OI. BEPR,BSDNTATIVES. '5 NX.DOC. Ex.Doc. O REPRESENTATIVES. 52D - - - eCoNGnESS, d , - B e s s t)o nHOUSE .'J 52D CoNGIEss, No.96. i No.96. 2d &ssiom. 5 BAY, AT YAQUINA YAQUI}TA BAY, HAIT,BORAT TOIEIARBOB BAR ENIII,ANCE TO AT ENTRANCE BAB AT OR,EGON. OREGON. I,HTTER LETTER FROM FROM OF WAR, THE ACTING WAR, ACTII{G SECRETARY SECRETARYOF THE TRANSMITTING, TRANSMITTI}{C' ofof the lhe.crumination examination of report of of Engineers, Engineers,report theChief chicf of lctterfrom With with aa letter frotn the obtutttittg25 feet feet of of obtaining yiew of Bay,'Oiegon,-wttlt, harbor Bay, Oregon, with aciview Yaquitta atYaquina Irarborat entrance, at the theentrance. bar at th,ebar water'upon wltonthe water low low water tnert'n atmean uater at andordered Earbors and ortlored Rivors and and Harbors on Rivers Committeeon 1892.Referred to thoCommittee to the 9, 1892.-Reforretl Dncnmnnn 9, DEcEMBER printed' to be printed. f) I { A WAR,DEPARTMENT, WAR DEPAR,TMENT, 7892. 5t1892. Washington, December 5, Decernber Wash,ttr,gton, of a 1e1,ter from the chief herewith Sii: I have the honor to inclose herewith a letter from the Chief of inclose to honor the I have srn: report Engineers, dated Dcccmber December 5, 5,189!, 1892,togeUrer togetherwitl-r withaa c-opy copy-of of aa report Dngiueers,datetl No-vember Euginee's,dated datedNovember ol Engineers, Corpsof Efeuer, E. Heuer, and map from Corps Ma.j.W. H. fromMaj. I3ay,Oregon, C)regrtn, at Yaquina YaquinaBay, "od-,'ru 3, 1892,bf ofaapreliminary preliminaryexamiuaiiou examination of of halbor harbor at 1992. A. upon the atmean meanlow low water water upon water at with to obtaining 25feet feetof of water obtailring25 vierr,^to #itn a view provisions of in compliance him in madeby by him bar with the provisions entrance,made theentrance, at"the bar at _compliancewith 14L892. actof July13, of July 1892. harboract arrd.harbor the river and respectfuily' Very Yery respectfully, J.M. M.SCHOFIELD, scuolrnr.n, J. MajorGeneral, Acting Acting Secretarg Secretary of of War. n[ajor-General,, BEPREsnNrarrYEs. ox' Ilousn TEE The SPEARER OF THE HousE OF REPRESENTATIVES. oF fhe SprurnR, oI' ENGINEERS, ENGTNEEn'S' OFFICE Csrnl OF rEE CHIEF or THE Orlrcp OF Srlrns ARnrYt UNITED ARMY, IJNrrnn STATES 7892. 5' 1892. D, C., December Washington, 5, C.,December Washi'ngton,D. reportt copy of theaccompanying accompanyingcopy submitthe of report, honor to to submit thehonor ha,vethe Srn: I have SIR: dated November 3, 1892, with map, map, by by M4: Maj. W. W. H. H. IIg1Ler, Heuer, Corp.l Corps of of 18gZ)with November 3, rlated Bay, YaquinaBay, at Yaquina Engineers, upon pr'climinary preliiñinary examination examination of of harbor harbor at EnEineers.ut'ton low water meanlow Oregon, with aa view viewto to obtdL,ining obtaining 25 25 feet' feet of of water at' at mean Orfison, *ittt^ with requirements requirementsof the complywith tocomply theentrance, entranco,made upon the made to at,the ba1at ttje bar opofi 1892. 13,1892. July13, approvedJuly river harbor act actapproved river and andharbor 2 BAR AT AT ENTRANCE ENTRANCE To HARBOR BAR TO HARBoRAT AT YAQIJINA YAQUINABAY, BAY,OREGON. oREGoN. BAY'OREGON. OREGON. 3 ar YAQUINA YaQU:INA TTARBOR TOHARBOR BAR TO AT BAY, ENTRANCE AT ENTRANCE BA3,AT yaquirru Bay has The entrance The entrance to Yaquiiia bcen under under improvement improvement by the the {uy hasbeen United TJrtitedStates States for for aa numb-er number of witli aa view viewto to obtaining years, with obtaiuineaachanSiears. chana least rrigrrriater'of nel of a least depth at high water of 17 1i ieet-rto*-*aiu. feet (low-water in"nti, depth of or 10 ro tu],gf reet), thts report report shows feet), and this g_holsthat at present,witn a,tpresent, jettie.isin tne jetties with the in their incomplete"is coldition, incomplete condition, the low-water ]ow-water heptil 6n the the bar baris 14 14feet, i'eet,and depth on 'neo"e ano leas.tdeptl,has this least depth has been beenIriaintained. maintainecl. Hence the work work has thus far aceomplished. all and evenmore more than accomplished and even than was was expected. expected. rn concluding conclutlinshis report reportflaj. In Maj. Heuer Eeuer siatis ttratwhile while itit may may be states that pracbe pracobtaii aa depth crepihof ticable to obtain feet ailo* at low .rte" of 25 :5 feec ;";ilh"the bar b;i,iir." water over at the enlicabre *orranee ar Yaquina raqur'a J3ay, trance at Bay, the the resuit result is is so doubtful and and the the expense expenseatattending tending the work being so great as s-og{eat as to to be be incommensurate incommensulatewith with the adacrvantagesto be be derived, derivecr,that vantages that he hedoes doesnot consider *o"tny of consider ihe the ir"r-n"" harbor worthy or improvementto improvement to that that extent. eitent. rep5onlgiven his own For reasons given in his orr-ureport reportCol. col. (i. G.H. r[. Mend Mendeil, eli, Corps corrrsof EnEn,For grneersr rne DlvrslonEngineer, gineers, the Division ,t ngirreer,states statesthat thatthe tbesuggested s[ggestedimprovement im|rovement is not regarded regarded as as worthy wortly to is not to be undertaken 'ndertalen by Tfie oeneGi- Governthe General dorru*oment. ment. This opinionis This opinion is concurred concurred in by bv me. me. Yery Very respectfully, your obeclient obedient servant, selvant, l'nos. LINCOLN IrrNcorx CASEY, Ca.sfv. THOS. Brig' Gen., Gen" Chief Brig. of Engineers. chi'ef of Engi'ieers' r[on. S. B.ELKINS, s. B. Hon. Er.xrNS, Secretarg Secretary of of War. linear feet feet of of its reOuiresabout 630 linear or 5 feet feet in in height; height; the the north north jetty jetty recluires project as to complete completethe project as outer raised about about 7i feet in height to be"raised. outer end end to be approved. approved. ^fhe been work has has thus thus far been The total for the work appropriated.for amount appropriated totat amount PRELTMTNARY EXAlrrN4TigI__a{ PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF HARBOR YAQUTNA -riu"nr"or^it.irrin BAy, OREGON, HARBOR _AT AT YAQUINA BAY, OREGON. wrftr AAVIEW vil]w TO roOBTAINING WITH TWENTY-FIVE qer4rNrne fru:iri_Frvn FEET OF WATER AT lr .run MEaNLow uroN THE BAR MEAN LOW WATER WATER UPON eaR AT AT THE iun ENTRANCE. ENTRANoE. Ihvrrnn STATES Srarls ENGINEER EwcrNnnn OFFICE, UNITED Oprron San Francisco, Cal., IVovernber 3, 1892. GnlTnna": rhe GENERAL: Theriver riveru,u arid harbor off#"d'{J":;'io# act of July 13, 1892, required an i,{T;#:':":l':t:: examination of ofthe the (("harbor harbor atYaquina, atyaquina, with *itn a* view " ui"* to i" obtaining 25 zb feet feet of water at mean ureanlow water upon the b;. "[ilri"i"* bar ;iat the thu ;;i..;"r;.;"-"t fn accordance accordancewith the the above In abdveact, act, and anOin in complian"" compliance *itt with your inin_ structions, the examination examination was mahebyrne n.vmein i"JA;; was made person in i" October, ocilder, 1892, rsoz, anl the the.following following_report and report is is the the result,-thbreof result thereof:: -r.aqurna $ay, Oregon, oregon, and Yaquina Bay, and the th_eimprovements irrrprovements nade tho Governmade bv by the Govern_ ment to the entrance entrauee, ment are and carefully a"*."it,.a'oi are!so so well weil and.