailed deer and which include black-tailed Big game game animals, animals, which Big oregon. State of Oregon. state of winespecially winarea' especial-ly the area, the utilize Waterfowl utilize comnon. Waterfowl are common. Roosevelt elk, are Roosevelt elk, hunting' some hunting. provide where they provide some Ehey tering concenLrations concentrations at at Yaquina Yaquina Bay tering of corps of the Corps with the cooperate with will cooperate Conrnission will The oregon Oregon State Game Commission state Game stream in the stream the in undertaken studies undertaken in any studies agencies in other agencies Engineers aLl other Engineers and all wildfish and wildof fish intensive study study of intensive an coinpleted We recently completed an i{e have recently basin. basin. with cooperation with in cooperation Basin in Middle Coast coast Basin the l'liddl-e of the life water requirements requirements of life water publiof publithe process in Our report is in the process of is report our Board. the State Water Resources Board. the State it as it soon as Corps of Engineers as soon of Engineers the corps to the available to cation will be be made made available cation and will printed. has b e e n printed. h a s been Rousseau' you, Mr. l'1r' Rousseau. COL. TALBoTI: TALBOTT: Thank you, COL. of Oregon. State of Fish Fish Commission, Conrnission, State Sams' E' Sams, Next, Roy E. Mr' Roy Next' Mr. I am Roy Sams, MR. } I R . SSAMS: A M S : C Colonel o ] . o n e ] - TTalbott, a ] - b o c t , l aladies d i e s a n dand g e n gentlemen. tl.emen.IamRoySams' Portland. Conrnission, PorEland' F i s h Commission, O r e g o n Fish biologist for r h e Oregon f o r the biologist o the responsibility for for the resPonsibil"ity statutory of oregon Fish conrnission Commission of Oregon has aa statutory The Fish food anadromous, food anadromous' of development of protection, protection, preservation, preservation, prop.Ertion propagation and development IJ flo r I the state state and within waters waters over which the rrlthin the state and shell shell fish fish within state and and within o f f u l f i l l i n g j o i n t It jurisdiction. i n t e r e s t of fulfilling i n the t h e interest h a s joint or I t is i s in has o t h e r jurisdiction. o r other public hearing. hearing. this public at this this responsibility that represented at this responsibility ne are that we are represented for development proposed resource development Although water resource proposed for Although we lre are are not not aware of any waEer alrare of interested ln we the River and we are are vitally vitally interested in any any the Yaquina River its tributaries, tributaries, and its interest Our only only interest meeting. Our aE this this meeting. presented at such such proposals which which may be presented may be resources on the ftshery possibLe effects in in any any proposal would would be be in in its iEs possible effects on the fishery resources way has not in some someway project which not in which has since we know deveLopmentproject lrater development since we know of of no no water jurisdiction. affected resource under under our our jurisdiction. affected the the resource Anadromous, food present in River system in the the Yaquina River fish present and shell shel1 fish Anadromous, food and clams. oysters and and clams. are coho trout, shad, shad, oysters steelhead trout, saLmon,steelhead chinook salmon, coho and and chinook fish is of anadro'nous species The exact size of the runs of the various species of anadromous fish is various The exact size of the runs of the to considered unknown, River system system are considered to produced in in the the Yaquina River fish produced unknown, but but fish conmercial fisheries. fisheries. importance both the and commercial the sport sport and to both importance to be of of significant significant that state that On the basis basis of our field biologists state counts, our field biologists of spawning spawning ground counts, On good, be as as good, coho river system is believed believed to to be production in in this system is this river coho salmon salmon production about systmr. The The Alsea River River system, system, about relatively the Alsea system. as the relatively speaking, speakinBr as of sLrenm 2.5 times larger than the Yaquina from the standpoint of linear stream the standpoint linear 2.5 times larger Ehan the fish miles, 80,000 fish produced aa calculated coho salmon salmon escapement escapementof of 80,000 calculated adult adult coho miles, produced This calculation was based based on a tagging study in 1951. tagging study to ri-ver in 1951. this calculation r4tas to the river coho salmon conducted of the population of of coho salmon availavailestimate the size the population conducted to Lo estimate size of pointing this this We are able in the Alsea system. are pointing to the the commercial coumercial fishery fishery in the Alsea system. We able to just to give you some our standpoint standpoint of out of the of some idea the importance importance from our out just to give idea of the Yaquina system. the Yaquina system. present in in Yaquina Good perch, flounder are present rockfish are numbers of of perch, flounder and and rockfish Good numbers The bay fishery. The bay Bay and contribution rnake aa significant significant to the the sport sport fishery. Bay and make contribution to also commercial production production of in of bay clams in third largest also supports the third largest corurercial five personal-use harvest to be at at least least five is estimated estimated to Oregon, and and the rhe personal-use harvest is bay Yaquina Bay is is the the only only bay harvest. Yaquina Bay times as large times large as the the commercial commercial harvest. , In addition oysters. In addition in Oregon producing numbers producing significant native oysters. in Oregon significant nrmrbersof of native oysters are are grown to varieties of Japanese oysters grown by oysters, two of Japanese to the the native native oysters, trro varieties be affected commercial All species could could be affected by cormercial interests. interests. A11 of of the above species the above prograns. water development programs. water resources resources development to participate in this this hearing and to We in hearing and I'Ie appreciate to participate appreciate the the opportunity opportunity to plans state potential water water development plans of the Yaquina of the state our our interests inLerests in in potential future, we we will will time in in the the future, River River system. system. Should it it be needed needed at at some some time gLad to the fishery fishery rebe glad more detailed redetailed information information regarding regarding the to supply supply more sources sources of of this this river river system. system. you, Mr. Sams. COL. Sams. COL. TALBOIT: Thank you, TAIBOTI: Thank Dahl has has indicated indicated that that he he wants wants to to ask ask aa I believe that that aa Mr. Edward Edward G. G. I believe question. question. MR. MR. DARL: DAHL: Not right right now. now. glad to questions. COL. COL. TALBOTT: will be to answer answer any TAI.BOTI: All A11 right, right, but but we we will be glad any questions. If the hearing raises any questions to anyone's mind, we are available raises any questions to anyoners mind, lre are available If the whether the or not not to answer them, so donrt don't hesitate hesitate the hearing hearing is is going on or to ansrder 10 10 to contact us. I would next like to call on onMr. Ralph Mr. Ralph H. H.Imler, ;:,:::':;"xi,, rmler,u. S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries s. i,H::i":"]lu'*lioiir!:" and Wildlife. Ii. MR. IMLER: rMr,ER: rI arn MR. the Field am the Field Supervisor supervisor for for River River Basin Basin Studies the Portland Portland Area studies in the in Area for for the the n"r""., oi Sport Bureau of sport Fisheries ri"r,.ri"" and and Wildlife. wi1d1ife. The The statement which I am presenting here hereis is to to cover ;;;"' both borhthe the Yaquina :ffT:il:."f1!lutnil,l;;::'ting ,'q,i"" River River and Beaver Creek hearings. T h e conservation conservation The a n d administration administration and o f the t h e nation's of nation,s life f i s h and r e s o u r c e s is a n d wildlife resources fish wild_ i s - - the t h e accepted ;;;";;;_responsibiliry o f responsibility of the r h e s t a r e a g e n ci e s c o n s e r v a rion state conservation a n dthe agencies and th e U. u ' S. s . Fish Fisir and r ia Wildlife wiiJiii.- i"r ir "". Service. The Fish service Fish The and and is made w i l dl i fe Service is made up Wildlife up of of two tro agencies - the rg"n"ies the sureau Bureau of of Sport sport Fisheries wildlife Fisheries and and the and Wildlife and the Bureau Bureau of or Commercial 6on*.rcial Fisheries. Fisheries. Through the h l i l d l i f e Coordination the Fish Through Fish and c o o r d i n a t i o n Act, and Wildlife A c t , our o r r service and a n d the t h e state s t a t e a g e n c i e s have legal h a v e 0bligatiol agencies this " " t r i c e this legal obligation t3. revie!,r proposed proposed water to review water development dev"l'p*ent projects and a s c e r t a i n effects and projects to to e f f e c E s , tthat ascertain h a t such such'p r o 3 e c t s would projects w o u l d have h u v " on o n fish f i s h and a n d wildlife. rn m e e t i n g this wi1d1ife. In meeting t h i s obligation, obligatioi, ir"."aigations investigations a r e m a d e are made to t o determine d e t e r m i n e project effects project on fish fish and effects on ana wildlife wita:.iie-rna and to to-recomm".,J ,"ur,_rres for recommend measures for protection, protection, development and improvement of the '""o,,'.""-i,, resources in connection with wirhthese rhese iil;::iT$"i:i-:lp'o,'.*.i.-oi^'.t'" project developments. "o,.,,.,"crion r have several I several- paragraphs following here paragraphs following here which deal deal with a n d importance with the i m p o r t a n c e of the naming and naming o f the t h e fish r i ! n - l "and J w ildlife i ' these wildlife in tr,."" a r e a s , b u t rrepetitious e p e t i t i o u s of t h i s areas, but this is i s of w what h a t the t h e state s t a L e representatives r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s have h a v e already a l r e a d y given see n g i v e n so o need n e e d to s o Ir see no r o read r e a d that r h a t part. parr. f u rwill itt b " part It be o f the t h e presented p r " r E " . " a paper. ; ; r ; of paper. r wouLd like to I would like to mention mention that that until until such such time as as a a definite definite water resource development development project resource project is is proposed proposed that that our our Bureau Bureau can only iin n p o i n r i n g orrry help pointing out can nutp o u r the r t r e vvalue a t u J - ;of ; ;the ; . fish f i s h and a n d wildlife ,iiaiitu r e s o u r c e s o resources off the rhe Yaquina River and Beaver Creek, and the need for conserving and ing these resources. developWe would expect to work in cooperation corps and the Corps and with the rhe state srare agencies agenciesin in preserving preserving these rhesJ resources. :::ffi::::" found #tl..i: If it is found desirable desirable to to unJert"t undertake water t.t". resource development resource development plans plans for yaquina River or for Yaquina River or Beaver " Beaver Creek, creek, our ."; Bureau ;";;;uwill cooperare with will cooperate with the corps neers the Corps of neers in in developing of Engideverooing plan" plans comparable with tr,u above with the .iorr" described described fish w ildlife fish wildlife and "orpur"ble r""o.rr."". and resources. o u r investigation i n v e s t i g a t i o n of Our o f proposed p r o p o s e d projects p r o j e c t s will u n d e r t a k e n in w i l l be b e undertaken i n cooperation c o o p e r a t i o n with w i t h the t h e state s t a t e agencies. agencies. I#"il:":';::.:::.::'";: ;;;;5;":;i":':;#:ul:l ",""ervinganddevelop- COL. TALBOTT: TAI"BOTJ: Thank COL. you, Mr. Thank you, M r . Imler. Imler. W e have h a v e one We o n e statement s t a t e m e n t subm i t t e d to sub_ t o us mitted u s which which I f will w i f f now n o w 'ask a s k Mr. M r . Stewart S t e w a r t to t o read r e a d into i n t o the t h e record. record. MR' srEhlART: In MR. STEWART: rn addition addition to to the the one statement statement which which was we have a few was submitted, submitted, we few comments coments on on cards cards which which Ir believe u"ri".r. also also should tthe h e record, be should be read r e c o r d , Colonel. read into into Colone1. I f ,will i i i - g . go through t h r o u g h those t h o s e first. first. T h e first first o The n e is i s not n o t aa comment, one c o n t r n e n t :it's i t r s a question _- W q u e s t i o n -i s h to i d e a of to h Wish have o f what a v e an w h a t will idea an w i l r occur o c c u r at . a - athe i " " * umeeting eting a t B e a v e r at Beaver Creek c r e e k tonight. tonight. our answer answer to Our to that that is is that that we we expect expect it it will will be be a a hearing s i m i l a r to hearing very very t o this similar t h i s one, o n e , in i n which w h i c h we w e will w i l l state s t a t e the t h e purpose p u r p o s e of o f the the h hearing earing 11 11 to have us wish to hearing wish that hearing at that peopLe at the people of what the record of and obtain obtain a record study. Creek sLudy' the Beaver Creek of the study study as a part Part of Snqw--:-Att -- Any Charles D. Mr' Charles Pt Snow from Mr. the card from on the The second, aa note on The second, naturalthe natural for the pl6ffiTor adequat'. protection incorporate adequate shoul-d incorporate undertaken should project project undertaken protection' use protection. water use resources and and water t""lrrt""t P' Breese -- I am interested in the Wilbur P. Mr' Wilbur from Mr. A statement from A statement l"larine the Marine of the future of the future af fect the as it *"y may affect yaquina watershed waLershed ;Tt the Yaquina future of the future of oregon' Beach' Oregon. Souuh Beach, at South Located at Science Center located i"i."". and deadheads and the deadheads I'd l"ike the I'd like -- As aa fisherman, fishermar' Montgomerv -Ruby Rubv E. Montgomery removed. trash trash removed. for good for is good that is anything that favor of of anything -- Is in favor Is in Johnson -W. Johnson Morris W. Mr. Mr. Morris cormnunitY' the whoLe whole community. the Corvallis' Service' Corvallis. Forest Service, S' Forest U' S. the U. From the Carnpbel-l-R. Campbell Don R. Mr. Don :-.F:oT desirable' deemed desirable. if deemed later if Will prep are aa statement later Will prepare "8ffi6t Highway Department states: Mr. M r . GGerald e r a l d WWimer i m e r o fof c h ethe O r eOregon g o n S t aState t e - H i g h w a y proposals D e p a r t m e naffecLing t s t a t e s : our our any proposals affecting of any advised of U" Iavisea want to be *ffi*;;r-lo Deparrmenr would Our Department accommodate acconnnodate to plans reviewing plans to tor revilwing for oppori"iilv given an opportunity facilities and be given facilities "r facilitY. our o u r facility. Slough' Depoe Slough. for Depoe drainage for -- Requests more drainage Requests more Lawrence -Shirley ShirLev A. Lawrence Service -- I am interested in Soil Lowell L o w e l l BBell e } l o f of t h e the SoilC o n s eConservation r v a L i o n S e r v i c e - county -Iaminte stedin conununity' orr e community. the county or to the benefit to of benefit that ;.;i; would be of drainage rna=t any drainage Service -- The SCS is interthe Mr. M r . l lH. . R aRalphs l p h e o f tof heS o i l CSoil o n s eConservation r v a t i o n S e r v i c e - . T h e S Con S i sthe-Yaquina interand management management on the-Yaquina i.""r.prnent supporrr*";";;,water development in supporting ested esred in for for optimum need a There is a need There is intereseed. are interested. l-andowners are Ehe landowners insofar as the insofar as develoPment' agricultural development. agricultural Lincoln of Lincoln resources of -- States the wat'er water resources that the states that Larson--. Mr. Philip Larson Mr. Philip limits. reasonable limits. within reasonable protected but but within Ufr-."Led County should should be Interested in proper watershed control, water Mr. M r . WWilliam i ] . l i a i n SStone t o n e - .