^car"r"-iy described by the Board *; Board u. S. s. Engineers, Eusineers.nrirtecl of U. printed in iri the ao""a1-"efort ^+, cniei oi annual report of the Chief of Enginngi neersfor 1889, part 1889,-to pug_g neers part 4, page 2517 and following, zilz and-ioliowing, that anyone anyone desiring clesiring 4 L I * 4 information as as to the information the condition don"ditionof oi affairs at that that date has but but to to read read that report. It "r"r".-Lt rt will wi' therefore therefore only be onry uereferred io'a* ocJriioomay to as occasion *uy htilt ieyr. demand. "ere""ea The pro.iect project for thelurprovement the improvement of the the entrance entra-nce Yaquina Bay was to yaquina was madein made in 1881. 1881. The Tbeobject objeit was was to toconcenirate tre tidal concentrate the Yaquina tidarflow nowof oi iaquina Bav and and direct it Bay it over overibe the bar bar by bv rnean .;;;;;i of a mid-tide -ia-tlae jeiiy, jetty, aa'rittre little less ress tha:r4,000 4,000feetin than feet in length, length, to be be constructed cbnstru?ed"on thesouth the south side side of of the enen_ trance to to the bay. bav. This was was afterwards afrerward.s modified moditierrilil;;i;"struct so as to construct two high jetties, oneon two one .ietties," on each eachside side of ;[" entrance, ttre the entrance, the south souin jetty ;etty to be a liftte less'than to be a little less than 4,000 feet long 4,000 reet ionga"cl tn"'"Jilrr,:uiti ixiii and the north jetty to he about 2,300 feet long. long. It It was was hoped Loped" that tfrri.lUy'inrs by this means a bar "n""t bar depth depth of of 17 1? feetat at high higl.water feet depth watcr(low-water (row-wate'r u"puiofio"i.i"tl-iglf of 10 feet) might be obtained and rr!-ori1"#ne,r ana maintained. maintained. jettiesare arecompleted Both jetties completed-a1jo as to length but not as to height; that on astoheight; on south side side requires the south requires^some some 1,800 1,300f;et-;i feet ofitsitsouter outer eutr end to be be raised raised.44 I AnW.Svmohs Symonsininhis his special specialreport, report,printed printed in in the AnT. W. S63b.000.Capt. Capt.T.. $635,000. page2974, 2974.-estiesti4, page 1890,pait ?or1890, Engineersfor of Engineers nual Report of Chief of part 4, ine-Cniuf oi the be projectedwork work will wiII be ""ui'n*nort of the theprojected completionof mates eostofofcompletion total cost thetotal ttat the matesthat DegjZO.SOO.SO $370,560.30 additional (to (to what what had. had been been previously previously appropriated). appropriated). Deaddjtioual madein 1890,and 165,000nrade made in 1890, and $85,000 $85,000made bf $toS,OOO ducting Auctinsappropriation annropriationof or $120,560. work the $190,560. to complete required be 1892, there would still required to complete the work still 1892.tfler'e-would work$755,560. ofthe thework costof make $7551560. estimatedcost wholeestimated tne whole mak6the frequently was frequently Before work was.commenced was commenced at at Yaquina Yaquina Bay thero there was Beforework occasionaltemporary and 9I feet, as little depth depth on on the the bar bar as 7 and as little &9t, with oceasional fall'of Theimean mean rise and fall depths of ig 13 feet feetatat mean mean low lowwater. water. The of the d""tns oi presAt presL2feet. is about tide the The maximum of the tide is about 12 feet. rise maximlm Tbe feet. tide is is 77 feet. tide depth low'water depth thelow-water condition,the incompletecondition, their incomplete in their ent, with the jetties in ["t. *iinineietties Ilence hasbeen beenmaintained. maintained. Hence on the bar bar is i4 14 feet, feet, and and this this leasCdepth least depth has o"ine exwas exmore than was and even evenmore the work has has thus thus far accomplished all and accomplishetl all the work pected. pected. '-Wn.o was well well in 1881, 1881tit When the the project it was pade in improvementwas made projectfor for improvement the outsidethe reef of rocks sunkenreef known that that there large sunken rocks locatecl located outside was a larfre tfrerewas fromthe the distant from mile distant than aamile lessthan little less bar, to andla and a little U"". nearly parallelto justoutoq!' lying just ""o"t""arallel rocks lying sunken rocks Also, that there numeroussunken there were wero numerous eis6. tnat shoi'e. shore. diasto to disoas designedso weredesigned Thejetties side the entrance to theharbor. the harbor. The jetties were .iau tiu""irinceto which bar the tha-t over portion rect the outfiowing tidal current over that portion of the bar tid.al ili fi; outflowing which andwhich the best bestwater, water, and offeredthe whichoffered rocks,which byrocks, was tui.t obstructed by *"J least narrowest the narrowest practicable route route over the "fstruct6a safestpracticable and safest was the shortest and shortest of the eudsof outer ends the The outer thesea. sea. The tothe of thebar tlhebarto and ordinarily deepestpart o.ai"urilv deepest Dartof the reason reasonthat for the ""a were of1,000 jetties distance of 1,000 feet feet apart, apart, for at aa^distance i"tfieJ we.eplaced nia.ea at "*hete where tho the tidal concentrated to to this width insitl.e inside the entrauce entrance flow was concentrated tidal flow lesser good depths were maintained maintained where where scour scour was was possible, possible, and and -a_ a lesser EOoddeptls ensue would which rapid current in the width would not have sufficed in the current which would ensue sufficed. have iiatfr wbuld Th_eentire for sea room roomfor forvessels vesselsentering enteringand andleaving leavingtho theharbor. harbor. The for sea a.n$ tidal area within Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay i"s is said said to to b-e be abolt about 5S square^rTllgs' square miles, and iiA;i;t;;*itnin cutric 40,000cubic Powell,isis40,000 Capt.Powell, the d,eterminedby by Capt. flori',as as determined tidalflow, ths average averaEetidal insiclo alea of waterway inside The'present feet per second. Thecross-seitional present cross-sectional area i"? u3"o"a. autl 18,000 and 18,000 is between plane low water, "". of the jetties, referred to the plane of low water, between tothe ."f.rred 1i"i"iti"i, This stage. This 19,000 squarefu.t, feet,ororsa.v sayz'z,ooo 22,000square squarefeet feetatat half-tido half-tide stage. i9.-060*oi;* per second, feet per second, would of currint current of very nearly nearly 2 feet *"*ir velocity 6f .j"ia give Eirr" au mean miles with velocitiesferhaps perhapsashigh as highas as 88feet, feet,or or about about 55{ miles velocities -?ii-"m witn maximum as currents as present there are currents there are at-present in the the,jetties jetties at is said said that in per hour. hour. It is per Hence further per Flence hour. per miles about or rapid as 10 feet per second about 7 per hour. second. 10 feet ianid as inadmissable. be inadmissable. woultl be channe-l contraction width of jetty jetty channel would in wjdtn coirtraction --ine jet-tieq the jetties directed"by the The maximum effectfrnicn whichthe the tidal tidal currents directed effect *rri*"m that reason been reached, for reason the yet reached, been not can nroauce produceon onthe thebar bar has has not crest of as^the and.as height, and neither i-tty jetty nas has yet yet been been raisedto raised to its full height, the crest ;;ttfi;t jetties the is fully 3,000 feet feetbeyond beyond tho the present present outer ends ends of of the jetties fuUySllOO [[e bar Uar"is pa,rtof it' of it. specialpart the on any any special concentraiedon the - current current is not concentrated extending out Lying immediatelyininthe the throat throat rif of tne. the je-tties jetties and extending l-,Jirg Gmecliately ,an11 ledge feet-of to10 dgpth^of4 nearly to the bar, covered of 4 to 10 feet of sand, sand, is aa ledge coveredby aa depth thebar, plane below the plane "euifyTo of rock, whose whosetolr top varies varies from from 16 16to to30 30feet feet in in depth depth belowthe ofrock. 70 acres acres so,nte rock,covering coveringsome 70 of rock, or bed bedof ledgoor wablr. This ledge of mean low water. oi*eu" Be1886' Be1885and in 1885 and 1886. mad'ein boringsmade of *r"". area, was carlful borings wasdeveloped developedby careful tlto made,the bemade, "i a 25 feet feet can can be fore a channel carrying aa low-water low-waterdepth of 25 dnaooelcarrfing io"e unnot be be done doneimcan not and this can removed, and rock within tho the channel channdlmust be removed, ro"t *itnio 4 BAR AT AT BAR, BAR AT af ENTRANoE BAR ENTRANCE To TO rrARBoR HARBOR AT ar YAQUINA vAQUTNABAY, BAy, oREGoN. OREGON til til the sand which which covers coversitit has been been removed by scouring seouringaction action or otherwise. otherwise. The current The current wiurin within the the jetties has has not not yet yet positively positively bared bared much much of the,rocky bed above above referred re{e.rrg$to, and the rocky bed and tns i"ay ne attriliutea this may be attributed to the fact that neither neither'jetty is yet yet built up that .iettvis its fuJrheight, heigit, and u"onen.e up its full hence has rr". not oo, yet yur d*'eloped all thti scouriugpo*dr developed the scouring or whicn f,r.e'cu"-rent power of which the current is capable, and ii-capaute,-dnd partly ure fact fact that that the partly to the thescouring scolring effect effect has has not n"f-i.u"-ot:ii.mci6"tiy been of sufficiently duration. Hence long duration. rlence it would wou]d be ndunwise unwise to extend extend the ilie jetties turttrer ietties further seaward unl,il they they were were completed seaward until completedto their full fulr h;ish;d;;;;rtheir effects heights and efi'ects observed. If observed. ff at at the the_end of a6 year year after the end of th; completion c;;pTeti;;-;fi;; jetti;; of the jetties the currents shaltfail fail to the currents shall to.scour scour-aw-ay away from from withi;J-fi;j;iti;ttr'e'sana within the jetties the sand on on the rocky ledge, lcdge, itit would j"itiu. seatop of the wourd be useless uselessto extend extefrdthe inu jetties u"uward, and and under under such ward, sudhcircumstances circumstancesio obtain 25 zs feet rcet depth to obtain oeiih at atlow tow water nonthe urebar barmight rnigbtbe besaid saidtotobe water beimpracticable. impracticabre. ii;h";*";;., at If, however, at the the expiration expiration of of the time abovereferred referred ti, to, irr" the sand a;;a should sh;;Id'[e"scoo"ea be scoured theopening grain,ininconsequence consequenceof this grain, 8,150,000 bushels,and and that this of the opening of 8,150,000bushels, per bushel more to f'armer bushel more to the the farmer the route, was was worth worth 8 cents per Yaquina route, the Yaquina 'I'he farrner in in one ons figures show show aa saving saving to to the farmer he*retoltrre. The above figures than heretofore. the community community of comto the of aacomvalue to year but they they show the the value of $652,000, vear of $052,000,but point, for the statisstatisuot of Ydquina peting Yaquina Bay Bay as a shipping point, railroarl, not ileting railroad, j isuued an.incre.ased depth ry-:ll, of water water"rootteoo,ooo of about an increased depth of of about44 feet rect on ih; b;;.--rie the bar. wo"t.. The work, fi n iits onjl-""Pp:,ff the bar, ifltit l:'jit:q. remained iin present ts prese nt"location, locafion,and ; d through j e1u,;o; ;h the the^jet-rnsloe lL ues inside rhe,bar, bar, were were it ties the it not fb'' for the underlying underlyiug rock. lock. Current cur-rent action aedion can can 0e be conceDtrated concentrated so so as as to to scour scour sand sand andand yet permit of of gat'e sate navigargt permit tion, but-the rqgkgcan cagonly but the rocks be beadvantageously arlvantaggouplrigmoyea Lyliastifig, removed by blasting, -onty and I whrle strtl "o while still ineornplete, incomplete,has has m_ore more than accomph,shed the accomplished the object object sought, soogili] po,ssibre a1{.itit is possible and that even better depths ev_e1_bgtter a"pin. *rTil;bt-iled'Ji may be obtained on the lhaj ti., completion oJ for pletion of lhe the work,'serious.diFcuriy for whigh whichitit is is believed believed th"e the estimates "o-. estimatesare aresufficient. sumcient. There no serious difficulty in getiing-ztit"r There might be no ffi;utu" getting 25 feet low-water depths Tigh!^tle auptrrj asthere therewill and as will be beviolent violent-wave action-insid"e tnu jetties wave action inside the the water .;"i[i".'tilL water therein shouldbe fully therein should fully as deep deep as itit is on the bar. bar.' bar at the entrance bntrance to a harbor harbor is always ^ Deep Q"*p water on aa bai always aa"desirable desirable feature, shourd.be some feature, b-ut but there should someconsistent consisient relation reration for for commercial commercial p-urpo.ses depth of water on a bar purposes between between the the depth bar and and that inside in.sidea harbor. Larbor. Yaquina,Bay Yaquina Bay owes its its importance importance partly parfly to its geogralirricailocation itsgeographical location ano_parrry becansethere and partly because there happens happensto be be aa small sn_rall harbo|there flrereand harbor anclaarailrail_ road road terminus. terminus. rnside YaqriiiraBay Bay are Inside Yaquina aretwo very very small smairtowns, towns, Newport Newport and Yaquina. Yaquina. Newportis-at and is at the the entrance dntraneaand Yaquina, the railroad termlnusris 3 miles larther practically, ";d"f;q;;;o,'iLt}lrouo terminus, farther up rp the the bay. bay. Practically, arlthe all thecommerce comnrerce dog of Yaqnina Bay is due to and must be to andmust b6 carried o"e""dnis-*ii"oia, carried over this railroad, some uo_u l{,I:g,.1:llB,1I.f rbu 130 mrles miles in in lengtb. length. coast surveycharts Coast Survey charts of and more Ig6Eaud of 1868 morerecent recentsursurveys thereare aredepths depihsof veys show show that that while there front of yaquina of25 25to to 30 B0feet feet in front Yaquina there is is no no continuous continuous channel greater than cha,nner-greater than 17 1T reei tow water feet ai at low *"te" to ro Yaquina. Moreover,tley show tiiat Moreover, they show that the tne18-foot is-rootchannel, channel,when when it does does Tqq,oiptt exrst' rn places placesless lessthan exist, rs is in 200 feet wide, than-200 feet wide, and and its its average averagewidth wiclthis is less less than 300 800feet. feet. They than Trrev also show that that ih;-i";;i the total area of water within Vayaqulna Bay, l:ay, having havingdepths depths.of lg-feet quina of 18 feet or more.at more at";;;i*;'ti,"'#iiiiiu low water, water, is is o'ly only about about 212_acres, 212 acres, or aboul about one-third one-thirdof 1I square squaremile. mue. lre country country within within_fi tteen or twenty miles of The fifteen of yaquina Yaquina Bav Bay is is neiflrer neithet p_opulous very populous ror nor rich in agricultural agricurturaiproducts. products. Its tis manufactures tna",,ricirri.