-I n t e r e s t e d i n P r o Pindustrial e r w a t e r s h euse; d c o n and tand r o l , vnavigation. rater navigation' ;;;;;i"-.r,a and inaustrial use; quality, supply for domestic warer ffifff", qualiry, water submitted a statement by Mr. The Water T h e SState taEeW a t e r RResources e s o u r c e s BBoard o a r d hhas assubmittedastatementbyMr. -will read -I wiLl which I Lane which Donel J. J. Lane of opportuniry of the opportunity appreciates the Board appreciates Resources Board water Resources The State Water The State Corps review study by the concerning the proposed expressing e x p r e s s i n g iits t s ' i " views ' " c o n c e r n i n g _ ' t ' " p ' o p o " . a . r e vLributaries i e w s t u d y b y t h eAs C o specific rspecific ps ii" tributaries.' As t"i its the Vtqt'ina Yaquina nit'er River and on tt'u of Engineers on of Engineers called upon for board will be become finalized our project Oregon' of P r o j e c L pproposals 'opo""t"u."o*.rinarizea-ourbo a r d w i l lfor b e c the a l ] . eState d u p o nof f o r Oregon. State the for. agency reviewing agency Ehe tt*'ittittg as the official comments conments as general official few general offer aa few offer we comments, we do connnents' official make to make official to premaEure is While it is premature iL While time' this time. at this study at the proposed study observations concerning the observatiorr" "orr""t"itig L2 12 . o o -. o . o o The State state water The Water Resources Resources Board Board is is concluding concluding its its own own investigation investigation of the the Mid-Coast of Mid-coast Basin Basin which which includes includes_ the rn" Yaquina i"[rina River River and rriburaries. and tributaries. The board's boardrs investigation The investigation was undertaken to was undertaken to study stuay existing existing water r^/ater resources of the basin, resources basin' to of to determine deiermine means means and and methods methods of of conserving ton"".rir,, augmenting such and augmenting resources such resources and and to to determine existing and determine existing ""u and contemplated needs needs of water for water of domestic, municipal, ir.ig"tion, for domestic, municipal, irrigation, power poier development, development, industrial, ind.ustriar, miniing, n g , recreation, min_ recreation, fish, wildliie, fish, wildlife, and pollution p o l l u t i o n abatement a b a t e m e n t as a s w e l l a s control and well as flood flood and drainage. " r i control drainage. u p o n conclusion c o n c l u s i o n of Upon o f tthe h e investigation i n v e s t i g a t i o n the t h e board's b o a r d r s report, r e p o r t , order, order, and and supplemental data prepr.uJ i., accordance data prepared in accordance with with ORS oRS 536.300 in the the 536.300 in matter of formulating matter of formulating ttt ittt"gtated, coordinated program an integrated, coordinated program for for the the use and control and of the water control of the r""orrr"uJ of of the water resources the Mid-Coast Mid-coast Basin, Basin, will will be made be made available to the available to the Corps Corps of of Engineers. Engineers. some Some of of the the data data pertinent pertinent particularly particularly yaquina River to the the Yaquina to River and tributaries and tributaries being considered by the ihe board board are as follows: fol10ws: "orr"id...d "r. "" 1' 1. Although average annual yield Although average yield of yaquina Basin of the the Yaquina is about about Basin is 780r000 acre-feet, acre-feet, 780,000 row low summer flows flows are are not qu'i not-.J.qrrrtu *vL adequate to to satisfy satisfy all the of "ir*o.r all of existing water . the existing water rights. rights 2' 2. The City city of of Toledo and The its major and its major water-using water-using industry industry have have found it necessary to ro go outside ya{uir"-s""in ourside the the Yaquina for their Basin for rheir *.ir, main source :;T:a::.necessarv of water. "o,r."u o 3' 3. olalla Olalla and Mill Mill Creek creek low low summer sunrner flows flows are are inadequate inadequate to Eo meet all existing meet existing water all water right right demands. demands. 4' 4. Big creek low s'mrner Big ntt Elk Creek flows, in in critical summer flows, critical water years, yearsr may water may be inadequate inadequate to be to meet all existing meet all existing water water right right demands. deman.ds. o o 5. 5. rnsufficient precipitation Insufficient precipitation and and streamfiow sEreamflow records records on most streams streams make make it it necessary necessary to to determine determine streamflow streamfl0w by by correlation. correlation. 6' 6. s t u d i e s are in Studies il P t o determine d e t e r m i n e the r o g r e s s to progress t h e feasibility f e a s i b i l i t y of :t: o f obtaining obtainadditional municipaL ing additional ana"inaustrial municipal and industrial water water from Beaver from Beaver and and Drift Drift Creeks to to the Creeks the south. south. 7' 7. The Oregon oregon State The state Game GameCommission cournission has has recommended reconrnended that that minimum minimum flows to protect flows to protect anadromous anadrorno""-ri"r, fish passage passage be be established established in in the the amount 10 cubic cubic feet of amount of 10 feet per second on the yaquina River and per second the Yaquina in the River and in the amount amount cubic feet of of 6 6 feet per second cubic second on on Big-iit Big Elk Creek. cr..t. o o 8 j o i n t study 8.' A A joint s t u d y with w i t h the t h e _U.S. u . s . Department D e p a r t m e n t of o f Agriculture A g r i c u l t u r e shows shows 9 0 0 acres a c r e s being 900 b e i n g irrigated i r r i g a l e d and . " a - +4,500 , s o o acres of o f a a a i t i o n a l irrigable additional i r r i g a b l e i n the rand t h e basin. land in basin. ""r"" 9' 9. Additionar. summer suruner flows Additional flows in in the the amount amount of of 86 cubic cubic feet feet per per second second would would be required furly develop required to to fully develop the the irrigation i*igation potential and and potential 13 13 1. { .f o I ir Lo life uses to and fish fish life industrial municipal, industrial for municipal, requirements for Ehe requirements meet meeL the 1985. 1985. annually to land on Boone l10. 0 . F l oFlood o d d a mdamage a g e t o l to , 5 0 1,500 0 a c r e sacres o c c u r soccurs annuallyto].andonBoon e the around the and around Slough and Olalla creek, Creek, Pooles Slough s"";;r"creek, Island, along Beaver Creek, olall-a Island, area industrial area. Toledo industrial I - the o f the r e a c h e s of u p p e r reaches the upper in the needed in is needed storage is Multipurpose Multipurpose storage Creek' Depoe Creek. and Depoe Creek and Sig-Elk River, Big Elk Creek Yaquina River, 11. ii. valuable provided valuable has provided cormnittee has water Resources Committee CounLy Water The Lincoln County The Lincoln county the We assume the county assume We investigation. their investigation. in their the btard contributions board in to the contribuEions to the of study of the study review Corps review the Corps to the contribute to committee willingly contribute conrnittee would willingly tributaries ' its tributaries. Yaquina and its Yaquina and . Board statement. -- I have some additional That the the T h a t i sis the e n dend o f t hof eBo ardsLaLement.--Ihavesomeadditional time this time. at this read at will read I will which I comments which cards with comments cards with the rivers and Mr. Mike Mr.}4 i k e MMiller i l ] - e r - - -S t aStates t e s h e i s he f o r iis m pfor r o v eimprovement m e n t ' t ' o t h e r to iversand bays. bays. . life' f i s h life. f o r fish s t r e a m for - - Interested c l e a r i n g stream i n clearing I n t e r e s t e d in S c o v i l l e -Mr. B u e l l Scoville M r . Buell debris ' and debris. Removing drift and Removing drift of flood control see Mr. M r . EErnest r n e s t WW. . S aSallee l l q e ' . - l l-o u lWould d ] . i k e tlike o s e eto som e s osome r t o winterts f f lsort o o d c o nflood. tf rl oo ol d ' w i n t e r r s last i n last n c u r r e d in wee iincurred . o s sw o f Jloss b e e a u s e of b a s i n because in L h i s basin i n this debris of- debris probLem of the the problem fishermen, - - As t h e many fishermen, of f the one o A s one Betty C o x e n -J . Coxen B e t E v J. int h e Since the inS i n c e a r e a . t."t"ation area. o r l t recreation to our hazard to constant hazard and aEEeaalre deadhead are a constant ana to should be made to should means some means feeL some II feel recreation, o f recreation, t Y P e of t h i s type crease i n this c r e a s e in hazard. t h i s hazard. eliminate e l i m i n a t e this Supply slough' King Slough. of King -- In development of of development favor of In favor Spellman -Matt L. Spellman Matt L. slough' of mouth of slough. mouth across fil-l across homes, road on fill boating, homes, water, boating, of fresh water, of fresh statement he would like to COL. C o L . TTALBOTT: A L B 0 T T : DDoes o e s aanyone n y o n e e else l s e h ahave v e a n any y S t a t e m e n t h e w o u ] - d l i k e waLer to County Water Lincoln County the Lincoln from the Knox from Mr. Sid sid Knox record? Mr. the record? into the read into have read Conunittee. Resources Resources Committee. I have no written MR. MR.K KNOX: N O X : CColonel o l o n e ] . TTalbott, a l b o t t , l a dladies i e s a n dand g e n tgentlemen. lemen.Iha v e n o wa r i Lwater ten remaking a water remakingis Lincoln County is time Lincol-n present time ift" present .i the statement, but at staEemenL, but Resources vlater State Water Resources state the with in coordination coordination with the the county in of the source study study of completed within the next two months. "o,-r.rty We hope that this will Board. B o a r d . W e h o p e t h a t t h i s w i l l b e c o m be p l e t e d w i t h i n t h e n e x t t wwhich o m o n t there hthere s. wiLlwill on study on Mid-Coast Basin study the Mid-coast with the coordinated with It is coordinated It is has not been a date the next --there probably within p r o b a b l y ube e a ta' ehearing a'ingwith inthene xt'm o n t hmonth -.there h a s n o t bthis e e n astudy d a t e is comis comstudy this as soon -- and that as soon as wish to to say that .rra II wish set -definitely set definitely on garhered have gathered on have we information tt" information we oi the get all all of will certainly get pleted we will pLeted we ' ""riri'ty Engineers Engineers. of the Corps of to the resources to and water resources water use and water although I cannot We W e are a r e ggreatly r e a t l y c oconcerned n c e r n e d b ebecause c a u s e f r ofrom m t h i sthis s t u d study, y ,streams, a l t h o u g h and l c a n the no! and the Yaquina streams, many that know that many we do know be, we will be, final will the final say what what the L4 14 . t o o ill this w will t h a t this II think t h i n k that over-appropriated. a r e presently one over-appropriated. o f them, t h e m , are n e of iis s o Presently w a t e r i n facing in water f a c i n g w e a r e w h a t c o u n t y L i n c o l n probably show the people of Lincoln County what we are p e o p l e o f probably show the stream the stream keep the development to keep and to development and continue to continue that to use, and it appears appears that ,r"", and it r e c reation. wildlife and recreation. a n d w i l d l i f e f i s h a n d h e l p a n d eneficial bbe e bbeneficial level will and help fish and t w ill p , iit L e v e l uup, w ith d a m s and dams with a n d s l o r a g e c o n s i d e r t o h a v e g o i n g t , o have to consider storage But wee are definitely going to efinitely are d B ut w C o u n t y ' L i n c o l n i n t h e streams s t r e a m s in Lincoln County. reservoirs on o f the s o m e of o n some reservoirs present I will w i l l present and I E o n i g h t and h e a r i n g tonight C r e e k hearing e a v e r Creek I be Beaver the B to b e at a t the I intend i n t e n d to time. t h a t time. a t that a w written r i t t , e n statement s t a t e m e n t at a coIJ. TALBOTT: COL. TALBOTT: Laugh. Laugh. o o o o o Knox. Mr. Knox. much, Mr. Thank you very very much, Thank you LashM- LashMr. Thomas M. lulr. Thomas of Pot't of Cormnission, Port Port Commission, the Port am Tom Tom Lashbaugh Lashbaugh of of the LASHBAUGH. II am MR. LASHBAUGH. and a nd c o n s e r v a t i o n f o r m o s E l y w a s As I understood, this meeting was mostly for conservation m e e t i n g t h i s As I understood, Newport. N ewport. a r e a N e w p o r t It wouldn't affect the t h e Newport area a