*. are ,.u railroaclrepair limited to the railroad shop reqg,r"r shop and auda. j"st;b;;; iaym4 just a sawmill above Yaquina. Gquina. rt is is,reporlgd pacinc Railroad tbat,since It reported that, the Oregon sinceib_e oregonPacific rtailroLd reached the ilr" Willwrrrgrarn'ates fi'om amette Valley, grain rates from thence to market rence fl to'rarl< et (San (Sau"o"rr"a F'aucisco)have Francisco) have lT:*:^I-?,ley, Deenreduced reduced from fiom about $6.50 been about $3.50 s6.b0 to about $3.b0$er per ton, ton, and it is is estiestimated in a letter from mated in from the thjr mayor mayor of Corvallis, corvaliis, p"llri*ie? published t";h. in the annual annuar of the the Chief ohief of report of of Engineers Engirieersfor for1884, 1884,page pigie 2268, 2268,thai that t[e the grain g"ain U ") for1884 Orego! for 1884was was of the countiesininOregon six of thecounties available for export export in six available for -1\{ tli 1. th away from rockyb.e{ bed.wi within thee jjetties, etiies,then, tte", and dA theit rhui,liry, only, could .ooia _q lLthe "" proposrtion a proposition jettiesfurther to the jetties a3y?{;[:, to extcnd extend the fuither seaward deawaidbe le entertained. entertairiea. rnJwort The work q,glr"" thus far has cost about $600,000 iana hasresulted in iolioiog and has giving ',r'U tIAK,uUt( Util:UUN. IJAX, 0JaL*0N. Er'1'nANUE '10 HA1th0h A'1' Al' YAQUTNA YAQU1A 1iAX UNTIiANUfl { * I I ! ! annual report report show show the tho the succeeding succeeclingannual tics of of tonnage tonnage published published in in the tics tons,of to have only8,234 8,234tons, of which which Ya,quinaBay Bay to hal-e been beenonly total tonnage of Yaquina tounage of of the tho balance balance over 7,000tons tons were were railroad railroad supplies, supplies,etc., etc.,and andthat that of over 7,000 only 100tons tonsofof wheat wheat (about (about 3,333 3,333bushels) bushels)were wereoutgoing' outgoing. As there only 100 tirnet ertering the Willamette were three other other railroads railroads entering Willamette Valley Valley at at that that time, weie three Portand itit is is believed believed carrying carryingmost mostofofthe the proclucts products to to tide tide water water at at Portand freight rates rates was rnade thereduction red.uctionof of freight was made infer that that the land, to infer natural to Iand, it it is natural of any harbor rather than than of auy harbor in consequence the railroad railroad. competition compet'ition rather consequerrceofof the BaY. Yaquina Bay. improvements improveureuts at Yaquina from Yaquina During the past year the exports Yaquina Bay Bay are reported reported by by exports from During the 201063 tons, while rvhile the amount raised only20,063 havebeen beenonly Mr. W. M. bag totohave tons, Mr. W. lf. ffolg fbr export byseagoing seagoingvessels, vessels, available for export by Oregon, available in five in Oregon, counties=in ffve counties pastyear yearonly onesteamer steamer plied between the past only one During the 217,496tons. tons. During was was 217,496 trip every every ten ten days. days. San Francisco Francisco and and Yaquina Yaquina Bay, Bay, making making aa round trip Yaquina Bay Bay to There was no no lack lack of of rvater water either either on on the the bar or inside Yaquina been available, but vessels vessels prevent 217,496 tons being being carried carried out had it been 2L7,49(itons profittripisis-commercially go to aa harbor harbor unless unlessthe thetrip will commercially profitwill not generally go key to the the Railroacl Company Company holds able, and the Oregon Pacific Railroad holds the the key Oregou Paciflc able, profltable for for courruercially profitable not it shall shal] be becommercially whether or situation as to whether or not situition as BaY. go to Yaquina Yacluina Bay. vessels to go vessels to 25feet' low water depth of of 25 to obtain obtain aa depth While feet at low rnay be practicable While it may fracticable to so at Yaquina Yacluina Bay Bay *tr *rF * the result is so entrance at over over the the bar bar at the entrance inso great as asto tobe boindoubtful and. andthe the expense expense attending attending the the work work is is so doubtful for this commensurate withtho the advantages advantagestoto be be derived, derived, and and for this reason commensurate with inprovemeut to extent, or or harbor worthy worthy of I do to this extent, of improvement do not consider the harbor not consider approved project. beyond the approved even beyond Project. receiver of of the the Oregon Oregon Pafor the A of 1\fr. Mr. W. W. M. M.Iloag, bag, for the receiver A statement stalement of cific Railroad, giving giving reasons reasons whyt'he why theYaquina Yaquina Bay Bay improvement improvement should should cific ltailroad, 25-foot depth herewith. be continued depth is herewith. continuecl to aa 25-foot submitted.. Respectfully Bespectftilly submitted. .W.. H.IIEUER, W. H. HEUER, of Engineers. Mnjor, Corps flngi,neers. Major, Corps of Ir. CASEY, Clslv, Tsouls L. Gen. THoMAS Brie. Gen. Brig. A. Engtneers,'U. S.A. U. S. Chief Chief 0o.fEngineers, Corps of of Engineers, Engineers, Division Division Engineert Engineer, Mencleil, Corps H. Mendell, CoI. Cr. G. I[. (Through Col. Pacilic Division.) Division.) Pacific (First indorsement.] IFirst indorsomenl,.] Orlron, S, EG1NuER Erverlonn OFFIcE, IT. U-. S. 7892. 77)1892. San Cal.,Yoveniber Noaember11, Francisco,Cal., BanFrancisco, t I I F,rrgineers,U. II:.S. Argly. Respectfully forwarded toto the the Chief Chief of of Engineers, S. Army. Respettmtty forwarded Yaquina between jetties at at Yaquina and.maintain maintain between It secureand practicableto tosecure It isi-spracticable 25 feet aid more. artdmore. Bay aa low-water low-water depth of 25 jetty channel channel might ntight be bo If of the entrance were alluvial alluvial the the jetty entrance were bed of tf the ttre bed of the currents. The bed of deepened sufficiently sufficientlyby by controlling controlling the the tidal tidal currents. obtrined by tidal entrance being of of rbck, rock, tnc the stated stated depth can not not be obtained entiance bcirrg d6bris at action, and orily only by by blasting blastingthe thechannel channeland and removing removingthe the debris action, and cosi. very Yery great cost. channel 25 feel depth of If feet were were obtained. obtained inin the the channel low-water depth of 25 stated low-water Ii the the stated any reasonable reasonablo over the distance by jetties-extended jettiesextended toto any controlled by distanoo controlled over the 66 yAeurNA BAY, san ENTRANoI TO BAR AT ENTRANCE ro HARBOR HARBoB,AT AT YAQUINA BAy, OREGON. oREGoN. BAY,OREGON' OREGON. 