f f e c t w o u l d n r E I t r i v e r . o n the p p e r river. on upper the u ontrol fflood l o o d ccontrol low o f the t h e low t h e use u s e of a n d the n a v i g a E i o n and t h e navigation i n t o the s w i n g i n g into itts too much, b u t as a s it's swinging u c h , but too m c an w e a l l We are doing all we can d o i n g W e a r e i n t e r e s t e d . d e f i n i t e l y quite a b a r e definitely interested. it, w river quite bit, wee are river river includes the upper river upper the includes that anyLhing and in the bay bay area area for for development development and anything that in the on b e f o r e on A 1 Jones J o n e s before I have worked w i t h Al o r k e d with ave w I h area. l o w e r area. ultimately affects the t h e lower affects u ltimatel-y in h e l p s p o r t of the two port areas helps in a r e a s t \ ^ / o o f t h e c o o p e r a t i o n h e cooperation some of h i n k tthe n d II tthink f these, t h e s e , aand some o c l e a nin cleani n d o c a n N e w p o r t P o r t o f If there's anything the Port of Newport can do t h e a n y t h i n g If therers development. tthe h e development. d e s e r t e d have been deserted h a v e b e e n t h a t b y l a n d s o 1 d h e s e old bylands that ing deadheads and n d tthese eadheads a o u t these thlse d i n g out it' c a n on o n it. w e can a l l we hhelp e l p all wee w will i L l ccertainly ertainly yyears e a r s ago, ago, w all affects all affects believe, B a y , II believe, Y a q u i n a Bay, t h e Yaquina The water into i n t o the deep w a t e r traffic traffic 1 ' h e deep and a n d a r e a s , o t h e r a n d C o u n t y B e n t o n the area in Lincoln County and even Benton County and other areas, e v e n County and the area in Lincoln i n it is tied in t i e d i t i s m o r e t h e d e v e l o p e d i t i s h a t it is developed the more it more o r e tthat n -- tthe he m i s ttied i e d iin i t is seagoing t h e s e seagoing As these explained, A 1 explained, A s Al shipping. r i v e r and a n d shipping. with u p p e r river w i t h the t h e upper t o start start g o i n g to a r e t h e y u n d e r s t a n d , I barges seem to be expanding and as I understand, they are going a s a n d barges seem to be expanding the East E ast t h e t o m a y b e a n d t h e G u 1 f , sending these seagoing barges as far as the Gulf, and maybe to a s f a r a s b a r g e s these seagoing "Coast " t t d i t t g t h e s h i p p i n g to the shipping t o i s u ? t h a t It is hard to say -that is s a y t o h a r d It is future. i n the C h e future. C o a s t in develop. companies t o develop. c o m p a n i e s to -- - these d e a d h e a d s -t h e s e deadheads a n d settles settles river The down and -t h e river o v m the omes d d e b r i s that t h a t ccomes T h e debris the t u g , the We t h e Olson O l s o n tug, h a d the W e had barges. l a r g e r barges. are hazard t o the t h e larger h a z a r d to definite a r e a definite unloaded oil at the a t the o i l u n l o a d e d h a d t h e y a f t e r b a r g e Gene with g o i n g out i g h a barge after they had out w N e l s o n , going G e n e Nelson, load l o a d t o R i v e r t h e c o l u m b i a They were taking off for the Columbia River to f o r o f f G-P p a p e r mill. mill-. They were taking G - P paper outside They h i t aa log l o g outside T h e y hit California. g o back t o California. b a c k to lumber barge a r g e and a n d go the b l u m b e r on o n the donrt that don't t h a t l i k e E h i n g s a n d v e s s e l , and did some $25,000 damage to the vessel, and things like t h e and did some $25,000 d.*.ge to the b e n e f i t s u r e i t w o u l d If they can be eliminated it would sure benefit the b e e l i m i n a t e d If they can pay p a y off t o o well. well. o f f too area. a rea. o a expand I I might might expand Mr. Lashbaugh. Lashbaugh. Thank you you very very much, much, Mr. COL.TALBOTT: coIJ. T_ALBOTT: Thank The The c o r r e c t . that he's correct. h e r s L h a t j u s t o u t p o i n t t o on Mr. Lashbaugh's comments just to point out c o r m n e n t , s on Mr. Lashbaughts conr a t h e r f l o o d b u t n a v i g a t i o n , p r i m a r i l y authorization we have is not primarily navigation, but rather flood coni s n o t h a v e we authorization control, c o n t r ol, q u a l i t y w a t e r s u p p l y , w a t e r trol, irrigation, power generation, water supply, water quality g e n e r a t i o n , p o r r e r irrigation, trol, to Where the comments had h a d to t h e c o r m n e n t s W h e r e . fish r e c r e a t i o n . a n d and wildlife enhancement and recreation. e n h a n c e m e n t a n d w i l d l i f e fish separate c o v e r e d under u n d e r aa separate generally do with that's covered t h a E r s generally navigation, d o primarily primariLy w i t h navigation, statement full w e wanted v r a n L e d aa full s o we I did not want anyone, statement a n y o n e , so iscourage o ddiscourage id n a n t tto study. I d ot w study. 15 15 o of what the the desires desires of people in ofwhat of the the people in the the community conrnunity are. are. I wanted all I all of of those statements statements into into the the record, those record, but but Mr. Mr. Lashbaugh Lashbaugh understood understood the situasituatdon i o n correctly. correctly. Are there there any any other other statements st.atements anyone Are anyone desires desires to make? Mr. Lo make? Mr. Dahl? Dahl? MR. DAHL: The MR. DAHL: only thing thing rI was interested interested in The only was the in was the Depoe Depoe Slough slough d r a i n a g e district district drainage and a n d flood f l o o d control c o n t r o l up u p there. there. r feel f e e l the t h e present p r e s e n t gates gates I they in there there are they have in are inadequate to to control control the the floodwaters, floodwaters, and and II would would like to to see see them them put put in like in two l2-foot culverts two 12-foot culverts at at tidewater tidewater marks marks to to take take ccare a r e of o f the the w i n t e r floods, floods, a n d tto i v e tthe winter and o ggive h e ppeople e o p l e in i n the t h e area area b etter better drainage up above. drainage up above. There is a There is a highway highway bridge bridge up there there and and Ir don't donrt know know if it it affects affects the the drainage drainage up above. if above. There should should be something something done done to to t h a t to t o help h e l p the that t h e people. people. The creek creek has grown grovm up with The with brush brush sO so bad that that II would even even like like to to see the the Government see Government engineers engineers take take that that over, over, and clear clear all brush out all the the brush a nd a s s e s s the t h e ccost o s t tto o tthe a r m e r s , bbecause and assess h e ffarmers, e c a u s e tthat's h a L r s the t h e only o n l y way w a y we w e will wilL e v e r get g e t the t h e creek ever c r e e k cleared c l e a r e d out. out. T h a t t s t h e w ay I r feel, f e e 1 , and a n d that's That's the way t h a t r s all a 1 l Ir have to to say. have say. Thank you. Thank you. COL. COL. TALBOTT: TALBOTT: Thank you very Thank you very much, much, Mr. Dahl. Dahl. P h e r s o n , Port P o r t of Pherson, o f Toledo. Toledo. M r . Gordon G o r d o n L. Mr. L . MacMac- (l'tr. M a c P h e r s o n spoke s p o k e from f r o m the t h e floor (Mr. MacPherson f l o o r and a n d his h i s statement s t a t e m e n t was w a s inaudible). inaudible). c o l . . TALBOTT: COL. TALBorr: Mr. M a c P h e r s o n simply s i m p l y wants w a n t s to Mr. MacPherson t o endorse e n d o r s e the t h e report reporE t h a t r s already already b p o r t of een p u t into that's been put i n t o the t h e rrecord e c o r d bby y the t h e Port o f Toledo. Toledo. Mr. Mr. L e r m n o n , do y o u have d o you h a v e anything Lemmon, a n y t h i n g further? further? -onrt h I don't have r d a v e any a n y indication indication tthat h a t anyone a n y o n e else e l s e has h a s anything a n y t h i n g they they w a n t to want t o say say o or r submit s u b m i t for f o r inclusion inclusion i n the t h e record r e c o r d of in hearing. o f this t h i s particular particular hearing. I s there t h e r e anyone Is a n y o n e else e l s e who w h o has has anything further tthat h a t hhe anything further e wwants a n t s t to o hhave a v e i nmc c l uLuded ded i n tthe r e c o r d - o fof this in h e record this hearing? hearing? O ur P ublic N o t i c e cconcerning oncerning Our Public Notice tthis h i s hhearing e a r i n g stated s t a t e d that t h a t we w e would w o u l d have have i t from f r o m 9:00 9 : 0 0 until it u n t i l 1:00, 1 : 0 0 , and ^ / e are j u s t going a n d \we a r e not n o t all a l l just g o i n g to t o sit s i t here h e r e from from 9 :00 u ntil 9:00 until 1:00. 1:00. rI a m a b o u t tto o aadjourn d j o u r n tthe h e hhearing, am about but want make earing, b ut I r w a n t to to m ake s u r e that t h a t if i f anyone anyone h a s anything sure has to a n y t h i n g further further t o add, a d d , they t h e y are a r e not n o t barred b a r r e d from from h a v i n g it i t included i n c l u d e d in having because i n the t h e study s t u d y simply sirnply b e c a u s e we w e adjourned a d j o u r n e d this t h i s partipartic u l a r hearing. cular hearing. A n y statement s t a t e m e n t that e t s to thaL g Any gets us to u s in i n any a n y reasonable r e a s o n a b l e period period o f time t i m e will w i l l receive of r e c e i v e serious s e r i o u s consideration. consideration. l ' I R . CHRISTIANSEN: c H R r s r r A N S E N : My MR. M y name n a m e is i s Claus c l a u s Christiansen. christiansen. r have h a v e been I b e e n in in tthis h i s country c o u n t r y for f o r 65 y e a r s , and 6 5 years, a n d Ir a m n ot p ersonally interested am not personally interested at a t the the p r e s e n t time, t i m e , but but I I want w a n t to present to t o call c a l l your y o u r attention attention t o one o n e thing. thing. rI can't c a n t t help pacific, h e l p but b u t notice n o t i c e the t h e silt s i l t that t h a t the t h e Georgia G e o r g i a Pacific, the the H i g h w a y c o n s n i s s i o n and - - the a n d everybody Highway Commission e v e r y b o d y doing d o i n g something s o m e t h i n g -g o e s down goes t h e silt silt dornm tto o the E . h e lower l o w e r parts p a r t s on o n the t h e drainage d r a i n a g e channel. channel. r t is i s filling filling u p and It up a n d every every y o u get ttime i m e you g e t a heavy j u s t helps h e a v y rain r a i n it it i t just h e l p s fill fill i t up. up. y e a r or T h i s last l a s t year This or 16 L6 C o two I r think think it's itrs been worse two worse than than it it ever ever has has been been before before -that is is -- that around here here in in this this counnunity around cormnunity from from the the Highwayrs Highway's work on on Depoe Depoe Slough, slough, G e o r g i a Pacific - - - ((inaudible) P a c i f i c digging d i g g i n g for Georgia i n a u d i b l " i - - --" . for N o time t i m e is i s there No there a ny any e f f o r t made m a d e to t o take t a k e care effort c a r e of o f this, t h i s , but b u t it's i t r s getting g e t t i n g worse w o r s e all a l l the t h e time t i r n e and I donrt know r don't know what and what the the future future is going to is going yourd probably to hold nota for for us. us. You'd probabry have-to do pumping pumping -have to do out of -- pump pump water water out of the the creeks. creeks. I can can see see no no other I other way for for it. way it. I thank you. you. I o o o o . : COL. TALBOTT: TALBOTT: Thank COL. Thank you you very very much, much, Mr. Mr. Christiansen. Christiansen. MR- MACOMBER: I{ACOMBER: I MR. r am am Ralph Rar.ph Macomber. Macomber. I r live live about about 99 miles miles east eas. on on Highway 20. 20' rI have Highway some have some two miles miles of yaquina and of stream stream on the the Yaquina and Ir operate operate a a farm there. there. r am am interested interested in in irrigation. I irrigation. under the the ASC ASC setup setup Ir have Under have creaned out out aa lot lot of of channel cleaned channel on the place. place. on the up until untir the the January storm Up storm r had drift I had no drift or or anything anything in in the the entire entire length length of of my my place. place. A lot rot of of it A it r did I did on my my own, and and some some under under the the ASC ASCsetup. setuf,. But Ir am am particularly particurarly i n t e r e s t e d in i n irrigation. irrigation. interested r believe b e l i e v e that's t h a t r " all Ir have I h a v e to t o say. say. "rt COL. TALBOTT: TALBOTT: Thank COL. Thank you you very very much, much, Mr. Mr. Nacomber. Macomber. Is Is there there anything anything further? further? MRSPELLMAN: My MR. SPELLMAN: name is is Matt Matt Spellman. My name spellman. Moorage and and Matt's Mattrs Trailer Moorage TraiLer park. Park. o o o o King slough is is a competitor King Slough competitor of of mine. I r think think that that in in the the lower rower bay bay itts going going commercial, cornrnercial, so it's so the the sports sports will will have have to to go go farther farther up. up. I r have have talked to the the Georgia-pacific talked to Georgia-Pacific bbys and the the County county Court boys and court and and many many other other sportsmen, sportsmen, and there there is about a is about a mile and a quarter quartlr of mile and of waterway waterway there tnere tnat that can be use use for for racing. can racing. up at at Delake they they have Up have racing, racing, but but the the northwest northwest wind runs runs through through there wind there all all the time. the time. at Waldport wataport they they have At have racing racing but but - iit's i t r s too t o o short it's s h o r t --u s t less t r s jjust l e s s than t h a n a quarter q u a r t e r of o f a - mile r n i l e run. r u n . So s o if i f they r'rant to deepen they want to deepen the the thing thing and and build build.rpup on the the shorelines shorelines for for the the homes along along- the the shore homes shore and and put pui their their boats boaEs in in there, there, it it would would be be good a a good project. project. The fill fill- can be made The made with with a a whirley 6o-foot boom Whirley with with aa 60-foot boom in in about six six weeks. weeks' You about could put put aa 60-foot 6O-foot roadway You could rordruy across across there. there. will That will open old west open up old west Yaquina on on a a water grade road, road, and water grade and it it will will open open up to to King Poole Poole Slough slough at King at the the end end of of the the south south shore shore road road now. now. It rt will will hold Ehat mile and one one quarter that mile and quarter of of water water by at - three at least least a quarter quarter three eights eights of of a miLe mile wide, wide, for for fresh fresh water for whatever is water use for is needed. needed. There There can can be a gate gate put - a put in be in_ there there - to swinging gate ga'e a swinging to where the the water water on on both sides is is in you in equal equal depth. sides depth. can swing swing this this gate gate and You can and bigger bigger boats can can go in in for go for the the winter. winter. And there can can be And there be a ramp r.*p on you can on both both sides. sides. can You p u t t h e little little put the boats boats o n the t h e inside i n s i d e out o u t or on o "r the t h e outside o u t s i d e in. in. T h a t may m a y be That be q u i t e aa project. project. quite I r v e been b e e n with I've w i L h the t h e water h r a t e r for f o r some s o m e time t i m e down d o w n here, h e r e , with w i t h the t h e Army Armv transports, s k i p p e r e d their t h e i r tugs, transports, skippered t u g s , etc., e t c . , so so I p r e t t y well I pretty w e l l know k n o w the t h e water. water. COL. TALBOTT: TALBOTT: Thank CaL. Thank you. you. Mr. Thor Thor Linden. Mr. Linden. o S I7 17 o S yaquina Bay r have the Yaquina I have the Bay I the for the speaking for I am speaking I am CiLy' Elk City. from Elk am Mr. Mr. Linden Linden from II am LIMEN: MR. MR. LINDEN: to make a I've this Elk E 1 - kCity C i t y GGrange r a n g e NNo. o . 5515. l5.I|veb e e n cbeen h o s echosen n b y t h i sby Gra n g e tGrange omakea meeting. this meeting. at this report reporL at district. Our ofr a this I I t atalked l k e d t o ato b oabout u t 3 0 r e30 s i dresidents entsofthisd i n a g edrainage district. them live in this drainmembers g r a n g e cconstitutes o n s t i t u t e s a babout o u t g 0 90 mem b e r s a nand d m omost s t o f t hof e m l i v e i n t h i s d r a i nthe . grange ones peopLe, older the older people, Lhe ones to the talk to to talk point to it a point made it rI made district. age district. age and he has lived here who w h o llived i v e d h ehere r e a l oan long g t i m etime. . o n e m aOne n l t a man s p a swas t T 5 'past a n d h75, e h a s l i v e d hfor e r e this reason this contacted reason -for contacted I people I of people That's the type of the type trltts life. his life. of his all al-l of like' acts like, river acts old river what this this old know-wtrat t9 know enough to long enough they've been been here long theytve done, has it it done, what to In In comparison to what do. might do. it might what it and what what does and it does lftat it again. that again. do that it might do iE might is you now now is teLl- you to tell going to am going I am What I answers ' What This group had many many answers. This havenrt I I haven't o*t' *y not my own. talked to, to' and not people II tal-ked the people from the the answers from the -- I-t*-a farmel here, you -17 years -I'm a new new farmer years 1-7 only long enough -- only lived here here long lived !e1"'yo" the all the were their answers all "rro.rgi, ansv/ers contacted' their that II contacted, These people that say. These might might say. Lhe -from that means from the means that dotott -and down I I say up and stale' thl scale. dornrnthe way up and down toP. the to bottom clear cl-ear to the top. botEom the keep the That'll Thatrll keep river. the river. -- leave in the stuff in the stuff leave the says -One fellow says one fellow the along fish along the fish to chance a give us to of here out of people from Portland out here and give people from Portland That was one thought. bank b a n k bby y oourselves. u r s e l v e s . T o hTo e c kheck w i t h twith h e o t hthe e r pother e o p l e .people. ThaLwasonethought. good job cleaning it out, we want sports The other one -he says, do a Theotherone--hesays,doagoodjobcleaningitout,wewantsports thatrs better -- that's the better The more the The moie world. ttre world. over the al-l over from all fishermen fishermen here from extremes' two extremes. the two therers the we want. Okay, there's what we One fellow says they can dig the Now, what N ow,w h a t t to o d odo t o tto h e rthe i v e r river. 'Onefellowsaystheycandigthe are these are are people -- these These are water. These it wiLl channel will hold hold more more \,rater. channel deeper so it dikes along the Another fellow says build not n o t i didiots i o t s l w aIs twas a l . ktalking i n g t o . A nto. o t h e r f e ] - l o w s a y s b u i l - d d i k e s _ a l o n g t h eThose two beLongs. Ihose two it belongs. where it in where it in keep it river, keep the river, hold to sides of it to hold the it of sides as II As-1ong as Another one said said -- As-long one yot' see. Another aPart, you way apart, people are a long long way people "L"' trees the I keep the trees I damage. any me any damage. hasn't done done me river hasnrt this river here this have lived Lived here river river the raises' river When the river raises, the t'he when river. che river. the bank near cut down down along near the along the cut I noticed that true. Nothing can out c a n rrun unou t o f hof e r here. e.Nothin g t o s t o Pto i t , wstop h i c h it, i s t r uwhich e . I n o t is icedthat highway' the highway. and the there and City, between there between City, eltt above along the Yaquina, up above Elk Yaquin",.rp the aLong l-ogs' debris' logs, lots of debris, of lots is there river tile river there is along the i." growing tirnber is Where the the timber Ltoting along I^Ihere and trees the trees and the against 1-odged cases lodged against soie in some houses in trees, bridges, old ol-d houses Lrees, bridges, way the way a1.1 the another all . dams. One dam dam after after another dans. one it -. There you have h'.," it There,yot, timber. timber. the the off down the timber cut cuL down off timber the keeping there, keeping He has a point point there, He through. through. do-keep banks do keep the the banks tiees along the hand,-small small trees other hand, the other on the banks. But on to a help great help up to is a great erosion, which which is prevenLs erosion, out, prevents banks from from washing out, down going -- The floaters going down The floaters that poinc But when when they point -they pass that sut point. certain certain point. over' them over. blow them to blow going to the winds are are going the winds heavilr, and heavier, bigger and get bigger the river get the river there out stick out there stick they roots, its_ and pulls its roots, they puLls bank and the bank over-on goes over on the tree goes A tree when t h e n when And A n d then it' w i t h it. e a r t h with o f earth h u n k of b i i hunk u1l a n d ppull feet a 10, and a big 2 0 , 330 0 feet 1 5 , 20, 1 0 , 15, farm' his farm. of his lot of l-oses a lot man loses it erosion and a man it causes more erosion rains it it rains Idiscovered, and But B u t ggetting e t E i n g r i right g h t d o \down ' m t o t to h e mthe a i nmain p o i n t point o f w h a tof l ' d iwhat scovered'and river' the river. Clean up the things. discover things. discover do, to do, tiying to wls trying f was that's Lhatrs what I t_8 18 o o years that that I I know two years for two that for on that The Port working on been working has been Port Commission Cornmission has of p u l l e d l o t of j o b , a L h e y r v e They've been doing a good job, they've pulled a lot g o o d Theyrve been doing more. of, maybe o f, m a y b e more. t r e es, t i m b e r s , bridge timbers, trees, b r i d g e i s - logs, logs, j u n k is i t is r o h a t it i s what j u n k out junk a n d junk t h e r e - and o u t of o f there p l a c e a s a u s e d i s Among other things, that river is used as a place r i v e r that Among other things, kinds. refuse r e f u s e of o f all a l L kinds. t h e r e d o w n a n d u p floating Stuff will float is up and down there i s floating float ill S t u f f that that w garbage. u m p garbage. tto o d dump green, white, w h i t e , green, botgles; Detergent D e t e r g e n t bottles it. o f it. l o t s of like nobody's business u s i n e s s -- lots Obgdyts b like n The people T h e people L h e r e . t h e y r r e there. b u t they're t h e m but It's no f o r them p l a c e for n o place Itts coLors. b l u e - au a l r colors. blue j o b . But But g o o d good job. a d o i n g b e t o be doing a s e e m to r i v e r seem who t h i s river o u t this c l e a n i n g out b e e n cleaning h a v e been w h o have in f i l t h the filth in t h e p o u r w h o p e o p l e who pour o f people y r i a d s of the m they with myriads i t h the e e p uup p w a n hhardly a r d L y kkeep t h e y ccan i n t i m b e r s There are bridge timbers in b r i d g e There are a1ike. c o m p a n i e s alike. Individuals and a n d companies Individuals theie. there. house t h e house a t the u p at t h e m up o f them c o u p l e of u p p o s e a couple II ssuppose f e e t long. 1ong. there 2 0 to t o 30 3 0 feet t h e r e 20 g r o w them y o u c a n I don't believe you can grow them I dontt believe Long. f e e t long. were w a l L s - 42 4 2 feet f o r walls w e r e used u s e d for they whose -they w h o s e k n o w d o n r t know I don't They b r i d g e -- I s o m e b o d y r s bridge c o m e from f r o m somebody's bigger. T h e y come bigger. t h e re. i n E h e r n Somebody's throwing them in there. Somebodyts throwing long. f e e t long. a n d 42 4 2 feet i n c h e s and are B x x 16 1 6 inches are 8 p i l i n g piling o f s e r i e s a r e , aa series of You d o l p h i n s are, k n o w what w h a t dolphins Y o u know doLphins. There o l d dolphins. T h e r e are a r e old logs, l o g s o r s h i p s or m o o r ships t o moor ' driven d o c k e d to a n d docked t o g e t h e r and w e d g e d together a n d wedged d r i v e n together t o g e E h e r and and d o v m and c o m e s down r i v e r comes m i g h t y river a n d the E h e mighty w h i l e and They g e t rotten a while r o t t e n after after a T h e y get etc. etc. and t o g e t h e r and l a s h together piling This of lash a n d piling l o g s and o f logs cluster off. T h i s cluster t h e m off. breaks b r e a k s them twice back twice aa back and up tide, the tide, with the float around up and down with up and up river, the river, float around the r i v e r that river t h a t w a y w h i c h k n o r ^ rwhich way d o e s n f t know h e doesn't If t h e r e he c o m e s there day. s t r a n g e r comes I f a stranger day. one r u n s one It I t runs ways. b o t h ways. r u n s both i t runs b e c a u s e it On myy place wouldn't, because p l a c e he ouldntt, he w rruns. uns. On m Just J u s L h o u r s . 6 the other way 6 hours. w a y o t h e r goes the a n d goes i n d and its m c h a n g € s its way hours mind o u r s and a n d changes w ay 6 h b o a L s , boats, t o r n u P o 1 d l o g s , old torn-up f o r t h - logs, a n d forth old going back g oing b a c k and stuff, l d stuff, tthe h e same same o -- p in ad m i c e in probably had mice robably h g o o d -n o good a r e no t h a t are pieces h e n houses h o u s e s that h o u s e s , hen p i e c e s of o f houses, river. the river. in the it it out out in kicked it it and they kicked and they - o o o o some out some out figure out and figure river the river cLean the is clean I the out thing to to do is the thing think I think l o n g a s a s No could c l e a n as long as -i t clean k e e p it c o u l d keep organization it. N o organization p o l i c e it. way w a y to t o police I'll have I r 1 1 have this? o f this? r i / a n t aa copy c o p y of Do y o u want D o you have. a b o u t all a l l II have. about thatts fI tthink n i n t - that's and II e t c . a n d c o w s ' etc. m i l k i n g cows, b e e n milking For I've I r v e been y o u r information, information, F o r your one. to make to m a k e one. g o t everything. y o u got everything' Hope H o p e you this. t o write haven't w r i t e this. t i m e to h a d time h a v e n r t had o If our recording recording rf our Lindeni Mr. Linden. Thank you very much, much, Mr. you very Thank COL. TALBOTT: TALBoTT: t h a t ' w e recorded r e c o r d e d that. b e l i e v e we machine break d o w n , II believe b r e a k down, didnrt m a c h i n e didn't I want want but but I statement, m a k e aa statement, Miss Millie Mitchell t o make w a n t to d i d not n o t want M i t c h e l - l did illie M iss M -like her card Would like card Would her put on on she put that she cortrnent that to record a comment the record int,o the read into to read s k i . could water ski. c o u l d w a t e r so w e a d h e a d s so f d Yaquina of deadheads wee l e a n e d oout ut o ave Y a q u i n a ccleaned tto o hhave o o like that would like Lhey would that they anything have anything Are who have arrivals recent arrivals any recent there any Are there t o b e further that needs to be n e e d s E h a t further anything a s anything ho h nyone w to or anyone who has here a s tthere r iis t o say, say, o hearing? t h i s hearing? r e c o r d of o f this included i n the E h e record i n c l - u d e d in on farther g o aa little we little farther on m i g h t go w e might Talbott, C o l o n e l Talbott, MR. L A S H B A U G H : Colonel M R . LASHBAUGH: b a y ' affects the lower bay. t h e l o w e r a f f e c t s it a s it u p as b r o u g h t up the Mr. brought r . Christensen Christensen that M s i l - t that t h e silt c o n s e r v a L i o n the conservation o n t h e b e c a u s e on o u t because t h a t out k e e p i n g that o f keeping If was way a y of any w a s any there w I f there -The f i n e silt s i l t -bit. T h e fine q u i t e aa bit. b a y quite l o w e r bay t h e lower end d o e s affect a f f e c t the i E it i t does o f it e n d of m a de reference was made w a s a r e f e r e n c e b u t udible, ot a s nnot (a audible, but a ( a pportion h i s sstatement t a t e m e n t iis ortion oof f tthis j u s t of short while, just a couple of c o u p l e a w h i l e , i n aa s h o r t e v e n in n d even to -- kkill l l - aand i l - l tthem h e m aall tlams) t o clanis) I c o m e s f r o m , Where it all comes from, I i t a l l g e t . t h e y get. W h e r e h o w skinny s k i n n y they weeks, notice yourll n o t i c e how w e e k s , you'll o 19 19 . o p.' donrt know. don't know. Some some from from highway construction construction probably. probably'. r know know,we I we had aa mess of it from frorn washing down the mess of it washing down the hill hitL where wher" lh.r" construction right there was was construction right in front front of of our in our docks. docks. rt fiLled it It filled it up. up. Instead rnstead of of having having 5 feet feet of of trater at at low low tide, tide, we we had a 3 foot water foot island isr.and there, got there, an4 and we just got that that SuJt cleaned out. cleaned out. rI don't know just can be be done done about it, i;, but bui it it sure sure -dontt know just what can does have does have an an affect. affect As far far as as the the flood As flood control, controL, we've werve got the ocean ocean so so close close there got the there that that it aLL runs it all runs out out into into there there anyway. I r wiil say it will say it again, again, ifif the.re thee is is anything we we can do to anything to help yaquina River, help on on any any work work on the port of the Yaquina River, the th; Port of Newport wilL go go ahead. Newport will just got ahead. I got a letter r just letter yesterday yesterday from the from ihe Coast coast, Guard and the the lighted lighted buoy I Guard and r requested requested will will be !e installed installed on or on or around around the 4th 4th of of May. the May. trIe gerring all are getting alL of We are of that rhar done done too. roo.