77" BAY, AT YAQUINA YAQUINA HAR,BOR AT TO HARBOR ENTR,ANCE TO AT ENTRANCE BAR AT BAR distance distancebeyond beyondtheir theirpresent presenttermini-there terminithere would yet be would yet be found found on on nl: lying lying in-front the in front of of the the seaward seawardends jetiies a tess end.sof of the the jetties less depth aepln lF" bar tnal 25 than and iu in our qresent present state state of of knowledge knowleclg"eno oo one ooe could cooto unoofs feet, and clertakewith assurance assuranceof success, dertake create ard and maintain a low-water success,to create low-water depth of 25 feet on depth onthe the bar bar at Yaquina Yaquina entrance. entrance. yaquina entrance, n'or these thesereasons For reasons the the improvement improvelnentof Yaquina entrance,so So as as to giy93a depth of of_25 give 25 feet on on the bar at low low water, wdter, is is not regarded as as und.ertakenby worthy to be undertaken by the theGeneral GeneralGovernment. Government."oi "egaraeA vesd,eepsea-going sea-going vesby deep traDsport, by the interior interior country yielding the the produco produce needing need-ing transport country yielding tho Eame a n d the t l r e same w h a , r ! and t h o wharf, t o the an t L e ocean o c e a n to f r o m the s h i p from t a k e s aaship b - hour h o u r takes alf a W h o n hhalf sels. e e l s . When can be be there can v6yago, there oul,ward voyage, time setihe the slip ship srt'ely safelyatat s6a sea again again on on l:er her outward .rm".r t"toset iiiii suffices a s tto o much has ucb h o n l y - as as m i l o t a g e "and a t t d towage. t o s a g e . . . _When _ W h e nonly no excuse for exactions tby pilotage y . r away y oof f p por-b the port Vailey to WillaTette Valley in the tbc Willamette be to" - take from to the warejrouse in " - * " u aio itako o " e xthe athe c t i wheat orsl:eaf ns frof the thd warehouse "t"o paid ag would woulil Fra'ncisco as San Francisco cloes at ""iA it pays only tlu where the m-u sameororaaless lessrate rate than than itit does at San ;t;;;;i;;;;o"f" takes no no p-revai1,it it takes highertieights the higher whero the have be ;;i,L paid to take it freights prevail, it toYortland, to.Portland, where td take |fr;tro to b; tigures and irrto figures woials into thes6 words l'ransl"ato these go, Translate argument the wheat whear will wip go. .buru tho .hb* where ireJ.""it'" to show result, see what is the result. se-ewhat --S"foiu chargos Valleyr.the tho Willamette Wille_m_ette Valley, Before yaquina Yaquinawag was connectetl connectedby by rail-witJr rail with the the charges to PortPortValley, to W illalnette Valley, aaden tral point were as t"tto*u follows:, IJroFrom Corvallis, Corvallis, central point of of the the Willamette *.r"-". 'At from At Portland the excess over the ocean freight freigbt from oc-ean Portlan-d the excess-over land, or2O cents aa bushel. 20 conte il;;-, $6.60, $b.-6b;;t Yaqqila the Yaquina moro. After After the bushel more. San Francisco io to market was at at least 10 cents cents a bushel least 10 market.'tas $;'I;";iror 10.6 10'6 toSan SauFrancisco, Francisco,$3'50, route $3.50, or from Corvallis Corvallis to were,from the charges chargeswere, upuned the tootu was ruJ opened 10 cents aa saved10 of the tho.saved advantage of cents a bushel, and the the whe'at wheat gained exbra advantage gained. the tho extra U"untt, ancl 20 ol'20 sum of frrll sum tle full farmerwas ""oi. " .;-;;;dnlreight, to the farmer bushel on ocean freight,eo so that that the was the the saving saving to ;;i;f community I of tho cents. part of the tavi'g saving to to tho the community; onl! aa par-t_ is only arlvautage is enoimous advantage Evon this this enormous cents. Even "exports to imimno less degree clegreo to in no and. in ipplies, and not only to to *[uat, wheat, b"i but ioto all all other other exportsitit applies, ;;;.;;lJ ports al80' D O r t Balso. t"n"rion Company, whose Developmeut Company, Orego! Development 1892, tho During the the Oregon year ending 30,1892, eniliug June June 30, ift" year G. H. U. H. Mnnnplr,. MENDELL, Colonel,Corps Colonel, Corps of Engi,neers, Engineers, Division Diui,sionEngineer. nngineer, MEITORANDUM oFOFl\rR. yaeurNA MEMORANDUM MR.wM' WM.M.M.rroAcr HOAG,oN ONTrrE THE cLArMs CLAIMS or or YAQUINA BAY BAy TO ro truRTHER FURTHER GOYDRNMENT TOTOSECURE GOVERNMENTAPPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS SECUREAADEPTH DEPTHOF or TWENTY-FIVE TWENTY-FIVE FEI,T FEET AT AT LOW WATER. LOW WATER. Corivlr,r,rs, CORVALLIS, OREGON, OREGoN,October Oatober19, 19, 1891. 1g92. 1. Tbe The location locationofofthe thepgrt portofof.Yaquina Yaquina isis the first first element element of of importance. importance. rt It is is situatealWhere wbere the ingr'essand situated the most-direcr. most direct ingress egress is offered for shipping and eg"essis ofte.edf;.;6fir;?tb" to the mar-u"_ ofthe_u'orld; drawing kets of the world; drawing to it the produce, both of the agricultural it to protluce] the both of it eJunties counties of lets or oregou and.of " "gi,i.rliiliil Oregon and of.her her forests-ancl forests and mines.-This mines. This is the condition of today, while the is'the courlition Oretlreore_ gou,Pacifio,Railroad "'fi"a^y,-*nir. gon Paciflo Railroadisisyet yetininits itsinfancy, infancy,and andnot notyot yetconnecting connecting the port with the pori tlie wirh tbo BrocK stock aIIo andsneep sheeprangots rangesotofeast-or.D easternoregou Oregonand andIdaho. Idaho. No No better better situation sitdatiol can be sngges.reo suggested10r fortbo the export exportotof wheat, wheat, oats, oats, flour, flour, lumber, lumbor, wool, wool, and and minerals. minernls. 'l'ho The rolrowlnEDgnres following figures &re are 0uotod quoted lrom from tho the returnB returns for year 1891, as lbr the th_e-_year'lggl. as given given by by the tbe U. u. S. SignalServico.at Signal Service atpbrttand. Portland. The The aroa area of Valley is iiiice.r divided beot the tne Willamette fvif iameti"-t-iii.F'i. Ue_ tween seven seven of of tho the counties of of oregon, Oregon, but but the the figuros figures about about to to ilbe diy;;;o given are for five fivo only. ontv. Il * I'he tonnage tonnago so given is The so given is as as follows: follows: i, Tons. Tons. Wheat Wheat.----. 9 9,980 99,930 Oats o a r s---------------------------------------------------------------------.-._ _ - - - - -1 106,887 06;s8i Barley B a r l e y -------------------------------------------------------------------------.:,847 4L 347 o ronCorn--------------------------------------------------------------------.CW o- l- - - . . 1,293 I',2gg Wool---------------------------------------------------------------------.----. 3, d ,877 8ii l"rom the furnishecl b-y From the totals totals furnished by the tho Signal signal Service service a a deduction rleduction of of one-fourth one-fourth has has becn barley, and been mads made on on wbeat, wheat, oats, barley, consumption. and corn dorn for for seed seedand an.l home h;;;c;;.;;ll; hgures aggregale 2171496tons; These figures aggregate 217,496 tons; or, on another form, the or, on another -[orrrr, the cargoei cargoes of more than of rnore tban ,ruu 1::l 100 vessels. ": vessets. 