- Thank ih"it-vJ:--"you. col,. TALBOTT: TALBorr: COL. Thank you. you. Is Thank rs there there anything anything further? further? rf not, not, Ir If just wilL make the will just make the final final conment that if if anyone is comment that is interested intere"a"J-ii in a copy of this this transcript "rryorr" transcript of of the of the hearing, hearing, this this wiLi eventually be prepared, be prepared, will eventually probabLy in probably in about 66 weeks, and and it it wilt will be available avaiLable if yor, just if you contact 3.r"1 contact the the Portland Portland District, District, - protauly at at a a nominaL nominal price price probably about $2.00 . copy. ."py. $z.oo a rf there there is is nothing nothing further, If the further, the hearing hearing is is adjourned. adjourned. representatives in the the area representatives in area until until our our 1:00 L:00 o'clock otcl_ock deadline deadLine further statement statement that further that anyone anyone !,rants to submit submit can always wants to always be office in in Portland. Portland. office Thank very much. Thank you very nnrch. * *? k * **? k * we will will have We have and and any any sent sent to to my my * The following foLlowing statements statements were were received received after after the hearing hdd had been the hearing adjourned -adjourned united states Department Department of United States of Agriculture, Agriculture, Agricultural Agricultural Stabilization stabilization and and Conservation Service. Conservation Service. am Lavera r am I Lavera Holt, Holt, office Office Manager, Naager, Lincoln LincoLn ASC Asc County county Committee. committee. The The Agricultural Agricultural Stabilization Stabilizdtion and Service which is and conservation Conservation Service is carried carried out out under under a a- Committee Conrmittee System system is is much interested in much interested in the the development of both Agricultural AgricuLtural Lands ment of Lands and and Water Water Resources. Resources. we worked with We have worked with farmers farmers with with a 50 50 percent percent cost-share cost-share ratio ratio in in helping to to conserve conserve the helping the soil soil by by establishment estabLishment of permanent seedings, of permanent trees' trees, open open and closed drains and elosed drains and streams streams through through channel channeL clearance, clearance, shore protection, dikes, shore protection, dikes, and and construction of floodways fliodways to construction of p..rr"rrt to prevent erosion or or flood flood damage erosion damageto to farmland. farmland. The exceedingly exceedingLy high The high waters this winter winter did waters this did so so much much damage damage to to our f a r m lands l a n d s that that w farm wee immediately i r n m e d i a t e l y asked a s k e d for f o r help h e l p to these t o , "restore "tore t h e s e lands lands to their their former to former production. production. we received an 80 We received b0 percent p"r""r,t of of the the cost cost to repair program repair the the damages damages whi.ch which is Program to. is availab1e available to to the the individual indlvidual farmer. farmer. . 2 200 .. .. ... .... ...''-' I , It o banks their stream stream banks cleared their had cleared that had farmers that the farmers My point that the is that point is My by the floods. little by the floods. 1ittle and channels were damaged damaged very very their channeLs ard opened oplned their lands agricultural lands the agricultural out, the carried out, were carried If measures were control- measures fLood control If flood on development a Recreation could be a major development on be Recreation could benefitted. much benefitted. wouLd be be much would Watersheds. Creek Watersheds. Beaver Creek or Beaver either Yaquina or either the the Yaquina for feel need for is aa need there is - we feel there definiteLy This is all II have we definitely is about aLlThis Creek and Beaver and Beaver Creek Yaquina the Yaquina both the water resources resources on both of $tater development of County. Lincoln County. in Lincoln sheds in as other etater sheds other water watersheds as as well weLL as o GentLemen: E n g i n e e r s , Gentlemen: o f Engineers, C o r p s of P o r t l a n d , Corps District, U.S. Portland, E n g i n e e r District, A r m y Engineer U . S . Army o Drainage County Drainage of Lincoln Lincoln County interests of the interests is in in the This proposaL is This proposal Oregon. T o l e d o , Oregon. 1 , Toledo, District D i s t r i c t No. N o . 1, and maintenmaintencare and the care over the take over That the the Government Government Engineers Engineers take That owner proPerty each #1, assessing each property owner assessing Dist. {11, Drainage Dist. county Drainage ance of of Lincoln Lincoln County d e r i v e d ' derived. benefits t o benefits a c c o r d i n g to within D i s t r i c t according t h e District w i t h i n the l_. 1. o and Game Game the Fish Fish and go along along with That the the Goverrunent Government Engineers Engineers go with the That 2. 2. debris, of brush, of brush, debris, tributaries and its its tributaries Slough and Commission Clear Depot Slough to Clear Conrmissionto the site of of the the site between the formed between islands formed old tressels; dredging islands old tressels; and dredging Siletz Junction' old the 20 fill at the old Siletz Junction. at gates and the Highway 20 fill rhe Highway present present tide tide gates for area for recreation area area. Making aa recreation said area. in said slough in Also deepen the slough ilso deepen the fishing. and fishing. boating boating and o to 1 e v e l to w a t e r level h i g h water a t high d y k e at Install p r e s e n t dyke i n present c u l b e r t s in I n s t a l L culberts 3.. 3 waters. f L o o d waters. o f f of o f flood create r u n off b e t t e r run c r e a t e better adequate water install fiore adequate Department installifiore Highway Department Have the State State Highway Have the afford better afford better to Slough Depot filL across flow their Highway Highway 20 fill across Slough to flow in in their District. the District. of the drainage to areas of uPper areas the upper drainage to the 4. 4, o .,1 member of of Lincoln Lincoln and member Signed by Edward Edward G. G. Dahl, Dahi, Property Property owner owner and District 4frl. {Fl. County DrainageDistrict County Drainage o'I Talbott, William J . Talbott, W i l l i a m J. i 1 lr o Dear Sir: D e a r Sir: Yaquina to the the Yaquina regard to in regard 26, in your letter of I'larch In March 26, lett,er of to your ansver to In answer from clogs the stream from the stream clogs that wood drift wood that River, the drift say that that the woul.d say L would Rlver, I biggest troubles. biggest troubles. of the is one tide, is one of the Toledo to of tide, end of the upper end to the out it out help to to drag it get some some help could get Would it we could possible that that we it be possible would burned? be could it could on the so it the bank so 9739I T o l e d o , Oregon O r e g o n97391. 3 5 3 , Toledo, B o x 353, 1 , Box R t . 1, Yours F o l m s b e e , Rt. V i r g i l Folmsbee, t r u l y , Virgil Y o u r s truly, o 21 2L o I I ... 1 I I I V I ri V S_V S S k I t S I' V.-.' S (V I I I Y 5 kI. 4 n!!!!! I! A A f,cryiew Review of Projects Needed lleeded olhoiecb !r8rtt! P a g 1of clorrr Page Elgle:! o rcrtr. ranging r&gtu eons, trcm clomp, clhp..d from Pas6 22odli o? 4 Page I ldrt fo h8. tree. rirch foIl of brook e{ which lcU loro h.tu the cbeonel c!M-d to hi,g. lrcF dd wore Er. dortrEoh sdl Ury soagged rnrggd tdddo oroaehellowe end swept dowontream until they bride., cod ahdon d On 0nlteYaquinaBiver The Yaquina River frtd tu! h mrny crented deme wt,lob be mnoyphcd pinceabddgcd bridged6.thed.entire dtr. river. {o!d ploJd Ary on the 6c river dr.r can c$ oe-vor nrcr Any d-!ec. clearence project on cornplotelolrd eoind dd. utlene Ebe@pld.l; W. .90(*bt. UL oFpoedry We eppreciete thu opportonlrybto.Dpart eppear H@ before 6L thia U. U.S. S. Army Atuy Engineer Endns p@ ildd rr'l& CotD. AdfiI to b preseot Mc of d met dr problems Corp. Board some which erie. from tDec D@bl6a hlt b done &nc elan rle einogtho some Is river baokO. pent @c work doqdciErhnb. d the PG of 6. debris d.b* width rltcb 1500w b Dt nor work frrl hIn qr!., su![ ua. so & much mud trouble, trculla, of d coerce, ttu8 deer d( ill conning I.l! eathing will odu. toolbar to b plague Dlagu .tudGfi{ dteiouateoingdddo activities6ontb.the YWh YnqeinollERivetrldsodbits tdhdq trjbotert,s. We risc W. db td.r& iret.ràt .FcLfu.iffr o fL* ideae on pplan, .! rein. rtu rdcn the ortb, es soften 6c eenth, dd need.. rttd nod will Ipeprove the fishery Sod nr.& which il 6. tomreerciet. @e@trlfld.ry dd tnp@ M F d d t o t r h b c poteotints d. recreetioeet psrer, clffico A A clner000e project, of melntaittene dt6lr b th. rtvIr'a to the urlf.Dlttt co@l end ol the tt river dE throogb thsgb the 66 Control d reroo.ei eoy.l d debris. d.hd., nevigebllicy of of dend the & proper l}elFi ptugrM W. believe Hda d maintmenoe malnrdsca ls We ar program of in of clenrsoce h thin tHr area d rIver d€r clurso bI. lAc toLdo Port hn Ceot,nlsnloe Cdbbh .lr.y. M The Toledo he. enccaretered problems Ic hr. eiweye hlIrl t! ke.plog !btl6. 6 000etontly. @nsr&dy, carried ou 6id rhlcl jEnold a6iddd be clGirda. b corrected @nircd iCooebor phaseotif pivot oltorirece which Isb that rltt tht 00 oi A'n aL.r pblo rtd whom ua.d need Itd. little c& Care bIntidr their crddDS cleaning o,Dadd, np.retioea. rraes D.ddt n.Do6r[{. pertisily responsible cemnytog 6. the meny nrny "deadhradn" rddlq "iadrade" lor tla condition. €rd$on. for the h[ 6lr bee La not d been bd mrrd fetter hq Bet thi, or mejor M Inh ratter years !dn. 10g86r became taE noI loggers .6. e. cnmerooe numaroua Bar dct they err 8ua in t!ftrffi.eq rIver mabomrence. t|@rt 6d oetrerel that .M lttc the aho hdd here h.h connidershle a astream like Yeqelne 000ld YaSh @rd&flUa .@ul.tht, 6m. from loggbS nperetloos Ay. past been They In b.cn ecctnnoleticg. ncy heve hNc come tEm leo ld logging oF$dola h day. D..t ycrt, mlii taota L would rdld cod log refre throteb nearly trnp.!lbcpoeel. bd broken log tS! 6rou8h the thc peers silrdytodoy It bhe ndilt i iot r.orealioani e.fuat ddd which rttca sweep r..ll drldr hint purpo.aa.Theri,erisorrectedky tides debris DttrDo4lbcrlEbdg.dt ble b l c to b @coaor t u . them, d move h{ lt doOr &rs .ffi odasolDf dtu, poois' end It stream onootgolng tide., and apsrresm no d tn.6am th. d the "DolJ' Cdt ltq Nl atllleartoc udllarlon Cerruloly they limit lhlr the th6 foil 66 Yeqolna, bot! commercially ofotthe both Y4&, 6nm.dlt - tide.. med ed Edondlt recreettoonlip end rnd they ttcy err 116 Alny. ticaa collection, a.U€16. d.bdr move ttl@ opsiream Alway. these ofd debris farther tD.M torthe then 6u they ti, move mc &n getesm t& the rt rising do.. with sod ,ar.in *lrr3 rrd faweg ,.IUry rides. dd.r. audtnf !d rbc knob d trq[Gnily rlong the .hdil seaoding near the nod clung orhich eboold ed Ireqoeotly th. deeper d.@r chattel d.il61_d1d ln6||n3d6. C r Droblffi problem which Sld dmrd demnod rrMM. ettretloo. plhg Ir meop mnt ts. on onthe t6 appor rpp.r ri,er tlvGr eopecloilp, 6Dehlly, .!a meoy mat piling hr pIece., there th.rc are Plrq6, too, y.rr! pent be Those, newrnlll l001tmats to b rmnn,ed. rdrc<L ma!o, too, vcra driveo ddvs inhpeer. to, were rrhtrl lq&il to Drqat at ftl ndr n henry hcvy 0000eetrotiooe o|lc66doa dofffi.h.h! This reeslts In debris lethorp!tr opperfrrriver dDd.Uy e.pecisfly ud In h meny D.trt cases cu ata6&ce !t logs, s.d the entire streem istatiletcd blocked by Oriole lot', brush laud end d trees tg ft& pond!, ororthey cotc boldbS pond,, b.c6. dolphins tot jog b@ create boldlog thrybeoaene &lphb! fop ilIt.. None Non. bee h.. been lq reSts. lirh have tU6l& fell.. Andthree ud b years, Soddho b rcholrd nornd oilyb need in nboaid removed only no Improve the tboao hpm lh.1Oct10 ** Ffl. And th water trE Into the from beebe. lMn rein-soaked r.b-6td b.ntl d the 6c stream dram hot b{t to atay of veine the vdu. of b enheooe drncc th. nafety ol those rbora oalng lq uh8 it. Tha Pon Coomlaffi b.&. The Port Communion mede aBd start hI. riverclaeniog end am. dFrcl-rb8 hd lost lC sommer .!md d- o rnd a abenerd haard totocommercial @mm!!cld ilvtgru Ins rGtr end oavtgetlori well uen Kcrdo&. .,pcdod ofolmocy m.ny yeero .urt o logo to Over hne & the !!c reorentlooint. frd e period ah... Sunken lqr !d. t6rrr the.e (Htt drift rtlcb Nl ftt d no 6 romsirgelnns.lgatioe Ob.lmtnililg.alou rrll aS which mast .Mrdly constantly !.e worked no o well a eokeece aih.@ into t@ ororeuokm .d6 loge. Mrry era ofd the t{!. Many r. not nd ewern .rrr. oc prcbl@ ttlr problem sericunte.e ofd thIn actourd. rhca the S6 loge log! ra. rrc not d 510cc Art @d covered by bynld wirer hd coder. Dor ru S. problem aldhere h& coopernied aep.trt al ilrh the thc Poft more ewes. ofd the with hC Commission Cmnb.bn Dtublft end o ddro, 3buld inolOde hdud6 removing tob beb.effective, eboald trees clone mM8 @ d@ cdg6whIch vhld etc r$ libely noly tobbeb dislodged drlodgd end edge e. part d become khc d the tu Fn of dd !q!l!a! 6c helpofegeocles hdpdrg6trdcsrucb.r one rrqolres the cook us yang' sod sboald oo which sd no. dd rhld ho on!which !c W d.bcis addr ant s ofd the 6. Toqaina. ectivlty of meeyof Y|quttra. toln the th. pest, dadF dntt od loggers, logiln, m&t d Fa!, eoteoaiee D is |. It 6. obsercel drel the sod err ad eeeotnnliy d.lldt E. pFblm. debris problem. d.ffi r!.tD6{15 d n&ducc dof 6. clhoclr deepening nod meioceoence the channels notice tffor bit. ffi l6gri" leegtk. a 01000 dd @pplo into ho topple b 6c swept Into the dt river. F.!( i of this stream. f r n o most 4 hhdb r a feel, r t u eaprogrsm mdDdM Oat tmreedllte needs, we etc O [ too M. td, dof th. h ptoblom of u. This tu Isb the &o problom d freon rsor close clo.. to ftc rt,00'n a.. edge each winter, b the dr.fr dg. which dd 66 ftb., t! rtordrra siferding unorli.theridtoeldsd.Ab.r6g of espre.stng @ sonlaof oiitroar rr.r ofolImprovement Am&cr lnprmmcnt rhtch IsUe continuIng r 6b$g sheather tree which one I. .td etc onsnOd on. which mtd b hpnanl r.motuly b the 6. economy @no-my ofd the 6e ongino ESton I.l. the tremeod000ly Important to tbGmnintencooe mfto.ru tnd.r @6cr. tttu which rhbi ro*d p101.4 senIor conrrecr, er firm worked over er period of months ffi tlotql, d several a.d Dd tsrtd eotrg tbm the th.6rd. cood program removing ffi. debris from stream. Good Foluw Wee noted hat there wee ddh!6c.w hddt dd ild. prcrq hardly a! dent mad. 10th. project. L rh. ov.roll ftiU tu @na 6d tlogde tleda of The storms end ot December kb ned ed Jenne.7. of Course. Dhrd playedhrtr bunt J.urrt, d @r., y.sh ffi u work b* ra had had done. the The.. tb4 left lcftthe 66Teqnlno with all we pocked wIth debris of eli ilrh dd. d dl tsctd !!E!!M a 1 P . s 6 33of o3 4 Page !I!III! Pa€et{of! PageoS4 1I Examples olIlebris Examples of Debris in the the YaquinaRiver Yaquina River d d+!|t! -sod deepeningdofrhthefrtriverctturlrldr6.T.bdo cbaenelbetweenTnledorD4 entNe..porr. N.@& Th. Corpr cC d Engineers Btlthen hoe b[ ken,, The Corp. coop.retive In the D.d put !d trenrondonely Eo6&srtt cooPffi h O. il6 this 6b projecl d from tr@rreG with time to crews D@ here & to 6n remove b time Der€ sod dm6 send 6d dredging &dth8 dra .|lr slit from the cb.trat. thaneal. tm 6G trrttc a!. river, rt' r, Iftf eoptluieg .rrytltru, in Trsffic 6on the codey then in the post ester tr heeviar idaFdtytlob6.trysro por Instance hod@ the th. Yaqolea Yaqdn to b bring ldr8 inhsod ledestries use d ship .htpout otio.. For d cargo.. h|g Cor8L-Prdtc Co!9,, receive, edFt Irstu.foal Georgla-Pecific Corp., nraoilolfront tm oceeo.going oce-aotnl bergen !.t8o which rtLt @mc to b Toledo Tolado from ftm the thc Sep 8|t Regiao come l.alon of oaCalifornis. Cdtiod|. sod uld the tt. sam. ha firm, ttd, for for the d. t[t post soverel 6dl hoq]r. has ta been morobs, b.6 bringing chip, for btughg the 6.6t!a yelp end tor itO tO FID rnd peper !.F o qld forts pleats from tu other Coast. atotr8the tba Oregon Dl@ tpE. smog Oeipn tua l$8. ocean cs hrSaa loeded load with Large berg.. trip bn here iltb ep [Dtob 1,200 t,2@noire ffi of d chips dtp. each dct dp too erriving m:fvU3 en keen one echedole a Toledo foim 6. p.. week. achd. of d too m per ftcL In r&!&4lcdmnbruAEce4&Lhbd&.r additIon, local mills sock es Ceacadje Lumber Co., .!d nod cu, Gay Lobta Roberts Leathlc. Co., .hlp at& aafreer her Co.. dal ofd loather lmhr ti.r[octet nhrc!for c@hergea b.t8{ which td dm1 lorecoemoic @tc rt..@ hu be reesons mom b. loaded lild.d at rt Toledo ?oLdo dochs. &tr. Fd &! reesoo r.e r. would rcdd cab rl the For this we to cMtrr coosider r.ttrl|a regulir roeioren. tbc Engioaers Bngtur b h&d- o qutrrd depths c6 of ol the tt. channel cLmd to eons soto. Gr. arees @reqolred dr@. end 6d Indeed, d@o IIt hIn h; lnd.ldr deeper h order oldd thet 6{ the 6. ocean e b.rg.trefflc to berg. or no. trrfitc coo u the d[ river flth@t feat dE without t4 of ol ene ffirI6. dlftuldo of o{gtoaedlng coserering the difficalties their 6& cr511 cr.tt In |l ehellow ddlor spore. fpo4 tMg ndt ffib.F oi the th. Port Ponof.f Toledo rtudd Recently member. of proposalttr that Tol& cathorined .o Fopd ! recre. l l (b.p the b made aio to .ret b your se qeest be to cheonelao totla l.feet at enter rc de.peo rb. d.mc! Fu egenny r low lw nr* hr the tb. entire & .ru ldls T016 for atrncck between Toledo dendN.rDod6 Nawportsorh{ thetb.q. berg. Edtk trsf fit mllbr might :J &Elop dnod@q &rc! . projeccwnaldmsrsrlailyb.lp develop iotrssee, Socks the ofd the tt. economy Drorstudm.addlyLtp @, 6. Fa otlcth Increased t*oad skIpping .tlDlry end u.n through employment. 6. r000ltaset tqlut td the dglothG . ASri!, L me nr say aatthet ri{ we r. appreciate amte Again. let this Oh opporteolty o9potuqt to F talk Ett to b yea n psople D.opL o and to disasse met problems wttb db dao d9robld. *t yq. p00. Theob Tbdp poe, o ,,'; o 50 n 23 23 ,-- 4 0,:: ee.,. !!!t!ls pr STATORORT 8tl?!{ut PiarEtD AT lr CORPS cmPg t I ol 2 Pig. lOf P.g. e2 !I!I!IE Peg. Sot F.gc 2 ol 22 3 OROEIECRS ag*a EoIlEll lt|lm HERD TOLEDO. ORrllll APSfl.2?.1965 27,1965 m(rOOR a rED $ATro!,m, tat. mont, naesly, ester u.\f. B!.r .tom.ge .tor3. em cr iepousd.ent. lrycu&dt. pFmw of the tb. ll-b.t II en Orub.r Or.gon pr.s.ntly a. flonber of a Dr. Lltld ctrrb.t of ol Toledo, or.gd b. Xetth.v lc[.do' The navigation6on. atla.l tidal river by dr. Sine .!d, endfdl fell t!. m'l..lto rtllJr dr.t A. L effeeted .iL.t d mainly bt Glt!'.6r. oodtt-. Ltnooln ooolqt County!0161 Sehool. CRaiveam th. Tol.do Citieen'. Coitt... .!d and cl tb. ofloLdo lo.ttloaM CL^lu !bsf! ct th. tides ttdd but .lD by ot the which...lrtr cadets !,1ulntrldla i maintaining bt also tt aoeteined &.t lnd runoff tilo[ etf II see of s. forear loilt eember r.-.r ol rbrrl uvla.bl. d.'|tl einhesl navigable depth of aesista in consent ct the tL channel c6&ad and ort ...1.t. lr sustaining n.t.td!a dlst Council Cttt o.sGdl.d Tb. tb. Toled. lcl.dc COty and clof t'b. the Toledo loLdo Port lo*t (H...ls fuaMasion .04 Lrn haveba bun l!!.F inter.et.d .d t dsod rcltr. An b .!d active p.rt 12 Tol.do area lor for the t!. past II present 12 years. tol.do |s t .r.. DFrot of ttthe of adtfcF-t Tb. t!. development to to keep L..D the th. channel .6tra. ohru.J, secured. see d .preface thin sunup tbL .||.tt tFfro qd[ The river, running some tO tb. tYeqcina .a lO tortuous ilr.!. elrt t rtud. qlrd rll.. miles inland, bLod, should for the denmiog rhold be be eanained tor th. poseible didt ol.f it orAte lt or ll. tor.tbl. ot the th. for foil.vbg atatit us. toend.ddevelopment of dtrfoFcf it lclldlla .t t-t concerning @onl'3 th. th. t.r the tr{,b[t tributarie, dceieetio, induotnial, end tt.. tot provid, F.stto8l, do.tlc. ttdudrL].. .d runoff Mll ,tsvld. recreational, odF[ sootrol. .toFl. etoreger,areu for which bl.eses s.us bin eeple quantity tor the tb. water rrt.! rLloh blsr.. quotltt .Af. v.ber.h.d. Tequina nt FLd t {d8 tD the t). winter rbi.r htbuttstoo cfld in months often tdtbhotd. withhold.lt.its bL..lB bleeoingtEtrue uus lor for EtL. 2a or o! 5r.o.tb. aonthe bin the tL sooner. .!n!. .tb such of E'th ool inpouedasnt tqould&d, r.t.r.,t!. ,ths Tequina c! water, L{sto il.hlra Tb. ERrorL.ha. lc4 long b.bun e. eawigeble wetereay reaching .tat Lqds lir! rvtSrtil. n!.ilt tL Taqoina In b the th. ens tlD U., toto ILk oe.sn v.es.l. toto Toledo. loldc. ooo going El City cltt and .rd bringing td4lDa @ tolDa ft..dr lly.r b.d! rll Revar b.aio could well b. be dar.Iop.d divelop.d tc to provid, water for which sltd nts lo! industry tdutrt rito! lsvtd. pest a. resurgence rdra-o it20 year. oeo going .blDpfra by t' berge brrt baa bsabt h.. brought t rtr ocean 301'3 .bippisg t .t 15.20 of ahipping both to to ..d end vlolnltt vicinity. .!fp|d{ b.th .d from .d ftil Toledo lcl.dc of .LrF{t pFdudt. produced provide. ofot the Ft.r for fo! the !b. shipment prcduo.d by 31.products Etsrado 5.be, tb.& Job.. voter bf thee. t+onbsport. lr.r...d ltTb. increased tldurtrl,.a. Btar for lcr the tla us. u. ofotthe induatrise, water here water fo! for lbapeople rio live ttr haF end ad rrt.r i.oFla who b.!!.. ano. ot bangs b.tt. shipping .LlpC[ t. Hawaii and andUb. theldt.r larger .!.!. sic. bargea do of .d beyond bqcd rd to lrBll p6.116.J, reoreetionel oce u of ot all dl the th. people dd the th. tourists Or.a@ end t@r{.t who !,no say rt E oDf. ofc!Oregon th. ct the recently built for a .resensainatien of !trllt tor thin tbi.r trod. tt!d. will tlll n.e.esitata D.o..tt.t. F€d.!.!t'o! no.6tlt tlrlt us u in viait numbers in b increasing ltrflrlra hrb.r. 1! the tb. year. .b.rd. ttuts ahead. Weth the !du..d roilh.ed Itt,h tL. present ohanusl .h.o.tr da.igo rt rt! totcToledo .6 beyond. b.totd. .!d even tcl.Ao and til-t Eld It would 12k. !.to th..t thank toyouto!for tb. the .DEottultt opportunitytoto .q)F.. .upre.s thee. lt}a ih... ideas ldo. .t thie tbl. hearing at h..d!3 and .rd ltit is potctl^l ofotthe l. op hoD. that tD.t the ftU petentiel tl. fell tL Taquiee t 4lclr ry hope FootER. rail 11r Sout!.n Lcltlc t ll line .t.t Toledo sodtLth. ..rlsemi,. of Southern fbU ospeoity oFottt lcl.dc cl . foIl +C g.sud @tEddlt running parallel toto tL th. river aol.. tcr sevarel .t.El dlo ofotpotential rl,r.! for nEt{ Dotcit^l ocm.eroiafly qd itrr EAser endt$.thelbtto! Harborh hedU.dll b.be L.|Pt kept tlin eind or rtit in tt any .4f future futflF planning o! Dlu!$r8 .hoqld necognin. r.t p.tu. rcqDlt. navigable vatunay d{r upstream, tb.t tutors fttw planning II feel !..1 that E la.bL B@l!a ahould tutors end smog ltdsir'td, .p.!.t@ .lot[ .!d ahipping ablfDtla sopensioc irttrF industrial Naver. tlv.r. Tb. Taqoina tb. lrqslu This lhlt 1..i, to to Toledo lol.do and .d rt ld.! planning should b.ld. include .a ob@.|' channelolof lllb feet at leaot .hdld tl.-d! II feel t .!, it lt 10 loct foot channel l0 .b.u.0, above &d. Toledo. toJ..do. Ert work for lcr thie thl,. area. .s. . tbrt futv.re fttlF i.l.utsoot that uiro.t i.port.noe t4olteo rltb plannod dml.,!channel. .on.truotioo and be with developb. oo.ordinated @teatl@ ut!!@o @!dln.t.d .!d .atntenanc. oLe.l tlrD.d sent recreational ol industrial, bdcr!tC,.l, Dlt of rasllond .04 .hlp sites to the to eak. rL tb. .htD loading l..dt4 .1t.. ' .!it this progren prcgru the tb. .oet uas ofof dtldtlD3. dredging. an fromtLtb. !'!r.!. niv.r, Hp .@!.d6.1 u. a.t economical & tDl. b..! b.mflt Tb tb . moneytPot epentfo!for teer.{ isprovedovta.tl,otr navigation 6on tb. the t*E! river would beet benefit ntld Flqr tt local lood and .nd area and rotor. the for by .td Ftu to! the th. enney 6qt tovsat.d lfi.rt.d tha east -ai benefits bo.flia N. Federal gov.ome.nt.dandfttNfuture1n.tt inv.stsent privatedpltd. eapit.l. .ttt olofp!tt.t. td.nl formt II would 12k. toto speak briefly on Fdd ltt. .D..f bd.At o a. 5.0004 aopect of develop. r.oood rrlf,ct .t waterway bt.F.t d.t lop- Fogy of 22 22 ol ?.gc Pee P g. 1 l oof f 22 EIEI!, I! PUBLIC SERVICE STATElIESt SXAIffirl PUBLIC HEALTH BALTf, STRVICS '..., sBttErT SItINDENT OF @ Ill! !E EXEIBIT : U.u.S. 8.9IJALIC SERVICE trrtlrc HEOLED Mtu strvrcB SE: n8: Yaquin. River && t!lbut.rl.. l'ributari.. and Croeb &d Deaver Cla.l !.aY.r R1v.! i.qulil 3 Page PEg' Two lto April 27, 27, 1965 1965 APrll i For Pr.eeotation to the . .. . lor Th..rC.t16 to !h. of ol Eogin.ero , Corpa CorF hgln ar. aC th. ?ubllc b.rt!8' Apll.l 17,1955 Regarding LgrdloS . at th. Public Hearing g..lth progtd, tha Public do part ofof our program, the Sorviun, Publlc Health 8.fltc., our overall @.r.tl .9.r! Aa a caPaclly b Federal ledcr.l when soequaatcd, requaeted, acta acte in capacity to oonotrucls an & edvisory advlaort rhao ao pr..dt tion agoncioe in the sod wat.r"olttceupply ed -pOTontial Y.br llplly dataduLnS th. present ltr doieouining tl6 r86cl.. f6f,6ntlr1 and waror qu.llty quality control needs which be roe propoeod 6uld bGoat Dt 0 f@ Yhlch could cdlaol illd. &d saGr ProPo!.d April 27, 1965 ga hava have acted acted in projeta ln reaarvoir projects lnin the study area,. Wa tba variou, 9arl6 aBrdy alaaa. rcaamk YAQUINS. HIVED. Al{D AND alilrllRlls IRISUTARISS AND CREEK tloum rlvta Am BEAVER Mvn cStaK I olof CorPa such on rdefuoty .dvi.ory capacity on Corp.otof llSlscrr Esginear.' studies aEb.r ahdl.. c.p41!y 6. a numbat deh o co throughout Oregon, Waehingtoo,&dsod Itl.hor Idaho, od and r.wor!.are P..p.t.d preperod to OrG86, L..h1ogt6r tbrdSh@! .hill... a.oiet the and Crash atudiea. &d Heaver 16@r C!.al 1ntheir 3b.ls Taquina hqu!.n Corp. in ..tfut th. Corps op nun io 0. lt' ld l. Welter II repraoeot th. lhl!.r D. Jasper,. Je.p.ra. !.pr.rdt th. U. 8. Public U. S. hbltc Health Sorvic., Division ofof Water Supply Control, 8.avlc., Lrr L.lttr Dlylalo Supplt and dd Pollution ControL, lollutlm Portland, Oregon. krUod, &.86. Walter C. Jarp.rr, Jasper., Engineer f.ltar D. EBl!.cr U. U. S. S. Pubito hrbuc Health h.lth Service s.rlc. Div. Pollutioc Control Cottol Dlv. of of Water f.t.! Supply & Ibuulld Supply A 570 5?0 tittock tlock Ft$@k Block h a?pnclata We epprociatsUathie opporwty opportunitytoto upraaa supra.e d!our lotalaa! ictaroat in la pobtl.l p.r!lcunt.! potential vatar rs.ource development this .r.., area, sod particus@rc. mloF.nt lninthla dd qt dUr,[8u. larly our .nillingn..e to tha in Co aeei.t dal.t Cb.Corps lr the Lrlt Corp. of ol Sngic.ste tb8lo.r. th. .uptlt .!d qurUt water eupply and water quality a.pecte of their Yaquina and s!.r nlar upaclr ol th.lt .nd Lqulil portland, Oregon 97205 brlhd,0r.96 97205 BasSet Creek !r.h Resin a$dl... studies. t .wr Ct..L So. interest hl.ra.! ofol the in resource lh. tha Public ha@rc. ltblla Health E .lth Service s.rrlc. h waler s!.8 rt@ r.apdatblll9 development stun fto fre, the delegated by CmloFnc th. responsibility d.la8.t!d by the th. U. U. S. 8. Congrese for focmation of water supply Cor8r... lor lout{o! o! aa conpreheneive coqr.h.ulv. r.br .nd water v.tar aupgv end qu.lltt ple for quality .anag.ment plan River a.8o!t tb. Columbia .!d adjacent adj.cGt lo8 the Colldl. Rl,var Resin Eaah and atax aa aaaaportion da%lopcoastal en... ofol th.thaoverall develop. @aaCrl ovaaall water ratar resource nadrca Eottlc pFSrd eent progre. of Northwest and ol the 6c th. Pacific f,oatltrat ed the th. Nation, !.culc l|tt@, The water rupplt supply F!t!6 portico of plan nr bhr of thelho esnageneut Img@t lmlv.. Ele involves dat.r.ination ofof present p!.rGt sad for e.t.! requirement. tor d.t.illalld dd future 6r!G. water r.qultur ennicipeliti.s and and of .tl development daslo@t oatcl!.11c1.. dd industries, tndqtalia, o! ogioeerieg antb.arhg recunendatione to aac-6dat1@ to aset -ac ouch nch requirements. ta$ltolla. p1&, which The waterqslt5| quality Dorllo portion of of the acege.ent plan, rflch is lh. ntar th. Io.8.'at aa developed protect ed end@!!sol controltba th. qsatlry quality of water ntar darlotad b topFEct ol the th. tegicn'o !.ll@ra Dsterainetion the aaqutacllr requirunnte for (l) resource., include,: tBldaar D.l.td.iltl.6 olof tha lor (1) t rerco, prcdqd polhbc. treatesot or ofot pollutant, produced by end oa control cdlrol by eoncipalitieo tid 3n.