'rhe importanceofoftho theport port inin grrestion questionis^not is not aa matter matter of _ The impottance of estimate, estimato, but but has been been d e r n o n s t r a t e d by b y the t h e experience cxpeiience o p a s t five demonstrated ofi the t h e past f i v e years. vears. 'I'befirst a q r r i n a "route r o u t e to e f f e c t oof f tthe h c oopening p e n i n g o fof tthe The first effect h e yYaquina t o sshipping L i p p i n g wwas a s to t o force l b r c o tthe ho oiber transportation companies-to reduce thtir other transportation companies toreduce their faros fares and ao* freights, rr"E[is, so Eo tir-aiil,o that the cost of ot g e t t r n g a l o n o f w h e a t "ost o market m a r k e t , from getting a ton of wheat tto f r o m the t h o heart h e a r t of o f the t h eWillarnette w i i l a n r e t t e Valley v a l l e v was w a s reroducetl from fi'om $6,!0r^wh1c! duced $6.60, which!ad. had to to tre be paicl paid for for t-aking taking itit from Corvallis frorn CorvaitiJio"p"Jru"a, to Portland, a, few f"* years w.hich nownow lakistakes years ago, ago,ioto$3.50, $3.50, which wheatnottotoportlautt-rrrfio Portlandbut to soo San Franthe the wheat"auot r."a"anclsco, where ancisco, wherethere thereisis an anadvanta^ge advantagetoto tho the farmer farmerinin the the price price of of not less less than ihan 10 10 or or 11 11 c_ents cents aa busho:l, bushel, on on an an average average o{-years. of years. The reason portlald The reason of of tho the advantage ailvanta[e. of of San san Francisco Fran_cisco over over Portland in the in the matter matter of of freights is freights is aa_raclical radical and ancl essential eeseitiar one. one. It rt depends <iepentls not nof on the Columbia Bar, al.j"-in."c"r"r"'iiu"nr", t l r - g u g Lthat has be6t b e c i though an aggravating circumstance, but a n . a g g r a v a t i . g c i r e u m s t a ' n : e , b u t p o u i i i o i o j . t l " o " "r_ t l u on the position of the two t*o Lbatlas cities. c l r l e s . San F i a n Francisco francrsco B t a u d . soon n tthe stands h o bay, b a v . with w i t b an direct d i r e c t access a c c e s s to i o the t l r o ocean, o c e a n , while whilo Portland, on the Willamette River, 120 miles or thereabouts from 120 miies or ilroreabouts f"oo. tne the ocean, has to o""e-ao, nas to l:llY:*,^"1^t^t:e_W_iLPmetteRiver, m a r n t a . r naa ccostly o s t l y esystem y s t o m oof f p ipilotage J g l l g u , l i qandt towage maintain bring o r a g e , . t oto b r i n g the t h o ships, s ] . i p s , of o f whatever wLatever t o D n a g e , to - t oher tonnage, h - e rwharves. w h a r v e s . - TTherefore t h e two q u e s l r r u s oof r time t w o questions t l l r ) e and a n d expense e x D e n s eare b e r o f o r e the r l r o both both a'swereil in in favor san Francisco answered favor of of San Franoisco by by the the shipowner shif owner when wh;r selecting ;;ft;ti;g-;foiiio a port to which wuoh to send his ships. shins. iherefore, that No wonder, therefore, that there should be the generally the'e shoulil be the generallv constant jn constant difference difference in . \o,ryo1tle-r, tfreights r e r g h t s in r n favor lavor o off the t ' h e southern s o u t h e r n .port. p o r t . . But B u t tthere h o r e iis s"a n o t h e i element another e l e m e D t in i n this i n i " ques.1ue"_ tiou to be now now considerod. tion to considered. San San Francisco Frranciseo herself hersotf is is an ;;;;;;Dsi;Ji6"t expensive port for the ships. fir't"ir" srrior. TLere-are barbor dues, dues, wharfage, wh;rrfage. State There are harbor to pay for, and therer,lues,water State dues, pri.-iL!*T;;i;'f;;.;;4";t;i;: *otu" privileges quesrion presents fore the question nreserris itself itself if fore necessary incidents if these these are are'""."uui"y i."TJ""i.'#trr-u'uilippiug to the shipping of e$^r' or ths, exports exporls--of the of wlxitever whatever kinct kind thai that are are destined d;.i'i;"4];;; for a foreign i';r;G;;-^rk;;.44v market. J3ay stantls a-t the Yaquina Bay stands at the one spot on the long stretch ono spot onr,he long stredih of coast betwee of coast berween San san -_Ilg.oi"o rrancrsco aD(r Francisco and rno the Sound $ouud w-b.ere where easy, easy, quick, quick, and and cheap choap approach approach from from the the ocean ocean is is oombinecl wiur safe and ancllancl-locliecriarb6r, combined with aa safe land-locked harbor, of size, and speedy access from or ample ampttsiZ'q;Jrp;;ay;;;ess from .t I 1i. +( t * 11 lr* t I s.tel,Tshiq^runlarl'b_ut ole steamship Fraficisco. steamships sail between Yaquina and San Francisco, had but one run,r;"i#id;ir;;il;;;-i;q;i"u'a"a'Su" 26,739 llme.zb'l.Jv que'tloDd.rlngtna6 ports in iD question ning, the ports during that time betwoentho carriedbetween onoship ship carried andithis this one ninq. and tons 20,063 impoits.to tousimports proportion and exports was 6,675 tons to 20,063 tons was 6,6?5 and expoits imporr,s {'b;;orr".ii"ri tons. il;!.' The 'Ii;;;irptftheofofimports to the lho ehargee to transportatibn charges pioportionato-eaving_in of export. Now apply the proportionate saving in transportation introdu-ction of by the tho introduction affectecl by indirecily affected volume business which i'. is directly "ii""port.of tuuioust,^*hi"n al.".ity or indirectly i?,fiil.i-,]i ques"r be oI the 1noquesDagnltude of gainedof of the tlremagnitude this bogained will ideawill someidea routo and andsome competiDgroute this competing tions involved. irvolvod' tions -M;.""f Many ofthosewho those whohavo havestualieal studiedthis this transportatio:r transportation q.estion question as as itit affects the of improvements, that of f,wo.improvements, whole communities oi of inlNo"thwestmaintain the Northwest maintain that, of the two *il;;;'"";firitl"u importance' in-intrinsic Columbia in Yaquiva overshadowsthat that at the mouth of intrinsic importance. of the theColumbia o"utuhariows i"o"i", -]i;;; in the tho Yaquina route in by the tle Yaquina mov-erlby acttrallymoved It may be suggested tnat that the tonnagoactually tbe tonnage lr;;;cs"stea and from pa-ssing to ard period mentioned i*io.ic"in.u"t is insignificant invdlume in volume conipared compared with with that that passing to byaacompeting competing ratesoffered offeredby iower rates tho lower "".i"alu"ti""?'a matters the tianslortation matters Portland. But in transportation !;i1""6,--b-;tir tho as in the where,as and especially osp,ecially, situation, and route where, govorl the situation, fou^nclto govern bo found ai*uyr be .itt always iorti will orpeltg_e leduced gl'ad_es, a-l1d easiergrades, and reduced expense lines, easier present case, the rates on shorter shorter lines, arobased basell.on ratesare caso,the tresont po-rsistency this is no vain contentiog contention isis seen with sien by the persistency fn*itniu of handling cargo. That ;i;;;iit"*'";;eo. ,rv,ith which the previously eJsdng existing routes routes enaleavored, endeavored,.frst, first,totoimpedo impede and and obstrucl' obstruct the ;;i.h ;h;it;;i?usly tacconstruction of the Oregon P"acific Pacific Railroa-tl,_and, Railroad, and, afteiwards,wben afterwards, when tho,origirral the original tac;;;;;;r"rid;;f-tne6rJgon &Idtvefs arrnto divers llne into competlug line now competing