&l ucl9alltlar (2) Identification of forest range, induotrtee; (2) o! agricultural, .lrlslsr.l, lor..! a.!ta, and &d lodu.trlaa3 ldantlllottG qulltt other practices which adversely alf.cc effect water quality sod lddqa tAlcb rdrra.lt s!.! dd othar land-wee Fcttgr what neesurea6canbabet taken reduceo!or c6tsl control such effects: and sac.a ta bto r.dus .!a r||.3 aoch altactai (3) (3) Osteneinaticu needstorfort.$.the!.tulrtt6 osg'ul.tiouo! ofrBEott.., flow,, hbslsrlQ otof!..dr tlfr, particularly for .uotetion of low tolo.efepoerd end lG the o! ld0 lowe lldr .d !t drlDal.!16 aatalu*d t itlculdlt f enhance water qqltt. quality. sbr atu. qult!!| Her effort tob develop at ccnprehecaive water .upply and quality cqr.hsalv. nbr .d os .llofr dqloD rup?V qrl.d ple control plan isfu ofol necea.ity carried Out with 6! in1rcooperation 9llh other oth.r Eqrllt c@par.d@ @Bol Federal agenciea,vla! withlbc. State6ilendinbrr!.t. interstate rtegencie., dS withBlcl.odcirt@ia.. c1.., t dc.l polities ad and.rdwith oror persons ,ttb other ortoaalldr d ioduatries, tndstd.r, cch.r orgeotnaticco F!.@ Fllcl.. concerned with n6! water sod land development. dth t d resource fr.@&. d.rlopl. ed related rl^td cogh.d 24 24 t , .ur; -&e o' 80Tge 1i f ij?'I- P040 PaSe I1 of of I! !EXHIBIT rcM! . !IsIcIS SMBWST STATEIEGHIGGOtgE TEEtI8{ P181 C0t0{IsSt6r CHIOliBSICe OS' d' OREIEE onEo! ANSX1 E!-ttoto TSR RESHIJBCES OF lgE TIE YARUIBA SlIER 8121114 TE P2851ST II$SR: RESd'8G8 OT YTQMNA RNTR ilAlrr gt.tmt th. Statunent of of the OREGON STAIN cr{8 GAMEccu}llssroll C4MISSION onEcot 9rlr8 to to the &a U. 0tENGINREBS lfclt886} u. S.s.A181T ll!{r CORPS coRPftOF conoerniog tha the o@a!ll!8 sd Elv.r end Publio EasrlDg on @ 1.40100 t qulil River Arblto Ke,.ricg On8Pb Csek, Oregon Tributarien and Creek, L.t.t aril Beaver Trlhtrd.s o ?ba elrb Cdsrl@ ol of The Fish Comminsiou Oregon a statutorye6lrtblltty responsIbility t@ for tbthe G.g6 l8r has . .tctct6t pdoctl6, protection, preservation, propegatlon, sad ssdceous, ald development d.slqDlt, trsa.mt16, lEolEgatto, 6 ofd!d@, ?d, rr,tblB food, and shell ftt$tin within the waters which the rd &lL tbr stats .bk and d within rttbb rrt r. over d! rbtc! & 8Lv'r I4ui[ oomcmed vltb The Osg6 Oregon6t.t. State Cd. GameOod..lotr Coerdesion vitally concerned with tb' the Te4uina River lt isvttrUy f!b. qtbr state hu joint 6trtc d other db.r jurisdiction ctete has with etu any g@ffi. aq)rother abh orqgovernment. Jor.lt or JElqltctt@ It to t! in lb the th interest t!t.F6t nrltfUt It ofot fulfilling this that $lto$tbtUtt tlat ye s are @ reprostFs thl. reupocsibil,ity tdDoBt odo salmon, The Taquira Ht River systee Occtnins scuellent population. .ro.Ilot offlr1n. rb. Lqda r al6td loDulltloD ofofcoho ecote4 at thie public heering. slqtcq st tbl! Although weNare dsot aware or any b.*bg. ra lJ.tbow! &e b! .4r water rat4 iubltc nteelhead and above-avenget@ runsotof fetl, fall chinook salmonsdandoutt'brc't cutthroat tftut' trout. oblnook [lrcn lte.Ib{al 8ii.!ov.-dv.!ig. 'luil&o' u abundance The en t]i. bay bry oontaiOn omtrtnt nlv.r. ta{ul[ A etcable run River. @tct Ysquica l .16b1. m of of shad lhtd alec al.o entern rcBouc. dc€lrpc.t r0000rce developmentlEotosld proposedfc forth.theIqula Ynquina Riverrnnand tributaries, Rlvbr it. lietlb*dta., Sport 8IEil .Iml"' for these for tb.aa .peoiee. ?.1t popular of fishes, and i. veo ud angling atlAt',lg t. ot bay brt end o.ae fl!h..r bi ocean tplslrr t€ rctrih' y dlrl4 salmon fiehicg ,,! in and th, mouth Tequicat Bay duriegth.the.@'r enr mouths t!. !@th ofofL&ulu [bon ftdtrS sd around @A this meeting. tU. Ectbg. OE on\y Our 0011,bkFdt interentL!in aat anyD!oID..{ propoeedIEoJrct projectvdL wouldt beta inLt.it. Cout' tb. Oregon 0n8!n Coast. on the Cllh.tl.a on ha. into one fisherdee tb. most ert important btplt&t h! developed d. of of the dw.l,opaA lnto th. fishery f1!h6ty resources possible effect. on@ the since 55.51cf?cctr rlrcc we va hoc,, F orsr bd. of of no @ water rstcr il.EltF6!1!lr lltoltet lut containe odials Beaver Creeklsin aa comparatively small atlu ntresa but important !4ll 3.av.r csak ooP.ntlt.ly Fall r dlnoob are tbst. l...tl chinook populatione of coho salmon,athlh.td stoelheadsd ant outtbFtt cutthroat tOout ooho aibon, of tFt[latlon. tblcb ol@nt baa lE nose opoont project which has etnot in way mtfect.d the under our .@ ny llLctla tb. resource Fa@e udLr @ DrcJoct cc ore intercotod is10any which s6 Yitei.ly vlt.J.ly tntcr.sted &:r ouch .str proposals vhtcb rt y he presested .tat b. IFratd Folpsal. joricdiction. Jwlsdtctlon. Although anglinglr&ttuF pressureb 1nth'thettilstress 1' is lltbough sglltg Mb'$' also intn limited rrlo present ltltt'd numbers. t{.ot Anadronous,fd,food,.!Aact.brllshellt1.6b fish prlcut present hin the Fleer syet00 &a Ystuioa tequl$ ntEr aFt6 ADidr@ur, alStlftoot. ft.b.!t !t nigcii'ionnt. light, in to the th. ocean oo.s fishery U,8htr the tb. contribution oontd.butld to st't' ofofOregon. orgq' th' State to the The oildlife resources of to ltlbrtst bxl!. an. r important of the tvo basins tba two 8br rLlrtltf. s!d&.a cobo and da coho d cbl@I rs.lstr, are chisok es.lmnn, steelbead tFut, trout, shad, end at€oLba.d .brA, oyntere, otste., 6!rt olsen. c!s. oo&on' 'ILtare 'rcOmmOn. loo.r.lt elk, Big which il.c.end ltalB.cosevelt lnoludi blank-tailed blsk-t.1l.d deer {bloh inolude Btg gene ml4lrr aE animals, d6h produced but fish thc Yntulna l[ the Ya{u18 but in Rivet' nystes Ea are considered be o!of signifiRt"d ryat@ co4lcclad Iducad tato b. .iA!fAcst lElbtuco rant tmportonru to botb both tho the sport sad fisheries. Go to rlst ald commercial c@tclat ft6&rtr.. the bs16 basin of Oo tho ol The 1.8 ot s000t llze etc. of r000 of !h. the various speciesotoferal*s 5os.drca fish inlr unknosn, oi the tk M E1@ alEctco tld Ebd.!, .roct !" fr{uI[ Waterfowl utilice the at 'tYnquica Smy oolootstlw aalf,ol.lly wintering concentration. uat.dovl th. ares, @r .epsoially ut11l,!. .vlnt.rlDg epawoingglod groundco6ta, count.,0Eourt1llil field blol.oallta biologiete state that production ltrto tbat cohn coho esimou a6lM !,!odstt@ lls@lg bai1n6. where they rb.n thay provide ao!. hunting. lrfrvlila some !1@ system .y!tc& hli€r! i. believed good, relotively in this river is to speaking, the to he b! so s good, rclatlEl', .Falt!g, $as tha Ln tus h|€:l!'oil co!t'! of Enginenre State Onme Commission willoooDantc cooperaterttb with t'b' the Corps YlLl oa. Coel.ald Th. &r Oregon o48DD gt.ta Olsen eyetwu. [.ea rFt@, o! rat'! requiromente rqulffi4t! reonntly completed intensiveatu(t studyofof flah fish and wildlife water of eA vlldufa Eantlt@att. so.Div odDl.t.il lbs River spetom, about tbc .Unos Alsla y!{ut$ 8tE! rJdte, atout 2.5 A.5 times t18. larger then the taBar tb Sc Taquica fr@ tb6 ctocdpotnt stdlDht, ol licesr U@s frou the of etreon mllee, produced a. calculated adult rtes dl!a, crlculatal adult cobs c@ Ifoducaal Our tu &d' fti.! Resouroma B..ow" 8t.t. Water the Coast Basin in 000psratioc with Board. Yltb the t&. State ln oooD.ntlo! th. Middle llldil.l. Cort !$h 6cl{6 escatrEe[t SOrm ol of ooL'von 000upwnont 80,000 river in fi.shfish to tot!! thertEr fn and atl all other dI studies lDany atuilt.. .86oia. in eil oihor sgsncies o gtEIC GO0FEIEIXS1EERS 81351CC REARIBS BmilE886 lB ilD TWO, GOEG oREl<f tl6@O, April. 21, 1,965 rprll. 1965 4, Yhlob they thct produce. flowcs end Beaverceetr Croek,ed andtb. the ffub fish and wildlife resources which DNduo'' sa rllillife ad Eorv.r o u. rnrtr COSiPS cqpg U. 8.8.08141 - Toledo, Oregon Iol.dor o$gpn April ADdl 27, 2?' 1965 1965 o Y' have h'vc b"lu' tb.aa etren.m rtt@ 1athese undertaken basins. We ust.rta:<6 in .d report of publication tn the tb. prooess spolt is la in Inb11ort16 and DEo... of 1951. f95f. This cslcr{stl@ cnloulatioo woo lbfs vq qai. s".1Lb1' Co4' be available to to the tb' Corps will rtu b. made bs been l.al printed. of noonsas ltit has &rgtn .$ san !oo! of Engineers t!'bt.d' EXHIBIT : E !EIII! Pogo2ot 2 ot 2 2 ?aae booed so .a teggieg estimatetbthe .ts sOle q!Oftbthe lpfrtailq pcpulaticz cdNtal to toGstst beit t*61Da study ltqft rCoOlucted @ of ol SohO ea1 ado ds Statmt ifd Ipert tn t-d ofdthe tb laleun h ,'ct piabertss tt H0 ' llFt. tb Aloes ll&. River. available the ccldf crCia1 flebery ttabatt in,!the toto tD. rnu$:t ls Teqeica ltquls flounder, end roekfisb N ax. preeeet in .d Ettlth t:ma.t, Good soubsrn Of of persb5 !EU.!t OoaC adF tB!b, and keys, COsek, .il lw OlSge E .t, ortat. eupportst!.thetbtla third lts3a.g largest ocfctrl, esroiml dlrttrt. CFAo, seA rd GID in! Oregon, production of b.t el..a al bay tErAu.tto s d large lagG as the harvestl. isc.d-toa estimated tires as .t at to to ta be lstleastfl[fiy,ilr. tb! pernosal-cse bac|t Itrr@t-e o La high t.Jtslr. 1. kS..r. *l - Stal& b N$ hperwl.sa f:liEDdr tee Ever Basis t!.U Enlr StaSEs, La thetstlri|n Psatla.l Mae 'lrtbhrdlctndjra f the lea'eae .1 meet Fisheries and adf.r ||!b ry E (b.8o prodsoimg Tagulsa Bay the only @\t bay b.' intr Oregon LAufs l.t l.La tL tEoduclg Wildlife. Itllllr.. otEbrt Xe addition bto aba the agn matte. oyster., elgnifiomot number. mail.. oymt.re. o!of 4ltE o!Lta!a. b rUltlo al€ltatcet lrdcn All bt cffitd. two varieties of eyetere aare gross by ooenerctel Itc6.tt. intereate. All fo atetLs oyttd <rl Japanese JrJrurc 8m eM..r,stimm dand.-i!tttEtlaniatvettma of flak d vildli* Onri,c d the ib matime's rit-'. nd draltrl D aGtrlqf!! of developesnt programs. bt water Etc cunouroes s.o||&a o? the 6ttrctca could cddi be !a affected attcctat by Fqtu. tha above ab@ apsoisa re. as, ffiFb d no b.rrl!8 We appreciatetntheotErtultt opportunityto tolrtlctflc. participat, Lin thtt tide hesricg end to l,. .9tGLt interests Vaterrr.tbtEt dev.lont plane tb Taquisa t rtds &f the st*te .tlt. t. in t. potentIAl. nta! RRE @ btrF tFtottdl tilD for Abs pespmeeibllity if Abs Statsb eM.ere.ttme F{cdrnfry-trn GieL|.r.t .g.eeirs f sad tb .J the V. I. Flab 1..4. ra Wildlife fffaUn Seoviss. tr.b sad lrt-. lAsh .r. end 'lUUtb WildlIfe klalmmi%ibthetl.b (AS Stat. C.am'flmattme Mt Aol, a. 06atrttr n a. lor, n (L r d, Sel 16 ra 2.LS. !.|.a. 661 sags), aO.tat -t ), t meoel.d mended 1ainala thei\tw, Outer.,Evs rtll ,,iU be River ft itt beEaa.i .t t.onone tlDtime f,tEr system. ryrtd.' Oo![l o end rittl.Un .1 Str,i,ee lb Isa t.tEbrrca tim tb U. U. S. a. Fish tl|l eel d VS,1LU.f. VllrUl| Hat of .t p,blts Ld{. f the N. a. S. !T May Cca'pm tb !. oafa if i Xrx Fblt. hearing. r.gerdLmg desiresicf,tr fs, mats, nErs.meu'a -[!'qll develmsat !tdl{ rd.M.d.rJsatldff tu 51 and .d tEl, Mrsl p1.., d L......,_t me -TagoW. BS l{|ffit sat t{.tr !E r{ gul, leaver Creek, Ge.g.a5 br A. tbe held Cta-, rc bU April rFtf 27, af, g16', at ilrb 196, 3t 'bo D.t also fE bay Bay@n endDf.sake. altgDtft€a! significantc@tttbr$ta contributionto totb.thealFt sporttt.hct. fishery. the 8cy the romeerciel harvest. tn c@whl !86.t. Psge 2 P q e I o1l of 2 !EXHIBIT I C r ! r ! 6g -2-2- o cear Strvtae tsd!.d ot glAd to supply morertdetailed informationnerdfae regardingth; the ibb.s' fiehery r.eo,srcee of trtld r@. .qttriJf w &fc6tto Al{n to andtbthetbt. Stat. ..rari sped.. heeS he Ua 5r 1.01 Larf, mu*timm alfl.ilj,! l. rsviuv rft -E develapseat -tirt.r d IS prsiel mater prmjeet. effect. ae x aemeptain ffi .!tto H tdtd tFJ.o and tUr river this alrta. rl,G system. t.l;- site M.lj .6. b! me fish and S.fAti. wildlife. Ia BL bay r f|.!.l stizg AbS. D -||X rltr auariJ-, 11otMa, tFtltartlry lavestOgetLme.6 are--endetaIsffir detsenMaFrr.n pe.jsit d!.ta sffeita me - 1W. nar d lln.Jb!-r-u 2115 aM I. 'lr April 27, lFrI 195, ?, 1965 Lalr-.{,-rt$F.narl.r-. ieM..tiea with p151.5k demel.pe.t, leAss River esariug DtfI mesellest !E InvAde. d,L.t illq.l. tr U.r as r|'-tlt 'H cc tFt.tsmat wildtll& re.M M.aecv. ke pesteatime,-iltrt, level.peet,dr|m eM ic,e,. ':t'ait||-, east if 6 -tbthe reaM.. ffi (' (n!00f FIRE Er88 Ci4IB8XOJ CAC8Afi! GO o'l if d doll iU sees trfee rail-r sdemes tfrr, flab, eMasat and athe laleme, d.rt.l rt-, stesikel .btta.a sad geittamet aatBla endrba. elmS.tfd1W.tnLrr pesdemel is this seatsitatsd.:Urlft ssbstiaE1y ir iur rlEriser rHlt t the tb .relat I. end speet fW.sn*a, mets, lead lay eM aljsM.t r-d.lr-.r-l d^d-lr Lahriht|-ltd.arrG iM.. rt. o 25 ZJ o 2 2 . a.bry A .dall'!3t A eLgeLSi,M.t spent fishery {tfee tbelles fish sM.s tt- 'l'.! istr Bapsima Ft m Ddqb*t htitiss pewse -me *f{le5ma 51,5? tldx it. te*teiaa l|il deMrb F-n . 1. l| ti#t. !att. ?a€e 1 of 3 ?.eeLof3 P q ! 22o of f2 2 Pme s4g.r!r1 g r rI!!!!! g l ! r 1 II r Et S*, a Met -fbl IM1 .||:, 1W1, -rna htcc.*, )IVS? rl-, saa rarb.a r- aM rttbrt St.SIMM aMIMt t-i, M$, |llrf rt-. I. TM. sbiassk h. aTM lbl ii tr TM tN Ms.sab {rat a. .a. !it. -htraSr.sk. nr *tj.t1 i*a, -.! On yaquina R l v e r aand Yaquina River n d TTributaries libuteries Corps of Engineers, poltland District Corps of Engineers, Portland District By By -.ban e.aMe$., , dSMClisw, tbr time. ,t- tim t|rL iMe IL,,, ib llE e.* ra. TM,., -a tr .a,taFr, .ISi1M p1e.., The S t a t e Water W a t e a Resources Resources B o a r d aappreciates The State Board p p r e c i a t e s the t h e opportunity oppoltunrty o f enpressing e x p r e s s i n g its i t s views v i e w sconcerning c o n c e t n i n g the p r o p o s e d review of t h e proposed r e v i e w study s t u d y by by a q u i n a R lRiver t h € Corps C o r p s oof f Engioeers E n g l n e e t s oon n tthe h e yYaquina the v e r a nand d i t sitst tributaries. ributa.tes. A s specific s p e c l f i c project p . o J e c t proposals p r o p o s a l s become b e c o m e ffinalized As i n a l l z e d our o u r board b o a r d will wiII b e called c a l l e d upon u p o n for f o r official o f f l c i a l comments c o n m e n t sas be a sthe t h ereviewing r e v i e w i n o agency agency ffor o r the S t a t eofo fOregon. t h e ltate O r e g o n . While U / h i l e i tit iu p r e m a t u r e to i s premature t o make m e k e oofficial fficial c o m m e n t s , wwe e d odoo offer f f e r aa few few g e n e t a l observations comments, general o b s e t v a t i o n g concerning c o n c e r n i n g the the p r c p o s e d sstudy t u d y aat t tthis h i s time. proposed tlne. The S t a t e Water w a t e r Resources R e s o u r c e s Board B o a r d i sis concluding The hate c o n c l u d i n g lits t s own o w n inin_ vvestigation e s t l 9 a t i o n of o f the t h eMid-Coast l , . 4 i d - C o a sBasin tB a s i n which yaqulne w h i c h includes i n c l u d e s the t h e Yaquina ; l i v e r and a n d ttributaries. River .ibutarj.es. The b o a a d ' s investigation i n v e s t l g a t i o n was w a sundertaken undet.aKen The board's tto o study s t u d y enisting e x i s t i n g water w a t e r resources r e s o u r c e 5 of o f the t h e basin, b a s i n , tot odetermine detemine SpS.I...( -t O.at r d e.TMfIY1. rrfal. b TM 2.,., lc { tTcirt .1 ilcfk1l jIYISat e.Wffe. .ra -,-rU. aM .mwiISaMj. btt{ TMtIa TM tbfa .u. Smi. tl|ll nu DONELJ. LANE DONEL 5. LANE l-t|,|lx IaMbjtbag II,.m JmwI tEt- - - TM rlrb!, iIS rb fiaM27 -.i-a ISIY, l-lrbi-t t..IM bB**-ISL1M -r,, hnti Issu.v.lt .b. U,bt dl, 3e. bn6r be.Y.,., E SM a. rll|! Uir pZgtta. .i t+rlinr -a.lbr sSMajM*sa S d.r{Ardv SSTATEMENT TAT E M E NT By The The STATEWATER STATS I}VATER RESOURCES RSSOURCESBOARD BOARD OF OF OREGON ORECON P l e s e n t e d on o n the t h e Occasion O c c a s i o n of Presented o f the t h e Hearing Healiog -b TM.b.h-.Me.. SIahia Ia tbD[{ .1mw, rb b tr TMi{alU1 sar.. d.f Dtr.lFl P,IaSIP. VBIABU. 6r rttt me.,... FE cE.t .ta Fatqrldl_ sI pSpUMB5.S _ q, TMtL.1 !rtl{ Sm, G tr LatbIS.h'.r!-aaitlq S1mwa b14Mr ammIsla... { ISfiMI. -tfda b {-tie. a. aMer v.1mw.. ISr.2ae.t tnJ.3t rtF re -[f.Ft N pr.J.1t. 5,. lilr ..a e.a r..f, ssl' p.1.1 e1 TM ri & f,b .s C tdri d flab n ! SM d,UAtt 5A1&Z* tntra, PYS.I, ..c 1| lb. rb Th4d,m blrar 1* *ier aM ksm liD.a lc &rt .n, TMS1 Si..,.dSM tbTM EaM far lb .e.mw.5a1 cGbc ISlia tbS.s ,,.Wr,. tbi|6.. .n Sal. -n!qq lt $ lr tba-.i[fL If it I. f ISsivabi. Is b frb -E r.mw,e. mn yM e.t., IS,sl.pzI pisa. -if{rft ilr. c heWe.... nU ,U mw ..,.,. .11k rqrrb dtl tb TM t! D.q4za Dfqflln arc 1mw., tar ILer Crssk ln G!.1. cctr d It Ddxn t! TMe2.pi. -nraq,rr. 2. p2.,. mwpstjkl. cFnrlr. rltb YLIE. tb tim abers..1ss.,jM &r*.crba n e a o s aand nd m e t h o d s oof f cconserving o n 5 e a v i n g and means methods a n d augmenting a u g m e n t i . n g sorb s u c h resources resources a!& d SM r|llun fLab vUlli!.Fhr. r.wa.s.. Oar b InI.mwtItie.. ifarafo Itcapr.pa.sI praJ.qt. FAOa FS. rliU ,Lj a n d to d € t e m i n e enisting t o determine e x i s t i n g and a n d contemplated c o n t e m p l a t e d needs and n e e d s of o f water w a t e r for for u n i c i p a L , iirrigation, r r i g a t i o n , power p o w e r development, domestic, mmunicipal, d e v e . I o p m e n t , i nindustrial, dust.lal, q-t-t fa anTMt.ims b. lrLi Grcfia is a sp.atte. L1k rttA lb. b atlaM. a Gttc .mw,sU., e.SMs.. {Ed'.. d o m es t i . c , n r n i n g , rrecreation, e c r e a t i o n , fish, f i s b , wildlife, w i l C l i f e , and mining, pollution p o l l u t i o n abatement and a b a t e m e n t as as w e I I as a s flood f l o o d control c o n t r o l and well a n ddrainage. draioage. U p o n c oconclusion n c l u s i o n o foft hthe e i ninvestigation vestigation Upon board's tthe he b o a a d ' s report, teport, c r d e r , and a n dsupplemental s u p p l e n e n t a l data d a t aprepared p r e p a r e dini naccordance arder, a c c o r d a n c with e w i t hORg ORs 5 3 6 . 3 0 0 iv 536.3t0 i n the t h e matter m a t t e r of o f formulating f o . m u l a t i n g an a n integrated, integrated, 3!II! I : a : : : ! : program program S of 33 Pdge 2 of IIgI!I! II!II I1 I t h e use u s a and a n d control cootrol o f the w a t e r resources for the of t h € water r e s o u r c e s . o f of the ihe foa 6 ccubic p e r second u b i c feet f e e t per B i g Elk s e c o n d on : I k Creek. o n Dig Creek. oint A study the A j joint wilh s t u d y with t h e U. U. 5 Department S.. Department of o f AgriculAglicutture t u r e shows and s h o w s 9900 cres bbeing eing 0 0 aacres 4!500 acres iirrigated .rigated a n d 4,500 acres of o f additional additional irrigable irri.gable land i n the l a n d In t h e basin. basin. g S cubic 9. Additional 9. Additional ouvmer . I o w s iin s u n m e r f flows n the a m o u n t of t h e amount cubic o f 95 p e r second f e e t per foot develop s e c o n d wonld would bbe e arequired equired tto o fully fully develop p o t e n t i a l and the t h e irrigation irrigation potential m e e t the a n dmeet t h e requirements requilements j industrial, -nd{striat, f o r municipal, muoicipai., for and Life uses a n d fish fish Iife u s e s to to B. B. yaquine pertj.nent t h e data, d a t a , pertinent of the particularly tot othet h eYaquina particularly of River and a n d ttributaries, ributaries, b e i n g considered considered b y the being by are t h e board boa.d a r e as as followo' follows: River 1. I. yaquina vetage yyield ield aannual nnual Although aaverage of Basin o f the t h e Yaquima Basin i s about is about 7780,000 80,0o0 acre-feet, I o w summer acre-feet, low are s u m m e r flows flows a.e Although adequate t oto ssatisfy atisfy not adequate all water o f the a l I of t h e eniutivg existing water rights. rights. not 1985. .t985. i . t y oof Toledo f Toledo Tke CCity water-using indusaand n d i its t s major najor wate!-using indust r y have h a v e found found try to the iit t necessary necessary g o outside t o go outside the Y aquina 3 aBasin sin Yaquima main water. f o for r t htheir eir m a i n ssource ource oof f w ater. 3. 3. O l a I I a and l v t i I I Creek a n d Mill C x e e k low Olalla are l o w summer s u n m e r fflows fows a r e inadequate lnadequate t o meet m e e t all a I I eniutiog e x i . s t i n g water Ia w a t e . right r i g h t demands, demands, 4. a. 3Big t 9 : l . Ilk k C r e e k low Creeh water l o w ssummer u n m e r f l oflows, ws, i ninc critical ritical water n a y bbe e io adequate inadequate enisting water 7years e n . 3 may t otomBeet e e t aall ll existing water 2. 2. The 10. IO. 11. rr. rhjht demands, demands. p r e c i p i l a r - i o n nod a nstreanvf d s t r e a n f l olow tnssfficient precipitation records w .ecords c 5 + - sstr000s on nmost tot o determioe trcarns inate ake iit t necessary necessary deterninc sstreamflow t r e a n f l o w bby y ccorrelation. orrelatlon, on 5tudies a a e in i n progress progress Studies are to t o determine detemlne tthe h e ifoasibility casibiliry o f obtaining obtaioinl a d c i i t i o n a l municipal of additional and municipal a n d iindustrial .nduslrial w a t e . : . ciron n 3eaver water Reaoer aand n d Dlrift rlft Creeks C r e e k s to t o the t h e south. 5outh, 7. l. T h e Oregon O r e g o n State S t a t e Came a a m e Cummission The C o m m i g s i o n has h a 3 recommended recomnended - PooIes Pooles Slough, and the area. Slough, a n d aaround round oledo th e TToledo i nindustrial dustrial area. ,nurlrpurpos€ 5storage roraqe Multipurpose iis s needed n e e d e d iin . n the t h e upper u p p e r reaches reaches o f the t h e Yaquiva Yaquina R iver, of River, Dig 3 i 9 Ilk C r e e k , and l l k Creeb, D e p o e Creeh. Creek. a n d lepoe Corps rreview eview t the h e YYaquina aquina Corps astudy tudy o of f a nand d i t sits ttributaries. libuta.ies. lnsuf:ici-ent o. c. flood F l o o d damage d a m a o e tto o 1,500 I,5OC a c r e s occurs occurs acres annually to annually t o land land o n Boone B o o n e I sIsland, on along Creeh, land, a I o n g Beaver B e a v e . Creek, C r e e k , O lOlalla aLIa Creek, The T h e Lincoln I a t e r Resources Lincoln C o u n t y aater R e s o u r c e s Committee C o m m i t t e e hau County provided h a s provided valuable valuable coolributions t o the contributions to t h e board b o . t r d in i h e i r iovestiqation. lve lie i n their investiqatlon. assume a s s u f r e the t h e county county ccommittee omnitlee wwould o u l d w i willingly lIingIy to ccontribute ontribute t o the the rlJhr 5. 5. P g e S3o of f3 3 Page of of did-Coast Basin, Basin, w i L l be b e made n a d e aavailable vailable will to of t o the t h e Corps Co.ps o f : nlvgineers. gj.neers. ilici-Coast Some Sone coordinated coordinated t n a t minimum rininu6 I lflows ows rotect tout t to o pprotect a nadlooous pasanadronous i fish i s h passrie b e - established astablished sage cm in i n the t h e amoont imount oof f 113 O ccubic ubic ffeet eet p e a second 5 e c c n d on c i the i h e Yaquina Yrquina per giver and S iver o n d iv i n the t h e an050t amount g/aRn liftS a/26/65 4/26/ks 266 2 o t*e PO.ge 11o tof 1 I EXHIBIT g r r r l r 3 8q . lee 1 loge 1 oof f 11 sxErlrr 2e uNrrEDSTATES srAr*; DEPARTMENT OF UNITED ;. AGRICULTURE ;cR'cuLruRE "';;;;; AND AGRtCUITURIL 500ICUI.IURaL S100IUZVIION CONSERVATION SERVICE StABtUIAnON ANO CONSERVATTOil SERVTCE 29 S. 2. 2, 29 !. 2wd ?id Stereo, Stre€i Xevpod, Lincoln Newoort, County, Ore. Lhco]n Cownty, OF. l!p!l] 27, 2?, 1969. 1965, April April Aprll 21. 27,1805 1965 o U . S , Aa'e8' U.S. A i E V hEngineer. tlDc.r. Poriled, Pnrtl..od, Oregose O..t@ b Liocole 0CC Cowoty Covoutton li::i"il;,.:::i;".itriti:" Xoei Lovers Bolt, Offioo Canoger II an for ar epeaiothg spe*bg ihe County Colniy C000ittee cotrji&o for the Dear Sir.: D6rr S1!.r Slabilizaiion Tho Agricultural Stubhiiootiow aoo Bervioe,hich whichisis csrtd corned llie igridl+"u.d Conseeation &d Conservation knice writing requesting iaforeatiee and/or your of cttlD8 rrqu.lt1nG yo"r suggestions lDfolttlon sug6.!tlo! of "aa,/or p roadu!! . .relative I.tlvr tto o debris . n d ffree preoedore nod floating loge d.br!! !.r flo.tln8 1 0 6 ! in l s the t h . upper uppor tldr tide ster. nt.t. of ofTaquina Yrquh. Say 1,1Eco1! County, ofof L&nooin Oregon. Bry -- River ilr.r Cowty, Or.ge. oui un@. Codrbe Sys!6h Out uOorcra aCoomittce System is viol intereStedh inthe tie deveiepoeot of is ruch interested of Both both &vcloprent ..... r. rrr . o iiater h000uroee, Agruoulturol LamBs one Africdlurd lads md iatoatusources. percent ooat-ohore ratio hto helpcost-shae ratio help- ito co hove with farrers Carvers with ua 50 {ith have uorhow rorked dth 50 Frcent tr. .!.are bort !po.t! fishermen rho rrc We boat omlrs, 0.0cr,, sports who are interested intn pursuing lbt.r.rt6d puluht tth€rb.r r !ro! weses olof .dov1q reeeving loUuild pollution .Dd sad the year hasard of tho ourrent ourrcnt yor round roud h!.rd ol drlfting drifting logs, planfo, cot, l o E r , brush. p l.nk6, b r u r h , ohOps. .ot. r o for por.rbl.. ohlp., tis ! so f o r . 6 a. is t . possible. T h . lfloating 1o.tt.8 l o g . and plink! rpp.! The logs arc., u d planks 1to ! the t h 6 upper r ! . . ! form l l t o impassable f o r n into 1{p.!6rbl. jams. IVs . hhave t hit. . uuo,ie..not eensatioo of vo h dhad n'l...rDt !.nlstron o f hitting h l t t r D 6 semi_floating ..dt-f1ortrD6 Jrru. mt.rt.] ihloh eaterial whioh en rrides ld.. the of bioreiy rcly m oor r Jjest t h . 6 uamrtaos rf.o. o f the ihc u . t , , n doder .! water with damag. to our nt6! rlth d.n6. io rnd motors. rotor!. our boete boqt! sad g to io so ir g ofopervosoost seedhacgo, f lem@ni seedutjs, t trees, lees, opon scow o p e n aiwo n d cclosed uabs m d swtrewrlu r b through ough c hohannoi enel sshore h o r e pproteotico, rotection, l o 3 c d scathe trearo c 1oloarutoo, o{4c€, wlocs, o:kes, Ihl! d.brl. rddd This d.hrie ist . added to, tree d r l t y , by t o , nicest r t n o r t daily, b y serap. . c n p r thrown thrm l r o n h.rges br!6.. y.rd.. aod yards. r n d mill dll Boil a.d 0000trurtico of prevent areaioo or to of floodwwya ioto p.event or flood iloodi.ys erosion llood damage dsage lo consirnciion foruloacu, falrded. The exceedingly hiah high raNers wuiero ihls ticS uietcr did to our The exceedbely tinkr did ussomach dsage our form faln ruch damage to lroplr !utiiisatlnn tl1la.t16 Proper ofo ! nor cannot o u r e.tero.ys o r D D o t be l o n 8 as ntcrryt b . aneived r o e l v o d Se r ! ions r. pr.nlll.g these prevaiiiog conditions woist. th... cmdttlon! {We . am 6r1!t. r ! 6 loosing l o o l l D E ai.oet . l m . t 1011% IOof o f tthe ppoteuti.i, otqtl''' r€oratlob'l Of reorentionai meow. due h ' ttourist ourl't lnom' d u c to i o thee th" oeooditiomn. o'dltloDt' leds t d theio ihef boos totew cubed those to lacs th.i w ircouiutoly c iriediately i o eeutoro Fstora t h e s € ionIc & k e d for i o r help h 6 1 p to proouciron! forvor ! o r r € ! produotwon. W c r request yyour dr We for qualt rreoovmsdatios lo@i.drtlon fo t . o tsotion. loD. o i h e soil s o U by b yestadlioh000t 00050 c o n s e roe r y e the €si3b1lshncnt r c e n i o rofi hthe prog.e do recoivod e0ccu o60p eperceot o coust o s t program bto Frepair ps w6 recoived the uiiohis we ovuiubleto toih€lie hdivida€L thoividsal fre!. fareer. the dc010gea dma{os {hich nailable -Iy pohotlsIaihal that lho the f,arr€rs faroors ihot their lhnt hod had cleared clesGd their airier st:ee lanka bmke acid &d i'V poht Reapsetfuily, B.ip.atfully, cp000d their chauouia wArs daccogod by Se the ficadu. Hem dsaged veryvery liltlolittle by oPned thef chM.cis floo&. /208' Z<7"2 L/ -,-"lb {ould If were carried oat the agricultural leeds rr flood contror 005coree ruasqres we6 carried out,tho aslicuLiurar lsds would trood control /r-.r- ' 6y'.,,-= //, u, o ,O/./" o Z 4 lV oovoiop000t of auto r resources on both thn Coquina end Beaver Croak aaaorsheda count]. ax saver Inh Lincoln rerr aa oiler rab! sheds s,.ecs Lhcorn County. N well "s orn6r /k-t/v/ Pogelof PaAe I of 22 7 / n /d'7, /9lc C ap az,'-L<, ,;/ -, Pogo P q e 22 o fof 2 2 EXHIBIT 101 0 9Ig:9!! --z4L ALIL t L- ,"1,J* th - _ hr 72zvgLoo irm o s oithnr the either ih€ This about T h i s i Ia s3b o u i d l all l h l vIahove - w e & f-hae l t s definitely v f e e f t h e r cfeel * a r ethore 6 d f o r to a weed for ,/ Uzzl:_^z-*, EXHIBIT 10 EXHIBIT IO & r{ablsheds. Coquina or Beaver Creek Wateroheds. crek Y'quha or bave! ?//rr'* rr"-' ,2)!tye,2 tY,/ w,, UA r€creaiion ho nook heoeflttod, Seorexiioe oowld could ho be aa rarer Elor davolopemot daveropren! ruch ixneflttoc' to 04ë' /Luen 0c -- / L a I- LoBo f."c, vhrAf z,u;z-zt .44,AZz-1/- & o2 A} o T/ ;?-ZL -wu 6;-4,--rt--/ a; "/^-^7--ze-2-L '--fr "-1 ,""-"=- wwo-so 4;2 iro.a0c( L-^.* .9*^<-ESossl2 a-!?4f<ryra-/-V, %aoJ A, -/- a-/-lt Zt^:a-d) /t '°"; ,,4 -7.2.--.tlz-z ; 9,""-a- tL "u-/") .1/24*4 o 27 27 o 2,-LSI P 4 u Pe Pu1 e lof o r 11 Uu -OfOIBIT qrr!!,r qa&a.r* - z z2&efz 9. %zltr ?.e-a-to -e*:- ,-/5- a/4.2 zY'/765- %4z4ele€at/, gklzr' -2"A* *Eo a'zza-z.z,z-* '*. d n-1"-t'o're€442 -.6 -Az -'-c#4- Z4-;L Tagz;-,aq,z'eod- -/Za*. z:agLZ4af -Az- /.*& &4.a".2& e e4"4 zAea'a< ,Zz%&4 2t/4dt* "b -ZZz -e',,4 e/ -Vkzrh o azzz- a/-ae--a|7scZ' "%.t: .Z-z/-/:e-a-. qzaa,H.-.c.& ezt<; ea<zZ4 r'a4a.4274 "Zab f Farze Jzgz .2 d4a? it-aoata.z--aoE "-/a-Z ./z .za -Lt' eztzd&? o4f /zzr.-z--aa 3I i- _& -o-d / 2&zr i- e '-71B %M?ryga4mz4oL i OO/ 4,.'-iqtL 3 33 fi g-a.y. ss-3 "P*. 'ba/a, 9On 9739/ Z&e4 e/4?e"?.frcf/ ,28 a Si