tics had failed, failed, to to incluce inducethe the entranco entrance of the new tice hatl d'ietricts' rangements and Bsgregating segregating districts. foi dividing traffic ancl iango-ents for --.iil;;-;;tanO.,m Oregon the Oregon supposition-_th_at This memorandumnis hasproceed.ed proceededtihu[ thusfi.r6n far on the the supposition that the Ya,Iley wlllamette Valley theWillamette connectcdthe Pacific Railroad bart had fulfilled fulfilledits its mission missionwhen when itit connected Pacifio Railroad scopo lar wider scope will show the far glanceat of Oregon Oregor will with mapof at the tho map but aaglance uuutroard,but iiil the tnuseaboard, of 96,000 of its projection. Fully one-half of the great State of Oregon, with its area of ;filr;."i;;it;;.'Fuifyo-ne-nalfofthegr^eat,statoofOregon,withits.area^of96'000 eastern eastern plainswido-plains lho wide miles, is without ruirio"aa railroad counoction connectionwith withtbe the worl,l. world. The -ji"r.'iiik-itho"t sbcop flocks of sheep co_untless.flocks ot' countless and southeastern Oregon are D.ow now devoted. devoted to to the the raieirlg raising of Ot"Co" &ro .lr"i1""i,i"* i"a passrng fast passing 18 last sheepherderis. anclsheepherder cowboyand and cattle; but the of the cowboy clayoftho thoday ofcattle;"but herds of ancl herds away. *[?{ifu-unt Desert tbe.O-regon Settlement and demonstrated that the Oregon Desert farming have now tlemolstratecl ancldiversified cliversifiealfarming which the present by _which-tho.plesenl of the early save in in the the ropresentations representations by no existence, existenco,Javo mapshas haeno oarlymaps ol,-the frighten off or occupants of the expanseofof couutry countryinin quostion question Eough.t sought to to lrlgnl'en thi widespread wiclespreadexpanse bf occuDa,nts crossetl ol'-O-regon intending prospectors. The center of Oregon isis crossed lnd,center very heart h-eartand Tho very toO ri.oupu"tdrs. tu1tf".u and i"i"i'ai-"n settlers -rr" in.ilscenter passing the Willamette Valley in its center WillarnetteYalley. Alter pasiring P'acific. After by the irrthe tneOregon oredooPacific. tn" line iii" of 'Ihis rl-istrictococMountains' This district o-fthe theCascade C"asoade regionsof the enters the timber Mountains. timborregions inugreat ird" line fiiu-"*"it E.u?,t civil engiucor engineer A civil cupies milesininlength length by by 50 50miles milesininbrerdth. breadth. A fOOmilee oTabout uBu"t 100 ;;i;;-"'"*an area of his in his roports that in quostionreports of eminence ^ft* after caroiul careful examination examinationof of thoaistrict the district in question .i'.*i"*ru profacro, affording profjudgment feet of of lumbor lumber per acre, 300,000feot 100,000to 300,000 from100,000 wiii yield vietdfrom ir].f *-"tiiii it will yearsto to come. come' fifty years itable occupation for the for fifty railroaclfor thorailroad, occupatiorrfor itab"le ^"C;i";;Jl;-g;i"." through the ro-att_p_agles rho road reaohed the Before the eastern no""ariy boundaryofofthe the Stdtd State is .reached passes through in Oregon Oregon_totbeWillamett'e entire length of second in to the Willamette in point onlysocond Valloy,only HarneyValley, the namby of the Deroro traverses the Valley before Malheur-va.iley theMaiheur ittraverees Thenco it "oTi*fuostl, of both size and goneral general fertilit.y. fertility. Thence ofbothsiToand of Idaho. fdaho.. Either the State Stateof onteriug the reaching th;;;.Ei"s the crossingofoftnu the Sndke Snake River River and and entering ;ili,];; roadg other roads place with with other me"etingplace intended.meeting at or near the State bpundarythoro there is is an an intended ;;;;"?tTh;-Si"t"Bpo"au"y to the the considerations demonstratingtho.present the prsent consialerationsalemonstrating When, to traversing tho continent. continent. When, iraversioe the eastconnectionwith eastimportance are ad'd'eh added those those arising arising from from aa diroct direct connection iuqui"", o"u i;;""tt"';;?"-;iof Yaquina, passenger and through passenger of through cleve"lopmentsof ern transcontinental roads, -with all the tho developments with all ;*.f,;;"""";;;;i"""i"i-i.6*ar, cletermination freight then tho the engineering engineeringproblcm problemisis tire the only left ['or for determination t.om", thon - one left ii"isht traffic, providing snch clin g- such of provi g on the.work before proved the ppropriety of onterin entering on the work of rolri etv of ;-"fi.;"";.accepting ;;i"E ;;as ;i;t"dthe Coast. to the Pacific Pacitic Coast. diaft coming to gth;il;i as a-; channel shall suffice for th6 the ships o? of d.eepest deepest draft .'im.u for &;nitt words. up summ--ed The essence ana and giit gist of of what what has has 6eon been wriften written may be up in in a few few worde. bo summed Th;;;il -:.t,3tftqi 8 8 gAR AT BAIl AT ENTRANCE ENTR,ANCE TO TO HARBOR HARBOR AT ATYAQUINA YAQUINA BAY, oREGON. tsAY, OREGON. Yaquina harbor. It already with'tho witlithe interior safo and commorlious harbor, is connected intorior ancl commodious It is connectecl alreatly Yaquina is a safe grain for by Pacific Railroacl, Railroad, which which could could tboro there deliver per ton from Oregon Pucjfic deliver grain ibr $2 tor from by the ihe Oregon $2 por the if only ouly the channel t'hannel were wero sufficiently Willametto Valley, Valloy, if sufficiontly deepened to enable enaLrJethe the the Willamette grain to cometo alongsidethewharves. depthof grain ships come to and lio alongsido ships to ancl lie tho wharves. Forthis l'orthis theproposed tho proposod depth of proviclo 25 feet will amply suffice; to provide less would be to leave the work but half done. amply the work but dono. suffioe; to loss woultl bo to leavo half 25 feet will At Albany and Corvallis the railroad takes in the traffic of the whole Willamette Albany and railroad takes in of the wholo Willamotto At tho traftio Corvalli.q the Valley, consisting ofof seven seven ofof tho the richest richest counties couniies of From five fivo of of those thoso Valloy, consisting of Oregon. Oregon. From counties last year year the ships aggregatocl aggregated products available tlre products ava'ilable for for shipment shipmont by by seagoing seagoing ships couuties last large figures figures about tons,oror enough enough toto loatl load one hundred 217,496 tons, hundrecl ships, ships. To To these tirose large about 217,496 should be adtled added the incoming On the the analogy analogy of of the the amount amount carried carried between incoming traffic. traffio. On botweon elould Yaquina a,nd and San Francisco year the Francisco this this last last year iucoming traffic traffic may nay be bo safely safely Yaquina thevolume volumo of of incoming estimated off tthe one-forrrth o h e outgoing. outgoing, e s t i r n a t e d aatt one-fourth The saving to to the wheat alone The saving the farmer farmer on o.n wheat alone by by the routo is tho opening oponing of of the t)ro Yaquina Yaquina route ie 20 cents not less than 20 oents a bushel. uot less on other The been proportionato. proportionate. The saving saviug on traffio haM has been other traffic The PacificRailroad Railroadisis yet yet in in its its infancy infancy and and incomplote. incomplete. When Wben complete, conploto, Tiie Oregon Oregon Paciffc will an immense not only scopeofofcounl,ry country be beopened openedtotorailroad railroadfhcilities-now facilitiesnow enolly will immenso scopo eutirely uirprovidecl forbut for-but a connection a &nnection will wiUbeneeffected transcontinental traffic. traffio. tirely unprovided dfiectea with with transcontinental p o p uWestern Oregon, the district directly tributary to Yaquina, is now the most popuW e s t e r u O r e g o n , t h e d i s t r i c t d i r e c t l y t r i b u t a r y t o Y a q u i n a , i s r . r o wt h e m o s t ' Portla,ntl, and, lous part part of of th6 the State lous outsitle the the city city of of Portland, to statistics statistics supsupState outside and, according according to pJied plied by by the the emigration emigration board, board, ancl and printed printed by by the nowspaper in in its New the Oregonian Oregonian newspaper Now Year's number of 1891, received in one-half of of the immigrants who 1891, recoivod in 1890 1890 one-half camo Yoay's number who came the 68,500 68,500 immigrants year. into Oregon in that that year. into Orogon in The real antl and full full beneflt benefit of of the The real tho work work already alreatl.y done the United done by by the Unitetl States States GovernGovorngo there. gaineduntil ment at Yaquina gained ships Yaquina can cau not uot be ).re urtil deep-sea deep-s'oa freely come come and ancl go thoro. meut sbipscan ian freely js done the port is Until one of of the iu-ouo of transshipment two exthis is done the port transshipment only, orily, and ancl the the cost of the two oxUntil this line of tra handlings to conduct conducttho thel,raneport transport handlings and anclof of the maintenance maintenance of of aa line tra of steamships to to San San Francisco ought, ifif possible, possible,toto bo be savoal saved to to tho the producer, Francisco ougl-rt, protlucer, when when the tho ocean ocean to coulcl and transport transport could anclwould rvoultl be moro cheaply cheaply and antl more oommencetl from bo more moro expeditiously expeilitiously commenced front . Yaquina direct. d.irect. Yaouina 'I-he The railroad. railroad cornpcny companyhas hasalreacly alreadyprovitled providedfacilities facilitiesatatYaquina Yaquinainin pilotago pilotage antl and towage and iu in wharfage, where tho the loacling loading antl and unload.ing unloading of of ships ships can be towage. ancl wharfago, whero bo cheaply oheaply qurcKry and quickly carried on. carne0 on. &no The immense outlay incurreil incurred by Tho immense outlay by the Oregon Pacific hae been the Oregon Pacific Railroad Railroacl Company Company has been made in on the and foresight in full full. reliance reliance on foresieht of mad.o the wisdom wisdom and of the Genoral Government Government in ir the General project of carrying out toto tho the full full the The oarrying out of improving improvi.ng this Tho contemplated contomplated the project lhis harbor. harbor. completion of tho the Nicaragua Nicaragua Oanal Canal will will add adclenormously of Yaquina Yaquina as completior of enormously to the tho claims claims of port of aa port direct siripment shipment to to foreign countries, No situatecl than harbor isis better ofdirect foreign countries. No harbor better situated than Yaquina to socure secure aa full full sharo share of of trafffc trafficwith with China China aurl and Japan. Japan. This This is also also in in conYaquina to contemplation have invested with those those who who havo invested in in this this enterprise. temolation with euternriso. In presenting this thismatter matterfor forconsideratirrn considerationit itisiseugqeetod. suggestedthat thatitit shoulal should not not bo be In-presentinE fnaicial scheme taken scheme submitted submitted to to capitalists capitalists as an investment, ae a financial inveetment, but but as an iminrtaken as ai-an public benefit, presprovement of for the public tho effect of which louq after after the thopresbenefft, the oft'ect, which will will endure enduro long Drovement for -ent gonoration has-passed its infancy. infanoy. ent generation has passedaway.' away. The The whole whole State is but bu1in iu its ofOregon Oregon is Stato of But to incomers incomers ate are so sogreat greatthat that itit is no no vain vain prophocy prophecythat that attractions offered offered to But the tho attractions present population population will the the next ten double itself itself in i:r the"nert years. will double tho present ten years. gf Althoughtho the Willametto Willamette Valloy Valleyisisthe theolaiest oldest settloil settled portion portion of tho the Stato, State, yet yet not Although not one-third of its ite productive aroa is is now now under undor cultivation. oue-third of nroaluctivo area cultivation, But even if the further improvement of Yaquina were considered as a commercial even if improvement of Yaquina a commercial But thi further wero consiclerotl ae enterprise it would would. not not be bo aa bad bad showing showing that that an has reroenterpriso it anexpenditure expendituro ofof$600,000 $6001000has incomings turned in incomings of the nature of income inthe thefirst first teu'vears ten years of of itg its in of tho natulo ol incomo-in tulnea $230,000 $230,000 existence. This, rails alone This, however, the actual fact here, oxistence. however,-isis the actual fact here, for for the tho duties duties on on steel steelrails alono brought PacificRailroad. Railroad Company Companyhave haveyiekied yieldedthat thatamount, amount. Let by the brought in by tho Oregon Oregon Paciiic Let itit also borneininmiucl mindthat that for for want want of be borno of the the completion improvemont all also be comnletion of of the ths improvement all those delivery at rails had hacLto reshippecl at at San francisco for at Yaquina. Yaqui-na, to be bo reshipped Sau Francisco for'clelivory thoeo rails gubmitted show The facts herein heroin submitted show conclusively, conclusivel.v, it alTho facts it is is hoped, hoped, that that the the$600,000 $600,000alimprovemelt bears proiortion to ready expended expontled. in in this thie improvement beare but adsmall to the tLocommercial commercial lmalL proportion advantages alreadygained gained by by the the present present generation generation of citizens of of this this State. State. It advantages already of citizens greater advantages is freely freely admitted admitted that that to vastly greater to assure assuro the thevastly d.epondeuton on obtainobtainis advautages dependent ing a 25-foot channeltotothe the ocean ocean consideril'ly considerablyIarger larger oxpeiditures expenditures are are required. required. 25-foot channel ing equally But it is equally confidently submitted that the success already won is the best it is confidently submitteal tbal rvon iu the lrest But the"succeiss alreacly possible possible argument argument antl and inducement inducementfor for tho the jud.icious judicious outlay outlay of of whatever whatover sum sum ii ir great work. work. needed to to coupleto complete this this great need.ecl Wiu. HOAG, M. H.AG, WM. M. .frlanagcr for T. 1'. D, E. Hogg, ReceiverO, 0. P, P. B. W. V. C. Managerf,or Eogg, Recehter n, B. n, q W, f, 4t C, It o